Pavel Usanov biography personal life. Lube bassist dies after brutal beating

Shortly before his death, the musician sent his beloved to the television project "Voice"

A month ago, the Lyube group lost a talented bass guitarist Pavel USANOV. For two and a half weeks, the capital's doctors fought for his life after a severe head injury that the musician received in a fight, but on April 19 his heart stopped.

This tragic story was immediately overgrown with rumors. Someone said that the drunken artist himself staged a brawl in a bar not far from his home in the Moscow region. Someone believes that 40-year-old Usanov was killed for Political Views, because he has repeatedly traveled to the Donbass with concerts.

His widow Yuliana told Express Gazeta about Pavel's life and death.

Everyone who lives in the neighborhood Usanov, they say in one voice: they have not met a more decent, kind and sympathetic person. Pavel, despite the fact that he had been playing in Lube for 20 years, did not even have a hint of star disease. Between tours, he managed to teach local children to play the guitar, helped orphanages, organized music festivals ...

Pasha had a dream - to make an artist out of me, - Juliana smiles through tears, - He always joked: “If you become a star, you will support the whole family!” He passed on his experience to me, and shortly before his death, he signed me up for the casting of the Voice project. Now I don’t know how I will go there, but for the sake of Pavlusha I must try. He really wanted it. We lived in love and harmony for three years. Who would have known that our happy relationship so absurdly cut off.

- Various rumors are circulating around the death of Paul ...

That is why I want to tell the truth through your newspaper. The fact that Pasha ended up at the bar that evening is an absolute coincidence. Great Lent was in full swing, and my husband, a deeply religious person, did not even leave the house without prayer, not to mention drinking at such a sacred time for the Orthodox. Everything that Pasha did that day was not characteristic of him.

In the morning we decided to go for honey, but before that we stopped by for a cup of coffee in a cafe near the house. There was a call from his mother. She had a bad dream. We reassured her, because Pashka was alive and well and just glowing with happiness.

At that moment, Alexander, our neighbor, whom we met periodically in the temple, appeared on the threshold of the institution. They were never friends with him, but the news that Sasha became a dad made Pashka wildly delighted. Previously, he would never have celebrated anything with a person he knew in passing. And then I decided. I didn't answer and left on business. And when she returned, she found her husband at Alexander's house for cognac, which, like other strong drinks, he never really complained about.

I was very tense, began to persuade him to go home. The husband promised that he would be there soon, but he never came.

At three o'clock in the morning, the guards of our village carried him to the threshold. They said he drank too much. When I undressed him, I noticed that there was not a single abrasion on the body. In the morning, calls from Lube began: Pasha was supposed to fly to St. Petersburg with a concert.

She began to wake him up, because he had never missed a single performance in his life. But he could not get up, complained of a headache and was somehow inhibited.

When neighbor Alexander called with questions: “What is wrong with Pasha? They told me he was beaten,” everything fell into place. scored Rastorguev He ordered to urgently call an ambulance. I was worried that the journalists would raise a fuss - they say, the guitarist of "Lube" got drunk to death, but Kolya said that all this was nonsense.

The doctors who arrived examined her husband, found nothing, but recommended that they go with them to Dmitrov for gastric lavage. Pasha himself got into the car, and to my questions about the fight he answered that he did not remember anything.

In the hospital, it turned out that he had a fracture of the frontal bone and numerous bruises of the brain. I started calling Rastorguev again. Kolya immediately called an ambulance to take us to Moscow. On the way, Pasha was conscious, even joking. When we were taken to Sklif, he was immediately sent to the operating room. Nine hours later, the doctor said that everything went well and that tomorrow he would be taken out of an artificial coma.

I went home, and after a while the Internet was filled with ridiculous rumors that Usanov was dying, and the doctors could not find his relatives. She immediately rushed to the hospital. There I was told that my husband's injury was incompatible with life. Like, even if a miracle happens, he will remain a “vegetable”, he will only lie. The ground was gone from under my feet ... It's good that there were people nearby who loved Pasha very much, they even began to collect money for his rehabilitation. Until recently, they believed in miracles.

fatal blow

- Did you find out why your husband was beaten?

