Vagankovo ​​cemetery how to find the graves of celebrities. Celebrity graves at the Vagankovsky cemetery

Address: 123100, Moscow, st. Sergei Makeev, 15.
Directions: m. "Street 1905 Goda".

Arising in late XVIII century, the Vagankovsky necropolis, located to the west of the Presnenskaya outpost in Novye Vaganki, has become one of the outstanding Moscow monuments of history and culture. The area of ​​the necropolis is 50 hectares. The official year of its foundation is considered to be 1771, although from historical sources it is known about the slabs of earlier burials found at this place.

The first to be buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery were thousands of nameless Muscovites who died of the plague in 1771. Over the next one and a half centuries, poor people of the peasant and petty-bourgeois classes, petty officials, retired military men and inhabitants of Moscow slums picked up on the streets found their last shelter on Vagankovo. Only in the 19th century did the graves of people who left their mark on Russian history appear here. In 1824, according to the project of the architect A.G. Grigoriev, the Church of the Resurrection of the Word with the northern chapel was erected here in the place of the old church in the name of John the Merciful, and a rotunda was built in memory of the old church of the same name. A little later, the graves of the Decembrists A.F. Frolov and P.S. Bobrischev-Pushkin appeared near the new temple, a little further - the graves of A.S. Pushkin's friends, Count F.I. Tolstoy and the composer A.N. Verstovsky.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with the growth of the population of Moscow and the expansion of residential development, the number of city cemeteries also increased. Many of them, who were outside the city, are now within its boundaries. Some of them were closed for burials, others were transferred to new places. Several old Moscow cemeteries - Donskoy, Novodevichy, Vagankovskoye - have turned into original historical monuments-necropolises, preserving not only the memory of the people who died here, but also collections of works prominent sculptors, architects and artists - authors of tombstones.

According to the burials of the Vagankovsky necropolis, one can trace national history according to its tragic moments: there is a mass grave of soldiers who died in the Battle of Borodino in 1812, and a mass grave of Khodynka victims who died in a stampede during the distribution of gifts after the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II, a monument to the victims of Stalinist repressions of the 1930s, fraternal the grave of the defenders of Moscow, who held its defense during the Great Patriotic War in 1941–42, a monument to the victims of the 1991 coup, and, finally, a monument to the children - actors of the musical "Nord-Ost", who became victims of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka in 2002.

Over the 235 years of the existence of the Vagankovsky necropolis, more than half a million people have been buried on it. Currently, there are more than 100,000 graves of Moscow citizens.

Information from the site

Cemetery Vagankovsky, probably the most famous necropolis of modern times. The history of this place began almost three hundred years ago and continues to this day. It is unlikely that one day it will be possible to establish an exact list of everyone who is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery for at least the last hundred years, not to mention its entire long history. The list of the dead who found their last shelter here, according to the most conservative estimates, should have numbered about half a million names. However, many burials remain unnamed.

and the foundation of the cemetery

One of the last outbreaks of plague in Russia in 1770-1772 was marked not only by the mass death of the population, but also by significant popular unrest in Moscow and its environs. The unrest was suppressed, however, by decree of Empress Catherine II, the deceased citizens were forbidden to bury within the city.

The preventive sanitary measure had an effect, the disease receded, and a necropolis grew up near Moscow in the village of Novoe Vagankovo, where ordinary Muscovites were buried.

Who is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery? Of course, no one kept a list of burials in those distant times. In the 18th and 19th centuries they found last resort who died from epidemics, soldiers who fell in the Battle of Borodino, who died on the Khodynka field and many other victims of wars and historical tragedies.

The Great Patriotic War added mass graves and monuments to the defenders of the city to the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Do they remember everyone? Who is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery from celebrities

Today, we associate the largest with the graves of all our beloved actors, cultural and art figures, politicians - our contemporaries. Meanwhile, many people forget that, in fact, this place became a necropolis of celebrities more than a hundred years ago. If at the very beginning of its history, the Vagankovo ​​cemetery could only boast of nameless mass graves and modest graves of ordinary people, then after half a century it turned into a resting place the greatest people of his era.

Among those who are buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery, famous surnames 19th century. These are politicians, military men, cultural figures, writers and artists. Next to the magnificent graves of famous historical figures, there are modest burials now almost forgotten people, whose names are known only to specialists.

