Presentation on the theme of the gulag. Literature presentation "camp theme in literature

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Novel Lesson

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago"

Teacher: Kanaeva B.M.

  • to deepen the general understanding of students about repression, to consider how the theme of repression is revealed in the work of Solzhenitsyn;
  • find out the features of Solzhenitsyn's narrative manner;
  • develop the ability to build oral and written statements in connection with the studied work;
  • participate in a dialogue on the read work, develop the skills of interpreting a prose text, working with a primary source;
  • to instill in students a sense of responsibility to other people, to their country; the ability to resist the power of evil, respect for people who have become victims of repression, a sense of citizenship and responsibility for the fate of the Motherland.

I don't want revenge, I don't want judgment. I want people to know and remember how it all happened.

Akmal Ikramov Kamil, writer,

shot in 1938

Memory is the most precious thing in the hearts of people. But there are moments in life that cannot be remembered without tears. Tragic events leave a big imprint on the lives and destinies of people, nations, so these pages of history must be studied with special attention. Political repression is one of the most tragic pages in our history. But this is our history, and studying it is a sign of memory and a tribute to the innocent victims. Knowledge of all the facts of our past, especially the tragic ones, gives us a complete picture of ourselves, of our present.

Political repression

What is repression?

Repression- punitive measures, punishments applied government bodies in order to suppress or intimidate their opponents, both real and imaginary.

The theme of repression in literature

Over the last decades of the last century, many books have been published that tell the truth about Stalin and Stalin's repressions. The main figure of these works is Stalin. Terrible figure. His victims are innumerable. He personally knew only a small part of them. The years when I.V. Stalin was in power brought many dark days to our country. The most terrible thing in this time is repression. Thousands of people were arrested and sent to settlements and camps. Thousands of illegally convicted people. In Western literature, the events of those years in our country are often called the "great terror", sometimes the "great madness", i.e. action with no explanation. From 1921 to 1954, 3,777,380 people were convicted across the country for the so-called "counter-revolutionary actions", including 642,980 people sentenced to capital punishment, 2,369,220 people to detention in camps and prisons for a term of 25 years or less , sent to exile 765.880 people.

Video clip from KIM

The Gulag system by 1940 included 53 camps, 425 correctional labor colonies and 50 juvenile colonies, so A.I. Solzhenitsyn introduces the concept of "archipelago": "the camps are scattered throughout the Soviet Union in small islands and more. All this together cannot be imagined otherwise, compared with something else, not with the archipelago. They are torn from each other as if by a different environment - the will, that is, not the camp world. And at the same time, these islands in a multitude make up, as it were, an archipelago. – In Russian prose of the 1970s–90s, as well as in “returned” literature, a significant place is occupied by works that recreate the tragedy of the people who survived mass repressions in the Stalin era. The camp theme was reflected in the prose of V. Shalamov, A. Solzhenitsyn, Yu. Dombrovsky, Yu. Grossman, O. Volkov and other authors who experienced the hell of the Gulag. Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov were among the first in contemporary literature who spoke openly on the subject. Today we will talk about how the camp theme was embodied in the work of Solzhenitsyn.

The fate of Solzhenitsyn is unique, this is expressed in the severity of the trials that fell to his lot: the war with fascism, the Stalinist camps, the cancer corps, the sudden fame associated with the publication of One Day in Ivan Denisovich, then silence, bans, expulsion from the country and the regaining of the Russian reader. The biography of Alexander Isaevich is almost identical to the biography of post-revolutionary Russia.

Year of birth - 1918. Civil War, hunger, terror and childhood without a father who died a few months before Sasha was born. The year of manhood is the 41st. A graduate of the Physics and Mathematics Department of Rostov University goes to an officer school, then to the front. Solzhenitsyn in command of an artillery battery. At the end of the war, he has the rank of captain, awarded with orders Patriotic War 2nd degree and Red Star.

In February 45th - a break in fate: Solzhenitsyn was arrested for criticizing Stalin in a letter to a childhood friend, which was viewed by counterintelligence. 8 years in labor camps "for anti-Soviet agitation and an attempt to create an anti-Soviet organization."

1947 - transferred as a mathematician to the Marfa "Sharashka" - Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs-KGB, where he stayed until 1950. Later, this "sharashka" will be described in the novel "In the First Circle". Since 1950 in the Ekibastuz camp (the experience of general work is recreated in the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"). Here he gets cancer. In the camps he works as a laborer, a bricklayer, and a foundry worker. 1953 - Solzhenitsyn at the "eternal exile settlement" in the village of Kok-Terek (Dzhambul region, Kazakhstan).

