Alexander Buynov is young. Alexander Buinov: wife, children, personal life

Buinov Alexander (born 03/24/1950) - famous Russian singer and musician, actor. People's and Honored Artist of Russia, Ingushetia, North Ossetia.

Buynov - musician

Alexander Nikolaevich was born in a military town near Moscow. His father served as a military pilot, after that he worked as a physical education teacher, his mother is a pianist. Alexander and his three brothers graduated from music schools and later chose the profession of a musician. It is noteworthy that it was he who did not like this training and was not easy. He was more interested in a street company, since the days of a hooligan past, the artist has been forced to wear glasses. As a child, before the family moved to Moscow, he often lived with relatives in the Tula region. In high school, he organized the Antichrists rock ensemble, performed with him at school discos.

In 1966, Buinov became friends with A. Gradsky, who invited him to his rock band "Skomorokhi". In the team, Alexander became a keyboard player, and also worked as a composer for the first time. He left the group due to conscription into the army. He served in the army in the engineering troops in Altai. When he returned, he studied for a couple of years at the Gnessin School. He played in the rock bands "Araks", "Flowers", participated in the creation of musical accompaniment for many theatrical productions.

In 1973-1989 he was a keyboard player in "Jolly Fellows", he performed songs. For many years in the team he gained fame and became a popular musician. He toured Europe a lot, participated in the recording of the group's albums, in the festivals "Yerevan-1981", "Bratislava Lira", etc. The publication "Komsomolskaya Pravda" called Buinov among the top three Russian keyboardists.

A. Buinov with A. Dobrynin, "Merry Fellows"

Solo career

Since 1989, Buinov decides to engage in independent creativity. At first he sang for the Era concert organization, later he signed a contract with I. Krutoy's company ARS. At the same time, he studied at the director's department of GITIS. As thesis in 1992 he staged his own concert performance at the Oktyabrsky in St. Petersburg. The singer has a special manner of singing with a throat, all attempts by teachers to give him a voice were unsuccessful, Buinov did not want to lose his individuality.

In 1993, Alexander created the Chao musical and ballet group. In the 1990s, the artist is at the peak of popularity. He sings, writes songs, is a director and director of his own concert programs. In 1993, as part of a major tour of the post-Soviet space, he performed at 25 concerts. In 1998 he gave concerts in Israel, Germany and the USA. During his creative activity, the singer released 13 solo records. The most popular hits: "Captain Katalkin", "Let's sit and be silent", "Empty Bamboo", "Pocket Thief", etc. Repeatedly won prizes in the "Song of the Year".

In addition, Buinov played in several films, his debut took place in the film "Primorsky Boulevard" in 1998. In 2012, he took part in the show "Battle of the Choirs" as a mentor of one of the teams. Is a party member United Russia».

  • Honored Artist of Russia, 2002;
  • National artist North Ossetia;
  • People's Artist of Ingushetia, 2004;
  • Badge of Honor of Ukraine;
  • Prize and Badge of Honor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Badge "Special Forces of Russia;
  • Medal and Insignia of the Ministry of Defense of Russia;
  • Honorary diplomas of the President, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB;
  • Order of Honor, 2005;
  • Leonid Utesov Prize;
  • People's Artist of the Russian Federation, 2010;
  • "Chanson of the Year", 2016.

A. Buinov with his wife A. Gutman

Personal life

Buynov married three times. He met his first wife Lyubov while serving in the army, their life together lasted only a couple of years. In 2006 year ex-wife Alexandra died in a fire. In 1972, Buinov married a second time, his fiancee Lyudmila gave birth to a daughter, Yulia, in 1973. He lived with his second wife for 13 years.

The third wife in 1985 was Alena Gutman, a cosmetologist. The couple has no children, but in 1987, after a holiday romance, the singer's son Alexei was born out of wedlock, lives in Hungary. From the daughter there are three grandchildren, all bear the name of the artist. In 2011, Buinov managed to overcome a serious illness - prostate cancer. The artist continues his creative activity, maintains good physical shape, sings live at all his performances.

