Year of birth of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. Alexander Maslyakov (KVN) - biography, photo, personal life of the TV presenter

The life and family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr.

The life of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. and KVN cannot be separated from each other - he grew up, achieved success and became famous thanks to the "Club of Cheerful and Resourceful". In the following material, we will talk about the main milestones in the biography of the artist and presenter, his family and wife.

Biography of a famous TV presenter

Alexander Alexandrovich, originally from the capital of the Russian Federation, was born on 04/28/1980. Both of his parents worked in the field of Soviet television. Father - the permanent host of the KVN program Alexander Maslyakov Sr. Mother - Svetlana was engaged in television directing, helped in filming and broadcasting KVN.

It was a creative family united by one thing. The father devoted his son to all the subtleties of the show, Maslyakov Jr. from childhood appeared at the rehearsals of the teams, saw and remembered what was being done. Naturally, the atmosphere of laughter and friendliness attracted the boy. And life in such a mood influenced the choice of the future. Of course, not immediately: at first he wanted to work in the traffic police, having matured a little, he wished to go into politics.

After receiving a school certificate, Alexander tried to find his own way: he entered MGIMO, studied at the Faculty of International Relations.

In 1999, he managed to be a host on the Planet KVN project - then the general public met Maslyakov Jr. The public immediately considered the son of the eminent TV presenter to be the future successor.

Gradually, the young man realized that he was really attracted to the life of KVN. He successfully graduated from the university in 2002, and a year later became the head of the Premier League "Club of Cheerful and Resourceful". Participating in this project, Alexander not only gained a lot of experience, but also contributed to the emergence of a new generation of comedians. Under his leadership, bright stars of humor appeared on the stage, known throughout the country and beyond.

In parallel with this, a man in 2006 became a candidate of economic sciences, having defended his dissertation at the State University of Management.

With the participation of Alexander and his father, new projects were launched: “The First League of KVN”, “Outside the Game”, etc. Maslyakov Jr. was the host in all these shows. From time to time, he appeared at regional games.

Alexander Maslyakov with his wife

Sometimes KVN participants joke about him, calling him Alexander II, although the man himself does not like being compared to his father. He also prefers not to talk about the time when he will be forced to completely replace Maslyakov Sr. in his work.

In 2013, a man tried himself as a member of KVN in 2013, when he surprised everyone by appearing on stage. It was the STEM contest, where Alexander was a guest star. An interesting performance only increased his reputation among colleagues and love - in the eyes of the public. KVN-schiki call Maslyakov Jr. omnipresent for his mobility and ability to appear in competitions in different guises.

Now he continues to work in the "Club of Merry and Resourceful", continuing family tradition. Friends believe that soon he will completely replace his father in work, giving him the opportunity to relax and enjoy the spectacle from the stands.

Who is the wife of Maslyakov Jr.?

Maslyakov Jr. is a happy father

MGIMO, even though it did not lead Alexander to work in politics, helped him find his love and future wife. Angelina Marmeladova, a diligent student, helped him prepare for the exams. After some time, a spark of feeling slipped between them, and an affair began.

The relationship lasted about 5 years, young people found in each other what they had been looking for for a long time: the ability to be themselves, to feel free in each other's presence. Although, according to the statements of Alexander and Angelina, they are completely different people, and these differences strengthen the marriage even more. A truly complementary pair formed.

Now, when they have been together for a long time, the spouses continue to be spiritually close, do business and achieve success. Wife Angelina is a successful writer, author of 3 novels.

In 2006, there was a replenishment - a daughter, Taisiya, was born. Now she is growing up and already showing Creative skills, doing in theater studio Moscow.

Alexander Maslyakov, Jr., although he tried to find himself in something of his own, realized that the connection with the family and the common cause gives much more. He was able to realize himself, find recognition in work, love in the family and happiness in life. We wish him the continuation of this harmony and new achievements in life.

Name: Alexander Maslyakov
Birthday: November 24, 1941 (aged 75)
Place of Birth: Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg)
The weight: 86 kg
Growth: 170 cm
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Eastern horoscope: Snake
Activity: TV presenter KVN

Biography of Alexander Maslyakov

The father of the future celebrity, Vasily Maslyakov, was from the Novgorod region and connected his life with aviation. He worked as a military pilot, navigator and, of course, fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. And after that he served in the General Staff of the Air Force. Alexander's mother Zinaida Maslyakova devoted herself to the family and raising her son.

