Maternal capital in Perm and the Perm region.

Kama families expecting a birth this year third or subsequent children may not count on the support of the regional government. The authorities of the Perm Territory did not extend the validity period for 2016 regional maternity capital large families and are not going to support the corresponding . Victor Basargin admitted that on this moment it is more important to support the birth of the first children, there is simply no money for the third and subsequent ones. Dissatisfied Permians remind the head of the region of dubious spending of budget funds to the detriment of social articles, reports the correspondent

With the initiative to extend the materkapital until the end of this year and expanding options for the use of funds deputies of the faction "Fair Russia" spoke in the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory. Legislators drew attention to the fact that over the years of implementation the program has borne fruit: in 2011, 4.9 thousand third and subsequent children were born, and in 2015 already 7.3 thousand. The missing 856 million rubles. in the regional budget, the authors of the bill propose to receive from violators of traffic rules.

The proposal was supported in the Perm branch All-Russian Popular Front (ONF). Social activists noted that thanks to the action of mother capital, the Perm Territory occupied first place in the Volga Federal District and 15th place in Russia in terms of fertility.

"We offer at least the current, difficult, transition year keep the payment of regional maternity capital," said the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory, a representative of the regional headquarters of the ONF Daria Eisfeld.

The draft law on the extension of maternity capital will be considered at tomorrow's meeting of the Committee on Social Policy in the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory.

However, his success is highly questionable. Recently, the initiators of the amendment received negative conclusion government for the bill. In his response, the governor cites the need to support families planning their first child and the banal lack of money. Basargin also did not like the idea of ​​​​using materkapital for the purchase of agricultural machinery.

"The demographic situation in the Perm Territory as a whole is characterized by falling birth rate, which is associated primarily with the fall in the birth of the first children. The number of women of childbearing age is decreasing, the age of women who gave birth to their first child increased by 2015 to 24 years. An increase in the age at which first children are born will further lead to a decrease in the number of families with three or more children. Thus, taking into account the current regional budget, in order to restore demographic growth, it is advisable to support first births using an integrated approach in solving priority demographic problems. Regarding the introduction of an additional direction for the use of regional maternity capital funds, namely for the purchase of agricultural equipment, it is worth noting that the implementation of funds for this direction does not correspond to the stated target orientation," Basargin concluded.

The source of funding did not convince the governor either: the authors of the bill did not take into account that since 2016, violators of traffic rules have been able to pay half the fine.

"Additional expenses of the regional budget for the implementation of measures to provide certificates for regional maternity capital are not provided for in the budget of the Perm Territory for 2016-2018," the governor summed up.

This news caused a storm of indignation among the Permians.

“There is no money - that’s how it should be written. Then everyone will understand and leave behind. No, he will invent all sorts of nonsense. Nonsense”, “Yes, the contrasts are bright: child allowance 70 rub. month (for a child older than one and a half years) and officials' salaries, serving in countless "departments" and "departments" - 40 - 200 thousand rubles. per month", "He really does not catch up that he eats his bread in vain. There is no benefit for the people, well, except for ice town, of course, for 33 million rubles. Bravo, comrade Basargin, bravo!" Permians wrote in a discussion in social network"In contact with".

It is worth noting that the needs for which Basargin considers it right to direct budget funds raise many questions from taxpayers. What is the cost of a long scandal with construction or the allocation of free land Jewish community under the construction of a secret "". The ONF has been closely following Basargin's activities since the moment millions Kama government. What is the cost of a regular

Meanwhile, some deputies of the regional legislature see a healthy grain in the governor's arguments.

"It really makes sense to support the birth of the first children, because, if the first child is not born, then the second and third do not appear. To be as correct and objective as possible, then, as far as I know, the budget of the Perm Territory includes serious amounts to support large families in 2016-2017. And the law continues to work. Regional capital is paid not in one year, but after two years. Thus, the money is pledged for both 2017 and 2018. The extension will require additional financial resources, about 850 million rubles. The question is not whether to support this bill or not, but seeking funds for the implementation of this law. If we find such a budgetary source, then, I think, we will remove half of the issues related to the extension of the mother's capital," he said. On the eve.RU Chairman of the Social Policy Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Prikamye Sergey Kleptsin.

The leader of the Perm communists considers Basargin's remark unfair Vladimir Korsun.

"I think it's just unfair. I understand that it is really necessary to support young families who are in a relatively difficult situation. Even having one child is problematic, especially in an environment where youth unemployment is increasing and wages are falling. But for those who have two or three children or more, this is simply unfair, they also need support. You can find money for an extension for a year", - said Korsun in a conversation with Nakanune.RU.

MP agreed with him. Yuri Elokhov. According to him, support is needed for all families with children. Another thing is that the budget is really in a difficult position.

