Honor true and false conclusion. Electronic textbooks in Russian

Letters about the good and beautiful Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich


Letter ten


I don't like definitions and am often not ready for them. But I can point out some differences between conscience and honor.

There is one essential difference between conscience and honor. Conscience always comes from the depths of the soul, and by conscience they are cleansed to one degree or another. Conscience "gnaws". Conscience is not false. It is muffled or too exaggerated (extremely rare). But notions of honor are quite false, and these misconceptions cause enormous harm to society. I mean what is called the "honor of the uniform." We have lost such a phenomenon, unusual for our society, as the concept of noble honor, but the "honor of the uniform" remains a heavy burden. It was as if a man had died, and only the uniform remained, from which the orders were removed. And within which a conscientious heart no longer beats.

The “honor of the uniform” forces the leaders to defend false or vicious projects, to insist on the continuation of obviously unsuccessful construction projects, to fight with the societies protecting monuments (“our construction is more important”), etc. There are many examples of such upholding of the “honor of the uniform”.

True honor is always in accordance with conscience. False honor is a mirage in the desert, in the moral desert of the human (or rather, “bureaucratic”) soul.

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Honour. What it is? What meaning do we put in this word? It is not easy to answer these questions. I think honor is a feeling dignity, the ability to live life in good conscience, not to stain yourself dishonorable deeds, to overcome such feelings as envy, hatred, greed, so that at the end of life, summing up, I could say that I lived my life honestly. To understand what true and false honor is, let's turn to examples from fiction.

Recall Pushkin's novel The Captain's Daughter. The protagonist of the work, Pyotr Grinev, lives according to the laws of honor, knows how to stand up for the honor of other people. Here he challenges Shvabrin to a duel, who insulted Masha Mironova, captain's daughter. Grinev not only loves Masha, but also respects the person in her, sees that she is a modest, worthy girl, and is ready to protect her from people who encroach on her honor. Even when Grinev was arrested as an accomplice of Pugachev, he does not tell anyone about the reasons why he went from Orenburg without the permission of his commanders to Belogorsk fortress, occupied by the Pugachevites, because they do not want the name of the captain's daughter to sound in court.

Even in the face of death, Grinev did not disgrace his human and military honor. When the fortress was captured by Pugachev, the young officer did not swear allegiance to the impostor and, if it were not for Savelich, he would have been hanged.

"Take care of honor from a young age" - such is the epigraph to Pushkin's novel. And the protagonist fulfills this commandment throughout all the events described in the work. And the reader is sure that Grinev will live his future life with dignity. This is what true honor is.

In order to understand what false honor is, let us turn again to Pushkin, to his novel "Eugene Onegin". Let's mentally turn over the pages that tell about the duel between Onegin and Lensky. Lensky is offended by the behavior of Onegin, who, on Tatyana's name day, pays attention to the bride of the young poet Olga, dances with her, whispers something to her. A frivolous girl forgets about her fiancé. Onegin and Lensky are friends. Onegin is older, smarter, more experienced. He understands the insignificance of their quarrel, but does not refuse a duel. It seems to me that this is a false honor. Onegin is afraid for his reputation, especially since the old duelist Zaretsky, who himself can hardly be called a man of honor, intervened in the matter. Now rumors about the refusal of the duel or reconciliation with Lensky will spread throughout the district. Onegin will be considered a coward, in society they will talk about him as a man who did not defend his honor. And poor Lensky was killed by a friend in a duel. False honor played its part. Onegin could not resist her, although he loved Lensky in his own way and understood the insignificance of their quarrel.

Makes you think a lot fiction. Including how to live life without confusing the concepts of true and false honor.

Lesson Objectives:

  • to acquaint students with the facts of the biography of the literary scientist, public figure D.S. Likhachev and his book “Letters about the good and the beautiful”;
  • compare the life views of an outstanding scientist of our time with his own views;
  • get a positive emotional experience from communicating with the legacy of the great publicist;
  • determine their attitude to moral values;
  • evaluate the ecology of one's own soul;
  • get the skill of selecting arguments for part C of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language;
  • prepare for writing an essay on the exam in social studies.


I. Introductory speech of the teacher of the Russian language.

The human soul… For some it is the size of a pea, while for others it is all-encompassing, ready to contain the whole world. Compassion, mercy, conscience, and next to it - cruelty, envy, violence, lust for power. And a person, it turns out, is sometimes spiritual, sometimes indifferent, at the same time he is the keeper of nature, but he is also its destroyer. Three special calendar holidays are celebrated annually on our planet:

These days are a reminder of the problems of nature conservation, because it is necessary to protect nature not from some mythical aliens, but from our fellow citizens with a deformed soul. The human soul must be cultivated carefully, attentively and with love. Humanity has no other way if it wants to live like a human being.

