Fundamentals of learning numbers. Mental counting and early development of preschoolers

The early development of the crumbs is a painstaking process that requires accuracy and attention from parents. But its positive results in future education are difficult to underestimate. And mathematical counting, the study of numbers and numbers is no exception. Therefore, every parent should know how to teach a child numbers in a short period. Simply and easily!

A preschooler between the ages of 2 and 3 is a “I want” child. It is difficult to captivate him with something for a long time, and even more so with such a difficult task as learning numbers up to 10. But nothing is impossible for loving parents. Worth building training in game form! You need to memorize them by ear and pay attention to them everywhere!

In doing so, parents need to:

  • tune in to the "wave" of the baby. If at some point he does not want to play with you, do not force him. By doing this, you will only achieve a complete protest. It is worth waiting until the baby has a mood or, for example ... to agree. The kid pays attention to numbers for 5 (10-15-20) minutes every day, and you allow him ... to play the tablet for the same number of minutes;
  • don't turn learning from 1 to 10 into an academic lesson. A child at the age of 3 years will not like class at a desk, but learning in dynamics will attract him. It is possible to conduct lessons “like at school” (only of a much shorter duration) with a baby 4 years old and older;
  • Be sure to check your knowledge. Arrange an interesting exam, which will involve not only the child's memory, but also logic, attention, and imagination.

3 main stages of learning for a 4-5 year old baby

The learning process itself can be broken down into 3 important steps.

Stage number 1. The ratio of each specific figure with the corresponding number of items. That is, the baby must initially understand: what is a number, what is a number and how they relate to the number of favorite oranges in my mother's plate (cubes, sweets or dots on paper).

Show a certain number of items. Let the child learn to distinguish between their number. After a while, add a certain number (cut out of paper or plastic) to a certain number of objects. The child will be able to remember its shape, and gradually distinguish it from other numbers when playing. At this point, the question of how to teach a child to write numbers is not yet worth it. You need to remember the number itself and correctly correlate it with the number of items available.

Stage number 2. Repeat, repeat, repeat! Look for numbers while walking down the street with your baby or looking through a newspaper. Count the steps in the entrance, teach how to use a trifle. A great option is a special set of numbers made of plastic. Get carried away with complex numbers if you feel that it is not difficult for a baby at 4 years old.

Stage number 3. Use children's counting rhymes up to 10. The memory of a preschool child at the age of 4 is very mobile, therefore, having memorized counting rhymes by ear, seeing the familiar silhouette of a number in his room on the ceiling, he will automatically remember it!

Rhythms with numbers and numbers

Children's counting rhymes from 1 to 10 different formats and lengths can become relevant. According to the desires and abilities of your baby!

An example of a short one was considered for the smallest:

One, two, three, four, five,
The tiger went out for a walk.
They forgot to lock it up.
One two three four.

The repetition of such a counting rhyme can also be supplemented with a drawing. Take a piece of paper and draw numbers on it. And let the baby, counting, points to them with his finger!

But the counting rhyme is more authentic and more interesting:

One, two, three, four, five,
Six seven eight nine ten -
Everything can be counted
Count, measure, weigh...
How many corners are in the room
How many legs do sparrows have
How many toes are on the feet
How many benches in the garden
How many kopecks in a patch!

The tasks mentioned in the rhyme can be applied in practice. This will fun event. Down with your socks and let's count your fingers, choosing a number of the corresponding value from my mother's palm!

No need to worry about how to teach a child to write numbers from 4 years old, for example. This will be taught to him in school, or you can teach him this after he has mastered numbers and prime numbers. But knowing the numbers from 1 to 10 for a baby aged 4 and 5 years is important. Because the baby is a preschooler. And the first class is emotions, experiences, new rules, lessons! Make your tomboy or glamorous life princess easy at every stage!

How to get rid of postpartum hemorrhoids?

  1. According to statistics, every "pregnancy" from the second trimester increases the risk of developing an unpleasant disease.
  2. Half of pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids, the disease develops quickly and most often women already treat the consequences, and do not do prevention.
  3. According to statistics, half of the patients are people aged 21-30, in their prime. Another third (26-30%) are aged 31-40.
  4. Doctors recommend timely treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as its prevention, not to start the disease and be attentive to your health.

But there is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids! Follow the link and find out how Anna got rid of the disease ...

In this article we will talk about how to teach letters and numbers with a child.

Teaching a child letters and numbers can begin when he begins to talk. To make the process interesting, use the game component.

You can study numbers by looking at the clock face. It's six o'clock now, and we go to bed at nine. How many hours are left.

Remember that it is better to practice systematically. Success will not appear quickly. Count sparrows for a walk. Count passers-by. Count trucks and cars.

Well, it’s better to learn letters in a playful way too. On the site you can find letter coloring pages, spelling letters, and reading exercises.

Exercises for counting

  • Mathematical riddle. Development of logic and abilities for mathematics
  • Memorizing numbers by ear - mnemonic exercise
  • Addition operation - early development and education of children. Development of logic and abilities for mathematics
  • Teaching counting to preschoolers - early development and education of children. Development of logic and abilities for mathematics

Learning numbers with kids

In this article we will talk about how to teach numbers with a child.

Numbers - a system of signs ("letters") for recording numbers ("words"). In Russia, as in many other countries, Arabic numerals are used: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Combinations of these numbers generate two (or more) digit numbers.

How to captivate a child so that it is interesting for him to learn numbers and easily memorize new information. Building blocks will help you teach your child Building blocks will help you teach your child /

Acquaintance with numbers in your baby should be bright and interesting. It is easiest to teach a child to count on the example of some objects. Drawings in children's books will also help. So, stock up on patience and improvised material and learn numbers with your baby!

Counting in order

It is necessary to learn the ordinal count with the baby in the form of a game, for example, using the steps of your home staircase. So, go up to the floor and count, put the cubes in a row - and count again ...

It is also important to teach the baby and immediately agree on numerals with nouns. That is, teach the baby that "one plum" is not right, you have to say "one plum".

Teaching letters to preschoolers (children 4-6 years old) online in a playful way

The purpose of the section is to introduce the kids to writing a letter, to teach them to perceive letters by ear.

Reading words by warehouses - learning letters reading words for children 3-6 years old

The purpose of the section is to move from letters to reading words. Thanks to this section, the kids will understand how words are made up of letters.

Fluent reading for preschoolers

A large number of adapted and speaking texts for children.

Introduction to the number "zero"

In order for the baby to understand what zero is, it is worth laying out several objects on the table. Next - practice counting, distribute items to family members until all items are removed from the table. Now explain to the baby that now there are "zero" items on the table.

less and more

Lay out four cubes on the table, and under them - three apples. Let the baby see that there are not enough apples. Next - explain to him that there are fewer apples than cubes. To increase understanding, use different numbers of apples and, for example, cubes. Let the last ones on the table be 10. So the baby will quickly realize that there are more cubes.

