Time management for the modern housewife. Ease of time management

It seems that if a person lives according to a schedule, plans and drives himself into certain limits, his existence is routine and boring. But on the other hand, thanks to this, he is a real blacksmith of his own happiness, as he determines for himself the most important things in life, always does his job with high quality and on time, gives himself entirely to his beloved family, and most importantly, at the same time he lives in harmony with himself and the surrounding world.

Women's time management

The basis of classical time management is task planning and their successful delegation. However, the division of time management into male and female allows us to understand the differences not only in psychology and logic, but also in the purpose of each of us.

As a rule, a man organizes only his work and free time. But a woman’s task is much more difficult: at the end of the working day, she must visit a beauty salon and a solarium, pick up a child from a kindergarten or school, cook dinner, iron clothes for her husband and children in the morning, and even a little pamper herself, luxuriating in bath, and, of course, save energy for sex.

Often women take on this unbearable burden, rush about, not knowing themselves which of all of the above is more important for them, and then the matter ends with neurosis, depression, sexual disorders and problems with appearance. It is very important for ladies to learn how to do everything without straining, and also to get real pleasure from all this.


By planning something for tomorrow, a week or a year, you are deliberately programming yourself to fill your life with meaning. Thus, you will definitely feel like the mistress of your own destiny and will achieve this with all your might.

A written plan will not let you hack and mess around. Waking up in the morning, you will already know where you need to go and who to meet. And it also guarantees the fulfillment of tasks and a reminder of the urgency of cases. But sometimes even the most carefully thought-out plan can be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances. Or better yet, an extensive to-do list can knock you off your feet by the evening.

What to do in this case? It's simple - you need to plan everything effectively. First, look for alternatives. For example, you decided to meet with your partner tomorrow at 17:00, but in case this meeting fails, you should come up with another option for yourself. Thus, you will avoid disappointment and waste of precious time.

Do not overdo it

Remember the folk wisdom about the hares you chase? This may happen in your case too: striving to do a lot, you will miss the most important thing. Set yourself no more than six or seven tasks a day, so you will not get tired and gradually get involved in a similar schedule.


Build plans based on the urgency of the tasks. This will help you keep important things under control, save time on their implementation and save your own nerves.

Praise and encourage yourself

Take short breaks between completed tasks, reward yourself with an apple or a chocolate bar. Go outside to breathe fresh air, turn off your brain from work for a while. Also, make your weekends truly days off. Schedule cleaning, washing and ironing on weekdays, and Saturday and Sunday will become an outlet and relaxation.

Kill a Frog a Day

In time management there is such a definition as a "frog". Under it, experts mean some unloved business, which we always put off for “later”. Each of us has his own - ironing clothes, mowing the lawn, painting the fence, and so on. We are used to dragging everything out until the last moment, until the “frog” begins to cling to our shoulders with its tenacious paws. In order to avoid this, get rid of one "frog" every day: wash the windows today, iron the laundry tomorrow, and clean up the closet the day after tomorrow. Later, you can even deal with a few “frogs” a day.

Delegate Responsibilities

Often refuse requests to colleagues and acquaintances: politely explain that you are not iron. Wean loved ones to use you, you must belong to yourself.

Sometimes it seems to you that it is easier to do everything yourself than to ask someone to do it? It is not right. For example, nothing special will happen if you set the task of a subordinate to call customers on a number of current issues, leave a note for your husband asking him to throw laundry in the washing machine, call a friend and offer to come to a cafe nearby, and not get to the usual place through traffic jams. to the other end of the city.

It would seem that these are all trifles, but your day and life, in the end, consists of them. And if you slowly and unobtrusively delegate your responsibilities to others, you will soon notice how much freer you have become and how much more time you have. Naturally, you don’t need to go too far - in an orderly tone, ask your bosses, mother-in-law or husband for something - this will only aggravate the situation, and instead of help you will get a bunch of problems and misunderstandings.

All of the above time management rules are universal - they are suitable for office ladies, housewives, and students. All women must learn them from A to Z, train their "frogs" once and for all.

Time management for young mothers and housewives

This category of women is considered the keepers of the hearth. In the morning they need to wake up early, put themselves in order a little (and many don’t even do this), feed the household, see everyone in, clean the apartment, go shopping, cook lunch and dinner, meet the children from school and kindergarten, then the husband with work, feed loved ones, wash the dishes, learn lessons from the kids, take a shower and ... fall without hind legs. But how to soak in the bath, make face and body masks, have sex with your beloved husband, after all? And there is simply no time or energy for that.

Mom of 2-year-old Mark, Vlada Kreush,

talks about his everyday life like this: “Two things help me organize the day: a clear daily routine for the child and my early awakenings. Most young mothers would like to look into the eyes of the one who called the decree a vacation. Because a decree is a permanent job: without a lunch break, days off, sick days, and in the first months after the birth of a baby, even without a night's rest. In addition, the newly-made mother remains the mistress of the house - she washes, cleans, cooks. She must also find time for herself, in order to remain attractive to her husband. And I also want to at least sometimes meet with friends, go somewhere ...

To be in time, you need to know the basics of time management. It is the baby’s daily routine that helps me plan the day. The fact that the mode is extremely important for the child is understandable, but for his parents this is no less important thing.

When planning the right regimen for our baby, my husband and I focused primarily on the needs of our son. In general, you need to immediately decide what is more important for parents: the health and discipline of the child or their own freedom.

In our family, the emphasis is on Mark. That is, if it's time for my son to sleep, nothing can stop me from putting him to bed on time. We adjust our affairs to his daily routine. Yes, sometimes you have to come to visit later than others, and leave earlier - in the midst of the holiday. Yes, it often happens that there is no strength and desire to go with my son to the playground, but I know that after a walk my child will eat with appetite, and I will not run after him with a spoon around the apartment and stand on my head so that he at least he ate something.

I know that after dinner he will quickly fall asleep, and I will be able to take time for myself and do something useful. During walks, we often go with him for groceries, which also saves time. In the evening I will put the baby to bed, and my husband and I will have the opportunity to arrange a romantic evening! The main thing is to correctly prioritize.

It is very good when a woman has assistants, but if they are not, believe me, you can do everything or delegate part of your duties to your husband, and at the same time not look like a driven horse. Checked on myself!

Time management for a business woman

Business women work for themselves, and this, it would seem, is a great reason to wake up as late as possible, leave work early, visit beauty salons and travel every now and then. However, the serious Lady Boss will never allow herself such excesses; she, like other women, is engaged in time management. She has her own vision of the daily routine, her own "frogs" and her own methods of getting rid of them.

Let's listen director of the travel agency Gallery-Travel Ales Kharchenko:“I arrive at the office much earlier than my employees and leave last. In addition, my mobile phone can be torn 24 hours a day, and I simply do not have the right to turn it off even at night, as unforeseen circumstances may arise with flights or accommodation of clients in hotels. I have to control everything.

As a manager, I always have to look presentable, so instead of having a lunch break, I go to the salon and put on beauty. I plan my working day in the evening, and about all meetings and business lunches, I call back several times and clarify whether everything remains in force. And there is little time left for parties and gatherings with friends, but at this stage of my life, my business and career are more important to me than entertainment.”

