Who is Vitaliy Savchenko dating from dancing. Vitaliy Savchenko from the Dancing show: how old, what does he do, personal life? Going international

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CHARTER OF THE INTERNAL SERVICE OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 14-12-93) (as amended on 18-12-2006) (2019) Actual in 2018

Regimental Headquarters Officer

316. The officer on duty at the headquarters of the regiment is appointed from the warrant officers and sergeants of the regiment. He is responsible for guarding the service rooms of the headquarters, cleanliness in the headquarters premises, the correct performance of the service by messengers and for the timely receipt of correspondence and telephone messages. The officer on duty at the headquarters of the regiment reports to the officer on duty at the regiment, his assistant and the chief of staff of the regiment. On the surrender and acceptance of duty, the old and new duty officers report to the chief of staff of the regiment and the duty officer of the regiment.

317. The officer on duty at the headquarters of the regiment is obliged:

After the divorce, take documentation, equipment and inventory according to the inventory (Appendix 10);

Receive and transmit office telephonograms;

Manage messengers;

Stay in the headquarters premises without interruption, maintain cleanliness and order in it, allow unauthorized persons into the headquarters premises in the manner prescribed by the regiment commander;

When an alarm is declared, immediately notify all military personnel of the headquarters;

Take care of the service rooms and keep the keys to them;

Monitor compliance with the rules for firing furnaces, and at the end of the working day, inspect the premises of the regiment headquarters in terms of fire safety;

Take in not working time correspondence;

In the event of a fire, call the fire brigade, take measures to extinguish it and save the documents and property of the headquarters, immediately report this to the duty officer of the regiment and the chief of staff of the regiment;

Upon arrival at the headquarters of the regiment, the chief of staff of the regiment and other deputy commanders of the regiment and senior commanders over them, as well as officers not from their own military unit, introduce themselves to them.

For example: "Comrade major. Sergeant Zhigunov, on duty at the regimental headquarters."

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Complications and informal duties

In most military units, the main duty of the headquarters duty officer is to know exactly and always which officer is located and where. Informally, the position also involves notifying all those on duty (in companies, checkpoints, guards) if the authorities suddenly appear on the territory. For these warnings, you can get a scolding from the command and encouragement from colleagues.

It also has to:

  • Raise the alarm on a military unit or a ship;
  • Run to the canteen or shop for superiors if there are no messengers;
  • Clean up the room, and during field exercises, heat the stove;
  • Read letters from fighters, and report suspicious items;
  • Engage in computers, communications, radio equipment;
  • Lie to the high command about the drinking of the battalion commander and his associates;
  • Help make various lists, monitor the work of clerks.

The most difficult thing in the service as an assistant or on duty at headquarters is not sleeping. Even for a second. Otherwise, you can get disciplinary punishment, and in war time get on trial.

Therefore, the service at the headquarters duty officer is not sugar, although his duties are described in the charter very concisely and briefly.



465. The officer on duty at the headquarters of the unit is appointed from the sergeants of the headquarters and services of the unit. He is responsible for the protection of the service rooms of the headquarters, the cleanliness of the headquarters premises, the correct performance of the service by messengers and for the timely receipt and delivery of correspondence and telephone messages.

The officer on duty at the headquarters of the unit reports to the officer on duty, his assistant and the chief of staff of the unit.

On the surrender and acceptance of duty, the old and new duty officers report to the chief of staff of the unit and the duty officer of the unit.

466. The officer on duty at the headquarters of the unit is obliged:

after a divorce, accept documentation, equipment and inventory according to the inventory;

receive incoming mail during non-working hours;

receive and transmit office telephone messages;

manage messengers;

stay in the headquarters premises, maintain cleanliness and order in it, allow unauthorized persons into the headquarters premises in the manner prescribed by the unit commander;

when bringing a military unit to the highest degree of combat readiness, immediately notify all military personnel of the headquarters and services of the unit; at night, monitor observance of blackout;

take care of service rooms and keep the keys to them;

exercise control over the implementation of the rules for firing furnaces, and at the end of the working day, check the fire safety of the premises of the headquarters;

in the event of a fire, call the fire brigade, take measures to extinguish it and save the documents and property of the headquarters, immediately report this to the duty officer and the chief of staff of the unit;

upon arrival at the headquarters of the chief of staff of the unit and other deputy commanders of the unit and their senior commanders, as well as officers of a military unit other than their own, introduce themselves to them.

For example: “Major. Sergeant Kusainova on duty at the headquarters of the unit.

467. The officer on duty at the headquarters of the unit must have a register of incoming correspondence, incoming and outgoing telephone messages, as well as a list of military personnel of the unit’s administration living outside the military unit, indicating their addresses, telephone numbers and how to call them.

Duty signalist-drummer

468. The signal drummer on duty is appointed from trained soldiers of the units and reports to the duty officer and his assistant. He must be in a room near the room on duty in the unit and give signals on the orders of the duty officer or his assistant.

To give signals in the absence of a signalist-drummer, technical means of playing music can be used.


1. General Provisions.

1.1. The messenger is appointed and dismissed by order CEO by the head of the department. In his production activities, he is directly subordinate to the deputy shift supervisor of the accommodation service.

1.2. In his work, the messenger is guided by this job description, orders and orders of the administration, internal labor regulations, rules for receiving and sending luggage, staff regulations and other local regulations and instructions.

1.3. When on duty, the messenger must wear the prescribed uniform, have a neat appearance, be polite and attentive to guests, comply with the standard of conduct for hotel employees, the appearance standard, the standard of behavior in an emergency, safety and labor protection regulations.

2. Responsibilities.

2.1. Be on duty at the accommodation counter.

2.2. Welcome guests.

2.3. Receive and place free media on the stand of the periodical press.

2.4. Advise guests on the services available at the hotel, their cost and the procedure for their provision.

2.5. Issue verbal references regarding the hotel, the location of city attractions, and so on.

2.6. Receive incoming correspondence and forward it to its destination:

– a message for a guest or employee must be sent within 20 minutes from the moment of its receipt, if the addressee is in the hotel;

– in the absence of a guest (employee), the message should be transmitted at his first appearance.

2.7. Respect the confidentiality of guest information: do not read or discuss with others papers and documents left in the room, incoming faxes and written messages for guests.

2.8. Deliver or bring into the rooms or take out of the rooms the luggage of foreign tourists only in accordance with the instructions of the shift supervisor or the porter of the accommodation desk.

2.9. When loading, unloading, transporting and delivering luggage to and from rooms, the messenger must be careful and attentive, carefully handle luggage, improvised means (trolleys), elevators, doors on the floors, and prevent their damage and damage.

2.10. If you find things, documents, valuables forgotten or lost by tourists, report to the deputy head of the shift or head of the service, ensure their safety, take part in the registration of their delivery to the storage room.

2.11. Ensure the safety of belongings and luggage.

2.13. Ensure the safety of material assets, cleanliness and order at the reception and accommodation desk and in the hotel lobby.

2.14. Get paid for phone calls and for extending your stay at the hotel.

2.15. Handle small errands and guest requests.

2.16. Inform the immediate superior about the existing shortcomings in working with hotel customers and the necessary measures to eliminate these shortcomings.

2.17. Show constant responsiveness to the needs of guests, be tolerant and be able to answer their questions.

2.18. Keep commercial or official secrets that become known to the employee in connection with the performance of labor duties (commercial or official secrets include any information that has actual or potential commercial value due to its knowledge to third parties).

2.19. Comply with the requirements of safety, labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire safety, internal labor regulations.

2.20. The messenger is prohibited from visiting the hotel rooms and entering into non-business relations with the hotel guests without the need for production.

2.21. Perform other duties as directed by the Shift Supervisor as necessary.

3. Responsibility.

3.1. For the timely and high-quality execution of their official duties and work technologies.

3.2. For the implementation of the internal labor regulations and regulations on personnel.

3.3. For compliance with the requirements of safety regulations and fire safety regulations.

3.4. Bears full individual financial responsibility for failure to ensure the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him.

4.1. Submit proposals for the improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the hotel management.

4.2. Draw the attention of hotel staff and managers to the special wishes of guests.

5. Qualification requirements.

5.1. Have an education not lower than secondary.

5.2. Know foreign language(English is a must).

5.3. Know the norms of international etiquette and behavior.

5.4. Know the price list for rooms and additional services.

5.5. Know the rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation.

5.6. Know the rules for evacuating guests and staff in case of fire.

5.7. Know the basics of etiquette and ethics in serving guests.

5.8. Know the management structure of the hotel.

5.9. Know the location of guest and service rooms of the hotel.

5.10. Know the internal phone numbers of key hotel employees.

5.11. Know the orders, instructions, rules related to the activities of the guest accommodation service.

5.12. Know the location of points of interest to guests closest to the hotel.

Head of the accommodation service ___________ Full name "__" __________ 200_

Head of the Legal Department _____________ Full name "__" _________ 200_


Hotel director

Full name

"__" _______________ 200_

List of used literature


fire outfit

325. A fire brigade is assigned daily from a full-time firefighting unit of a military unit consisting of: the head of the squad, drivers (motorists) and numbers of combat crews by the number of attached fire trucks or other vehicles (motor pumps), guards by the number of fire posts. The fire brigade is subordinate to the duty officer of the military unit and the head of the fire fighting unit.

Fire patrols are appointed daily from the emergency fire fighting unit, the composition of which is determined by order of the unit commander for the academic year.

326. The fireman is obliged to:

monitor compliance with fire safety requirements in the premises of all units and on the territory of the military unit;

carry out fire-guard service according to the report card;

monitor the serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment at the facilities;

together with the heads of storage facilities, warehouses and the park attendant, before closing the facilities, check the compliance with fire safety requirements and disconnection of electrical networks, subject to these rules, hand them fire tokens; report to the officer on duty at the military unit at the time established by the report card on the fulfillment of fire safety requirements in the military unit;

in the event of a fire, participate in its extinguishing.

The fire brigade performs its duties at the time set by the commander of the military unit.

On the surrender and acceptance of duty, the old and new chiefs of the fire brigade report to the head of the fire department and the duty officer of the military unit.

The fire department is provided with the necessary fire extinguishing equipment, and the military personnel serving as part of combat crews on fire trucks (motor pumps) are provided with special clothing (jackets, trousers, mittens made of special waterproof fabric, belts and steel helmets), and the heads of the teams and commanders of fire fighting units - raincoats.


Back to previous part

kitchen outfit

The outfit for the kitchen is probably the only type of outfit that anyone who served in the army went through at least once. Perhaps it would not make much sense to write about him, however, for the sake of completeness of memories, I will dwell on him - it is quite possible that something was organized differently in other regiments.

