Tartuffe Molière performance. Moliere "Tartuffe" - analysis

1. The system of functional styles of the Russian language and style-forming factors. Stylistic coloring of speech means.

2. Scientific style and its features.

3. Official business style and its features.

4. Journalistic style and its features.

5. Russian colloquial speech


The scientific foundations of Russian stylistics - "the theory of three (high, medium and low) styles" - were developed by M.V. Lomonosov, relied on the theory of "Virgil's wheel" and were associated with the leading trends in the Russian literary language of that period.
In the 19th century stylistic issues are considered mainly within the framework of rhetoric, the theory of literature, and poetics by the outstanding domestic scientists F.I.
It has been possible to talk about stylistics as an independent science since the beginning of the 20th century.
Stylistics- a section of linguistics, which examines the patterns of using the means of language in the process of communication.
Let's take a closer look at the concept "functional style".
Style- a socially perceived variety of language (speech), characterized by the features of the selection, combination and organization of language means in connection with the tasks of communication.

The following parameters form the basis for the formation of a functional style:
1) the goal that is set by the speaker, writer;
2) the environment, the conditions in which communication takes place;
3) individual characteristics of speakers (speech addressee);
4) topic (to a lesser extent);
5) form of speech (oral or written).

functional style- a kind of language that is characteristic of a certain sphere of human activity and has a certain originality in the use of linguistic means
Each functional style is realized in speech genres. Genre- this is a specific type of texts that have specific features that distinguish genres from each other, as well as commonality, which is due to the fact that certain groups of genres belong to the same functional style. For example, in an official business style, the genres of a business letter, statements, instructions, etc.

In the Russian literary language there is four main functional styles: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial. At the same time, scientific, official business and journalistic are combined into group of book styles.

Along with the listed styles in the national language, there is also the language of fiction. Some researchers (Vinogradov V.V., Budagov R.A., Golovin B.N.) attribute it to the fourth functional style of the bookish language, noting that it traces all the parameters that form the style. Others (Maximov L.Yu., Shansky N.M., Shmelev D.N.) call it the language of fiction, justifying this by the fact that all linguistic means can be used in it (in the language): not only words and expressions of the literary language , but also elements of vernacular, jargon, territorial dialects. The author of a literary text uses these means to express an idea
The functional styles of the Russian language can be divided into bookish (journalistic, official business, scientific) and non-bookish (conversational style).

It should be noted that without knowledge of the features of functional styles it is impossible to educate speech culture.

The lexical units of the Russian language are distributed unevenly in terms of their stylistic coloring, and, consequently, their areas of application. The basis of any style is neutral, stylistically uncolored, commonly used vocabulary. These are words that are used in any style. Along with them, there are stylistically colored layers of vocabulary (colloquial, colloquial, slang, dialect words, terminology and words that have a bookish coloring), the use of which in speech is possible only subject to the restrictions imposed on them by additional components of meanings. Such vocabulary in the explanatory dictionary is usually accompanied by stylistic marks.

The area of ​​functioning of this style is the scientific field of activity. Except actually scientific texts written by specialists and designed for specialists, there are popular science and scientific and educational works.

Popular science works are designed to disseminate knowledge among the general population. Popular science works have a special style of presentation. Scientific and educational works are designed for teaching a specialty.

The impact of a scientific text directly depends on how convincing the arguments given by the author are, how logically, clearly and accurately the content is stated in the scientific text. Such qualities as consistency, clarity, accuracy are necessary for both business language and journalistic language. However, in the scientific style, these constructive qualities are a requirement of science itself; Without them, a scientific work cannot exist.
Consistency (logicality) will have such a text in which the conclusions follow from the content, they are not contradictory, and the text itself is divided into separate semantic segments, reflecting the movement of thought from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular.
Clarity as the quality of scientific speech implies clarity, accessibility. Therefore, texts, even within the scientific style, differ both in the selection of material and in the method of its linguistic design.
Texts related to the actual scientific style are characterized by saturation terms that do not have a wide, general language use.
The third quality of scientific speech is accuracy- implies the unambiguity of understanding, the absence of discrepancy between the signified and the signifier. Therefore, in proper scientific texts, as a rule, there are no figurative, expressive means; words are used mostly in the literal sense, the particularity of terms also contributes to the unambiguity of the text.
Morphological means are designed to emphasize the emotional neutrality of the text, to help shift the focus of attention from the personality of the researcher towards the subject of research. In general, in the scientific style, nouns and adjectives predominate over verbs. The nominal character of the scientific style is its typical (scientific style) feature. The nouns of the middle gender are frequent, for example, with suffixes -nie, -stvo, etc., since these words denote abstract concepts.

Scientific speech is characterized by the use of some adjectives and participles in the meaning demonstrative pronouns"this", "such". The participle "following" in the meaning of the pronoun "such" emphasizes the sequence of listing features, signs, etc.
The use of the verb in the scientific style is peculiar. Typical is the use of the present tense forms of the verb, and these forms, characterizing the phenomenon under study, have a timeless meaning.
In scientific speech, it is not customary to use the pronoun of 1 person singular. h. "I". It is replaced by the pronoun "WE" (author's WE). It is generally accepted that the use of the pronoun "WE" creates an atmosphere of the author's modesty and objectivity.
Syntactic features scientific style are manifested quite consistently, tk. syntax (the construction of phrases and sentences) most of all reflects the connection with thinking.
Phrases of nouns are characteristic, in which the genitive case of the name acts as a definition, often with a preposition for (metabolism, gearbox, mounting device, observation point, idea of ​​discreteness).
Interrogative sentences perform specific functions in scientific speech related to the desire of the writer to draw attention to what is being stated.
The most productive in scientific texts are complex sentences with causal, conditional, temporal, consequence, explanatory clauses. Particularly characteristic of complex sentences are compound conjunctions with causal meaning.
Thus, the leading style features of the scientific style of speech include: accessibility, accuracy, clarity, standardization.

