Your Mayan horoscope. Portal for those who are interested in symbols, symbolism and symbolism

This section presents the Mayan horoscope. Every day in the Mayan calendar meant something, in total there are 20 days in each month according to the Mayan calendar. With the help of our program, you can find out on what day according to the Mayan calendar you were born and what character you are endowed with.

Staircase (EB)

Character Stairs

The main feature inherent in a person born under the sign of the Ladder is his internal organization. He belongs to that rare breed of people who never forget to take their fishing rods with them when they go fishing. Such organization is manifested in him in all possible areas: he is logical, does not like unnecessary fuss, and his views, as a rule, are distinguished by constancy. Perhaps ideal order does not reign in his things, but the man of the Ladder always knows exactly where and what he has.

All these qualities in our chaotic world can hardly be called useless. Moreover, it is the organization of the Ladder that often helps him succeed in various fields. He is a born organizer and leader who is able not only to give commands to others, but is also ready to obey the established rules himself. It is not in vain that they say that only one who knows how to execute other people's orders is truly good in command. It is not surprising that on the day of the Stairs, two of the most famous and famous Soviet marshals during the Second World War were born: Georgy Zhukov and Konstantin Rokossovsky, under whose command Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany, was taken in 1945.

The clarity of thought and logic inherent in the Ladder can help him make a career in many areas. At the same time, he cannot be called a boring cracker - on the contrary, he is quite emotional and may well find himself even in creative professions. The paradox lies in the fact that his deep emotions do not at all prevent him from thinking clearly and analyzing the situation.

The person of the Ladder is fully characterized by such traits as compassion, the ability to sympathize. Sometimes he can worry too deeply not only his own, but also other people's troubles, taking them to heart. Even when outwardly he looks stern and adamant, be sure that behind this mask lies a very compassionate soul, just difficulties and hard experiences have made his character tough.

Ladder is a good family man. Usually people of this sign put the interests of the family above their own, because selfishness is alien to their nature. It happens that they show excessive severity to members of their family, but genuine love and care are always hidden behind this severity.

Another feature of the Ladder is that a person born on this day, like no one else, believes in justice. Nature herself determined that his thoughts about how exactly our world should be arranged predominate.

Thinking about good and evil, about what is good and what is bad, how people (including himself) should behave - all this is very characteristic of the Ladder. It is no coincidence that it was under this sign that he was born greatest classic world literature, Leo Tolstoy and it is no coincidence that in all his works the theme of morality occupies a central place. And the fact that even before the abolition of serfdom, Tolstoy gave freedom to his peasants, left with practically nothing, also speaks volumes.

In general, the Staircase is the most "socialist", in good sense this word, sign. Nevertheless, the Ladder's desire for justice is far from always easy to realize, and the point is by no means that people do not want to live according to fair laws but in the fact that everyone understands justice in their own way. The area of ​​morality affects emotions, and where there are emotions, it is often pointless to look for logic. That is why the desire of the Ladder to restore order where passions rage, and where everyone has their own idea of ​​good and evil, is in most cases doomed to failure. This can greatly complicate his life and exhaust his nerves.

This is where the main danger of this sign lies, because it is not in vain that they say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The excessive desire of the person of the Stairs to change the world for the better, and the difficulties that await him on this path, can cause irritation both in him and those around him. On this slippery slope, it is not long to slide down to meaningless moralism. In order not to spoil the life of either oneself or others, one can simply advise the person of the Ladder to use the main gospel commandment: do not judge, but accept people as they are. Love changes the world for the better much more than any morality.

In other words, the person of the Ladder does not interfere with somehow softening or balancing his increased demands on himself and on others. Having learned to be indulgent to small human weaknesses, he has every chance to achieve the necessary harmony with the world around him and live a long happy life.

In general, the sign of the Ladder has a very powerful influence on people. It is not surprising if a person born on this day will be fascinated by the problems of politics or religion, but in any case, his organization, logic, clarity of thinking and love of order can help him reach the proper heights. His life may turn out differently, but one thing is absolutely certain: he will not waste it on trifles.

The meaning of the symbol Eb

Mayan EB literally means "ladder". The Maya Quiche call this same sign Evob - “teeth”, and the Aztecs have two names for it at once: Itlan - “teeth”, and Mullinali - “a bunch of grass, a broom”. Despite the fact that among the Yucatec Maya the main meaning of this word is still “ladder”, nevertheless, its hieroglyph also depicts a tooth surrounded by black dots, which is a conventional designation of a row of teeth (on Mayan pictograms, a series of dots surrounding an object denotes a plural number).