Ageless Russian pop artist Alexander Buynov continues to intrigue fans, despite his age. Perhaps, each of those who have ever heard about this creative person and his popularity among women, at least once wondered how old Buinov is. On March 24, 2018, the People's Artist of Russia will turn 68 years old.

The first steps

Biography of the future artist and a lover of women Alexander Nikolayevich, Russian by nationality, begins with a military town near Moscow and the year of Buinov's birth is 1950. Little Sasha appeared in the family of military pilot Nikolai Alexandrovich and musician Claudia Mikhailovna. In addition to Alexander, three more boys were growing up in the family:

  • Vladimir;
  • Arkady;
  • Andrey.

All children of the Buinov family received an elementary musical education, and this is entirely the merit of the mother. The woman was determined and believed that all her children in the future would connect their lives and creative way with music like her. Learning to play the piano annoyed little Alexander and he was often tied with a dog leash by the leg to the leg. musical instrument, which, according to the parents, should have added perseverance to the restless son.

Troubled childhood

Singer from father inherited a strong physique and the ability to take care of yourself. Sasha grew up in the hooligan district of Bolshoy Tishinsky Lane, and went for a walk in the even more restless Merzlyakovsky. There, from the handsome appearance of a nerd musician in a beret and with musical notation under the arm, there was no trace.

The boys, left without parental attention, had fun as best they could. Alexander Buinov, who was friends with tomboys and hooligans from childhood, broke windows and dabbled with homemade pyrotechnics. It was one of the dangerous pranks with artisanal explosives that almost deprived the future star of the Soviet and Russian stage of sight. The previously unexploded carbide bomb exploded just as the boy came to look at it. Due to damage to the retina, the man has since been forced to wear glasses.

The development of musical taste

The craze for rock in the 60s of the twentieth century determined the preferences of Alexander Buinov in music and finally helped to make a choice future profession. As it turned out, the efforts of the mother to instill in children a love of music was not in vain; in the 9th grade, the teenager organizes his own group "Antianarchists".

Passion for the hippie trend and acquaintance at the age of 16 with Alexander Gradsky continues to lead Alexander Buinov to the musical Olympus. For the first time in my life touring future star Russian pop music went precisely with a group of a new friend called "Skomorokhi". For this, the young man even dropped out of school.

Three marriages

Active personal life of Alexander Buinov began while serving in the army, the future artist and performer of numerous hits was assigned to the missile unit, which was located in the Altai Territory.

Despite the fact that the study was located ten kilometers from the nearest settlement, the soldiers managed to visit the village girls, one of whom the future artist later married.

Buinov's age at the time of the decisive step was only 20 years old, and his first wife Lyubvi Vdovina was 17. In this marriage, which, despite all the ardor of hot feelings, lasted only 2 years, the spouses had no children.

When Buinov entered into a second marriage in 1972, it was not difficult to calculate how old Alexander was, the young man was guided only by the interesting position of his girlfriend Lyudmila. In the same year, the newly-made citizen Buinova gave birth to a musician, who by that time had already become a member of the Cheerful Guys group, daughter Yulia. Marriage for the sake of a daughter, as the artist later called his union, lasted until 1985.

Then followed an affair with a woman much older than Alexander, which the artist spoke of as a "history". Little is known about these relationships, according to the singer and womanizer, his chosen one also belonged to creative circles and was also married. Both Buinov's second wife and the husband of his girlfriend knew about their connection.

In 1985, Alexander Buinov marries for the third time the cosmetologist Alena (Elena) Rafailovna Gutman, who after the wedding took her husband's surname. Despite his official status as an artist, he was often noticed on campaigns to the left. It was in this year that the musician decides to create his own musical project called "CHAO". Some are still confident that taking a decisive step towards their solo career the artist was inspired by the third wife.

2 years after the formalization of relations with Alena, Alexander successfully rested in the resort town of Sochi and 15 years later introduced the world to his illegitimate son Alexei, who became the fruit of resort love with a fan from Hungary. The child was conceived in Sochi. The artist will later recall this city in one of his songs.