Today we will talk about what it means to live like a human being, and the book of Dmitry Sergeyevich Likhachev “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful” will help us in this.

II. History teacher's word.

He introduces students to the personality of D.S. Likhachev.

On screen slides:

  • Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev;
  • Milestones life path;
  • Legacy of Likhachev (cover of the book about "Letters about the good and the beautiful";
  • Recognition (awards);
  • Personality and power.

The teacher comments on each slide and talks about three aspects of Academician Likhachev's confrontation with the authorities: professional conflict, moral conflict, and conflict of class origin.

III. Teacher of Russian language.

But due to his intelligence and decency, Dmitry Sergeevich did not become embittered and continued the work of a philosopher, educator, and publicist. The book “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful” was written by him in 1985.

Remember what is called journalism? What are her tasks?

The student answers: - This is a kind of works dedicated to topical issues and phenomena of current life. The main task of the journalistic style is to influence the reader, the listener, to convince him of something, to suggest certain ideas, views, and encourage certain actions and actions.

- What genres of journalistic style do you know?

On the screen slide with genres: essays, articles, reports, interviews, letters.

– Likhachev's book consists of forty-six letters addressed to the young reader.

– What is a letter?

On the slide screen: Letter - a written text sent to communicate something (from the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov).

We have four working groups. Each has its own letter. Let's think about what Dmitry Sergeevich wanted to tell the reader?

- I, as a teacher preparing you for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, ask you to identify the problem raised by the author in the letter, to give an answer, what is the position of the author. Argue agreement or disagreement by giving examples from literature or history.

– And as a teacher of social studies, I ask you to formulate a rule of morality for each of the letters, which will become your life credo. Write it on the board after the discussion.

IV. Thinking about letters...

So, thoughts aloud about what you read.


1st group: - The tenth letter in Likhachev's book "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" is entitled "True and False Honor", which indicates the problem raised by the author. True honor comes from the depths of the soul, it does not allow a person to calm down, as if it “gnaws” him from the inside. A synonym for such an honor is conscience, which cannot be false, because it is in the subconscious and is completely beyond the control of a person. It is the conscience that leads to the true path. False honor is the “honor of the uniform”, forcing you to say and do what society expects from you, even when it contradicts your own convictions. For example, in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment” Rodion Raskolnikov crosses those moral boundaries that a person, if he wants to remain a person, cannot under any circumstances cross. Rodion did not foresee remorse, he forgot that the one who

shed blood, doomed himself to terrible torment. Having committed a crime, he says: “I did not kill the old woman, but myself!” In a novel. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" ordinary people help the wounded, fight for the freedom of their native land. The same Tikhon Shcherbaty goes to war not for some political motives (because “it’s necessary”), but because he feels an inner need, a necessity. This is, in my opinion, a manifestation of true honor. False honor remains a heavy burden, devastates the soul, while true honor does not allow a person to calm down, it requires him to do deeds worthy of respect. I think people need to remember that conscience is the measure of purity of thoughts and actions.

Members of the group supplement what was said with their arguments and conclusions.

– Youth tends to strive to comprehend these eternal truths in order to find their place in society, to determine their moral position. Turning to classical literature, you analyze the behavior of the characters from the point of view of their life credo, evaluate their actions, attitude towards people and events through the prism of honor and dishonor. In my opinion, the behavior of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky is a worthy example of true honor. This is a knight without fear and reproach, who decided to serve the Motherland without a trace, to be together with the common people to the end (the scene of a mortal wound). It is sad that the destiny of a man of honor is to suffer. He is an advanced warrior, he is a winner, and he is a victim!

- The duel of Lensky and Onegin. What is it: the protection of the true honor or the “honor of the uniform”?

The conversation on the content of letter No. 10 ends with a note on the board of a moral rule formulated by the group on the basis of what was said:

On screen slide with the text of the letter.

Letter twenty-fifth: BY CONSCIENCE

2nd group: - The spiritual need to act according to the dictates of conscience, to do good is the most valuable thing in a person, that is, what makes him live like a human being - this, in my opinion, is the position of the author in the letter “At the command of conscience” . Everyone can cultivate an intuitive manifestation of conscience. You just have to want. Life, indeed, will become easier and more interesting, and the right decisions will come to your mind, preventing you from calming down and turning sour. After all, a person does not think about what and how he does in order to breathe, walk, see. So the paths of good should be without effort and torment.

- A vivid example of the actions of people at the behest of conscience can serve as the exploits of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Nikolai Gastello, a pilot, sent his plane to an enemy column in battle, at the cost of his own life did not allow the enemy to win. Alexander Matrosov died, closing the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his chest, opening the way for his colleagues to the desired height. These people acted intuitively, at the behest of conscience.

