Puppy walking sports record. Mikhail Shchennikov: “Walking is judged quite objectively

Schennikov Mikhail Anatolievich(b. 12/24/1967, Sverdlovsk), athlete (athletics), coach, Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation (1993), major (1996). Graduated from Ros. academy of physics culture in Moscow (1997). Until 1983 he lived in Chel., where he began to play sports. In 1983 he left for Moscow, studied at a sports boarding school. Since 1985 in CSKA. Silver medalist of the World Cup in sports. walking for 20 km (1989, Hospitalet, Spain). Multiple champion of the USSR and Russia in sports. walking among youths and adults, 3-time European champion in sports. indoor walking among adults (1991-95), 4-time world champion in sports. indoor walking (1991-95), World Cup winner (1991, 1993). European champion in sports. walking 20 km (1994). Silver medalist Olympic Games in Atlanta (1996) in sports. walking 50 km, in 1986-95 he installed several. world. records. In 1986-96 he repeatedly visited Chel .: attended the track and field athletics. competitions (including at the memorial named after V. T. Maslennikov), met with young athletes. In 2000, after a severe leg injury, he stopped the sport. career. Since 2004, athletics coach at CSKA. Awarded 5 medical, including honey. ord. "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd class. (1996).

December 24 marks the 50th anniversary of the four-time world champion in race walking Mikhail Shchennikov. One of the best runners in history continues to motivate young colleagues to achieve maximum results, but his world five-kilometer record, set in 1995, has not been broken. On the eve of the anniversary, a Kultura correspondent asked the famous champion about the secrets of skill, the main achievements and his football player son, who plays for CSKA and the Russian national team.

culture: Race walking pretty specific kind sport, which of the relatives or friends advised you to pay attention to it?
Shchennikov: He spent his childhood in Chelyabinsk, where he joined football. I liked to drive the ball, so I signed up for the section with pleasure. I participated in various tournaments, and it seemed to work well, but before one of the matches, during the medical control, I was diagnosed with myopia. The commission immediately rejected, and Pele had to forget about the laurels. Later, on the advice of a friend, he switched to athletics. At first, in Suleimanov's group, he carried out the most diverse training work - game exercises, running, jumping, but gradually switched to walking. Sergei Alexandrovich also did a lot of strength training, performed tasks for flexibility and coordination. It was then that we managed to lay a good foundation for future high results. In 1983, after the eighth grade, he went to Moscow and lived and trained at the Olympic Reserve School (UOR) for two years.

culture: Was moving from home to the capital's sports boarding school difficult for you?
Shchennikov: At the age of 15, of course, it is difficult without parents. But I was lucky that another guy from Chelyabinsk, Dima Kuznetsov, worked there. He was older than me by two years and helped to adapt to an unfamiliar city. In addition, for a significant part of the year I traveled to training camps and competitions, so there was not much time to miss home. By the way, at first he trained with Schatz and Golovin, and six months later he moved to Sergei Lobastov. Having entered the institute, he did not change his mentor and worked all his career with him and with Grigory Yakovlevich Klimov.

culture: At the 1996 Olympics, eyewitnesses were shocked by the intensity of the struggle at the fifty dollars. Unfortunately, TV viewers saw a small part of the epic battle. The events of twenty years ago have not yet been erased from memory?
Shchennikov: Until that moment, I had a sad experience at long distances. As a rule, he started too quickly, and then came the reckoning. And although the weather in Atlanta during our entry was not hot, I started very carefully. By the middle of the distance I was about thirtieth and inferior to the lead group for about four minutes. To the leaders began to be selected gradually. He overtook the second-placed one less than a kilometer before the finish line, and lost to the champion Robert Korzhenevsky in just 16 seconds. It remains to be regretted that it was added late.