The kitchen outfit in our regiment consisted of a kitchen duty officer, usually appointed from sergeants, but there were cases when one of the junior officers of the unit or an ensign was appointed on duty. In the latter case, he could even be from another unit. In addition to the duty officer, the outfit included six people who were divided in pairs into dishwashers (we called it a “disco”) - either the youngest were sent there, or as a punishment; serving the cooking room and waiters (the so-called upper room). The last place of carrying the outfit was the most privileged, and these duties were usually performed by old-timers, and sometimes by sergeants, especially during the period of demobilization. There were cases when warriors from another unit were included in the kitchen outfit - this was considered the most severe punishment, because, even with other things being equal, for example, in terms of length of service, they could at best qualify for a place in the brewhouse.

Before entering the service, the entire personnel of the outfit, with the exception of the duty officer and waiters, received a robe and rubber boots from the captain. The robe was almost always dirty and smelly. Only after ensign Trushanin came to the battery as a foreman, he was able to organize its periodic washing. Further, before the start of the divorce, the entire staff of the kitchen outfit without fail went to the medical unit, where the doctor, and most often Zitzer, carefully examined everyone’s hands for the absence of damage to the skin, and most importantly, skin diseases. At the same time, everyone was asked about the absence of pain in the abdomen and liquid stool. Any inflamed wound on the hands could be the reason why the doctors demanded a replacement assigned to the kitchen outfit, which some people sometimes used. By the way, when after graduating from the institute I got to the training camp in the city of Gusev, Kaliningrad region, there was no such check before the outfit. As a result, in the town, and there were several military units eating in the same canteen, several people were hospitalized with dysentery. Later it turned out that one warrior from the kitchen outfit was the peddler of the infection. Then the entire staff of the town was subjected to a humiliating, in our opinion, test for dysentery. Fortunately, none of those who went through the training camp got sick, but for two weeks we ate on the street from the field kitchen.

But back to the description of the kitchen outfit. Upon arrival at the place of service after the divorce, the personnel of the outfit carried out the acceptance of premises and equipment from the previous outfit. All premises, equipment, and especially utensils, had to be clean. Boiler equipment, dishes and thermoses were especially carefully checked: there should not have been food residues and fat. Since the dishes were not wiped after washing, they often left a thin layer of fat on them, which could only be felt by touch. Therefore, dishwasher workers used to check literally every plate and spoon, simultaneously counting their number. All shortcomings were reported to the duty officer, who wrote them down in the duty acceptance certificate. There were cases when the previous outfit was forced to wash all the dishes, even if only a few greasy plates or spoons were found - it all depended on who was in the intervening and changing outfit. If there was a shortage of dishes, the previous outfit had to find her, an exception was made only if, for example, material evidence of her damage was presented - for this case, almost everyone knew where broken plates or broken spoons could be found in the town. In this case, a corresponding entry was made in the acceptance certificate, and the wreckage returned to its place - until the next time. Worse, if pots or pans disappeared, and this sometimes happened - then the replaced outfit literally combed the territory of the town, and especially the barracks. Usually they still remembered which of the "old men" fried potatoes in the evening, and asked them to return the inventory.

At the end of the acceptance, and sometimes, if the previous outfit could not immediately hand over the shift, and before it ended, the new outfit went to the grocery warehouse to receive food - they were issued immediately for a day. Usually this was the responsibility of the workers in the brewhouse, but sometimes dishwashers were also given to help them. Then work began.

The hardest part was on the dishwasher. While cooking was going on, it was necessary to constantly wash the cooking equipment, but these were trifles compared to what began after the end of the meal. Although, it should be noted that since in our regiment the meal took place only in one shift, this task was not so difficult - it was only necessary to wash about 400 sets of dishes. The main problem was getting hot water. Most often, she simply did not enter the dining room, especially on bath days, and if she did, then her temperature was not enough for washing dishes. In this case, there was a “Titan” in the brewing department, which provided the dining room with boiling water, which, however, flowed out of it in a thin stream, and in order to collect, for example, a 50-liter tank, and that is how much boiling water it took to fill the baths in the dishwasher, it is necessary had to wait about an hour. At the same time, hot water was also needed in the brewing department, and therefore, because of hot water, real battles sometimes occurred. Our dishes were washed by hand, for the first time I saw a dishwasher at the training ground, but more on that later. For washing dishes, we had three baths installed - in the first, washing powder was poured and the primary washing of dishes was carried out there, after which the dishes were transferred to the second bath, where the soap solution was washed off, and then - to the third - for final rinsing. I don’t remember now, on whose advice, while in the dishwasher, I poured mustard powder into the second bath - as a result, there were no greasy marks left on the dishes, however, not everyone knew this trick. Before washing, it was necessary to remove the remnants of food from the dishes - a special tank was intended for them, which was then taken out into the yard, where the slops were poured into a large barrel, and it, in turn, was taken to the pigsty in the evening. Thermoses were the most difficult for us - they were brought with dried food remnants and it was very difficult to wash them, especially in the corners. When washing dishes, and especially thermoses, a very large part of the water splashed on the floor, as a result of which it became slippery like a skating rink. Therefore, from time to time it was also necessary to wash the floor. The air in the dishwasher was like a steam room, but it was spiced with the stench of slop. At the end of the process, the hands became red and swollen. However, the work did not end there - it was necessary to go to the brewhouse to help peel the potatoes - this was usually done after dinner, although sometimes after breakfast - it all depended on the menu. After lunch, dishwashers were not involved in outside work, they had to prepare the dishes for delivery, put things in order in the dishwasher and clean the area around the dining room.

The main duty of the outfit in the cooking room was to maintain order, clean vegetables, help cooks in cooking and wash boilers when it was completed. Compared to the dishwasher, the load here was somewhat less, but the work required some skill - injuries occurred more often here - mainly burns and cuts. In addition, this part of the outfit was most often subjected to various tricks by chefs - the most famous of them is blowing pasta. Before starting cooking, it was necessary to clean and wash vegetables, rinse cereals, meat, fish and dried fruits. Most of the time was spent on peeling potatoes - they usually gave out 200 - 250 kilograms and only sometimes less. To peel potatoes, there was a special potato peeler, which acted on the principle of a centrifuge, however, after it, it was still necessary to clean up those places that remained unpeeled, especially the “eyes”. I still remember Sergeant Alimov's favorite expression: "I love looking at potatoes, but I don't like when they look at me!" Quite often, the potato peeler broke down, in which case an emergency call was announced and about ten people from the duty unit were called to help the kitchen outfit and all the potatoes were peeled by hand. In the process of cooking, the outfit of the cooking room usually followed the instructions of the cooks - serve, bring, clean, and also washed the floors in the cooking room, since they were covered with a layer of fat during the cooking process. At the end of cooking, the outfit helped the cooks at the distribution, and also loaded thermoses onto the “aircraft”. In thermoses, cooked food was delivered to the guards, to the duty divisions of the division and the RTC, and to the outposts. For officers on duty units, food was prepared separately and loaded into special small thermoses. At the end of the distribution, it was necessary to wash all the boilers and other non-movable inventory, smaller inventory was transferred to the dishwasher for washing. In addition, it was necessary to put things in order and wash the floors in all rooms, except for the upper hall, the bread slicer and the dishwasher.

Carrying the outfit in the upper hall was the easiest, so other things being equal, there was always a struggle for this place. Unlike other members of the outfit, the waiters, upon arrival at the dining room, received white tunics that were worn over their uniforms. The main duty of this part of the attire was to maintain cleanliness and order in the room, as well as before entering the dining room, preparing the room for meals by personnel and cleaning it after eating. In addition, the waiters were responsible for unloading the bread truck. They were usually not involved in other work in the kitchen. Preparation for the meal consisted in setting tables, this work was directly supervised by the kitchen attendant - he indicated how many people in each unit would eat according to consumption, and how many people would sit at each table. In accordance with this, dishes were placed on the tables. In our regiment, each table was assigned to a specific unit, each of them placed twelve people. Tanks with food (with soup or side dishes), as well as salads, if any, were issued by cooks strictly according to the number of tables and the number of eaters at them. Meat (more often, however, lard) or fish were placed on the tables in bowls, bread and butter - on plates, compote - in mugs - strictly according to the number of eaters. Further distribution of food at the table was made by the servicemen themselves. At the end of the meal, the dishes were usually taken to the dishwasher by the servicemen themselves, the waiters only had to wipe the tables and then wash the floor in the room. This was the end of their work.

The main part of the outfit, with the exception of the waiters, usually finished work after dinner by midnight, and by six o'clock in the morning they should have already been in place. By this time, the cook on duty was already working hard - his shift began at five in the morning. By the way, our cooks prepared quite well - I can judge this by comparing it with other units where I managed to visit both during my service and later, at military training camps. They especially pleased us on holidays - these days we always had fresh pastries (patties or buns), and meat sauce was replaced by cutlets, zrazy, and even chops. Now, after years, I understand how much work it took for the chefs to prepare these culinary delights for the entire staff.

Unit order

Probably, it would not even be worth writing about this outfit, since everyone knows everything about it - those who served - from their own experience, those who did not serve - from stories and films. Nevertheless, I will still allow myself to dwell on some features of its carrying in our unit. As I wrote before, main feature we had the fact that the headquarters of the division was also located in our barracks. It predetermined everything. Firstly, the orderly, standing at the bedside table, practically could not go away from there. Even at night, someone from the command of the division often dropped into the barracks, especially if he was on duty or was in charge of the regiment. Most often, the chief of staff of the division, Major Kozhan, came at night, even if he was not on duty. So his sudden checks on duty concerned not only duty platoons, but also the internal outfits of division units. There were, of course, cases of night visits by the battery command, but they did not cause us so much trouble - most often this happened before the announcement of the alarm. Secondly, the orderlies needed to maintain perfect cleanliness and order in the barracks, since the main “cleaner”, as we sometimes called him, the division commander, Lieutenant Colonel Fokin, could find fault with any little thing - I already wrote about his addictions earlier. Almost any of his visits to the sleeping quarters ended for the outfit with many hours of work - after his departure, the barracks resembled a battlefield: overturned bedside tables, scattered beds and overcoats. Fortunately for us, such “checks” were not daily. During the day, when the entire command was leaving for the division, it was possible to relax, and even then, only if confirmation came that all the officers were in the division. Otherwise, it was necessary for the free change of orderlies to at least outwardly show their employment. In this regard, it was easier for the fighters from the second battery - the division command visited them much less often, although their barracks were directly opposite ours.

