Presentation on literary reading "D. Harms Game". Daniil Kharms presentation for a lesson on reading (grade 2) on the topic Presentation on literary reading d harms game

Goals :

  1. To acquaint students with magazines for children 20-40 years old. XX century, tell children about Kharms,
  2. Familiarize yourself with his poems
  3. To give a general idea of ​​the game with words;
  4. Develop the skills of expressive conscious reading;
  5. Raise interest in reading, attention to the author's word;
  6. To develop and enrich the speech of students,
  7. Contribute to the development of the emotional sphere of children.


  • a computer,
  • children's magazines,
  • Kharms portrait,
  • Kharms books.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Speech warm-up.

Arkhip shouted, Arkhip hoarse.
No need for Arkhip to scream to the point of hoarseness.

Read slowly, with intonation of surprise, with admiration, with acceleration, with slowdown, tongue twister.

3. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Preparatory work.

Which one of you reads magazines? What are these magazines?

And your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers read the Chizh and Yozh magazines. (slide1) Chizh is " H extremely And interesting AND journal" was published in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in 1930-1940 for preschoolers. And "Hedgehog" is " E monthly and journal" - for children of primary and secondary school age - has been published since 1928. (Presentation. Slides 2.3)

Reading questions from magazines, p.159. (Presentation. Slides 4.5)

Today we will get acquainted with the works of one of the first authors of these magazines - with poems by Daniil Kharms. (Presentation. Slide 6)

Reading an article about magazines, p.158.

4. Learning new material.

Teacher's story.

Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev was born in 1905, in St. Petersburg, in the family of a nobleman, a former political prisoner who served time in prison and served exile on Sakhalin.

The future poet spoke and read German and English fluently. He was educated in educational institution Petersburg, where teaching was conducted in foreign languages.

Charms - he first signed a comic poem in 1922. Kharms' contemporaries recall that he was very fond of practical jokes, tricks,

Jokes are not only in poetry, but also in life. Kharms always signed with pseudonyms. Among the many there are such: Karl Ivanovich Shusterling or Pusterling, Shardam, Dandan, Ivan Toropyshkin and others. The name Kharms was most often repeated.

In the mid-20s of the last century, D. Kharms and his friends - Alexander Vvedensky, Yuri Vladimirov, Nikolai Zabolotsky - united in a literary and poetic group. They composed fables, counting rhymes, invented new words, experimented and invented. In adult poetry it was difficult. They were not understood. This group of poets made the magazines "Chizh" and "Hedgehog" the most popular in those years.

Reading an article by O. Alexandrova about D. Kharms. (Presentation. Slide 7)

Initial test of understanding.

What do you remember from my story about Daniil Kharms?

How do you imagine it? (Presentation. Slide 8)

Primary reading of the poem.

Working with text, vocabulary work.

Did you like the poem by D. Kharms?

What words caused problems.

Find and read the onomatopoeic words in the text. What did the author mean when he wrote them?

Who played what and how?

Do you play like this?

5. Physical minutes.

6. Consolidation of what has been learned.

(Presentation. Slide 9.) Expressive reading of the poem.

7. The result of the lesson.

What group of poets did you learn about today?

Which person's life did you read and listen to today?

What do you remember? (Presentation. Slides 10,11)

What poem did you meet?

8. Homework.

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Slides captions:

Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev (1905 - 1942)

The future poet spoke and read German and English fluently. He was educated in such an educational institution in St. Petersburg, where teaching was conducted in foreign languages.

And why Kharms - one can only guess. Daniil Yuvachev did not tell his readers or his friends about this. There are several clues about this. 1. As a child, Daniel loved to listen to stories about wizards, played magical games, for example, the game "Freeze". The guys run around the yard, and when you shout “Freeze”, everyone becomes bewitched. There are magicians in the circus too. It costs them nothing to pull an eared rabbit out of a hat or a white ball from the viewer's ear. Daniil Yuvachev wanted to be like a circus wizard. Years passed... Daniel realized that there is a lot of magic in the world. That's why I wanted to be a writer. Isn't the writer a magician? After all, he controls the attention and mood of people?! On the German there is a word "charm", which means "bewitch, enchant." Daniil Sharm would mean - Daniil the Sorcerer, the Enchanter, but it's too beautiful, and Daniil Kharms turned out unusual and mysterious. 2. Yuvachev is a Russian surname, and the pseudonym sounds in English. You say "Kharms" - like a loud blow to a drum or a tambourine. 3. He took a pseudonym to be unlike his father, since his father also wrote books. 4Daniel liked to read books about the English detective Sherlock Holmes. So he changed his last name to the consonant Holmes-Harms. Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev (1905 - 1942), while still at school, came up with a pseudonym for himself - Kharms

