Blonde girl real name surname. Blonde girl shares the secrets of beauty and success

Surely, many of the fair sex have heard more than once about such a medical term as " basal body temperature". But not everyone understands what is at stake. While this definition is directly related to the preservation of women's health. And now everything is in order: what is basal temperature, for what purpose it is measured and how to do it correctly.

Basal temperature - what is it?

How general concept, basal temperature is the lowest body temperature measured at rest. But special meaning the observation of such indicators is for the fairer sex, since such a temperature reflects hormonal cyclic changes in a woman's body. This means that by monitoring BT, it is possible to monitor reproductive health without tests and medical examinations.

If we talk about what a woman's basal temperature is, then we can formulate the following definition: these are temperature fluctuations that occur as a result of the production of certain hormones by the ovaries.

Why measure BT?

Analyzing the definition of basal temperature, it is easy to conclude that the thermometer readings change during the month in a certain way, depending on the phase of the cycle. By regularly monitoring such changes in the body by measuring BT, at home, without tests and complex diagnostic studies, one can monitor women's health. What exactly can be found out by conducting such an observation:

  1. The presence or absence of ovulation in a woman.
  2. Determine the most favorable days of the cycle when the likelihood of conceiving a child is high.
  3. Assess the viability of the menstrual phases during the cycle, and therefore, detect deviations in the hormonal background.
  4. Confirm pregnancy on your own early term.
  5. Find out the cause of infertility.

BT as a method of contraception

What does basal temperature mean as a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy? It is known that the conception of a child can occur directly on the day of ovulation or within 48 hours after it. And, as mentioned above, it is the method of measuring BT that determines the ovulatory day. To do this, you need to conduct regular observations of temperature changes and display the data on a graph. After ovulation is marked on the curve, it will not be difficult to calculate the days on which the conception of a baby is most likely - these are 2 days before and 1 day after the marked indicator. During this period, you should refrain from intimate relationships or use other methods of contraception.

Basal temperature when planning pregnancy

When planning a couple to conceive a baby, you can also use the method of monitoring the basal temperature. By regularly measuring indicators, a woman can determine the favorable days of the monthly cycle, in which the likelihood of fertilization increases significantly.

In order to get the right indicators, self-control and discipline are required. Since such a temperature should be measured strictly in the morning, without getting out of bed, preferably without even changing the position of the body after waking up, it is very important to follow all the recommendations, since any violation of them will lead to a distortion of the indicators. What should be done:

  1. It is preferable to use a mercury thermometer. It is this type of device that will show the most reliable results.
  2. Take measurements rectally or intravaginally. The first way is preferable.
  3. Measure temperature after continuous sleep (at least 6 hours).
  4. It is necessary to carry out the procedure at the same time every day.
  5. The results obtained should be immediately recorded and then transferred to the basal temperature chart (you can read about how to do this correctly in the corresponding section of the article).
  6. When interpreting the data obtained, the day of the menstrual phase should be taken into account. Basal temperature directly depends on this factor.

Factors affecting BT indicators

In order to obtain reliable data on BBT indicators, it is important to exclude, if possible, factors that can lead to false results. Namely:

  • taking medications, especially hormonal ones;
  • the use of oral contraceptives and the uterine spiral;
  • lack of sleep;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • sexual relations less than 6 hours before measurements;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • diseases, including viral;
  • elevated body temperature.

What indicators of BT are considered the norm?

In order to correctly decipher and analyze the obtained measurement results, one should compare them with the norms established in medicine. What should be the basal temperature in a healthy non-pregnant woman, read below.

There are three phases of the female cycle: follicular, ovulatory and luteal. In each such period, certain hormones are produced by the ovaries that contribute to the normal conception and childbearing of a woman.

In the follicular phase, the maturation of the egg occurs due to the increasing levels of the hormone estradiol. During this period, BT fluctuates from 36.2 to 36.8 degrees. The phase ends with a “pre-ovulatory drop” - a sharp decrease in indicators by approximately 0.3 degrees before the release of the egg from the follicle. This is what the basal temperature should be during ovulation.

In the luteal phase, due to an increase in the level of progesterone in a woman's body, BT indicators also increase. During this period, the thermometer will show from 37.0 to 37.4 degrees. And only a few days before the onset of menstruation, the temperature will drop to the level of the follicular phase. It is this cycle of basal temperature that a healthy woman should have.

