Wheat porridge in a slow cooker - recipes with photos. How to cook porridge from wheat groats in a slow cooker step by step. Wheat milk porridge in a slow cooker.

Despite the fact that I have already managed to cook a lot different cereals in a slow cooker, life continues to surprise me. For example, I just found out, or rather, remembered the existence of wheat porridge (aka Artek porridge, it is also the basis for Christmas kutya). This is a very tasty and satisfying porridge. Although the cereal from which it is cooked is a polished grain of wheat and, in fact, is a refined product. However, wheat contains so many healthy vitamins and other interesting substances that I'm afraid I can't afford to list them all - it would take three pages of text. This cereal has a general strengthening effect on the body and is most suitable for those people who lead an active lifestyle: porridge is easily digested and at the same time saturates. And I’m generally silent about the children’s audience: probably, all children, without exception, ate wheat porridge with a cutlet at least once in their lives. And I can’t imagine the school canteen menu without this dish at all. In general, when I found on the Internet a recipe and a list of trace elements that are included in wheat porridge, I was filled with great respect for it and, of course, immediately cooked it in a slow cooker.

Here's what I needed:

  • Wheat groats - 1.5 cups,
  • Water - 3 glasses,
  • Butter - 10 g

Recipe for wheat porridge in a slow cooker

First of all, I washed the wheat groats in running water.

Then I put it in the multicooker bowl.

flooded hot water in a ratio of 1:2.

I was wondering what would come of it. And it turned out delicious and fragrant porridge with butter. However, this is to be expected from a multicooker.

This is how I cooked wheat: I closed the lid of the multicooker, turned on the porridge mode and didn’t approach it for half an hour. And then, when everything was ready, she waited another ten minutes until the wheat porridge stood under the lid and became even softer and more crumbly. And, you know, it was worth it! The porridge was a success.

In my opinion, it is best served with sauerkraut. That's the only way I eat it. In general, additives to porridge can be anything and will depend only on your imagination. Unsweetened wheat porridge is well served with meat, mushrooms, vegetable salad, and fish. The option with roasted carrots and onions is excellent. If you decide to cook porridge with milk, add dried fruits or fresh fruits, cream, honey. The well-known kutya is also a sweet version of wheat porridge with poppy seeds and raisins. How to cook it is, however, another story ...
Cooking time - 45 minutes,
The number of servings is 3.

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker turns out to be simply unrealistically tasty. Such porridge on the stove never comes out for me, with all my diligence. On the stove with the preparation of such porridge, I always had to tinker.

To cook delicious porridge, I cooked it in a water bath. She poured water into a saucepan and put it on fire. When the water in the pot started to boil, I put in it a smaller cauldron with cereals and water.

Thus, I cooked crumbly wheat porridge. If I tried to cook porridge in any other way, it would certainly burn with me. Then, for a long time and tediously, I scraped off the remnants of the stuck porridge from the bottom of the cauldron. Maybe it's all about my inability to cook wheat porridge. I will not argue, but the fact remained that the porridge turned out to be tasty and did not burn only in a water bath.

With the advent of the Redmond multicooker in my house, I did not immediately remember cooking porridge in it. Because I was very passionate about baking. It took almost everything free time, because baking in a slow cooker is simply delicious. When I tried to bake all kinds of baking recipes in a miracle - a saucepan, it's time to remember about cereals. The first in line was buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker. How to cook the most delicious buckwheat porridge in a multicooker? See mine on the site.

Now it's the turn of wheat porridge, in terms of love, it is in my second place. Usually I buy arnautka for her, most often it's Artek. This cereal makes very delicious porridge as for my taste. Well, butter, more butter, it's so delicious!

Wheat groats (arnautka) are very useful for adults and children. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals we need. Therefore, cook it more often! After all, you can easily cook any side dish with it. Stewed meat, stewed mushrooms or just stewed vegetables - they all go well with this healthy and tasty cereal. And having a slow cooker to cook such a wonderful porridge is as easy as shelling pears! So let's get started

we will need:

  • Wheat groats (arnautka, I have Artek) - 1 cup;
  • Purified water - 3 cups;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Butter - 60 grams.

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker recipe:

Delicious wheat porridge in a slow cooker recipe "Lick your fingers" is ready.

Tender, soft, with an amazing creamy taste - I just love this recipe! Now let's move on to my recipe.

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Porridge cooked from wheat groats is very satisfying, tasty, healthy and nutritious. If you cook such a dish in a slow cooker, then you will facilitate the process for yourself and feel how tender the porridge turns out. There are a huge number of cooking recipes for various brands of multicookers, namely: Polaris, Philips, Redmond, Scarlet and others. The most popular and common are Redmond and Polaris.
The method of preparing wheat porridge in Redmond / Polaris multicookers is called “lazy”. Simply quick, easy, satisfying and very tasty. First you need to decide on the amount of cereal for the recipe. You must adhere to the correct proportion so that a crumbly porridge is obtained in a slow cooker, namely: 2 parts of water and 1 part of cereals. It turns out very tasty in a slow cooker, and we advise you to cook these recipes.