Numbers in pictures for kids

You can start teaching your child to count from the age of 2. At the same time, it is important to remember that a child at this age will first of all remember what surprises or interests him. The numbers for him seem incomprehensible icons. Therefore, counting should be taught using pictures or improvised items (matches, nuts, beans, fingers), accompanying the description of numbers with rhymes. In addition, by playing with objects, the child develops fine motor skills hands, which positively affects the development of speech. From the age of four, you can teach a child to count in his mind. This will help develop logic, ingenuity and memory.

Very soon your baby will go to school, will study - write essays, perform test papers doing homework. In the meantime, your child needs to prepare for this, no doubt important event. Today we will study Forms. Turn your first lessons into entertaining games. To do this, we need beautiful colorful pictures depicting various shapes. Such as: triangle, circle, square, oval, rectangle, rhombus.

Learning to count up to 20

Where does mathematics begin?

There were three bears.

The bunny went out for a walk.

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The principles of rational teaching of mathematics remain the same as in teaching reading:

1) Children learn math through play.

2) The training material is divided into the minimum possible parts of information, their child can easily learn in 5-10 minutes.

3) Learning should go in a spiral, that is, you should regularly return to the material covered, but at a higher level.

4) We build education in such a way that there is no significant gap between the preschool and school way of presenting the material.

I hope this article will help not only parents of preschoolers, but also parents of younger students with math difficulties.


Features of mathematical perception of a preschooler

In order for our classes to only benefit the baby, it is necessary to represent his real opportunities and needs. We must understand that the mental apparatus of a small child is still immature, and he does not know how to fully generalize and draw conclusions. So a two-year-old baby can, pointing his finger at objects, consistently pronounce:

One two three four.

However, to the question: "How many items?" - the child cannot answer yet. Only at three and a half or four years is the child ready for the beginning of a meaningful, and not mechanical, study of mathematics. He is already able to learn how to add and subtract numbers in his mind within five, but to do the same actions with large numbers, usually up to four or four and a half years old, the baby is still beyond his strength.

For kids preschool age it is perfectly normal to assume that any mathematical operation is valid only at this moment and only with these objects. Kids believe that if you push the objects apart, there will be more of them, and if you put them closer friend to a friend, then there will be fewer of them. If you move or change the position of objects, then their number will also change. The kid, adding 4 and 3, will definitely count all the items first:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - and only after that will he give an answer.

There are 4 items, so 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7.

The baby also does not represent the volume and weight of objects quite correctly. The preschooler believes that the flattened candy has become smaller, and the elongated candy is larger, and that cotton wool is always lighter than iron, since he relies on his feelings, and not on incomprehensible readings of the scales.

The French psychologist Jean Piaget was the first to notice and describe such features of the development of preschoolers. They are called “Piagetian phenomena” in his honor.

Many of these phenomena in the process of growth and learning of the child are weakened by 6-7 years, but some of them persist until 9-10 years. Despite this, all children can learn to count, add, subtract and solve simple problems by school.

Where does mathematics begin?

Any learning goes through three stages: habituation, understanding and meaningful memorization. At the same time, mathematics should not be something abstract, but a natural part of a child's life, otherwise he will soon forget everything we have taught him.

First, while playing and talking with a child, we teach him to compare objects and their properties, to distinguish a big thing from a small one, a long one from a short one, a heavy one from a light one, a round one from a rectangular one, and much more.

Usually, even before the child can comprehend what a simple account is, we mention numbers and mathematical concepts in a conversation with him:

There were three bears.

Your bucket is smaller than mine.

Please give Masha one piglet, and take the other one for yourself.

Do you want to play alone or will you come with me?

You have two pens, which means you had two mittens. Where is the second glove?

Wait five minutes, please.

Together with Agnia Barto's poems, children are usually offered to learn a rhyme about a bunny.

One two three four five -

The bunny went out for a walk.

As a result, most children after three and a half years old can count, and even add and subtract within four or five. However, they may not know about it, and they need help to show their knowledge, but first the child must learn to count meaningfully, and not mechanically.

Development of spatial thinking

Spatial thinking manifests itself quite early. So a two-three-year-old baby is already able to show the way home or to Kindergarten. By the age of five, a child can lay out with the help of cubes, and later, draw, a plan of his room or a playground “from nature”. By school, the child already easily imagines in his mind what is behind him, what is to the left, what is to the right, and what is in front. Can draw a floor plan of a room, playground, or other location from memory. Able to answer the following questions: which of the guys in this row is third to your right? Who is second from the left in this line?

However, in order for the child to show his abilities, it is necessary to interest him. It is more exciting to complete tasks for a reason, but for someone or something, for example, to draw with colored felt-tip pens the way to the store for grandmother, and for dad - to kindergarten.

In order to prepare a child for the study of geometry, it is not enough to learn to distinguish between several geometric shapes. First of all, you need to try to develop his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspace. The child should master well such concepts as: top, bottom, above, under, between, about, next to, in front, behind, forward, back, left, right, inside, outside, etc.

These words are easy to insert into any children's games. So, playing with cubes, you can ask the baby to insert a yellow one between the red and blue blocks or plant trees in front of the house, and arrange a swing at the back of the house.

You can also play this game. The host offers to follow his instructions to find the hidden toy:

Get your back against the wall. Take one step forward. Take two steps to the left and three jumps back. Crawl under the table. Walk between Mishka and Bunny. Now look up. Do you see a shelf in front of you, and there is a box on it? Check who is sitting behind the box. Well done, I found it!

We increase the number and complexity of instructions gradually, focusing on the capabilities and interest of the child. Such activities are also useful for developing attention, especially if you add one more useful instruction to them:

Stop! Stop and think.

She will always help us when the child is in a hurry or makes mistakes.

After the baby gets used to such games a little, you can play them with toys.

It is important that the child in all our games could be either a leader or a performer. Let him give tasks not only to toys, but also to us, adults, and monitor the correctness of their execution, this will teach him to express his thoughts more clearly, obey the conditions of the game and be attentive.

Often children, who perfectly distinguish the necessary words in everyday life, are lost when they need to be applied in mathematical tasks.

“Kostya could not understand in any way which number was in the number row before the three or four, and which after. Finally, he stopped answering such questions altogether. To make it easier for him, I decided to partially return to the toys. I put the first five numbers in order, and put small toys between them.

Now I asked questions, from his point of view, about toys, and not about numbers:

What machine is between the three and the four?

Who is in front of the two?

Kostya's apathy instantly disappeared, and his answers began to fly out almost faster than I asked. Then I removed almost all the toys, but his enthusiasm did not disappear - he figured out what he could not comprehend for so long and now rejoiced at his discovery.

Extremely simplified tasks can be used to explain new material, and let us not worry that, in our adult opinion, the child has nothing left to think about. This will give him the opportunity to find a familiar association and create his own picture of the solution to the problem, which will help him in the future when performing all such tasks.

Learning the language of mathematics

Look, please, how many balls are in my box and put an equal number of balls in your box, that is, the same number, - I begin to teach Masha and Kostya to the mathematical language. - Well done! Now make a turret equal to mine in height.

It seems to me that older children might find our simple games boring, but Masha and Kostya are only four years old, and it takes them no less than feeding dolls and driving cars.