How to determine ovulation?

By measuring the temperature regularly, you can calculate the day of ovulation. On the chart, this day will normally be displayed as follows:

  1. The first 12-16 days of the menstrual cycle will have indicators up to 36.7 degrees.
  2. Then there is a drop in temperature by 0.3-0.5 degrees, which indicates the release of the egg from the follicle. This usually happens on the 12-16th day of a woman's cycle.

BT to determine pregnancy

In addition to determining ovulation, using the temperature measurement method, you can confirm pregnancy at the earliest possible date. In the presence of conception, progesterone levels only increase. So, the thermometer will fix high performance BT in the second period of the cycle. If a basal temperature of 37.1-37.6 is noted at the end of the luteal (second) phase, and there are no monthly menstrual flows, then it is likely that the woman is pregnant.

In addition, a pregnant woman's chart will record an implantation temperature drop approximately a few days after ovulation. This drop is caused by the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. A low indicator is fixed only for 1-2 days, and then the temperature rises again and reaches levels above 37 degrees.

Is it necessary to measure the basal temperature during the period of a woman carrying a child?

Often, women monitor the readings of rectal temperature after sleep in order to calculate the most favorable days of the cycle for conceiving a baby. After the desired fertilization has been confirmed, expectant mothers stop paying attention to measurements of this kind. After all, the goal has been achieved and there is no more point in doing it. Let's figure out what basal temperature is during pregnancy and whether there is a need to measure it during this period.

In fact, doctors recommend continuing to measure BBT, since this diagnostic method often allows timely detection of hormonal abnormalities during pregnancy. It is worth remembering that any unreasonable decrease in performance is an occasion for an unscheduled visit to the doctor. AT this case It is better to play it safe and do additional tests and examinations.

What should be the basal temperature during pregnancy? Indicators should not be below 37 degrees. Otherwise, a low temperature may indicate a threat of miscarriage, missed abortion, anembryony.

Thus, by measuring BBT, it is possible to suspect violations in the development of pregnancy even before the onset of symptoms, contact a specialist and receive medical assistance in a timely manner. Often something as simple as taking your temperature after sleeping can help prevent serious complications or even save a life.

Deviations from the norm

In case of deviation of the indicators from the established norms, especially if such a situation is observed for several months in a row, it is necessary to assess the possibility of external factors influencing the results, and then consult a doctor for an additional examination. It is especially important to visit a specialist in a timely manner if there are other complaints, or the woman is pregnant.

When to see a doctor:

  • in the first half of the cycle, the temperature is above 37 degrees;
  • there is no preovulatory drop in performance;
  • in the second half of the monthly cycle, a low basal temperature is recorded;
  • between the phases, the temperature difference is less than 0.3 degrees.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on basal temperature alone.

How to build charts?

For the convenience of interpreting the measurement results and the clarity of the obtained indicators, it is recommended to keep a graph of basal temperature. To do this, you can select a special notepad. It must be drawn in the following columns:

  • basal temperature;
  • cycle day;
  • menstrual flow;
  • additional information.

The Y-axis in such a graph will be the basal temperature (from 35.5 to 37.8), and the X-axis will be the days of the cycle. In the column "Menstrual discharge" the corresponding days of the cycle are indicated. And in the "Additional Information" various information is noted that may adversely affect the reliability of the results of BT measurements, for example, reception medicines. An example chart is provided below.

Curve types

In medicine, it is customary to classify the curves obtained as a result of measuring BT on a graph - this simplifies the decoding of indicators and speeds up the process of determining deviations from the norm. There are two types of curves:

We talked about what “basal temperature” is and why it is measured. But it is important to note that such a diagnostic method is only an additional means of monitoring one's own health, available to every woman. It is by no means possible to make diagnoses on your own, and even more so to engage in self-treatment, based only on the results obtained. If abnormalities are found, consult a doctor for the correct interpretation and evaluation of the results.