In 1966 future TV presenter graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, and two years later received a diploma at the Higher Courses for Television Workers.
Immediately after the university, Alexander Maslyakov went to work in his specialty - an engineer. However, after he completed additional courses for television workers, he went to work in the main editorial office of youth programs. There, from 1969 to 1976, he was listed as a senior editor, after that, until 1980, there was an entry in the work book - a special correspondent. The next year, Alexander Vasilyevich is already working as a commentator. After that, Maslyakov concentrated precisely on commentary activities and until 1995 he worked in the Experiment television studio, and then in the studio of artistic, journalistic and mass programs of the Experiment TO.
It is worth noting that Maslyakov was the first host of the TV show “What? Where? When?". True, in 1975 he took only the first two issues. After that, the creator of the program, Vladimir Voroshilov, understood in which direction the program should be developed, and so a voice-over appeared. The need for a TV presenter disappeared by itself.

Cheerful and charming

In 1990, Alexander Maslyakov created a television creative association AMiK was the general director there until 1998, and then he became the president of the association.
Alexander Maslyakov performs in the most popular TV show on Channel One "Minute of Glory" as chairman of the jury.
Alexander Maslyakov appeared on television in 1964, at which time he was still a student. During his studies, he liked to amateur art, and was also an active fan of the Institute's KVN team.
As Maslyakov himself recalls, he became a TV presenter by accident. One day, one of the students, Pasha Kantor, approached him and asked him to join the team. He explained that the youth editorial office of the central television was planning to shoot a funny program. Five students of the institute, which won the last game of KVN, should become its leader. So Maslyakov first got on television, and so aptly that he has been working there for more than 40 years.
After the first shooting of the program, the youth editors invited the student Maslyakov to lead the games of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Until the moment when the show "Cheerful and resourceful" was not taken off the air, Alexander Vasilyevich was the permanent host. And this is before 1972. This was followed by the programs “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls, as well as“ Addresses of the Young ”and“ Turn.
Alexander Maslyakov has reported from various world festivals of students and youth, for example, from Sofia, Havana, Berlin, Pyongyang and, of course, Moscow. For several years in a row, only he led the international song festival in Sochi, and under his leadership the programs "Alexander Show", "Song of the Year" and others were held.

Already as president of the International Union of KVN, Alexander Maslyakov became the leader of a mass informal movement. Tens of thousands of Russians are involved there, as well as residents of the CIS countries and far abroad. Under his leadership, a huge number of "kaveen" tournaments were also created. Most of them already have an international status, and are broadcast by leading TV channels, while constantly showing good ratings.

With my beloved wife

For his work on television, Alexander Maslyakov received more than one award. So, in 1994 he became an Honored Art Worker Russian Federation, in the same year - the laureate of the Ovation Prize, and in 2002 he became the laureate of the Academy of Russian Television TEFI. He was awarded this honor "For his personal contribution to the development of domestic television." Among other things, the TV presenter is an Academician of the Academy of Russian Television.
In the year of the 45th anniversary of KVN and the 65th anniversary of the host, in 2006, Maslyakov was awarded a lot of awards, including the Russian Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", the Ukrainian Order "For Merit" and the Chechen medal "For Merit to the Chechen people".
Prison term
In 1974, Alexander Maslyakov ended up in the Rybinsk colony UN 83/2. He received a term for illegal currency transactions. However, the term was short, and the TV presenter was released a few months ahead of schedule.
The conclusion coincided with the closure of the KVN program. At first, Alexander hosted a program with co-host Svetlana Zhiltsova. One of the versions of the termination of KVN broadcasts was a ban on appearing on the air with a mustache and beard. However, Maslyakov never observed either of these. As the TV presenter himself explains, they closed the program without explaining anything. Perhaps student jokes interfered with someone. Initially, KVN was conceived as an entertainment program, but when a student opens his mouth, you can expect anything from him. And not only jokes about college life, but also political remarks.

