Life on the verge of death: how to pretend to be dead so that the predator does not suspect anything. Life on the verge of death: how to pretend to be dead so that the predator does not suspect anything See what "Dead Nature" is in other dictionaries

Peace wildlife- this is a constant struggle between predators and their victims, so the latter have developed a lot of interesting devices to save their own lives. Some got long legs that allow them to run fast, others chose the tactics of herd defense, and still others preferred to improve the physiological regulation of the body and acting skills. The ability to not move for some time, take unnatural poses and pretend to be dead is called thanatosis in biology, or imaginary death. We will talk about some of the most successful ways to instantly turn from a living being into a dead one in our selection.


Don't worry, this possum is alive, just skillfully pretending

In case of danger, these cute animals that live in the New World can very skillfully pretend to be dead. The unnatural position of the body (lying on God), the open mouth and complete immobility leave no doubt - the opossum is dead. Meanwhile, scientists have found that this state is not fainting or immobilization as a result of panic fear, but rather skillful acting, since the brain of the animal in this state functions perfectly. In the US, there is even a joke that sounds like "stop playing possum", which means "stop pretending."


The cunning bug looks like a dried specimen of an entomological collection and does not look like a delicious lunch at all

Some representatives of the order Coleoptera, when touched or other signs of danger, fall to the ground, stretch their paws in an unnatural position and, showing miracles of self-control, remain motionless for several minutes. In many cases, this saves their lives.

white tailed deer

A white-tailed deer cub is completely defenseless against predators, so imaginary death is the best way out in case of danger.

Baby white-tailed or virgin deer, common in North America, also have the art of turning into "dead". In a critical situation, a cub of this species of deer has a sharp decrease in heart rate (from 150-160 beats per minute to 35-40 beats), while the cub falls and freezes, and its breathing is barely perceptible. Seeing such an unfortunate, predators prefer to bypass carrion.


This is what a “dead snake” looks like, which also smells bad

Another talented actors from the animal world are snakes of the genus snakes. These are non-venomous snakes, so if they cannot escape, they pretend to be dead. Their muscles relax, the body assumes an unnatural position, and the head with an open mouth completes the image of the deceased animal. For greater reliability, snakes secrete a special liquid that has a disgusting smell, which leaves no doubt - the snake is dead, and not for the first day. Few people dare to eat such carrion with a disgusting smell, and in this way snakes save their lives.

It remains only to say that the self-control of these animals is admirable. 'Cause it's very hard to deal with stress and force yourself to play the role of the dead creatures.

Organization: secondary school №1

Location: Smolensk region City of Pochinok

Organization: Secondary School No. 1

Location: Smolensk region, Pochinok

Topic. Vitaly Bianchi "It's cold in the forest, it's cold!"

Lesson type: a lesson in reading and analyzing a work of art.

The goals of the teacher:

  1. Deepen and expand children's knowledge of wildlife; nurture a caring attitude towards her.
  2. To acquaint students with the story of V. Bianki.
  3. Improve children's knowledge of the genre of the story; the ability to read the text in whole words correctly, consciously and expressively.
  4. Continue to work on developing the ability to read the work; work with the content of the story; draw up, on the basis of what you have read, a description of natural changes in winter; determine the main idea of ​​the work; express your opinion about the work; develop interest in the work of V. Bianchi.
  5. On the material of the lesson to form universal learning activities; interest in the work of V. Bianchi, broaden one's horizons; to promote the development of speech, group and pair work skills.

Planned results of education:

Personal : perceive the speech of the teacher; evaluate your own learning activities, their achievements, independence; show attention, surprise, desire to learn more; apply the rules of business cooperation.

subject : independently determine the topic of the read work; under the guidance of the teacher to determine the main idea of ​​the work;

ask independently and under the guidance of the teacher questions on the read work;

Metasubject :

  • Regulatory: keep the goal of the activity until its result is obtained; analyze the emotional state obtained from successful and unsuccessful activities; evaluate performance; test yourself and independently evaluate your achievements based on the test.

cognitive: search for the necessary information to complete tasks; compare objects and highlight common similarities

Communicative: to perceive the text taking into account the task; find in the text the information necessary to solve it; draw up a dialogical statement in accordance with the requirements of speech etiquette; compose small oral monologue narratives, provide convincing evidence.