Majority modern women concerned about their appearance. Stars and TV presenters are no exception, on the contrary, their career directly depends on how good they look. Sexy Blonde Girl - a popular host of fashion parties and the Blond 007 program on the M1 TV channel, once lost as much as 13 kg and has since maintained herself in excellent physical shape. The secret of her stunning figure is dancing, personal diet, grooming and lots of sex. Active lifestyle. The TV presenter is convinced: the main thing is not to sit still! From morning to evening she is on the set and parties, where she acts as a host. As part of the program, she has to constantly be on the move: rollerblading, dancing in a ballet studio, doing yoga, playing tennis and participating in extreme sports. “They say that if a person does not share his energy with others, it settles at the waist in the form of excess fat,” says Blonde Girl. - I don't know if this is true, but in any case, movement is life. Of course, sometimes you want to stay at home and read some interesting book. But in motion, too, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things. I try to travel a lot and communicate with people. I don’t have time to suffer at home watching TV or drinking tea with buns at home in the kitchen for hours! I love my job, it brings me a lot of pleasure and allows me to keep myself in shape.” Sport. All her life, since childhood, the TV presenter has been dancing. She even received a diploma in choreography. Almost every day, the Blond Girl devotes at least two hours to training. The range of her dance interests is quite wide: aerobics, classical choreography, and even ballroom dancing. The slender blonde believes that such a load is ideal for women: “Dancing helps keep muscles in good shape, develops plasticity, artistry and helps to build a figure.”

Diet. Two and a half years ago, the TV presenter managed to lose 13 kg in 5 months! She maintains this amazing result without any difficulties. The secret to her weight loss is simple: a blood type diet. “I was lucky, I have always been indifferent to sweets and starchy foods,” says Blonde Girl. - And when I went on a diet, it turned out that it was undesirable for me to eat meat and dairy products. I have said goodbye to these products forever. This diet has become my way of life, because I know for sure: this is what is good for my body. The TV presenter is very fond of vegetables and fruits and advises to periodically unload them. Doing so better in summer. It is worth getting out of such unloading gradually, gradually introducing into the diet familiar products. “If the sides tend to break free from jeans,” the TV presenter says, “stop absorbing everything and sit down on vegetables and fruits.”

Sex. For half an hour of intense love pleasures, about 120 kcal is burned. The sexy blonde knows this, so she advises women who are deprived of the opportunity to play sports to have sex regularly: “Happy women always look good! It's all about the endorphins that are produced during lovemaking. In addition, sex trains the heart muscle, muscles of the pelvis, chest, buttocks. The main thing is not to forget about possible undesirable consequences, and if you don’t have a loved one, it’s still better to buy a gym membership.”

Care. Blonde girl tried a lot of salon and spa body treatments. Most of the hardware procedures disappointed the TV presenter - she did not see any effect from them. The girl believes that there is nothing more effective than manual massage, so she has been practicing it for many years. She recently tried a Charcot shower, she liked the procedure. The leading place in caring for your body is assigned to anti-cellulite creams. She is on personal experience was convinced of their effectiveness: “If you use such creams for three years, the skin becomes very smooth and elastic, and cellulite, if it does not go away completely, then it will most likely go from the visible phase to the latent one,” the Blond Girl is convinced.

The TV presenter believes that the most important thing for a woman is to love herself and pamper herself, but sometimes you need to take yourself into a tight rein. It is necessary to devote at least one month a year to intensive care of your body: "Remember: the body is the temple of the soul, so it also needs to be improved."

According to the press service

Without foundation and everything that is called "camouflage" means. Because the main thing in perfect makeup is the foundation and tone. So in the cosmetic bag of any girl there should always be a corrector, powder, foundation.

- How do you take care of your skin?

I have quite problematic skin, combination, prone to oiliness. Therefore, it is quite difficult to take care of her, my beautician helps me, who prescribes special professional products for me for all occasions.

- What brands of make-up products do you use: for eyes, lips, nails, hair, as a tone and makeup base?

Proven over the years: the best foundations from Givenchy: powder, corrector, foundation, ideal for Everyday life can not found. Mascara - only Lancome. Hair - Kerastase, for blond hair it is ideal remedy, it contains a large amount of silicone High Quality, which maintains silkiness, elasticity of hair. Natural shampoos, as shown by many years of practice and the search for "their" remedy, are only suitable for virgin hair.

- What flavors do you prefer?

Bois D'Argent by Christian Dior and Velvet Desert Oud by Dolce & Gabbana.

How do you take care of the skin around the eyes?

Shiseido patches are the coolest eye patches. This company has been releasing the same eye patches for about 10 years now because they are in huge demand. For example, in Kyiv it is not at all easy to get them, when they appear, they are sold out like hot cakes.