The main tools for the attire were a rag, a mop and a “mashka”, she is also a “mari-bath”. The last device was an ingenious invention of those who served earlier, which was a wooden box, inside of which four bricks were placed, four brushes were screwed to the bottom, and a long wooden handle on the side. The device was intended for rubbing with mastic floors in a sleeping room. After wiping the floor with the device, it just shone! True, from time to time it was necessary to clean out the dirt that clogged the brushes, or even change the brushes themselves, but this device increased productivity significantly. At the same time, it also improved the physical form of the fighter who worked with him. In addition, the outfit had to constantly monitor the cleanliness around the barracks - in winter, in the snow, one person constantly cleared the snow - God forbid, if Lieutenant Colonel Fokin, approaching the barracks, sees at least a five-centimeter layer of snow! At the same time, the roads in the town were cleared only in the daytime, and then as far as possible. The parade ground was cleared with the same thoroughness, but the RTC squad was responsible for it.

Speaking in general, the outfit for the unit was perceived by us as an integral part of the service, and not as a punishment, although sometimes it was such. I can’t say that wearing the outfit was easy, especially in the first year of service, together with the old-timers, however, there was no obvious pushing on their part in the outfit. Of course, the most unpleasant job in this outfit was cleaning the toilets, but for this there were almost always punished from among the young fighters who were not part of the outfit. By the way, the practice of cleaning the toilet with a blade or a toothbrush, as an addition to punishment, appeared with us, in my opinion, only in the second year of my service, after the arrival of young sergeants from the “training”.

Attire in the officer's mess

The outfit in the officer's canteen, which is also a soldier's tea room, belonged to daytime outfits and was officially called the "officer's canteen waiter." By the way, the name “chip”, which is so common now, did not exist during my service, we often called it “glass”, since two walls of the dining room were completely glass. One person was assigned to this outfit, usually for a period of a week - from Saturday to Friday, and never - as a punishment. The service in this attire began at 7 am, i.e. almost immediately after getting up and ended no later than 10 pm. There were exceptions only if an event was held in the officer's canteen - a wedding or a birthday, but this was extremely rare. The main duties in this outfit were: cleaning and washing dishes, maintaining cleanliness in the premises, as well as helping with obtaining products. Products for the officer's canteen were issued mainly from the unit's warehouse once or twice a week. Bread, usually a couple of trays, was delivered simultaneously with the delivery to the soldiers' canteen. Once a week, on Thursdays, a car would come bringing juices, lemonade, cookies, sweets and other small things for sale in the buffet, as well as those products that were not in stock. Milk was brought daily from a neighboring state farm.

I first got into this outfit sometime in the spring of 1972, after that I was in it five or six times. The officers' canteen opened at 8:00, by which time several people, mostly young bachelor officers, usually gathered outside the doors for breakfast. Sometimes conscripts came to breakfast, mostly from old-timers. After breakfast, it was necessary to remove dishes and tablecloths from all tables - at 9:30, children from the kindergarten were brought to the dining room for breakfast. At the end of their breakfast, they had to clean the entire room, as everything was strewn with crumbs and food debris. The dining room opened again at 11:00, but only the buffet was open until 12:00. At this time, if anyone came, then, usually, only for cigarettes. Significantly more visitors came to the dining room for lunch, there were days when all the places were occupied. At 14:00, the children were again brought in, before that it was again necessary to remove the tablecloths, and then clean the premises. In the evening, the dining room was open from 17:00 to 20:30 - at this time, the dining room was more in line with its second name, since the main visitors were soldiers. As for the food offered in the officers' canteen, it was not exquisite, but it was cooked at home. For children, food, with the exception of soup, was prepared separately. And so, for breakfast, you could choose between scrambled eggs, porridge and salad, adding a cutlet or fish to them, soup was offered for lunch and a choice of two or three options for the second, in the evening you could take hot, however, usually what was left from lunch . Always on sale were fresh buns and pies, which were baked on the spot. At the same time, the prices for everything were quite moderate - lunch, for example, cost, on average, 50 kopecks.

Three people worked in the officer's canteen: a barmaid, a cook and a confectioner. For some reason, nothing about the barmaid remained in my memory - neither name nor appearance. The confectioner was elderly woman who lived in the nearest village. She came very early, probably at five o'clock, but fresh pies were always ready for the opening of the dining room. She baked them perfectly! As for the cook, her name, in my opinion, was Zina, she was a real legend of the town. She lived in one of the Finnish houses, occupying a small room there. She was tall, she looked about 30-35 years old, however, it was very difficult to call her a beauty, moreover, she wore the strongest, similar magnifiers, glasses. Nevertheless, she enjoyed some success with the young officers and, by conversation, she herself was extremely loving. But this was not the main thing - you could buy vodka from her at any time of the day. The price of a bottle was standard: ten rubles. I note that vodka then cost from 3.62 to 4.12, depending on the variety. Of course, she did not sell it to everyone, but only to those whom she knew well, moreover, one at a time, especially for soldiers. In the dining room, she had bottles hidden somewhere in the back room, she took them out only if no one was nearby, and before handing over, she was sure to pack them in a paper bag. At home, her trade went through the window. How much this service was in demand could be judged by the fact that in winter a real path was trodden to her window in the snow. I do not think that the command was not aware of this "business", however, until the end of my service, trade went on without interruption. Somewhere after the second outfit, I also had the honor of acquiring this drink, however, I didn’t abuse it much, especially since I was extremely rare in the town.

Returning to the outfit, I can say that the work in it was not hard. The main thing was to have time to quickly remove the dishes from the tables, as this caused discontent among the visitors, especially the senior officers and their wives, who quite often came to the dining room for lunch. It is also worth noting that, during the outfit, he himself still had to eat in the soldiers' canteen, moreover, much later than the entire personnel. Only sometimes it was possible to dine for free if there were surpluses of cooked, and even then, mostly side dishes.

Headquarters outfit

The outfit at the headquarters belonged to the daily outfits, two people were assigned to it: a messenger and a duty officer. The official title of the latter was "staff clerk on duty". Despite the fact that there were five clerks in the headquarters and, it would seem, it was they who should have been appointed as the duty officer, nevertheless, they almost never went to this type of outfit. In general, in my opinion, the service of these guys was more like working in some civil institution - I have never seen them in any classes, maybe with the exception of general political classes. Immediately after breakfast, the clerks left for the headquarters and only appeared in the barracks in the evening, in the interval, however, they came for lunch and dinner, but not in the general formation of the unit, but on their own. It was extremely rare to see them in dress in the kitchen, and even then as waiters, even if they served less than six months.

Mostly old-timers were appointed to this outfit, moreover, the duty officers, especially at the beginning of my service, were usually clerks of divisions (chapters). Later, this provision was changed and other military personnel who were fluent in Russian with a well-read handwriting began to be appointed on duty at the headquarters. The latter was necessary when recording incoming telephone messages in a special journal. In addition, it was necessary to know all the commanders, as well as staff members. The duty officer at the headquarters was obliged not to allow outsiders into the headquarters, to report to the duty officer on the regiment about all the telephone messages received, when urgent telephone messages were received, in the absence of the duty officer on the regiment, to report them directly to the unit commander or his deputies, to transmit outgoing telephone messages, to manage the work messenger. It was also necessary to ensure cleanliness and order in the headquarters and in the adjacent territory, while it was forbidden to enter the offices of the headquarters - I don’t even know who cleaned there. At the end of the working day, it was still necessary to take the keys to all the premises of the headquarters, with the exception of the secret part, and to check that all offices were sealed. The keys were stored in a special box, their receipt and issuance were recorded in a log. The only room that was not sealed was the communication center, where the signalman on duty was constantly sitting.

The headquarters officer was sitting in a room located directly at the entrance to the headquarters, and separated from the entrance by a large window, which allowed him to see all the incoming people. The duty officer was usually here as well. On the wall of the room, under the curtain, were posted lists of all officers, re-enlisted and civilian employees of the unit, indicating their place of residence, as well as the military units that were part of our corps, with the names of commanders and call signs. There was a trestle bed in the room, on which the duty officer usually slept at night. The entrance to the headquarters was equipped with a low fence with a gate, which was locked from the room with a special latch. During working hours, the gate was usually not locked, as this created inconvenience for the staff of the headquarters who were always in a hurry. The bolt was locked if someone else entered the headquarters. True, the concept of “outsider” was very vague with us - almost all residents of the town could enter the headquarters without restrictions, since the headquarters housed the apartment-operational part (KECh), in simple terms - house management.

Of all the daily orders, duty at the headquarters, in my opinion, was the easiest. I happened to be in this outfit, probably ten times. The main task in this outfit was to keep track of who from the authorities went to the headquarters and who left, so that, if necessary, it was possible to report whether this person was in place or not. This was especially true for staff officers. The duty officer was usually allowed to go about his business: read books, write letters, the main thing is that this does not interfere with the performance of the service. Of course, everything depended on who was on duty in the unit - some of them, however, there were a minority of them, were only allowed to read the charters and forced to constantly monitor cleanliness, and at night they were even forbidden to take a nap. Luckily for me, I only had one like this. Others, on the contrary, brought newspapers and magazines with them, and immediately after lights out they sent the duty officer at the headquarters to sleep in the barracks, while they themselves settled down to sleep on a trestle bed. The most interesting thing for me was to read telephone messages and resolutions on them - from this one could learn about incidents in other regiments, planned events and people involved in them. With this information, it was possible, for example, to ask for some work outside the part, but I will talk about this a little later.

As for the messenger, his duties included notifying the headquarters officers who did not have telephones about the alarm (unit officers were notified by the messengers of their units) and fulfilling other one-time assignments of the headquarters workers. In addition, he was obliged to replace the duty officer at the headquarters at the time of eating, as well as for several hours at night, if the duty officer allowed it. By and large, it was difficult to even call it an outfit. The messenger in the daytime was usually in his unit (barracks), taking part in all planned activities. When the unit left for classes, for example, to the division, he either remained in the barracks or came to the headquarters. At night he was allowed to sleep, however, according to the rules, without taking off his uniform, however, this was almost always ignored. If necessary, he was called to the headquarters by phone. During my service, I was assigned a ball as a messenger only once, and the entire outfit sat in the barracks.

bath outfit

The bathing attire belonged to daytime attire. Three people were assigned to it. One of them was appointed to help the stoker, the other two served in the bathhouse itself. It was their responsibility to ensure cleanliness and order in the dressing room and in the washing department. In addition, they were required to take a change of linen to the laundry. Since I myself have never been in this outfit, I cannot describe in detail the service in this outfit.


This daily outfit was, perhaps, the only one that everyone dreamed of getting into, but rarely anyone succeeded. I also never managed to get into it. Therefore, I can only describe its organization.

