What to do if you swallowed a penny. Coin in the digestive systems. Self help while the ambulance is on its way.

How much time has passed since the object entered the intestine. If the baby actually swallowed it, and not just put it in his mouth - and at least a minute has passed since then - then you need to go straight to the hospital or first-aid post, because by this time the coin may be in the esophagus, and you won’t be able to remove it yourself succeed.

Small objects may inadvertently enter the lungs or bronchi through inhalation. Even if the child complains in the first few days, an inexplicable coughing sensation develops within a few days. If there are no other symptoms that indicate a cold, consult your doctor and check your lungs. Inhaled small parts can cause unexplained coughing. Then the child should be treated.

On the medical side, the treatment of inhalation organic matter more difficult than the treatment of inorganic matter. Both the removal of food from the lungs and from the throat is more complex or difficult than with things. If your child has swallowed a small portion, this is usually taken out of the body through the gastrointestinal tract and is in the next bowel movement. If parts remain in the stomach, medical attention is required.

The specialist must conduct an ultrasound session: this way he will determine the size of the swallowed object and its location. If the coin is far in the esophagus and nothing prevents it from passing into the large intestine and further "exit" through the anus, then the specialist will most likely advise you to do nothing and just give the child a laxative.

Children who have ingested or inhaled the following things should be absolutely safe to treat. Batteries In the humid environment of the digestive tract, batteries are discharged, damaging nearby tissue. In addition, batteries can be resolved by acidic gastric juice itself, resulting in the release of mercury and other extremely alkaline components. In addition to the caustic effect of caustics, some button batteries contain about 5 grams of mercury oxide, which is more than the estimated lethal dose for adults.

Magnets Several magnets attract themselves - even in the colon or small intestine on the two walls of the intestine. If this is left unintentional, the intestinal wall may ignite and die. The result can be a breakthrough of the intestinal wall. metal items. In the case of metal objects, the shape and position determine whether a natural rosette is expected.

Sometimes it happens that the location of the object inside the intestines (especially if it is large) can cause a blockage, which can lead to really disastrous consequences. In such cases, probing the intestines is done with further extraction of the foreign body.

The probing and extraction procedure should be carried out exclusively by a qualified specialist: the intestinal mucosa of the child is very sensitive and delicate - this makes the procedure far from the safest and easiest.

The child swallowed a coin: how to identify and how to warn

The main "symptom" can be called the fact that the child himself told you about the swallowed coin. Often swallowed objects do not make themselves felt for several hours, but in the future they can lead to serious exacerbations, such as:

When it comes to sharp, toxic or choking items, you must take action. This is the most common and also the easiest way to solve. They are fascinated by these bright round objects. The dads have the unfortunate task of finding a coin in their stools, and if we don't stay calm, we'll have to make an appointment with him to follow the movement of the coins through the digestive tract followed by x-rays. And don't worry because they are dirty.

They have many articles and their consumption is considered a medical emergency because they contain toxic substances such as mercury, zinc or lithium and if opened they can cause severe burns to the lining of the stomach or esophagus. In this case, when our child has swallowed a sharp or cutting object, such as a toothpick or a needle, you should go to the emergency room to get the dangerous object as quickly as possible.

Severe localized or "diffuse" pain in the stomach, as well as in the large intestine (from below);

Bloody stools and pain during bowel movements;


If one of these symptoms appears, call an ambulance immediately: even a small ruble coin can lead to internal bleeding, the consequences of which are already well understood by everyone.

Children love to be "self-medicated" when we leave, as they usually love the taste of special preparations for them. This is usually not a problem because the small ones are not concentrated, but be careful if you are taking the drug in the form of drops or large amounts of ibuprofen, which can be toxic to the liver. In the case of older people's pills, you have to be more careful. If your child is taking, for example, antidepressants or grandma's diabetes medication, this can be dangerous.

This type of food should be banned from the diet of young children because, since they cannot crush them properly, they run the risk of passing from the mouth to the respiratory tract, which can lead to choking and, in one extreme case, suffocation. Also, they should not consume olives with a bone, cherries, chewing gum or sweets and, with care and under parental supervision, foods such as ham, chorizo ​​or salchichon, squid, octopus or popcorn.