The kids are still more willing to count on their fingers, but they don’t confuse when to add and when to subtract.

Look, I have a box of tangerines. I put two tangerines on the table. Tell me what am I doing, subtracting or adding?

You subtract! - Kostya cheerfully answers.

Correctly! Look, I take another tangerine out of the box and put it on the table. What am I doing now?

You subtract tangerines again, - Masha does not lag behind her friend.

Where do I subtract from: from the tangerines in the box or from those that are on the table? - I ask a “tricky” question, but you can’t fool them anymore:

From those in the box, you subtract, and those that are on the table, you add up, - interrupting each other, the kids are in a hurry to answer.

If you both leave, will you "subtract" or "add"? I ask a half-joking question.

- “We will subtract,” Masha laughs, “and when we return, we will “add” to you again.

Some children are good at adding and subtracting, but they don't know how to solve problems.

Often this is due to the fact that they do not understand the meaning of the words used in the tasks.

It is necessary to draw the child's attention to the fact that the words: pick up, take away, lose, etc., usually mean a decrease in what is already there, that is, subtraction, and the words add, bring, drag - usually mean an increase, that is, addition. It is important that the child distinguishes well where exactly it decreases and where it increases. For example, the one who gives candies has fewer of them, and the one who has received the gift has an increase in the number of candies. Older children can come up with synonyms for these words.

In the texts of school tasks there are many rather complex words and expressions. A child with poorly developed or insufficiently meaningful speech cannot concentrate on the arithmetic part of the task, since he cannot imagine what is happening in the task. For example, a child needs to solve such a simple task: A farmer plowed 3 plots for buckwheat, and sowed only one. How many plots does he have left to plant?

If a child does not know the words: peasant, plow and sow, this may puzzle him so much that he will not be able to solve this problem.

To avoid such difficulties, it is also useful from time to time to invite reading preschoolers and younger students to read and discuss problems from school textbooks in mathematics, without trying to solve them yet.

For some mathematical concepts, you can prepare the child in advance.

For example, even before the time comes to study the area of ​​​​geometric shapes in school, the child will easily remember that the area or playground is a flat surface, such as on the floor or on a table.

In ordinary speech, children often do not understand the meaning of explanatory words and therefore do not understand them well. When reading tasks, they can be hampered by ordinary words and phrases, such as: which, each, some, when, at the same time, the same, equal, the same, the same, different, different, previous, next, first, previously, before, after, decreased, increase, decrease, with an increase, with a decrease, contains, amounts, additionally, how much, including how much more or less and others. Such guys usually find it difficult to solve problems, and if they are not helped in time, they may begin to consider themselves incapable of mathematics. If you read and discuss with your child good books and use similar words in our classes, then the child will not have these difficulties. Here are some examples of how these words are used:

Mashenka chooses every time for a walk different places. Today she wandered around the park, yesterday she played on the playground, and tomorrow she is going to go to the children's park. Tell me, please, where did Masha walk before she went to the park? After Masha takes a walk in the park, where will she walk? What happened before and what happened later? What has happened and what hasn't yet?

Equal, the same, different, the same, the same. Which of these words and expressions is superfluous and why?

Please distribute apples to everyone sitting in this room, and pears - only to women. If I give you equal apples and pears, how many extra apples will you need?

Understanding the score in the game and movement

“Olenka willingly counts everything and knows how many items there are, and yet I’m not sure that Olenka counts intelligently enough.

To make the account more meaningful, Olenka and I slightly transformed the well-known rhyme:

We shared an orange

There are many of us, but he is one.

This slice - for a hedgehog - once.

This slice - for siskin - two.

This slice - for kittens - three.

This slice is for ducklings - four.

This slice - for a beaver - five.

And for the wolf - peel!

The wolf got angry - trouble,

Run away in all directions!"

Comprehension of the score is sometimes a rather difficult process and can take quite a lot of time, so we, slowly and without getting upset, try all new tricks and games.

“I tried again to bring Olenka closer to understanding the account.

First, I lined up four toys one after the other in a queue. Then we counted them and put an ordinal number on each. Then we discussed which animal is before and which is after, for example, a bunny. I tried to ask clear questions:

Who is standing in front of the bunny? Who is behind the bunny?

Then they remembered a cartoon about a kid who could count to 10, and again they counted everyone:

Dog - 1, bunny - 2, fox - 3, cat - 4.

And only after that I began to ask:

What is the number after one? What is the number before 2? Olenka clearly answered both questions, but since the usual ten minutes of our classes came to an end, we had to interrupt.

Only when the child can clearly say without errors which number is in front of any of the first five numbers, and which one is behind, can we assume that he understands what he is doing and proceed to comprehend counting to ten and simultaneously master addition and subtraction.

What is the best way to represent a number

In order for the child to distinguish different numbers, images of these numbers should appear in his mind. Of course, a child can create these images without us, but we can help him find more suitable and capacious ones. The colored dots of a large children's domino are best suited for this. However, they can also be replaced with balls, bunnies or daisies. The main thing is that the objects are small enough, and they can, if desired, be represented as domino points. Agree that it is easier to imagine the number five if it is depicted compactly in the form of small objects, so it is impossible to come up with anything more convenient than images on dominoes.

However, the child has a great need to touch everything and see for himself, so the children and I began to make an additional manual from quickly hardening plasticine, which we called “math balls”. These are several small rectangles, each with five recesses for balls. The round holes are arranged in the same order as the dots on the dominoes. You can insert a ball (or other convenient figure) into each recess. You can shift the balls to another, the same quadrilateral, and notice how the same numbers look, or think about what to do to make these numbers equal.

The clarity of the manual and the fact that a child can turn one number into another with his own hands helps him a lot to understand how different numbers differ. At this stage, this is a very important task. This is what distinguishes a child who can count from a child who simply memorized numbers without any understanding and cannot really count.

We form images of numbers from 1 to 5

We divide this important topic in teaching kids into four steps.

1. We remember what the numbers from one to five look like. We learn to count to five and get used to the correct layout of numbers in squares in the form of domino dots.


These are houses. Bunny balls live in them. Let's count how many bunny balls live in each house.

After that, the teacher invites the child to populate another house with the same number of characters and in the same order.

2. We translate passive knowledge into active. To do this, let's play our favorite game: "Guess what I hid." It will help the kid learn to find out how many balls are placed on one square, without even counting, and remember which numbers this number of balls corresponds to.

It is better to start with two quadrangles, which in the game can be called different, more pleasant names for the child's hearing, for example, houses or cars. You can, of course, complete our squares with a roof or wheels for this, but kids usually have such a good imagination that it’s enough to say that this square is now a flying carpet and they already see it. We also need plastic numbers, from 1 to 5 for now.

The course of the game might look something like this:

Look, I have two houses. These colored balls live in everyone. How many red balls live in the first house, and how many yellow balls live in the second? That's right, 3 balls live in the first house, and four in the second. Now a cloud (a piece of paper) has crawled onto the house. How many balls are hidden under the cloud? That's right, the cloud closed the house with three balls. Now find the numbers 3 and 4 in the box and put the three next to the house in which three balls live, and where do we put the four? Of course, next to the house in which 4 balls live.

