What does the symbol circle black painted with paint mean. What do the doodles we unconsciously draw mean?

Arrows - ambitions, flowers - family: this is how the graphologist "reads" the language of the drawing

Are you stuck somewhere, waiting with a pen in your hands or listening to someone? Chances are good that you will start doing small sketches. And what you have chosen for your drawing can tell a lot about your character and mood.

“Most of the time we draw when we are bored or under stress,” says Ruth Rostron, professional handwriting analyst and vice chair of the British Institute of Graphology. “That is, we make sketches mostly in a semi-conscious state, which means that we transfer our internal state to paper.”

Most of us draw, after all, the same things. Asterisks, flowers, cubes and arrows appear most often - these are often found symbols of aspirations and feelings. According to Rostron, one should also take a closer look at how the drawing is sketched, this will make it possible to find out its true meaning.

“Emotional people who want harmony and crave affection tend to use rounded shapes and curved lines. People of practical type, "down to earth", usually use straight lines and rectangles. Determined people tend to draw angles, zigzags, and triangles, while more cautious individuals tend to use pale, sketchy strokes. A large drawing indicates that the person is self-confident and sociable, a small one indicates that the one who drew it prefers to observe rather than participate.

Persons: facial expression is good way determine the mood or character of the person who drew it. A well-drawn face with a pleasant expression indicates that you see only the good in people. If your drawing is weird or ugly, chances are you're incredulous. Cartoons show your desire to be the center of attention. If you draw faces in profile, then this is a likely sign that you are an introvert.

Chess board: a black and white drawing depicting a chessboard, advice to you to be more patient and persistent. Perhaps you are weighing various options in some weird situation? Also, a similar pattern is characteristic of people prone to mood swings.

Flowers: soft, rounded petals around the round center of the flower show a friendly, family person. If there is a circle in the center of the flower, but the petals are pointed, then most likely you are hiding a good nature in yourself, rather prickly fencing off. If you draw a bouquet of cheerful flowers, it means that you are sociable. And if the flowers hang their heads, then you are now seriously saddened by something.

In flight: butterflies, birds and bees fluttering wings are a sign that you do not want to be tied down or weighed down by any obligations or work.

Hearts: obviously romantic. If you are drawing a heart, it means that you are in love with the feeling of love.

Intricate Patterns: heaped, well-drawn drawings are often drawn by people with an obsessive nature, those who just won't give up their ideas or their loved ones. This is usually the favorite drawing style of autistic introverts.

Arrows: a goal-oriented person who wants to achieve something specific draws arrows, subconsciously "pointing to the goal." If the arrow is sharp, angular, then this is some kind of important goal - for example, a device on new job. And if the arrow is smoother and more decorated, then, most likely, these are some desires of the soul and heart.

Boats and planes: the fact that a person draws any type of transport means that he wants to escape from problems.

House: this popular drawing means that you need security. A neat drawing shows that everything is calm in your house, and a sloppy sketch (especially without windows) shows that you are unhappy in your own house. A house located on a hill shows that you are most likely lonely.

Stars: usually stars are drawn by ambitious people. A huge number of small stars indicate the optimism of the painter. If you've drawn one big, thick, ornate star, chances are you're expecting major achievement which is already on the horizon. Neat stars, like those from a soldier's uniform, indicate good mental concentration, while asymmetrical stars show an energetic personality.

Stick figurines: often drawn very successful people, a simple stick man symbolizes that the person who drew it has good control over his emotions and is focused on his life achievements.

A child from infancy knows how to draw different scribbles. By showing these scribbles to a specialist, you can find out the real condition of the child. The choice of color, the size of the picture, the location, the force of pressure when drawing has special meaning. If you visit a psychologist for the first time, you may be asked to take a test and draw a picture. According to this drawing, a professional psychologist will be able to assess your psychological and emotional state, identify problems and "read" the subconscious.

What do you “unconsciously” draw during psychological stress or just sitting at a meeting? All drawings can carry certain information that can be "read". But only a specialist can accurately interpret the information. In a drawing, everything matters, every movement is associated with certain processes. nervous system. Often a person unconsciously projects his experiences and hidden complexes on the drawing.

There are several stages in the interpretation of drawings. First of all, an assessment is given as a whole for the entire drawing. It can be unusual, harmonious, complete, or vice versa not complete. All this makes it possible to determine the mental abilities, giftedness, culture of a person.

