Rap group mushrooms. What is the secret of the "Mushrooms" group

The group "Mushrooms" is a musical group from Kyiv. The group was formed in 2016, and in 2017 they blew up all the radio stations with their hit “The Ice Melts”. The clip on YouTube gained over 150 million views in 10 months.


The group included three musicians - Symptom NZHN and 4atty aka Tilla.

Yuri Bardash is also the producer of the band. By the way, this is not his first project. Bardash - former producer popular bands"", "" and teenage pop group " Open Kids". He is also the founder of the production company Kruzheva Music.

Symptom NZHN (read as “onjeon”) is a Ukrainian rap artist, previously a member of the groups “5V7”, “Apaska”. Real name is Daniil Dudulad. The real name of 4atty aka Tilla is Ilya Kapustin. In his musical piggy bank there are a lot of works with famous rappers ST, Lok Dog, Weight, . Member of the Ukrainian rap duet "Bridges".

The video blogger Kyivstoner was a freelance member of the group. He created humorous sketches, which were included in the clips of "Mushrooms", and during live performances he worked with the public. But in May 2017, the blogger announced his departure from the team. IN interview He told Flow that initially the "Mushrooms" had a plan to create, but in the end he saw that in this project they want to count, not create. He took up a solo career.

But, despite the departure of Kyivstoner, the group continued to conquer the Russian-language show business.


The songs of the "Mushrooms" group are not overloaded with philosophy, the lyrics are simple and understandable. There are no moralizing and grandiloquent phrases, but at the same time the compositions are not devoid of humor. However, like their videos.

The participants made a bet on their own anonymity, at least at the beginning of their journey. Now, of course, the identities of the guys are known. But in the clips, the guys tried to hide their appearance. In the video, 4atty aka Tilla appears in a balaclava, Symptom NZHN - in a black panama pulled over his eyes, and Bardash - in sunglasses. The guys try to avoid interviews, rarely participate in photo shoots.

In 2016, the video "Intro" appeared on YouTube. The clip was filmed in black and white, it has both a house beat and a catchy bass line. For the debut video, he gathered a multi-million audience, of course, not a record number of views, but enough for a successful start in show business. At the Jagermeister Indie Awards 2016, "Mushrooms" won with this song in the "Single of the Year" nomination.

The first concert of "Mushrooms" in Moscow

The second clip of "Mushrooms" was released in September 2016. The "Cops" video turned out to be no less viral than their first work. In November, the group recorded their first album “House on wheels. Part 1. The album contains nine tracks. Despite the fact that the beats in the songs are identical, "Mushrooms" was able to refresh the rap of the nineties. They immediately announced that the second part of the album will be released next fall. For two days “House on wheels. Ch. 1" became the fastest growing music release in terms of the number of plays.

On this wave, the guys decided to go to a small tour: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Kyiv. Concert tickets sold out at lightning speed, although the group's repertoire consisted of only two songs. On the eve of the tour, they recorded a new track "Great" and shot a video for it.

The participants themselves believe that their work is house, electronic dance music with inclusions of disco and soul, in which rhythm and bass sections predominate. The concerts of "Mushrooms" are held with a bang and with a full house, the music really "rocks" the youth of today.

But the real success happened when the guys presented the track "Ice Melts" to the public. The clip produced the effect of an exploding bomb. The song was played on radio and TV, for the first three weeks official clip viewed over 30 million times. This track repeated the phenomenon of the group's "Exhibit". The song turned out to be so “sticky”, and the video sequence so memorable that soon they began to make parodies of it.

One of them was shown in the program " Evening Urgant”, where the parody begins as a weather forecast led by Alexander Belyaev. He also took part in the filming, and.

The 1XBET betting company made a parody where football fans expressed everything they think about the Russian team in song form. Remarkably, there is no obscene language in the video. And the 360 ​​TV channel near Moscow released a video in which it invites Muscovites to a subbotnik: “The ice is melting in the Moscow region, people are coming out for a subbotnik.”

In 2017, the "Mushrooms" group won the "Discovery of the Year" nomination at the YUNA award.