Your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers read the Chizh and Yozh magazines. "Chizh" is an "Extremely Interesting Magazine" - published in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in 1930-1940 for preschoolers. And "Hedgehog" - this is the "E monthly magazine" - for children of primary and secondary school age - has been published since 1928. One of the first authors of these magazines was Daniil Kharms with his poems.

Balloons fly across the sky, they fly, fly, balls fly across the sky, they shine and rustle. Balloons fly across the sky, and people wave to them, balls fly across the sky, and people wave to them. Balloons are flying across the sky, and people are waving their hats, balloons are flying across the sky, and people are waving sticks. Balloons are flying across the sky, and people are waving rolls, balls are flying across the sky, and people are waving cats. Balloons are flying across the sky, and people are waving chairs, balls are flying across the sky, and people are waving lamps. Balloons fly across the sky, and people are all standing, balls fly across the sky, they shine and rustle. And people also rustle. The poetry of Daniil Kharms mixes form and content, words and sounds, resulting in a bizarre meaning based on intricate nonsense.

A VERY TERRIBLE STORY Finishing up a bun with butter, the Brothers walked along the alley. Suddenly a big dog barked loudly at them from a back street. The younger one said: "Here, attack, He wants to attack us. So that we do not get into trouble, we will throw a roll into the dog's mouth." Everything ended up great. It immediately became clear to the brothers, That for every walk You must take with you ... a roll.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting, The poodle went with him, jumping over the fence. Ivan, like a log, fell into the swamp, And the poodle drowned in the river, like an axe. Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting, With him the poodle skipped like an axe. Ivan fell like a log into the swamp, And the poodle jumped over the fence in the river. Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting, With him the poodle fell into the fence in the river. Ivan, like a log, jumped over the swamp, And the poodle skipped onto the ax. Poem "Ivan Toporyshkin"

Above the bone sat the Bulldog, tied to a post. Small taxi comes up With wrinkles on his forehead "Listen, Bulldog, Bulldog," - Said the intruder. "Let me, Bulldog, Bulldog, Eat this bone!" The Bulldog growls at Taxi: "I won't give you anything!" The Bulldog is running after the Taxi, And the Taxi is away from him! They run around the post, Like a lion bulldog roars, And the chain knocks around the post, Knocks around the post Now the Bulldog can't take a bone! And the Taxi, taking the bone, Said to the Bulldog like this: It's time for me to go on a date, It's already eight to five, How late! Goodbye, Sit on the chain! Bulldog and Taxi

“How Volodya quickly flew downhill” Volodya flew quickly downhill on a sleigh. Volodya ran into the hunter at full speed. Here is the hunter and Volodya, sitting on the sledges, flying fast downhill. They flew quickly downhill - They ran into a dog. Here is a dog, And a hunter, And Volodya, They sit on the sleigh, They fly quickly downhill. They flew quickly downhill - They ran into a fox. Here is a fox, And a dog, And a hunter, And Volodya They sit on a sleigh, They fly quickly downhill. They flew quickly downhill - And they ran into a hare. Here is a hare, And a fox, And a dog, And a hunter, And Volodya They sit on a sleigh, They fly quickly downhill. They flew quickly downhill - They ran into a bear! And Volodya has not been riding down the mountain since then.

Boat A boat floats on the river. He swims from afar. There are four very brave sailors on the boat. They have ears on top of their heads, They have long tails, And only cats are afraid of them, Only cats and cats!

Amazing cat One day I was walking along the path to my home. I look and see: cats are sitting with their backs to me. I called out: “Hey, you cats! Come with me, Come down the path, Come home. Hurry, let's go, cats, And I'll make you a vinaigrette for dinner From onions and potatoes. - Oh, no! - said the cats. - We will stay here! They sat down on the path And they don’t go further.