Time management for a working student

In our time, conscious young people get a job while still studying at a university: it’s easier for parents, and you can gain experience, and learn the value of money earned. How to manage your time as a working student? After all, she needs to adapt to both the employer and the teacher, and you can’t do without student fun parties here? I tried to answer these questions Nastya Karpovskaya - 5th year student and part-time designer of the Internet holding Open Media Group.

“The most important thing for a working student is to find an employer who would be loyal to the fact that she is still studying. It is not always necessary to strive to get a place in the office, it can be work from home or with a flexible schedule.

Naturally, a young and inexperienced student should clearly determine for herself what she wants more - to graduate from the university with honors or to have a stable and prestigious job by the time she graduates.

Personally, I plan to get an honors degree and work in one of the most prestigious Internet holdings in Ukraine. It’s easy for me to combine it - I never put off small things for “later”, so as not to rake them up for long nights. I try to hand over all control and essays on time, just like pulling up office projects. If I know that the time of global tasks and fast deadlines is coming at work, I try to free myself from studying as much as possible by that time. And vice versa.

If there are some mistakes, and I don’t have time for something, sometimes I ask for help from non-working classmates (sometimes not free of charge) - this applies to both my university tasks and work projects.

In general, I try to alternate plans - educational, work, household, so as not to fall from overwork and from time to time discharge the brain. At least an hour a day I devote time to sports or music, and I devote another half day a week to my friends - they completely save me from the routine!

Hello, friends! Dmitry Shaposhnikov is in touch.

According to my observation, a modern successful person inevitably encounters the concept of "time management". Everyone, to one degree or another, felt the lack of time, the pressure of deadlines, experienced stress from the forced haste.

After reading the article, you will learn the most important thing about time management, get acquainted with the basic concepts of successful time management. All this is accompanied by my examples and comments. I hope that studying this topic will be useful, interesting and exciting for you!

Let's start, friends!

1. What is time management - definition and history of occurrence

Direct translation of this term Time Management» from English – « time management". It is clear that it is impossible to manage time in the literal sense: the real function of time management is to use the time of your life with maximum efficiency.

Most precise definition time management goes something like this:

Time management- this is accounting, distribution and operational planning of own time resources.

Another definition.

Time management- this is a scientific approach to the organization of time and increasing the effect of its use.

The motto of a professional time manager:

Work less, do well more!

People who are able to manage their own time productively live richer and more productive lives. full life do their job with minimal time investment.

By managing our time, we have more living space: it becomes more real to be able to do what we really like.

Considering what an emergency he lives in modern man, the issue of time resource management is becoming increasingly relevant, if not vital. A well-developed time management skill increases personal efficiency at times. I figured this out 12 years ago.

Time management allows you to organize work and personal time during the day (week, month) in order to manage to do all the important and necessary things without being distracted by secondary or extraneous issues and problems.

Effective planning allows you to release colossal resources of time for a rich and fulfilling life. According to professionals, the size of such resources is calculated in years and decades.

History of time management

The scientific approach to the organization of time is not a new problem. The history of time management is rooted in the distant past.

Even 2000 years ago in Ancient Rome the famous thinker Seneca suggested dividing all time into useful, that is, good, bad and useless.

Seneca also began to keep a permanent record of time in writing. The thinker said that while living a certain period of time, it is necessary to evaluate it in terms of occupancy.

In the subsequent history of time management, these ideas formed the basis of such a concept as “personal effectiveness”.

Alberti, a writer and Italian scholar who lived in the 15th century, said that those who know how to manage time usefully will always be successful.

To do this, he proposed to use two rules:

  1. Make a to-do list every morning.
  2. Arrange things in decreasing order of importance.

For many centuries, all these principles existed only in a theoretical form, and only since the 80s of the last century, this topic began to move from theory to practice.

Time management is necessary not only for executives and business owners: each of us must be able to manage our own assets in order to enjoy the process of life to the fullest.

Of course, not everyone needs time management. If a person has nothing to do in his life, and his main task is to “kill time”, then time management for such a person is an irrelevant and unnecessary discipline.

In other words, you should first decide whether you really do not have enough time and where you would like to put your free minutes, hours and days when they appear.

Time management consists of several components:

  • strict timing;
  • optimization of time resources;
  • planning of the day (week, month or other period of time);
  • organization of motivation.

Time management is important not only for work: people who comprehend the art of time management are more cheerful, healthy and successful in their professional and personal lives.

Effective time management allows you to comprehend all your actions and decisions in terms of their expediency for your own development and improvement.

2. Myths about time management - 3 main misconceptions

There are a number of social stereotypes and misconceptions about time management.

Some believe that time management is needed solely for work, that in Russia this discipline is ineffective due to the peculiarities of the national mentality, that life strictly according to plan turns a person into a robot and deprives him of free will.

All these myths are not consistent: below I will try to debunk them completely.

Myth 1. Nobody can control time.

The statement is correct in form, but false in content. Time Management Is Really Impossible (unless, of course, you are the inventor of the time machine). No one is able to slow down its objective course, speed it up or stop it even for a moment.

But one can do the following : manage yourself, your decisions and actions over time, and engage in prioritization. This is what time management practitioners talk about - about managing your own life.

A reasonable and pragmatic approach to your actions is time management: you will be surprised how many minutes and hours are released as soon as you begin to act more deliberately and consciously.

Remember that everything successful people, regardless of the type of their activity, plan their affairs and act with maximum productivity. At the same time, they work about the same as ordinary people, but they always manage to do more.

Their secret is that in a unit of time they manage to do more things, which ultimately affects their life results.

Myth 2: Time management will make me work harder and harder.

Working hard and getting tired, neglecting rest is a direct path to overwork and depression. It is necessary to constantly strive to reduce the amount of work while increasing efficiency. How to do it? In short, to act strictly according to the plan and be able to separate the secondary from the main.

Effective use of time management methods does not mean doing more or increasing productivity at the expense of the speed of work.

We are talking about increasing personal productivity through the elimination of unnecessary tasks and the elimination of the so-called "time wasters" or "chronophages".

The category of chronophages includes hundreds of meaningless and small things that we do during the day, without even thinking about their expediency: frequent checking of mail, communication and viewing news on social networks, conversations with colleagues devoid of meaning.

A person’s commitment to things that are distracted from the main task is partly due to procrastination - the desire to postpone important and necessary events “until better times”.

However, if you discard reflection and recognize for yourself the importance and significance of current tasks, you will have neither the strength nor the desire to be distracted by extraneous matters.

Myth 3. Using time management will turn me into a robot that will do everything on schedule, deprive me of freedom and choice.

People are afraid to turn into robots, but in fact they are already robots, as well as slaves to their own psycho-emotional habits and behavior patterns.

Time management does not limit our freedom, but rather creates it.

Time management is necessary not only for office workers, executives and managers: managing the main resource of life - your own time - is necessary for everyone who takes himself responsibly and seriously.

A practical criterion for the need to implement the principles of time management in life is the presence 4 or more cases in the plan for the current day (not only professional, but also personal affairs are taken into account). This is necessary for businessmen, and freelance artists, and housewives.


Whether you need to finish a project at work, talk to your boss about it, drop by a phone repair shop after work, and finally pick up your kid from kindergarten, smart time management is your absolute must.

Planning and allocating resources helps you achieve important goals faster and free up time for rest, recuperation, communication with friends and loved ones. Time control allows you to achieve results faster and at a lower cost.