The official business functional style of speech (ODS) is a kind of literary language that functions in administrative and legal social activities. It is implemented in the texts of laws, orders, decrees, orders, contracts, acts, various documents (certificates, certificates, powers of attorney, etc.), in business correspondence of institutions. The main form of its implementation is written.
A specific feature of the ODS is its dual nature: it is fundamentally scientific in nature and at the same time comes into contact with everyday life. This is what determines extralinguistic and linguistic features of this style:
- accuracy of presentation, not allowing the possibility of other interpretations;

Detailed presentation;
- stereotyping, standardization of presentation;
- imperative presentation (prescriptive nature of the presentation).
Among other writing styles, ODS stands out for its closure and stability. It is less subject to change than other styles, to the influence of various styles.
The basis of the ODS, as well as all book styles, is common vocabulary, that is, words and phrases used regardless of any style of speech. However, due to the peculiarities of the content of various documents, the ODS uses a whole a number of words and phrases that are typical only for business speech: names of various documents - act, certificate, diploma, power of attorney, obligation, report; words and phrases that cannot be dispensed with when compiling the above documents - the superior, the undersigned, hand over, in the absence of residence, impose a resolution, certify the signature, responsible person, agenda, take note, petition, inform.
Among the words and phrases of the UDF, there are many belonging to professional (legal and diplomatic) terminology: legislation, act, powers, collection, legal entity, withdraw, enjoy immunity, be subject to jurisdiction, the accrediting state.
A significant part of the ODS vocabulary is the names of institutions and enterprises. Complex names are usually abbreviated (Moscow State University, All-Russian Exhibition Center), only little-known names are not abbreviated.
Often the documents use words denoting positions and titles, which always have a masculine form: Professor Petrova, doctor Maksimova, police officer Savelyeva.
When naming a person in the ODS, nouns are used, denoting a person on the basis of some action or relationship. This is intended to accurately indicate the “roles” of the participants in the situation: defendant, tenant, tenant, guardian, adopter, plaintiff, witness, etc.
A specific feature of the ODS can be considered the prevalence of constructions without pronouns: We ask ..., I suggest ..., I order ... To avoid inaccuracies, nouns are not replaced by pronouns and are repeated even in adjacent sentences.
Attention is drawn to the frequent use of complex prepositions formed from nouns: for the purpose of labor protection (for), in relation to vacation (about), due to circumstances (due to), for registration (about).
Syntactic features ODS largely repeat the features of the scientific style.

Journalistic style (the word journalism from the Latin publicus - public) serves the sphere of public relations: political, ideological, socio-economic, cultural, etc. It is the most popular in all book styles, since it is promoted by the media - press, radio, cinema , TV.

It is also used in the speeches of speakers at meetings and rallies, in lectures by propagandists and agitators and is presented on the pages of newspapers and magazines, in promptly published books and brochures, in radio, film and television journalism materials, in public lectures.
The main constructive feature of this style lies in the unity of informational and influencing functions: journalism is intended, on the one hand, however, like the scientific style, to inform wide circles of readers, listeners, viewers on the most pressing issues, and on the other hand, and this is it, journalism, distinctive feature, designed to influence the minds of people by persuasion and form a certain public opinion.
Hence the functioning of the second constructive feature that distinguishes the journalistic style from a number of other styles - its bright emotionally expressive coloring, which is not typical in general either for the scientific style or for the official business style (summary genre).
The journalistic style, as well as the scientific and official business style, is characterized by standardity, but in unity with expression.
Language standards also make it easier for the reader to obtain the information he needs, since the text, perceived in the usual form, is absorbed quickly, in whole semantic blocks.
In contrast to the standards, clichés are a negative stylistic phenomenon of journalistic speech. In stamps, words lose their lexical meaning and their inherent imagery .. For example: heavenly (air, fiery) elements, white (black, green, liquid, fragrant) gold.
So, journalism is a special kind of literature, unique in form, method of approach to reality, means of influence. Journalism is thematically inexhaustible, its genre range is huge, and expressive resources are great.


Russian colloquial speech is the speech of native speakers of the literary language in conditions of unconstrained, unprepared direct communication.
Conversational speech serves such a linguistic sphere of communication, which is characterized by:

- ease of communication;
- informality of relations between speakers;
- unprepared speech;
- direct participation of speakers in the act of communication;
- strong reliance on the extralinguistic situation, leading to the fact that the extralinguistic situation becomes an integral part of the act of communication, "fused" into speech;
- the use of non-verbal means of communication (gestures and facial expressions);
oral form as the main form of implementation;
- predominant functioning in the genre of dialogue; the fundamental possibility of the exchange of the speaker - the listener.

In colloquial speech, there are some specific thematic groups of words - everydayisms, i.e., words characteristic of conversations on an everyday topic: a kettle, a saucepan, a stove, a comb, a rag, etc. Such words are necessary to participate in everyday everyday communication.
Some of the thematic groups of words (for example, the names of banknotes) have specific names in colloquial speech. These names often use abbreviated means of expression: “two kopecks” - kopeck piece, “ten kopecks” - desyunchik; “one hundred rubles” - a hundred, hundredth, “dollars” - bucks.
A typical feature of colloquial words is the presence of a large number of meaning components in the composition of the word. When translated into a codified language, they lose their figurativeness and at the same time their ambiguity, the ability to signify the integrity of a life situation. Let's compare two verbs - to indulge (colloquial,) and learn (neutr.). In dictionaries, getting used to is interpreted as “learning to do something deftly, to acquire the skill to do something” and examples are given: getting used to shooting; got used to talking.

In colloquial speech, there is a special class of words - relatives. This class of words includes words used with the general meaning of an answer, a reaction to the interlocutor's words or a situation. Relatives include words that express agreement: ok, okay, that's the point, nothing like that, as well as all greeting formulas.

On the syntactic level the specificity of colloquial speech is manifested in a large number of short, often incomplete sentences, as well as in exclamatory and interrogative constructions. In writing, colloquial speech is almost always (except for the epistolary genre) a dialogue in its design.
Conversational speech has greater freedom in the use of linguistic means and uses this freedom for linguistic creativity, which makes our communication more relaxed, emotional, it constructs interpersonal relationships of interlocutors, organizes the type of speech interaction. At present, elements of colloquial speech are actively penetrating into the codified language - into the means mass communication, fiction, in public speaking, which makes speech more figurative, emotionally rich, relaxed.

Kamchatka State Technical University

Correspondence faculty

Department of Philology


in the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech"

Option 2

Styles of the modern Russian language


Introduction …………………………………………………………………….. 3
1. ………………………………...... 1.1. Styles of the Russian language………………………………………….... 1.2. general characteristics speech styles……………………………… 1.3. General characteristics of the functional styles of the Russian language ………………………………………………………………… 5 5 7 8
2. Conditions for the functioning of book and colloquial speech….. 2.1. Book speech…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Speaking……….……………………………………… 15 15 16
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 19
Literature …………………………………………………………………. 20


The purpose of this work is to consider the various styles of the modern Russian language.

It should be noted that depending on the goals and objectives that are set in the process of communication, there is a selection of various language means. As a result, peculiar varieties of a single literary language are created, which are called functional styles. This term emphasizes that the varieties of the literary language are distinguished on the basis of the function (role) that the language performs in each specific case. Functional styles are associated with the form of speech.