"I'm not ready to divide children into first, second or third. If there is such an opportunity, then, of course, everyone needs support, although it must be taken into account that parents are different. There are parents whose income level is quite high. Pay them or not pay, here you might think that if funding for large families is cut, then they will immediately give birth to more first and second children? I'm not sure. But, of course, everything is bad with the budget. It's true. We borrow money, and when we borrow money and understand where we will get it from later, this is one thing. In the meantime, we borrow and do not understand where we will get them from," he explained. On the eve.RU Yuri Elokhov.

Recall that in Perm two years ago the authorities canceled the project "" under which parents could receive monetary compensation in case of a shortage of places in kindergartens, and since January 1 of this year, it has almost doubled. The prosecutor's office, OFAS and ONF became interested in this problem.

Alina and Nikolay

Good afternoon. Are there any features of the registration of maternity capital in the Perm Territory?

Together with maternity capital issued by the state Russian families for a second or subsequent child, each region of the country also implements a regional program to support parents with many children. In principle, such a program is in some respects similar to the federal one, but there are also some differences. In the Perm Territory, this program is regulated by Law No. 5-PK dated February 29, 2012. In 2016 this normative act continues its action.

Who can receive?

In 2012, the Legislative Assembly of this constituent entity of the Russian Federation approved a law, the purpose of which is additional stimulation and support for large families. Together with the federal program providing for the receipt of family capital, assistance from the subject of the federation is significant for many families. Get a regional family capital women can:

  • who have been living in the Perm Territory for more than 5 years;
  • who had a third and every subsequent child;
  • are citizens of Russia.

In addition, in cases where the mother does not have parental rights or has died, the father can receive family capital in Perm.

Important! Regional family capital can be received repeatedly, that is, for the third, fourth, fifth and every next born baby. This is one of the main differences from the federal program.

How to get a certificate?

The right to regional maternity capital, given by the authorized bodies of the Perm Territory, arises from the time the child is born, but you can use it not earlier than the baby is two years old.

To obtain a written certificate for regional family capital, you need to submit an appropriate application to the territorial office of the Ministry social development. The response to the applicant must be issued no later than 40 days. If the authorized body refuses this application, it must motivate it. In any case, the decision state organization may be challenged in court.

How much and for what?

As in many other subjects of Russia, in the Perm Territory it is determined in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. It should be noted here that the regional law provides for its annual increase (indexation), which should be carried out taking into account inflation. But there has never been such an indexation.

It is allowed to use family capital issued in the Perm Territory for the following purposes:

  1. Purchase, renovation of a home.
  2. Repayment of loans granted for the specified purposes.
  3. Payment for educational and medical services.

Important! Regional family capital in Perm can be used without waiting for the baby to be two years old, if the funds are directed towards improvement living conditions, purchasing a car or paying for any medical services.

Thus, regional parental capital seems to be a fairly tangible measure of assistance to parents with 3 or more children. And although its size is not increasing, it is considered a good addition to the federal program.

Maternal capital in the Perm region: video

On the plenary session The Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory, the deputies rejected the bill on the extension of the regional maternity capital. Thus, our region has become one of the two regions of Russia where the regional program of material support for large families has actually been frozen.

The draft law put forward by the Just Russia faction provided for the extension of the regional maternity capital until the end of 2016. In preparing the draft law fair, the Russians took as a basis the message of the President of Russia, in which he proposed to extend federal program"Maternity capital" until 2018.

“From January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2015, a program of additional measures to support large families was operating in the Permsky Kart. We propose to extend its term for another year. At the same time, in accordance with the message of the President, the term of the federal maternity capital was extended. This is due to the reduction in the number of women of productive age,” said Daria Eisfeld.

It was proposed to allocate an additional 214 million rubles for the extension of the regional program in the Perm Territory in 2016. At the same time, the A Just Russia bill provided for the possibility of buying agricultural machinery with the funds of the mother's capital. This could be a serious help to families with many children who live in rural areas.

According to the leader of the Perm Fair Russia, the regional program continues to work successfully in most subjects of Russia. Unfortunately, the Perm Territory was not included in this majority, and the regional program in the Kama region was curtailed, despite the fact that it was supported by many parliamentarians.

Thus, deputy Dmitry Skrivanov noted that supporting large families in difficult economic conditions is extremely important: “We are primarily talking about the health of children. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the difficult economic situation in which we find ourselves. This is not the kind of money that will stimulate consumption. They will shape the health of children living in the Perm Territory,” said Dmitry Skrivanov.

At the same time, the regional government opposed the extension of the program. According to officials, the social obligations included in the regional budget are quite enough: “When adopting the law on the budget, we built a whole range of measures for social support of the population,” said Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Chibisov.