How to prevent such cases

Often incidents in which children swallow something or put something in their mouths are the result of parental carelessness ... Never leave small things within reach of your children: hide cutlery, packs of pills and those same handfuls of little things somewhere far away - there where the baby's hand can't reach.

Advisor: Fernando Garcia-Sala Viger, pediatrician at the Ruzafa Health Center. Ingestion of any foreign body in the respiratory tract, be it seeds, coins or corn kernels, can lead to serious consequences for children, including death. Roxana is four years old, playful and restless, and who swallowed a penny for supervising her mother.

She was taken to the Benjamin Bloom Hospital for medical attention, and after several X-rays, the doctors were surprised to find that the girl had not only swallowed a coin, but also a pair of earrings, hooks, and buttons. The child's mother said that within a few days he lost a pair of earrings and could not find them, but he never thought that his little girl could swallow them.

One of the items most swallowed by children are parts from designers. Remember: children under the age of 3 are allowed to visit the construction set. Very small ones can only be allowed to play with large objects.

When it comes to the health of your children, it is better to be suspicious than to be nonchalant. Watch your child and yourself, and then such situations will bypass you.

A child in the first year of his life is called breastfeeding, since his main food is mother's milk, which has useful properties necessary for normal development baby.

Cases like the one above appear daily in the children's hospital, and, thank God, almost all develop favorably. Although there are children who have suffered severe physical consequences, or in the worst case, died from this type of accident.

In one case where ENT nurses and doctors moved into the hospital, there was a girl who swallowed a clothes hook that cut her vocal cords, causing her to lose her voice. Other babies suffered some form of disability due to lack of oxygen to the brain.

Of course, mother's milk is optimal nutrition children up to a year, which is ideal for a child's body. No modern nutrition can replace the benefits of breast milk, due to which the child's immune system is formed. Thus, children who are breastfed or mixed are less likely to get colds, as their body becomes more resistant to various viruses and infections.

Stored in wooden boxes on the seventh floor of the hospital, there is a collection of items that have been found for children over the past 10 years. Padlocks, earrings, coins, keys, charms, toilets, screws, light bulbs and batteries are among the items collected by doctors and nurses.

Ingestion of this type of foreign body is one of the most common reasons for institutional consultations. "It's in the early years of babies' lives when they have a habit of taking everything they see in their mouths, although there are also cases where children under 10 suffer from the same problem," says Dr. Alvarenga.

It is necessary to select appropriate nutrition for children up to a year. The menu depends on the age and individual characteristics of the child. Each month involves the introduction of a product, as gradually breast milk becomes less useful, and the children's body requires enhanced nutrition. Of course, a nursing mother should carefully monitor her diet so that it includes fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, she must exclude alcohol and sugar consumption.
You can introduce complementary foods from 2-3 months. As a rule, the first food of children up to a year is to receive juices. You need to start with a few drops, gradually increasing the amount depending on the reaction of the body. Less allergenic juice is apple juice, which must first be diluted with water in equal proportions. If the child's body tolerates the juice well, then you can start introducing another juice, but only gradually and alternately.

Regardless of the size of the object or seed you eat, the baby can suffocate and die because it can become lodged in the esophagus or throat, preventing the normal passage of air; but if the object enters the stomach, it can be expelled through the stool.

One of the most common procedures performed by physicians when they present these problems is the insertion of forceps to try to extract the foreign body. “In some cases, we have to use surgery because sharp objects can cause injury or permanent damage,” says the doctor. For this reason, they serve about 35 children every month. preschool age.

The fourth month of a child's life involves further nutrition of children up to a year - these are vegetable and fruit purees, which can be purchased in specialized stores baby food or cook your own at home. The most common and favorite dish of children is mashed potatoes, in which butter, salt and milk can be gradually added in small quantities.

According to statistics, during the harvest of mammoths, in the middle of the year, cases increase, as some parents give them this fruit to eat their children. "Papaya seeds are one of the most dangerous, as they are very smooth and can easily obstruct the trachea, completely blocking the oxygen passage," says Dr. Alvarenga.