Multicookers Polaris and Redmond are among the best, given the modes of operation, functions and appearance. For the preparation of this culinary recipe, the miracle helper Redmond will be used. For an interesting recipe, you need to prepare the following important ingredients:


Step-by-step preparation of a dish with detailed photographs that will become indispensable assistants in the process of creating a healthy treat:

1) Measure the required amount of wheat groats into a jar, and then you can pour some water into it. Stir. The groats will settle to the very bottom, and specks, pebbles and other debris will float up.

2) After the done actions, you can drain the water. This procedure must be repeated until the water becomes crystal clear and transparent.

3) Prepare a slow cooker, in the recipe it is Redmond, you can have absolutely any other model. Open the lid and pour the washed cereal into the bottom of the bowl. Put a piece of butter and a pinch of fine salt, according to the suggested and proven recipe.

4) Then you can safely pour in prepared and hot water. Close the lid. Now you need to choose the right and ideal mode for cooking. Such functions are best suited: "porridge", "rice" or "buckwheat". Cooking time is about thirty minutes. You can find out about the end of the culinary process by a melodic sound signal.

5) After the dish reaches readiness, arrange on portioned plates. Pour a little milk or heavy cream into the finished porridge. It turns out so tasty that it is impossible to break away. Cook with pleasure, follow the recommendations, follow the sequence of actions and you will succeed.

Video recipe

Beneficial features

Such a delicacy is not only tasty, but also very useful for the work of the whole organism.

  1. A valuable storehouse with vitamins: A, C, B6, B12, PP, E. They help stimulate work nervous system, improve vision and memory, make the skin smooth and supple.
  2. Is an diet dish, so the calorie content of one hundred grams of the product is about two hundred kcal. It will help you get rid of obesity and extra pounds. Just like our recipe.
  3. Fills the body with health, vitality, strength and energy.
  4. It cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and harmful substances, thus improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It normalizes the state of microflora.

Harmful properties

Despite all the benefits that wheat dishes bring, there are some restrictions on their use.

  1. Allergic reactions, individual intolerance to the product.
  2. Excessive and daily presence in the diet can lead to constipation.
  3. Pregnant women.

Wheat porridge has been present in Russian cuisine for a long time. Exactly since wheat began to be massively grown in Russia, which happened more than 10 centuries ago. The culture replaced the previously used barley, as it made it possible to obtain not only cereals for cereals, soups, but also flour for baking bread.

The original Russian technique for making wheat porridge is simple. Groats were poured with water or milk and languished in the oven for a long time. Despite the fact that the product does not need to be boiled for a long time, the residence time in the oven was up to 2 hours. During this time, the grains were completely boiled, turning into a jelly mass. If it is with bread, onions, meat. The nutritiousness of the dish provided him with widespread recognition in the old Russian cuisine.

Subtleties of cooking

In modern cuisine, there is no way to simmer porridge for a long time to get a boiled mass. Moreover, you do not need to do this if you are using a Redmond, Polaris multicooker. Each kitchen assistant, regardless of the model, reduces the cooking time of the product. And its consistency is formed such as you need for a dish for breakfast, for dinner.

The advantage of a multicooker is that it allows you to cook cereals not by boiling, but by simmering under the action of steam in a compact space. This technique is reminiscent of languishing a cauldron with cereals in an old oven. The mass does not stick, it is not necessary to mix it, it reaches readiness on time. And it becomes really tasty when a few requirements are met.

  • Choice of cereals. Buy wheat groats in plastic bags. It can be stored in them for up to 10 months. If the packaging is cardboard, the grains may have absorbed moisture during storage. This is detrimental to them: “wheat”, rich in polysaccharides and carbohydrates, goes rancid.
  • Perfect color and clarity. Low quality is considered a product of dark color. High-quality wheat groats are light brown. It should not contain stones, cake and other impurities.
  • Grain size. There are two types of “wheat” on the shelves. The first is Artek cereal, we have known it since childhood! The same "prickly porridge" that few people loved in kindergarten. At the same time, it is ideal for baby food. It is digested better than other cereals, contains a storehouse of useful substances. Plus, if the proportions are observed, it turns into a tender “slurry” that can be eaten without chewing. In the form of whole grains, Poltavskaya wheat groats are sold. It varies in size. Medium kernels are recommended for use in cereals, large ones - as a dressing for soup.
  • Groats preparation. There is no need to soak it, but it must be washed. Dust accumulates on the surface of the nucleoli during the production of the product.
  • Compliance with proportions. Cooking wheat porridge in a slow cooker will take place without surprises if the following proportions are observed:
      • porridge-slurry will turn out when using 1 cup of cereal for 6 cups of liquid. You can take water, milk or use them in equal proportions;
      • crumbly porridge - a pressure cooker will prepare the perfect side dish from one glass of cereal and three - water.