At first glance, all these symbols - a ladder, teeth, a bunch of grass - seem to be separate, but they are united by one common idea: they all symbolically express such concepts as compatibility, unity, orderliness.

In general, the sign of the Ladder expresses the idea of ​​​​order, organization and community.

World famous people born on Stairs Day

  • Karl Marx(b. 05/05/1818) - German philosopher, economist, main ideologist of communism.
  • Vladimir Lenin(b. 04/22/1870) - Leader of the world proletariat, revolutionary, leader and organizer of the communist revolution in Russia.
  • Lev Tolstoy(b. 09/09/1828) - Great Russian writer, classic of world literature.
  • Alexander Herzen(b. 04/06/1812) - Russian revolutionary, writer, philosopher.
  • Vissarion Belinsky(b. 11.06.1811) – Russian literary critic, publicist.
  • Konstantin Tsiolkovsky(b. 09/17/1857) - Father of Russian cosmonautics, space theorist.
  • George Gordon Byron(b. 01/22/1788) - English romantic poet.
  • Robert Stevenson(b. 11/13/1850) - English writer, author of adventure books "Treasure Island", etc.
  • O.Henry(b. 09/11/1862) - American classic writer.
  • Bulat Okudzhava(b. 05/09/1924) - Russian poet, writer, bard.
  • Edward Radzinsky(b. 09/23/1936) - Russian historian, writer.
  • Savva Morozov(b. 02/03/1862) - Russian industrialist, philanthropist, one of the sponsors of the Russian revolution.
  • Dwight Eisenhower(b. 10/14/1890) - 34th President of the United States.
  • Konstantin Rokossovsky(b. 12/21/1896) - Russian marshal of the Second World War, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Georgy Zhukov(b. 1.12.1896) - The legendary commander of the Second World War, the victorious marshal.

The degree of reliability of this interpretation based on the results of the general vote (14443 votes)

How correct is your interpretation?

How is the staircase indicated on the drawing? How to draw a staircase in AutoCAD, what should be its slope and step size? What is the name of the structural elements of the flight of stairs? We will try to find answers to these and some other questions in the article.

Typically, a stair drawing is part of a building or floor plan. With acquaintance with the concept of a plan, we will begin.

It is worth clarifying: of course, in the manufacture of any complex structures, a detailed sketch is also drawn up, indicating those dimensions that are usually absent on the building plan. However, the staircase is in any case indicated on the general plan.

So, a plan is a projection of a horizontal section of a floor or a house entirely onto a plane. What information does it contain?

  • The location of all rooms on the floor with an indication of their size.
  • Location of staircases and marches.
  • The location of window and door openings - also, of course, with dimensions.
  • Building structure (including the location of supports and floor spans).
  • The thickness of the bearing walls and columns.

Planning is subject to certain rules:

  • The main façade is at the bottom of the plan.

  • If there are several floor plans on one sheet, they are arranged in ascending floor number from left to right or top to bottom.
  • The plan indicates the direction of opening the doors.
  • The drawing of the flight of stairs is supplemented by an arrow indicating the slope from the bottom up: the beginning of the arrow is always at the bottom of the flight.


What is the correct name for finished stairs of various types and their elements?

Stair types

  • Spiral staircase twisted around the pole. Her salient feature- triangular or trapezoidal steps. Usually used in conditions of limited space; quite inconvenient for transporting bulky items.
  • Marching- its complete opposite: rectangular feet and straight lines.
  • spiral staircase differs from a helical one in that it describes a circle at a distance from the geometric center.
  • Cantilever has no supporting frame- the steps are embedded in the wall on one side.
  • Modular assembled from the same structural elements. Connections remain collapsible.

  • Boltsevaya instead of a supporting frame, it uses steel elements as a support that connect the steps to each other - bolts.
  • Attic and basement stairs differ from others rather conditionally: they are characterized by a greater bias. The reason is high requirements for compactness and low requirements for convenience. However, they may not differ from interfloor ones: space savings are not required everywhere.
  • Firefighters can be both marching and vertical. Vertical stairs with a height of more than six meters are equipped with railings.

Apart from appearance and destination, stairs may vary in material. Popular materials for making them with your own hands are reinforced concrete, steel and wood; along with them, more exotic ones can be used: glass, artificial or natural stone, ceramics and some plastics.