After I went home, Pasha and a neighbor stopped by a local bar. There, the husband began to tell Alexander about his trip to the Donbass. Last year, he brought humanitarian aid there and was engaged in a competition to identify young talents "Native Spaces" in order to distract the kids from the war and arrange a holiday for them. It was a hard trip, its participants constantly came under fire.

Pasha's story was accidentally heard by two Odessans sitting at the next table. The peace-loving Pavlusha very soon turned the verbal skirmish into a joke. Even in the video that has spread around the Internet, it is noticeable that the fuss at the bar is the usual tomfoolery. Yes, one of the inhabitants of Odessa dropped Pasha on the floor, and I suspect that the husband could hit his head, but after that he got up and talked with these guys for a long time.

At some point, the husband inadvertently elbowed a completely stranger man at the bar with his elbow. This was Maxim Dobry(who is now suspected of brutally beating Pavel. - A.K.). He had nothing to do with the inhabitants of Odessa, but for some reason he reacted aggressively to my husband. Comrade Maxim tried to calm him down. On this, it seemed, the incident was over. The men hugged each other and drank beer.

Our neighbor, whose son was celebrated by Pasha, fell asleep on the table, and when the establishment began to close, Alexander, without saying a word, got up and went home. The Odessans also left. Pasha, Dobry and his friend, who had just called a taxi, stayed at the bar.

When the car arrived, Dobry refused to leave. But I know for sure that if he had attacked my husband alone, Pasha would have instantly put him on his shoulder blades.

He was definitely attacked by several people, which is confirmed by the witness, who watched everything from the window of his house. He heard screams in the street. There was a car on the road not far from the checkpoint of our village, where Pasha, Dobry and two others were noisily sorting things out. Who they are - whether Dobrogo helped or the returnees from Odessa, I don't know. One thing is clear - Pasha was beaten professionally, so that no traces were left. Experts say they hit either with a rubber-covered bat or something heavy wrapped in cloth. That is, at that moment he was already purposefully killed.

- And the guards of the village did not hear the screams?

Pasha even ran to them to ask for help. While the guards ran out, the two jumped into the car and fled. Dobryi hid from Pasha, and when he turned around and went home, he struck him in the head. Seeing the guards, Dobry tried to hide, but the guys managed to take a picture of him. This man was in prison twice - for robbery and drugs. But all of Pasha's personal belongings, except for the wedding ring, remained with him. And the ring may have been lost in the fight. After the fatal blow, the husband went limp, but for some time he was still able to walk on his own. And then he lost consciousness. Security picked him up and brought him home. They did not think that this blow would be fatal.

I worried for a long time: suddenly we missed precious time without immediately calling an ambulance. But the doctors said that the injury was so severe that it was impossible to prevent brain-destroying processes.

guitar legacy

- There were rumors that Pasha was going to leave Lube.

Pasha always said that without this group there would be no him. After all, he is a simple boy from Novocheboksarsk, who graduated with honors from Gnesinka and decided to try his luck at the casting in Lube. Naturally, he - a Russian hero with blue eyes - was immediately noticed. For 20 years, Pasha stood behind Rastorguev's left shoulder, who always felt his support. Of course, the husband was not going anywhere. He just wanted to do the same solo project. We wrote songs together, which we then sang with pleasure.

Kolya is having a hard time with the departure of a friend, trying in every possible way to help me - both morally and financially. I am grateful to him for many things. Together with Rastorguev, we did everything so that the case of the murder of our Pasha was transferred to the Investigative Committee.

- In this story, many see something mystical.

Pasha had a guitar, which he inherited from previous Lube musicians - they also died tragically. He did not play it, but literally before his death, for some reason, he starred with her in a video. I try not to think about it, otherwise you can go crazy. The only thing I believe in: that evening, Pasha was left without protection, because for no reason, for no reason at all, he suddenly took off his pectoral cross, although he had never done this before. And I put on the wedding ring lost in the fight at the wedding. I know that the killer of my husband will answer to God for everything!

- Pasha from his first marriage had a son, Vasya, and a daughter, Sonya. Is there a question of division of inheritance?