Twice he was treated in Tashkent for cancer; on the day of discharge from the hospital in 1955, a story about a terrible illness was conceived - the future "Cancer Ward" (1963–1966). It reflects the author's impressions of his stay in the Tashkent Oncological Dispensary and the history of his healing.

The life story of the protagonist Oleg Kostoglotov recalls the fate of Solzhenitsyn himself: having served time in the camps on trumped-up charges, he is now an exile. In the year the thaw began - the 56th - he was rehabilitated. Solzhenitsyn settles in central Russia with the heroine of the future story « Matrenin yard» , teaches mathematics and physics at a rural school.

1959 - the story “Sch-854 (One day of one convict)” was written in three weeks, which in 1961 was submitted to the journal “ New world". Directly from Khrushchev, Tvardovsky seeks permission to publish the story, called "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich."

1962 - the year of a breakthrough: against the backdrop of a short-term flowering of freedom in the USSR, Alexander Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" is published for the first time. The magazine "New World" becomes the first circle of fame of the writer. "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" shocked readers with knowledge of the forbidden - camp life under Stalin. One of the countless islands of the Gulag archipelago has opened for the first time. Behind him was the state itself, a ruthless totalitarian system that suppresses man.

The circle closed in the 65th: the end of the thaw, the KGB seizes Solzhenitsyn's archive. Harassment, letters of condemnation, under which everyone is forced to sign, a ban on publications. "In the First Circle" and "Cancer Ward" are published only abroad. 1967/68 - completed "Archipelago", which the author himself defined as "our petrified tear."

Gulag archipelago(the subtitle of the book is “the experience of artistic research”) – at the same time historical research with elements of parody ethnographic essay, and the author's memoirs, telling about his camp experience, and the epic of suffering, and the martyrology - stories about the martyrs of the Gulag. With strict documentation, this is quite a work of art.

Gulag archipelago

In the novel, Solzhenitsyn acts as not so much an author as a collector of stories told by many prisoners (227 co-authors, without names, of course). As in the story One day of Ivan Denisovich, the narrative is structured in such a way as to make the reader see the torment of the prisoners with their own eyes and, as it were, experience them for themselves. In the novel The Gulag Archipelago, A. Solzhenitsyn shows what kind of people ended up in the camp. There were mixed Mensheviks and Trotskyists, "saboteurs" and representatives of religion, deviators and non-Party people, many, many of all those who were not lucky enough to hide from the terrible network of the NKVD. People behave differently. Some broke right away, others are ready to imprison hundreds of people, to give any testimony. But there were some that didn't break. For some prisoners, to whom the author himself primarily refers, being in the hell of the Gulag meant taking spiritual and moral heights. People were internally cleansed and began to see clearly, so Solzhenitsyn can repeatedly meet incomprehensible at first glance words of gratitude to the prison.

And the Solzhenitsyn hard labor camp, one of the Gulag archipelago, despite the terrible and undoubted reality of its existence in our history, in the fate of millions of people, is also a kind of sign of the clouding of the soul and mind, a perversion of the meaning of the life of the people and society. A mediocre, dangerous, cruel machine that grinds everyone who gets into it ...

In "One day of Ivan Denisovich" and in "The Gulag Archipelago" there are many examples of human meanness, meanness, hypocrisy. Nevertheless, Solzhenitsyn notes that the moral corruption in the camp succumbed mainly to those people who were already prepared for this in the wild. One can learn flattery, lies, “small and big meanness” everywhere, but a person must remain a person even in the most difficult and cruel conditions. Moreover, Solzhenitsyn shows that humiliation and trials awaken inner reserves in the individual and spiritually free him.

Reflection of the camp theme in the work of Solzhenitsyn

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Quotes from the novel "The Gulag Archipelago"
  • Each of us is the center of the universe.
  • A quiet sheep is tough for a wolf.
  • A person who is not internally prepared for violence is always weaker than the rapist.
  • Everyone always has a dozen smooth reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself.

Loving your children is not proof of kindness.

Sleep is the best remedy against hunger.

Church trials in the provinces, attacks on temples and monasteries.

Quotes from the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

  • Man is more valuable than gold.
  • Geniuses do not tailor the interpretation to the taste of tyrants.
  • Work is like a stick, there are two ends in it: if you do it for people, give quality, if you do it for the boss, show off.
  • We need to pray for the spiritual: so that the Lord removes the evil scum from our hearts ...
  • Easy money - they do not weigh anything, and there is no such flair that, they say, you have earned.
  • The thrifty is better than the rich.

Solzhenitsyn experienced firsthand what it means to be repressed. He devoted his works to this topic, told the world and his homeland about the inhuman system of violence and lies that kept the tyrannical regime in power for more than seven decades. In him, Russian culture discovered within itself the source of its salvation, liberation, rebirth. Solzhenitsyn, all the way through the hellish abysses of the Archipelago, is driven by the hope of resurrection.