One of the recommendations is that parents should not neglect the needs of their children. If a child suffers from suffocation, either by ingestion of food or by ingestion of foreign objects, it is recommended to visit the hospital immediately.

Next month, the nutrition of children of the first year of life includes cottage cheese. But not all children at this age love cottage cheese in its original form. Fruit purees, sour cream, mashed banana, etc. can be added to give a beautiful look and a sweetish taste.
At six months, a variety of cereals are already being prepared, which enrich the children's body with essential trace elements and vitamins. First, you need to grind the cereal so that the baby can easily swallow it. When the first teeth appear, you need to gradually introduce solid food, with the help of which the speech apparatus develops and the structure of the teeth is formed.

In case of swallowing a foreign body in infants, one of the recommendations is to take the child by the legs, holding him while his back is hit with a flat hand. Chest compressions may also be performed. In children older than two or three years, the "Heimlich maneuver" may be used, which involves hugging the patient from behind and pressing with a closed fist over the stomach mouths.

But never give them vomit or food like milk, bananas, or egg whites with the intention of expelling the foreign body. For children, the world is an exciting place, new, full of things to touch, experience and, above all, put into the mouth. The little ones do not distinguish and cannot swallow everything that is within their limits, such as coins. For parents, this is a great fear, but we must know how to act if our child swallows any object, this is very important.

At 7-8 months, meat products and fish dishes can be introduced into the diet of children under one year old, after grinding and eliminating the bones. The preferred cooking methods for young children are boiling or steaming. Thanks to this, the products remain maximum amount nutrients that a child needs.

It's hard to stay calm if our son is on a coin, but we need to know that in 80% of cases, a coin is swallowed and passed through a stool. Of all the items that children usually ingest, coins are their favorite, children love them for their bright and colorful appearance.

If more than three days have passed or the child is upset, we should contact the pediatrician to make sure everything is going well. The most important thing is not to do anything that could harm the child. Sometimes we see so many recommendations on TV that we take the wrong action, so if our son swallows a coin, it's best to be patient and wait.

By the age of one, the child is accustomed to the basic set of adult nutrition. Occasionally, you can give salty foods (salted cucumbers, salted fish), which has a positive effect on metabolic processes, and also increases appetite.
When teeth appear, you should not offer the child mashed dishes, let him begin to chew and digest food on his own. Start with small pieces (for example, an apple slice), and later you can try to bite off the whole fruit yourself.

Don't miss our daily draw!

Has your child given you fear? What do you think of this idea? Excellent Very good Good Average Poor. Of course, many of you have small children who can't stop repeating them whenever they want something. Tournaments are an explosion of emotions. This is a kind of emotional discharge and is considered normal during the development of children aged 1 to 4 years.

Almost all children go through a stage where they like to hide and scare us. They hide behind doors, under tables or behind a sofa. It is inevitable that your child will experience placing objects in their mouth. Children learn about the world around them by chewing and biting what they come into contact with. It is not uncommon for children to accidentally swallow such items and sometimes seek medical attention. Fortunately, the coin is round and unlikely to cause damage, so the prognosis is good.

Throughout life, do not forget about ordinary drinking water, which is simply necessary for the internal processes of the child's body. This amount does not need to include juices, teas, dairy products. As a rule, in the hot season and with an increase in body temperature, a large amount of moisture is required, some of which evaporates through sweat from the skin surface at high air and body temperatures.

As a parent, the fact that your child swallows something by accident is a major concern for fear that it could cause any harm. This means that the coin passed easily into your stomach. With no sharp edges in the coin, it's not hard to get through a baby's digestion. It is recommended to call your pediatrician to inform you of the situation; you may prefer that you take the child for safety. Pay close attention to this, and if you develop symptoms such as difficulty breathing, vomiting, coughing, or if it starts to turn blue, take it to the hospital immediately.

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Young children actively explore the world and indiscriminately drag everything into their mouths. And no matter how attentive the parents are, you can’t see the baby and you can’t fence it off from everything. Therefore, in almost every family, a child swallows a foreign object, which greatly frightens parents. True, some are not at all worried about this and take a wait-and-see approach.