- What are the SOS-means or express methods that help you quickly bring yourself to "combat readiness"?

Since I have combination skin that is prone to rashes, masks that narrow pores and dry the skin are the best for me. Ideal express methods are a white clay mask, a very dry tonic, and then even many hours of ethers are not terrible. Naturally, I do not apply makeup cream so that the skin does not shine and problem areas do not give themselves away in the frame. There is another ideal remedy that helps to bring yourself as a gift even after the most stormy party - this is a cream for hemorrhoids under the eyes. They have been used in Soviet time, since there was no alternative to its fantastic properties then, and even now there are not so many means that will make the face simply irresistible in the shortest possible time.

- Can you leave the house without makeup?

Of course I can, especially in summer, when you want your skin to breathe.

- What is your favorite cosmetic product?

A new foundation from Givenchy Teint Couture, it has recently appeared on sale. Satisfied with them 100 percent.

- Do you use folk recipes beauty?

No, I don’t turn to my grandmother’s reticule in matters of beauty. I think that this is the last century, now cosmetology has reached such a high level that some milk thistle tincture will no longer work. It used to be, when there was no such cosmetological diversity, it was possible to look back into the past and find something more or less suitable for yourself. And now it's just useless.

- Your latest beauty find?

This is a Sephora dry shampoo spray. A wonderful tool, I discovered it for myself just the other day, a wonderful find.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Nickname: Blonde Girl
Name: Lena
City, Country: Kyiv, Ukraine
Profession: TV presenter, choreographer

Today we present to your attention an interview with a charming blonde and a very interesting companion. Sexy Blond Girl - a popular host of fashion parties and the Blond 007 program on the M1 TV channel, will talk about her lifestyle, leisure, diets and men.

Tell me more about yourself?
- My name is Lena, but the viewers of the M1 TV channel and all of Ukraine know me as the Blond Girl. I am 26. I am a choreographer by education - I graduated from the Kiev School of Variety and Circus Art and the Kyiv state academy leading cadres of culture and arts, danced in a show ballet with Tatyana Denisova. For more than 2 years I have been the host of the Blond 007 program on the M1 TV channel and I just love my job! Love my Edo pug, dance, travel, read, chat with interesting people, watch a good movie. Since childhood, I have been fond of theater and actively develop my talents in this direction. support healthy lifestyle life, always open to experiments and new experiences.

What kind of person are you in life? Always positive blonde - is it just a stage image, or a lifestyle?
- The image of the “always positive blonde”, of course, is largely dictated by the format of the program. Obviously, it is impossible to remain always carefree and joyful in a world where there is a lot of injustice, disease and grief. By nature, I am an empath, I feel the pain of others very subtly and cannot be indifferent to many things, I can empathize. However, I understand perfectly well that despondency is a mortal sin, and in difficult situations sitting still and crying is not an option. Therefore, I try to always enjoy life, what I have today and look to the future with optimism.

What is the most important thing in life for you?
- Of course, family, close people, health and favorite work.

Have you dreamed of becoming a socialite?
- Probably, all girls in childhood, in the depths of their souls dream about it. But truth be told, that shouldn't be the goal. These are some false desires - to be a secular person. I do what I like, and I try to do it well, and fame is just a nice addition to my favorite work.

Do you have depression and how do you deal with it?
Surely, everyone has difficult moments in life. Of course, this happens, I'm a living person. But depression, as far as I know, is a serious problem that requires the intervention of specialists and often even medication. This, thank God, did not happen to me.

Tell us what you like to do in your free time?
- It all depends on the mood. Sometimes you want to meet with friends, gossip in a cozy cafe, go shopping or look at some fun party. And sometimes you want to be alone with your thoughts - lie in bed with a good book, or take a dog, a blanket and a thermos of tea in an armful, load it all into a car and go out of town to nature.

Do you love to travel?
- Highly! There are so many amazing places in the world!

How do you feel about fashion and style?
- Like any girl, I am interested in the latest trends: I read magazines, look through the latest collections, and experiment. But I am wary of people who make a cult out of clothes. This is some kind of idolatry, a completely consumerist attitude to life.