Please note: the exception is stationary fire escapes. They are made only from steel.


  • The march we have already mentioned is just a straight section of the stairs.
  • Tread is the horizontal surface of a step.
  • The riser is a vertical structural element supporting the tread.

However: spiral, cantilever and some mid-flight stairs often do without risers.

  • Kosour - a support beam, on top of which steps are located. Most often there are two stringers, but some designs cost one.
  • If the steps do not rest on the beams, but are cut between them, the beams are called bowstrings.
  • Landing - a horizontal section between two marches.
  • Winder stairs are an alternative to a platform between two differently directed marches. Unlike the steps of a direct march, they have a trapezoidal shape.
  • The middle line, contrary to the name, does not necessarily run in the center of the stairs. This is an imaginary line along which one person ascends or descends in the absence of movement-limiting factors. For example, for a spiral staircase, the middle line will be slightly shifted to the wider edge of the step.
  • Clearance - in simple terms, the distance from the surface of the step to what is above your head when you are standing on it.

Designations on the drawings

How is the designation of stairs in the drawings correct?

The form

No exotics awaits us here: the image of the stairs in the drawing is its projection onto a plane. If we are trying to depict the floor in terms of - on the horizontal; in the case of a vertical section - respectively, to a vertical one.

Usually, the plan does not give a complete picture of the number of flights and the vertical dimensions of the stairs, so the drawing of the staircase and flights is made at least in plan and in one section.

As already mentioned, the designation of the stairs in the drawing must be supplemented by an indication of the direction in which the stairs are climbed. The bottom of the stairs is marked with a circle, the top with an arrow.


Do, say, concrete staircase drawings necessarily include a verbal or letter designation the material from which they are made?

Not at all. In GOST 5401-50 contains instructions for using graphic symbols different materials during construction.

Pessimist's comment: When drawing a house or staircase by hand, shading the appropriate elements of the image properly is much more difficult than writing a few words in a footnote.

We give a description of the graphic symbols for those materials that are used in the construction of stairs.

  • A tree in a transverse end section is hatched with circular and radial lines, simulating annual rings and radial cracks. Longitudinal lines are depicted on a longitudinal section - an imitation of texture. If the material of the wooden ladder does not fall into the cut line, it is not shaded.
  • Concrete is represented by a combination of dots and circles irregular shape. If the concrete staircase is reinforced (in fact, otherwise self-supporting structures are not made of concrete), the circles are combined with diagonal hatching.
  • Steel and all metal structural elements hatched with frequent diagonal lines. On small-scale drawings or when the element thickness is less than 2 mm, they are marked with a solid fill.

General principles and dimensions

The project price is usually between 1 and 5 percent of the construction. If we are talking about the manufacture of stairs, its detailed sketch may well cost 1/10 of the total cost of the structure.

Of course, someone who has not skipped school drawing lessons will have a reasonable desire to do the work on their own. However, this requires not only enthusiasm, but also certain basic knowledge.


  • The most convenient slope is 1:2, or 30 degrees to the horizon. Comfort range - from 25 to 40 degrees; the maximum allowable slope for the interfloor stairs is 45 degrees (1:1).

However: drawings of attic stairs are made on the basis of a slope of up to 75 degrees. The reasons have already been mentioned: for rarely visited rooms, the compactness of the stairs is more important than comfort.

  • With a slope of less than 23 degrees, it is possible to build a ramp - a straight or curved inclined platform.
  • An angle to the horizon greater than 45-50 degrees means that you will have to go down the stairs backwards. A person descending such a ladder will be hindered by the length of his own legs.

The photo shows a rather steep staircase.

Basic moments

  • The march contains at least three and no more than eighteen steps. The limitation is related to safety: the longer the ladder, the greater the likelihood of serious injury when falling from it.
  • All steps within a direct march must be strictly the same. The requirement is again related to safety, but already fire safety: you will have to go down in a smoky room from memory, putting your feet literally to the touch.
  • The drawings of the staircase are made taking into account one more safety requirement: the length and width of the platform separating the marches lying on the same straight line should not be less than the width of the stairs. With the width of the site, everything is clear: otherwise it will become a bottleneck; But why regulate the length?

So that a person who has lost his balance has the opportunity to stop.

  • If we are talking about an external staircase, then it is better to make the door leading to it open inward. Where this is not possible, the platform is deliberately made wider than the door leaf.


Well, what are the optimal and minimum dimensions to follow when designing?