Group "Mushrooms" now

On August 25, 2017, Yuri Bardash, at a performance in Odessa, announced that on December 31, 2017, the Mushrooms group would end their concert activities. Until 2018, the guys had 15 concerts planned, including in Moscow, Berlin, London, Minsk. This tour was timed to coincide with the release of the new album. By the way, the album never saw the light of day.

But at the end of November, "Mushrooms" canceled first concerts in Minsk, then in Kyiv, as a result, of all the performances scheduled for the end of the year, only two took place - in St. Petersburg and Warsaw. Of course, after such news, they began to talk about the breakup of the group. But there is no official confirmation of this information.

Of course, the fans of the team refuse to believe in this, because the "Mushrooms" are now at the peak of popularity. But information appeared on the Web that, perhaps, the reason for the dissolution of the group was new project Yuri Bardash - "Bambinton".

There is no news on the official site. Pages in social networks

"Mushrooms" appeared as if out of the ground. First, a black-and-white video spread on social networks, in which, under a weighty beat and a sticky refrain "We're like mushrooms" girls did twerk, and shaved guys in tracksuits made brick faces (this video, modeled on the famous clip Jay Z 99 problems, on the this moment under 7 million views). Then there were a couple more popular clips with variations on the same plot, and now all Moscow bus stops are plastered with posters with a yellow logo "Mushrooms", resembling an acid house smiley. They advertise the band's first Moscow concert on December 9th at concert hall Bud Arena, designed for several thousand people - an ambitious statement from musicians who have just released their debut album, whom no one knew a few months ago.

In the clips, the participants "Mushrooms" hide their faces under hoods, hats stretched over their eyebrows and behind balaclavas, but they were quickly identified on the Internet. Kiev rappers are involved in the project 4atty aka Tilla and Symptom Onzheon, video blogger Correspondent Raduzhny and producer Yuri Bardash, who under the brand Kruzheva Music worked in groups Quest Pistols Show And "Nerves".

"Mushrooms" appeared very timely. Kruzheva Music now more than ever new bright projects are needed. pop ballet Quest Pistols Show completely changed the composition of the participants - his former soloists organized a competing project "Fire". "Nerves" went to Basta, the leader creative association «Gazgolder». Yuri Bardash solved the personnel problem radically: he himself became an artist, like his wife Kristina Bardash, who was a photographer and now sings under the pseudonym Luna. However, there is logic in this - you can’t leave yourself for another label. In addition, there were precedents in Russian show business when a producer managed to combine positions, remember Maxim Fadeev.

Yuri Bardash started by dancing breakdance in a team Quest from the Donbas city of Alchevsk, so it is not surprising that his "Mushrooms"- dance.

The only plot of the songs from their debut album "Mobile Home Part 1"- these are parties, frantic dances, loud music and everything that helps and accompanies the "movement". Basses, speakers, DJs, girls and... sports to keep fit. "We have everything. Two wheels. One is for you, the other is for me. Bike. Let's hang, ”the participants read "Mushrooms", imitating the cheeky style of bad street guys. Hints of forbidden substances that help you move better are generously scattered throughout the album. "Mushrooms", starting with the name, but, as we know from the Olympic chronicles, what kind of sport is without doping.

But the main thing in "Mushroom", which is an unexpected hybrid "Blood" And "Disco Crash"- not their propaganda healthy lifestyle life (although it will be interesting to hear how the ambiguous "Bike" on the "Golden Gramophone"- and it may well come to this). One of the songs "Houses on wheels", "Pudding", is an exact replica of the electro-sound of Africa Bambata - a real New York hooligan, a member of a street gang, who, having discovered the music of James Brown and Kraftwerk, began to hold parties in the Bronx, record albums and, having formed a community around him Zulu Nation, became the patriarch of dance hip-hop. Under his tracks, Yuri Bardash could dance break dance in Alchevsk. Through the killer synthetic bass and strange jokes in "House on wheels" the messianism of Bambata breaks through, preaching the salvation of the soul through music and dance for decades. Putting on a gloomy image of gopniks, "Mushrooms" assert in their songs an "anti-gopnic" philosophy: "Hey, athlete, be kind, never beat someone who is weaker." Under the roof "Houses on wheels" there are characters from different social strata: music lovers, dancers, beaks, cops, office workers, the boys are special, people in "heliks" - and they begin to move in a single rhythm to an infectious rhythm. Under the guise of a harmless disco "Mushrooms" draw their own dance utopia: in their realm - freedom, equality, fraternity. Isn't it wonderful? “Hey, come on, DJ…”.