The patrol schedule for our regiment for the next six months was sent from the corps in early December and June. The types of patrols were also indicated there: soldier's (an officer and two conscripts) or officer's (a senior officer and two officers or warrant officers). The officer patrol was appointed, as a rule, on holidays and pre-holiday days, as well as in the case of other significant events: Plenums of the Central Committee, various congresses and other all-Union events, and, in the latter cases, the type of patrol often changed from soldier to officer just a day before the outfit by telephone from the building.

Usually our regiment went out on one patrol per month. The patrol schedule that came from the corps was taken as the basis for drawing up the monthly regimental duty schedule, which indicated the specific unit providing patrols and the responsible officer. As a result, each unit about once every six months had to participate in the patrol, in fact, the personnel of the RTC were assigned to the patrol twice as often as the batteries, and the personnel of the PPR and the economic unit were at best assigned to the patrol once a year, which caused, of course, a certain dissatisfaction.

The selection of personnel sent to the patrol was treated very strictly. Candidates were nominated by platoon commanders two weeks before the patrol, guided by the following criteria: first, the candidate had to be an excellent student in combat and political training and serve at least one year; secondly, he should not have had a single reprimand in the last three months. In addition, it is desirable that the person appointed to the patrol be a member or candidate member of the CPSU, in extreme cases, a Komsomol activist. From the list of candidates, the battery commander, together with the political officer, chose the three most worthy (one as a reserve) and this list, after approval by the party bureau of the battery, was transferred to the headquarters, where, as far as I know, it was endorsed by the special officer. This whole procedure was due to the fact that the patrol was serving at Vnukovo airport, and, as you know, there could be foreigners there.

The day before joining the patrol, all the military personnel employed in it, including the reserve, received full dress uniform in the morning and put it in order before lunch - it had to strictly comply with the charter. After dinner, already in dress uniform, together with the officer, they were examined by the battery commander or one of his deputies, after which they all went to the headquarters for briefing. The briefing was usually conducted by the regiment commander, who also determined the final composition of the patrol. Of course, the warrior, who at the last moment found himself outside the list of those assigned to the patrol, was offended, but this is like in sports: someone always remains outside the pedestal.

On the day of the intercession, before lunch, the soldiers employed in the patrol put on the last polish, and after lunch they rested along with the rest of the daily outfit. Before the divorce, they received bayonet-knives and underwent the final examination of their appearance. At the end of the divorce, a car was waiting for them at the headquarters, usually the commander's GAZik, which took them to Vnukovo airport, where they were placed at the disposal of the military commandant.

At the end of the service, the patrol, as a rule, returned to the unit after the lights out. Usually the officer on duty was waiting for his arrival at the checkpoint. Immediately upon arrival, the senior patrol reported to the officer on duty about the progress of the service and about comments on the service, if any, after which the officer on duty inspected the personnel of the patrol for the absence of prohibited items. The fact is that colleagues usually gave those who entered the patrol a whole list of orders - they usually ordered something that was impossible to buy in the regimental store. In addition, there was an unwritten law: something must be brought from the patrol for the rest of the colleagues - most often it was either sweets or cigarettes. Marlboro cigarettes were especially valued, which were practically non-existent at that time, but they could be obtained at the airport. Checks on arrivals from the patrol were introduced after some foreign pornographic magazines were found in the barracks of the second battery somewhere at the end of 1972, which, according to Lieutenant Colonel Fokin, could have been delivered to the unit by the soldiers who were part of the patrol. Until that time, sometimes alcohol was also brought from the patrol - it all depended on which of the officers was the senior in the patrol.

Those arriving from the patrol were always eagerly awaited in the barracks. Firstly, everyone was interested in what they brought, and secondly, everyone expected stories about the patrol itself. Sometimes the discussions dragged on almost to the point of upsurge. After that, for several more days, the patrol members were forced to share their impressions with both colleagues and officers, and not only with their own unit.

bath attendant

In general, this attire and attire, probably, cannot be called, nevertheless, it was such. Unfortunately, I never managed to get into it, but we sometimes went to the pond to chat with the bath attendant, and at the same time look at the sunbathers. We were allowed to swim in the pond in the town only on command as part of a platoon, which was extremely rare - I swam there only a couple of times during my service.
Duty on the bath belonged to daytime outfits. The main difference between this outfit was that it was not included in the regimental schedule of outfits - only the soldiers of our first battery served in this outfit, since the pond in the town belonged to the area of ​​responsibility of our battery. Service in this attire began on the orders of the regiment commander even before the start of the bathing season, usually from mid-May, and continued until September 1. The place of duty was equipped with a "mushroom" to which a telephone cable was connected. The bath attendant was supposed to be on duty from 8:00 to 20:00, regardless of weather conditions, although usually on cold days and in bad weather, the duty officer sat in the barracks. At the time of lunch, one of the orderlies replaced the bath attendant.

The bath attendant was appointed for a week, usually from among the “demobilizations”, in order to keep them busy with at least something. A prerequisite for being assigned to this outfit was the ability to swim, although no one has ever tested this. Before joining the outfit, the foreman of the battery gave out a lifebuoy and a field telephone to the person on duty at the bathhouse, which, upon arrival at the place, had to be plugged into the socket on the “mushroom”, since the authorities sometimes checked with his help the presence of the person on duty on the spot.

The duties of the duty officer at the bathhouse included maintaining cleanliness and order around the pond, and especially on the territory of the bathhouse, preventing personnel from bathing outside organized groups, and also preventing people from bathing while intoxicated. Regarding the latter, it was not clear, however, how it was possible to prevent, for example, the drunken chief of staff of the regiment from swimming, which sometimes happened. In addition, the bath attendant was supposed to rescue drowning people, but this, fortunately, never happened during my service.

According to the rules, the bath attendant was supposed to serve in uniform, although in practice, especially on hot days, this requirement was ignored. Even senior officers, seeing this violation, usually limited themselves to remarks. In addition, the attendant always had the opportunity to swim. The most interesting thing is that for all the attractiveness of this outfit, for some reason there were not many people who wanted to take up duty in the bathhouse.


Duties of a Messenger at Headquarters

when visiting a medical center, direct superiors from the head of the medical center and above, as well as the duty officer and his assistant, introduce themselves to them.

For example: "Mr. Major. Paramedic on duty Sergeant Kambarova."

After the introduction, the paramedic on duty reports to the arrival about the presence of patients in the medical center and their condition.

Orderly at the medical point

454. The orderly at the medical station is appointed from among the orderlies and reports to the paramedic on duty (sanitary instructor). If there is no orderly position in the staff of the medical service, then the orderly at the medical station is appointed from the convalescent servicemen of fixed-term military service, who are not contraindicated in performing the duties of an orderly at the medical station.

He is obliged:

at the direction of the paramedic on duty (sanitary instructor) and under his supervision, sanitize incoming patients;

accept and prepare for disinfection the personal belongings of patients;

serve the sick, give them food and drink;

clean the premises of the medical center;

exercise control over the observance of internal order in the medical center.

Checkpoint duty officer

455. The officer on duty at the checkpoint is appointed from sergeants (foremen). He is responsible for the correct admission (exit) of persons arriving (departing) to the unit. the correctness of the removal (input) or export (import) of property (Appendix 31). The duty officer at the checkpoint is subordinate to the duty officer and his assistant. Assistants to the duty officer at the checkpoint are subordinate to him.

On the surrender and acceptance of duty, the old and new duty officers report to the duty officer in part.

456. The officer on duty at the checkpoint is obliged to:

check passes and identity documents of persons arriving at the unit, issue one-time passes with the permission of officials, the list of which is approved by the unit commander, and on the instructions of the unit officer on duty, his assistant;

check the correctness of the removal (input) or export (import) of any property;

report to the officer on duty about those persons whose documents he doubts are reliable;

not to allow military personnel of fixed-term military service to leave the location of the unit without documents for the right to leave, with violations of the rules for wearing military uniform clothing, and for teams following in formation on foot - without signal flags (signal lights);

be at a checkpoint; when absent on business with the permission of the duty officer, leave an assistant for himself;

control the correctness of the service of their assistants;

upon arrival of the unit commander and his deputies, meet them and introduce themselves to them.

457. An officer on duty at a checkpoint meets officers from a military unit other than his own and introduces himself to them.

For example: "Mr. Major General. Sergeant Orazbekov, duty officer at the checkpoint." Then he immediately reports the arrivals to the duty officer.

458. The duty officer at the checkpoint should have: instructions to the duty officer at the checkpoint and his assistant; instructions in case of bringing the unit to the highest degree of combat readiness and fire safety measures; daily routine and work schedule; a list of persons entitled to permit entry, import, removal and export of property to the territory of the unit, samples of their signatures; one-time pass forms; accounting book for the issuance of one-time passes; samples of a vacation ticket, a travel certificate (order), an alert card for messengers, a leave note, permanent, one-time and material passes and waybills; general military charters; visitor register (it records who arrived to whom, the purpose of the visit, the time of arrival and departure) and other documents.

Assistant on duty at the checkpoint

459. The assistant on duty at the checkpoint is appointed from the soldiers (sailors). He reports to the duty officer at the checkpoint.

The next assistant on duty is constantly at the checkpoint and is responsible for the correct passage of a part of the arriving persons into the territory, as well as for the correct removal (input) or export (import) of property.

460. The assistant on duty at the checkpoint is obliged to:

allow servicemen under the contract of their unit - with an identity card (passes), and military servicemen with fixed-term military service - with leave notes (vacation tickets, travel certificates, instructions, notification cards) in uniform and neatly dressed, other persons - only with passes;

when checking permanent or one-time passes, compare them with the samples available at the checkpoint, check the presence of a seal, as well as the correspondence of the photo to their bearer, control that they are not expired, and there is a face record on the one-time pass when the visitor exits, to follow to which a pass was issued;

check by material pass (waybill) when taking out (bringing in) or exporting (importing) property what exactly and in what quantity (number of places) is allowed to be carried or carried; with the permission of the officer on duty at the checkpoint, let only those cars that have waybills pass through;

report to the person on duty at the checkpoint about persons with expired passes and about the authenticity of documents that he doubts;

immediately report to the duty officer at the checkpoint about the arrival of the commander of the unit, his deputies, as well as officers of a non-own military unit.

Dining attendant

461. The dining room attendant is appointed from sergeants (foremen). He is responsible for the correct receipt of products from the warehouse, the completeness of their laying in boilers, the timely delivery of food according to established standards, the safety of kitchen utensils and utensils, as well as the sanitary and hygienic condition of the dining room and maintaining order in it. The dining room attendant reports to the duty officer, the deputy commander of the rear unit. He submits to the daily outfit assigned to work in the dining room, and cooks.