The width of the stairs is related to its functionality. If it is designed for one person, a reasonable minimum is 90 centimeters. Actually, according to SNiP 31-02, at least one interfloor staircase in a private house must have a width of at least this one.

However: for apartment buildings, the minimum is 1050 mm. If you plan oncoming traffic on the stairs of two oncoming flows of people, it is worth expanding it to at least 1500 mm.

The minimum height of the fence for a private house is 90 cm; if the height of the stairs is more than six meters, the railing should not be lower than 100 cm.

Step dimensions must meet several requirements:

  • Tread Width - from 260 to 355 millimeters. The foot of a tall person should be completely placed on it: otherwise climbing the stairs will be accompanied by constant tension of the calf muscles.
  • step height - from 125 to 200 millimeters. At the same time, the ratio of width and height should, recall, ensure the slope of the march in a comfortable range. Ideal from the point of view of convenience, a step 300 wide and 150 mm high.
  • The sum of the width of the tread and twice the height of the step should be equal to the average step (usually 60 - 64 centimeters).

There is an optimum turning radius for spiral staircases, spiral staircases and winders. It is equal to the sum of twice the width of the tread and the width of the stairs. In this case, the tread is measured not along the edge, but along the midline.

So, with a staircase width of 100 cm and a tread width on the center line of 20 cm (this is the minimum prescribed by SNiP), the turning radius should not be less than 100 + (20x2) \u003d 140 cm.

The clearance (recall, this is the distance from the step to the ceiling) is made at least 2000 mm. In this case, a tall person will not have to bend down.


We have made available to the esteemed reader general principles building drawings of stairs; however, without drawing skills, the result will hardly be satisfactory. In the posted video in this article you will find interesting information on this topic (learn also about the main points of designing stairs).

Successes in construction!

The meaning of the Mayan symbol

Mayan EB means "ladder". The Maya Quiche call this same sign Evob - “teeth”, and the Aztecs have two names for it at once: Itlan - “teeth”, and Mullinali - “a bunch of grass, a broom”. Despite the fact that among the Yucatec Maya the main meaning of this word is still “ladder”, nevertheless, its hieroglyph also depicts a tooth surrounded by black dots, which is a conventional designation of a row of teeth (on Mayan pictograms, a series of dots surrounding an object denotes a plural number).
At first glance, all these symbols - a ladder, teeth, a bunch of grass - seem to be separate, but they are united by one common idea: they all symbolically express such concepts as compatibility, unity, orderliness.
In general, the sign of the Ladder expresses the idea of ​​​​order, organization and community.

Character Stairs

The main feature inherent in a person born under the sign of the Ladder is his internal organization. He belongs to that rare breed of people who never forget to take their fishing rods with them when they go fishing. Such organization is manifested in him in all possible areas: he is logical, does not like unnecessary fuss, and his views, as a rule, are distinguished by constancy. Perhaps ideal order does not reign in his things, but the man of the Ladder always knows exactly where and what he has.
All these qualities in our chaotic world can hardly be called useless. Moreover, it is the organization of the Ladder that often helps him succeed in various fields. He is a born organizer and leader who is able not only to give commands to others, but is also ready to obey the established rules himself. It is not in vain that they say that only one who knows how to execute other people's orders is truly good in command. It is not surprising that on the day of the Stairs, two of the most famous and famous Soviet marshals during the Second World War were born: Georgy Zhukov and Konstantin Rokossovsky, under whose command Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany, was taken in 1945.
The clarity of thought and logic inherent in the Ladder can help him make a career in many areas. At the same time, he cannot be called a boring cracker - on the contrary, he is quite emotional and may well find himself even in creative professions. The paradox lies in the fact that his deep emotions do not at all prevent him from thinking clearly and analyzing the situation.
The person of the Ladder is fully characterized by such traits as compassion, the ability to sympathize. Sometimes he can worry too deeply not only his own, but also other people's troubles, taking them to heart. Even when outwardly he looks stern and adamant, be sure that behind this mask lies a very compassionate soul, just difficulties and hard experiences have made his character tough.