"Mushrooms" - modern Ukrainian group, which few people knew about half a year ago, but which, at the same time, claims to be the "discovery of the year".

First they conquered the Internet. So, first appeared "Intro" - a video on YouTube. In it, guys, including the popular video blogger Kyivstoner with a characteristic dialect and in a slightly grotesque manner, rapped and danced to a boombox on the sports ground: "We are like mushrooms, like mushrooms, the moisture has risen in the club and we are growing" ... Easy-to-remember words went to the people, and the black-and-white video began to gain thousands of views (at the beginning of 2017 - more than 9 million).

Who are these guys? First of all, this is Yuri Bardash, a native of Alchevsk, who in his youth danced break dance, later founded the Kruzheva Music label, working as a producer, in particular, he brought to light Quest group Pistols, as well as the Open Kids project. The "Mushrooms" also includes rappers 4atty and Symptom NZHN. And another member of the team - who calls himself Korrespondent Raduzhny and shoots comic sketches.

The first clip of "Mushrooms" appeared on April 28 - since then, the "Intro" video has been viewed over 6 million times. "We are like mushrooms, like mushrooms" _ more and more people recognized. The next video is for the song "Cops".

Then a tour of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus was announced. By the way, tickets for the group's concert with two songs in the asset were sold out quite quickly and massively.

On the night of November 12, "Mushrooms" released an album - "House on wheels. Part 1", consisting of nine tracks, including "Intro" and "Cops". And in support of the record, the group presented another video, in a slightly different style, for the song "Great".

And in December it became known that they were included in various ratings, "tops", awards ... So, the selectors of the Jagermeister Indie Awards, including critic Artemy Troitsky, editor-in-chief of the Russian Rolling Stone Alexander Kondukov, co-owner of the Kiev art center Closer Sergey Yatsenko and others, gave "Mushrooms" nominations in three categories: "Group of the Year", "Single of the Year" and "Video of the Year". In "Yuna" - "Mushrooms" claim the status of "discovery of the year".

Many critics argue that ""Mushrooms" is very commercial music. This is Russian rap, based on a club beat and not burdened with philosophical maxims. "Mushrooms" are simple and understandable, they promote the aesthetics of sleeping areas and the so-called Kyiv slang. And it is for due to this, they easily sunk into the soul of both the youth of megacities and the regulars of rural discos.

As you know, mushrooms grow after rain. We don't know what the rain was like music world, but the "Mushrooms" project is steadily gaining popularity and developing its own specific style, occupying an empty niche. What will happen next - we will find out when "House on wheels. Part 2" is released.

The last days among music lovers pass under the sign of "Mushrooms" - a mysterious formation that appeared this year and immediately acquired the status of a sensation. Last week, "Mushrooms" announced that tickets for their debut concert in Kyiv were completely sold out. And this is about 3 thousand places three weeks before the concert.

The group claims the status of "discovery of the year", so we explain who the "Mushrooms" are and where they came from.

First came "Intro" - a video on YouTube with the participation of the popular video blogger Kyivstoner. On it, the guys "in sports" with a characteristic dialect and in a slightly grotesque manner rapped and danced to the boombox on the sports ground. “We are like mushrooms, like mushrooms, the moisture has risen in the club and we are growing,” the voice from the black-and-white clip broadcast. The phrase has gone to the people, and "Intro" has currently collected more than 6 million views on YouTube.

One of the soloists of the mysterious group was identified as Yuri Bardash. Bardash is the founder of the Kruzheva Music label, the man who brought to light the Quest Pistols group, as well as the Open Kids project. In parallel with the appearance of "Mushrooms", the popularity of his wife Christina Bardash, who works under the pseudonym Luna, is also growing.