The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the definition of style depends on the understanding of the language. In linguistics, such features of the language as its social entity, communicative function, reflective and cognitive ability, systemic character. However, these are not all features of the language, and in linguistics there are different interpretations of the language, and therefore different definitions of style.

Leaving aside the theoretical research of linguists, we present here the most famous definition of style given by academician V.V. Vinogradov: "Style is a socially conscious and functionally conditioned, internally integrated set of methods of using, selecting and combining means of verbal communication in the sphere of one or another nationwide, nationwide language, correlative with other similar ways of expression that serve for other purposes, perform other functions in the speech practice of this people".

This definition of style reflects several of its features. First of all, the functional role of individual language means (sounds, words, sentences, phrases) is emphasized, due to the most appropriate use of language units, depending on the content of the statement, goals, situation, and sphere of communication. There are such socially significant spheres of communication as scientific, journalistic, official business, artistic and everyday. In accordance with this, the functional styles of the Russian language are also distinguished.

The subject is the styles of the Russian language and speech.

The object of work is the sphere of communication.

The purpose and relevance of the work determined the range of tasks for study:

1. Describe the styles of the Russian language;

2. Consider the system of functional styles of the modern Russian language

3. Identify the conditions for the functioning of book and colloquial speech

When writing the work, the works of such authors as: Smelzer N., Shcherba L.V., Radugin A.A., Graudina L.K., Milyukov P.N. and others.

1. The concept of the styles of the Russian language

1.1. Styles of the Russian language

1) A variety of language (style of language) used in any typical social situation - at home, in the family, in the official business area, etc. - and differing from other varieties of the same language in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics.

The definition of the style of a language depends on the volume of the very concept of "language", as well as on the central concept - the language norm. If generally correct, undistorted popular speech is recognized as the norm, then the Style of the language is defined as a variety of the common language (then the Style of the language will also be vernacular). If the norm is understood more narrowly - only as literary-correct speech, then the style of the language is defined as a kind of literary language. Accordingly, the classification of the style of the language also varies; at the first understanding, the central one is singled out - the neutral colloquial style of the language, in relation to which the other styles of the language are characterized as stylistically “marked”, colored; in the second case, the neutral layer of the language is understood as the common part of all styles of the language, with which, in various proportions, “marked” stylistic means are combined in each style of the language. In modern developed national languages, there are three largest styles of language: neutral colloquial (with a different classification colloquial), more "high" - bookish, more "low" - familiar colloquial. Thanks to this, the same object can be named and described in different style registers (cf. "life" - "being" - "life"), which opens up wide possibilities for artistic speech. In each of the main styles, more private, but already less clear-cut divisions are possible: in the book style - scientific, newspaper-journalistic, official-business, etc.; in familiar colloquial - actually colloquial familiar, colloquial, student jargon, etc. Each style is traditionally fixed by tradition for a typical social situation: bookish - for a situation of official communication, neutral colloquial - for a situation of everyday service, everyday communication, familiar-colloquial - for a situation of intimate, domestic and family communication. All styles and divisions are sometimes called functional in Soviet linguistics. Some researchers consider artistic speech as one of the functional styles - style the language of fiction in general. Differences in the emotional and expressive coloring of language means (often also called "stylistic"), which can be represented within the same style of language and are expressed in such assessments as "high, sublime", "solemn ”, “neutral”, “reduced”, as well as “rude”, “ironic”, etc. Historically, the “sublime” gravitates towards the bookish style, while the “reduced”, “rough” one tends towards the familiar colloquial style.

Language styles can only exist where the language system provides the opportunity to choose language means, and therefore they are a historical category; they arise together with the concept of the norm. The three main styles have three different historical sources. The book style usually goes back to a large part to the literary and written language of the previous era, often different from the everyday language of the main part of the population, for example, in Russia to the Old Church Slavonic language, in France, Italy, Spain - to Latin, in the republics Central Asia- to the Old Uigur. The neutral colloquial style of language goes back to the common language of the people; familiar-colloquial The style of the language is largely to the urban vernacular. National features origin and literary processing The style of the language affects the different understanding of "neutrality". So, in French, the neutral style of the language is shifted towards book speech, in Russian, in comparison with French, - towards colloquial speech, because. the norm of the French literary language took shape in the era of classicism (17th century), and the Russian literary language - in the era of the formation of realism (the era of Pushkin) with a different attitude towards the democratic elements of the language. The breaking of stylistic restrictions often appears in history as a sign of a new literary, artistic and ideological direction.

The three-part division of the language style already existed in Ancient Rome, but it was identified there with the genre of literature and was carried out only within the limits of book and written speech through associations with various objects of reality (for example, “warrior”, “horse”, “sword” - for “high” style, "farmer", "ox", "plow" - for the middle, "lazy shepherd", "sheep", "stick" - for "low").

The same reality, as a rule, could not be described in different stylistic registers. The study of style of language throughout antiquity and the Middle Ages was part of the circle of rhetoric and poetics. In the 17-18 centuries. it was the subject of the "theory of three styles", universally accepted in Europe (cf. the teachings of M.V. Lomonosov in Russia). In its modern meaning, the term "language style" appears in European languages ​​in the 1st third of the 19th century. in connection with the general ideas of historicism, by the middle of the 19th century. the term "Language Style" was established (G. Spencer, H. Steinthal). With the advent of semiotics, it was established that the category of Style (language) plays an important role not only in literature, but wherever language is used, including in science (M. Foucault and others).

2) Manner of speaking or writing, a way of linguistic behavior of a person in a particular social environment or situation (style of speech). Since the style of the language is a generalization of the features of speech of a typical social situation, and the style of the language of speech is the choice by the speaker or writer of available means from the style of the language, the style of the language and the style of the language of speech are one and the same phenomenon (style), only considered by stylistics from different angles.

When building the foundations of stylistics in Russian linguistics, developing the main directions and tasks, the outstanding Russian linguist V.V. Vinogradov relied on the main provisions of the stylistic theory of Ch. Bally and the idea of ​​the functionality of language categories of representatives of the Prague Linguistic Circle, as well as on the traditions of Russian linguistic science. He wrote, in particular, "that the internal differentiation of linguistic styles may not be based on the difference in the functions of the language (communication, message and influence) or on the allocation of certain varieties of the communicative function. It can be carried out on the basis of structural or constructive oppositions and relationships between particular systems of expression within a single structure of the language (for example, the synonymy of paradigmatic forms, synonymy in the circle of forms of phrases and sentences, synonymy of words and phrases, etc.) After all, the word functional contains a double meaning. It can also indicate the connection of styles with different functions of the language, and on the functional differentiation of the spheres of use of these styles "(Vinogradov V.V. Problems of Russian Stylistics, 1981, p. 22).