Maslyakov Alexander on video

However, most Russians sincerely believed that KVN was closed because Alexander Maslyakov was sent to prison. The TV presenter recalls that after the program was gone, the taxi driver who drove him to Ostankino asked worriedly, “What, is Shurik really sitting?” Maslyakov was puzzled by such a question, he only muttered something inarticulate in response.
One way or another, after 14 years, Alexander Maslyakov returned to the post of the leading Club of the cheerful and resourceful. His co-host Svetlana Zhiltsova refused to return to the air. Since then, Maslyakov has been leading the program alone.
It is worth noting that KVN fans believed that Svetlana Zhiltsova was the husband of Alexander Maslyakov in the life. Allegedly, the humorous program is a kind of family. However, the TV presenter denies the fact of an affair with a colleague.
By the way, Maslyakov himself says that he did not break the law. And if he had “blundered” badly and had really been imprisoned, then he would not have been allowed back on television at all. In the Soviet Union, this simply could not happen.
Personal life of Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich
Alexander Maslyakov is connected by family ties with Svetlana Maslyakova. After school, in 1966, the woman went to work on television as an assistant director of the Club of cheerful and resourceful. In 1971, Svetlana married Alexander Maslyakov. For many years she has been the director of KVN and the wife of the president of the club.

family tea party

In 1980, an heir was born in the Maslyakov family - Alexander Maslyakov - Jr. He followed in the footsteps of his parents and, after graduating from the Moscow state institution international relations, hosts the Planet KVN and Premier League programs.
Interesting Facts
In honor of the permanent host of KVN, the asteroid "5245 Maslyakov" was named. It was opened by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

Personal life

Alexander Vasilyevich does not drink alcoholic beverages at all. At least he stated this during one of the KVN games in 2010.
In the book "The Beatles of Perestroika" it is written that Maslyakov once hosted the "Vzglyad" program.

On November 24, 1941, in the family of a housewife and a military pilot, a man was born with whose name the very concept of humor in Russia will be associated in the future. It's about about Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

He grew up as a very artistic and very capable boy. Alexander received his first diploma in 1966. after graduating from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, and two years later he already received a diploma at the Higher Courses for Television Workers.

Alexander Maslyakov senior illness, biography: the beginning of a career

After completing the courses, Maslyakov began working in the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth. From 1969 to 1976 he served as senior editor, and in 1980 he became a special correspondent. After 1980, Alexander completely concentrated his attention on commentary activities on TV. studio called "Experiment".

It was Maslyakov who became the first host of the famous TV show “What? Where? When?" in 1975. However, the creator of the program, Vladimir Voroshilov, decided to change the format a bit. As a result, the presenter disappeared from the screen, and a voice-over appeared instead. This program did not become a debut for Maslyakov.

For the first time, the future TV presenter appeared on television while still a student. Like most of his peers, Alexander was fond of amateur performances and actively cheered for his team at the Institute's KVN competitions.

Alexander Maslyakov senior illness, biography: first steps in KVNand commentary activities

According to Alexander Vasilyevich himself, he became the leader quite by accident. One day, a classmate approached him and offered to take a place in the team. At that time, the editors of the central television planned to release an interesting and fun program for young people. We were looking for a cheerful and witty student for the role of the leader. The choice fell on Maslyakov, and so it stopped for more than half a century. Even when the program was taken off the air in 1972, Maslyakov was not forgotten.

At that time, it was customary for the host to be on stage not alone, but in tandem with the co-host. Well-chosen duets became very popular. Maslyakov also did not broadcast alone. Svetlana Zhiltsova, an experienced TV presenter, was assigned to him as a partner. Together they looked very good on stage and complemented each other advantageously. Therefore, when KVN was closed, the duet of the hosts still remained in great demand. And no matter what program they started to broadcast, it immediately became popular: “Come on, girls!”, “Come on, guys!”, “Hello! We are looking for talent! and others. Over the years, Maslyakov has been reporting from various world festivals of students and youth, for example, from Sofia, Havana, Berlin, Pyongyang and, of course, Moscow. And the famous song festival in Sochi has long been associated only with this presenter. Additionally, Alexander Vasilievich also hosted such programs as: “Alexander Show”, “Song of the Year”, etc.

Alexander Maslyakov senior illness, biography: the birth of a new empire

And after 14 years, KVN again decided to return and the famous duet was immediately offered to host an updated program. But Zharkova refused - during this time she had completely different plans in her life. So Maslyakov remained alone on the stage.