In addition to Bardash, who acts as a playing coach, rappers 4atty aka Tilla and Symptom, known from the NZHN project, participate in Mushrooms. It is these two guys who take on the main part of the hip-hop component of the project.

After the resounding success of "Intro", the group realized that more was expected of them. The second video was released for the song "Cops" with another line that went to the people: "we pile on the bass."

Then a tour of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus was announced. At this point, you need to stop and assess the situation - the group with only two songs in the asset announced a tour in three countries. Moreover, already at that moment it was clear that the tour would be successful. News about the concerts spread over the Internet, and people bought tickets en masse.

A couple of weeks before the start of the tour, on Friday evening, "Mushrooms" released an album - "House on wheels. Ch. 1", consisting of nine tracks, including "Intro" and "Cops". In support of the record, the group presented another video, in a slightly different style, for the song "Great". Again, millions of views.

Most critics agree that Mushrooms is very commercial music. This is Russian rap, based on a club beat and not burdened with philosophical maxims. "Mushrooms" are simple and understandable, they promote the aesthetics of sleeping areas and the so-called Kyiv slang. And it is precisely due to this that they easily sunk into the soul of both the youth of megacities and the regulars of rural discos.

"Mushrooms" were practically doomed to commercial success. They removed all the pomposity and a large amount of text from Russian rap, made surprisingly high-quality production of tracks, added a little humor and pseudo-amateur style when creating a video. All elements are not new, but for a long time no one has done a pop project that simply shakes.

This means that people in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus will go to "Mushrooms" not for the sake of texts or shows, but for the sake of bass and the atmosphere of a club party. No wonder the group described their music not as "rap" and not "hip-hop", but as "house".

Add yourself:

Group "Mushrooms": a well-thought-out commercial project or a successful shot "a finger in the sky"?

Soon it will be a year since the Runet "shakes" from the songs of a strange group with a less strange name "Mushrooms". As they explain themselves in their first Intro song, "we're like mushrooms - the moisture has risen in the club, and we're growing." Like mushrooms after the rain, the views on YouTube of the group's first video shot for this song have skyrocketed - in less than a month the video slipped the mark of the first million views, and today this figure has already exceeded 18 million. Who are these "Mushrooms"? Where did they come from and how can one explain the phenomenon of their popularity?

In the photo: the Mushrooms group during a concert

Millionaires from the Kiev slums

According to Wikipedia, the group "Mushrooms" appeared in Kyiv in 2016. The fact that her roots are Ukrainian can be guessed from the first minutes of the video - the characteristic Kyiv dialect leaves no chance for doubt. They also didn’t “bother” for a long time over the entourage of the first clip - black and white pictures of the dull sleeping areas of the Ukrainian capital alternately alternate with energetic fashionable dances “twerk” (or “twerking”) with close-ups of shaking fifth points. After watching the clip, one more idea flashed by a sinful deed why the name "Mushrooms" was chosen for the group.

Despite all of the above, with an unpleasant surprise for myself, I have to note that the song "still pumps." Of course, the legs are not torn to dance, but the characteristic movements of the head and shoulders are obtained somehow by themselves. Moreover, even those who treated turnips in their full understanding before watching the video treated “so-so”.

The second and third clips of the group for the songs "Cops" and "Great" also received a resounding success on the Internet, gaining thousands of views a day. And now the band is somehow releasing their first album, "House on Wheels Part 1", and - attention! - goes on a tour of the cities of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Despite the small number of songs, tickets for almost all concerts were sold at the speed of sound. More precisely, a beat.

In the photo: a group of mushrooms without masks

Ice and fire "Mushrooms"

The song “Mushrooms” “Melting Ice” became the control in the head, which was released on March 10, 2017 and finally blew up Runet. "Pumped up" everyone - from three-year-old children to science professors. View counter YouTube already on the third day it would have smoked and burned if it had not been virtual. Hundreds of thousands of views, thousands of covers and parodies, beats from every speaker.