The functional and style system of the modern Russian literary language is multidimensional, that is, its functional varieties are distinguished for various reasons. For example, scientific, official business, journalistic styles are distinguished by focusing on the relevant areas of human activity (science, legislation and office work, politics) that they serve. In addition, the functional varieties that make up the functional-style system are not the same in their significance in speech communication and in their coverage of language material.

In the modern Russian literary language, there are two main varieties - written and oral. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "oral" and "colloquial", "written" and "bookish". Thus, the concepts of "oral" and "written" are broader, since they can include a larger number of texts. For example, the text of a book speech can be oral - a report, a solemn speech, an official information statement, and any colloquial text, including everyday vernacular, can exist on paper, for example, a note or a letter. Consequently, the terms "bookish" and "colloquial" characterize any text in terms of linguistic features that are adequate to a particular situation of communication; and the terms "oral" and "written" characterize the form of existence of the text - spoken or written. The most accurate differentiation of functional varieties of texts is presented in Table No. 1 of the Appendix.

The general basis for the selection of functional-style varieties is a set of parameters that appear in various combinations for each functional style. We list the main ones: the social task of verbal communication (the function of communicating information, the function of evaluating information, the function of influencing, forming a certain point of view on what is being reported); the situation of verbal communication (official, informal); the nature of communication (mass, group, interpersonal); form of communication (oral or written speech).

In modern functional stylistics, the direction developed by the Czech scientist V. Mathesius, as well as other representatives of the Prague Linguistic Circle - V. Skalichka and B. Gavranek, is considered a priority. This direction is based on the division of styles depending on the sphere of communication they serve. Thoughts of V.V. Vinogradov about stylistic differentiation are developed more often in other sections of linguistics. The number of styles identified by various researchers ranges from 4 to 8. V.V. Vinogradov, for example, distinguishes the following styles: everyday-everyday, everyday-business, official-documentary, scientific, journalistic and fiction (Vinogradov, 1981, p. 29). In modern linguistics, it is customary to distinguish five main functional styles: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial and artistic, which can be divided into sub-styles. Scientific, official business and journalistic functional styles are bookish, serving certain areas of communication. Artistic and colloquial are not styles in the proper sense of the word, they are rather functional varieties of language that serve the spheres of everyday communication and aesthetic.

Usually, from the point of view of the communicative intention of the speaker, texts are distinguished in which the function of the message dominates the function of influence, and texts in which the function of influence dominates the function of the message; these are texts of an objective informative nature (scientific and official business) and texts of a subjective informative nature (publicism, everyday life). Some also note texts where both functions are in equilibrium, these are separate genres of journalism, primarily informational, separate genres of official business texts - instructions, as well as literary texts of various genres.

Thus, there is much in common between the book styles - scientific and official business - since they are equally aimed at the most objectified message. The differences between them are, first of all, for the purposes of communication, in the situation of communication, and in psycholinguistic parameters - ways of presenting content. Between scientific and journalistic texts, one can also note the general and the different, since certain genres of the scientific style - an article, annotation, a review - are very similar to some genres of journalism - an informational article, an essay, the proximity of these genres is due, first of all, to pragmatic factors that bring conditions closer situations of communication of this or that text. Apparently, for this reason, disputes are still ongoing about the status of popular science literature, which some researchers attribute to scientific literature, and others to journalism.

Consider, for example, several texts:

1) Article 48

1. The origin of the child from the mother (maternity) is established by the civil registry office on the basis of documents confirming the birth of the child by the mother in a medical institution, and in the case of the birth of a child outside a medical institution, on the basis of medical documents, testimonies or other evidence.

2. If a child was born from persons who are married to each other, as well as within three hundred days from the moment of dissolution of the marriage, its recognition as invalid or from the moment of death of the spouse of the mother of the child, the spouse (former spouse) of the mother is recognized as the father of the child, unless otherwise proven (Article 52 of this Code). The paternity of the spouse of the mother of the child is certified by a record of their marriage.

3. If the child's mother declares that the father of the child is not her spouse (former spouse), paternity in respect of the child is established in accordance with the rules provided for in paragraph 4 of this article or article 49 of this Code.

4. The paternity of a person who is not married to the mother of a child shall be established by submitting a joint application to the civil registry office by the father and mother of the child; in the event of the death of the mother, her recognition as incapacitated, the impossibility of establishing the location of the mother or in the event of deprivation of her parental rights - at the request of the father of the child with the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authority, in the absence of such consent - by decision of the court ... (Family Code Russian Federation), With. 22).

2) SCIENCE, the sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality. In the course of historical development, science becomes the productive force of society and the most important social institution. The concept of "science" includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and the result of this activity - the sum of the present moment scientific knowledge, which together form a scientific picture of the world. The term "science" is also used to refer to certain branches of scientific knowledge. The immediate goals of science are the description, explanation and prediction of the processes and phenomena of reality that make up the subject of its study on the basis of the laws it discovers, that is, in a broad sense, a theoretical reflection of reality. Being integral to the practical way of mastering the world, science as the production of knowledge is a very specific form activities. If in material production knowledge is used as a means of increasing labor productivity, then in science they are obtained in the form of a theoretical description, scheme, technological process, summary of experimental data, formulas of some kind. drug, etc. - forms the main and immediate goal. Unlike types of activity, the result of which, in principle, is known in advance, scientific activity gives an increment of new knowledge, that is, its result is fundamentally unconventional. That is why science acts as a force that constantly revolutionizes other activities. From the aesthetic (artistic) way of mastering reality, the bearer of which is art, that is, its figurative reflection, science is distinguished by the desire for logical, maximally generalized objective knowledge. Often, art is characterized as "thinking in images", and science - as "thinking in concepts", with the aim of emphasizing that the former develops mainly the sensual-imaginative side of a person's creative ability, while science develops mainly the intellectual-conceptual one. However, these differences do not mean an impenetrable line between science and art, which are united by a creative and cognitive attitude to reality (FES, 1983, pp. 403-404).