Memory of the Decembrist uprising

The list of those buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery can be started with the names of the Decembrists. Currently, only seven of their graves have been preserved. In one fence there are tombstones of Alexander Filippovich Frolov and Pavel Sergeevich Bobrischev-Pushkin, next to them is a pink marble stele of Ivan Nikolaevich Khotyaintsev.

The grave of Mikhail Alexandrovich Bestuzhev is located on the main alley. His daughters and sister Elena are also buried here. A great woman, whose name is undeservedly forgotten by descendants. It was she who preserved the most valuable archival artifact for history - the famous Bestuzhev gallery of portraits of the Decembrists, taking it out of Siberia after the death of her brother.

A black granite monument crowns the grave of the Decembrist Alexander Petrovich Belyaev, and the grave of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zagoretsky is also nearby.

Friends of A. S. Pushkin

Few people remember where the burial place of the greatest poet is. No, of course, he does not rest at the Vagankovsky cemetery. The grave of the classic of Russian literature is located in the Svyatogorsky Monastery, in the Pskov region. Nevertheless, of those of his contemporaries who are buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery, many were closely associated with A. S. Pushkin and his family.

So, near the church ensemble are the graves of close friends of the poet: Count Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy and the famous theater figure and composer Alexei Nikolaevich Verestovsky.

brush masters

Famous people buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery, not always, having ended their lives, came to this place in glory and honor. Especially if it was about creative people who gave all their strength to art and thought little about worldly affairs.

The host of outstanding artists, painters and graphic artists who are buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery is impressive. Vasily Andreevich Tropinin is buried in a modest grave - great painter era of romanticism and the founder of a realistic portrait in Russian painting. He left more than three thousand portraits of his contemporaries, and it was his talent and skill of the brush Russian art owes the development of realism and the appearance of a portrait-type.

V. A. Tropinin was the first famous artist buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Following him, this Moscow necropolis became the last refuge for such masters of the brush as Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, Vasily Vladimirovich Pukirev, Nikolai Alexandrovich Klodt, Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov and many others. The Wanderers and avant-garde artists, illustrators, decorators, graphic artists and painters who worked in the 19th and 20th centuries rest here.

The people buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery and who left an indelible mark on history are today mostly forgotten by their contemporaries. Many graves are dilapidated, some do not even have commemorative plaques. Nevertheless, they are gradually returning the names.

The grave of the author of "Rooks ..."

At the Vagankovsky cemetery there is the grave of the creator of a cult, or, as they say, "archetypal" work of Russian painting. The famous work "The Rooks Have Arrived" is still known from school. However, little is known tragic fate its creator.

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov - one of the founders of the Partnership traveling exhibitions, a brilliant painter and teacher. Alas, last years he spent his life in poverty. Personal tragedies that the artist could not cope with, alcoholism and constant need led to the fact that he was completely alone, forgotten and sick. He died in a Moscow hospital for the poor.

Initially, his grave was crowned with the cheapest plank cross and modest inscription it read: “Academician Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov. Born May 12, 1830, died September 26, 1897. The boards on the cross rotted and collapsed, in the end it disappeared, and the burial place of the great painter was abandoned and forgotten for many years.

However, the words of Isaac Levitan about Savrasov turned out to be prophetic: “One of the deepest Russian artists has died ... Since Savrasov appeared lyrics in landscape painting and boundless love for his native land ... and this undoubted merit in the field of Russian art has never been will be forgotten."

Today, his grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery is decorated with a granite obelisk with a laconic inscription: "Outstanding Russian artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov, 1830-1897."

The last journey of the servants of Melpomene

The list of celebrities buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery is impressive. Paradoxically, the necropolis, which appeared as a result of the greatest tragedies in the history of the state, has become a favorite burial place for theater and film actors, directors, musicians and composers.

According to legend, the tradition of burying people here acting professions went from one of the Moscow mayors, whose decree was instructed to bury the actor's people on Vagankovsky. Perhaps because this cemetery was the largest and it was quick and convenient to get to it, which reduced the cost of funerals, which often took place at public expense. However, there is another mystical coincidence: it was on the site of the future necropolis that jesters and buffoons settled in the 17th century.

Today, the number of beloved actors, musicians and singers resting here is difficult to pin down. The actors buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery were the idols of their time, and the glory of many has not been forgotten to this day.