– Honor and conscience did not allow the heroes of the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” not to complete the task. Retreat. They knew that they would die, but they believed that they would gain time. And so it happened. All five girls died, and foreman Vaskov suffered because he could not save them. We are grateful to the people who defended the honor of the country, acted according to the dictates of conscience on the battlefields and survived.

– I would like to believe that people with a clear conscience and honor will not disappear and that they will finally be appreciated. They will be equaled, they will be glorified. But honor and conscience are necessary for a person not for glory and honors. In everyday life, it is also important to behave with dignity, that is, to live like a human being. Lines from Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter” come to mind, father’s order to Pyotr Grinev: “Take care of honor from a young age!” Apparently, this is the most important wish for a person.

- And I think that to live according to the dictates of conscience, one must begin with early childhood, therefore, I will cite as an argument the story of Arkady Gaidar “Timur and his team”. After all, it is in childhood that the foundations of moral purity are laid.

The conversation on the content of letter No. 25 ends with a note on the board of a moral rule formulated by the group on the basis of what was said:

Do good without seeing merit in it.

On the screen slide with the text of the letter.


On the screen slide with the text of the letter.

3rd group:

- “... The most important thing in the people is their ideals,” - this is how D.S. Likhachev ends his thirtieth letter. The basis of this text is the author's reasoning about the moral heights of the people and the attitude towards them. The scientist argues that in solving this issue one should rely on the best, great, highly moral. In this letter, the author calls for a benevolent attitude towards any nation, even the smallest one. A people should be judged by the best that it has. Old fairy tales were created by common people, but they already contain the idea that good always triumphs over evil. And what helped the Russian people to survive in severe historical trials: in Patriotic war 1812 and in the Great Patriotic War? In the novel "War and Peace" Leo Tolstoy talks about the role of the individual in history and comes to the conclusion that the success of a business is determined not by the will of one person, but by the spirit, the moral rise of the people, based on patriotism. Defenders of the Fatherland, military and civilian people, performing great and small feats, rose to moral heights: Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Nikolai Rostov, Platon Karataev, Natasha Rostova ... This text made me think that I am also a part of a large and great people . In order for my plane not to crash, I must strive for moral heights, I must be worthy of my people.

- Each person must make a choice between morality and immorality, between external well-being with internal squalor and wealth of nature with a modest existence. It can be assumed that in the life of every person there will come a period when he has to solve the problem of choice: how to live on. I think the life of Matryona from Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryonin Dvor" is a good confirmation of this. Everything for the people and nothing for themselves.

- Ideal - the idea of ​​perfection, the highest goal and model that determine the way of thinking and human activity. The moral ideal is the idea of ​​moral perfection, the highest moral model of behavior. In the books of V.M. Shukshin, the theme of the meaning of life sounds brightly. The hero of the story "Freak" seeks to comprehend the movements of his own soul. He sees a fifty-ruble piece of paper at the counter of the store: pick it up or pass by, secretly appropriate it or announce the find? His eccentricity lies in the fact that he chooses the second path, that is, he acts as a minority would have done. As a result, it turned out that he did not bend down to raise his own money. “I went to the store, I wanted to look at the piece of paper at least from a distance, I stood at the entrance ... And I didn’t go in. It will be quite painful. The heart can't take it." The act shows that the hero lives like a human being, pure in soul and thoughts.

- The Russian language teacher reads out an excerpt from Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", depicting an episode of brickwork: in the inhuman conditions of the Stalinist camp, a morally pure person retains the ability to receive joy and pleasure from the works of his hands.

The conversation on the content of letter No. 30 ends with a note on the board of a moral rule formulated by the group on the basis of what was said:

Remember! You are part of your people. Your actions are the fate of your country.

On the screen slide with the text of the letter.

Letter forty-five: SPACE HERMITAGE

4th group: - In the fortieth letter, the author asks us what can be opposed to such human vices like revenge, malice quarrels and strife? And he answers it himself: the solution to everything is culture. Likhachev was fully convinced of this, and his deeds can serve as proof. For example, he helped save the nature of the Volga Reserve, prevented the opening of a sand pit, prevented the destruction of the library in Myshkino, founded the Cultural Foundation, the Our Heritage magazine, and for 20 years headed the publication of the Literary Monuments series of books. Thanks to his efforts, dozens of monuments have been preserved and restored. national culture. In the letter, the author shares his emotions with the reader about the enduring value of our earthly civilization. Talks about the unifying power of culture.

- In the story of L.N. Tolstoy's “Lucerne” depicts a scene when all its noble and preoccupied with global problems residents came out onto the balcony of a hotel for very rich people to listen to the performance of a poor wandering musician. Listening to beautiful music, people experienced the same emotions, thought about the same things, and even seemed to breathe in unison.