Many people think that since Pasha is from Lube, it means that chickens don’t peck at his money. In fact, we lived quite modestly with him. The husband is completely unrepentant. I was very afraid to get involved in some business projects, because where big money is spinning, little is done according to the law. Although people often turned to him with all kinds of proposals, because they knew "Lyube" - the president's favorite group. We started with a clean slate - everything that was acquired earlier, we decided to leave in the past. Pasha provided the children with housing, and we rented this house. He went with the simplest phone, he only needed money for strings. So we have nothing to share. Except his guitars...

However, none of this matters. Soon I'm going to Donbass with Pasha's contest "Native Spaces". My husband really wanted his business to live and develop. For me, this is the most important legacy.

The bass player of the Lyube group, Pavel Usanov, died at the Moscow City Research Institute for Emergency Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky.

The 40-year-old bass player of the Lyube group Pavel Usanov, who received severe skull injuries as a result of the attack, died at the Moscow City Research Institute for Emergency Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky.

This was reported in the press service of the production center of Igor Matvienko.

"Today, Pasha Usanov, the bass player of Lyube, a talented musician, a good guy and our good comrade, has died," the message on the official profile of the Lyube group on Facebook says.

Recall. On April 2, the musician who subsequently attacked him. It was later reported that a suspect in the attack, a 39-year-old resident of the Solnechnogorsk district, had been detained. Now he is under arrest.

The musician was taken to the intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Institute with a severe head injury and a fracture of the base of the skull.

Doctors tried to save the musician for about two weeks, but to no avail.

Pavel Anatolyevich Usanov was born on August 11, 1975 in Novocheboksarsk. Studied at high school №5.

He graduated from the Kirov School of Arts, served in the army, studied at the Faculty of Military Conductors at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky. Then - the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins with honors and postgraduate studies. He took private composition lessons from Professor of the Moscow Conservatory Yu.V. Vorontsov.

In the years when he was a cadet of the Faculty of Military Conductors, he played jazz in the Manhattan group in Moscow, then in the Phonograph Jazz Band group of Sergei Zhilin.

In 1996, an announcement appeared in the newspapers that, in connection with the tragic death of bass guitarist Alexander Nikolaev, the Lyube group was announcing a competition for a new bassist. After he was noticed as part of a jazz quartet, Pavel passed the competition and became the bass player of Lube.

Pavel Usanov and Nikolai Rastorguev

Studying at the academy Gnesins, Usanov took up composition and began to write music for theatrical performances, audio performances and films.

Created music by 15 documentaries on Channel One, collaborating with Pavel Sheremet, for the film "Russian Victim" about Pskov paratroopers, etc.

Continuing to work in "Lube" as a musician, Usanov in 2006 created the "Meeting Boy" group, becoming its artistic director and composer.

After a long search for a soloist, an album was released in 2009 "Everything will be as it should!", in which officers of the Alpha special forces unit and Alexei Petrenko participated.

Continuing to work at Lube, he performed with the Oncoming Battle group, but in 2012 he changed the composition and then became a soloist in his group.

He created an acoustic version of his program called "Acoustic View", where the singer Yuliana Green took part. Actively gave concerts around the country with his own repertoire.

Pavel Usanov - Everything will be as it should.

Since 2012, he has been the founder and leader of the Cultural and Educational Movement “Promoting Creative Education” (KPD STO) foundation.

In 2015, he created his own cultural and educational movement "Native Spaces", and the first project was a children's musical competition, which took place in Donetsk - during the hostilities.

Pavel Usanov. Photo: Andrey Butko

On Tuesday, April 19, the bass player died at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Moscow City Research Institute of Emergency Medicine Russian group"Lube" Pavel Usanov.

Usanov was hospitalized on April 2 with a head injury in serious condition. He was beaten by unknown people in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region. A criminal case was opened on the fact of beating. A 39-year-old resident of the Solnechnogorsk region was detained on suspicion of committing a crime.

About what Pavel Usanov remembered, tells

Pavel Anatolyevich Usanov was born on August 11, 1975 in Novocheboksarsk. Studied at secondary school number 5.

He graduated from the Kirov School of Arts, served in the army, studied at the faculty of military conductors at the Moscow State Conservatory them. P. I. Tchaikovsky, graduated with honors from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins and graduate school, took private lessons in composition from Professor of the Moscow Conservatory Yu. V. Vorontsov.