Age is not a hindrance

To the question of how old the Buinov singer is now, we can safely answer - 67. At this age, the composer continues to study solo career and participate in various musical projects. The artist is also married to Elena and calls his wife and part-time producer "the most desirable woman in the world." Despite the fact that the couple have been married for more than thirty years, their love did not give the world heirs.

Alexandra leads an active virtual life and enjoys social networks, in particular, is registered on Alena Buinova Instagram. The artist often meets with his daughter Julia, who made him a grandfather three times. Last year, the composer won the fight against cancer and continued to do what he loved. In his creative list there are:

  • many music albums;
  • film work;
  • more than 20 awards and prizes.

Is there now in the life of the imposing and charismatic Alexander Buinov, whose age haunts many, someone else besides famous women his family is hard to say. The singer and composer himself does not get tired of repeating that he looks at other women with pleasure, but loves only Alena.

Attention, only TODAY!

His first marriage ended in tragedy, the second was a mistake from the very beginning, and only in the third, Alexander Buinov was not mistaken either with the choice of the bride, or with the decision to spend his whole life with her.

Army romance

There were four children in the Buynov family, all boys. Mom, who graduated from the conservatory, insisted that her sons receive musical education, and all four eventually connected life with music. But if Alexander Buinov had been told about this in childhood, he would not have believed it.

Leaving the house in pressed trousers and with a folder for music, he returned in a completely different form: disheveled, dirty and often beaten. But the yard "punks" still attracted Buinov much more than an hour in the company of a piano.

After all, he graduated from music school and immediately created his own rock group "Antianarchists". But serious music studies began after a meeting with Alexander Gradsky: he called Buinov to his "Buffoons" to perform piano parts.

The career that had begun was interrupted by a summons to the army. Alexander left to serve, and somehow managed to arrange his personal life there. His Love lived in a village, to which it was necessary to walk 11 kilometers from the unit - but for Buinov, in love, this did not seem like a serious obstacle. So he ran on dates to a 17-year-old girl.

Young people hurried to get married, but they were not destined to be together for a long time. Lyuba died very young during a fire. Alexander Buynov does not like to remember and talk about this.


From the army, he returned straight to the stage: first to the Araks group, then to the Flowers, until, finally, he found his own team. These were the "Merry Fellows", in which Buinov recorded many songs and gained his first popularity. They toured a lot and enjoyed the adoration of fans. It was not easy for the artist to remain a faithful husband.

A year before joining the Merry Fellows, Buinov married his girlfriend Lyudmila - as he himself admits, because of her pregnancy. Almost immediately, he realized that he had made a mistake, but he could not leave his wife and child. But conscience allowed to twist short intrigues on the side.

This continued until Buinov fell in love seriously. He calls that novel "official", but does not name the name of his beloved - she was also not free.

“I had a long romance, a real passion. Lived in two houses. I repeatedly returned to my wife's apartment to pack my things, but then my daughter Yulia came up and begged me to stay. As a result, I broke off relations with that other woman, but after a day or two I was with her again, ”the singer recently admitted in the Secret for a Million program.

A sense of duty to her daughter still won. And two years after parting with his mistress, Buinov met the one before whom even his conscience could not resist.

The passions of the Buinovs

Alena Gutman fell in love with the keyboardist of "Jolly Fellows" in absentia when she saw his photo on the poster. The director of the group was her acquaintance, so soon she came to the group's concert and met Buinov backstage. The moment was not right: he was a modest married musician with a child; she is an employee of the Institute of Beauty, rotated in the circle of "golden youth".

But Alena spat on the prospects and plunged headlong into a new relationship. It took the couple a year to settle everything: Alexander divorced his wife, Elena put her loved ones before the fact, and they reconciled. The wedding was played in 1985 - and since then only one woman has remained in Buinov's life.

The only thing that the Buinovs’ entourage has not gotten used to is their style. family life. They quarrel so violently and reconcile so passionately that it seems as if they got married yesterday, and not more than thirty years ago.