Gradually, the number of hidden "houses" is brought to 3-4, not forgetting to come up with all the new plots of the game. For example, somehow our squares turned into sea ships, and the balls into sailors. Part of the ships hid behind a rock, and I had to urgently remember how many sailors on each ship needed to be saved.

For greater clarity, we will invite the child to close his eyes and tell from memory what a number looks like, and then open his eyes and draw it on paper or type it on the box yourself.

3. Fixing the material. At this stage, it is useful to learn how to play the game of "dominoes" itself. We play openly, turning all the bones upside down. Each player puts his knuckle and loudly announces the number of dots, for example: "five - three." It is good if plush toys take part in the game. The child and I can make moves for them. The winner is the one who runs out of bones or there are fewer of them left.

Of course, an adult wins very rarely - otherwise the game will quickly get bored.

Another one fun game with an imaginary Baba Yaga. The teacher lays out a number series from one to five, then distracts the child and breaks the order of the numbers.


Baba Yaga mixed up all the numbers again. Can you fix everything?

The child knows that this is a game, and Baba Yaga is imaginary, but joyfully plays along with us:

Look, Baba Yaga. We put all the numbers back in place!

4. Deepening the understanding of concepts: equally, the same number, the same number and how the numbers differ.

We take three squares and lay them out so that two of them have the same number of balls, for example, 3, and the third has another, for example, 4.

Look, these are three nests. Sparrows sit in them. What nest of sparrows has the same number of sparrows? Are these two equal? What needs to be done so that they have the same number of chicks? That's right, remove one!

We invite the child to “guess” how three points differ from two, two from four, etc.

The answer, undeniable to an adult, is not so obvious to a child. The child should respond like this:

Three differs from two by one point.

With the help of colored dominoes, you can make the game more difficult and interesting. Compare domino dots in three ways: by color, location and number of dots.

Is your child ready for math?

Now let's try to find out if our child can add and subtract, at least within three. After all, it seems to us that we did not teach him this.

We lay out some object in front of the child, for example, a typewriter and ask the first question:

How many cars are there?

One, the child answers.

If I add another one, how much will it be? we ask, but nothing is added yet. It is important for us that he imagine two things in his mind.

Two, - answers the kid.

Only now we lay out the second object and invite the child to make sure that he is right.

Now, you know that there are two cars here, and if one goes to the garage, how many will remain? we ask again, without removing anything.

If the child answered correctly, then go to the number three. Also, first in the mind, and then in reality, we offer to add one car to two, and then subtract one from the three cars received. After the kid has coped with this task, we can assume that he is ready to learn how to add and subtract within five.

“So, we have come to mastering the number “4”. Come up with a couplet:

"The table has 4 legs,

4 legs and a cat.

Then they counted the legs of the furniture. The next day I asked Olenka: “How many paws or legs does a cat, dog, goat have?” Olenka answered correctly. Then I asked:

Tell me, please, how many legs does a chicken have?

Only two, - answered Olenka.

I made sure that Olenka really understood everything and complicated the task:

The cat has 4 legs. How many boots does a cat need?

Olenka mentally counted the cat's paws aloud and answered correctly again.

Math mobile games

“Sometimes Olin's friend Yura joined our classes. They already knew how to add and subtract a little, but in order for the guys to better understand the difference between addition and subtraction, we decided to go back a bit. I remembered how, on a walk, Olya and Yura jumped up the stairs with passion, counting the steps, and invited them to jump along the music track with numbers. First, they jumped forward, from number to number, from 1 to 10, each time saying: - Add one more - it will turn out ...

Then in reverse side from 10 to 1, saying:

Subtract one more - it turns out ...

The children liked the game so much that now Yura, no matter how he comes in, asks from the threshold:

When the guys stopped making mistakes by adding and subtracting one, they began to count back and forth in deuces:

Two, add one and one more - four, add one and one more - six ... "

A similar rug can help us too. You can buy it or make it yourself by drawing 10 cells on fabric or paper with the first ten numbers of the digital series from 1 to 10. Below are a few games that kids especially like.

1. The game will help the kid learn to count meaningfully from one to ten and vice versa. Of course, jumping with someone in turn is more interesting. - One, two, three, four, five - five, four, three, two, one, - the kid says, jumping from number to number back and forth. For a change, you can jump on one leg, then on two or something else. Over time, we bring the number of cells to ten. When the child remembers the counting order, you can ask him to count out loud again, but with his eyes closed.

2. This game will help the child get closer to understanding what addition and subtraction are. Now the baby jumps from cell to cell with the words: - One, add one - two. Two, add one - three. Three, add one - four. Four, add one - five. Five, subtract one - four. Four, subtract one - three. Three, subtract one - two. Two, subtract one - one, - the baby carefully says, jumping from number to number back and forth.

3. Another game that is also perceived by children as fun entertainment. Despite this, it is extremely clear how numbers change with the addition or subtraction of one.

The child jumps from cell to cell with a "bast basket" and takes out of it and puts one berry (or other toy) on each cell, saying:

1 berry, add 1, get 2 berries; 2 berries, add 1, you get 3 berries; 3 berries, add 1, you get 4 berries; 4 berries, add 1, you get 5 berries.

Then in the opposite direction, with each jump, collecting one berry:

5 berries, subtract 1, 4 berries remain; 4 berries, subtract 1, 3 berries remain; 3 berries, subtract 1, 2 berries remain; 2 berries, subtract 1, 1 berry remains; 1 berry, subtract one, nothing remains - zero.

At first, the child does not understand that he is already adding and subtracting one, he is only getting used to these concepts, understanding will come later.

"Grandmother! - Katyushka asks for a walk, - let's play numbers. I'm a five and you're a four.

Okay, I agree, so who's first?

I, of course, I'm more! The girl runs ahead.

Then I'm now a seven, - I say and stand ahead of Katya.

And I'm already ten, - says Katya and again becomes ahead.

Okay, - I say, - then let's play, who is less. I am a seven!

And I'm a six, Katyushka runs ahead again.

The baby really likes this game, because it feels some kind of rivalry.

It is very good when not we, but the child becomes the initiator of classes. Sometimes it is helpful to set aside your own "adult" things so that the child can feel the importance of his little things.

This amazing unit The first thing we try to explain to the child is the wonderful properties of the unit. Moreover, the unit, in the understanding of the child, is not abstract, there is one object behind it, even if we do not voice it. It is most convenient for the child, saying: 1, 2, 3, etc., to represent balls or domino points. The child has already learned that when we add 1, we get the next ordinal number, when we subtract 1, we get the previous ordinal number. Now we are together trying to understand that adding or subtracting 2 means adding or subtracting 1 and another 1; to add or subtract 3 means to add or subtract three ones at once or in turn, and so on.

“I thought it was simple, I would tell the child that adding one and one more means adding two, but it wasn’t there. In Lesha's world, this is not the same thing. It took a long time to get used to it. They made animal heads from plasticine, stuck them on pawns from old chess and began to play them right on the chessboard:

1 bunny jumped, 1 more jumped, then 1 more - 2 more in total.