During the years when he was a cadet of the faculty of military conductors, he played jazz in the Manhattan group in Moscow, then in the Phonograph Jazz Band group of Sergei Zhilin. In 1996, an announcement appeared in the newspapers that, in connection with the tragic death of bass guitarist Alexander Nikolaev, the Lyube group was announcing a competition for a new bassist.
After he was noticed as part of a jazz quartet, Pavel passed the competition and became the bass player of Lube.

Studying at the Academy Gnesins, Usanov took up composition and began to write music for theatrical productions, audio performances and films.

He created music for 15 documentaries on Channel One, collaborating with Pavel Sheremet, for the film "Russian Victim" about Pskov paratroopers, etc.

Continuing to work in Lube as a musician, Usanov formed the Oncoming Battle group in 2006, becoming its artistic director and composer.
After a long search for a soloist, in 2009 the album “Everything will be right!” Was released, in which Nikolai Rastorguev, officers of the Alpha special forces unit and Alexei Petrenko participate. Continuing to work in Lube, he also gives concerts with the Oncoming Battle group, but in 2012 he changes the composition and then becomes a soloist in his

He created an acoustic version of his program called "Acoustic View", where the singer Yuliana Green took part. He actively gives concerts around the country with his own repertoire.

Social activity

Since 2012, he has been the founder and leader of the Cultural and Educational Movement “Promoting Creative Education” (KPD STO) Foundation. In 2015, Pavel created his own cultural and educational movement "Native Spaces", and the first project was a children's music competition, which was held in Donetsk during the hostilities.

Watch in advance "Logicology - about the fate of man".

Consider the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\.

20 38 39 53 68 71 87 88 91 97 109 110 124 125 144 159 171 200 206 209 219 243
243 223 205 204 190 175 172 156 155 152 146 134 133 119 118 99 84 72 43 37 34 24

16 17 20 26 38 39 53 54 73 88 100 129 135 138 148 172 192 210 211 225 240 243
243 227 226 223 217 205 204 190 189 170 155 143 114 108 105 95 71 51 33 32 18 3

USANOV PAVEL ANATOLYEVICH \u003d 243 \u003d 190-CRANIO-MOG + 53-TRAUMA \ a \.

243 \u003d 171-Wounded by blows + 72-HEAD.

243 = 54-INJURY + 189-\ 70-SKULLS + 119-LOVED LIFE\.

243 = 124 - SKULL INJURY + 119 - DONE LIFE.

243 \u003d 192- \ 124-SKULL INJURY + 68-LOVED \ + 51-LIFE.

243 \u003d 175- \ 124-SKULL INJURY + 51-LIFE \ + 68-LOVED.

243 = 97-END + 146-HIT LIFE.

243 = 148-END OF LIFE + 95-FROM HIT.

243 = 95-HIT + 97-END + 51-LIFE.


54 = DIE \ t \

73 = DIES


148 - 105 \u003d 43 \u003d IMPACT \ s \.

138 = DYING


118 = DYING

144 - 118 \u003d 26 \u003d KO \ ma \.

DATE OF DEATH code: 04/19/2016. This = 19 + 04 + 20 + 16 = 59 = BRAIN \ th wound \ = BREAKED \ head \, DEAD.

243 = 59-BRAIN \ th wound \ + 184- \ 40-KOMA + 144-BRAIN DEATH \.

184 - 59 = 125 = BRAIN WOUND.

It should be noted that the sentence BRAIN WOUND is well read in the upper table:

88 = ... BREAKING WOUND; 97 = ... HEAVY WOUND; 109 = BRAIN R...; 110 = BRAIN RA...; 124 = BRAIN WOUND...; 125 = BRAIN WOUND.

233 = 144-BRAIN DEATH + 89-DEATH.

Code of the full DATE OF DEATH = 233-NINETEENTH OF APRIL + 36- \ 20 + 16 \- (code of the YEAR OF DEATH) \u003d 269.

269 ​​= 150-BRAIN CRUSHED + 119-LIFE DONE.

269 ​​- 243-(FULL NAME code) = 26 = KO \ end \.

Code for the number of full YEARS OF LIFE \u003d FORTY \u003d 76 \u003d DEATH OF M \ ozga \.

243 \u003d 76-FORTY + 167-DEATH FROM IMPACT, LIFE IS ENDED \ s \.