As for life according to the schedule, the reasonable organization of work and rest has not yet harmed anyone. And for spontaneity and creativity (if any) in any work there is always a place.

3. How to manage time - 7 main principles of time management

And now let's move on to practice and find out how to manage time correctly, where to start monitoring and planning your actions, what difficulties usually arise along the way and how to overcome them. Below I have described the basic principles and rules.

Principle 1. Plan your actions

Planning things for the next day (or next week) is of practical importance in any job. It doesn’t matter if you are sitting in the office, standing at the assembly line, moonlighting as a courier in your spare time - a clear action plan will always bring real benefits in the form of increased performance (personal and professional).

Even if your actions are strictly regulated job description, you should always have a plan in advance - this will help to cope with the work more efficiently and quickly.

Remember that all successful people plan their lives.

Remember a few important axioms of time management:

  1. Record goals in writing. If your goal is not indicated on paper (or in an electronic diary), then it does not exist.
  2. Plan your day. A pre-compiled list of tasks and actions increases the productivity of any type of activity by 25%.
  3. Break up big tasks. Time-consuming tasks should always be divided into several small subtasks - do not grab onto a large-scale project without thinking through the sequence of actions in advance.

It is necessary that planning becomes second nature: make it a rule to make a plan of action for tomorrow before going to bed. In the morning at work, you will already know exactly where to start, how to continue and how to finish.

Always leave a certain amount of time for "force majeure" - unforeseen circumstances.

Remember that the few minutes that you spend on drawing up a plan will more than pay off in the future: you will appreciate the results of competent planning in the first week of implementation.

Principle 2. Formulate the desired result into specific goals and objectives

Strategic and effective planning is impossible without competent goal setting. Speaking more plain language, you must be able to clearly formulate the main goal and be able to break it down into more specific and local tasks.

In management theory, this skill is called "decomposition of goals". The main way to implement this concept in practice, it is a transition from the general to the particular.

There is a professional tool (or principle) for formulating and setting local tasks in time management and goal setting.

It is called SMART principle .

According to this principle, the goal should be:

  • specific(Specific);
  • measurable(measured);
  • achievable for a certain period (Attainable);
  • relevant or true - it is necessary to understand in advance whether this task will really help in achieving the goal (Relevant);
  • limited in time(Time bound).

The main criterion for the usefulness and effectiveness of a local task is its concreteness. Starting the movement towards a large goal with the implementation of sequential tasks, you significantly reduce the time to complete the work.

Consistency and focus on specific points is the key to future success.

Even the greatest creators did not create their works entirely at once - first they drew up a plan, and then carried it out point by point. One of the secrets of successful time management is the ability to focus on current tasks without losing the overall direction.

Principle 3. Fix your action plan

The need to fix the action plan has already been mentioned above. Here we will consider the best way to do this. There are several working and effective tools that allow you to make your plans and tasks more visible and specific.

One of these methods is called . Let me explain how it looks in practice.


Let's say your goal is to build a house. To begin with, the task should be divided into several stages: clear the site, dig and lay the foundation, carry out above-ground work, finish the premises, carry out communications and landscaping.

The Grant Chart lists all the tasks of the current large-scale project together with the timing of their implementation, duration in time and sequence of implementation.

Tasks of the same type can be grouped into one item, and more voluminous cases should be divided into several sequential tasks.

Visual planning not only saves you time, but also allows other employees involved in the project to quickly understand the situation and get involved in the work from the right stage.

Principle 4: Prioritize

Timely and clearly define the main goal - it is necessary and correct. But the main task is to move towards the achievement of this goal, consistently fulfilling the current tasks of varying degrees of difficulty.

To prioritize daily planning, a simple method is suitable, which is called "ABVGD method".

Method ABCD (ABCD)

“A” is the most important task of the day, “B” is less important, “C” is a task of medium importance, etc.

The first thing on the list should be done first. Usually this task is the most time-consuming and difficult. Sometimes a person is afraid or too lazy to start the day with the main task, but the secret is that the effectiveness of your current activities depends on its implementation.

A specialist in practical time management advises solving this issue harshly and unambiguously. His method is called: "eat a frog for breakfast." "Frog" is the most difficult and unpleasant thing of the day. You constantly transfer it to "afternoon", to the evening, and even to tomorrow.

But the bottom line is that this creates a constant emotional tension that prevents you from doing everything else productively. Tracy says that you should start the day with the most difficult, then all other things will be done almost by themselves.

The logical continuation of the Brian Tracy method here is the Pareto law or principle.

Pareto Law

20% of our efforts bring us 80% of the results, and the remaining 80% of our efforts bring only 20% of the results.

Thus, our task is to identify these 20% of our most effective actions and focus on them.

Another tool for effective prioritization is called "The Eisenhower Matrix". Political and military leader, US President Dwyat Eisenhower was a practical and very successful man.

He came up with the idea of ​​dividing all current affairs into 4 categories:

  • urgent and important;
  • important but not urgent;
  • urgent but not very important;
  • unimportant and non-urgent.

First category : urgent and important - these are the primary tasks that must be performed today and now: postponing them will certainly create unnecessary difficulties in the future. It is not worth entrusting them to subordinates - you need to do it yourself and immediately.

In another way, this sector of the matrix is ​​\u200b\u200bcalled "Sector of fire", to stay in which for a long time is fraught with adverse consequences, primarily for one's own health.

My time management secret is to be in the sector « Important - Not urgent » .

This is the most efficient sector of the matrix. Here you are calm, here you plan, think, act competently and balancedly, here you are doing something really important.

Don't let important things flow into the urgent sector!

Cases from 4th category (non-urgent and unimportant) can be safely deleted from the daily list.

You can make a table like this every day, based on the Eisenhower Matrix.

Go ahead and incorporate this simple spreadsheet into your day planning system.

Principle 5. Focus on the essentials

I have already said how important it is to achieve your goals, in this paragraph I will talk about how to do this as efficiently as possible.

The ability to focus on the main thing, without being distracted by extraneous things, is the most important practical skill, having mastered it, you will solve the highest priority tasks of productive time management.

Time is a non-renewable resource, and the most valuable of all. We can spend 10,000 rubles and earn them again, but we are not able to return the lived second.

We are also not able to extend the day to 25 hours, but we can free up our own space for those activities that are really important to us.

To prevent minor things from affecting your personal performance, you need to master specific time management techniques.

One of the most powerful time-saving techniques is delegation. It would be more accurate to say that delegation is a component of classical management.

Delegation is a way to entrust part of our affairs to other people.

The most elementary examples: you can not wash your car yourself, but give it to a car wash, or else: you can fix a leaky faucet in the bathroom yourself or call a professional plumber.


Any task that makes more sense (financially and time wise) to leave to others should be left to others.

The higher the value of your personal time, the more secondary and not very important tasks can be delegated.

Less important things can be done in non-resource time.

We are talking about that part of the day when you are no longer at the peak of your mental and physical strength, for example, at the end of the day, when there is fatigue.

Also, for example, while in transport or in line, you can combine waiting with learning - listening to audio books on professional skills or developing one of the skills of personal effectiveness.

Another important skill for real time savings: the ability to say "no".

Do not think that everyone should refuse indiscriminately.