In 1990, Alexander Vasilyevich created TVO "AMik" and served as CEO until 1998 until he became president of the company. Maslyakov did not create KVN, but he turned it into that empire, which today, with constant success, wins the hearts of young people, and makes the "old people" feel young again. After all, as the guys themselves joke: “there are no former KVN-shchikov.

Thanks to Maslyakov, KVN has become not only a program for witty youth - it has turned into a real international movement, attracting more and more new participants. Once in KVN, many go further along this path, create their own clubs, become real professionals.

Alexander Maslyakov senior illness, biography: personal life of the permanent host

Last year, KVN celebrated its 55th anniversary - respectable age for youth broadcast. During his work, Maslyakov received many awards and titles: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Ovation Prize, laureate of the Tefi Prize, Academician of the Academy of Russian Television.

Among the awards it should be noted: the order "for services to the Fatherland" and the medal "for services to the Chechen people." But Alexander Vasilievich is not alone in coping with his empire - the whole family helps him. With his future wife Svetlana, Alexander met on the set of KVN. The young and energetic assistant director immediately attracted his attention.

Svetlana could not resist the onslaught of charisma and in 1971 they signed. And in 1980, a baby appeared in the family, who was also named Alexander. Time passed and Alexander Jr. became " right hand» father in the management of the company. He is also the host of the KVN Premier League.

Recently, the media have been stubbornly massaging rumors about the poor health of the "permanent" presenter, and now and then there are articles that Alexander Vasilyevich has died. According to the host's wife Svetlana, all this is nothing more than a fiction of the yellow press in order to attract attention and increase ratings. Yes, Alexander is not young, but he always takes care of his health: he eats right and does not drink alcohol, so in this regard, he is all right.

In contact with

The name of Alexander Maslyakov, the permanent host of KVN, is familiar to all Russian viewers. But there is one fact in the biography of Alexander Vasilyevich, which he himself stubbornly denies. However, there are persistent rumors that Maslyakov had to serve a prison sentence for currency fraud.

From engineers to TV presenters
Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941. His father Vasily Maslyakov was a military pilot by profession. After graduating from school, Sasha entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT), and after graduating in 1966 he began to work in his specialty.
But then he realized that it was more interesting for him to engage in television journalism and entered the Higher Courses for Television Workers.
After receiving a diploma from 1969 to 1976, he worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Board of Programs for Youth, then as a special correspondent.

Since 1981 he worked as a commentator in the television studio "Experiment". On television, he appeared quite by accident. Back in 1964, in his fourth year, the captain of the KVN institute team Pavel Kantor asked Maslyakov to become one of the five hosts of a humorous program, which was supposed to be filmed by the team that won the last game. The winner at that time was the MIIT team.

History of KVN
The TV show "Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful" was born in 1961. The name KVN could be deciphered in two ways: in those years, the TV brand KVN-49 was produced. The first host of the program was Albert Axelrod. Three years later he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov, who led the program in tandem with the then experienced announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova. For the first seven years, the program was broadcast live. However, since the jokes of the team players sometimes criticized the Soviet reality, they began to transfer it to the records, removing the "objectionable" passages. KVN was subjected to strict censorship, not only from television, but also from the KGB. So, the state security demanded that the participants not wear a beard, seeing in this ... a mockery of the communist ideologist Karl Marx!

"Currency" article
At the end of 1971, the program was closed. This closure has given rise to many rumors. In particular, they said that Maslyakov ended up in prison. The article is “illegal transactions with currency”. It is interesting that very often representatives of bohemians and show business sat under this article, since they had access to foreign banknotes or had relevant connections. They say that Maslyakov allegedly served his term in the Rybinsk colony YuN 83/2. There was no official information about this anywhere. Although, when the host of KVN allegedly arrived in the colony, rumors about this immediately spread throughout the city. They also say that in the colony Maslyakov behaved quietly and was in good standing with his superiors. He was released early after a few months in prison. Allegedly, they tried to hush up the case and not draw attention to it, so as not to discredit Soviet television.

Does the TV idol have a secret?
According to one version, Maslyakov ended up in prison not in 1971, but in 1974. Returning to television, he hosted the program “What? Where? When? ”,“ Hello, we are looking for talents ”,“ Come on, girls ”,“ Addresses of the young ”,“ Sprint for everyone ”,“ Bend ”,“ Funny guys ”,“ 12th floor ”, reports from World festivals youth and students, international festivals songs in Sochi, the program "Song of the Year", "Alexander Show" and many others.