462. The new duty officer at the canteen at the appointed time arrives for briefing to the deputy commander of the rear unit, and in his absence - to the head of the food service.

Before the divorce, the new dining room attendant checks the composition of the outfit, submits it for a medical examination and fills out a daily dining order sheet. After the divorce, he accepts documents, kitchen utensils and utensils according to the inventory, checks the serviceability of technological equipment, distributes work among the personnel of the outfit in the dining room, instructs on safety requirements, personal and public hygiene while working in the cafeteria.

On the surrender and acceptance of duty, the old and new dining room attendants report to the deputy commander of the rear unit and the unit on duty.

463. The dining room attendant must:

know the number of personnel on allowance and menu layout;

personally control the receipt by the instructor-cook (senior cook) of products from the warehouse, their exact weight and, together with the doctor (paramedic on duty), check the good quality of the products; in case of inconsistency of the menu-layout received from the warehouse, immediately report this to the duty officer, the head of the medical service and the deputy commander of the rear unit;

to exercise control over the processing of products, as well as to ensure that the processing of meat and fish, the issuance of prepared food is carried out only by cooks;

be present at the division of meat and fish into portions, check their weight, as well as the correctness of the records of the instructor-cook (senior cook) in the book of accounting for quality control of cooking;

be present at the laying of products in the boiler and monitor that everything laid out according to the layout is put into the boiler exactly by weight;

do not allow military personnel who have not undergone a medical examination to work in the canteen, ensure that hygiene rules are observed during work;

distribute work among military personnel assigned to work in the canteen;

maintain cleanliness and order in the dining room, do not allow personnel to eat in the dining room in hats, coats (overcoats), insulated jackets and work (special) clothes, as well as in dirty (uncleaned) uniforms and shoes;

to exercise control over the timely serving and cleaning of tables, to organize the issuance of tableware and kitchen utensils, receiving them from the departments, as well as high-quality washing of dishes; do not allow her to be taken out of the dining room;

not to allow the issuance of food without quality control by a doctor (paramedic) and permission for its issuance to those on duty in the unit, to monitor the timely and correct distribution of food and the exact observance of the order of its issuance to units;

require that stocks of products be kept clean and in order, their reliable safety is ensured;

leave the consumption of food at the request of the foremen of the companies or those on duty in the companies (subdivisions), not allowing it to be stored for more than the established period;

organize timely waste disposal after food processing and monitor the cleanliness of the area adjacent to the dining room;

do not allow unauthorized persons into the dining room;

ensure compliance with fire safety and safety requirements during the operation of process equipment;

report all shortcomings to the duty officer or his assistant;

when visiting the dining room, direct superiors from the deputy commander of the unit and above, as well as the duty officer and his assistant, introduce themselves to them.

For example: "Mr. Colonel. Sergeant Orazgalieva, on duty at the canteen."

464. The dining room attendant must have: instructions for the dining room attendant, the senior cook (chef), the bread cutter, and the dining room workers; instructions in case of bringing the unit to the highest degree of combat readiness and fire safety measures; instruction on technique and safety requirements when working on technological equipment; daily routine, schedule of food intake by units, daily outfit; book of acceptance and delivery of duty; an inventory of property and equipment located in the dining room; food quality control book; norms for the output of prepared food and waste during food processing; cooking duration table; norms for issuing bread, butter and sugar and other documents.

Headquarters duty officer

465. The officer on duty at the headquarters of the unit is appointed from the sergeants of the headquarters and services of the unit. He is responsible for the protection of the service rooms of the headquarters, the cleanliness of the headquarters premises, the correct performance of the service by messengers and for the timely receipt and delivery of correspondence and telephone messages.

The officer on duty at the headquarters of the unit reports to the officer on duty, his assistant and the chief of staff of the unit.

On the surrender and acceptance of duty, the old and new duty officers report to the chief of staff of the unit and the duty officer of the unit.

466. The officer on duty at the headquarters of the unit is obliged:

after a divorce, accept documentation, equipment and inventory according to the inventory;

receive incoming mail during non-working hours;

receive and transmit office telephone messages;

manage messengers;

stay in the headquarters premises, maintain cleanliness and order in it, allow unauthorized persons into the headquarters premises in the manner prescribed by the unit commander;

when bringing a military unit to the highest degree of combat readiness, immediately notify all military personnel of the headquarters and services of the unit; at night, monitor observance of blackout;

take care of service rooms and keep the keys to them;

exercise control over the implementation of the rules for firing furnaces, and at the end of the working day, check the fire safety of the premises of the headquarters;

in the event of a fire, call the fire brigade, take measures to extinguish it and save the documents and property of the headquarters, immediately report this to the duty officer and the chief of staff of the unit;

upon arrival at the headquarters of the chief of staff of the unit and other deputy commanders of the unit and their senior commanders, as well as officers of a military unit other than their own, introduce themselves to them.

For example: "Mr. Major. On duty at the headquarters of the unit, Sergeant Kusainova."

467. The officer on duty at the headquarters of the unit must have a register of incoming correspondence, incoming and outgoing telephone messages, as well as a list of military personnel of the unit’s administration living outside the military unit, indicating their addresses, telephone numbers and how to call them.

Duty signalist-drummer

468. The signal drummer on duty is appointed from trained soldiers of the units and reports to the duty officer and his assistant. He must be in a room near the room on duty in the unit and give signals on the orders of the duty officer or his assistant.

To give signals in the absence of a signalist-drummer, technical means of playing music can be used.

fire outfit

469. The fire brigade is appointed from the full-time (non-standard) fire brigade of the unit, consisting of: the head of the squad, drivers (motorists) and numbers of fire brigades according to the number of attached fire trucks or other vehicles (motor pumps), guards according to the number of fire posts.

The fire brigade reports to the duty officer and the head of the fire brigade.

470. The fire department is obliged:

exercise control over the implementation of fire safety requirements in the premises of all divisions and on the territory of the unit;

carry out fire-guard service according to the report card;

monitor the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment at the facilities;

together with the heads of storage facilities, warehouses and those on duty in the park, storage area (technical area), check, before closing the facilities, compliance with fire safety requirements and disconnection of electrical networks, subject to these rules, hand them a fire token;

report to the duty officer at the specified time on the fulfillment of fire safety requirements in the unit;

in the event of a fire, participate in its extinguishing.

The fire brigade performs its duties at the time set by the commander of the unit.

On the surrender and acceptance of duty, the old and new chiefs of the fire brigade report to the head of the emergency fire brigade of the unit and the duty officer of the unit.

The fire department is provided with the necessary fire extinguishing equipment, and the military personnel serving as part of fire brigades on fire trucks (motor pumps) are provided with oxygen-insulating gas masks, jackets, trousers made of waterproof special fabric, belts and steel helmets.

Duty officer for the warehouse area (technical area)

471. The duty officer for the storage area (technical territory) is appointed from officers or contracted servicemen - sergeants responsible for storing missiles, ammunition and other materiel in the storage area (technical territory).

He is responsible for compliance with the access control, fire safety requirements, internal order in the warehouse area (technical area) and serving as a squad for the warehouse area (technical area).

The officer on duty in the warehouse zone (technical territory) reports to the officer on duty and his assistant, and in the order of internal service - to the deputy commander of the armament unit (rear, chief engineer, head of storage). Orderlies in the warehouse zone (technical territory) are subordinate to him.

The new duty officer for the storage area (technical area) at the appointed time arrives at the deputy commander of the armament unit (rear, chief engineer, head of storage) for briefing.

After the divorce of the daily order, the new duty officer for the warehouse zone (technical territory) receives from the duty officer for the part an extract from the order for opening the warehouse zone (technical territory) and accepts documents and property from the old duty officer according to the inventory, walks around the territory of the warehouse zone with him and receives inventory of sealed storages (warehouses), about which he makes an entry in the book of acceptance and delivery of duty.

On the surrender and acceptance of duty, the old and new duty officers report to the deputy commander of the armament unit (rear, chief engineer, head of storage).

472. The duty officer for the warehouse zone (technical territory) is obliged to:

be in the room assigned to him; when going on business, leave a free shift for himself and inform him where and for how long he was absent;

upon receipt of a signal to bring the unit to the highest degree of combat readiness, timely notify the personnel located in the storage area (technical territory), open the storage area (technical territory) and keep a record of the arriving loading teams and report this to the unit duty officer;

check the serviceability and readiness for use of a fire engine when taking duty;

carefully check all persons arriving in the warehouse area (technical area) passes (Appendix 32) and documents proving their identity, make a note on one-time passes about the time of arrival and departure from the warehouse area (technical area), after the change, hand over the passes to technical part (rear headquarters) of the unit;

to allow the opening of storages (warehouses) of persons given by order in parts, having a permit and a seal, making an entry about this in the relevant books, personally present at their opening;

control the export (import) of property from the warehouse zone (technical territory) to the warehouse zone (technical territory) in accordance with invoices, orders, material passes and an entry in the waybill, and also control that no unauthorized persons were allowed;

exercise control over the implementation of the daily routine in the warehouse area (technical area) and know what work is being done in which storages (warehouses); not to allow work in the warehouse area (technical area) that is not related to the maintenance of stored property (missiles, ammunition, military equipment) or with the equipment of the warehouse area (technical area);

constantly know the presence of personnel in the warehouse area (technical area);

monitor compliance with fire safety requirements and check the availability and condition of fire extinguishing equipment and fire alarms; seize from the personnel who arrived for work on the territory of the warehouse zone (technical territory) smoking and incendiary accessories; carry out admission to the technical territory only equipped and serviceable vehicles for the transport of explosive objects;

to control that in the evening, after the completion of all work in the storage area (technical area), the lights in the storages (warehouses) are turned off, and the external lighting of the storages (warehouses) and the storage area (technical area) is turned on;

about all violations of order in the warehouse area (technical territory) immediately report to the duty officer;

upon arrival in the storage area (technical area), direct superiors from the deputy commander of the unit and above, meet them and report to them.

For example: "Mr. Colonel. No incidents happened during my duty (or something happened). Lieutenant Saparbek, duty officer for the warehouse zone (technical territory)."

After the report, the duty officer accompanies the arrived chief through the territory of the warehouse zone (technical territory).

In the event of a fire in the warehouse area (technical area), the duty officer for the warehouse area (technical area) immediately calls the fire brigade, takes measures to extinguish the fire and save material assets and reports the incident to the commander of the unit and his deputy for weapons (rear, chief engineer, head storage).