3) For the first time I saw him more than 10 years ago - from an airplane, from an airplane landing at Wat Tai, the airport of the Lao capital. It was August, almost in the middle of the wet season, when the river was so full and wide that it was hard to tell where the riverbed ended and the water-covered rice fields began. In the light of the setting sun, the water shone red - it seemed to me then that it was a reflection of the sunset. Since then I have seen the Mekong in Laos and Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, from above and from the shore; I crossed it in boats, on ferries and on bridges, and walked on it in riverboats. I learned that the reddish tint of its water is not a play of sunset colors, but the natural color of the river in its widest part: the continental layer here consists of red clay, and this clay deprives the water of transparency.

The world-famous name of the river is a historical misunderstanding. In fact, its name consisted of a dozen words and began with the definition "Holy Moon River". But the French, who explored in XI10th century the Mekong basin, most often heard from the local population "menam" and "khong", which in related Thai and Lao languages ​​mean the same thing: "river", "channel", "reservoir". The combination of these words was fixed on European maps. (E. Belenky. The river, the course of which was laid by snakes / / Geo. - No. 8. - 2000. - p. 22).

4) At the hour of a hot spring sunset, two citizens appeared on the Patriarch's Ponds. The first of them - about forty years old, dressed in a gray summer pair - was short, dark-haired, well-fed, bald, carried his decent hat with a pie in his hand, and his neatly shaven face was decorated with supernatural-sized black horn-rimmed glasses. The other, a broad-shouldered, reddish, swirling young man with a checkered cap folded at the back of his head, was wearing a cowboy shirt, chewed white trousers, and black slippers. The first was none other than Mikhail Aleksandrovich Berlioz, editor of a thick art magazine and chairman of the board of one of the largest Moscow literary associations, abbreviated as Massolit, and his young companion, the poet Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev, who wrote under the pseudonym Bezdomny.

Once in the shade of the slightly green lindens, the writers first rushed to the colorfully painted booth with the inscription "Beer and Water". Yes, the first strangeness of this terrible May evening should be noted. Not only at the booth, but in the entire alley parallel to Malaya Bronnaya Street, there was not a single person. At this hour, when, it seemed, there was no strength to breathe, when the sun, having heated Moscow, was falling in a dry fog somewhere beyond the Garden Ring, no one came under the lindens, no one sat on the bench, the alley was empty.

(M.A. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita).

5) “Isn’t there a fresher langetics, dear?” Or softer entrecote?

- You, you see, the grandmother made a mistake with the address, - the saleswoman answers her, - you don’t need to go to cooking, but to the head doctor ... Don’t you see what’s on the counter?

Avdotyushka was offended.

- Thank you, he says, for the advice.

And in another "kilinaria". Comes in - there is! I broke the kidneys of some hat.

These kidneys, as in an anatomist, soaked lonely on a dish, and the hat studied and sniffed them. He takes off his glasses, then he puts them on. Avdotyushka quickly went to the cash register and beat him off.

- Why, - the intellectual shouts, - I am the first.

- You sniffed, and mother repulsed, - says the sales worker.

- What about others?

- But there are no others ... Here, buy a delicacy, it rarely happens.

An intellectual looked - something incomprehensible. I read the label: "Caviar on an egg." I looked closely, really, not fresh, but a hard-boiled egg, cut in half. And on the hydrogen sulfide yolk there is black sparrow dung.

(F. Gorenstein. With a wallet / V. Erofeev. Russian Flowers of Evil: An Anthology. - M., 1997. - P. 244).

Before us are five texts belonging to various functional varieties of the Russian language. The first text represents the official business style, the second is scientific, the third is publicistic, the fourth is an example of artistic speech, and finally, the fifth text, although it is also artistic, clearly illustrates the features of colloquial speech. It is not difficult to note that all texts are different in language, composition, syntax, and each of them is appropriate only in a certain situation.

Formal business style serves the sphere of written official business relations. In accordance with their nature, it is customary to distinguish three sub-styles in it: clerical and business, legal, and diplomatic. This style functions in rigid forms of documents of various genres, generalizing typical situations of official business communication. Along with certain language norms, it also has genre norms that regulate the implementation of the document structure.

The nature of the business relationship determines the high level standardization (establishment of uniform norms and requirements) and unification (bringing to uniformity) language means. Often business documents are a certain sequence of language clichés and expressions, where only certain lines are to be filled in, for example, the text of a contract, agreements, statements, and others. The business style is characterized by the clarity of the functions of each message in accordance with the business situation. Features of business texts are related to the requirements for them: accuracy (unambiguity) of wording; consistency, consistency, reasoning, consistency and brevity of presentation.

The official business style is characterized by:

In the field of stylistics - the stylistic uniformity of the text, the tendency to use neutral elements and stamps;

In the field of vocabulary - the rejection of the use of obsolete and expressive units, replacing them with neutral ones, as well as the use of specific lexemes characteristic of this style ( due, subject) and phraseological units;

In the field of morphology - the replacement of verbs by verbal nouns of action, the high frequency of forms of the genitive case of nouns, the tendency to not use personal and demonstrative pronouns, since they are not unambiguous;

In the field of syntax - the complexity of constructions, complex sentences with the meaning of cause, effect, condition, concession, the use of complex prepositions, characteristic of written speech: contrary to the fact that ..., on the basis that ... .

A high level of standardization of speech makes the official business style in the minds of speakers a model of standard speech, therefore this style is the main source of the spread of unjustified use of speech cliches in spoken and written speech.

scientific style- functional style of speech, which aims to describe an object, phenomenon, knowledge system; scientific text, therefore, can be the basis for the creation of another scientific text, stimulate cognitive activity some subject. A scientific text is a description of the result of a scientific study with its inherent features. The rational program of the scientific style of speech, of course, prevails over the evaluative one, this is one of the main reasons for the desire of the author of a scientific text to eliminate himself.

Trying to characterize the scientific style of speech, scientists often proceed from various parameters, such as speech quality, syntactic and morphological characteristics, pragmatic features, technical and stylistic techniques. So, speaking about the quality of speech, various authors pay attention to the following properties of the scientific style: clarity, consistency, conciseness of presentation, accuracy and objectivity, standardity and ugliness. So, M.P. Senkevich characterizes the main, in her opinion, properties of the scientific style in this way: "Completeness, accuracy, objectivity of the statement and a strict logical sequence of presentation, the use of intellectual elements of the language" (Sinkevich M.P. Stylistics of scientific speech and literary editing of scientific works. - M., 1976. - S. 144). From the standpoint of analyzing typical situations of scientific speech communication, these qualities are closely related to its main goal setting - a clear, unambiguous and consistent presentation of semantic content to the reader. The author of a scientific text strives for its adequate perception by the reader, that is, the semantic (primary) and connotative (secondary) types of information after it has been encoded by the author, transmitted in the form of some kind of information. text, decrypted by the addressee must remain unchanged. To achieve this goal in the scientific style, a number of special means and techniques have developed, which are expressed in the following: division of the text - its clear compositional organization; communicative clarity, realized with the help of enhanced accentuation; explicitness, unambiguous expression of logical connections; generalization as a way of focusing attention on the action, and not on the actor, on the object, and not on the subject or its relation to the object; activation of the reader's attention, limitedly realized with the help of the author's subjective assessments expressed by specific means; the uniqueness of the expression, eliminating all possible variant interpretations of the semantic content; emphasized unemotional expression.