What brands of clothing and cosmetics do you prefer?
- I like YSL shoes, I have a lot of them. Favorite clothing brands are Zadig and Voltaire, Jil Sander, Anna Sui, Vera Wang. Cosmetics - Givenchy, YSL, Dior.

In one of your interviews, I read that, once, you were able to lose about 13 kg of weight. Do you often go to the gym, or do you have a signature diet?
- Yes, it really is true. More than two years ago, I went on a blood type diet, lost 13 kg in 5 months, and have continued to eat like that ever since. Sports, of course, are present in the form of regular dance classes. In addition, on the set of the program, I often have to try on various images that require physical activity: ballerinas, tennis players, roller skaters ... And in general, work and an active lifestyle contribute to maintaining a figure. I like to joke that an hour of work as a party host replaces a day at the gym.

How much time do you spend on yourself?
- It's hard to calculate. A lot of. Appearance is very important for work in the frame, so I do not save on either cosmetics or procedures. And, of course, I try to sleep well.

Do you ever want to change your hair color?
- No, no and NO! Blonde is already a brand. Yes, and I have no problems with the perception of my own appearance. At the age of 15 you don't know what you want, what suits you, and you can experiment.

Do you think external data helps a career?
- Of course, but only at first. An unwashed head and unkempt skin have not yet added points to anyone when applying for a job. But appearance is not the most important thing. When we are talking about a career, no less important are brains, character, upbringing, professionalism and the ability to communicate with people.

What type of men are you interested in?
- If we talk about appearance, there are no definite preferences. In men, I like courage, charisma and "a sense of danger." Another - when a man makes it clear that he is in complete control of the situation.

Tell us about your creative plans? Perhaps music or cinema?
- Maybe. Now I am preparing a surprise, which will really come as a surprise, because in this project I will perform in a completely new capacity for myself.

And finally, give your advice to all modern Ukrainian women.
- My dears! Always be honest with yourself and don't be afraid! Know that the main thing is to take the first step, then you will succeed.

10 facts from life:
Hometown: Kyiv
Relationship status: Single
Favorite movie: "Gone with the Wind"
Favorite track: DJ Lutique & Kishe. - So Much More
Favorite book: Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms!
Favorite drink: lemonade
Favorite car brand: range rover
Favorite game: mafia, crocodile
Favorite vacation spot: winter - Mauritius, ocean; spring-summer - Europe
Favorite phrase:
“I do not recognize the word “play”. You can play cards, horse races, checkers. You need to live on the stage! Faina Ranevskaya
"Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted". Gabrielle Chanel

Personal request-Who knows her last name, write in PM.
Thanks in advance!*

Most modern women are concerned about their appearance. Stars and TV presenters are no exception, on the contrary, their career directly depends on how good they look. Sexy Blonde Girl - a popular host of fashion parties and the Blond 007 program on the M1 TV channel, once lost as much as 13 kg and has since maintained herself in excellent physical shape. The secret of her stunning figure is dancing, personal diet, grooming and lots of sex. Active lifestyle. The TV presenter is convinced: the main thing is not to sit still! From morning to evening she is on the set and parties, where she acts as a host. As part of the program, she has to constantly be on the move: rollerblading, dancing in a ballet studio, doing yoga, playing tennis and participating in extreme sports. “They say that if a person does not share his energy with others, it settles at the waist in the form of excess fat,” says Blonde Girl. - I don't know if this is true, but in any case, movement is life. Of course, sometimes you want to stay at home and read some interesting book. But in motion, too, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things. I try to travel a lot and communicate with people. I don’t have time to suffer at home watching TV or drinking tea with buns at home in the kitchen for hours! I love my job, it brings me a lot of pleasure and allows me to keep myself in shape.” Sport. All her life, since childhood, the TV presenter has been dancing. She even received a diploma in choreography. Almost every day, the Blond Girl devotes at least two hours to training. The range of her dance interests is quite wide: aerobics, classical choreography, and even ballroom dancing. The slender blonde believes that such a load is ideal for women: “Dancing helps keep muscles in good shape, develops plasticity, artistry and helps to build a figure.”




According to the press service

Most modern women are concerned about their appearance. Stars and TV presenters are no exception, on the contrary, their career directly depends on how good they look. Sexy Blonde Girl - a popular host of fashion parties and the program "Blond 007" on the M1 TV channel, once lost as much as 13 kg and has since maintained herself in excellent physical shape. The secret of her stunning figure is dancing, personal diet, grooming and lots of sex.