– I agree with the author: there is much more in common between earthlings than there are differences. From historical linguistics it is known that once there was a single language for all - the Proto-Indo-European language-base. Thus, it is proved that the languages ​​that exist on earth are relatives. We all speak the same language, so we cannot help but understand each other.

The conversation on the content of letter No. 45 ends with a note on the board of a moral rule formulated by the group on the basis of what was said:

As long as culture exists, people exist!

V. The final part of the lesson is reflections.

- So our conversation about “good” has come to an end. As a teacher of the Russian language and literature, I am satisfied and I think that there will be no problems with finding arguments about morality and purity of soul during the exam.

- The history teacher demonstrates a slide with the moral code created by Likhachev and offers to compare its points with those that were born to the groups during the lesson. The class is convinced of the coincidence of its conclusions on the issue under discussion with the conclusions of D.S. Likhachev..

The God of every man is his conscience.
Do good without seeing merit in it.
Remember! You are part of your people. Your actions are the fate of your country.
As long as culture exists, people exist!

The Russian language teacher ends the lesson with words from the 46th letter of the book “Letters about kindness”. At this time, the class sees on the screen without sound an excerpt from the film about Likhachev:

There could have been more letters, but it's time to sum up. We walked today, climbing the steps of experience - moral and aesthetic experience. Life requires complications. So what is the most important thing in life? The main thing is everyone has their own, unique, but it is. And no matter how individual it is, it should be kind and significant. In life, kindness is most valuable, and kindness is smart, purposeful. Happiness is achieved only by those who strive to make others happy and are able to temporarily forget about their interests, about themselves. This is the “irreplaceable ruble”. Today we have learned to follow the paths of kindness. In my opinion, this is very, very important. Believe me!

The history teacher ends the lesson with the guitar performance of the song “Hurry up to live!”

You should be offended only when they want to offend you. If they don’t want to, and the reason for resentment is an accident, then why be offended?

Without getting angry, clear up the misunderstanding - and that's it.

Well, what if they want to offend? Before responding to an insult with an insult, it is worth considering: should one stoop to an insult? After all, resentment usually lies somewhere low and you should bend down to it in order to pick it up.

If you still decide to be offended, then first perform some mathematical action - subtraction, division, etc. Let's say you were insulted for something in which you are only partially to blame. Subtract from your feelings of resentment everything that does not apply to you. Suppose that you were offended from noble motives - divide your feelings into noble motives that caused an insulting remark, etc. Having performed some necessary mathematical operation in your mind, you will be able to respond to an insult with great dignity, which will be the nobler than less value you give offense. To certain limits, of course.

In general, excessive touchiness is a sign of a lack of intelligence or some kind of complexes. Be smart.

There is good English rule: be offended only when you want offend intentionally offend. There is no need to be offended by simple inattention, forgetfulness (sometimes characteristic of a given person due to age, due to some psychological shortcomings). On the contrary, show special attention to such a “forgetful” person - it will be beautiful and noble.

This is if they “offend” you, but what if you yourself can offend another? In relation to touchy people, one must be especially careful. Resentment is a very painful character trait.

Letter ten honor true and false

I don't like definitions and am often not ready for them. But I can point out some differences between conscience and honor.

There is one essential difference between conscience and honor. Conscience always comes from the depths of the soul, and by conscience they are cleansed to one degree or another. Conscience "gnaws". Conscience is not false. It is muffled or too exaggerated (extremely rare). But ideas about honor are completely false, and these false ideas cause enormous damage to society. I mean what is called the "honor of the uniform." We have lost such a phenomenon, unusual for our society, as the concept of noble honor, but the "honor of the uniform" remains a heavy burden. It was as if a man had died, and only the uniform remained, from which the orders were removed. And within which a conscientious heart no longer beats.

The “honor of the uniform” forces the leaders to defend false or vicious projects, to insist on the continuation of obviously unsuccessful construction projects, to fight with the societies protecting monuments (“our construction is more important”), etc. There are many examples of such upholding of the “honor of the uniform”.

True honor is always in accordance with conscience. False honor is a mirage in the desert, in the moral desert of the human (or rather, “bureaucratic”) soul.

Letter Eleven on Careerism

A person develops from the first day of his birth. He is looking to the future. He learns, learns to set new tasks for himself, without even realizing it. And how quickly he masters his position in life. He already knows how to hold a spoon and pronounce the first words.

Then he also studies as a boy and a young man.

And the time has come to apply your knowledge, to achieve what you aspired to. Maturity. You have to live in real...

But the acceleration persists, and now, instead of teaching, the time comes for many to master the position in life. The movement goes by inertia. A person is constantly striving towards the future, and the future is no longer in real knowledge, not in mastering the skill, but in arranging oneself in an advantageous position. The content, the original content, is lost. The present time does not come, there is still an empty aspiration to the future. This is careerism. Inner restlessness that makes a person unhappy personally and unbearable for others.

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