According to the housewives, the model of the kitchen assistant and the features of the regimes affect the quality of the porridge. You can understand the exact proportions for multicookers Panasonic, Mulineks and others at personal experience. In a number of units, a crumbly side dish is ideal when using 2.5 glasses of liquid, and a moderately liquid porridge can be prepared with four glasses of milk.

Recipe on water

Despite the maximum simplicity of the recipe for wheat porridge in a slow cooker on the water, it has several nuances. Firstly, it is recommended to monitor the boiling time of the mass. This will happen approximately 15 minutes after the start of cooking. When the mass begins to gurgle inside the unit, open the lid and remove the foam. So it will not “climb” up and you will not have to wash the lid and the upper grill.

Secondly, you can use warm water. Having spent less time warming up the contents, the multicooker will be able to steam the mass more efficiently. And the intensity of steaming is the basis for preparing delicious and tender wheat. Guided by these rules, you can cook a wonderful crumbly side dish.

You will need:

  • water - 3 multi-glasses;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - 30 g.


  1. Place the prepared cereal in the bowl.
  2. Pour in water, add salt.
  3. Set the mode to "Porridge".
  4. Add butter after the beep. Leave in warm-up mode for 10 minutes.

You can serve porridge without any additives, just with butter. And it is possible with meat, fish, liver. The versatile flavor of wheat pairs well with them, supporting sauces and gravies. And adding sugar and dried fruits to it, you get a wonderful breakfast. By the way, you can also without sugar, if the food is dietary.

original recipes

With wheat groats you can cook a lot of dishes. It will become tasty and nutritious with milk, cooked for breakfast. And a full-fledged dish with meat, cooked in a slow cooker, will perfectly decorate dinner. We offer you recipes for this cereal with milk and apples, with meat.

With milk and apples

We will prepare the porridge moderately crumbly, not smear. And apples, so that they keep their shape well and are tasty, we caramelize.

You will need:

  • wheat groats - 1 multiglass;
  • milk - 3 multi-glasses;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • apples - 3 small fruits;
  • butter - 100 g.


  1. Put the prepared cereal in a bowl, pour milk. Add a tablespoon of sugar, salt. Set the "Porridge" mode, cook until the signal.
  2. Peel the apples from the peel, core. Chop into slices.
  3. Heat half the oil in a frying pan, sprinkle with the remaining sugar and melt the mass. Put apples in it, caramelize over low heat.
  4. Add oil to the porridge after the signal, mix.
  5. Garnish with apples when serving.

In this recipe, raisins, nuts, flaxseed or sesame seeds will not be superfluous. Apples can be used non-caramelized, so breakfast will turn out to be less high-calorie. It is enough to peel them and put them in porridge in pieces.

With meat

The recipe is quick, simple, versatile. It is equally good with almost all cereals, as it is based on hearty meat frying. It was this kind of wheat porridge that was used in Russia by wealthy people. And now we will try.

You will need:

  • wheat groats - 1 multiglass;
  • beef pulp - 500 g;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • salt, allspice;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Clean and cut the meat into cubes or bars.
  2. Peel the onion, garlic, chop finely.
  3. Fry the meat in the “Broasting” mode (it will be replaced by “Baking”) for 10 minutes. Add vegetables, simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the prepared cereals, pour in water, add salt, spices.
  5. Cook in the "Pilaf" mode until the signal.
  6. Leave the dish in the warm-up mode for 15 minutes.

With beef, the calorie content of the dish will not turn out to be ultra-high. Even lower will be its nutritional value with dietary chicken breast. You can use pork, turkey, rabbit according to your taste.

As you can see, preparing milk wheat porridge in a slow cooker is simple, as well as unleavened side dishes, full-fledged dishes with cereals and meat dressing. Use these simple recipes in your daily cooking!

© depositphotos.com

Wheat is not in vain considered a long-liver. This Slavic national dish has always been considered the main treat at many holidays; feasts began with it both on a holiday and on a weekday.


Editorial tochka.net invites you not to deviate from ancient traditions and try to cook porridge from wheat groats with milk in a slow cooker. It's simple, healthy and nutritious. And the day started with a steaming plate of milk porridge will be full of energy and positive until the evening with the whole family. You can cook wheat porridge in water, but still the milk version is more rich and tasty.

© depositphotos.com

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker - ingredients:

  • 1 cup wheat groats
  • 0.5 l milk,
  • 3-4 st. spoons of sugar
  • 50 g butter,
  • salt to taste.

Milk wheat porridge: recipe

  1. Sort out wheat groats, removing garbage. Then rinse the cereal well several times until clean water. Pour the cereal with water and leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Pour the prepared wheat groats into the multicooker bowl. Pour milk. Add some butter, sugar and salt.
  3. Close the multicooker with a lid and select the "Milk porridge" mode, 40 minutes.
  4. After the beep, let the wheat porridge brew under a closed lid for 15 minutes.
  5. Add the remaining butter to the finished wheat porridge. Divide hot wheat porridge among bowls and serve.

Bon appetit!