167-DEATH FROM A STRIKE - 76-FORTY \u003d 91 \u003d DYING.

243 = 76-FORTY + 91-DYING + 76-FORTY.

Since there are no digits of the word FORTY in the tables, we use the second method of determining the number of YEARS.

The FORTY-ONE year is coming.

76-FORTY + 80-FIRST = 156 = BRAIN INJURY FROM UD \ ra \.

Look at the columns in the top table:

118 = FORTY FIRST \ th \

144 - 118 = KO \ net \.


146 - 109 \u003d 37 \u003d CME \ mercury \.

88 = DEATH \ a \

156 - 88 \u003d 68 \u003d DONE \ life \.

243 = 146-FORTY-ONE + 97-DEAD, MURDER = 156-FORTY-ONE + 87-DEAD.

At 40. In the prime of life and at its peak creative career Pavel Usanov, musician, bass player of the Lube group, left us. For some, he is just Pasha, for others - Pavel Anatolyevich. Son. Friend. Comrade. Classmate. Mentor. Neighbor. Countryman. Mine. Our.

Novocheboksarsk was proud of him. And continues to be proud. The townspeople loved him. And this love was mutual.
The loss is especially acutely felt now also because in last years Pavel was especially close to Novocheboksarsk. He returned to his city famous person, whom all of Russia knows, but at the same time his own - simple, kind, open to communication, not arrogant and not proud. He returned as a mature person to share the goodness, experience, knowledge that he had accumulated over the years. He was burning with the desire to make the city better, more interesting.

Craving and love for small homeland, apparently, and pushed him to move part of his creative plans to Novocheboksarsk. For starters, he gave a concert at the Khimik Palace of Culture on one of the brightest Orthodox holidays - Christmas.

Planned children's music competitions, which were supposed to come young musicians from all over Russia. One of them was scheduled for this April. But the news that on April 2 the artist was taken to the institute in serious condition. Sklifosovsky, upset all plans ...
The city tears away the best from itself and, alas, says goodbye to dreams. We will no longer have our own Pasha Usanov, but he will forever remain in our hearts, will remain in the history of the city as one of his best sons. And we will be proud of it, without a doubt.
Someone will even remember how he was born in one of summer days August 11, 1975, as he studied together in the same class at school number 5. Someone will remember the fun student years at the Kirov School of Arts, military service, studying at the faculty of military conductors at the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky, in Russian Academy music to them. Gnesins and graduate school.
In 1996, he joined the already famous Lube group. In addition to working in a group, he created music for 15 documentaries on Channel One, actively collaborated with journalists who write and talk about events in Russia and the world. In 2006, he organized the "Meeting Battle" group, becoming its artistic director and composer.
After a long search for a soloist, in 2009 the album “Everything will be right!” Was released, in which Nikolai Rastorguev, officers of the Alpha special forces unit and artist Alexei Petrenko took part. Continuing to work in "Lube", he also gave concerts with the "Meeting Battle" group.
By the age of 40, Paul also succeeded in social work. Four years ago, he established the Cultural and Educational Movement “Promotion of Creative Education” fund. In 2015, Pavel created his own cultural and educational movement "Native Spaces", and the first project was a children's music competition, which was held in Donetsk during the hostilities.
Not indifferent to the fate of his country, he openly defended his position. His tragic death is the most unfair and wrong. It's embarrassing and sad.

civil position

Writer and musician Zakhar Prilepin about the death of Lube bass player Pavel Usanov.
He himself came up at one of the concerts - just a wonderful guy: open, kind, smiling. We talked with him, of course, about the Donbass. Pasha Usanov, the bassist of the Lyube group, went there - helped in any way he could, dealt with gifted people, met with the militias. In general, he fulfilled that duty to the Russian people and Russia, which not all of our colleagues in the craft were able to fulfill.
We immediately conceived a joint idea with Pasha in connection with the Donbass; It was a pleasure to communicate with him.