In 1986, with the beginning of perestroika, KVN was resumed. Moreover, with Alexander Maslyakov, who now led it in the singular! 4 In 1990, Maslyakov founded the creative association Alexander Maslyakov and Company (AmiK), which has since been the official organizer of KVN games and related programs. For his work on television, Alexander Maslyakov received many titles and awards. So, in 1994 he became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and a laureate of the Ovation Prize, in 2002 - a laureate of the Russian Television Academy TEFI. And in 2006 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, was even named after him. When, during an interview, Alexander Vasilyevich is asked the question - was he really on trial, Maslyakov answers in the negative. He claims that with a criminal record, he would not have been allowed to work on television - at least in the Soviet era. Which is really true.

The permanent host of KVN, is familiar to all Russian viewers. But there is one fact in the biography of Alexander Vasilyevich, which he himself stubbornly denies. However, there are persistent rumors that Maslyakov had to serve a prison sentence for currency fraud.

From engineers to TV presenters

Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941. His father Vasily Maslyakov was a military pilot by profession. After graduating from school, Sasha entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT), and after graduating in 1966 he began to work in his specialty. But then he realized that it was more interesting for him to engage in television journalism and entered the Higher Courses for Television Workers. After receiving a diploma from 1969 to 1976, he worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Board of Programs for Youth, then as a special correspondent. [S-BLOCK]

Since 1981 he worked as a commentator in the television studio "Experiment". On television, he appeared quite by accident. Back in 1964, in his fourth year, the captain of the KVN institute team Pavel Kantor asked Maslyakov to become one of the five hosts of a humorous program, which was supposed to be filmed by the team that won the last game. The winner at that time was the MIIT team.

The history of KVN TV show "Club of Cheerful and Resourceful" was born in 1961. The name KVN could be deciphered in two ways: in those years, the TV brand KVN-49 was produced. The first host of the transmission was Albert Axelrod. Three years later he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov, who co-hosted the program with the then experienced announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova. For the first seven years, the program was broadcast live. However, since the jokes of the team players sometimes criticized the Soviet reality, they began to transfer it to the records, removing the "objectionable" passages. KVN was subjected to strict censorship, not only from television, but also from the KGB. So, the state security demanded that the participants not wear beards, seeing in this ... a mockery of the communist ideologist Karl Marx!

"Currency" article

At the end of 1971, the program was closed. This closure has given rise to many rumors. In particular, they said that Maslyakov ended up in prison. Article - "illegal transactions with currency". It is interesting that very often representatives of bohemians and show business sat under this article, since they had access to foreign banknotes or had relevant connections. They say that Maslyakov allegedly served his term in the Rybinsk colony YuN 83/2. There was no official information about this anywhere. Although, when the host of KVN allegedly arrived in the colony, rumors about this immediately spread throughout the city. They also say that in the colony Maslyakov behaved quietly and was in good standing with his superiors. He was released early after a few months in prison. Allegedly, they tried to hush up the case and not draw attention to it, so as not to discredit Soviet television.

Does the TV idol have a secret?

According to one version, Maslyakov ended up in prison not in 1971, but in 1974. Returning to television, he hosted the program “What? Where? When?”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Sprint for everyone”, “Turn”, “Funny guys”, “12th floor”, reports from World festivals youth and students, international song festivals in Sochi, the program "Song of the Year", "Alexander Show" and many others. In 1986, with the beginning of perestroika, KVN was resumed. Moreover, with Alexander Maslyakov, who now led it in the singular! 4 In 1990, Maslyakov founded the creative association Alexander Maslyakov and Company (AmiK), which has since been the official organizer of KVN games and related programs. For his work on television, Alexander Maslyakov received many titles and awards. So, in 1994 he became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and a laureate of the Ovation Prize, in 2002 - a laureate of the Russian Television Academy TEFI. And in 2006 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, was even named after him. When, during an interview, Alexander Vasilyevich is asked the question - was he really on trial, Maslyakov answers in the negative. He claims that with a criminal record, he would not have been allowed to work on television - at least in the Soviet era. Which is really true.