What to do if the currency does not occur naturally

If your child does not pass a coin into their stool, x-rays will need to be corrected to determine the location of the stool and whether or not it is obstructing its passage through the system. In rare cases, surgery may be the only alternative if the coin fails for some reason.

If you do not have difficulty breathing, this is not always a bad sign. Have him keep coughing, as this may help knock out the coin. If you see a coin, try to remove it very carefully. Be careful not to go too far as this can make things worse.

But what to do when a child swallowed a coin? Is it possible to get by looking for her in a pot?

If your child swallowed a coin up to two centimeters in diameter or a ball or button of the same size (only a streamlined shape), and you are sure of this, then you should not panic. It is necessary to give the child more food with fiber: vegetables, fruits or cereals. If it enters the esophagus, it will eventually appear in a pot or toilet.

When you are not sure if the item was actually swallowed, then it is worth waiting up to three days and constantly monitoring the child's health. If you are at least worried about something, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

The main dangerous symptoms include:

Pain in the abdomen, chest. It can be extensive or localized. It does not subside, but intensifies;

The occurrence of nausea and vomiting;

The presence of blood in the child's stool.

With such symptoms, you need to call an ambulance.

In the hospital, the child will be x-rayed and the doctor will immediately determine the location of the coin and its size. After that, he will conclude that a special extraction procedure will be required or she will come out with a stool. Usually, doctors perform endoscopy of the stomach and intestines, often without anesthesia.

If you are sure that the child swallowed a large coin or any other dangerous object, then immediately call an ambulance. But before she arrives, you can’t try to remove the object from the body on your own. This can only exacerbate the problem. It is strictly forbidden to water and feed the baby, give him a dry crust of bread or something like that to push through the object. You can not give drugs that cause vomiting and laxatives, do enemas. This can contribute to intestinal obstruction, injury, and so on.

Much more dangerous is the situation when a swallowed coin does not enter the stomach, but into the respiratory tract. This can pose a serious threat to life. The object can get into the windpipe when the child laughed, indulged, talked while eating.

When the coin enters the bronchus, you can hear clapping during breathing, hoarseness of the voice. Appear suffocation and blue face. There may be coughing and wheezing. If the coin perforates the bronchus, then purulent inflammation may develop.

The main thing is to call an ambulance and do nothing if the child can breathe (and if it coughs). But if suffocation is observed, then immediately you need to call resuscitation and take the necessary rescue actions.

A child under the age of one year should be placed on the forearm of his hand with his stomach, face down, support his chin and back. Between the shoulder blades you need to apply five blows, inspect the oral cavity, the coin can immediately come out. If not, then the child should be turned over and placed with his back on his knees so that his head is lower than his priests. It is necessary to make five pushes in the area below the nipples. You don't need to press on your belly. If there is no result, then before the arrival of help, it is necessary to carry out these movements and do artificial ventilation of the lungs.

A baby older than a year should be taken from behind, clasping around the waist. It is necessary to put pressure on the area between the xiphoid process and the navel, while a sharp push is made upwards. So in a row four or five times with an interval of three to five seconds. If the coin comes out, remove it. If not, then try to calm the child and continue with the action.

When hospitalized, the victim is determined in surgery. If the coin got into the bronchi, then all manipulations will be carried out under anesthesia. Because in another case, the glottis will close and the device cannot be inserted inside. If the object is removed, then the child will still need to be observed. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to prevent respiratory infections.

To slightly reduce the risk of hitting foreign objects into the child's body, you need to examine the whole apartment with the eyes of the baby. As soon as he starts to crawl, he will immediately pull everything into his mouth. Move all dangerous and small objects away and higher. Buy baby toys that are age appropriate. They should be without small parts and very durable. If even a small part of the toy breaks off, throw it away immediately. Never leave your child alone in the room, it is better to take him with you. Do not allow messing with small items, coins and cereals.

Most often, such cases occur with children from one to three years. And their danger also lies in the fact that children may not tell their parents about it: either they still do not know how, or for some other reason. Explain to children that swallowing is very easy. But to get it is the whole problem.