At the entrance stands a snow-white iceberg-monument in the style of constructivism on the grave of Alexander Abdulov. The original monument-memorial in the form of film frames reminds of everyone's favorite Mikhail Pugovkin. Not far away is the grave of “the best Watson in the world” Vitaly Solomin. Actors Andrei Mironov, Oleg Dal, Leonid Filatov, directors and playwright, playwright and satirist Grigory Gorin. Do not count all those who are buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery from celebrities who have enriched the national and world culture. Below is a list (far from complete, of course, of celebrities not mentioned in the text):

  • - writer.
  • Alov Alexander - director.
  • Bogatyrev Yuri - actor.
  • Braginsky Emil - playwright.
  • Burkov Georgy - actor.
  • Balter Alla is an actress.
  • Vitsin George is an actor.
  • Voroshilov Vladimir - presenter.
  • Spiridonov Vadim - actor.
  • Garin Erast is an actor.
  • Glebov Peter - actor.
  • Gluzsky Mikhail - actor.
  • Dvorzhetsky Evgeny is an actor.
  • Kaverin Veniamin is a writer.
  • Mikhail Kononov is an actor.
  • Marina Levtova is an actress.
  • Liepa Maris - dancer.
  • Listyev Vlad - journalist.
  • Migulya Vladimir - composer.
  • Rozov Victor - playwright.
  • Rostotsky Andrey - actor.
  • Sazonova Nina - actress.
  • Samoilov Vladimir - actor.
  • - actor.
  • Streltsov Eduard - athlete.
  • Tanich Mikhail is a poet.
  • Tulikov Serafim - composer.
  • Fedorova Zoya - actress.
  • Kharitonov Leonid - actor.
  • Chekan Stanislav is an actor.
  • Chukhrai Grigory - film director.
  • Yumatov Georgy - actor.
  • Yashin Lev is an athlete.

Two graves of one genius

There is also a monument to Vsevolod Meyerhold. Tragic, like the life of the director himself, is the fate of his grave. For a long time, the circumstances and place of Meyerhold's death were kept secret. Only in 1987 did his real burial place in the cemetery near the Donskoy Monastery become known. A black stone stele with the name of Meyerhold was installed on the grave of his tragically deceased wife Zinaida Reich 20 years before the discovery of the real burial place of the theater director reformer.

"Faithful Galya"

Poet Sergei Yesenin is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. The rebellious life and tragic death of the young genius of poetry attracted the attention of admirers and admirers to his resting place. Alas, the grave of Sergei Yesenin is notorious. Neither the bust, carved in a block of white marble, nor the granite plinth, immersed in flowers, can erase the sad facts of the history of this burial. One of the cemetery legends says that at night the ghost of a young woman appears near the grave.

“I killed myself here, although I know that after that more dogs will hang on Yesenin. But he and I don't care. In this grave for me all the most precious ... ".

Perhaps this legend was based on the sad fate of his friend and assistant. A year after the death of the poet, she shot herself at his grave, leaving the famous suicide note. She rests here, next to her idol. The first inscription on a modest grave: "Faithful Galya" very accurately reflected the essence of her feelings for Yesenin and their difficult, drama-filled relationship. However, now the snow-white slab is decorated with long lines from the poet’s letter to her: “Galya, dear! I repeat to you that you are very, very dear to me. Yes, and you yourself know that without your participation in my fate there would be a lot of deplorable things.

A series of suicides that followed after that at the grave of the "Moscow reveler" enveloped the place with an ominous veil of fatalism and misfortune. In total, 12 people committed suicide here - all women.

Idols of millions

What celebrities are buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery and what stories and legends envelop their death and resting place, it is difficult to count. The grave of Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky was no exception. A slightly pretentious monument depicts everyone's favorite singer and artist, expressive, eager as he was during his lifetime. On the one hand - a portrait, on the other - a monument-allegory, the leitmotif of which was the lines of the artist's prophetic song "Fussy Horses". Pathetic, strange monument. Eyewitnesses to Vysotsky's funeral claimed that his widow Marina Vladi sobbed when she saw the tombstone, calling it an ugly example of socialist realism.

Vysotsky was not supposed to find his last resting place on the main alley. The authorities assigned him a place in the far corner. However, fate intervened in the person of the director of the Vagankovsky cemetery, a great admirer of the work of Vladimir Semyonovich. It was he who allocated an empty place for the funeral at the very entrance, where the singer rests to this day.

The gravestone of another great bard is distinguished by modesty and conciseness. Bulat Okudzhava is also buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. A tombstone in the form of a large boulder with an intricately executed inscription - the name of the singer and composer. This tombstone can rightfully be considered the most magnificent example of artistic minimalism.