There were 3 baby elephants, another 1 came running, then another 1 - in total 2 were added!

Lesha liked the game. We played this and similar games with him for a long time, until he clearly realized that the numbers 2 and 3 consist of ones.

Delving into math

There are three kittens here, if they give you two more kittens, how many will there be?

The kid has to add invisible objects to visible objects in his mind, which develops his computing abilities.

If the baby does not understand, we do not resent and do not criticize, but simplify and simplify the task.

So, if the child does not understand in any way that when adding one object to four, we get five objects, then this idea can be expressed even more clearly:

We have four kittens, the fifth came running. How many of them became?

This simple technique helps the child to realize that adding one means saying the next number.

Focusing on the number 5

For a clearer assimilation of addition, subtraction and the composition of numbers, it is better for a child to first focus on the number 5. That is, to find how much is missing from 5 or, conversely, how much is this number greater than 5?

If numbers up to 5 are easily represented in the mind by most children, then numbers larger than five are easier to imagine as a sum of numbers, and even better as a sum of dominoes.

First, as the sum of 5 dots on one side and from 1 to 5 dots on the second side of the knuckle.

Addition and composition of the number

In order to make it easier for the child to remember what the sums of numbers up to 10 look like and to imagine the composition of each number, we again use our math balls. For example, in order to understand what the number 5 consists of, we take two squares and lay out the number 5 on each in two ways. On one square there are 3 red balls and 2 yellow ones, and on the other square there are 1 red and 4 yellow ones. The child sees, realizes and remembers that 5 consists of 3 and 2 or 1 and 4. Now you can invite the child to experiment himself, if he can find other ways to break down the number 5, for example, into 1, 2 and 2.

“Olenka loves to animate everything, and I learn this from her. Even the numbers are alive with us: they have brothers and sisters who endlessly argue, quarrel and even brag.

I, - says the five, - more than you, four! Two deuces and a one are placed inside me, - the five shows on the balls, - and if I want, they will turn into a three and a two.

But I have a three and a one in me, - the four shows on the balls, - and if I want, they will turn into two deuces, - again the four shows on the balls. Then their mother comes and says that she loves them all equally, and they quarrel in vain.

I hug Olenka, and we start playing again, I am for the top five, and she is for the four.

You can come up with funny puzzles together so that the exercises on the composition of the number become clearer and more interesting.

They argued 3 and 4, who has more twos inside. Let's use balloons to help them find out.

I have 4 cakes for guests. How many guests can I invite if I give them one cake each, and how many if two cakes each?

Mom with cubs found 5 apples. Mom took 2 for herself, and distributed one to the cubs. How many bears did she have?

It is easiest for a child to imagine the composition of a number as a larger number, inside of which smaller numbers “live”.

“Olenka smartly added up on balls and on her fingers, but for some reason she could not count these amounts in her mind. Then we began to invent rhymes with her.

2 and 3 - will be 5 - everyone should know this.

3 and 3 - will be 6, - six candies are easy to eat.

5 and 2 - will be 7, - the shoes are completely new.

5 and 3 - will be 8 - remember, and we will ask you.

5 and 4 - 4 and 5 - no matter how you turn it, nine again.

5 and 5 - will be 10, do not forget to weigh the sweets.

Now Olenka checked the rhymes on her fingers and, conversely, recalled the rhymes with the help of her fingers. This helped her to quickly understand and remember all the sums of numbers.

If the child understood “what is” the sum of numbers, but does not remember, for example, that 2 plus 3 will be five, then our favorite game will help us again: “Guess what I hid”. We lay out 2 yellow balls on one square, and 3 red ones on the other, and exactly as they are located on dominoes, we lay out 1 and 2 on the other two squares in the same way. We cover both pairs of squares. Now we ask the child to remember which combination of balls was on the first pair of squares, and which on the second. We give the child to make sure that he is right, and again we cover the squares.

Next time, we suggest remembering how many balls were on one of the pairs.

And finally, at the next lesson, the child will be able to answer something like this:

2 and 3 are hidden - 5 balls in total.

To compare the composition of numbers greater than five, we use all 4 squares. For example, we lay out 4 and 3 balls on the first pair of squares. On one square - 4, on the other - 3, and on the second pair - 5 and 2 balls. The child can compare these pairs, recalculate and find out that the sums of these numbers are equal.

After some time, he will begin to mentally represent the sums of these numbers in the form of balls located on quadrangles and will no longer forget these images.

At this stage, we can introduce these online games into our classes. It is better to start with games for comparing dots (or other objects) on dominoes. One game is designed for several minutes of classes and this does not pose a significant threat to the child's vision. If you use them on time and move on to each next game, only having mastered the material necessary for the game, then the child's interest in mathematics usually increases.

Explanation of subtraction

After the child learns to add numbers within five, you can proceed to subtraction.

Let the baby himself, rearranging the balls as necessary, see and realize his actions. At the same time, it is better for him to comment on them something like this:

To make 5 balls turn into 3 balls, I remove 2 balls.

On our two squares it is easy to show that, for example: 7 balls are 4 and 3 balls. The child removes (or hides) a square with 3 balls and sees that 4 balls remain, and, conversely, removes a square with 4 balls and makes sure that 3 balls remain. In this case, the arrangement of balls on the squares is always the same for better formation visual images of numbers, and so that the child is not embarrassed by Piaget's phenomena that have not yet been overcome. Remember? The preschooler is not sure that when the arrangement of the balls changes, their number does not change.

For most children, all new tasks are not immediately obvious, and even with such clarity, they have to demonstrate the “appearance and disappearance” of the balls more than once.

Instead of balls, in many cases you can use the usual children's dominoes with dots.

It is clearly seen on dominoes that the same sum of points, for example, five, is equal to "2 and 3" and "4 and 1". As a result, it is very easy for a child to learn how to add and subtract within five, and later - ten.

This, of course, does not mean that we cannot simultaneously count objects located arbitrarily. It is possible to count without objects at all, only implying them. However, when difficulty arises, it is better to invite the child to imagine domino points, and not to count on the fingers.

As mentioned above, almost all the domino games we use are available and hang on this site as online games.

If you do not want to use a computer, these games can be turned into board games using regular dominoes and number cards.

This method of teaching counting, addition and subtraction works great with kids who have trouble learning math in lower grades schools.

I had to meet eight-year-old students in the first and even second grade who did not know how to add and subtract at all. And in a very short time, they learned and began to learn no worse than their peers. The fact is that in mathematics everything is interconnected and, without comprehending at least some trifle at the beginning, a person cannot go further. Therefore, I tried to make such a visual arithmetic based on dominoes, so that there would be almost no room for misunderstanding.

Even and odd numbers

Playing with a child, we from time to time draw his attention to the fact that some numbers can be divided equally, while others cannot:

These five (six) marbles can be divided equally between us so that everyone has the same number of marbles?

Sometimes we ask:

Give me half the cubes, please.

When a child learns that some numbers are divided equally, while others are not divided, it remains only to remember that those numbers that are divided exactly in half are called even.