Ladder is a good family man. Usually people of this sign put the interests of the family above their own, because selfishness is alien to their nature. It happens that they show excessive severity to members of their family, but genuine love and care are always hidden behind this severity.
Another feature of the Ladder is that a person born on this day, like no one else, believes in justice. Nature herself determined that his thoughts about how exactly our world should be arranged predominate.
Thinking about good and evil, about what is good and what is bad, how people (including himself) should behave - all this is very characteristic of the Ladder. It is no coincidence that the greatest classic of world literature, Leo Tolstoy, was born under this sign, and it is no coincidence that the theme of morality occupies a central place in all his works. And the fact that even before the abolition of serfdom, Tolstoy gave freedom to his peasants, left with practically nothing, also speaks volumes.
In general, the Ladder is the most “socialist”, in the good sense of the word, sign. Nevertheless, the desire of the Ladder for justice is not always easy to realize, and the point is not that people do not want to live by fair laws, but that everyone understands justice in their own way. The area of ​​morality affects emotions, and where there are emotions, it is often pointless to look for logic. That is why the desire of the Ladder to restore order where passions rage, and where everyone has their own idea of ​​good and evil, is in most cases doomed to failure. This can greatly complicate his life and exhaust his nerves.
This is where the main danger of this sign lies, because it is not in vain that they say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The excessive desire of the person of the Stairs to change the world for the better, and the difficulties that await him on this path, can cause irritation both in him and those around him. On this slippery slope, it is not long to slide down to meaningless moralism. In order not to spoil the life of either oneself or others, one can simply advise the person of the Ladder to use the main gospel commandment: do not judge, but accept people as they are. Love changes the world for the better much more than any morality.
In other words, the person of the Ladder does not interfere with somehow softening or balancing his increased demands on himself and on others. Having learned to be indulgent to small human weaknesses, he has every chance to achieve the necessary harmony with the world around him and live a long happy life.
In general, the sign of the Ladder has a very powerful influence on people. It is not surprising if a person born on this day will be fascinated by the problems of politics or religion, but in any case, his organization, logic, clarity of thinking and love of order can help him reach the proper heights. His life may turn out differently, but one thing is absolutely certain: he will not waste it on trifles. (c) Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Stairs(Eb) the Maya-Kiche called Evob - “teeth”, and the Aztecs had two names for it at once: Itlan - “teeth”, and Mullinali - “a bunch of grass, a broom”. Despite the fact that among the Yucatec Maya the main meaning of this word is still “ladder”, nevertheless, its hieroglyph also depicts a tooth surrounded by black dots, which is a conventional designation of a row of teeth (on Mayan pictograms, a series of dots surrounding an object denotes a plural number).

Stairs are used as a symbol and part of a religious ritual, they emphasize the importance of climbing. To create the desired effect, the width and steepness of the stairs matter. The ladder equivalents are the golden thread, the axis of the world, the world tree, the world mountain, the rainbow, etc. The ladder crosses three cosmic zones, connecting the world of gods, people and the underworld. The ladder is associated with vertical movement. Often the steps of the ladder set the hierarchy of deities.

At first glance, all these symbols - a ladder, teeth, a bunch of grass - seem to be separate, but they are united by one common idea: they all symbolically express such concepts as compatibility, unity, orderliness. In general, the sign of the Ladder expresses the idea of ​​​​order, organization and community.

The main feature inherent in a person born under the sign of the Ladder is his internal organization. He belongs to that rare breed of people who never forget to take their fishing rods with them when they go fishing. Such organization is manifested in him in all possible areas: he is logical, does not like unnecessary fuss, and his views, as a rule, are distinguished by constancy. Perhaps ideal order does not reign in his things, but the man of the Ladder always knows exactly where and what he has.

All these qualities in our chaotic world can hardly be called useless. Moreover, it is the organization of the Ladder that often helps him succeed in various fields. He is a born organizer and leader who is able not only to give commands to others, but is also ready to obey the established rules himself. It is not in vain that they say that only one who knows how to execute other people's orders is truly good in command. It is not surprising that on the day of the Stairs, two of the most famous and famous Soviet marshals during the Second World War were born: Georgy Zhukov and Konstantin Rokossovsky, under whose command Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany, was taken in 1945.

The clarity of thought and logic inherent in the Ladder can help him make a career in many areas. At the same time, he cannot be called a boring cracker - on the contrary, he is quite emotional and may well find himself even in creative professions. The paradox lies in the fact that his deep emotions do not at all prevent him from thinking clearly and analyzing the situation.

The person of the Ladder is fully characterized by such traits as compassion, the ability to sympathize. Sometimes he can worry too deeply not only his own, but also other people's troubles, taking them to heart. Even when outwardly he looks stern and adamant, be sure that behind this mask lies a very compassionate soul, just difficulties and hard experiences have made his character tough.