Then the specialist looks at the location of the picture. So, for example, if the drawing is located in the center, it says that a person likes to defend his interests, finds compromises in various situations. But if the picture is higher, then this indicates a desire to dominate or inflated self-esteem. The drawing at the bottom of the sheet indicates a reduced self-esteem, a depressed or dissatisfied state. If the drawing is on the right side of the sheet, then this indicates that the person is very active and active. The location of the picture on the left side of the sheet says that this person has a stronger emotional sphere and he thinks that all the good things are in his past.

The general emotional background of the drawing, as well as a detailed analysis of the image in parts and lines, can provide more information about the author. To do this, it is necessary to have information on the interpretation of drawings that psychologists and scientists study.

Here, for example, if you "unconsciously" draw:

Different flowers, the sun or bright garlands.

So you have this moment not everything is as fun as it seems. You need tenderness and friendship. Flowers and leaves are drawn by kind and helpful people.

Various patterns.

It may indicate the routine of your life and a thirst for change.

Waves, circles and spirals.

According to experts, this is how people who are currently experiencing a crisis and do not care about the environment paint. They are secretive and do not like it when they climb into their soul.


Grids are drawn by those who are in an awkward position and hide resentment from others.

Hearts (intertwined).


Crosses and crosses can be drawn by those who have feelings of guilt or depression.

Various people.

Such a drawing may be a sign of helplessness, or maybe you just do not want to do something.

Geometric shapes: triangles, rhombuses, squares and others.

It is very difficult to deceive such a person who draws geometric figures. After all, he has his own beliefs and purpose in life. He is open and focused. Symmetrical figures indicate that this person is neat, loves order and knows how to plan everything.

Honeycomb or bee house.

By drawing honeycombs, you show the desire to create your home and family so that life is in harmony and tranquility.

Chess field.

People hiding their complexes and wishing to solve emerging problems according to their plan draw a chess field. They may be in a very difficult position right now.

Circles intertwined.



If a person is upset, he can draw a tree with bare branches. But if the tree has many branches and a thick trunk, then on the contrary, the person is very calm and happy.


Frequent eye drawing indicates introspection and inability to make decisions. At the same time, small eyes are a desire not to notice problems, but big eyes– high control of the situation.


A lover of paintings on paper, usually depressed or obsessed with himself and problems.

Do not be upset if your drawing was not so “successful”, you always have the opportunity to change your fate for the better. In any case, for a detailed and correct interpretation of your drawings, it is better to contact a specialist.

Experts say that those drawings that we, without hesitation, draw on a piece of paper that accidentally fell under our arm, can tell a lot about our character or mood.

Spirals, wavy lines they say that a person is not interested in other people's problems. When such a person is forced to deal with the affairs of others, he strives to complete them as quickly as possible. If a person draws spirals during a meeting or a telephone conversation, he should remember that he needs to control himself so as not to offend his colleague, or even spoil the whole thing.

Nets usually appear at a time when a person gets into a risky or uncomfortable position. Each thick line in the drawing symbolizes the attack that the person is trying to launch. Such a person is prone to “swallowing” insults, because of which disappointment accumulates in his soul and then he feels even more unhappy. Therefore, psychologists advise such people to sometimes complain to someone about their fate in order to “unload”.

Garlands, flowers, the sun, unfortunately, do not speak of a bright perception of the world. Most likely, such a person does not have a lot of fun in his soul, he subconsciously dreams of friendship, tenderness and someone's attention. Experts advise such people to visit good friends, or at least be in the company of nice people.

Humans - how psychologists say- this is a sign of spontaneity or a desire to evade any duties. In most cases, a person draws little men when he needs to say a resolute "no", but he is unable to force himself to say this word. Therefore, "little men" should be regarded as a warning that you need to be unshakable and resolute.

Honeycombs speak of a person's desire for peace, order in life, harmony. They can also mean subconscious desire create a family nest.

Chess fields are usually drawn by those people who find themselves in a very difficult situation. They dream of a clear and reliable path that could lead them out of a difficult situation.

The crosses in the drawings symbolize. Similar symbolism of the subconscious occurs quite frequently. Crosses do not have to be present in their usual form. Women most often hide them under drawings of jewelry, and men give them a more severe outline. A person who draws crosses is worried about something, perhaps he is punishing himself for something, or he was simply instilled with a sense of guilt.

The interweaving of the contours of hearts reveals the feelings of a person. He wants to kiss the whole world, but outwardly in appearance - he is modesty itself. And the more sparingly the words that a person says, the poorer the drawing, so you should not restrain yourself to such an extent. Experts recommend such people to express their feelings.