The ability to say “no” refers primarily to those people and deeds that deprive you of your energy and time resources without giving anything in return.

Say "no" to a chatty neighbor or employee, reading the tabloid press, surfing the Internet on social networks and entertainment resources, watching TV.

Remember that even a small unplanned break, when someone or something distracts you from business, can cause plans to fail.

Principle 6. Analyze your experience and create your own time management rules

Periodically, it is worth looking back and drawing pragmatic conclusions from your time management experience. Study your mistakes and be sure to take action to correct them.

Be sure to analyze situations in which you lost personal resources most intensively.

You should always remain conscious and look from the outside what exactly is happening with your life - in what direction and at what speed it is moving.

If you feel like you've lost control and gotten too deep into a task without thinking about the time it takes, it's time to stop, take a break, and try to optimize your own actions.

In the end, create your own time management rules, your own chips. Your whole life, your activity is unique.

Principle 7. Plan your vacation

In pursuit of success and personal performance, never neglect rest, I will say more than that - plan your rest, as well as your business tasks! For time management, proper rest is the most important element of success.

An example from the life of Radislav Gandapas

The well-known Russian business coach and speaker Radislav Gandapas, as he told at one of his trainings, plans days in his work schedule to visit a golf club. This is an important hobby in his life.

He highlights these days in red as events of the highest importance that cannot be rescheduled.

Otherwise, Radislav says, he doesn't manage to play golf at all, because there are always more important things to do.

Staying at the peak of your psychophysiological capabilities is possible only with the help of regular recuperation.

You can’t save on sleep, your own days off and communication with loved ones - these are just as important factors in effective time management as planning and setting goals.

4. Review of popular books and trainings on time management and personal effectiveness

There is a wealth of useful literature on time management. Individual editions devoted to time management for women (young mothers, housewives), students, schoolchildren, leaders.

Seminars, conferences, master classes and trainings on time management are held.

In my opinion, the most informative and accessible books on this topic are the works of Gleb Arkhangelsky, Evgeny Popov and Brian Tracy.

Evgeny Popov- author of the course "Master of Time", creator of video tutorials on this topic, practitioners of successful business on the Internet. It has a personal network resource where everyone can purchase the author's intellectual products.

If you want to quickly master the basics of practical time management, be sure to study Evgeny Popov's course "".

Gleb Arkhangelsky is a leading Russian specialist in time management issues. Head of his own corporate projects to introduce time management into the practice of the largest domestic companies - RAO UES, Wimm-Bill-Dann and others. Best-selling creator of Time Management and Time Drive.

Brian Tracy- the world's leading expert on personal effectiveness, management consultant, writer, public speaker.

Other books on this topic: "Tomato Time Management" (Stafan Nöteberg), "Hard Time Management" (Dan Kennedy), "Maximum Concentration" (Lucy Paladino).

5. Conclusion

Let's sum it up, friends! I myself personally try to use the following elements of time management:

  • day planning;
  • prioritization (ABVGD);
  • work with the list of tasks.

In practice, I was convinced that time planning simplifies life and helps to do more.

The main thing is that it becomes a habit with you. A habit takes 20-30 days to form. You will need to hang on for quite a while to get used to doing the right things, and then the system of habits and time management will work for you.

Time management today is not just a buzzword. Its topic is actively discussed by both professionals and laymen. In particular, women who are busy with family and work try to manage time. At the same time, not many people know that they are engaged in scientific work, and even more so they are aware of how this science is called, so first we will deal with the terminology.

Time management- this is a branch of science and practice devoted to the study of problems and methods for optimizing time costs in various fields of activity, that is, a technology that allows you to use the time of a person's life in accordance with his goals and values.

Time management- this is whole system organization of time, including your own. It is suitable for everyone who has time, and especially for those who do not have enough. Time management allows you to learn not only to set goals, but also to achieve them, properly managing work and personal time. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves results at the same time, as they often act haphazardly.

For successful time planning, first of all, you need to learn how to properly manage it and make it a habit. Of course, someone can say that time is not subject to people and life often brings surprises that destroy all plans. This statement is correct. No wonder there is a wise saying: do not make plans - do not make God laugh. However, the surprises of life are somewhat predictable. Agree: even if something planned was not done, at the end of the day, along with remorse, there is also a sense of satisfaction from the fact that part of the plans has become a reality.

This happens when a person has made every effort to do everything in time. It’s another matter when you haven’t implemented anything planned, because all the time at work is spent on coffee breaks, conversations with colleagues and smoke breaks.

Time management will help in both the first and second cases, if you approach the issue with all responsibility.

First, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. It is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health, and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need. Few people do this, resulting in people mismanaging their time and then regretting it.

This feeling has been familiar to man since ancient times. Time management is far from the only attempt to learn how to properly plan your own time. One of the first to be puzzled by this was the man whose portrait took its rightful place on the hundred dollar bill - Benjamin Franklin. It was his system of distribution of goals and tasks that became the basis for the development of modern time management.

The methodology is based on four main principles.

1. Plan, otherwise you will be planned. You can manage only if you have a specific plan, a vision of your future.

2. Time is the most valuable resource. Since it cannot be stretched, accumulated or added, the only solution is to organize it intelligently.

3. It is necessary to be able to distinguish the main from the secondary. Time management implies the distribution of working time into strictly regulated (must be done) and soft (it is desirable to do it, but if urgent matters appear, you can postpone it).

4. Only methodical adherence to a given course can lead a person to the goal.

Remember these principles and try to follow them at all costs. It should not be assumed that time management involves rigid planning. The philosophy of time management is different - people cannot be free in everything: if a person wants to get freedom in something

one, he must limit it in the other. For example, if you want to be able to quit your job at any time and hide from the hustle and bustle - go to the countryside, closer to nature, then first you must make your business process perfect, running like clockwork.

Time management allows you to free up time for what you would most like to spend it on. This is a tool for setting life goals and spending time to achieve them. Time management is the doctrine of making time for the most important things in life, and the sooner you comprehend its secrets, the richer and more interesting every day will be.

Why are you not doing anything

Happy is the one who finds the right answer to this question, because then there is a chance to correct the situation. However, what if the opposite happens? Let's try to figure this out.

First you need to determine the root cause. She lies on the surface. As a rule, it is not possible to organize oneself because of the unwillingness to do so. Admit that you just don’t want to organize your time, because if a person wants to, he does it, and if he doesn’t want to, then he comes up with excuses for this. Try to explain this phenomenon to yourself in order to change your life. The second reason for failure is one's own laziness and lack of concentration, especially if we are talking about unpleasant things that sooner or later will still have to be done. It often happens too late...

The third follows from the second: lack of interest. Even if you are busy doing what you love, sometimes you have to deal with tasks that, if they are done, then according to the principle: put off until the day after tomorrow what you can do today, and you will have two free days. In other words, even if there are motives and desire, the habit of putting everything off until later destroys.

Let's say you made up your mind and made a schedule of the main things to put on. Some of them are good and some are not so good. It’s just these not very pleasant ones that you put off as much as possible, and in the free time you find, paint your nails, read fashion magazines, or just lie on the couch. Because of this, the next day, plans are shifted, schedules are violated, all efforts are in vain, and life returns to normal ...