Active lifestyle. The TV presenter is convinced: the main thing is not to sit still! From morning to evening she is on the set and parties, where she acts as a host. As part of the program, she has to constantly be on the move: rollerblading, dancing in a ballet studio, doing yoga, playing tennis and participating in extreme sports. “They say that if a person does not share his energy with others, it settles at the waist in the form of excess fat,” says Blonde Girl. - I don't know if this is true, but in any case, movement is life. Of course, sometimes you want to stay at home and read some interesting book. But in motion, too, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things. I try to travel a lot and communicate with people. I don’t have time to suffer at home watching TV or drinking tea with buns at home in the kitchen for hours! I love my job, it brings me a lot of pleasure and allows me to keep myself in shape.”

Sport. All her life, since childhood, the TV presenter has been dancing. She even received a diploma in choreography. Almost every day, the Blond Girl devotes at least two hours to training. The range of her dance interests is quite wide: aerobics, classical choreography, and even ballroom dancing. The slender blonde believes that such a load is ideal for women: “Dancing helps keep muscles in good shape, develops plasticity, artistry and helps to build a figure.”

Diet. Two and a half years ago, the TV presenter managed to lose 13 kg in 5 months! She maintains this amazing result without any difficulties. The secret to her weight loss is simple: a blood type diet. “I was lucky, I have always been indifferent to sweets and starchy foods,” says Blonde Girl. - And when I went on a diet, it turned out that it was undesirable for me to eat meat and dairy products. I have said goodbye to these products forever. This diet has become my way of life, because I know for sure: this is what is good for my body. The TV presenter is very fond of vegetables and fruits and advises to periodically unload them. Do it better in summer. It is worth getting out of such unloading gradually, gradually introducing familiar foods into the diet. “If the sides tend to break free from jeans,” the TV presenter says, “stop absorbing everything and sit down on vegetables and fruits.”

Sex. For half an hour of intense love pleasures, about 120 kcal is burned. The sexy blonde knows this, so she advises women who are deprived of the opportunity to play sports to have sex regularly: “Happy women always look good! It's all about the endorphins that are produced during lovemaking. In addition, sex trains the heart muscle, muscles of the pelvis, chest, buttocks. The main thing is not to forget about possible undesirable consequences, and if you don’t have a loved one, it’s still better to buy a gym membership.”

Care. Blonde girl tried a lot of salon and spa body treatments. Most of the hardware procedures disappointed the TV presenter - she did not see any effect from them. The girl believes that there is nothing more effective than manual massage, so she has been practicing it for many years. She recently tried a Charcot shower, she liked the procedure. The leading place in caring for your body is assigned to anti-cellulite creams. She was convinced of their effectiveness from personal experience: “If you use such creams for three years, the skin becomes very smooth and elastic, and cellulite, if it does not go away completely, then it will most likely pass from the visible phase to the latent one,” the Blond Girl is convinced.

The TV presenter believes that the most important thing for a woman is to love herself and pamper herself, but sometimes you need to take yourself into a tight rein. It is necessary to devote at least one month a year to intensive care of your body: "Remember: the body is the temple of the soul, so it also needs to be improved."


Nickname: Blonde Girl
Name: Lena
City, Country: Kyiv, Ukraine
Profession: TV presenter, choreographer

Today we present to your attention an interview with a charming blonde and a very interesting companion. Sexy Blond Girl - a popular host of fashion parties and the Blond 007 program on the M1 TV channel, will talk about her lifestyle, leisure, diets and men.

Tell me more about yourself?
- My name is Lena, but the viewers of the M1 TV channel and all of Ukraine know me as the Blond Girl. I am 26. I am a choreographer by education - I graduated from the Kiev School of Variety and Circus Art and the Kyiv State Academy of Culture and Arts Leading Personnel, danced in show ballet with Tatyana Denisova. For more than 2 years I have been the host of the Blond 007 program on the M1 TV channel and I just love my job! I love my Edo pug, dancing, traveling, reading, talking to interesting people, watching good movies. Since childhood, I have been fond of theater and actively develop my talents in this direction. I maintain a healthy lifestyle, always open to experiments and new experiences.