The ornament, which repeats the pattern of sharp corners and smooth oval lines, says that a person is bored, perhaps he is tired of a telephone conversation, perhaps the topic of a meeting, or even a way of life. On a subconscious level, such a person expects changes, dreams of new experiences that should save him from the feeling of wasted time.

A drawing with a complex interweaving of lines most often reflects a person’s desire to take part in something. Perhaps this is the thought of a stable connection, but most likely the person simply feels that he is out of the game.

The meaning of drawings in psychology it is difficult to overestimate, so you should not treat them as some kind of superstition or prejudice. Pictures reflect our inner state. Through drawings, trying to warn of danger or simply drawing our attention to ourselves. After all, sometimes we think about anyone, but not about ourselves ...

05.04.2012 86156 +66

People don't always paint with the goal of creating a masterpiece. Sometimes the hand begins to unconsciously draw pictures on paper while we are having an interesting conversation on the phone or listening to a report at a meeting. Have you ever wondered what the resulting images mean? Psychologists have repeatedly proven that the drawings that a person unconsciously draws are a reflection of his inner self.


The heavenly body reminds people of warmth or good mood. From this we can conclude that the person drawing the sun on a piece of paper is pleased with the conversation. The opponent is pleasant to him or the interlocutor's story is interesting. Also, the sun can talk about a lack of communication. Perhaps during a conversation you unconsciously dream of a walk in the park with a large group of friends. Maybe it's time to realize inner desires?


Daisies, roses and other beautiful vegetation on paper speaks of a good disposition. Flowers are painted by sympathetic people who love to offer help to all those in need. It is likely that the person on the other end of the line needs support from the outside, and you feel it. If the drawing is presented in the form of flowers in a vase, one can judge some emotional discomfort of the author of the picture. A person feels emptiness, the need to recharge with new experiences.

chess field

Psychologists consider drawings in the form of a chess field as a subconscious desire of a person to make the right decision. You are faced with a difficult choice and are afraid to make an irreparable mistake. At the same time, the situation is such that it is impossible to deviate from the answer, only in favor of losing. There is a slightly different interpretation if the picture appears in the personal collection too often. The constant drawing of a chessboard on paper can speak of hidden complexes or even fears of nature.


A notebook filled with a print of hearts does not have to speak of the love of the author of the image. A pretty figure primarily symbolizes the emotional background of a person. People who love to draw hearts are open to others, they are somewhat suspicious and prone to rash acts. Overflowing with emotions makes it necessary to throw out the accumulated energy, but the person continues to wear a mask of impregnability. Here it is worth paying attention to the size of the figure. Large hearts speak of secrecy and inner feelings. A huge number of small figures display frank natures, not shy own feelings and emotions.

Circles and spirals

Simple and unpretentious lines are drawn by people who are indifferent to the conversation. Communication with the interlocutor bored you, with every second you are overwhelmed with irritation. You can look at the situation from the other side. As psychologists are convinced, patterns in the form of circles and lines like to display secretive natures who prefer to be protected from any worries.


It is easy to guess that the numbers denote material values. The unconscious spelling of account symbols indicates an obsession with financial matters. It can be assumed that a person is trying to come up with a win-win scheme for earning money or mentally calculate the amount of income. A less optimistic version - the writer is concerned about endless debts. A person does not know how to get out of a deep swamp subconsciously looking for a way out.


Do you often draw stars on paper? Well, you can be called a purposeful and positive-minded person. People who subconsciously “paint” stars always strive to look for simple ways to solve problems, they prefer not to dwell on the negative. Also, five-pointed figures symbolize the desire to remain in the spotlight and win the positive opinion of society. Not a very joyful interpretation is only suitable for situations where the painter depicts a star with a lot of rays. In this case, it makes sense to talk about depressive experiences of a person.

Geometric figures

Such drawings are more like a drawing than a picture. Circles, triangles, squares, rhombuses and other figures usually depict strong-willed nature aimed at obtaining the most effective result. They are characterized by prudence, bordering on the habit of planning every step. The main problem of such people is the inability to relax. Try to forget about control for at least a second and plunge into spontaneity.


You can display an ordinary arrow, or you can depict a real Indian arrow - this does not change the essence. In any case, such a figure means life position person. If the arrow looks to the left, one can talk about the obsession of nature with the events of the past. The tip pointing down indicates the selfishness of the individual and the desire to satisfy only their own needs. Pointer to right side- a symbol of a person's dependence on the opinions of others, fear of being misunderstood. Finally, an arrow looking up means focusing on the future, the formation of plans and strategies.