It should be noted that public figures - representatives of large families, who were previously present at the meeting of the committee on social policy, asked to vote on this bill in a roll-call mode, but the deputies rejected this initiative. Most of the deputies abstained from voting for the draft law, and it was not adopted.

The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Perm Territory, Tatyana Margolina, noted that the well-being of large families had deteriorated significantly even last year, when the regional mother capital program was in effect, and expressed extreme concern about the fate of those families that were left without additional payments.

“The number of low-income large families last year increased to 92,000. I don’t know what we will come to in the first quarter of 2016, when those with many children will not receive the support they might have hoped for. It seems to me that it will be necessary to return to the discussion of the possibility of regional payments once again,” Tatiana Margolina told correspondent.

But what is meant by this? How to issue it? What is its amount? In all regions, the amount and conditions for receiving the same or not?

Let's consider all these questions in more detail.

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The legislative framework

The definition of maternity capital at the regional level means an additional measure of state assistance, which is provided to those who have a third and subsequent child.

The amount of this assistance is set exclusively at the regional level, depending on the capacity of local budgets.

This issue is regulated federal law №256 , in particular:

Latest news and changes

By latest information it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation extended the program for delivery until 2018.

This means that regional payments will also be extended automatically.

If speak about possible indexation, then in 2016 it was frozen, and this freeze will be extended in 2017. Accordingly, it is not particularly worth counting on the fact that the regional amount of tangible capital will increase.

If we talk about the conditions and procedure for registration, then in these matters everything remains in place.

Terms of receipt

To be required to answer certain requirements, namely:

  • obligatory presence of a residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the presence of at least 3 minor children in the family;
  • the third child must be born during the program period.

In fact, these are the only requirements that are in effect today. Depending on the specific region, the conditions may be expanded, so it is better to contact for detailed information. to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence.

Payout amount

As mentioned above, the amount of regional maternity capital may be different in each specific region of residence.

If we talk about numbers, they can vary from 30 to 300 thousand rubles. National average payment amounts amount to about 150 thousand rubles.

What can you spend on

If we talk about the directions in which you can send money from this type of state assistance, then they are determined by local governments.

So, you can spend funds from the regional maternity capital on:

  • (the child for whom this certificate has been received should be interested in this matter);
  • purchase of residential real estate (apartment or);
  • full or partial payment;
  • an increase in the funded part of the mother's pension;
  • the education of the child for whom the certificate was issued.

It is also worth taking into account the fact that each region can expand this list. For example, in some regions it is allowed to purchase furniture for these funds or to carry out repairs in the house.

A detailed list of the possibility of using funds can be obtained from the territorial department Pension Fund at your place of residence.

Cash out

By themselves, the rules for cashing out state and regional maternity capital are the same.

These rules are to prohibit the receipt of funds from this capital in cash. If to speak in simple words, then they cannot simply be taken and put into the family budget.

But it provides the ability to transfer funds for various needs which are provided for by applicable law.

In particular we are talking about such transfers, how:

  • to bank accounts (for example, paying a contractor for repairs);
  • transfer to the bank account of the real estate seller;
  • transfer to bank accounts of medical institutions (for treatment, rehabilitation courses for a minor child, and so on).

In the event that the fact of misuse of funds is discovered, criminal or administrative liability may arise.

Registration procedure

Registration process certificate of regional maternity capital is as follows:

Where to go

To obtain a certificate of regional maternity capital, you must contact to the territorial department of the Pension Fund at the place of residence with all the list of documents.

What is the decision period?

Employees of the Pension Fund make a decision to grant or refuse to issue a regional certificate within 30 calendar days from the date of submission of the relevant documents.

During this time, they must:

  • check the provided list of documents for authenticity;
  • make a decision on issuing a regional certificate;
  • in case of a positive decision, issue a certificate to the applicant.

In case of refusal, PF employees are obliged to substantiate their reasons. If the applicant, after the refusal, is going to apply to the judicial authority to assert his rights, the PF must receive a written refusal.

List of documents

Need to provide list of such documentation:

  • application of the applicant for its receipt;
  • a copy of the applicant's passport;
  • copies of birth certificates for all minor children;
  • a copy of the adoption certificate (if there was a fact of adoption);
  • a copy of the insurance pension certificate.

In the event that the applicant for a certificate lives far from the Pension Fund, he has every right to send all documents by mail in the form of a registered letter with an inventory.

In some regions of the country, this assistance can be obtained through the MFC.

Conditions and amount of assistance in some regions of the country

Moscow region

Regional certificate in the Moscow region can get:

  • mothers who were able to give birth to a child 2 or more times, or simply adopted him, but not earlier than 2012;
  • if we talk about men (fathers), then they also have the right to receive it, but if they themselves are engaged in raising 3 or more minor children.