Equipment: textbook "Literary reading", authors G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotova, exhibition of books by V. Bianchi, signal fans.

During the classes

1.Activity motivation. Emotional mood and test readiness for the lesson.

Purpose: to prepare students for work in the lesson; create an emotional mood for joint activities and cognitive activity.

Organizational practice “Get ready and tune in!”

Hello guys! Check your readiness for the lesson.

With what mood did you come to the lesson? Demonstrate using a signal fan. Explain why you feel this way? ( Children explain) I see that everyone is in a great mood. Guys stand up, turn to face each other, hold hands, wish each other good luck.

(Children in chorus, holding hands, say " I wish you good luck, I wish you well, you will succeed.

2. Definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Target: create conditions for the development of cognitive UUD through the search for the necessary information; regulatory UUD through self-control.

Guys, pay attention, I have prepared a small exhibition of books for you. Think about what name you can give this exhibition? Justify your decision.( Children offer their options and explain)

I agree with you, our exhibition can be called "Stories and Tales of Vitaly Bianchi".

What works have you already read?

What do you think, what author’s work will we get acquainted with in the lesson today? (Children answer)

Indeed, today we will get acquainted with the work of Vitaly Bianchi

"It's cold in the forest, it's cold!" (the topic is written on the board) In accordance with this topic, try to formulate the goal of our lesson. Continue the phrase

Today in class I need:



develop ... (children express their opinion)

The teacher concludes d: today we need to get acquainted with the work of V. Bianchi; improve reading technique; develop the ability to analyze text (These goals are written on the board)

3.Updating basic knowledge

Target: create conditions for the development of personal UUD through the desire to learn more, surprise, attention, evaluate their own activities; regulatory UUD through the ability to evaluate the results of activities through independent work in the form of a test.

Educational practice "Try to remember"

Teacher: Try to remember Interesting Facts about the writer's life

Story about the author Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi was born in St. Petersburg. He inherited a melodious surname from his Italian ancestors. And from his father, a scientist, the talent of a researcher and interest in everything "that breathes, blooms, grows." His father worked in zoological museum. In the summer, the Bianchi family left for the village of Lebyazhye. Here he first went on a forest journey. He was 5 years old. Bianki considered his father to be his main forest teacher. It was he who taught his son to write down his observations. Vitaly traveled a lot. In 1923 the author's first book was published. The most famous book was the Forest Newspaper. Bianchi is constantly working on new books, he is the author of over 300 books. The writer was attentive to children, taught them to see, think, be kind, love nature.

Training practice "Complete"

Now let's check how you carefully listened to the story about the writer

(children do a test task)

  1. In what city was the writer born?

a) Petersburg

In Tomsk

2. How did Bianchi call his father?

a) a forest expert

b) a forest teacher

c) forest man

3. What book of the writer became the most famous?

a) Whose nose is better?

b) "Forest houses"

c) "Forest newspaper"

Check your work (key 1a, 2b, 3c) and use the signal fan to show the result (blue color - no errors, yellow color - there are errors, red - did not cope with the task)

Guys, can we, knowing the title, guess what this work will be about? Explain your opinion children express their opinion, put forward hypotheses, at the same time records appear on the board)

about the forest

about the winter forest

about the life of birds and animals in the winter in the forest

4. Primary perception of the text

Purpose: to create conditions for the development of personal UUD through the perception of the teacher's speech; communicative UUD through the perception of the text, taking into account the set educational task, the design of the statement in accordance with the requirements of speech etiquette; regulatory UUD through the ability to evaluate the results of their activities

Educational practice "Think"

Now listen and try to conclude which assumption is correct?