Preparation for addition and subtraction of single digits with the transition through a dozen

“Today, Polina and I began to approach the addition of single-digit numbers with the transition through a dozen. We reviewed how to add ten to other numbers, and then discussed how many of 8, 7, and 6 are missing to ten. And suddenly we got a rhyme: From 8 to 10 there is not enough deuce,

From 7 to 10 is missing a triple,

From 6 to 10 fours are not enough,

It's very sad if someone doesn't know this."

Many kids have a hard time imagining what happens to numbers when we add and subtract within 10. The transition to actions within 20 can be even more difficult for them, so, as always, we highlight and simplify individual steps. First, we learn to find how much is missing to 10, or, in other words, how much to add to the number to get 10. At the same time, we teach the child to add 10 with numbers from 1 to 10. The child does not immediately understand that the first syllables of the name added to 10 numbers are always preserved, time must pass for this to happen. After addition is mastered, we master subtraction according to the same principle:

10 + 4 = 14, that is, 14 consists of 10 and 4. If we take 10 from 14, what will remain?

Making sense of the score up to 100

Sometimes children count to 100, but purely mechanically. In order for the child to imagine what a hundred units are, we will make several visual models for him, for example, trains or snakes.

Our child already has a good idea of ​​the number 10, like dots on a 5-5 domino. Now, even if we represent ten with domino dots quite small, the child will still tell us that this is ten.

Let's fashion a train with ten small trailers from plasticine or other mass for modeling. We put dots on the roof of each trailer like on a 5-5 domino. To make it more interesting, you can tell the child that there are 10 chickens in each trailer and we need to count them. We first count the chickens in tens, explaining that 2 tens are called 20, and 3 tens are called 30. After the child remembers this, we “attach” the following trailers.

You can color the body of a plasticine or clay boa constrictor in dozens in the form of domino dots. The dots may indicate the age of our fabulous boa constrictor. It is best if the child can sculpt and color the boas different ages myself.

I will not talk long and in detail about how important it is to teach a child numbers: today only lazy people do not talk about early development. I'll go straight to practice. We tried all these methods with our daughters, starting almost from birth. The eldest Tanya is now 5 years old, the youngest Lena is 2, and we continue to memorize the numbers in a playful way. These games are mostly designed for children under 3 years old. But in the near future I will talk about 7 more activities-games for learning numbers with children from 3 to 5 years old.

1. Cards in hand

Many have heard about the Glen Doman system. With its help, you can teach your child numbers before he begins to speak. In any case, that's how they write. In addition, now the stores are full of different sets of cards with dots and numbers for teaching babies from the cradle. It's very simple: when the child is alert and ready to play, you quickly show him the cards. Over time, the child will learn to distinguish between numbers and numbers without counting the dots.

We tried to play like this, studying the numbers with Lena, but soon, when my daughter got tired of just looking at the cards (by that time she was one and a half years old), she began to ask me to lay out all the variety of pictures in front of her, so that later she would give me this or that number or card with dots at my request. It was consolidation and repetition of the material.

I made the cards myself on thick cardboard from packing boxes from under Agushi. To teach a child numbers in this way is within the power of every mother.

2. Numbers in the house

Children do not like to sit in one place for a long time. They like to crawl, run, jump, so as soon as the child crawls and walks, you can hang cards around the house at the level of the child’s eyes: on cabinets, walls, doors ... The child, running past, sees the image of the number and quantity and remembers them.

I first tried this method when Tanya and I were studying numbers. And nothing happened. She could not remember a single one, although at the same time she had long been reciting K.I. Chukovsky and confidently counted to ten. I decided that this method is complete nonsense and it is simply impossible to teach a child numbers in this way. And somewhere deep in the subconscious, I was very upset, and I had complaints about the child ... How is it?? She can't do anything...

I was stupid then! Then, watching and thinking, I realized simple thing: Tanya's leading memory is auditory, and remembering visual images is more difficult for her. At 4 years old, she still confused some of the numbers. But Lena already knows all the numbers at the age of 2, because her leading memory is visual. But she still does not speak ... So, with her, we actively use numbers in the house.

Posting cards in different corners apartments, we play hide and seek with numbers. You need to find the five, which, hanging on the balcony door, hides behind the curtain, then the eight, which likes to hide in the bathroom, then the number "four", hiding on the wardrobe doors. It turns out that it is so easy to teach a child the numbers in the game.

And one more interesting remark: having memorized the visual image, my daughter began to listen more attentively! If we mention a number in a conversation, she immediately goes to the card and shows: here, they say, you were talking about “six” or about “one”. I'm surprised myself!

But what to do if the child has a leading auditory memory? Not to use Numbers in the House? Anyway, it seems to me that you need to play like this, only stick not all ten numbers at once, but only one or two. Then, when the child remembers them, you can add a couple of new cards.

And in stores, all kinds of kits with numbers on magnets are sold. Having settled them on the refrigerator, you can teach your child numbers by playing in the kitchen: building trains or houses in which One, Troika, Nine live ...

3. Poetic figures

If your child loves to listen to poetry, if he has a leading auditory memory, learn with him, for example, the lines of S.Ya. Marshak on numbers:

Three comes after four
Sharp elbow of a bulge.

Number six - door lock:
Hook on top, circle on bottom.

And then together you can even put on a small performance and show how the number “five” dances and what acrobatic numbers the number “nine” shows. So in a playful way you can teach your child numbers.

4. Books for young mathematicians

Mathematical books in stores are now full of. It would be a desire to teach the child numbers by reading and playing with him. The books “Learning to Count” from the series “Lessons for Preschoolers” and “Studying Numbers” together with Smeshariki have taken root in our house. Girls love to listen to them before going to bed, and on the road, when we are going somewhere, and just read them when they have free time. And the eldest generally learned them by heart, and sometimes reads the younger one from memory if I am busy.

5. Numbers and turrets

The child must understand that a number is not just a picture, it is a designation of one or another number of objects. Therefore, I offer you a simple game to help your child remember numbers and understand their relationship with quantity.

Draw a small field into ten squares or rectangles and sign each of them with a number. The task of the child: to build a tower of cubes on the field: two, five, eight ... It all depends on which number is written in the square. It is clear that at first he will build towers the way he likes it best, but gradually he will begin to understand that “two” is two cubes, and “five” is five. And then it's great to break these turrets !!

In our family, this game is now the hit of the season: every day we play more than once. Lenka takes out a field, and this is a sign to everyone: we will build turrets. So far, not everything is working out, and my daughter wants to put six cubes on “five”, and one on “eight”, but all this will come with time.

6. Appetizing number

A figure can be eaten if, for example, it is made of pasta or cottage cheese. You can bake delicious "arithmetic" cookies and teach your child numbers by eating "threes" and "nines" with tea or milk. And also tell the child a dinner tale, where the main character will be the swan Deuce or Eight-tumbler.

Honestly, with Lena, I have not yet tried to memorize numbers like that. But Tanya did not appreciate this method: she prefers to eat just cottage cheese, and not a curd six. But maybe your kid will like mouth-watering numbers. Try it.