In the capital and its region, the amount of assistance is 100 000 rubles. The amount is fixed and is not subject to indexation.

St. Petersburg

In this region, the amount of state aid is 100 thousand rubles, and at the same time the possibility of indexing is provided.

Get this kind of regional assistance they have a right citizens such as:

  • mothers who were able to give birth for the third time or simply arrange for the adoption of a child, but not earlier than 2012;
  • women who were lucky enough to become a mother 4 or more times. The last child should have been born no later than 2012;
  • male citizens who have three or more dependent children.

Perm region

First of all, it must be remembered that in the Perm Territory today there is no longer a program that allows you to receive regional maternity capital.

For today they can receive government assistance exclusively the following list of citizens:

The amount of regional maternity capital in the Perm Territory in 2016 is about 129 thousand 454 rubles. If we talk about the possibilities to issue this certificate twice or more, then this is prohibited by local governments.

Applications must be submitted no later than December 31, 2017.

Rostov region

The amount of payments in this region is about 117 thousand 754 rubles.

Get a certificate The following are entitled to regional maternity capital:

  • mothers who were able to give birth to a child for the third time, or simply adopted him, but not earlier than 2012 and later than 2015;
  • mothers who were able to give birth to a fourth or more child between 2012 and the end of 2015;
  • male citizens who themselves were involved in the upbringing and care of 3 or more children in the period from January 2012 to the end of 2015. You can use this help only 1 time;
  • children under 18 or under 23 (if they are full-time students) who were left without parents (for example, they died).

Krasnodar region

To obtain a certificate for regional maternity capital, you must meet the following basic conditions:

The amount of regional maternity capital itself is about 100 thousand rubles.

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Eligibility regional assistance in this region are citizens who:

It must be taken into account that the above citizens can apply for this certificate only after the previous child is at least 1.5 years old.

If we talk about the figures of this capital, then in 2016 its size is 25 thousand rubles, however, according to local authorities, already in 2017 it will be at least 100,000 rubles.


For example, in Voronezh region, to receive this assistance, you must be a family that had a 3rd child or adopted a child not earlier than January 2012.

At the same time, the assistance itself is allocated for each child and amounts to 100 thousand rubles in 2016. It should be borne in mind that in this region the indicator is annually repelled by inflation in the country.

As you can see, in every region of our country there is a regional mat. capital differs both in size and in terms of its provision. For this reason, it is necessary in a particular region of residence to contact the territorial department of the Pension Fund for clarification of information.

About the provision of this assistance in Murmansk region explained in the following video:

Regional maternity capital at the birth of a third childRegional maternity capital in the Perm Territory and Perm in 2017
  • Decree of the Government of the Perm Territory of August 2, 2012 N 603-p "On the implementation of the Law of the Perm Territory of February 29, 2012 N 5-PK "On additional measures of social support for families with children"
  • Law of the Perm Territory dated February 29, 2012 N 5-PK "On additional measures of social support for families with children"

Regional maternity capital in Perm and the Perm Territory was established by the Law of the Perm Territory dated February 29, 2012 N 5-PK "On additional measures of social support for families with children."

The right to additional measures of social support for the regional maternity capital at the birth of a child with the citizenship of the Russian Federation arises for women who permanently reside on the territory of the Perm Territory at the time of the birth of a child for at least 5 years, who are citizens of the Russian Federation and who have given birth to a 3rd child or each subsequent child between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2015.

The right to regional materiel arises from the day of the birth of the 3rd or each subsequent child and can be exercised no earlier than 2 years after the birth of the child, in connection with the birth of which the right to additional measures of social support arose.

  • The regional maternity family capital of the Perm Territory is set at 100000 rubles and is annually indexed in accordance with the law of the Perm Territory on the budget of the Perm Territory for the corresponding financial year.

Options for using mother capital in the Perm Territory and Perm

Regional maternity capital funds, in accordance with the application for disposal, can be directed to:

  • Acquisition, construction, reconstruction, overhaul, gasification of housing.
  • Payment for educational services.
  • Providing children with technical means of rehabilitation that are not included in the list of technical means of rehabilitation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Sanatorium-and-spa treatment of children in the presence of medical indications and (or) payment for travel to the place of treatment and back.
  • Purchase of a car.
  • Expenses associated with the provision of paid medical services to family members, the range of which is determined in accordance with the family legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Payment for paid services upon implementation educational program preschool education and childcare and childcare services.

The procedure for channeling regional maternity capital funds in all directions is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Perm Territory of August 2, 2012 N 603-p "On the implementation of the Law of the Perm Territory of February 29, 2012 N 5-PK" On additional measures of social support for families with children ".

Acquired or built housing using the funds of the regional materiel capital of the Perm Territory is registered in the common shared ownership of parents and children with the determination of the size of equal shares.