The worst thing in life is to change yourself, to live according to the formula “what do you want?”. The biggest loss in life is the loss of one's own freedom. Today's lesson is not about the past, it's about the future. For, as Yevgeny Yevtushenko said, “we must know how it happened so that no one can ever steal our future again. The study of the past is the salvation of the future, its guarantor.


Write creative work

Soul and barbed wire.

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Presentation on the topic:

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The GULA G Archipelago is a fictional historical study by Alexander Solzhenitsyn about the Soviet repressive system from 1918 to 1956. Based on eyewitness accounts, documents and personal experience author. GULAG is an abbreviation for the Main Directorate of Camps. The Gulag Archipelago was secretly written by Solzhenitsyn in the USSR between 1958 and 1968 (finished on February 22, 1967), the first volume was published in Paris in December 1973. About 300 people provided Solzhenitsyn with information for this work. Some fragments of the text were written by Solzhenitsyn's acquaintances (in particular, V. Ivanov).

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The Gulag Archipelago was written by AI Solzhenitsyn between 1958 and 1967 and became an integral part of the flow of non-fiction in the post-Stalin era. In the “Afterword” to this work, the author admitted: “It would not be for me alone to write this book, but to hand out chapters knowledgeable people... I already started this book, and I threw it away ... But when, in addition to the already collected letters, many more prisoners' letters from all over the country were crossed on me, I realized that since all this was given to me, then I must.

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The author of The Archipelago himself defined its genre and the way of depicting history in it as an "experience of artistic research." Solzhenitsyn suggests that we perceive this book more as an "artistic" than as a historical text. At the same time, he considers the truth from the point of view moral choice. Solzhenitsyn talks about the main thing in his book - the search for truth and human soul. The problem of a person's moral choice - the choice between good and evil - for Solzhenitsyn more important than any political truth.

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"The Gulag Archipelago" is the most famous book by A.I. Solzhenitsyn. This is the first time fundamental research about the repressions of the Stalin era was published in the early 70s. in the West, then in "samizdat" and only during the years of "perestroika" - in Russia, but to this day the topic has not lost its relevance, and the author's text - intransigence and passion. The documentary and artistic epic "The Gulag Archipelago" comprehensively examines the system of punishment introduced in our country under Soviet rule, when millions of innocent people were subjected to hard labor. The writer collected and summarized a huge amount of historical material, dispelling the myth of the "humanity" of Leninism. This devastating and well-reasoned critique of the Soviet system was a bombshell all over the world. (In the USSR, one could get up to eight years in prison for reading, storing, and distributing The Gulag Archipelago.)

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Criticism Critics pointed out the contradictions between Solzhenitsyn's many-fold overestimated estimates of the number of repressed people, on the one hand, and archival data that became available during the perestroika period, as well as the calculations of some demographers, on the other. Solzhenitsyn was also repeatedly criticized, especially in the 1970s after the release of The Archipelago, for his sympathetic attitude towards the Russian Liberation Army during the Great Patriotic War and related opinions regarding the fate of Soviet prisoners of war. With the advent of perestroika, the official attitude in the USSR towards the work and activities of Solzhenitsyn began to change, and many of his works were published. In 1990 he was restored to Soviet citizenship. For the book "The Gulag Archipelago" in 1990 was awarded the State Prize.

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The GULA G Archipelago is a fictional historical study by Alexander Solzhenitsyn about the Soviet repressive system from 1918 to 1956. Based on eyewitness accounts, documents and personal experience of the author. GULAG is an abbreviation for the Main Directorate of Camps. The Gulag Archipelago was secretly written by Solzhenitsyn in the USSR between 1958 and 1968 (finished on February 22, 1967), the first volume was published in Paris in December 1973. About 300 people provided Solzhenitsyn with information for this work. Some fragments of the text were written by Solzhenitsyn's acquaintances (in particular, V. Ivanov).

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The Gulag Archipelago was written by AI Solzhenitsyn between 1958 and 1967 and became an integral part of the flow of non-fiction in the post-Stalin era. In the “Afterword” to this work, the author admitted: “It would not be for me alone to write this book, but for the chapters to be distributed to knowledgeable people ... I already started this book, I threw it away ... But when, in addition to what was already collected, they crossed on me many more prisoner letters from all over the country - I realized that since all this was given to me, then I must.

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The author of The Archipelago himself defined its genre and the way of depicting history in it as an "experience of artistic research." Solzhenitsyn suggests that we perceive this book more as an "artistic" than as a historical text. At the same time, he considers the truth from the point of view of moral choice. Solzhenitsyn talks about the main thing in his book - the search for truth and the human soul. The problem of a person's moral choice - the choice between good and evil - is more important for Solzhenitsyn than any political truth.