culture: You quite surprised the public when, at the height of the doping scandal with our athletes, you supported the head coach of the Olympic Training Center for Race Walking in Saransk, Viktor Chegin, who is called the main culprit of the troubles that fell on the walkers.
Shchennikov: We are not friends, we last met at the Moscow World Cup in 2013. In any case, I consider him a great hard worker and sports fan. I do not know all the details of the doping scandals associated with Chegin, but I think his fault is not in the thirst for profit, but in a great desire to see his students as winners. Another thing is how he went to achieve the goal. The success of his school is due to various reasons, more significant than doping. In addition to high coaching qualifications, excellent organizational skills also brought glory to Viktor Mikhailovich. He relied not only on the training of masters, but also paid great attention to the mass development of walking in Mordovia.

culture: From the point of view of an amateur, Chegin, having such great connections and opportunities, was it not easier to negotiate with the judges than to stuff his charges with illegal drugs?
Shchennikov: At domestic competitions, he may have had such opportunities, but at international level everything is more difficult. And what's the point of a walker running? You can easily get disqualified. With a well-established walking technique, you get less tired than from an intermediate one - between running and walking.

culture: In terms of judging, walking is the most subjective discipline in athletics. Do you expect in the near future that technical violations will be detected using electronics? For example, sensors embedded in the soles will determine the "stage of flight".
Shchennikov: So far, the matter does not go further than conversations. Referees also pay attention to the fact that the walker does not bend his knees, and the lack of vertical amplitude of the body. Specialists have trained eyes, they easily identify violators. Walking is judged quite objectively.

culture: Saber fencers said that when there were no electronics and the judge's injections were determined by eye, they often agreed: you do not "hack" the representative of my country, and I, in turn, will treat your compatriot favorably.
Shchennikov: In walking, this could only be practiced on the inner level. I have never seen this at international competitions.

culture: The head coach of the USSR national athletics team, Gavriil Korobkov, spoke about an incident at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, when a Mexican ran ahead of Nikolai Smaga at the finish line. And the head of the judiciary justified: “At the stadium, many fans have pistols, but I have a wife and children.”
Shchennikov: I saw the video of that finish. And Jose Pedraza did not notice any violations in walking technique. Of course, in the dark tunnel at the entrance to the stadium, the Mexican could afford this, but that's all. I think our sports official exaggerated the scale of the tragedy. I can’t name a single case when I was overtaken by running at the finish line.

culture: You made an excellent career in athletics, and your son realized your childhood dream and became a successful football player. Admit it, did you have a hand in this?
Shchennikov: Everything is much easier. We lived not far from the Krylatskoye club, and Zhora went to training there. And from the age of 13 he began to go to CSKA, on his own by metro.

culture: Among athletes, one can often hear the phrase: “Football players plow much less than us, but earn many times more.” After such conversations, do you feel sorry for your son?
Shchennikov: I don't argue about money with colleagues. When I hear something like this, I just say: “And who is stopping you from playing football and earning millions? Go to a rich club, show off your ability and sign a good contract."

culture: As an experienced athlete and coach, did you control George's training at certain stages of your career?
Shchennikov: Only in childhood. I tried to teach something, even when Zhora started studying at Krylatskoye. But there were competent mentors in the football section, so I quickly realized that it makes no sense to interfere in the training process.

culture: How often do you go to your son's matches?
Shchennikov: I try not to miss home games in Moscow. Previously, he went to the guest. I left vivid impressions from visiting Milan and Munich, where CSKA played with Inter and Bayern.