Then we crossed paths a couple more times: I was surprised by the complete absence of pathos, affectation, posture in him - he was sincere, honest, efficient, glorious.
... And then suddenly the news. Pasha was sitting in a bar, discussing exactly the very topics that we discussed with him - Donbass. It hurt with him - and there is nothing to hide, we talked and we talk about it often.
There was someone in the cafe who didn't seem to enjoy the conversation. Pasha was approached and hit on the head. Behind. Face to face with him, the killer had much less chance. Pasha could take care of himself.
Outcome: fracture of the base of the skull and intracerebral hematoma.
Three weeks in a coma. His wife Yulia asked to pray for the doctors.
Today Pasha, without leaving the coma, died.
People who kill for a word, for a position, for courage have bred.
He did not take up arms. He helped the children. How to treat it? How to forgive?
Something breaks inside. Very painful.

“Frontiers” often wrote about Pavel Usanov, none of his concerts in his native city were left without our attention (and, which is especially pleasant, the attention of the public). The last big interview given to our newspaper came out a little over a year ago - on February 12, 2015.
Then our conversation in the lobby of the recreation center "Khimik" lasted almost two hours. With a warm smile, Pavel recalled his childhood and youth that passed on the streets of Novocheboksarsk. Despite being tired from long road, willingly talked about the musical and pedagogical aspects of his career.
The conversation smoothly turned to the topics of patriotism and events in the Donbass, which then unfolded with special drama. It is these passages from last interview We want to publish Paul.
- Not so long ago I was on the front line in the Donbass. I saw how hard it was for them, and realized that I needed help. He returned to Moscow and began to collect all caring acquaintances who have the opportunity. They collected money, bought things, food, medical equipment and sent everything as part of the EMERCOM convoy to Donbass.
- They often ask me what I think about what is happening in the Donbass. I understand that they are interested in my opinion as an eyewitness. I can only describe the current situation as a war. And war for me figuratively is a huge ball, in the center of which is the heroism of people.
Of course, “at the edges” you can meet anything: looting, betrayal, self-interest. But in the center, I repeat, the feat of the common people. If you look at the military photographs of our grandfathers, you will notice that they look different, they have different eyes. So, now in Donetsk people have different eyes.
— I was born here, in Novocheboksarsk, in 1975. Mom worked in a communication center, spent her childhood there and from the age of 12 even worked as a telegram delivery man. So now, after so many years, when I drive through the city, I remember where which street, house is.
— Are you a frequent visitor to Novocheboksarsk?
- Regarding the "guest" - it's still how to look. I'm coming home.

At the Church of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God The funeral service for the tragically murdered bass guitarist of the Lyube group Pavel Usanov took place in Moscow. The rector of the temple, a famous preacher, father Dmitry (Smirnov) buried the musician. More than a thousand people came to say goodbye to Pavel.

Friends, colleagues and associates shared what a musician, philanthropist and person he was.
Everyone who walked from the Dynamo metro towards Petrovsky Park with flowers, it was clear that they were visiting Pasha.
Strong, broad-shouldered men with a military bearing, long-haired musicians in scarves, clergymen in cassocks gathered in the courtyard of the Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos ... Pavel Usanov's circle of friends and acquaintances was so wide.
The oak coffin with Paul's body was placed in the southern part of the temple. From the very morning, all the space around him was filled with baskets of flowers, and everyone continued to carry them.
- We came to honor the memory of the bright man Pasha Usanov, as well as to convey a mourning bouquet from St. Petersburg actors from the series "Street of Broken Lanterns," says one of the musician's fans, Elmira. - Pasha was friends with these artists. Unfortunately, they could not come themselves, they sent flowers through us. We mourn with the actors, together with the whole country.
Men in dark suits and camouflage silently entered the temple with flowers. And only at the exit did they agree to talk about Pavel.
- We have known Pavel for more than three years. We had joint projects on the military - patriotic education youth. For him, the word "homeland" had special meaning, - shared with us the commander of the special forces detachment "Saturn" of the Directorate Federal Service execution of punishments in the city of Moscow, colonel of the internal service Boris Nikolaev. - Pavel went to concerts in the Donbass, sang for the wounded in hospitals, for children from the orphanage. He also constantly visited units of the Internal Troops, the Dzerzhinsky Division, and the Special Purpose Center. This is a very big loss for all of us.