One of the few graves, to this day littered with flowers, belongs to Igor Talkov. Another idol of millions who tragically died in young age. And his death is shrouded in secrets, rumors and legends, like many of his predecessors who were buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. The photo of the singer in a frame with a wooden carved pediment, reminiscent of a Russian hut, is almost always framed with garlands of carnations and roses. The tombstone itself is decorated in the neo-pagan Slavic style. A huge bronze cross rises on a black pedestal, the surface of which is decorated with Cyrillic script, and at the base of the pedestal the famous lines “And defeated in battle, I will rise and sing ...” are inscribed with gilding.

At the grave of Igor Talkov, as well as at the grave of Sergei Yesenin, there were some suicide attempts. Fortunately, in this case, suicide was prevented and the restless female fans were saved.

Who are they, the saints buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery?

There are special graves on this huge necropolis. Near them is always crowded, they come here from afar with prayers and requests for help. One of these graves belongs to Father Valentine. Although officially he was never canonized, people sincerely believe in his intercession and consider the grave miraculous.

Father Valentin during his lifetime was known for his good disposition, open generous heart. The poor and orphans, widows and the homeless turned to him for help. The clergyman took a sincere part in the fate of all those who sought his protection and support.

It is noteworthy that the exact burial place of Father Valentine is unknown. The priest died in 1908, and in the turbulent 20s they wanted to destroy his grave in order to stop the pilgrimage. In 1941, when they dug up the supposed burial place, no remains were found. It is believed that, fulfilling the will of Father Valentine, he was buried two meters deeper than it was customary to bury the dead.

Today, at the alleged resting place of the holy father, there are two crosses at once, literally a meter apart. White, stone, installed by the great-granddaughter of the clergyman, the second, wooden, erected by pilgrims. From somewhere there was a belief that it was here, away from the official grave, that the ashes of Father Valentine rested. Both crosses have flowers, candles, and there is always a line of people praying for help and thanking for intercession.

One of the oldest burial places is the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow. It occupies an area of ​​more than 48 hectares and is located in the Presnensky district of the Central District (north-west) of the capital.

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According to the ancient Christian tradition, necropolises in Russia arose around churches and were usually located within city limits. During epidemics, burying in such cemeteries was dangerous due to the risk of recurring outbreaks of the disease. Therefore, the victims of epidemics were buried outside the city limits. The history of the emergence of the Vagankovsky cemetery is connected with the plague epidemic in Moscow in 1771, which claimed thousands of lives. Panic reigned in the city, people were afraid to leave their houses, plague-stricken corpses were thrown directly into the street. They were collected with sticks with hooks by convicts brought in for this purpose, dressed in solid waxed robes with slits for the eyes.

Empress Catherine II sent Count G. Orlov to Moscow to fight the consequences of the epidemic. By his order, more than ten cemeteries outside the city were organized. One of them appeared in the village of Novoe Vagankovo. On its territory, the dead were buried in deep common graves. New Vagankovo ​​was formed at the beginning of the 17th century in connection with the transfer of the sovereign's kennel outside the city limits. Prior to that, it was located in the village of Vagankovo ​​along with the Poteshny Dvor. Since the 14th century, "amusing people" have lived there: buffoons, jesters, actors. They were distinguished by noisy behavior, revelry, fisticuffs, and drunkenness flourished.

To XVII century Moscow grew, and Vagankovo ​​turned out to be next to the boyar chambers not far from the Kremlin. It was located on the site of the current Library. Lenin. Since the Kennel Yard, consisting of 300 hounds, falconers and other servants, who were in charge of falcons and huge packs of dogs, could not be located in the city, they were moved to a nearby suburb to the west of Presnenskaya Zastava (5 km from Vagankovo). So in 1636, New Vagankovo ​​appeared. It existed until 1695, until the Psarny yard moved. Now in its place is the Vagankovsky cemetery, which borrowed its name from the village. The official date of formation is 1771.

Until the 19th century, ordinary people were buried in the cemetery: burghers, peasants, vagabonds, petty officials. The construction of the majestic Church of the Resurrection of the Word in 1831 served as the beginning of the burial of nobles and celebrities. By this time, many Moscow graveyards were closed or moved outside the city due to overflow, and the Vagankovskoye cemetery moved from the outskirts to the city limits and was active. For 247 years of existence, about 500 thousand people were buried on it. Now there are 100 thousand graves in the memorial complex.

origin of name

There is no unequivocal version of the origin of the name. There are several of them. The most common hypothesis is associated with the word "whack", which, according to Dahl's dictionary, means: to laugh, joke, indulge. Since "funny people" lived in Vagankovo, this version is fully justified. Historians associate the name with the collection of a monetary fee for weighing goods on scales (wags).