Photo on the announcement: Alexander Chumichev/TASS newsreel


USSR USSR, Russia, Russia

Growth The weight Club Sports career Personal records Walking personal records 5000 m 10,000 m 20 km 50 km Indoor walking personal bests 5000 m

18:07.08 (1995) NR

International medals

Olympic Games
Silver Atlanta 1996 50 km
World Championships
Silver Tokyo 1991 20 km
Silver Athens 1997 20 km
World Indoor Championships
Gold Indianapolis 1987 5000 m
Gold Budapest 1989 5000 m
Gold Seville 1991 5000 m
Gold Toronto 1993 5000 m
World Cups
Gold Opitale 1989 team 20 km
Silver Opitale 1989 20 km
Gold San Jose 1991 20 km
Silver Beijing 1995 20 km
Gold Podebrady 1997 team 20 km
European Championships
Gold Helsinki 1994 20 km
European Indoor Championships
Gold The Hague 1989 5000 m
Gold Glasgow 1990 5000 m
Gold Paris 1994 5000 m

Mikhail Anatolievich Shchennikov(December 24, Yekaterinburg) - Soviet and Russian athlete (race walking). Honored Master of Sports (1987).

He played for the CSKA society. Silver medalist of the 1996 Olympic Games in the 50 km run, multiple world and European champion. The holder of the current world record in walking 5000 meters (indoors): 18:07:08.


Son George -

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An excerpt characterizing Schennikov, Mikhail Anatolyevich

"For God's sake, can't you relieve me?" - said the courier, - I have a bag full of letters to my parents.
Among these letters was a letter from Nikolai Rostov to his father. Pierre took this letter. In addition, Count Rostopchin gave Pierre the sovereign's appeal to Moscow, just printed, the last orders for the army and his last poster. After reviewing the orders for the army, Pierre found in one of them, between the news of the wounded, killed and awarded, the name of Nikolai Rostov, awarded George 4th degree for his bravery in the Ostrovnensky case, and in the same order the appointment of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky commander of the Jaeger regiment. Although he did not want to remind the Rostovs of Bolkonsky, Pierre could not refrain from wishing to please them with the news of his son's award and, leaving the appeal, poster and other orders with him, in order to bring them to dinner himself, sent a printed order and a letter to Rostov.
A conversation with Count Rostopchin, his tone of concern and haste, a meeting with a courier who carelessly talked about how bad things were going in the army, rumors about spies found in Moscow, about a paper circulating around Moscow, which says that Napoleon promises to to be in both Russian capitals, the conversation about the expected arrival of the sovereign tomorrow - all this with renewed vigor aroused in Pierre that feeling of excitement and expectation that had not left him since the appearance of the comet, and especially since the beginning of the war.
Pierre had long had the idea to enter military service, and he would have fulfilled it, if it had not interfered with him, firstly, his belonging to that Masonic society with which he was bound by an oath and which preached eternal peace and the abolition of war, and, secondly, what he, looking at a large number of Muscovites who donned uniforms and preached patriotism, for some reason it was ashamed to take such a step. The main reason why he did not fulfill his intention to enter the military service was the vague idea that he was l "Russe Besuhof, having the meaning of the animal number 666, that his participation in the great cause of the position of the limit of power to the beast, speaking great and blasphemy, it is predetermined from eternity and that therefore he should not undertake anything and wait for what should be done.

At the Rostovs', as always on Sundays, some close acquaintances dined.
Pierre arrived earlier to find them alone.
Pierre has grown so fat this year that he would have been ugly if he had not been so large in stature, large in limbs and had not been so strong that, obviously, he easily wore his thickness.
He, puffing and muttering something to himself, entered the stairs. The coachman no longer asked him whether to wait. He knew that when the count was at the Rostovs, it would be before twelve o'clock. The Rostovs' lackeys joyfully rushed to take off his cloak and take his stick and hat. Pierre, out of club habit, left both his stick and his hat in the hall.
The first face he saw of the Rostovs was Natasha. Even before he saw her, he, taking off his cloak in the hall, heard her. She sang solfeji in the hall. He realized that she had not sung since her illness, and therefore the sound of her voice surprised and delighted him. He quietly opened the door and saw Natasha in her purple dress, in which she had been at mass, walking around the room and singing. She was walking backwards towards him when he opened the door, but when she turned sharply and saw his fat, astonished face, she blushed and quickly went up to him.
“I want to try singing again,” she said. “It’s still a job,” she added, as if apologizing.