Right with a suitcase in hand, his admirer Igor Kuznetsov from Kirov came to say goodbye to Pavel.
- I'm passing through Moscow. In our city, Pavel studied at the pop department, at the art school. And yet - he played for the Kirov "Dynamo". We consider him a countryman. Arriving on tour in Kirov, instead of a restaurant, he went to his own student canteen. He said that the taste of those cabbage soup returns him to happy student years. I specifically took tickets for the evening train to put flowers at the coffin of Pavel Usanov.
With a huge bouquet of roses came to remember close friend nine-time Russian record holder in power records Alexander Muromsky.
- Pasha and I have known each other for many years, together we patronized 17 orphanages, constantly toured them. Pasha almost every week gave charity concerts. Never turned down a soldier. He thought that he should ... After all, at one time he served in the Totsk motorized rifle division. Many guys from his call ended up in Chechnya, he was in uniform and did not get into that party. The guys joked, they say, we'll be back soon ... It was 1991. 6 people returned, 90 died. Pasha, as they say, "hurt", remembering this time, he was very worried ...
He shared what he knew best, gave lessons in parishes, taught music to children with difficult destinies. For a year I went to the village of Byvalino near Moscow. Then his students international competition in Bulgaria took first place. When he organized his group "Encounter Battle", he went to vocal courses. And even had surgery on the septum in the nose to improve breathing. Before that, he wanted to convey what the Lord had given him, namely the feeling of love for the Motherland.

Pasha is the person who could sacrifice absolutely everything. Take, for example, the case of a priest who was kidnapped a few years ago in the Stavropol Territory by attackers. It was necessary to pay the ransom in two days. Pasha immediately responded. He had a dream to build a house in Novokosino, a plot had already been purchased. To rescue the priest from captivity, Pasha sold his land. This amount was not enough for the ransom, he called me, in two days we collected the necessary funds, saved the priest.
Pasha and I also helped send humanitarian aid to Donetsk and Luhansk. When they found out that it did not reach Pervomaisk, they collected a new consignment. Basically it was food. After all, people simply did not have enough food.
About the events of that ill-fated night when Paul was injured, Alexander says:
- Those who were in the restaurant said that Pasha raised a toast to the Donbass. He did this often, because with all his heart he rooted for civilians who lived in the basements of houses due to constant bombing. At the next table, as I understand it, there were guys from Odessa. They expressed a different point of view than that voiced by Paul. After that there was a push, Pasha ran into a certain comrade named Dobry, who then called his friends for help, they caught Pasha already on the way to the house, inflicted fatal injuries on him.
He still got home on his own ... It was necessary to immediately call an ambulance, but Pasha was strong, he thought he was recovering. His wife Juliana turned for help only in the morning. Kolya Rastorguev insisted on this. Time has been lost. I remember the doctor came out after the operation, reassured us, said that Pasha would be in an artificial coma for two days, then the recovery process should begin. We all relaxed ... But he never regained consciousness.
In what happened, many see mysticism. The journalists managed to talk with Valery Lvovich Nikolaev, whose son, bass guitarist of the Lyube group Alexander Nikolaev, tragically died in a car accident in August 1996.
- I think it's all about the guitar. I remember when the band, while on tour in America, bought the guitar of some famous bluesman. The musician himself died, I don’t remember exactly, but I think from drugs. This guitar was made by a well-known company, modern, sophisticated. "Lyube" got it inexpensively, - says Valery Lvovich. - My son Sasha began to play on it. I asked him then: “Aren't you afraid? Can the thing of the deceased have a negative effect on the new owner? Sasha just shrugged it off. A year and a half later, he died in a car accident. He was replaced by Pavel. Moreover, they even looked alike with Sasha. Pasha was also very friendly, not scandalous. This guitar passed to Pasha... How can one not become superstitious?
Friends say that Pavel could have died in the Donbass. Their car came under fire several times.
- Having been in the war zone in the Donbass for the first time, he returned silent, - says his friend Yuri. - Then he said: “There, people have eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes.” And he kept asking: “How can you leave the Russians where it’s hard for them?” He was especially struck by the teachers, who, despite the constant shelling, did not stop playing music with the children. And, they did it for free. They understood how important it is to put talent on the wing, even when there is a war... And Pavel understood this. To give people hope, he organized the cultural and educational movement "Native Spaces". During the hostilities, he held a children's music competition with his comrades-in-arms in the Donbass. Pavel said that shell explosions were heard, and the children continued to play courageously on stage.
Then he and his associates began to buy things, food, medical equipment. All this was sent to the Donbass as part of the EMERCOM convoy.
- “I will go out into the field with a horse at night,” they sang softly, swallowing the tears of a girl in black scarves.
And there was already a stream of people going to the temple.
- I came from St. Petersburg to light a candle at the coffin of Pavel Anatolyevich, - says Gennady, a cadet of the Suvorov Military School from St. Petersburg. - I remember he was with us on January 27, the Day of the complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad. In St. Petersburg, everyone had a candle burning in the windows in memory of the victims of that terrible time. Pavel said that he had specially come on this holy day for Petersburgers to light his candle... Now I am here too.
Meanwhile, his friends went to say goodbye to Pavel Usanov, with whom he studied together at the Gnessin Academy.