Upon completion of work in the warehouse area (technical area), the duty officer for the warehouse area (technical area) checks that fire safety and security requirements are met in all storage facilities (warehouses) and on the territory of the warehouse area (technical area). environment, put things in order, together with the fire brigade, checks the fire safety of storages (warehouses) and receives from the heads of storages (warehouses) storages (warehouses), sites for storing military-technical property, missiles, ammunition, and also allows their sealing and additionally seals them with its seal. After checking the warehouse area (technical area) together with the fire brigade and receiving a fire tag, he, together with the head of the guard, bypasses all storage facilities (warehouses, sites), checks the condition of walls, windows, doors, the presence of seals, locks and seals, after which he hands over the warehouse zone (technical territory) under guard guard.

Before starting work in the warehouse area (technical area), the duty officer for the warehouse area (technical area), together with the head of the guard, bypasses all storage facilities (warehouses, sites), checks the condition of walls, windows, doors, the presence of seals and seals, and then removes the warehouse area from under the protection of the guard and is present at the opening of storage facilities (warehouses, sites) by the relevant officials.

473. In arsenals, bases, separate departments for the storage of weapons and ammunition, additional instructions may be developed that determine the procedure for opening and handing over guards, warehouses and storage facilities, taking into account the specifics of service at these facilities, which are approved by the commanders of military units. At these facilities, the duty officer for the technical territory, together with the head of the guard, bypasses the storage (warehouses) with small arms, hand grenades and ammunition for small arms; other ammunition storage sites are bypassed by the heads of departments (assistant heads of storage departments), the heads of the storage facilities together with the fire brigade, after which they are handed over to the guard by the available means of communication, they are asked to turn on the technical means of the security alarm of this storage and make sure they work. After a written report by the heads of storage departments to the warehouse duty officer on the inspections and sealing of the storage facilities, the warehouse duty officer hands over the technical territory under the protection of the guard.

Before starting work, the officer on duty in the technical area, together with the head of the guard, bypasses only storages (warehouses) with small arms, hand grenades and ammunition for small arms, checks the condition of walls, windows, doors, the presence of seals and seals. Other places of storage of ammunition are checked by the heads of departments (assistant heads of storage departments), together with the heads of storage facilities, after which they remove the technical territory from guard duty and are present when the storage facilities (warehouses) are opened by the relevant officials.

Orderly for the warehouse area (technical area)

474. The orderly for the warehouse zone (technical territory) is appointed from the soldiers. He is responsible for compliance with the established order in the warehouse area (technical area).

The orderly for the warehouse zone (technical territory) is subordinate to the duty officer for the warehouse zone (technical territory).

475. The orderly in the warehouse area (technical territory) is obliged to:

allow military personnel into the warehouse zone (technical territory), as well as let cars and other equipment into the warehouse zone (technical territory) and let them out of the warehouse zone (technical territory) only with the permission of the warehouse zone (technical territory) duty officer;

monitor the cleanliness and order in the warehouse area (technical area);

do not allow smoking and making fire in the premises and on the territory of the warehouse area (technical area), with the exception of specially designated areas;

in the event of a fire, immediately report to the duty officer in the warehouse area (technical area) and take measures to extinguish it;

about all violations of order in the warehouse area (technical area) immediately report to the duty officer in the warehouse area (technical area);

while remaining in charge of the warehouse zone (technical territory) duty officer, perform his duties.

The next orderly is posted at the entrance to the warehouse area (technical area), and the orderly of a free shift while working in the warehouse area (technical area) is located on the territory of the warehouse area (technical area) and monitors internal order, compliance with fire safety requirements and does not leave anywhere without the permission of the person on duty in the warehouse area (technical area).

Duty officer

476. The company officer on duty is appointed from sergeants and, as an exception, from the most trained soldiers. He is responsible for the timely notification of the company's military personnel about the received signals and orders, the exact implementation of the daily routine and compliance with other rules for maintaining internal order in the company, the safety of weapons, ammunition boxes, company property, personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants, and for the correct performance of duty by orderlies. The company duty officer is subordinate to the unit duty officer and his assistant, and in the order of internal service in the company - to the company commander and foreman of the company. Orderlies in the company obey him.

All sergeants and soldiers of the company must strictly comply with the requirements of the company officer on duty, determined by his official duties.

477. Before the divorce, the new duty officer of the company checks the composition of the assigned daily outfit of the company, examines it and presents it to the foreman of the company. After briefing, inspection, verification of knowledge of duties and carrying out practical exercises as a foreman of the company, he receives from the old duty officer information about the availability and expenditure of personnel and leads a daily order for a divorce.

After the divorce, the new duty officer, together with the old duty officer, checks and accepts weapons, boxes of ammunition and seals on them, property according to inventories, checks the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment, alarms and warnings, then the duty officers sign in the book of acceptance and delivery of duty.

Weapons are accepted individually, by numbers and in completeness. At the same time, the serviceability of locks, burglar alarms, cabinets, seals and other equipment is checked.

Having taken duty, the new duty officer, together with the old one, arrives at the company commander or the person replacing him, with a report on the surrender and acceptance of duty.

For example: "Mr. Captain. Sergeant Azhibaev passed his duty in the company." "Mr. Captain. Junior Sergeant Altaev took over duty in the company."

Then the new company officer on duty reports all the comments made and the instructions given to the officers on duty at the divorce, as well as any malfunctions or shortages discovered when taking the duty.

478. The officer on duty is obliged:

when bringing the unit to the highest degree of combat readiness, raise the personnel, notify the military personnel of the company living outside the location of the company, before the arrival of officers and military personnel under the contract of the company, follow the instructions of the unit on duty;

know the combat crew of the company;

to exercise control over the exact implementation of the daily routine in the company, at the set time to carry out a general rise of personnel;

know the location of the company and the order of its call, the presence of personnel in the company, the number of those on combat duty, combat service, on duty, the sick, dismissed from the location of the unit or sent as part of the teams, as well as the presence and exact consumption of weapons;

issue weapons, except for pistols, only in the presence of the company commander on duty, and in the absence of one of the indicated officials - with the personal permission of the unit commander, making an entry about this in the book for issuing weapons and ammunition, when receiving weapons, check the numbers and its completeness ; in the daytime, to have with you and not to hand over the keys to the room for storing weapons to anyone, and after the evening verification, to deposit them with the duty officer in a sealed pencil case;

in case of any incidents in the company and violation of the rules established by the charters for relations between soldiers or sergeants of the company, take urgent measures to restore order, immediately report this to the duty officer and the company commander or his deputy, and in the absence of the latter - to the sergeant (foreman) of the company ;

monitor the availability and serviceability of company fire extinguishing equipment and burglar alarms in weapon storage rooms, compliance with fire safety requirements in the company (allow smoking only in specially designated areas, drying uniforms only in rooms for drying uniforms and shoes, monitor compliance with the rules for firing stoves and use of lamps)

in the event of a fire, call the fire brigade, take measures to extinguish it and immediately report to the duty officer and the company commander, as well as take measures to withdraw personnel, remove weapons and property from premises that are in danger;

at the command of the officer on duty, close the entrance doors for constipation, and allow the military personnel to be admitted by the alarm call after preliminary familiarization with the identity of the arrival;

timely change orderlies; by order of the sergeant (foreman) of the company, send units assigned to work and various teams, as well as send all the sick and subject to medical examination to the medical center;

at the appointed hour, line up those dismissed from the location of the unit, report on this to the foreman of the company and, on his orders, present them to the unit on duty;

when absent from the premises of the company on business, as well as for the time of rest, transfer the performance of his duties to one of the daymen of the free shift;

receive from the foreman of the company after the evening verification information on: the expenditure of personnel; teams that went on business trips; about weapons, ammunition in the classroom; about those who are absent, and in the presence of those who have arbitrarily absented themselves - their names and surnames, report this to the officer on duty.

For example: "Mr. Captain. In the first tank company, the evening verification was carried out, all the people are present, with the exception of two people who are on vacation, three people are on duty. Sergeant Tokushev on duty in the company";

after the morning inspection, report to the duty officer for the technical means of communication about the presence and consumption of the company's personnel, about incidents during the night, and if there are latecomers from dismissal and unauthorized absentees, submit a list of them; at the appointed time, submit a book of records of patients to the medical center of the unit;

supervise assigned cleaners; exercise control over the thorough cleaning and maintenance of the company's premises, maintaining the established air temperature in them, observing the order of lighting, heating, ventilation of the premises, the availability of drinking water in barrels and water in the washbasins, as well as cleaning the area assigned to the company;

at the direction of the foreman of the company, timely submit applications to the canteen officer for leaving food to persons on combat duty, combat service, in daily attire or absent on other official business;

upon arrival at the company of direct superiors from the company commander and above, the unit on duty, as well as inspecting (checking) persons, give the command "Attention", report to them and accompany them to the location of the company.

For example: "Mr. Major. No incidents happened during my duty (or something happened). The company is engaged in a military shooting range. The company on duty is Sergeant Tokushev."

In the absence of other military personnel, the "Smirno" command is not given, but only reported.

The duty officer does not report to other officers, contract servicemen, but only introduces himself.

For example: "Mr. Lieutenant. Sergeant Tokushev on duty in the company."

Upon the arrival of officers from outside their own company, the company duty officer also introduces himself to them and accompanies them to the company commander.

In the case when the arriving commander (chief) is met and reported to him by the company commander, the company duty officer present at the same time does not report, but only introduces himself and acts on the instructions of the company commander.

479. The duty officer in the company should have: instructions to the duty officer and orderly in the company, instructions in case the unit is brought to the highest degree of combat readiness and according to fire safety requirements, the daily routine; a list of company servicemen living outside the barracks, indicating addresses, telephone numbers and methods of calling, messengers; scheme of the area of ​​the territory assigned to the company for cleaning; inventory of property located at the location of the company; options for morning physical exercises; samples of uniforms for morning physical exercises; books for the acceptance and delivery of duty, the issuance of weapons and ammunition (located in the room for storing weapons and ammunition), records of patients, dismissed; general military charters; telephone numbers of the fire brigade and duty officer; a list of typical commands and signals given by the duty (order) and other documents.

480. When located in a populated area, the company duty officer, in addition, monitors that soldiers (sailors) and sergeants (foremen) do not leave the area where the company is located.

Orderly by company

481. The orderly for the company is appointed from the soldiers. He is responsible for the safety of weapons under his protection, cabinets (boxes) with pistols, boxes of ammunition, company property and personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants. The company orderly is subordinate to the company duty officer.

482. The next orderly in the company is serving inside the barracks at the front door, near the room for storing weapons.