The fourth reason is the waste of time rocking before work. For example, you can drink morning coffee, already immersed in work, or you can - before getting down to business, and during an idle conversation with colleagues. In the first case, your working day will start on time, in the second - much later. All of the above can be summed up as a lack of motivation. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get started. To begin with, learn to convince yourself that even the most unpleasant task is worthy of close attention and speedy implementation, and immediately proceed to it. Fill unpleasant activities with motivation and interest. Next, you will learn how to do this.

Life is not a swing. It is a rollercoaster and only moves forward, so there is no time to build up in it before work. Remember how many times you put off the main thing for later, doing all sorts of nonsense instead of it. The associative method will help you learn how to get down to business right away.

In psychology, there is such a thing - "anchor". This is a material attachment, an association with a certain occupation or state - music, action, color, silence, the taste of food or drink, etc.

If you need to do something, use the appropriate “anchor” that will put you in the right emotional state. Remember: if you have an "anchor", use it only for its intended purpose. For example, if a cup of coffee next to the computer sets you up for work, it is better to drink tea during rest so as not to put your mind into a state of confusion, in which coffee is already associated with intellectual work. "Anchors" allow you to tune in to rest. Anchors help you switch to work. However, there is one “but”: the work is often very complex and, accordingly, requires a higher level of switching, so if the “anchor” does not help, use the opposite method. With a difficult beginning, the randomness method will help. Do not try to do everything in order, but do the more pleasant or simple tasks. For example, when preparing a report, do not dive into the details in the first minute. Checkout first title page, write an introductory and final part, draw tables. The main thing is to start, and then the process will go on.

Another way to cope with difficult tasks at the lowest cost is the method of encouragement. Break big work into parts. After completing each of them, give yourself bonuses: a trip to the smoking room, a cup of tea, a short visit to the next office - to chat. These small bonuses are often more motivating than final result great work.

You may ask what to do with small unpleasant tasks. You need to get rid of them. In time management, there is the concept of "frog". So they call small, but very unpleasant things that pose a great threat to your peace of mind.

For example, ironing clothes or checking your son's diary. Admit it, you've been putting off and putting off doing these tasks. As a result, they, which once required five minutes of attention, develop into global problems, the solution of which takes a lot of time. Try to "eat a frog" every morning or at least during the day. The result will exceed expectations, you will feel relieved and proud of yourself and your discipline.

By the way, big unpleasant tasks can also be divided into "frogs", and then it is much easier to solve them.

A normal Russian person is most afraid of complex and difficult tasks, the time for solving which is limited. Women are no exception: cook dinner for guests in an hour, write a six-month lesson plan in one night, write an annual report in three days, lose 10 kilograms in a week ...

Motivation must be present when performing any, especially complex, tasks. Here the well-known method of stick and carrot will come to the rescue.

Another method of stimulation is counting, as they say, not by quality, but by quantity. For example, compose

results table and keep track of the number of completed tasks (pages scored, emails sent, squats, etc.) daily. In parallel, you can keep track of the time spent. This is the most unpleasant activity, but the amount of time spent on it will push you to complete the current task as soon as possible from the category of difficult and unpleasant.

It is also possible to achieve the result on time by more stringent measures. For example, artificially create a burning deadline. It is not necessary to drive yourself into a rigid time frame in achieving the ultimate goal. Reduce the time: preparation of interim reports, window cleaning in progress general cleaning etc. Make a promise to your friend that when she comes to visit, the windows will be cleaned to meet the deadline. Tell your boss that you will turn in the interim report on Wednesday, not Friday. The incentive is obvious - the unwillingness to experience a sense of shame for an unfulfilled promise, because reputation is too valuable a thing to lose it so easily.

First step to success

Use the following as a guide:

Learn the four principles of time management and try to follow them;

Each case must be approached with the appropriate mood; use "anchors" to tune in to tasks and rest;

Swing already in the process of work - apply methods from the opposite and randomness;

Do not put off solving small unpleasant problems - every day "eat" at least one "frog";

Approach the ultimate global goal;

Stimulate yourself - come up with bonuses (gifts for completed cases);

Develop self-discipline using the carrot and stick method;

In extreme cases, set yourself burning deadlines, then you will definitely have time for everything.

Time for the essentials

A woman wants everything at once: success in work, happiness in her personal life, order in the house, communication with her friends, a beautiful figure and a lot of money. I want to do everything and at the same time often indulge in idleness. Dear ladies, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to do everything.

Sooner or later you will have to stop and think about what you want more - to build a successful career, create the comfort of a family hearth or live for your own pleasure and not depend on anyone, you will be forced to make a choice, and it is better to make it sooner than later, and ideally - in time. Unfortunately, no one teaches this and does not explain how to be guided in such a complex matter. We will help you prioritize and make the right and informed choice.

Learn to say no. The first thing to start prioritizing is getting rid of imposed cases. You need to be able to say “no” when they try to impose on you something that does not correspond to yours. life principles, views and values, and most importantly - your goals. You, not anyone else, must manage your own time and make your life balanced. Do not go with the flow - only in this case you will achieve personal and professional goals.

But in our country, our person will perceive a refusal of a request as a personal insult. Saying “no” means ruining the relationship forever. There are situations when you really need to help, but it often happens that there is no other way out and you have to choose: to help yourself or a friend. The following are ways to get out of this situation.

Lies to the rescue. Many are convinced that there is no lie for the good - it is, by definition, evil. However, the mass of people save their precious time with just such a lie. For example: “Mashenka, you know, I would love to sit with your baby, but my husband and I were invited to the restaurant by his boss.” Or: “Anna Nikolaevna, I would certainly take you to the airport, but the car is out of order - I’ll chase after work for repairs.” Here it is - a white lie, which often ... comes out sideways, as it tends to float out. Remember the immutable truth about everything secret that becomes clear? In this case, the relationship can be spoiled irrevocably.

iron argument. People who do not want to spend their personal time solving other people's problems use logic in a lie, citing irrefutable arguments to prove their words, and often begin to believe in what they say.

“You know, we could lend you some money, but we're going on vacation down south in two weeks. You see, the husband does not want to take risks - what if you cannot repay the debt on time if you are not paid a fee.

This can go on ad infinitum. Every argument has a counter-argument. There is a chance that in the end it will not work out to refuse the request.

The main thing is to promise. Then turn off the phone. This is the most effective method spend a minimum of time talking. Our mentality is to perceive hope as a promise. Don't even give hope for hope.

Resist the desire to ask. This option is a combination of white lies and iron arguments, suggesting all their consequences.

Third - given. The best of the worst is to offer that very third way out of the situation. You have learned four escape routes. Among them there are no forbidden or panaceas. Usually people use one or two. Try to expand the list and use several at the same time, depending on the situation. Surely it will work!

Reliability and willingness to help are valued in society, especially in a team, but you need to know the measure in everything. A rare beggar will appreciate your self-sacrifice, so you need to be able to adjust relationships with work colleagues, friends and loved ones. Otherwise, others will develop the habit of asking you for something, and you can only blame yourself for this. The best way out is to create

a situation that allows you to satisfy other people's requests without harming yourself, and if the damage is obvious, correctly, but refuse the request. If you can find a compromise and partially fulfill the request, this is normal; if appeals complicate your life and take up time, learn to say “no”. In addition, if you have two roles in the process, one of communication and the other of reflection and focus, you should determine which is more important. I think this is the second, so try to stop colleagues from trying to strike up an idle conversation with you. See the manual for help if necessary. There will be a conflict - go to the boss again: for sure he will take your side.