On the lexical level, this is the use of terms, abstract vocabulary, the use of polysemantic lexical units in a semantically sufficient environment for correct perception, the absence of emotionally colored and expressive vocabulary;

At the syntactic level, full constructions are preferred, while elliptical ones perform special functions; introductory constructions are widely used both for the implementation of interphrase links and for expressing the author's point of view; the proportion of complex sentences increases, indefinite personal, generalized personal and impersonal sentences, passive constructions are very common;

At the morphological-syntactic level, one can single out the absence of a specific time plan, the special nature of predicates that do not express a specific action, a large number of words in the singular form in the plural meaning, indicating the generalization of the subject, phenomenon; it is possible to form plural forms from lexemes singularia tantum and under.

Journalistic style is a historically developed functional variety of the literary language, serving a wide range of social relations: political, economic, cultural, sports and others. The journalistic style is used in socio-political literature, periodicals (newspapers, magazines), radio and television programs, documentaries, and some types of oratory (for example, in political eloquence).

The use of linguistic means is largely determined by their social and evaluative qualities and capabilities in terms of effective and purposeful impact on the mass audience, this is what determines the evaluative and polemical character of this style. The social appraisal of linguistic means distinguishes the journalistic style from all other styles of the literary language, the invocative nature determines the incentive nature of journalism.

The functional purpose of the words and expressions used by the journalistic style is not the same: among them one can single out neutral and stylistically colored vocabulary and phraseology. One of the properties of a journalistic text is dialogization; the author of a journalistic text addresses the reader or listener with his thoughts, feelings, assessments, therefore, the author’s “I” always appears in his presentation.

In journalism, they are used as standard, clichéd means of language ( to matter, to cause harm, negative consequences), as well as expressive, expressive, emotionally influencing the audience by means of the language; emotionality and expressiveness is created through tropes and stylistic figures. For expressive purposes, not only language proper, but also compositional logical and stylistic forms and techniques are used: catchy headings, the nature of the alternation of the narrative, descriptions and reasoning, introductory episodes, citation, the introduction of different types of someone else's speech. The constant desire for novelty of expression, aimed at attracting an audience, is manifested in the attraction of words and expressions from various layers of the language, the creation of newspaper metaphors. So, modern newspaper journalism is characterized by the combination of high book vocabulary ( accomplishment, aspiration, self-sacrifice, implement, create, fatherland) with colloquial, reduced ( hype, window dressing, buzz, disassembly, wet).

In the journalistic style, socio-political vocabulary is widely used ( society, society, democratization), borrowed vocabulary ( corruption, conversion, monitoring), semantically reinterpreted words ( perestroika, model, periphery), including scientific terms and professionalisms ( clamp, agony, finish). Since journalism reflects the social diversity of modern Russian speech, it is permissible to use elements of other styles in it. The syntax of the journalistic style is characterized by elliptical constructions (with omitted members), nominative sentences, segmented constructions, since the syntax of journalism reflects a tendency towards colloquialism.

In real communication, mixing is often carried out, the imposition of one style on another, especially in oral speech, which is notable for non-strict normalization, which, however, is also functionally conditioned: the oral statement is instantaneous, it cannot be returned to, it cannot be analyzed again, therefore the speaker is forced to formulate his thought more intelligibly, to use all means of influencing the listener, not only verbal, but also intonation, paralinguistic, in some cases - figurative and expressive. Many scientists do not deny the undoubted presence of a two-way connection between functional styles and individual author's styles. In the scientific sphere of communication, as in any other, all functional and stylistic varieties of speech can appear: bookish - official business and actually scientific, colloquial - journalism and actually colloquial. It is quite obvious that the official business style in the scientific field can act only in normative situations; formalized scientific reports, patent texts can be cited as an example; journalistic texts are usually found in non-standardized speech situations (scientific controversy, advertising article, some types of reviews, popular science article).

Along with the concept of functional style, the concept of the functional-style system of the language is singled out, which can combine a number of styles. So, one of the functional and stylistic systems is book speech, which includes journalistic style, scientific style, official business style, the language of fiction, oral public speech, the language of radio, cinema and television.

Sometimes the language of fiction is considered a special functional variety, along with official business, scientific, journalistic styles, but this is not true. The language of science or business documentation and the language of artistic prose and poetry cannot be considered as phenomena of the same order. A literary text does not have a specific lexical set and grammatical tools that usually distinguish one variety from another. The peculiarity of the language of fiction is not that it uses some specific language means that are unique to it. Language of fiction- a functional type of speech, which is an open system and is not limited in the use of any language features. The author of a literary text boldly uses all the resources of the language, and the only measure of the legitimacy of such use is only artistic expediency. Not only those lexical and grammatical features that are typical for business, journalistic and scientific speech, but also the features of non-literary speech - dialectal, colloquial, jargon - can be accepted by a literary text and organically assimilated by it.

On the other hand, the language of fiction is more sensitive to the literary norm, it takes into account a large number of prohibitions (the meaning of the gender of inanimate nouns, subtle semantic and stylistic shades, and much more). For example, in ordinary speech the words horse and horse-synonyms, but in a poetic context they are irreplaceable: Where are you galloping, proud horse, and where will you lower your hooves?; in a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov " A golden cloud spent the night On the chest of a giant cliff…” noun gender cloud and rock contextually significant, serves as the basis not only for the personification, but also for the creation of the artistic image of the poem, and if we replace them with synonyms, for example, cloud and mountain we get a completely different poetic work. The linguistic fabric in a literary text is created according to more stringent laws, which require taking into account the smallest stylistic and expressive properties of a word, its associative links, the ability to divide into constituent morphemes, and have an internal form.

A work of art may include such words and grammatical forms that are outside the literary language and are rejected in non-artistic speech. So, a number of writers (N. Leskov, M. Sholokhov, A. Platonov and others) widely use dialectisms in their works, as well as rather rude turns of speech characteristic of colloquial speech. However, replacing these words with literary equivalents would deprive their texts of the power and expressiveness that these texts breathe.