He is obliged:

not to go anywhere from the company premises without the permission of the company duty officer; constantly monitor the weapon storage room;

not to allow unauthorized persons to enter the premises, and also not to allow the removal of weapons, ammunition, property and things from the barracks without the permission of the company officer on duty;

immediately report to the company officer on duty about all incidents in the company, violation of the rules of relations between the military personnel of the company established by general military charters, noticed malfunctions and violations of fire safety requirements, take measures to eliminate them;

wake up personnel during a general rise, as well as at night in the event of the introduction of higher levels of combat readiness or a fire, give commands in a timely manner according to the daily routine;

exercise control over the cleanliness and order in the premises and demand their observance from the military personnel;

do not allow military personnel to leave the premises undressed in cold weather, especially at night;

exercise control over the fact that servicemen smoke, clean their shoes and clothes only in the places designated for this;

upon arrival at the company of direct superiors from the commander of the company and above and the officer on duty, give the command "Attention"; upon arrival in the company of other officers of the company, as well as the sergeant (foreman) of the company and military personnel not from their own company, call the duty officer. For example: "On duty in the company, on the way out";

observe the order and rules of emergency lighting.

The next orderly is forbidden to take off his equipment and unfasten his clothes.

The duty officer of a free shift is obliged to maintain cleanliness and order in the premises of the company and not go anywhere without the permission of the company on duty, to assist him in restoring order in case of violation of the rules of relations established by general military charters between soldiers or sergeants of the company; exercise control over the fact that servicemen smoke, clean their shoes and clothes only in the places designated for this; remaining for the duty officer in the company, perform his duties.

483. When quartering a company in a populated area, one of the orderlies must be constantly on the street, in a place established by the company commander and equipped with a canopy.

The orderly is obliged to always know where the officer on duty is located, and to observe the observance by the military of public order and the rules for wearing military uniforms. He reports all observed violations to the duty officer of the company.

Duty officer for the battalion (divisions)

484. The duty officer for the battalion (units) is appointed from the sergeants and reports to the duty officer and his assistant. The duty officer for the battalion in the order of internal service in the battalion is subordinate to the battalion commander, and the duty officer for the divisions is subordinate to the commander of one of the divisions, appointed by order in part to the senior in these divisions.

The duty officer for the battalion (subdivisions) is responsible and performs duties in relation to the duties of the duty officer for the company. At the same time, the duty officer for the units is obliged to give the command "Attention" and report upon arrival at the location of the duty officer, the inspecting (verifying) persons, the person to whom he reports in the order of internal service, he only reports to the rest of the unit commanders.

485. In a battalion located separately from the rest of the units of the unit, the battalion duty officer may be appointed from officers or contract servicemen. In this case, he performs the duties in relation to the duties of the duty officer in the unit.


to the Charter of the internal service


military ranks of military personnel

Military ranks

Ship ranks

Composition of soldiers (sailors)


Senior sailor

Composition of sergeants (foremen)

Lance Sergeant

Staff Sergeant

Sergeant Third Class

Sergeant Second Class

Sergeant First Class

staff sergeant

Master Sergeant

Sergeant major of the second article

Petty officer of the first article

chief sergeant major

Petty Officer Third Class

Petty Officer Second Class

Petty Officer First Class

Headquarters foreman

Master Chief


junior officers


Senior Lieutenant


Senior Lieutenant

Lieutenant Commander

Senior officers

Lieutenant colonel


Captain of the third rank

Captain of the second rank

Captain of the first rank

Senior officer corps

Major General

Lieutenant General

Colonel General

Army General

rear admiral

Vice Admiral


1. Before the military rank of a serviceman serving in a guards military unit, on a guards ship, the word "guards" is added.

2. The words "justice", "medical service" are added to the military ranks of military personnel with legal, medical military specialties, respectively.

For senior officers of aviation (flight, engineering staff with aviation engineering training), the word "aviation" is added to the rank.

For example: lieutenant of the medical service, major general of the medical service, colonel general of justice, major general of aviation.

To the military rank of a person who is in the reserve or retired, the word "reserve" or "retired" is added, respectively.

3. The name of the type of troops or service is not added to the military ranks of sergeants (foremen).

4. Servicemen studying in educational units (centers), military (special) educational institutions, who do not have the military rank of officer and sergeant, are called cadets according to their military position.


to the Charter of the internal service

Book of Honored Visitors

2. Honorary visitors leave entries in the Book in memory of their visit to a military unit (ship).

To make an entry, the Book is presented to the honorary visitor by the commander of the military unit (ship).

3. The place of storage of the Book is determined by the commander of the military unit (ship) in order. so that it corresponds to its meaning and provides the opportunity to familiarize all personnel with it.


to the Charter of the internal service

The procedure for conducting a survey of military personnel

1. The place, time, procedure for constructing and conducting the survey, uniforms are determined by the commander of the military unit or the person appointed to lead the inspection (check), one to two days before the start of the survey.

Persons conducting the survey are obliged to familiarize themselves with the book of registration of appeals of the military unit and the decisions taken on them before it begins.

2. The meeting of the chief conducting the survey is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Construction Regulations.

The survey of officers is carried out according to their positions - separately platoon commanders, company commanders, battalion commanders and their equals. Deputy commanders of companies and battalions and their peers are interrogated separately from their commanders (chiefs).

For interrogation, military personnel from squad commanders and above, at the command of the unit commander, go out of order and line up in the manner established in the Combat Regulations.

4. Interrogation of soldiers (sailors) is carried out by company (by units).

5. When conducting a survey, the commander of a military unit (unit) or an inspector (verifier) ​​asks which of the military personnel have proposals, statements, complaints, requests.

A serviceman who has a proposal, application, complaint, request, names the position, military rank and surname, verbally states the proposal, application, complaint, request or submits them in writing.

6. All proposals, statements, complaints, requests submitted during the survey conducted by the commander of the military unit are recorded in the registration book of appeals of the military unit, and in the survey conducted by the commander of the unit, only those on which a decision must be made by the commander from the commander military unit and above.

7. Proposals, statements, complaints, requests identified during the interview of military personnel during the inspection (inspection) are not entered in the registration book of appeals of the military unit.


to the Charter of the internal service

Ritual of taking the military oath

1. Each serviceman, upon joining the ranks of the Armed Forces, individually takes a military oath and confirms it with his own signature.

A serviceman is sworn in before the State Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Battle Banner of the military unit.

2. The military oath is taken by:

soldiers and sailors who arrived for replenishment, citizens who were first appointed to military service under a contract - after passing a special program and mastering the requirements of the Constitution and legislation on the protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main duties of a soldier (sailor), the meaning of the military oath, the Battle Banner of the military unit and military discipline, not earlier than one month, but not later than two months from the date of arrival at the military unit;

listeners, cadets of military (special) educational institutions who have not previously taken a military oath - after the same period from the moment of enrollment in an educational institution;

students of military (special) educational institutions - when concluding a contract for military service;

persons liable for military service who have not previously taken a military oath - no later than five days from the beginning of military training;

with the announcement of general or partial mobilization - those liable for military service who did not take the military oath - upon arrival at the military unit.

3. Servicemen and persons liable for military service who are at military training, who have not previously taken the military oath, are brought to it under the guidance of the commander of the military unit, the head of the military (special) educational institution, institutions.

4. The time, place and procedure for taking the military oath are announced in the order of the commander of the military unit. The day of taking the military oath is a holiday for this military unit.

5. At the appointed time, a military unit with an orchestra lines up on foot in the front, and in wartime - in field uniform with weapons in the line of company (platoon) columns.

In accordance with the established procedure, the Battle Banner is carried to the place of construction.

Before taking the military oath, at the command of the unit commander, the State Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is solemnly raised in front of the military personnel, the personnel perform the National Anthem. After the performance of the National Anthem, the commander of the unit in a short speech recalls the requirements of the Constitution, the meaning of the military oath and the honorary duty that is assigned to servicemen who have taken the military oath of allegiance to the Fatherland.

After an explanatory speech, the commander of the military unit gives a command to the denominator and assistants to enter the middle of the formation, then commands: "AVOID" - and orders the commanders of the units to begin taking the military oath.

Unit commanders alternately call out the sworn military personnel. Each person taking the military oath reads aloud before the formation of the unit the text of the military oath in the state or Russian language, after which he personally signs in a special list in the column against his last name and takes his place in the ranks.

List forms for persons taking the military oath are prepared in advance according to the model established by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The first page should have an image State Emblem Republic of Kazakhstan and the text of the military oath.

At the end of the oath taking, lists with personal signatures of those who took the military oath are handed over by the unit commanders to the commander of the military unit.

The commander of the unit congratulates the servicemen who have taken the military oath, and the entire unit - on the new full-fledged replenishment. The military unit responds to congratulations with a lingering triple "Hurrah". The orchestra plays the National Anthem. Then the representatives of the command and those invited speak. The commander of the military unit gives the command: "Customer, BECOME IN ORDER."

The ritual of taking the military oath ends with the passage of a solemn march and the removal of the Battle Banner of the military unit.

The removal and removal of the Battle Banner of a military unit is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Military Regulations.

In low temperatures and inclement weather, the military oath may be taken indoors. The divisions disperse to the premises after the speech of the unit commander. At the end of the adoption of the military oath, the command units line up again in the indicated place for a solemn march.

Military personnel who did not take the military oath on the established day take it on the following days under the Battle Banner under the leadership of the commander of the military unit.

6. The military oath may be taken in places of military and labor glory, as well as at mass graves soldiers who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland, in the performance of military duty.

7. The commander of the military unit announces the list of servicemen who have taken the military oath in an order.

The lists of those who took the military oath are stored at the headquarters of the military unit in a separate file, numbered, laced and sealed with a wax seal for five years, and subsequently transferred to the archive, where they are stored for fifty years.

In the military ticket, service card (personal file) of the serviceman, an entry is made: "I took the military oath (date, month, year, name of the military unit)", which is certified by the signature of the chief of staff and the stamp of the military unit.

8. The commander is responsible for the timely, accurate fulfillment of the ritual and accounting for the military personnel who have taken the military oath, and the chief of staff of the military unit is responsible for keeping the lists of military personnel who have taken the military oath.


to the Charter of the internal service

The ritual of presenting the Battle Banner of a military unit

1. The Battle Banner is awarded to a military unit upon its formation on behalf of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan by representatives of the Ministry of Defense, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Upon presentation of the Battle Banner of a military unit, a Diploma of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is issued.

2. For the presentation of the Battle Banner, the military unit is lined up in the front, and in field conditions and wartime - in field uniforms with weapons in the manner prescribed by the Military Regulations.

When presenting the Battle Banner in combat conditions, the order of formation of a military unit is determined taking into account the combat situation.