Your personal life is yours, and, accordingly, your personal time, and no one has the right to take it away to meet their own needs. At the same time, be prepared for a firm “no” to you as well - as revenge or because of a clear conscience. But the effect can be incredible: you will be trusted and respected, because how firm your “no” is, your “yes” will be just as unambiguous. People will quickly understand this and change their attitude towards you. The main thing is to understand: the art of saying “no” does not make a person an enemy, since you should not refuse requests. Not always an emotional solution to the problem is optimal. Do not give in to feelings that it is inconvenient, ugly, it is not good to refuse this or that request. You know for sure that "yes" is impossible - say "no" with confidence, be guided by cold calculation. Don't be afraid to say "no" firmly. Clever man will understand, but it is not worth messing with stupid people.

Let's continue the conversation about how to allocate time for the main thing, getting rid of unnecessary imposed cases. The second method after a firm “no” is a philosophical attitude to the matter: if you cannot change the circumstances, change your attitude towards them. Whatever task appears on the horizon, relax, calm down and consider whether you need it. In this regard, women have a lot to learn from the military, who have a golden rule: remember the principle of air defense - wait to do it, they will cancel it.

The first question to ask yourself when a task appears is whether it is necessary to do it at all. The analysis begins with this question. Analyze your day for tasks that are not as necessary as you or someone else thinks. Now wonder next question: why should I do it. The topic of dealing with people who shift their responsibilities to others is no longer from the field of time management, but it can help with an effective method: unbiased facts and figures. For example, for several days at work, record the tasks you perform and the time spent on them. Then show the notes to the manager, but remember: you need to argue this not by creating personal comfort, but by the interests of the department or manager.

You should not abandon colleagues and friends in difficult situations, but it is not difficult to distinguish the desire to satisfy the general interests of the company from the attempt to shift work to someone else.

Task delegation

Time can not only be organized or saved, it can be bought for a fee. This method is called task delegation. We are talking not only about the assignment to a subordinate, but also about transferring the task to a work colleague or husband, about buying services, etc.

For example, if the duties entrusted to you take up too much time with their little importance, you should consider buying the services of an assistant or secretary. The expansion of the state is a global issue and not always solvable, but the purchase of one-time services is much easier. At the same time, it is necessary to justify your decision to the management. Another example: if there is no time to do laundry at home, you can talk with your husband about laundry services. He will certainly understand and accept such an offer. Another option is to hire a housekeeper. Don't be afraid of this word. The opinion that this is an unaffordable luxury is erroneous. AT Soviet times only professors and generals could afford such luxury, and today such services are inexpensive. A housekeeper will come to you once a week and do housework - washing, cleaning, cooking, etc. It is easy to calculate how much time, and most importantly - how much nerves you will save.

There is a possibility that for the family you are a wife and mother, and for employees of a department or company - a leader. We are sure that you do not always succeed in correctly delegating tasks to subordinates in order to free up your time for the main thing. We will not consider in detail how and in what quantities to give instructions to subordinates. Now we are talking about delegation in personal time management. When giving orders, be sure to materialize them for yourself, that is, do not shift to the subordinate along with the task a reminder of it. It usually happens like this: the employee must perform, he must also remind the manager of what he has been entrusted with and when it should be done. Retain control. Mark who was assigned, the essence of the tasks, deadlines and who is responsible for it. This can be done on a computer or on paper - the method is not important, the main thing is that the situation is under your control. First of all, teach not only subordinates to come into your office with a notebook and a pen, but also keep these tools at hand - fix task reminders and control their implementation. Do not rely on memory - it is unreliable, although many believe otherwise. The above does not mean that you will make a note and hide this sheet away. Keep it in front of your eyes, for which it is more convenient to keep statistics of orders on the computer by placing the file on the Desktop. Subordinates will know: you never forget anything and it is better to carry out all your assignments in a timely manner and with high quality.

What is the most important

By bringing together the ability to say no, buying time and delegating tasks, you get the well-known method of elimination - you eliminated the unnecessary, freeing up a lot of personal time. Now your task is to understand which of the remaining is the most important in order to devote maximum time to it.

Try to analyze the events of yesterday, determining the importance of the completed tasks. Highlight the priorities. All cases cannot be ahead - something will definitely be in second place, in third, etc.: if everyone goes into the queue without a queue, everyone will still be in the queue.

If all tasks are considered important, the very importance will disappear - they will become the same. This problem has a solution. All cases can be important, but in different ways. For example, significance for you personally, for a family, for a manager, for a client, etc. To determine the degree of importance, the multicriteria method should be used.

Every day a person begins by determining what to do first and last. This choice depends on many factors: on the profession, character, type of personality. Everyone has their own prioritization system. Having compiled a system of criteria, you will be able to prioritize the task not intuitively, but systematically. There is no template: everyone has their own life and profession with its own specifics. Organize your prioritization of tasks according to your own lifestyle. Do not spare a few minutes for this - you will save hours and even months, because you will always make the right decisions, correctly determining what is most important to you.

Each person has many long-term plans, the implementation of which seems to him the highest happiness, bringing a sense of satisfaction. This is true, but most people tend to want a lot, and a person is often not able to determine what exactly in the first place. Therefore, if you dream of starting your own business, building a career, buying an apartment and having three children, you should know that together it is impossible. Remember the proverb about what happens if you chase two hares. You can not go to achieve at the same time a dozen or two major long-term goals. In everything, and in goals too, there must be order - priority. This does not mean that something will have to be abandoned.

You just need to line up the order: it is obvious that at the age of 40 it is too late to give birth to the first child, but to get a promotion is just in time.

Remember: without long-term global goals, life is uninteresting, and big tasks are made up of small ones: there will be no first - there will be no second. Make it so that later you do not have to reproach yourself for a life spent aimlessly.

Learn to get rid of useless, imposed cases and highlight the main tasks using specific criteria, always finding time for the main thing.

For this:

Provide yourself with an escape route;

Teach others to your firm "no";

Be philosophical about everything, do not rush to do anything - perhaps the task will be canceled;

Buy someone else's time, freeing up your own;

Delegate tasks while monitoring their implementation;

Formulate and use your criteria for prioritization;

Set long-term goals and focus on priority ones.

How to achieve your goals

Most of our compatriots make little or no effort to change their lives for the better. Not many set global goals, and if they do, in rare cases people manage to achieve them. Remember how many times you promised yourself to realize something and even set a specific date for the fulfillment of your cherished dream: “I will give myself, my beloved, a car for my 30th birthday”, “I will collect money and next year I will go south” or “I need to change jobs, In the fall, I will definitely sign up for design courses. ” However, simply setting global goals is not enough. It must be borne in mind that their implementation will require considerable effort.

Many people are accustomed to just go with the flow and have not forgotten how, but never knew how to take care of themselves and manage their own lives. They live every day as God sent it, and do not think that sooner or later they will have to regret it. To this inaction can be added “so my mother said”, “it was advised by the boss”, “this is what the husband wants”. Think about what exactly you want, why you have enough strength to implement other people's plans, but you don’t have enough for your own. Do not be like those whose lives are built on the excuse that it just happened. Build your life the way you want - do not change your dreams, otherwise over time you will simply cease to respect yourself. First of all, you need to understand what you want from life: successful career, prosperity or clean dishes in the kitchen. Perhaps you want everything at once. It's impossible. Will have to decide. Something must be more important than everything else. Let's try to highlight the main thing.