“You understand, I like all this! There are couples where everything is quiet, peaceful, loved each other and died on the same day, but this is not for me. I don't like it when family relationships are like a quiet swamp. Everything is overgrown with mud, covered with duckweed, but people are still together. And Alena and I have a constant storm, ”the musician admits.

They never had common children, but Yulia Buinova, who had long forgiven her father for parting with her mother, gave him three grandchildren, in whom the artist does not have a soul. In 2011, thanks to the support of his family, he was able to defeat cancer - and since then he has especially appreciated everything that life has given him. And any quarrel in the Buinovs' house inevitably ends in reconciliation.

Alexander Buinov was born in Moscow on March 24, 1960. His father Nikolai Alexandrovich Buinov came from the family of the blacksmith Alexander Buinov, who owned a forge in the city of Efremov (at that time there were only two forges in the whole city). Nikolai Alexandrovich himself, who later named his son in honor of his father, was a pilot, as well as a master of sports in several of his varieties at once.

The mother of the future singer - Claudia Mikhailovna Buinova, nee Kosova - was engaged in music. Before her marriage and the birth of her sons, she graduated with honors from the conservatory, choosing playing the piano as her main specialty. It was Claudia Mikhailovna who instilled in her children a love for music, which after a while grew with Alexander Buinov into a full-fledged creative career. Sasha was not the only child in the family: he also has brothers Arkady, Vladimir and Andrei.

Parents not only gave their sons a musical education, but also insisted that their children look like little gentlemen. However, the family lived on Bolshoy Tishinsky Lane, and the attention of the maturing Alexander was soon enough attracted by the local "punks". A folder for notes, perfectly pressed trousers and an elegant beret - this is how the boy left the house. But after a few moments, the beret went into the pocket, the folder went to the armpit, and Sasha himself went to Merzlyakovsky, to the local hooligan.

There the guys had fun, despite their young age or, on the contrary, it was thanks to him. Sometimes the boys even dabbled in making homemade bombs. Once the guys made carbide explosives, but for some reason there was no explosion. Sasha was sent to find out what was the reason for such an oversight. When the boy approached the bomb, it exploded, and its contents damaged the retina of the unlucky bully's eyes. Since then, Alexander almost always wears glasses.

Carier start

In the 60s of the twentieth century, Sasha graduated music school having studied there for seven years. Around the same time, Buinov, who sometimes had to be tied to a piano leg as a child to make music, began his creative career. At first, he played in local rock bands, and while studying in the ninth grade, he even created his own group called Anti-Anarchists with classmates.

Significant for Alexander Nikolaevich was 1966. Then he met a young composer who appreciated the musical potential of his new acquaintance and invited him to join the composer's group on tour. During the performances of the group, called "Skomorokhi", Buinov performed piano parts. Then the artist's career was briefly interrupted due to military service.

Alexander Buinov (left) while serving in the army

Returning to civilian life, Alexander decided to continue making music and began performing with other groups: first it was the Araks group, then the Flowers ensemble, and in the period from 1973 to 1989, the Cheerful Guys group, which was extremely popular at that time. . In this ensemble, Buinov still played keyboards, having recorded more than one song with famous musicians. It was participation in the work of such a sought-after team that allowed Alexander Nikolaevich to become famous throughout the Union.


peak period creative career the performer, when all the tickets for each of his concerts were sold out, when the clips of Alexander Buinov were broadcast on the most popular channels, and each of his performances was met with a storm of applause, the 1990s began. Having traveled not only in the USSR, but also in Slovakia, Germany, Finland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and other countries, together with the Merry Fellows, the artist gained experience both musically and in terms of the competent organization of concerts and performances.

Alexander Buinov (right) and the Cheerful Guys group

Having performed for several years as part of other groups already as a soloist-vocalist, the performer founded his own group of musicians and the ballet "Rio" and became its artistic director. Artists from this group became his faithful companions during the tour, while Alexander Nikolayevich himself often acted both as the author of his songs, and as their performer, and as the director of his performances.