7. Portrait workshop

If you want to teach your child about numbers, open a portrait workshop and create portraits of different numbers. Choose what your child likes best. The numbers can

  • draw (on paper, sand, snow);
  • sculpt from plasticine;
  • spread with beans or counting sticks;
  • cut with scissors;
  • assemble from a Velcro constructor or any other constructor;
  • make applications or crafts from natural material. For example, on the river bank you can lay out a number from pebbles, and in the forest - from cones. More often, it is these informal ways that help teach a child numbers (and not just numbers) quickly and easily.

Of course, it is difficult for a child at a young age to draw, cut, sculpt alone, so the mother can do something, and the child will be there: watch and help. For example, a mother cuts out numbers from colored paper, and then makes a digital application together with the baby, or a mother lays out numbers from cones, and the child collects these cones and looks at how beautiful it turned out ...

We do not use this method very often yet: Lenchik prefers to draw grass to feed her horse, and from plasticine she likes the hedgehog and caterpillars in my performance ... There are enough numbers in the house even without handiwork. Tanya hardly does something with her hands: her fine motor skills are not very developed, but we are working on it ... Here, for example, is an application: my daughter cut out a one, and I cut out a five. Glued and painted together!

All these ways will help you teach your child numbers. Up to 3 years or a little later, it doesn’t really matter. Many of these games can also be used with an older child: there are cookie numbers, draw, read math books ... For example, with Tanya we sometimes “study” according to the book “I Count and Decide” for children 5-6 years old from the Lomonosov School series . But there are other activities-games for learning numbers with children from 3 to 5 years old. Which? I'll tell you next time...

Find a pair - addition

simple game for children of preschool and school age. All cards should be opened based on the condition of the same numbers. For example, if one card shows 3 + 6, then she should pick up a card with the image of the number 9.

Find a pair - multiplication

A simple game for preschool and school children. All cards should be opened based on the condition of the same numbers. For example, if one card shows 3 * 4, then she should pick up a card with the image of the number 12.

The game develops the memory, intelligence and ingenuity of the child. Also, the game allows you to expand the horizons of a small person.

magic square

A magic or magic square is a square table filled with numbers in such a way that the sum of the numbers in each row, each column and on both diagonals is the same. Normal is a magic square filled with integers from 1 to n^2.

Number coloring pages

  • Number 0 coloring book - kids learning numbers

Coloring pages of numbers help to get acquainted with numbers, letters and other images and symbols. How more baby paints objects, the more familiar they become.

Multiplication table

The program in a chaotic manner sets tasks on the topic of the multiplication table. The program allows you to identify weaknesses. If the child does not know a specific question, then the program will automatically repeat it until the child remembers the correct value,

Memorizing numbers by ear

Checking the memory of an adult or a child.

The program reads a sequence of numbers, you need to memorize them and reproduce them.

Learning to add

Mathematically - logic game for schoolchildren. The screen shows a mathematical problem for addition. One of the numbers is unknown. The player must correctly guess (determine) an unknown number. If the player does not correctly determine the desired number, then a bump falls on the character's head - this is not painful, but unpleasant.

Learning to count for the little ones

We present to your attention new interesting educational games for learning to count for the little ones.

Many parents are wondering how to teach a child to count, at what age he should be able to count to five, to ten, how to teach to count in his mind, and in general, how to teach a child to count easier and more accessible for children.

Mathematics remarkably develops the intelligence of the baby, teaches him to think and analyze.

When to start teaching your child to count

To instill in a child a love for mathematics, he should do it with pleasure, and not under duress, and exactly as much as he wants. If the game is interesting to the child, eventually he will definitely succeed! And remember, the main thing is not to teach a child to count, but to instill in him a love for mathematics, because we all know how to count, but not everyone loves mathematics.

What should be games for teaching counting

Rules for Mom

  1. It is necessary to teach a child to count only in the game, without forcing him or forcing him.
  2. The desire to engage should be both in the baby and in the mother.
  3. You need to start with the development of figurative thinking and imagination, and not with numbers (the child’s brain is not yet ready for them).
  4. Count what the child is interested in: trees, crows, cars.
  5. Instead of "times" always say "one" - do not confuse the child (apply this rule even in counting rhymes).
  6. Introduce the number zero to your child at about four years of age.

From the age of 2, a baby can be taught simple arithmetic operations. Mathematics is not difficult. Parents often wonder why their baby has difficulty learning a rhyme, and remembers his favorite songs or poems easily. What is memory ability? And, most importantly, is it possible to develop a child's memory? The development of memory consists in qualitative changes in memory processes and in the transformation of the content of the recorded material. This is very important for children and Everyday life, and in education. Not without reason, when assessing a child's intellectual readiness for school, one of the most important criteria is his developed memory. After all, this is a prerequisite for a successful and versatile knowledge of the world, the assimilation new information. The more attention parents pay to development various kinds memory, attention and imagination of the baby, the higher the intellectual potential of their child. That is why in all the most effective methods of early intellectual development exercises and games for the development of all types of memory are necessarily included.

Playing mathematics (arithmetic)

Play with your child walking down the street, for example, on the stairs. Place sheets of paper with numbers on the steps.

Buy books and manuals that help to form elementary mathematical knowledge in a child's form in a playful way. The child will learn the logic of thinking, interesting tasks will make him concentrate his attention, memory, develop his imagination. The Idea of ​​Quantities It is not connecting (like ordinal counting) that will help you build it, but basic metaphors. More often use in games solid images that have long been familiar to the child: a hand is five fingers; a person is always two arms, legs, two eyes, two ears. Dividing something (apple, pizza, pie) is easiest in half, etc.

Take a few familiar toys, put them on the table, close one. Let the child say which one is not visible. Another option: put two toys side by side on the table, show them to the child and say, completely covering the toys with a handkerchief, that they<в домике>. The third toy, let's say a doll, is in your fist, and you can't see what it is. Tap on the table next to<домиком>fist with a toy:<К вам можно?>Now put your hand under the handkerchief, leave the doll there. Raise the handkerchief so that all three toys can be seen, and ask:<Кто пришел последним?>For a four-year-old, the game becomes more complicated: place a number of identical objects on the table, cover a few, and let the baby say how many objects are not visible.

The mathematical style of thinking is much easier to acquire in early childhood, and this happens the easier, the better the soil of early development is prepared. Never force a child to exercise against their will. Home speech therapist. Games with letters - memorization of letters and syllables.

Learn numbers by playing

To date, you can find many different methods, games, poems, riddles for teaching numbers.