Imagine in detail one of the future days of your life in five years. It is better not just to dream, but to write on paper. You can do this by answering the following questions:

How the day started

What made the most vivid impression;

Who is nearby, what is he talking about;

How and what did they work on?

What results have been achieved;

What problems did you get rid of?

What was achieved during the day;

How they rested;

Most significant event day.

Try to make it not a poll, but short story titled "A Day in My Life". Most likely, it will not be possible to write it right away. Do not rush things: carefully consider each item, weigh each future event. As a result, you will create a tangible outline of your big dream, and believe me, it will materialize.

“A day in my life” is an emotional representation of what you want. For its implementation, it is necessary to determine life values, on the basis of which long-term goals are formulated - this is the second step towards a dream.

You must do the following:

1. Set aside a few minutes of free, quiet time each evening.

2. Write down in a diary or notebook the main event of the day - GSD. It should be especially meaningful to you personally. It is not necessarily a result or action; the most important thing may be, for example, a call from a mother or daughter. Note that this event can be both positive and negative. Imagine that you were sent to a desert island and were allowed to take one book with you. By this principle, select the GSD.

3. At the end of the week, write down the main event of the week - one of the GDS or a new one. At the end of the month - the main event of the month, at the end of the year - the main event of the year. Next to each event, write down exactly the value on the basis of which you made the event the main one. For example, an event is a daughter's phone call, a value is a family, children. Define your personal values.

Recordings will allow you to form life priorities, and perhaps make you reevaluate them and rethink the importance of what is happening around you. They will accustom you to everyday thoughts about the main thing, and even in the routine of everyday problems you will not lose your values.

The third step towards a dream is the definition of a personal mission. One of the Western business consultants said that goals are what we take from life, conquer, receive, and the mission is what we give, bring into this world. This is the correct definition of the concept of purpose, but remember the meaning of the word "missionary". This is a person who leaves his home, perhaps his homeland, work, family and goes to a distant country disinterestedly to carry some idea that seems to him the only correct one.

It is not necessary to drop everything and rush to the ends of the world. Try to understand why you were sent to this world, what is your destiny; what will happen if you are gone, what will you leave behind. By asking these global questions, you will determine your values ​​​​and the main goal. Remember: you need not only to take, but also to give, because your mission is yours. the main objective whether it's reaching the pinnacle of a career or raising seven children. There are exceptions - in the form of a black limousine, but this is only part of a big deal.

You must have thought about the meaning of the word "vocation". It is more often used when speaking about a person's inclinations to a particular profession - a teacher by vocation, a doctor by vocation. A vocation is a derivative of a mission. The difference is that the mission can be changed depending on the circumstances, but with a vocation this is not possible. A vocation is the highest degree of a person’s lack of freedom, but it has an amazing effect, since its realization gives a person the opportunity to become happy, successful, feel the real meaning of his life, gives strength and energy for new achievements. The vocation may not only be preventing the end of the world or inventing a cure for all diseases, you have already taken the first steps towards the realization of a dream. You should think about what to do now.

The next step is to determine your life guidelines, that is, the areas into which you can divide your life. For example:


Professional development/education/work/career;

Friends/collective activities/communication with people;

Business/prosperity/financial independence.

It is necessary to break each goal into several more

small ones that help to achieve the main thing.

The easiest way to do this in the following way. Do not indulge in dreams - proceed from reality. For example, on pieces of paper, write down everything you do during the day - writing a report, going grocery shopping, helping your son with homework, etc. Then arrange the notes that are close in meaning into piles. It remains only to come up with a name for each stack, and your life guidelines are ready.

Define your personal values ​​and set long-term goals to make your dreams come true.

For this:

Manage yourself like your own corporation; describe your day in a few years;

Define your own values ​​with notes;

Time management for women and their children is not a pill that will instantly cure a lifetime, but rather a set of techniques, adhering to which, you can organize things more harmoniously and effectively.

For many women who already have children, it is important to combine work with caring for a child so that none of the areas of life suffer. In addition, you still want to remain beautiful and rested. And how to do it?

Is it possible to be both a successful business woman and attentive, loving mother? Time management techniques will help you structure your day in such a way that you have more time and energy for the most important things.

No one will argue with the fact that most women solve hundreds and even thousands of diverse tasks every day. And some of them not only perform their direct duties as a mother, wife and employee, but also do someone else's work.

The first thing to do is to carefully analyze what cases can be got rid of? What cases can be shifted to another employee, in what tasks can you ask for help? Maybe the kids are old enough to do the homework on their own? Is the husband able to wash the dishes himself or go to the store?

The second reason for the chronic lack of strength and time is the accumulated fatigue, which leads to irrational behavior. In the morning there were only plans, by the evening it turned out that the day had passed, and nothing of the planned had been done. And it would seem, well, what is easier, write a to-do list and do it, one after the other, one after the other. But I want to watch my favorite series, chat with my girlfriends, sit in in social networks

It turns out a vicious circle. The woman is tired, she needs to rest, but there is no time for this, because there are many things to do, and she cannot do them and sabotages her own undertakings.

You can say to yourself: “I am not a robot, and in order to be productive, I must be rested.” And go to rest (watch a series, read a book, play with a child). And after that, already return to the plan in the diary.

Self-discipline is necessary to manage your time, and it is useful for discipline when “I want, I can and I must” coincide.

Chaos occurs when a person has to do one thing, he wants to do another, and at the same time, objectively speaking, he can only do the third...

When you try to "force yourself" sooner or later there will be resistance, unwillingness to fulfill your own plan. And this will lead to missed deadlines, to a deviation from the planned strategy of action. It is desirable not to force yourself, but to motivate, and motivate for important tasks, and not for every little thing.

It should be noted that many women have a negative attitude towards time management. You might hear people say that time management doesn't work, or that a particular way to get things in order just doesn't work.

Before blaming time management or yourself, you should understand what brings chaos to business? Maybe it's fatigue - and then you should try to relax. Or maybe it's the desire to be good for everyone - and then you need to revise your list of duties and tasks in order to remove the excess and leave only the necessary.

Perfectionism, the desire to become an ideal wife, mother and employee at the same time prevents you from eliminating overwork and disorder in business. If you give up the dream of “becoming a super woman”, there will be less dissatisfaction or disappointment, and more satisfaction with yourself and your life.

What are the basic principles of organizing time?

Time management is a specific set of tools that anyone can use, regardless of age, education, number of children and salary. What are these tools and what benefits do they provide?


Time management is impossible without a specific plan. The plan can be short-term (per day, per hour), or long-term (for a year, five or ten years).

A wise woman once said: “The plan is a knife with which I cut a cake that is too big to eat it gradually, piece by piece.” The main task of the plan is to make the task doable, not too complicated, broken down into understandable stages. Therefore, the more specific the plan, the easier it is to stick to it.

At the heart of any plan should be the question: “What do I want to get?” Not the question “What does the husband, mother-in-law, my children or the neighbor's pug want”, but the question: “What do I myself, deep down, want to see in the end? What result do I want?