It is assumed that this place was the intersection of important trade roads and a ford across the Moscow River. Nearby there was a customs outpost called "Vaganets", and the tax itself was called "Vaganets". According to another version, the name comes from the word "vagan", which was used to call simple "uncouth" men.

celebrity graves

Vagankovsky necropolis is known as a burial place famous people Russia. The first famous burials appeared in mid-nineteenth century. Here you can see the graves:

  • Decembrists, including: M.A. Bestuzhev, P.S. Bobrishchev-Pushkin, I. N. Khotyaintseva.
  • Composer A.N. Verestovsky, author of the immortal opera Askold's Grave.
  • compiler explanatory dictionary V.I.Dalya

The place of eternal rest was found by artists of the 19th century:

  • An outstanding portrait painter V. A. Tropinin, the author of more than 3 thousand paintings, incl. famous portrait A.S. Pushkin.
  • V. I. Surikov, known for historical canvases: “Boyar Morozova”, “Morning archery execution"," Suvorov's crossing through the Alps.
  • VV Pukirev, who painted the immortal painting "Unequal Marriage".
  • A.K. Savrasov, author of the works "Rooks Have Arrived" and "Barge haulers on the Volga" and many others.

Since the 20th century, actors, directors, writers, artists, politicians and artists have traditionally been buried at Vagankovo. Many prominent personalities found eternal rest here, including:

  • Poets - S. Yesenin, V. Vysotsky, B. Okudzhava, M. Tanich
  • Writers - V. Aksenov, G. Gorin, V. Dragunsky, V. Kaverin, V. Rozov
  • Directed by V. Pluchek, S. Rostotsky, G. Chukhrai, A. Alov, P. Fomenko
  • Actors - A. Abdulov, G. Burkov, Y. Bogatyrev, G. Vitsin, E. Garin, V. Glagoleva, M. Gluzsky, O. Dal, M. Liepa, A. Mironov, S. Mishulin, T. Nosova, M. Pugovkin, Z. Reich (wife of S. Yesenin), N. Rumyantseva, V. Solomin, L. Sukharevskaya, Z. Fedorova, L. Filatov, M. Tsarev, G. Yumatov.
  • Other well-known figures are natural scientist K. Timiryazev, academician A. Speransky, journalist and TV presenter V. Listyev, singer I. Talkov, football goalkeeper L. Yashin, figure skater L. Pakhomova.

Military and historical graves

There are many mass graves and mass graves at the Vagankovsky memorial complex. Here are buried the heroes of the war of 1812, who fell in the Battle of Borodino, the defenders of Moscow in the Great Patriotic War, who did not let the Nazis into the capital, who died in battles and air raids in 1941-1942. Not far from the cemetery, in May 1896, the Khodynskaya tragedy occurred, when almost one and a half thousand people were crushed during the distribution of souvenirs in honor of the coronation of Nicholas II. Mutilated corpses were taken to Vagankovo ​​and piled in the meadow. Those who could be recognized were buried in coffins by relatives.

According to the testimony of the publisher A. Suvorin, “all this was swollen, black, and the stench was such that it was done badly,” so most remained unrecognized, and were buried in mass graves in the 6th section. Here is the so-called "shooting": buried according to " hit lists”, received by the commandant of the cemetery from the OGPU during the years of Stalinist repression from 1926 to 1936. The exact number of "enemies of the people" is not known. Burials were made secretly at night in a remote area in a ravine near a stream. Monuments have been erected to the victims of political repressions and the Khodynka disaster.

Our contemporaries who died during the 1991 putsch and the tragedy that occurred in October 2002 as a result of gas poisoning during the capture of terrorists in the theater center on Dubrovka found eternal rest in the cemetery. The graves are located in different areas, only two young actors of the musical rest nearby.

Saints buried in the cemetery

Orthodox Muscovites keep the memory of the saints buried in the cemetery, although their graves were wiped off the face of the earth during the persecution of the Church. Despite this, many come here for help. Especially revered among believers is Valentin Amfiteatrov, rector of the Kremlin Archangel Church, who died in 1908. He does not have a separate burial place, his body rests in a mass grave among the soldiers of the Second World War. During the construction of the memorial, the godless authorities ordered the revered grave to be demolished with a bulldozer. But people remember and honor Father Valentine, go to him for healing, help and receive it.