(The teacher reads aloud, the children's books are closed.)

Did you like this piece? What is your impression? (Children express their opinions)

So which of the proposed hypotheses is correct? (Children prove) Indeed, this is a work about the life of birds and animals in winter.

Guys. You and I know that Vitaly Bianchi wrote fairy tales and stories for children. What genre does this piece belong to? Explain your opinion.

Physical culture pause

A little white bunny sits and moves its ears,

It’s cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws.

Paws up, paws down, rise on your toes.

He puts his paws on the side, on his toes, skok-skok-skok,

And then squatting so that the paws do not freeze.

5. Re-reading the story

Target: create conditions for the development of communicative UUD through the ability to find the necessary information in the text; regulatory UUD through the ability to evaluate the result of their activities

Training practice "Warm-up"

Read about yourself. Under the shining vault of heaven, bullfinches sit under a canopy.

Read in unison. Then the children read, increasing the reading speed each time.

Guys, remember what is a chistogovorok?

We read in chorus: rya-rya-rya: the scarlet dawn fed the bullfinch

ri-ri-ri: speak bullfinches purely on branches

Read loudly, quietly, cheerfully, sadly

  1. Analysis of the work.

Purpose: to create conditions for the development of communicative UUD through the ability to find the necessary information in the text; the ability to describe an object: to convey its external characteristics, to provide evidence; subject UUD through the ability to determine the main idea of ​​the work; personal UUD through the ability to apply the rules of business cooperation; cognitive through the ability to give examples as evidence; regulatory UUD through the ability to evaluate the result of their activities

Educational practice "Question-Answer"

Are there any words whose meaning is not clear.

Guys, think about whether nature dies in winter?

Find and read the description of the winter forest.

How do you understand the expression "nature pretended to be dead." Read how the text says it.

Who has the hardest time in winter? Explain

What did you learn about the life of a bear?

How do animals and birds escape the cold? Find and read in the text.

What do you think, is it possible to help animals in the winter cold?

What can you do about it? Give examples.

Guys, why do you think Vitaly Bianchi wrote this story?

How does he feel about animals that have to winter?

What is the main idea this work?

Educational practice "Compose"(Group work)

Now you will work in a group. Each group chooses a captain. Let's remember the rules of work.

  1. We try to help each other.
  2. We don't say everything at once.
  3. We do not quarrel, but we prove our point of view.
  4. We listen to the speaker.
  5. We need each other.

First task

Can you think of a different title for the story? Suggest your option

The captain from each team answers.

Second task. Make up questions for the story. (Groups discuss)

Each group asks each other questions.

Pair work

Find sentences that match the illustration on p. 41. (Children read)

Educational practice "Draw"

creative work

Imagine that you are artists and you need to draw an illustration for this story. Think and try to verbally paint a picture.

7. Homework

Level 1 reproductive: prepare brief retelling story

Level 2 constructive: draw an illustration for the story

Level 3: learn from adults how people help animals survive the cold.

8.Summary of the lesson


What was the focus of attention today?

What section is it in? Why?

Let's go back to the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson.

Do you think we accomplished what we planned?

What was not clear in the lesson?

9. Reflection

What did you like about the lesson? Did not like?

Continue the phrase

Today I found out...

It was interesting…

It was difficult...

I realized that...