To this day, in the post-Soviet space, Buinov’s songs are known and loved: “Dance like Petya”, “Leaves are falling”, “Love for two”, “Do not interrupt”, “Bitter honey”, “My finances sing romances”, “It is night in Paris ”, “Captain Katalkin” and many others.

It is noteworthy that already at a time when Alexander Buinov was very popular among Russian-speaking students, he decided to enter GITIS at the directing department. In 1992, the singer successfully graduated from the university, and as his graduation work staged his own solo concert under the Captain Katalkin program, held in the Oktyabrsky Hall in St. Petersburg.

Subsequently, he repeatedly arranged tours, which he directed and staged himself: “In, life brought!” in 1994, "I Knew Love!" in 1995, and so on. In 1996, the artist even took part in a concert tour held in support of. Gradually, Alexander Buinov acquired many acquaintances in musical environment and in 1997 he even prepared the program "Islands of Love" in collaboration with a famous domestic composer.

Now Alexander Buinov is no longer so popular, although he is still considered one of the "classics" of the national stage and a welcome guest at any event. The singer continues to engage in his work, releases new albums and goes on successful tours. He writes many songs in the company of other famous artists. So, his "partners" on the stage at different times were,.

Alexander Nikolayevich also made a small contribution to the development of the film industry. So, he voiced in the famous Hollywood cartoon "Anastasia", played small roles in the films "Bad and Good", "Primorsky Boulevard".

As of 2017, Alexander Buinov is the owner of eighteen prestigious awards and honorary titles. The most significant among them are the Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of North Ossetia, People's Artist of Ingushetia, holder of the Order of Honor for his contribution to the development of the national stage.


In 2011, it became known that the performer was diagnosed with cancer. As Buinov himself later noted, the terrible diagnosis did not become a reason for him to feel sorry for himself: he believes that if God punishes him physically for something, then he deserves it. The singer underwent surgery, and soon his health improved significantly.

Personal life

A stately and tall enough man for his generation (his height is 1.8 m), Alexander Nikolayevich has always been popular with the opposite sex. He is widely known for his many love affairs, as well as the fact that he only officially managed to change three wives.

The first wife of the performer is Lyubov Vdovina, whom he met while serving in the army. Although the unit in which Alexander served was located in the steppe, and it was necessary to walk about eleven kilometers to the nearest settlement, Buinov managed to run on dates to his 17-year-old lover. Photos from that time are practically not preserved. Lyubov and Alexander had no children, and their official marriage lasted only two years.

Alexander Buinov with his daughter and grandchildren

The second wife of the performer was Lyudmila, whom he married, as she became pregnant. Subsequently, the singer admitted that he regrets that he created a family only because of the "position" of his girlfriend. Nevertheless, the second wife gave birth to Alexander Ivanovich's daughter Yulia, and she subsequently gave her father granddaughters Sophia and Daria, as well as grandson Alexander. This marriage lasted from 1972 to 1985.

In 1985, Alexander Buinov married Elena Gutman, a producer and cosmetologist who became the greatest love of his life. As of 2016, there were no children in this marriage, but in 1987 the artist was born illegitimate son Alexei. The heir to the singer was presented by a Hungarian girlfriend, with whom he had a small a holiday romance during a holiday in Sochi.

He frankly spoke about the diagnosis that he was given last spring, remembered his first marriage with a village girl, Lyuba, who later died ... He also admitted that he was a bad father, and gave advice "not to marry on the fly." Immediately after the premiere of the film, he met with the wife of the singer Alena, with whom he has been together for a quarter of a century.

"Jealousy of the past is stupid"

- Alena, did any of the revelations of your husband in the film come as a surprise to you?

“Suddenly and unexpectedly, nothing happens. Especially when people have been together for 25 years.

- When you heard about kisses with Pugacheva, did you feel a pang of jealousy?

- Falling in love with Alla Pugacheva is not only a sign of good taste, but also the natural state of mind of any creative person. She is just Allunchik for me, dear and close person. And jealous of the past is stupid.