Poems: "Bulldog and Taxi", "Merry Siskins", "Liar", "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar", "Ivan Taporyzhkin", "Ship", "Million", "Plikh and Plyukh", "Petrov once went into the forest" and other works. Prose: "Cases", "Stories for children" and other works. We advise you to read We advise you to read Cheerful, sparkling, full of subtle irony, and sometimes lyrical, poems, stories and entertaining stories help you take a fresh look at the world, will teach you to appreciate the beautiful, to enjoy every day.

Daniil Kharms' children's poetry is full of surprises, mysterious accidents. Numbers occupy a special place in the work of Daniil Kharms. Many of his works are like arithmetic problems or math textbooks ("Million", "Merry Siskins", etc.). Kharms is fascinated by addition: “one hundred cows, two hundred beavers, four hundred and twenty scientific mosquitoes”, the numbers are constructed and bizarrely transformed: forty-four swifts “combine” into apartment 44, etc. In his books you will also find many substances: kerosene, tobacco, boiling water, ink


Literary reading, grade 2

Creativity Daniil Kharms

Primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 30

st. Kushchevskaya, Krasnodar Territory

Davidenko Natalia Nikolaevna

Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev (1905 - 1942) at school came up with a pseudonym for himself - Kharms. Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev (1905 - 1942) at school came up with a pseudonym for himself - Kharms. Daniil Yuvachev was born on December 17 (30), 1905 in St. Petersburg, in the family of Ivan Yuvachev, a former naval officer. Kharms' father was familiar with Chekhov, Tolstoy and Voloshin. Daniel studied at a privileged St. Petersburg German school. In 1924 he entered the Leningrad Electrotechnical School, but was soon forced to leave it. In 1925 he took up writing. In February, the first issue of the children's magazine "Hedgehog" was published, in which Kharms' first children's works "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar" and "Naughty Cork" were published. In February, the first issue of the children's magazine "Hedgehog" was published, in which Kharms' first children's works "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar" and "Naughty Cork" were published.

Since 1928, Kharms has been writing for the children's magazine Chizh. Surprisingly, comparatively small number children's poems ("Ivan Ivanovich Samovar", "Liar", "Game", "Million", "How Dad Shot My Ferret", "A Man Came Out of the House", "What Was It?", "Tiger on the Street"...) he created his country in poetry for children and became its classic.

The unfortunate cat cut her paw - She sits, and cannot take a single step. Hurry, to cure the cat's paw Balloons must be bought! And immediately people crowded on the road - Noisy, and screaming, and looking at the cat. And the cat partly walks along the road, Partly flies smoothly through the air!


The wind howls and whistles. A terrible storm roars, The storm tears the roof from the house. The roof bends and rumbles. The storm cries and laughs. The storm is angry, like a beast, Climbing through the windows, climbing through the door.

D. Kharms “The storm is rushing. Snow is flying…”

One day I was walking along the path to my house. I look and see: cats are sitting with their backs to me. I called out: “Hey, you cats! Come with me, Come down the path, Come home. Hurry, let's go, cats, And I'll make you a vinaigrette for dinner From onions and potatoes. - Oh, no! - said the cats. - We will stay here! They sat down on the path And they don’t go further.

D. Harms "Cats"

You know? You know? You know? You know? Well, of course you do! Clearly you know! Undoubtedly, Undoubtedly, Undoubtedly you know! - Not! Not! Not! Not! We don't know anything, We haven't heard anything, We haven't heard, we haven't seen And we don't know Nothing!

And you know that...

Well! Well! Well! Well!

You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!

What form is the poem in? Why?

That my dad had forty sons?

That empty dogs learned to fly?

What's in the sky Instead of the sun Soon there will be a wheel?

What under the sea-ocean Sentinel stands with a gun?

As for the nose Neither hands nor feet Can not get it?

Pustolayka -

Sentry -

dog barking

in vain, in vain, in vain.

Soldier on duty

on the clock.


Internet resources

Literary reading lesson D. Harms "Game"

Speech warm-up

  • Read the tongue twister
  • Arkhip shouted, Arkhip hoarse.
  • No need for Arkhip to scream to the point of hoarseness.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson

  • Did you know that your great-grandparents read the magazines "CHIZH" and "Hedgehog"?