Artistic speech allows any deviations from the norms of the literary language, if these deviations are aesthetically justified. There are infinitely many artistic motives that allow the introduction of non-literary language material into a literary text: these are the recreation of the atmosphere, the creation of the necessary color, the “reduction” of the narrative object, irony, the means of designating the image of the author, and many others. Any deviations from the norm in a literary text occur against the background of the norm, require the reader to have a certain “sense of the norm”, thanks to which he can assess how artistically significant and expressive the deviation from the norm is in a particular context. The “openness” of a literary text brings up not disregard for the norm, but the ability to appreciate it; without a keen sense of general literary norms, there is no full-fledged perception of expressive, intense, figurative texts.

The "mixing" of styles in fiction is due to the author's intention and content of the work, that is, stylistically marked. Elements of other styles in a work of art are used in an aesthetic function.

M.N. Kozhina notes: “The removal of artistic speech beyond the limits of functional styles impoverishes our understanding of the functions of the language. If we take artistic speech out of the number of functional styles, but consider that the literary language acts in a variety of functions - and this cannot be denied - then it turns out that the aesthetic function is not one of the functions of language. The use of language in the aesthetic sphere is one of the highest achievements of the literary language, and because of this, neither the literary language ceases to be such, getting into a work of art, nor the language of fiction ceases to be a manifestation of the literary language ”(Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. M., 1993. - S. 79-80).

The language of fiction, despite the stylistic heterogeneity, despite the fact that the author's individuality is clearly manifested in it, still differs in a number of specific features that make it possible to distinguish artistic speech from any other style.

The features of the language of fiction as a whole are determined by several factors. It is characterized by broad metaphor, figurativeness of language units of almost all levels, the use of synonyms of all types, ambiguity, different stylistic layers of vocabulary. Artistic speech has its own laws of perception of the word, the meaning of which is largely determined by the author’s goal setting, genre and compositional features of the work of art, of which this word is an element: firstly, in the context of this work, it can acquire artistic ambiguity that is not fixed in dictionaries; secondly, it retains its connection with the ideological and aesthetic system of this work and is evaluated by us as beautiful or ugly, sublime or base, tragic or comic.

Research M.M. Bakhtin (Bakhtin M.M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. - M., 1986) showed that a work of art is inherently dialogic: it contains the voices of the author and characters, which are unusually difficult to correlate with each other. Therefore, it becomes fundamentally important to consider how the speech of the characters is depicted and how the interaction with the speech of the narrator takes place. The stylistic use of elements of colloquial, official business and scientific styles in the text is directly dependent on the opposition of the characters' speech to the author's. Thus, a special language structure is created, sometimes including entire fragments of various functional styles. In the structure of a work of art, the author's speech is usually distinguished, direct, non-authorial and non-self-direct.

In direct speech, the conversational style is most actively manifested. The author's speech, reflecting the reality external to the author, is built with a predominance of book and written elements. In non-proprietary-author's and non-properly-direct speech, the actual author's speech and the speech of the characters are combined in various proportions.

In other functional styles, the aesthetic function does not have such a large share, does not develop the qualitative originality that is typical for it in the system of a work of art. The communicative function of the style of fiction is manifested in the fact that information about the artistic world of the work merges with information about the world of reality. The aesthetic function closely interacts with the communicative one, and this interaction leads to the fact that in the language of a work of art the word not only conveys some content, meaning, but also emotionally affects the reader, causing him certain thoughts, ideas, it makes the reader an empathy and to some extent an accomplice of the events described.

The dynamics inherent in artistic speech, in contrast to the statics of scientific and official business speech, is manifested in the high frequency of the use of verbs. It is known that their frequency is almost two times higher than in scientific, and three times higher than in official business texts.

The breadth of coverage of the means of the national language by artistic speech is so great that it allows us to assert that all existing language means can potentially be included in artistic speech.

Colloquial variety, or colloquial style, serves the sphere of easy communication of people in everyday life, in the family, as well as the sphere of informal relations at work, in institutions, etc.

The main form of implementation of the colloquial style is oral speech, although it can also be manifested in writing (informal letters, notes, diaries, replicas of characters in plays). Oral and colloquial speech should not be identified, since part of oral speech can be attributed to various book styles: scientific discussion, public lecture, business negotiations, etc.

The main extralinguistic features that determine the formation of a conversational style are: ease , which is possible only with informal relations between speakers and in the absence of an attitude towards a message that has an official character, immediacy and unpreparedness communication. Both the sender of speech and its recipient are directly involved in the conversation, often changing roles, the relationship between them is established in the act of speech itself. Such speech cannot be preliminarily considered, the direct participation of the speaker and the listener determines its predominantly dialogic character, although a monologue is also possible.

A conversational monologue is a form of a casual story about some events, about something seen, read or heard, and is addressed to a specific listener with whom the speaker must establish contact.

A characteristic feature of colloquial speech is emotionality, expressiveness, evaluative reaction. An important role in colloquial speech is played by the environment of speech communication, the situation, as well as non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions).

The extralinguistic features of the conversational style are associated with its most common linguistic features, such as standardization, stereotypical use of language means, their incomplete structure at the syntactic, phonetic and morphological levels, discontinuity and inconsistency of speech from a logical point of view, weakening of syntactic links between parts of the statement or their lack of formality. , sentence breaks with various insertions, repetitions of words and sentences, the widespread use of linguistic means with a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring, the activity of language units with a specific meaning and the passivity of units with an abstract generalized meaning.

Conversational speech has its own norms, which in many cases do not coincide with the norms of book speech, fixed in dictionaries, reference books, grammars (codified). The norms of colloquial speech, in contrast to the book ones, are established by usage (custom) and are not consciously supported by anyone. However, native speakers feel them and any unmotivated deviation from them is perceived as a mistake. This allowed the researchers to assert that modern colloquial speech is normalized, although the norms in it are rather peculiar. In colloquial speech, to express similar content in typical situations, ready-made constructions, stable turns, various kinds of speech clichés are created (formulas of greeting, farewell, appeal, apology, gratitude, etc.). These ready-made standardized speech means are automatically reproduced and contribute to the strengthening of the normative nature of colloquial speech, which is the hallmark of its norm. However, the spontaneity of verbal communication, the lack of preliminary reflection, the use of non-verbal means of communication and the specificity of the speech situation lead to a weakening of the norms.