Ladder is a good family man. Usually people of this sign put the interests of the family above their own, because selfishness is alien to their nature. It happens that they show excessive severity to members of their family, but genuine love and care are always hidden behind this severity.

Another feature of the Ladder is that a person born on this day, like no one else, believes in justice. Nature herself determined that his thoughts about how exactly our world should be arranged predominate.

Thinking about good and evil, about what is good and what is bad, how people (including himself) should behave - all this is very characteristic of the Ladder. It is no coincidence that the greatest classic of world literature, Leo Tolstoy, was born under this sign, and it is no coincidence that the theme of morality occupies a central place in all his works. And the fact that even before the abolition of serfdom, Tolstoy gave freedom to his peasants, left with practically nothing, also speaks volumes.

In general, the Ladder is the most “socialist”, in the good sense of the word, sign. Nevertheless, the desire of the Ladder for justice is not always easy to realize, and the point is not that people do not want to live by fair laws, but that everyone understands justice in their own way. The area of ​​morality affects emotions, and where there are emotions, it is often pointless to look for logic. That is why the desire of the Ladder to restore order where passions rage, and where everyone has their own idea of ​​good and evil, is in most cases doomed to failure. This can greatly complicate his life and exhaust his nerves.

This is where the main danger of this sign lies, because it is not in vain that they say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The excessive desire of the person of the Stairs to change the world for the better, and the difficulties that await him on this path, can cause irritation both in him and those around him. On this slippery slope, it is not long to slide down to meaningless moralism. In order not to spoil the life of either oneself or others, one can simply advise the person of the Ladder to use the main gospel commandment: do not judge, but accept people as they are. Love changes the world for the better much more than any morality.

In other words, the person of the Ladder does not interfere with somehow softening or balancing his increased demands on himself and on others. Having learned to be indulgent to small human weaknesses, he has every chance to achieve the necessary harmony with the world around him and live a long happy life.

In general, the sign of the Ladder has a very powerful influence on people. It is not surprising if a person born on this day will be fascinated by the problems of politics or religion, but in any case, his organization, logic, clarity of thinking and love of order can help him reach the proper heights. His life may turn out differently, but one thing is absolutely certain: he will not waste it on trifles.

This symbol is one of the 24 presented at the exhibition “Labyrinth. The Dragon. Unicorn. What do the symbols say?
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The most important biblical symbol of the connection between the Heavenly World and the earth. Jacob sees her in a dream: “... Behold, a ladder stands on the ground, and its top touches the sky; and behold, the angels of God ascend and descend on it” (Gen. 28:12-16).

In the apocrypha, the ladder is associated with the descent of Christ to earth. The staircase also became a symbol of the Mother of God, through which this sacrament was fulfilled. The texts call the Virgin Mary "The Ladder of Heaven, by which God descended" (from the Akathist to the Theotokos).


According to one interpretation, the name of the ancient Egyptian Mother Goddess - Isis - is translated as "ladder": Is-Is ("Step-Step"). Isis symbolizes Life, Nature, through which God incarnates.

Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara. Architect Imhotep. III millennium BC

The pyramid of Djoser has six steps. The steps symbolized the eternal ascent of the sun god Ra, as well as the immortality of the human soul, the continuation of its path. “Now I begin to climb the steps of the heavenly ladder, which Ra, my divine father, has long been preparing for me.”

The pyramid was built in honor of the god Quetzalcoatl - "Feathered Serpent", "Dawn". He helped the Sun make its way through the celestial spheres. The pyramid personified the fifth sun of Quetzalcoatl (the current cycle of the development of the world), and the steps represented the path of the Sun and the ascent of man to the spirit.

Alchemy is depicted as a woman whose head touches the clouds. She holds in her left hand a scepter - a symbol of dominion, and with her right hand she supports books: closed (mysteries of nature) and open ( scientific knowledge). In front of her is a staircase with nine steps - a symbol of the nine stages of hermetic work, as well as the patience that must be possessed by those who set off along it.

... Steps rise steeper,
We can't find peace on any of them;
We are molded by God's hand
For long wanderings, not for inert laziness.
It's dangerous to get too addicted
To a long-established routine:
Only the one who is always ready to set off on a journey,
Wins courage and freedom.
Who knows, perhaps death, and the coffin, and decay -
Only a new step to another homeland.
The work of life cannot end...
So go - and give everything for renewal!

Hermann Hesse "Steps"