Work on the topic of the lesson

  • Daniil Ivanovich Kharms (Yuvachev)
  • (1905 – 1942)

Daniil Kharms

  • Kharms ( real name- Yuvachev) Daniil Ivanovich (1905 - 1942), poet, prose writer. He was born on December 30, 1905 (January 12, 1906 n.s.) in St. Petersburg, with which his whole life is connected. Here he studied, here he began to write his first poems. Kharms was one of the founders literary group OBERIU (Association of Real Art), which included the poets A. Vvedensky, N. Zabolotsky, Yu. Vladimirov and others.

Daniil Kharms

  • Marshak, highly appreciating the talent of Kharms, attracted him to work with children's literature. Since 1928 Kharms published poems for children in the magazines "Chizh" and "Ezh". Several children's books were also published, including such well-known ones as "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar", "Game", "Million". D. Kharms was arrested on August 23, 1941, and died on February 2, 1942, while in custody. His name was deleted from Soviet literature. In 1956 he was rehabilitated. In the 1960s, his books were republished, the play "Elizabeth to You" returned to the theater repertoire.

Initial check of understanding

  • What do you remember from my story about D. Kharms?
  • How do you imagine it?
  • Do you think you will like his poems?
  • What will they be?

  • By panel - a path for pedestrians on the sides of the street, sidewalk.
  • Bench - This is a seating device, usually made of wood.
  • Anchor - stop somewhere, dropping anchor to the bottom.
  • Heels sparkled - run fast, rush

D. Kharms' poem "Game"

  • Did you like the poem by D. Kharms?
  • Did your expectations about his poem come true?
  • What does "by panel" mean?
  • What words caused difficulty in reading?

  • disperse - disperse
  • av-to-mo-bil - car
  • one hundred-ro-no-tes - stay away
  • pa-nel - panel [ne]
  • postal - postal
  • be-re-gi-tes - beware
  • so-vet-sky - soviet [ts]

Work on the content of the poem

  • Find and read the onomatopoeic words in the text.
  • What did the author mean when he wrote them?
  • Who played what and how?
  • How do you play?
  • What got in the way of the game?
  • Why does the author keep repeating words, lines?

We play Rhyme. Add line 2., come up with the words that are given in the card. We compose our funny poems.

  • (1. The postman brought a magazine
  • ………………………………);
  • 2. (I liked the game
  • ……………………………)
  • 3. (All guys love jokes
  • ………………………………)
  • 4. (In the lesson we read
  • ……………………… ..);
  • 1……………..on the window
  • …………………. along the track;
  • 2…………………… laziness
  • …………………… .day;
  • 3……………………dark
  • …………………… ..window;
  • 4……………………..year
  • ……………………… waiting


  • What did you learn in today's lesson?
  • What would you praise yourself for?
  • What did you do especially well?

Summing up the lesson

  • Which writer did you learn about today?
  • What do you remember?
  • What poem did you meet?
  • Does this poem have a main idea?


  • 1. Prepare for expressive reading of the poem.
  • 2. Find other poems by D. Kharms, get ready to read them in class.
  • 3. Learn any paragraph by heart and illustrate the poem "Game"

Absurdity is absurdity, nonsense.

Grotesque - a depiction of something in a fantastic, ugly comic way, based on sharp contrasts and exaggeration.

A pseudonym is a fictitious name of a writer, artist, politician

OBERIU (Association of Real Art) - a group of writers and cultural figures that existed in 1926 - early 30s. in Leningrad (D. Kharms. A. I. Vvedensky, N. A. Zabolotsky, K. V. Vaginov, Yu. traditional forms art, cultivated the grotesque, alogism, the poetics of the absurd. They were systematically attacked by semi-official criticism, many members of the association were repressed, died in custody

Alogism 1. Illogicality, incompatibility with the requirements of logic 2. philosophy. Rejection of logic as a means scientific knowledge 3. Deliberate violation of logical connections in speech in order to create a stylistic effect

Vanguard 1. Part of the troops (or fleet), located in front of the main forces. 2. trans. Advanced, leading part of any social group (in front, in the forefront)