Thus, in a colloquial style, stable speech standards coexist, reproduced in typical and repetitive situations, and general literary speech phenomena that can be subject to various mixtures. These two circumstances determine the specifics of the norms of conversational style: due to the use of standard speech means and techniques, the norms of conversational style, on the one hand, are characterized by a higher degree of obligation compared to the norms of other styles, where synonymy is not excluded, free maneuvering with a set of acceptable speech means. . On the other hand, general literary speech phenomena characteristic of the colloquial style can be subjected to various displacements to a greater extent than in other styles.

In colloquial style, in comparison with scientific and official-business, the share of neutral vocabulary is much higher. A number of stylistically neutral words are used in figurative meanings specific to this particular style, for example, cut off- "answer sharply" fly- “move quickly”, “break, deteriorate” ( the engine flew, flies at full speed); household vocabulary is widely used. The use of words with a specific meaning is common in colloquial speech, the use of terms and foreign words that have not yet become common is uncharacteristic. A characteristic feature of the colloquial variety is the richness of emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology; a special kind of colloquial phraseology is made up of standard expressions, the usual formulas of speech etiquette: How are you?, I'm sorry! and under.

The use of non-literary vocabulary (slang, vulgarism, rude and abusive words and expressions) is not a normative phenomenon of colloquial style, but rather the same violation of its norms as the abuse of book vocabulary, which gives speech an artificial, strained character.

Expressiveness and evaluativeness are also manifested in the field of word formation. So, in colloquial speech, certain word-building models with subjective evaluation suffixes, prefixes are very productive: little hand, house, furious, bouncer, imagined, running around, kind, whispering, fashionable, pushing, throwing away and under.

In the field of morphology, one can note grammatical forms that function predominantly in a colloquial style, for example, the -a forms in the nominative plural ( bunker, searchlight, inspector), forms in –y in the genitive and prepositional singular ( a glass of tea, a bunch of grapes, in the workshop, on vacation), null-terminated forms in the genitive plural ( five grams, a kilogram of tomato).

One of the characteristic features of the colloquial style is the widespread use of pronouns, not only replacing nouns and adjectives, but also used without relying on the context. In colloquial style, verbs predominate over nouns, personal forms of the verb are especially active in the text, participles are used extremely rarely, the only exception is the short form of passive participles of the past tense.

The immediacy and unpreparedness of the utterance, the situation of verbal communication and other characteristic features of the colloquial style especially affect its syntactic structure. At the syntactic level, more actively than at other levels of the language system, the incomplete structure of the expression of meaning by language means is manifested. The incompleteness of structures, ellipticity is one of the means of speech economy and one of the most striking differences between colloquial speech and other varieties of the literary language. Since the conversational style is usually implemented in conditions of direct communication, everything that is given by the situation or follows from what was known to the interlocutors even earlier is omitted in speech. A.M. Peshkovsky, describing colloquial speech, wrote: “We always do not finish our thoughts, omitting from speech everything that is given by the situation or the previous experience of the speakers. So, at the table we ask: “Do you have coffee or tea?”; when we meet a friend, we ask: “Where are you going?”; when we hear the annoying music, we say: “Again!”; offering water, we say: “Boiled, don’t worry!”, seeing that the pen of the interlocutor does not write, we say: “And you with a pencil!” etc." (Peshkovsky A.M. Objective and normative point of view on the language / / Peshkovsky A.M. Selected works. - M., 1959. - P. 58).

In colloquial syntax, simple sentences predominate, and they often lack a verb-predicate, which makes the statement dynamic. In some cases, statements are understandable outside the situation and context, which indicates their linguistic consistency ( I'm going to the shop; I would like something hot; In the evening at home.); in others, the missing verb is suggested by the situation.

Of the complex sentences in this style, compound and non-union sentences are the most active; they often have a pronounced colloquial coloring and are not used in book speech ( Thank you friend - did not disappoint; so many people - nothing to see). Emotionality and expressiveness of colloquial speech due to the widespread use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences. Intonation, closely related to the tempo of speech, melody, voice timbre, pauses, logical stresses, in a colloquial style carries a huge semantic load, giving speech, naturalness, emotionality, liveliness and expressiveness. It makes up for what is left unsaid, enhances expressiveness. The order of words in colloquial speech, not being the main means of expressing semantic shades, has a high variability: often the most important element in the semantic sense is put forward in the first place.

The modern Russian literary language is what in science is commonly called a system of its varieties, or styles. The emergence of such styles is explained by the fact that different kinds social activities of people make different demands on the language. Let us suppose that science as such is in great need of words and sentences capable of accurately expressing strictly defined concepts and judgments necessary in different areas knowledge about the world and man. And fiction requires from the language a large number of words and statements that allow the writer to most vividly, figuratively describe the nature, work and life of people, human feelings, passions, experiences and thoughts; the prose writer and poet “paint with words”, and in order to draw, not only skill is necessary, but also a wide choice of colors; It is precisely such “colorful” words and statements that fiction needs more than, for example, science or politics. So what does the term "language styles" mean?

Language style- this is its variety, which serves any side of public life:

1) everyday communication;

2) official business relationship;

3) propaganda and mass activities;

5) verbal and artistic creativity.

The language style is characterized by the following features:

1) the purpose of communication;

2) a set of language means and forms (genres).

Functional style of speech- the style of the literary language is called functional, as it performs a certain function in speech.

Conversational style used in everyday speech, in conversation, in a relaxed atmosphere. In conversational style, non-verbal communication plays an important role: facial expressions, gestures. It takes the form of a dialogue.

In book speech are used:

1) scientific style;

2) journalistic style;

3) business style;

4) artistic style.

scientific style used for messages, explanations of scientific results. The forms of this style are dialogue, monologue, report, scientific debate. A feature is the use of terms, special phraseology, complex syntactic constructions.

Formal business style used in the correspondence of citizens with institutions, institutions with each other, etc.

His goal- provide accurate information of practical importance, give precise recommendations, instructions.

Genres of formal business style:

5) order;

6) power of attorney;

7) receipt;

9) protocol;

10) instruction;

11) application;

Journalistic style used in the socio-political sphere of life. His goal- communicate information, influence listeners and readers.

1) publicistic article;

Art style used in verbal and artistic creativity. His goal- draw living picture, depict an object or events, convey the author's emotions to the reader, influence the feelings and thoughts of the listener and reader with the help of created images.

It is necessary and important to note that there is a certain close cohesion in the use of one or another style and situation of communication, type of thinking (logical-conceptual, cognitive-evaluating, informational, emotional), content of speech and purpose (message of information, impact, etc.) , which does not allow free choice of style. And the discrepancy between the style of the situation, the type of thinking, the content of speech and its purpose is therefore used in parodies.