- When you met Buinov, he was married. Did you feel like an outlier?

“I didn’t intend to marry him. I just fell in love and did not think at all about how it would end. She never set conditions for Buinova, she didn’t say: “If you don’t leave your wife, we won’t meet again!” Everything went as it went. At home, he said that he was going on tour, but he stayed with me. Yes, Sasha was officially married, but the threads that keep a person in the family no longer connected them with his wife. They weren't made for each other. They had an affair during his tour in Sochi, they were close for only one night. Buinov left, and then found out that she was expecting a baby. As a decent person, Sasha decided to get married. A daughter, Yulia, was born, but if there is no love in marriage, even a child who asks: “Dad, don’t leave!” cannot save him.

Buinov left the family only when Yulia was 13 years old. What was the turning point?

We were driving together in the car. I suddenly stopped and said: “Listen, we need to break up. Yes, we love each other, but I don't want to tear you apart. Get out of the car!" It sounded like a bolt from the blue to him. He left, and I rushed wherever my eyes look. There are tears on the cheeks, the thought throbs in my head: “What have I done?” Turned around, went back. I drive up, and Buinov stands rooted to the spot. I ask: "Why didn't you leave?" And he: “I realized that I won’t see you again ...” After that, he left his family. His daughter called me, screamed into the phone, threatened. But what is the demand from a teenager?

- How are your relations with Yulia developing now?

- I do not think that a woman should get close to her husband's children from a previous relationship. I have no desire to communicate with Buinov's daughter. Julia is a stranger to me. But I do not interfere with her communication with Sasha. In general, forcing a woman to do something is a bad idea. If we talk about me, it is simply impossible.

"My energy is enough to protect us"

The wife of Alexander Buinov helped him overcome a serious illness. Now the singer feels great and is ready to continue to delight fans with new songs.

"My husband knows how to manage me"

- Alena, what is it like for two strong personalities get along together?

- Buynov is the only person in the world who can control me! But at the same time, he does not suppress me, and this is very important point. To all the masculine qualities that nature endowed Sasha, add the fact that he is absolutely my type. I have always been in love with him both as an artist and as a man.

- You are also the producer of Buinova. Both at home and on tour together. Do you get tired of each other?

- Now I rarely go on tour with Buinov. I did not dissolve in it, I have my own life. And why should I accompany him on tour - to drive away young girls?

- Doesn't it bother you?

- Not at all. I think that Buynov is 100% mine. I am a confident woman. Not self-confident, but confident. Because I know perfectly well what Buinov loves in me.

- And what?

- I’ll answer you with Sasha’s phrase: “Even in sex, the main thing for me is brains!” And I really love his hands - they have crazy energy! It seems to me that Sasha's biofield can even be treated. Sometimes it's enough for me that after the biggest thunderstorm Buinov just touches my hair with his hand. And I understand what happiness it is!

“Sometimes we are ready to kill each other”

Are there often thunderstorms in the house?

We quarrel rarely, but aptly. Such passions are played out that we are ready to kill each other. Both have high temperaments. But fortunately, our house is large - you can always disperse to different floors. Reconciliation is usually also very violent.

- Who makes the first move?

- Sasha writes me SMS or puts notes with declarations of love. I find them under my pillow or in my purse. Buinov always chooses unique words! Over the years living together There are so many notes that I'm going to publish a book.

– Are you afraid to share the most intimate with the public?

- My energy is enough to protect us from ill-wishers. A woman who loves is not capable of such a thing!

- Alexander says that you were the first to know about his illness and that you saved him ...
- When I made the decision not to tell him about the diagnosis, this disease became mine, not his. We spent about a month in the clinic on neighboring beds. It was important for me to show Buinov that nothing terrible had happened. For me, the main thing was to cope with my own impotence and horror. And when I managed to do it in the shower, Sasha overcame the disease physically.

- How does Buinov feel now?

- I can say with confidence that all the worst is over. I am happy to see him healthy and cheerful again. True, after the illness, he became different. Now he sings love songs in such a way that, it seems to me, no one else will sing them.