We had five friends, now it turns out that there is no one, the most talented, - says Cyril. - Pasha was always very smiling, friendly, open. We lived in the same dorm room. He always rescued everyone with money. Who and what owed him, Pasha did not remember when they gave him the money, he was very surprised. He was a generous soul, very unselfish. After graduating from the academy, we crossed paths with him more than once in the theater Soviet army when he was already playing in the Lyube group, and I was in the Dude. Being on tour in Israel, despite the tight schedule, he found our classmate Nikolai there. Friendship for Pasha was sacred.
- Pasha and I worked together in the group for ten years, - Yuri Rymanov says in turn. “He has done so much in forty years that even ten people cannot do it. Even without "Lube" he was a person.
Friends bitterly noted that today in the temple Pavel Usanov "gathered" several generations of musicians who had not seen each other for 10 - 15 years.
- Pasha for me was like epic hero: strong, reliable, open to people, - says songwriter Alexander Shaganov. “I never heard a bad word from him. He was the soul of the Lube team. He was a wonderful musician, understandable to both a metropolitan resident and an inhabitant of a small village. Without advertising his charitable activities, he gave a huge number of concerts for children from orphanages and orphanages. He also spoke to conscripts and veterans. They say about people like Pasha - "the salt of the Russian land." He lived a short life, but managed to do a lot. He left us in the middle of life, in the middle of spring. In order not to talk about his death, for me Pasha died in battle. It wasn't some kind of nighttime mess. They killed him on purpose. They dealt blows incompatible with life. Moreover, they attacked meanly, from the back, like jackals ...
- Have you seen Pasha's fists? - asks a strong guy in camouflage, who called himself Roman. - In an open battle, the killers would not have coped with him. He was engaged in hand-to-hand combat, went to gym, ran crosses, swam in the lake until late autumn. They broke his head, coming from behind.
Near the coffin, a woman in black was crying: “For three weeks I struggled, balanced, suffered a craniotomy. There wasn’t enough strength...” And already, turning to us, she began to explain: “And how he loved his mother, he tried to come to Novocheboksarsk as often as possible. She worked at the telegraph office, and from the age of 12 Pashka worked part-time by delivering telegrams. He worked all his life, lived with God in his soul, drew strength and inspiration from faith.
- He lived 40 years, 8 months and 8 days, - says the old woman, adjusting the ribbons on the wreaths. - Look at the photograph of Pavel, what radiant eyes, an all-understanding smile... He prayed for many, now it's time for an answering prayer for his repose.
Someone turned on the song of the group "Meeting Fight", which Pasha organized in 2006, on the phone. The wind ruffled the flowers in the hands of the admirers of Pavel Usanov. And over the temple the lines were heard: “Who am I? - wolf, or brother? Coward or hero? Poor or rich? How many people will remember me? ... "
- Let's remember! friends said out loud.
“God give rest to the newly-departed Paul,” a woman in black said softly, baptizing the musician’s portrait. - He is now where there is neither sadness nor sighing.
The funeral began. The rector of the temple, Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, was in time for its beginning. On this day, Father Dmitry had to bury his old friend and mentor, who passed away at the age of 91. At two o'clock in the afternoon, he began the funeral service for Pavel Usanov, who was only 40 years old. Father Dmitry managed to report that the priest from the Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, who knew Pavel Usanov well, managed to give him communion several times in the hospital.