I wanted…

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

dead nature

(nature morte, Stilleben) - this is the name of a kind of painting depicting beaten game and other animals, flowers, fruits, shells, vases and many other inanimate objects belonging to the works of nature and human hands. In this kind of painting, the first merit is the exact imitation of the objects depicted, and the artist is left only with their elegant grouping and colorful, pleasant chiaroscuro. Some artists perform such paintings in a decorative taste and paint their compositions widely and freely, others love fine and extremely finished painting. The immobility of the model, the possibility of continuous continuous illumination of it allow you to bring technical execution to an extreme degree of perfection, so that perhaps in no other kind does painting itself, in the sense of execution, reach such a height as in this one. The origin of this kind of painting must be sought in Holland, and initially M.'s images of nature were probably made simply for signboards; David de Ghem (1570-1632) is considered the first artist of the M. nature, followed by many other de Gem, including the famous Jan David de Gem; major artists, following one after the other early XVIII century, are named in Art. Dutch painting(cm.). Huge paintings by Snyders, a contemporary of Rubens, depicting meat and fish shops, although animated by human figures, in essence, should also be attributed to M. nature. These works were in great demand among the Dutch, who loved everything that depicted and reminded them of their ordinary life to the smallest detail. The Hermitage Gallery is rich beautiful works of this kind. Among other peoples, this genus did not have such a meaning; among the French, for example, it had a rather decorative meaning, although it often served as an area in which technical skill, with the taste inherent in the French, found its highest expression. Such, for example, are the works of contemporary french artist Vallon. In Russia, this kind of painting has almost no significance, except for decorative, and then accidental.

dead nature

(nature morte, Stilleben) - this is the name of a kind of painting depicting beaten game and other animals, flowers, fruits, shells, vases and many other inanimate objects belonging to the works of nature and human hands. In this kind of painting, the first merit is the exact imitation of the objects depicted, and the artist is left only with their elegant grouping and colorful, pleasant chiaroscuro. Some artists perform such paintings in a decorative taste and paint their compositions widely and freely, others love fine and extremely finished painting. The immobility of the model, the possibility of continuous unchanging illumination of it, make it possible to bring the technical execution to the utmost degree of perfection, so that perhaps in no other kind of painting itself, in the sense of execution, reaches such a height as in this one. The origin of this kind of painting must be sought in Holland, and initially M.'s images of nature were probably made simply for signboards; David de Ghem (1570-1632) is considered the first artist of the M. nature, followed by many other de Gem, including the famous Jan David de Gem; the most important artists, who followed one after another until the beginning of the 18th century, are named in Art. Dutch painting (see). Huge paintings by Snyders, a contemporary of Rubens, depicting meat and fish shops, although animated by human figures, in essence, should also be attributed to M. nature. These works were in great demand among the Dutch, who loved everything that depicted and reminded them of their ordinary life to the smallest detail. The Hermitage Gallery is rich in fine works of this kind. Among other peoples, this genus did not have such a meaning; among the French, for example, it had a rather decorative meaning, although it often served as an area in which technical skill, with the taste inherent in the French, found its highest expression. Such, for example, are the works of the contemporary French artist Wallon. In Russia, this kind of painting has almost no significance, except for decorative, and then accidental.

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what "Dead Nature" is in other dictionaries:

    - (French nature morte lit. dead nature) in the visual arts, the image of inanimate objects, in contrast to portrait, genre, historical and landscape subjects. New dictionary foreign words. by EdwART, 2009. still life… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    Aya, oh; dead, dead, dead and dead, dead and dead. 1. One who died, lost his life; opposite alive. [Circassian] pierced in the chest with lead, Was carried off in the field by a horse, And, dead, still fought on the saddle! Lermontov, Izmail Bey. In a moment we... Small Academic Dictionary

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    Y, well. 1. The material world around us, everything that exists, not created by human activity. Nature laws. □ In preparation space travel humanity is rising to a new level in science and technology, penetrating even deeper into the most... Small Academic Dictionary

    BUT; m. [French. nature morte dead nature]. genre visual arts the image of inanimate objects (things, flowers, fruits, food, etc.); work of this genre. Write n. N. with fruits and flowers. N. Kuznetsova. / Razg. ABOUT… … encyclopedic Dictionary

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    still life- the French language likes to soften the sound of consonants, so the Latin natura nature received the pronunciation of natures in France. Morte is French for dead. And dead nature, a still life image on paper or canvas of inanimate objects, one ... Entertaining etymological dictionary

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