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"The Gulag Archipelago" is the most famous book by A.I. Solzhenitsyn. For the first time, this fundamental study on the repressions of the Stalin era was published in the early 70s. in the West, then in "samizdat" and only during the years of "perestroika" - in Russia, but to this day the topic has not lost its relevance, and the author's text - intransigence and passion. The documentary and artistic epic "The Gulag Archipelago" comprehensively examines the system of punishment introduced in our country under Soviet rule, when millions of innocent people were subjected to hard labor. The writer collected and summarized a huge amount of historical material, dispelling the myth of the "humanity" of Leninism. This devastating and well-reasoned critique of the Soviet system was a bombshell all over the world. (In the USSR, one could get up to eight years in prison for reading, storing, and distributing The Gulag Archipelago.)

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Criticism Critics pointed out the contradictions between Solzhenitsyn's many-fold overestimated estimates of the number of repressed people, on the one hand, and archival data that became available during the perestroika period, as well as the calculations of some demographers, on the other. Solzhenitsyn was also repeatedly criticized, especially in the 1970s after the release of The Archipelago, for his sympathetic attitude towards the Russian Liberation Army during the Great Patriotic War and related opinions regarding the fate of Soviet prisoners of war. With the advent of perestroika, the official attitude in the USSR towards the work and activities of Solzhenitsyn began to change, and many of his works were published. In 1990 he was restored to Soviet citizenship. For the book "The Gulag Archipelago" in 1990 was awarded the State Prize.

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  • The Gulag Archipelago is a fictional historical study by Alexander Solzhenitsyn about the Soviet repressive system from 1918 to 1956. Based on eyewitness accounts, documents and personal experience of the author.
  • GULAG is an abbreviation for the Main Directorate of Camps.
  • The Gulag Archipelago was secretly written by Solzhenitsyn in the USSR between 1958 and 1968 (finished on February 22, 1967), the first volume was published in Paris in December 1973.
  • About 300 people provided Solzhenitsyn with information for this work. Some fragments of the text were written by Solzhenitsyn's acquaintances (in particular, V. Ivanov).
  • slide 3

    The Gulag Archipelago was written by A. I. Solzhenitsyn between 1958 and 1967 and became an integral part of the flow of non-fiction literature in the post-Stalin era. In the Afterword to this work, the author admitted:

    “I wouldn’t write this book alone, but distribute the chapters to knowledgeable people ... I already started this book, I threw it away ... But when, in addition to what I had already collected, many more prisoner letters from all over the country were crossed on me, I understood that since all this is given to me, then I must.

    slide 4

    The author of The Archipelago himself defined its genre and the way in which history is depicted in it as "an experience of artistic research". Solzhenitsyn invites us to perceive this book more as an “artistic” than as a historical text. At the same time, he considers the truth from the point of view of a moral choice. Solzhenitsyn talks about the main thing in his book - the search for truth and the human soul. The problem of a person’s moral choice - the choice between good and evil - for Solzhenitsyn is more important than any political truth.

    slide 5

    "The Gulag Archipelago" is the most famous book by A.I. Solzhenitsyn. For the first time, this fundamental study on the repressions of the Stalin era was published in the early 70s. in the West, then in "samizdat" and only during the years of "perestroika" - in Russia, but to this day the topic has not lost its relevance, and the author's text - intransigence and passion. The documentary and artistic epic "The Gulag Archipelago" comprehensively examines the system of punishment introduced in our country under Soviet rule, when millions of innocent people were subjected to hard labor.

    The writer collected and summarized a huge amount of historical material, dispelling the myth of the "humanity" of Leninism. This devastating and well-reasoned critique of the Soviet system was a bombshell all over the world. (In the USSR, one could get up to eight years in prison for reading, storing, and distributing The Gulag Archipelago.)

    slide 6


    Critics pointed to the contradictions between Solzhenitsyn's many times overestimated estimates of the number of repressed, on the one hand, and archival data that became available during the period of perestroika, as well as the calculations of some demographers, on the other.

    Solzhenitsyn was also repeatedly criticized, especially in the 1970s after the release of The Archipelago, for his sympathetic attitude towards the Russian Liberation Army during the Great Patriotic War and related opinions regarding the fate of Soviet prisoners of war.

    With the advent of perestroika, the official attitude in the USSR towards the work and activities of Solzhenitsyn began to change, and many of his works were published. In 1990 he was restored to Soviet citizenship.

    For the book "The Gulag Archipelago" in 1990 was awarded the State Prize.

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    Total in the topic 33 presentations