What kind of person are you in life? Always positive blonde - is it just a stage image, or a lifestyle?
- The image of the “always positive blonde”, of course, is largely dictated by the format of the program. Obviously, it is impossible to remain always carefree and joyful in a world where there is a lot of injustice, disease and grief. By nature, I am an empath, I feel the pain of others very subtly and cannot be indifferent to many things, I can empathize. Nevertheless, I understand perfectly well that despondency is a mortal sin, and in difficult situations, sitting still and crying is not an option. Therefore, I try to always enjoy life, what I have today and look to the future with optimism.

What is the most important thing in life for you?
- Of course, family, close people, health and favorite work.

Have you dreamed of becoming a socialite?
- Probably, all girls in childhood, in the depths of their souls dream about it. But truth be told, that shouldn't be the goal. These are some false desires - to be a secular person. I do what I like, and I try to do it well, and fame is just a nice addition to my favorite work.

Do you have depression and how do you deal with it?
Surely, everyone has difficult moments in life. Of course, this happens, I'm a living person. But depression, as far as I know, is a serious problem that requires the intervention of specialists and often even medication. This, thank God, did not happen to me.

Tell us what you like to do in your free time?
- It all depends on the mood. Sometimes you want to meet with friends, gossip in a cozy cafe, go shopping or look at some fun party. And sometimes you want to be alone with your thoughts - lie in bed with a good book, or take a dog, a blanket and a thermos of tea in an armful, load it all into a car and go out of town to nature.

Do you love to travel?
- Highly! There are so many amazing places in the world!

How do you feel about fashion and style?
- Like any girl, I am interested in the latest trends: I read magazines, look through the latest collections, and experiment. But I am wary of people who make a cult out of clothes. This is some kind of idolatry, a completely consumerist attitude to life.

What brands of clothing and cosmetics do you prefer?
- I like YSL shoes, I have a lot of them. Favorite clothing brands are Zadig and Voltaire, Jil Sander, Anna Sui, Vera Wang. Cosmetics - Givenchy, YSL, Dior.

In one of your interviews, I read that, once, you were able to lose about 13 kg of weight. Do you often go to the gym, or do you have a signature diet?
- Yes, it really is true. More than two years ago, I went on a blood type diet, lost 13 kg in 5 months, and have continued to eat like that ever since. Sports, of course, are present in the form of regular dance classes. In addition, on the set of the program, I often have to try on various images that require physical activity: ballerinas, tennis players, roller skaters ... And in general, work and an active lifestyle contribute to maintaining a figure. I like to joke that an hour of work as a party host replaces a day at the gym.

How much time do you spend on yourself?
- It's hard to calculate. A lot of. Appearance is very important for work in the frame, so I do not save on either cosmetics or procedures. And, of course, I try to sleep well.

Do you ever want to change your hair color?
- No, no and NO! Blonde is already a brand. Yes, and I have no problems with the perception of my own appearance. At the age of 15 you don't know what you want, what suits you, and you can experiment.

Do you think external data helps a career?
- Of course, but only at first. An unwashed head and unkempt skin have not yet added points to anyone when applying for a job. But appearance is not the most important thing. When it comes to a career, brains, character, upbringing, professionalism and the ability to communicate with people are equally important.

What type of men are you interested in?
- If we talk about appearance, there are no definite preferences. In men, I like courage, charisma and "a sense of danger." Another - when a man makes it clear that he is in complete control of the situation.

Tell us about your creative plans? Perhaps music or cinema?
- Maybe. Now I am preparing a surprise, which will really come as a surprise, because in this project I will perform in a completely new capacity for myself.

And finally, give your advice to all modern Ukrainian women.
- My dears! Always be honest with yourself and don't be afraid! Know that the main thing is to take the first step, then you will succeed.

10 facts from life:
Hometown: Kyiv
Relationship status: Single
Favorite movie: "Gone with the Wind"
Favorite track: DJ Lutique & Kishe. - So Much More
Favorite book: Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms!
Favorite drink: lemonade
Favorite car brand: range rover
Favorite game: mafia, crocodile
Favorite vacation spot: winter - Mauritius, ocean; spring-summer - Europe
Favorite phrase:
“I do not recognize the word “play”. You can play cards, horse races, checkers. You need to live on the stage! Faina Ranevskaya
"Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted". Gabrielle Chanel

Personal request-Who knows her last name, write in PM.
Thanks in advance!*