We offer you funny poems - riddles about numbers

How old is a chicken in an egg
How many wings does a kitten have
How many numbers are in the alphabet
How many mountains the tiger will swallow
How many tons does a mouse weigh?
How many crows in a flock of fish
How many hares did the moth eat
Only the number knows ... (zero)

How many suns behind the clouds
How many refills are in a fountain pen
How many noses does an elephant have
How many watches are on your hand?
How many legs does a fly agaric have
And attempts at the sapper,
Knows and is proud of himself
Digit-column ... (unit)

How many ears on top
How many legs does a half frog have
How many mustaches does a catfish have
At the planet of the poles,
How many halves in total
In a pair of brand new shoes,
And the front paws of a lion
Only a number knows ... (two)

How many months in winter
In summer, in autumn, in spring,
How many eyes does a traffic light have
Bases on the baseball field
The edges of a sports sword
And the stripes on our flag
Whatever anyone tells us
The number knows the truth ... (three)

How many legs does a mongoose have
Petals in a cabbage flower
Fingers on a chicken leg
And on the back paw of a cat,
Tanya's hand with Petya
And all sides in the world
Yes, and the oceans in the world,
The number knows ... (four)

How many fingers are on the hand
And a penny in a patch,
At starfish rays,
The beaks of five rooks,
Blades near maple leaves
And the corners of the bastion
Tell about it all
The number will help us ... (five)

How many letters does the dragon have
And zeros for a million
Various chess pieces
Wings of three white hens,
May beetle legs
And the sides of the chest.
If we can't count ourselves
The number will tell us ... (six)

How many colors are in the rainbow
Days in the week for whales.
Gnomes at Snow White,
Twin brothers at the pawn
Notes that even children know
And all the wonders in the world
deal with it all
The number will help us ... (seven)

How many winds on the sea
And the hooves of two donkeys,
Octopus tentacles,
And the fangs of a pair of Great Danes?
How many legs does a spider have
If we ask about it
The number will answer us ... (eight)

How many pirates in a dozen
If three have gone somewhere,
Months of the year without summer
Nonet performers,
Lives of a stray cat
And in a dozen flies without midges?
Don't look for the answer anywhere, because
The number has an answer ... (nine)

How many stars are in the sky at night
How many bread crumbs are in bread
How many drops are in the rain
How many fish live in the water
How many legs does a polypod have?
Very, very, very… (many)

Learning to count up to 10

We count fingers using various rhymes and nursery rhymes. The method is also good in that it can be used from the very early age, literally from birth, while developing fine motor skills. First, we count up to 5, after a year you can switch to nursery rhymes with a count of up to 10. As the baby grows up, you can count not only his fingers, but the fingers of mom, dad and other family members.

We count the steps - go from the most simple ways. When the baby has learned with your help to overcome the steps quite well at least in one direction (for example, he learned to go down), you can start counting these steps. First, you count, the baby goes down and listens, and after a while he will begin to count with you.

We play board games with chips and dice. In such games, there is also a score and a visual number of dots on the die.

We use "counting" in which there is a count of up to five to ten for various games to determine who will go first.

Counting to five is usually remembered by the baby quickly, easily and counts without errors. After five, jumping over a number or rearranging numbers begins. If this happens, you can correct it in the following way.

Add only one number to the correct score until the child learns it. For example, your child counts 1-2-3-4-5-7-8-9-10, i.e. skips the number 6. Pay attention to the fact that after five comes the number 6, i.e. calculate yourself 4-5-6. When counting up to 10, each time calculate the “difficult” place with the child together, slightly highlighting the desired number with your voice.

The main thing is to show your imagination!

How to teach a child to count

Children need to be taught numbers and counting for two important reasons. The first of them is that we do calculations every day. The second reason is the need for the early development of the child's mental abilities, increasing intelligence with childhood, because this is what first of all contributes to teaching the child to count.

From the age of two, you can start learning numbers. Often you give your child knowledge without even knowing it. After all, children's memory is selective and remembers only what the child is interested in, pleased, surprised, especially at the age of 6 years.

Your main task is to turn learning into exciting game which you can organize by following the tips below.

  1. Finger play. Show your toddler what counting is by using his or your fingers. This game is best remembered as a small trick: remove and add fingers, while covering them with the other hand, so that the child gets the impression that they disappear.
  2. Count objects in everyday life: apples on a plate, sweets in a vase, pencils on a table, etc. And to remember also the number - write down the counted on the magnetic board.
  3. Pictures depicting numbers and objects. Putting one object, show the child the number 1. And so start learning first up to 3, then up to 5, and when the child learns it well, go to counting up to 10. With the help of this exercise, the baby will gradually learn to visually correlate the number of objects and the number.
  4. Number books. In bookstores, you can find a huge number of educational aids with numbers that will become your reliable assistant in teaching your child to count.
  5. Cartoons. Developing interesting cartoons, where bright characters demonstrate various objects, will help the child understand the meaning of numbers and improve their memorization.
  6. Steps. Highly effective exercise is the count of steps on a staircase or in a park. Just repeat the numbers step by step with the baby in the order of the steps taken.
  7. Coloring pages. On a landscape sheet of paper, draw the numbers and color with the baby. You can diversify the picture with funny characters to make the process more fun and interesting.
  8. Walks. During your time outdoors, compete with your baby - let him find 2 benches, 3 trees, 1 dog. You can grab cards so that the child can immediately select the desired number to indicate the appropriate number of items.
  9. Magnets. Attach colorful magnets with numbers to the refrigerator - the baby will often have them in front of his eyes and he himself will not notice how he will learn them.
  10. Adventure games. The stores are very big choice a variety of colorful board games, where, for example, each step is marked with numbers. The desire to get ahead of the opponent and win, makes the kids quickly learn the numbers.

If you ask, at what age can you use a calculator? The answer will be this: it is better not to use it at all, but to teach the child to count quickly, and even better to count in the mind. Imagination Development Articles

Teachers recommend starting the study of numbers from the age of one, not earlier. And it is best to do this in a playful way, otherwise the baby will not get any skills, but will begin to feel disgust for learning, and this is not at all the goal that we want to achieve. To consolidate skills oral account You can use not only toys, but also cartoons. Such, for example, as offers its viewers a Very Important Channel, which presents a wide variety of videos.

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A significant advantage of the channel is that the child himself can choose those cartoons and those characters that he likes the most. A Very Important Channel is also good because almost all the videos presented use an integrated approach. Those who will watch the online cartoons "The Basics of Learning Numbers" will be able to note that they study numbers, colors, and a comparison of different concepts at the same time. Moreover, all cartoons involve characters that children like so much. These are cars, boats, funny animals - in a word, everything that can attract the attention of a baby. For example, Lelya's typewriter will introduce children to the basics of mental counting, a smart tablet will show examples of how to count kittens or cubs, and in the Sweet Country you can count the number of candies, etc.

As a rule, videos run no longer than five minutes, so that the child does not get tired of the abundance of information. You just need to make sure that the baby does not watch more than 4-5 episodes in a row. It's better to turn your attention to something else.

How to teach a child to count?

Although parents try to teach a child to count from the age of one, very often kids perceive the number series as a kind of rhyme that you just need to memorize. There is no benefit in such training, because the child simply does not feel what these numbers are for. Another thing is educational cartoons (for example, those presented in the collections of the Very Important Channel). They on specific example show what the account is for. Game situations from these cartoons can be reproduced at home. For example, count together with the kid how many cars he has in a toy garage, how many designer cubes are needed in order to build a house, etc. At the same time, you need to use cards with pictures and images of numbers. Take your time, first stop at learning the numbers from one to five, and only then move on to the following examples.