3. For the removal of the Battle Banner to the place of construction at the disposal of the chief who arrived to present the Battle Banner, the commander of the military unit appoints a denominator and two assistants from officers or sergeants (foremen), mainly awarded with orders and medals, and a banner platoon. Assistants are armed with checkers.

Duties of the duty officer at the headquarters: the main thing from the charter of the internal service for those who are appointed to this position. Relevant for a regiment, battalion, division, fire brigade or rear. Despite the fact that the position at the headquarters in the army has always been considered profitable, the well-being of the duty officer depends entirely on the command that he will have to serve. Often, the duties of auxiliary staff workers are supplemented by a number of tasks that are not spelled out in the charter, as a result of which the duty officer turns into an adjutant of his colonel, battalion commander, and similar generals.

How to become a staff member? You need to have the position of ensign or sergeant - this is spelled out in the charter. Corporals and privates are not taken there. Moreover, it is desirable to initially get into the regiment's command and control company - they try to select personnel from there.

According to the Charter of the Internal Service, the position of the duty officer is described in articles 316 and 317.

The duty officer at the headquarters is obliged to ensure the safety and security of the property of the premises entrusted to him, organize the work of messengers, and be responsible for the timely receipt and sending of telephone messages and letters.

According to the charter of the internal service (no matter where the duty officer performs his duties - in the tank, fire, aviation troops or artillery), he is obliged:

  • After the divorce, accept documents, correspondence, letters, property and inventory according to the inventory;
  • Receive and transmit information by phone, control the work of messengers;
  • During an alarm, notify all employees of the headquarters;
  • Keep order, cleanliness, heating, microclimate in the room;
  • In the event of an emergency, call special services, as well as take measures to save headquarters documentation;

Given that the list is extremely modest, the command usually assigns many other duties to staff members. Whether or not to fulfill them is a personal matter for every soldier who is obliged to “endure all the hardships of military service”, but for the most part, resistance is useless here, since in fact there is nowhere to even file a report with a complaint.

Complications and informal duties

In most military units, the main duty of the headquarters duty officer is to know exactly and always which officer is located and where. Informally, the position also involves notifying all those on duty (in companies, checkpoints, guards) if the authorities suddenly appear on the territory. For these warnings, you can get a scolding from the command and encouragement from colleagues.

It also has to:

  • Raise the alarm on a military unit or a ship;
  • Run to the canteen or shop for superiors if there are no messengers;
  • Clean up the room, and during field exercises, heat the stove;
  • Read letters from fighters, and report suspicious items;
  • Engage in computers, communications, radio equipment;
  • Lie to the high command about the drinking of the battalion commander and his associates;
  • Help make various lists, monitor the work of clerks.

The most difficult thing in the service as an assistant or on duty at headquarters is not sleeping. Even for a second. Otherwise, you can get a disciplinary punishment, and in wartime you can end up on trial.

Therefore, the service at the headquarters duty officer is not sugar, although his duties are described in the charter very concisely and briefly.

On May 28, the club "A2" hosted the first club concert of the finalists of the project "Dancing on TNT". On this hot evening, the brightest participants of the dance TV project performed on stage: Anton Panufnik, Yuliana Bucholts, SLAVA (Slava Petrenko), Snezhana Kryukova, Vitaly Savchenko, Pena (Elena Basenko), Anya Quiet, Ilya Klenin, Yulia Samoylenko and, of course, the winner of the first season is Ilshat.

The guys showed not only the numbers that the audience loved for the history of the project, but also pleased with new duets. About 3 thousand people came to the concert and we are sure that all of them received a crazy boost of energy in the near future. For this, we should separately thank the host - Alexei Korolev, who also participated in the project.

The site managed to get an exclusive interview with Vitaly Savchenko, Ilya Klenin and Anton Panufnik. The guys told us about the double side of their popularity, about how their life has changed after the project and shared their plans for the future.

After the project "Dancing" on TNT, many of you have changed your life, what new doors have opened for you?

Ilya Klenin: In fact, I have a lot of pluses and minuses because of the project. I can’t say which is more, because my life turned to the most different side. She has changed completely. Before the project, I worked and lived in one place, now I work and live in another. Before the project, there was stability, it was clear what I would do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. After the project, there was a lot of work. Maximum load. There are a lot of offers, but the main objective now touring. We have been preparing for them for a long time, this is very important for us. We put all our efforts into this tour.

Vitaly Savchenko: Before the project, during and after, everything was and is fine. The TV project gave me the confidence and experience of performing on stage. There was an opportunity to communicate with people, viewers. This is what I went to the project for. Before "Dancing" on TNT, I participated in another show, but did not get far. I have something to compare. When everyone turns away from you, and when at one moment everyone remembers you. I never trust people 100%. In six months, they may forget me, and, honestly, I don’t think about it. I dance to please the professionals. It doesn’t matter if a person loves me or not, the main thing is that he looks at my dance and he likes it. I give myself to the stage. The stage is my personal life.

Anton, what attracts you more: dance as art or stage?

Anton Panufnik: If you make art, then you should be gifted with attention, I think. That is, one cannot separate the stage and art into two different things. I really like to perform on stage, give my energy and receive it in return from people.

Tell us about the reaction of friends, acquaintances, when the show came out. Were there people who suddenly remembered you?

Ilya Klenin: Yes, of course, but I take it easy, I try not to think about why they remembered me. Remembered and well, what a difference. I was very pleased in Rostov, my hometown, to see my classmates with whom I studied in elementary school. This is such an unexpected event for me, I was glad to see them. They didn't dance in the master class, but they said they enjoyed watching me teach. They are happy that I have achieved such results.

And this publicity, popularity, even some media exposure - is it a buzz or the other side of the coin for you?

Anton Panufnik: It depends on the moment. It’s a thrill when, for example, there is no place in a restaurant, and they say to you: “Oh, we recognized you, now we’ll think of something!”. And it’s not a buzz when you sit in McDonald’s or somewhere else, chew on both cheeks, stuff food after a workout, and little girls come up to you with a phone in their hand, just stick it in your face and say: “We can be with you Let's take a picture?". And you, with such a hefty mouth, with two huge cheeks, are sitting: "Can I sing?" It is very infuriating when ill-mannered guys come up at the wrong moment, here.

If not for dancing, in what area would you like to realize yourself?

Vitaly Savchenko: I don't have a mathematical mindset. Give me money and I will lose everything I have. I want to do something that is related to creativity. For example, the fashion industry, cinema.

Ilya Klenin: It is difficult to imagine something else, I feel that I am a creative person. I like to create and, first of all, to dance. It's nice to share positive energy and receive it from people. I probably wouldn't do anything else.

Anton, what are you doing now besides dancing?

Anton Panufnik: There is not much time for all sorts of entertainment and hobbies. I don't know, I really enjoy skating when I have free time. I also plan to go snowboarding. By the way, I just returned from Sri Lanka and still didn’t dare to surf, because I was almost swept away by a wave and I barely swam out. Now there is another project, but this is a big secret, and I don’t tell anyone about it yet.

Tell me about your favorite dance style, direction.

Ilya Klenin: There are many favorite styles, but it so happened that all my dancing career I have been doing hip-hop, dancing in battles, at competitions. Although there was a time when I was fond of jazz, stood at the barre, but still I like hip-hop more. He inspires me, I like music, lifestyle and I devoted all my time to hip-hop and its culture.

Anton Panufnik: I don't know how to distinguish between favorites and not favorites. I like contemporary, I like breaking. What else do I like? Yes, jazz-funk sometimes likes when it works (laughs).

Can you single out some famous people?

Anton Panufnik: Since childhood, I have had such a warehouse that I never set idols in front of me. The word idol is when you elevate a person, right? There are just choreographers, a bunch of them. It makes no sense to single out one of them, these guys practice in different directions and styles. It would not be nice to give preference to someone now.

Ilya Klenin: I love Eddie Murphy and respect his sense of humor, simplicity in life. He is handsome.

Vitaly, what dance was the most difficult for you on the project?

Vitaly Savchenko: A moment of flattery to yourself (smiles). I consider myself a professional. Even simple things I try to do as well as possible. The hardest thing is to be honest with yourself. When you dance in a dramatic number, when you go on stage, you need to carry a certain image. But since the project is of an entertaining nature, there are few such numbers in it. Sex is good everywhere.

Ilya, you have a little abstract question, what is friendship?

Ilya Klenin: Friendship is trust. When you can trust a person with everything, even your mood. The most important thing is the ability to open up completely to another, I think. It is very important.

And love?

Ilya Klenin: Feelings are just different. For example I have best friend and a girl. I have trust and feelings for a girl ... In general, this is a difficult question, you need to think about it. Can we dance better? (laughs).

Vitaliy, did it come easy for you to communicate with the guys?

Vitaly Savchenko: I did not strive to establish communication with everyone, but I can call the guys good friends. I thought it would be worse. We didn’t have strong quarrels, we didn’t have to hate each other.
We lived together for four months and saw each other every day. There were domestic quarrels, but these are trifles. So I'm good to everyone.

Can you single out any of the guys?

Vitaly Savchenko: I do not consider Yulia Samoylenko in the project, we are classmates with her. We communicated very well before the project. It so happened that during the tour they began to communicate well with Ilya.

Many of you said that the show only shows the beautiful side of the coin. Tell us about your workouts or sleepless nights.

Vitaly Savchenko: As for me, the guys were dramatizing. This is a dance show and the viewer should not see how bad we are and how we suffer. People want to sit down on Saturday after a working week, look at a beautiful picture and relax.
The schedule was easy. Every day the staging process, 3-4 hours, and then the evening rehearsal of the group dance, also 3-4 hours. The hardest part is the wait between rehearsals. If the rehearsal is early in the morning, it's cool, after you go to the hotel to relax or take a walk. And if not, then you spend the whole day in the hall.

Anton, what can you say about the level of dance culture in our country? Compared to the West, for example.

Anton Panufnik: Well, if we compare our level with the Western one, we don't dance at all. No, of course, we have cool dancers, but there are not as many of them as, for example, in the same America or Europe. Yes, even in China. For some reason, everyone is very far away from us in this regard. Here the Soviet Union was a dancing country - the ballet was simply at an incredible level, it conquered the whole world. And now there are people in the States who dance so divinely that you think: “Well, how do you do it?”. It is impossible to understand and imagine how much he spent in the hall. And then I don’t consider us lazy people who are on this project, but the level of the guys there is tougher. In the West, it's easier to live with it, you don't have to spin, you don't have to work two jobs in order for you to dance. And you should know where to eat and sleep.

, Ilya Klenin , Vitaly Savchenko Vlad Zorina