The words of the song “Ice is melting between us” still do not overload the brain - they are quickly remembered, but not everyone delves into them. Although, according to some psychiatrists, they even contain calls for the use of drugs and other "nasty things" that should not be exposed to the public. The same psychiatrists are trying to explain why such a song makes people of various social strata, age and intellectual development like (for many - to their shame). Clinical psychologist Irina Smolyarchuk in an interview with Life.ru. claims that it is the measured basses, the monotonous tempo and timbre of the soloist's voice that brings people into a light trance, a meditative state in which they calm down nervous system the psyche is balanced.

Clip of the group Mushrooms "The ice is melting between us" (watch ONLINE)

Mushrooms - “The ice is melting between us” (lyrics)

Close your eyes, everything is gradual and no one will replace you here.

Morning will give us this moment and the cold outside the window is not a hindrance.

The touches are quivering and serene, we apparently found what we wanted for a long time.

Time will freeze at this moment, I will give you everything I have.

Fingers clench tight, tight, that's all I need.

Ready to run after you to the ends of the world to repeat everything again in a new way.

Chorus (2x)

We'll get wet in the rain and today it's just the two of us.

The ice is melting between us, let no one find us now.

We'll get wet in the rain and today it's just the two of us. ,

I will hug you so that it does not get colder.

My jacket fits so well on her.

And your eyes are like glare in NBA games.

I take a step towards you to run away from everyone with you.

The globe is under our feet, there is a fire between us today.

I don't care that there is a blizzard around, with kisses like caramel.

The temperature is like in hot Acapulco between us now.

A night with you means we won't sleep

I take you and professionally go for a walk.

I'll put on my suit, you like velor so much

You found evil Yura among the best Yura.

I rams, you checkmate

And you don't even know that our son doesn't like chocolate.

He, like a bear, eats sweet honey with his hands,

We look at him and the ice melts between us.

Reinforces the "sound effect" and the visuals of the video "The ice is melting between us." Despite a slight touch of depressiveness, the picture does not "strain" - the case when you can watch, listen, but not think about anything. And really, who cares where the guy with the boombox is walking across the field, or why all the young people on the bus are wearing these strange black Panama hats? What can we say about the "signature dance" of "Mushrooms", under which you can fall asleep in 5 minutes, if you loop the video.

The composition of the group "Mushrooms"

  • Yuri Bardash (founder of the Kruzheva label)
  • Ilya Kapustin (4atty aka Tilla)
  • Symptom of NZHN (announced his retirement in the spring of 2017)

As already mentioned, the history of the creation of the "Mushrooms" group dates back to 2016, more precisely, from April 28, when the video for the song "Intro" appeared on the network. The creator of the group was Yuri Bardash, quite well-known in show business, on whose account by that time there were already such projects as Quest Pistols and Nerves. In parallel with "Mushrooms", he began to promote the project "Moon" - his wife Christina Bardash. Judging by the track record of Bardash, the success of the "Mushrooms" can hardly be considered accidental.

We do not have details about how and when exactly Bardash came up with the idea to create "Mushrooms". This is not surprising, because the group has chosen a tactic of complete aloofness from the press: they do not give interviews, keep the details of their personal lives under lock and key and do not publicize their social media accounts in every possible and impossible way. Although the false assumptions of some bloggers that the participants are hiding and will never show their faces were quickly debunked by the Mushrooms group itself, whose photos of the participants without masks can be easily found in any search engine.

In addition to the already mentioned Yuri Bardash, the team consists of rappers 4atty aka Tilla and Symptom (NZHN). Previously, Kyivstoner (also known as the video blogger Korrespondent Raduzhny or Budget Guy Ritchie) was also informally included in the composition, but in February 2017 he announced the termination of cooperation with the team.

Since March 2017, the Internet audience has been divided into two parts: those who are looking forward to other hits of the Mushrooms group, and those who are anxiously waiting for them. Tenacious, corrosive, quickly annoying, but still listenable, albeit with irritation - the songs of the Mushrooms group have become a real phenomenon recent years. But let scientists fight over its solution, but for now we will “get wet in the rain, and today we are only the two of us” ...

Photos of members of the Mushrooms group without masks

In the photo: Yuri Bardash (Mushrooms group)