Figures of people and animals

Each figure can be interpreted in different ways. For example, the image of a person often coincides with uncertainty, the desire to get help. If the figure is drawn schematically (a circle, a triangle and four sticks), the author of the picture is emotionally constrained and prone to loneliness. As for animals, it all depends on the animal you choose. Tigers, lions and other predators usually symbolize aggression, foxes - cunning, and rodents - fear or the need for affection.

Surely each of us more than once “scribbled” something at boring lectures, meetings, while talking on the phone. We draw some kind of curlicues, draw animals and little men and do not even suspect that they can say more about us than we know ourselves.

The fact that a lot can be learned from drawings about a person's personality, character, and mood has been confirmed by many psychological studies. For a long time, psychologists have been using various drawing tests and techniques in their diagnostics. The meaning of reflecting the inner world of a person on paper is as follows: any of our thoughts, processes, ideas in the psyche ends with movement. So, our fears, unconscious desires, feelings accumulate in the form of a certain energy in the muscles, and when a pencil and paper are in front of us, the hand, as it were, splashes all this onto the surface of the sheet.

Pattern position it can also say something about free space on paper, even if it is a small scrap of a notepad page or a corner of a telephone directory. If it is located closer to the upper edge, then you have a very high one, but at the same time you may be unhappy with your position in society (at work, parties) and feel a lack of recognition from others. The picture at the bottom means that you are insecure, indecisive, or not interested in increasing your own worth. If the drawings are predominantly on the left, you emphasize your past experiences, focus on past experience. The right edge of the sheet is drawn - this indicates the desire to quickly bring the events of the future closer, your life and emotions are always turned to something in the future.

If a lines your drawings are “shaggy”, bold, then perhaps something is bothering you or some unresolved problem is very worried. Weak and thin "spider" lines indicate energy savings, body fatigue and. If your drawings are rather angular, the lines are perpendicular, then this indicates some unexpressed aggression, that it is difficult for you at the moment to adapt to something or someone new. Jagged, jagged lines reveal boldness and hostility. And if the lines are smooth, rounded, then you are a soft, calm, feminine person. When you “pull” one contour for a long time, outlining the figure in one movement, this means that you need privacy, you strive for isolation from external events.

Sometimes it happens that we stroke some fragment of our drawing. Short strokes - you are an excitable person, long strokes - measured and calm. The strokes are straight and clear - you are persistent and stubborn, and if they are sketchy and light - you are slightly anxious and insecure. When you slowly and rhythmically shade some fragment, you are relaxed and free. Horizontal strokes mean femininity and weakness, while vertical strokes mean stubbornness and determination.

Your "I" can easily be seen in size your creations. The drawing is large - this indicates that you have a fairly high self-esteem, you are expansive, prone to vanity and even arrogance. And if you strive to occupy all the free space, then, perhaps, when you feel insecure in yourself, you compensatory exalt your status in your imagination. A small drawing means anxiety, emotional dependence and stiffness.

If you are painting asterisks If you want to be the center of attention, it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But if your star has too many rays or you depict them separately from it, this may indicate.

When you draw wallpaper patterns, this suggests that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or lecture, or maybe even your whole lifestyle. Come up with something new, buy an interesting little thing or clothes that are unusual for you, commit an extravagant act - and longing will pass by itself.

Build on paper honeycomb- you strive for calmness, for harmony, you want to streamline your life. It is also quite likely that .

Spirals, circles or wavy lines mean that other people's problems do not care much or do not interest you at all. Maybe you are even going through a mild emotional crisis: go around the circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to flare up and break loose on others.

Squares, triangles and others geometric figures - you have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and persistent. Usually you are overly vigilant and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

circle figure(especially empty) symbolizes a tendency to secrecy, isolation. you close your inner world and do not want to give information about yourself. You do not like it when not only strangers, but also quite close people get into your life and your affairs.

If you are constantly doing something shade or draw grids, then you are probably in an awkward position or have entered into a risky business, and in such a situation you will not take the initiative in your own hands, but agree to everything that is offered to you, endure resentment and restrain irritation. The drawing reminds lattice- then you feel cornered or trying to fence yourself off from such an obstacle.

When appear on your sheet of paper chess fields, then, apparently, you are in a very unpleasant or at least difficult situation. If such images appear frequently, then you are most likely suffering from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve a situation or are in search of yourself, your life path, doubt the correctness of your life.

Weaving circles- you feel like you are out of some important events, you want to participate in something, to join some kind of community. But interweaving of hearts means that you are overwhelmed and ready