When the plan reflects one's own intentions, it will motivate in and of itself.


All cases should be divided by the importance of urgency. First of all, perform urgent and important, and then - optional. But which of the many things will be the priority?

In order to prioritize and at the same time be in harmony with yourself, you should ask yourself the question: “What is most important to me?” And then think about how to make sure that this main thing is as much as possible every day.

Some household chores cannot be canceled, clothes need to be washed, food needs to be bought and cooked, and floors need to be washed periodically. But the necessary things make it possible to live in a clean house, eat well and do more important things.

The principles of time management provide for reasonable, not rigid planning. To free up time for what you would like more, for the most important thing in life, you should quickly and efficiently deal with pressing matters.

Every woman has different priorities in life - for some it is raising children, someone is busy with career growth, and someone devotes her whole life to sports or painting. Priorities should be your own, not imposed by someone.

Home time management may include:

  • time management housewife;
  • time management of a mother of many children;
  • children's time management or time management for children: dream and act.

If you use any direction of time management to embody your own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, then you can very quickly feel how life becomes more interesting and richer every day.

What are the secrets of success?

Time management, as the science of doing everything, in addition to the basic principles, offers a few little secrets that will make an ordinary day easier.

What are these secrets?

  1. Planners. You can use computer programs (for example, Wunderlist or others), you can use a diary, notepad, or even a whiteboard with a marker. It's best to make a plan before bed or in the morning, and then add or cross out items as needed.
  2. Exclusion from daily activities of what distracts. This can be talking with friends on the phone, chatting on social networks or watching TV shows. To effectively manage your time, it is better to allocate certain hours for this, for example, on weekends or in the evening, or as you get tired.
  3. Swallow the "frog". In time management there is a principle "The most disgusting or difficult thing to do first." This makes sense, because the pangs of conscience and putting off the “frog” take strength. If you do a difficult task first, then the rest of the day will be filled with pride, satisfaction and a sense of victory.
  4. promotion. It is always necessary to praise and encourage yourself for the work done and, even if insignificant, but success. According to experts, this method increases self-esteem and makes you feel happier.
  5. Simplicity in life. You should not spend too much time cooking or cleaning, especially for those women who work. Daily variety of dishes will only take up precious hours that can be spent on more important things. But if cooking or home care is a hobby, a way to relax and gain strength, then of course, this should be given as much attention as the soul requires.
  6. Sports. Physical activity does not just give health, but increases the amount of energy that can be spent on useful things.
  7. Sex. According to experts, regular sex brings the general condition of a woman into tone, makes her more resistant to stress and has a positive effect on mood. It only works if you really want sex.

Of course, these are not strict rules, but just tips, but by following them, women will be able to work productively and devote more time to their families and themselves.

Schedule for a child

It is also important for a child to do some things on time, go to bed, eat or do homework. The list of household chores and your own important tasks changes with age, it is one for preschoolers, another for teenagers, but in some form it is always there.

If you add elements of the game to the organization of the day, then discipline can become not tough and challenging, but interesting and helpful in business.

At the same time, the whole secret of organizing the daily routine in a child lies in motivating the baby to do useful (for himself) things. You can read about how to get along better with a child, cope with children's whims and tantrums, fears and problems in the "Children" section.

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The million dollar question for most working women: Is it possible to work full time, raise children, maintain a home, socialize with friends, and stay healthy and sane? Many will hope that there will not be enough time for everything. And someone will say: salvation is only with the help ( from English. time-management - "time management", technologies for organizing time and increasing the efficiency of its use). Of course, time management, so popular at the present time, is a powerful assistant in organizing life.

Bestsellers on time management for men are many times thinner than the same books for women. Only the paradox of gender difference is most visible here. And here comes the understanding that a man should organize his activities at work, bring a child to Kindergarten and not being late for work, these are the little things that are lost in the life schedule of the average woman. And if a woman is raising a child alone?

Then time management for moms and working women is not a book, but a means to survive. A few tips on how to keep up with everything - this is a simple interpretation of the big word time management. How to find time for half an hour of gossip with a girlfriend, lounging, wandering around the city with a camera, while not losing your quote in the eyes of your boss and husband, virtuoso time management tips will help. Here are a few simple rules that will allow you to effortlessly overcome life's troubles.

1. Do the work you love

Do not force yourself to suffer if you are not able to master the profession. After all, only specialists are valued in the labor market. Assess the possibility of finding a new job.

2. Create your priority, write a to-do list A…Z

There is too much to do and too little time to do everything. Ask yourself what is more important to you? Write a to-do list for one day in order of importance. And do all the things on the list from top to bottom.

3. Set reasonable achievable goals

Do not overwork yourself, do not set goals that you cannot achieve a priori. If you constantly fight and lose the battle in an attempt to realize yourself both at home and at work, this can only lead to an urgent crisis in a very short time. And your children will appreciate a mother who reads fairy tales to them more than a mother who hates the whole world.

4. Don't waste your money

Arm yourself with a calculator and consider that it is more profitable to run several projects in parallel or take the children to dances or clean the house. Perhaps you will win more if a nanny takes the children to mugs several times a week, and you calmly finish your business.

5. Train yourself to be a morning person

Get up early and cheerful. Even if you are an owl by nature, after 21 days the body develops a habit. And you can easily turn into a lark. The more time, the more you get done.

6. Get practical

Choose a haircut or clothing that requires the least amount of maintenance to maintain. good looking. Prepare simple meals. Firstly, simple food is much healthier, and secondly, it takes less time and attention in the cooking process. And leave complex culinary masterpieces for the holidays.

7. Fundamentals of logistics

If several things can be done at the same time, then do so. When taking the children to school, do not forget to bring shoes with you that need to be repaired if the workshop is on the way. Calculate how quickly you can get to your place of work, what transport is more profitable to use, and in which store it is more convenient to shop.

8. Use technology

Try to be on "you" with technique and technology. Will it be a modern washing machine, tablet or new software. The most important thing is that this will undoubtedly allow you to cope with the work an order of magnitude faster.

9. Learn to say "no"

Don't waste time solving other people's problems. Don't try to do things that you can't do and that you don't understand. You will spend more time and energy than you will get in the end.

10. Let the weekend be the weekend

Do not leave the solution of domestic household problems for the weekend. Laundry, grocery shopping and cleaning must be done during the working week. Share household chores with your husband or children. But be sure to try to have at least one day off per week.

11. Work in a team

Don't be afraid to give your family and co-workers some chores to take the pressure off your schedule.

12. Three no for monitor/TV/unnecessary travel

You should not make an appointment if the issue can be resolved by phone or email.

You should not engage in every second viewing of e-mail, for this it is enough to allocate 5 minutes a day.

Don't watch TV all the time, let it run while you cook dinner or breakfast.

13. Try not to procrastinate and always set deadlines

It's human nature to want to put off doing unpleasant, routine, or difficult duties. But try to avoid this as much as possible by always setting a deadline for the task to be completed.

14. Start every day with prayer

Know how to maintain balance. Don't let time control you. Remember that the better you manage your time, the more interesting and better your life will be. You don't have to be superwoman. The best goal will be to implement all the tasks set without compromising health and well-being. Remember more often the passage from Friedrich Etinger's prayer: “Lord, give me the peace to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change. And give me wisdom to distinguish one from the other.