Thanks to the efforts of grateful pilgrims, two crosses were erected at the site of the alleged burial. It is known that in 1927 a Moscow saint was buried on Vagankovo ​​- Blessed Schema-nun Martha of Moscow from the John the Baptist Monastery, who died in 1638. To avoid desecration of the imperishable relics by the Bolsheviks, believers reburied them. However, the exact location is not known.

In obscure graves lie those glorified as saints: Bishop Priluksky Vasily (Zelentsov), who went through the horror of the Solovetsky camps and was shot in 1930; Priest John Inyushin, Martyr Macarius (Morzhov), Bishop Maxim (Zhizhilenko), who were shot in June 1931.

Scheme of plots

The memorial complex is divided into 60 sections, the location of which can be seen on the diagram hanging at the entrance. In order not to get lost and quickly find the right grave, you need to know in which area it is located.

Vagankovskoye cemetery, Moscow Vagankovskoye cemetery is one of the most extensive and famous Moscow cemeteries. It is located in the northwestern part of the city, near Krasnopresnenskaya Zastava Square (Sergey Makeev Street, 15). modern square 50 ha. History The cemetery near the village of Novoe Vagankovo ​​was founded in 1771 during the plague. It soon became one of the largest Moscow mass grave sites. It is surprising that the Vagankovskoye cemetery, even with its name, tells about the type of activity of its “quiet tenants”, because vagankov in ancient Russia called itinerant artists. The place where modern Vagankovo ​​is located was quite conveniently located in the Middle Ages - between two major roads, one of which, now Znamenka, led towards Novgorod, and the other along the current Arbat to the western lands. It was at this fork in the fifteenth century around the estate of Princess Sofia Vitovtovna, the wife of Vasily the First, that the village of Vagankovo ​​arose. It was here that the "sovereign's amusing yard" was organized, and here later they began to organize festivities for Muscovites. Looks like these funs were of such a rampant nature that in 1627 Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich strictly forbade people to go there, and ordered those who disobeyed to be beaten with a whip. However, he himself often sent to Vagankovo ​​for actors, so that they would entertain the nobility at various festivities. So Vagankovo ​​would have been a place of rest and the last shelter of wandering artists, if not for the plague of 1771. In the old days in Moscow it was customary to bury the dead at churches and monasteries, where cemeteries were usually located, burials were also carried out on the territory of the Kremlin and Red Square. The plague changed this tradition - by decree of the Senate, it was forbidden to bury the dead patients in city graveyards, and it was ordered to set aside special cemeteries for them outside the city. This is how the Vagankovsky cemetery appeared. Abandoned old grave The complex of buildings at the entrance forms architectural ensemble in the Moscow Empire style. The Church of the Resurrection of the Word was built in 1819-1824 (architect A. G. Grigoriev). The chetverik of the temple with two aisles (Theodore Sikeot and John the Merciful), perceived together with it as a single volume, is completed by a domed light rotunda with a small deaf drum. The semicircular apse of the temple and the lowered apses of the aisles are placed on the same line. From the west adjoin the refectory (the thrones of Nicholas the Wonderworker and the martyr Akilina) and a high three-tiered bell tower, complicated on the sides by two tents. Two houses with a church at the entrance to the cemetery were built in 1823 according to the design of the architect A. F. Elkinsky. Buildings are objects cultural heritage federal significance. Famous people buried in the cemetery A lot of celebrities and historical figures are buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Among them: poets Sergei Yesenin, Alexei Fatyanov, Mikhail Tanich, Nika Turbina, Vladimir Kovenatsky and Rimma Kazakova; writers Bulat Okudzhava, Vasily Yan, Alexander Levitov, Yuri Tynyanov, Vasily Aksyonov, Viktor Rozov and Viktor Dragunsky; singers Vladimir Vysotsky, Igor Talkov, Ivan Surzhikov and Eric Kurmangaliev; journalists Vladislav Listyev, Vladimir Voroshilov and Yuri Kuchmiy; Archpriest Valentin Amfiteatrov; artists Alexei Savrasov, Aristarkh Lentulov, Vasily Surikov, Vasily Tropinin and Vasily Pukirev; architects Fyodor Shekhtel and Mikhail Bykovsky; scientists Dmitry Pryanishnikov, Kliment Timiryazev and Dmitry Anuchin; actors Alexander Abdulov, Alla Balter, Georgy Burkov, Georgy Vitsin, Erast Garin, Mikhail Gluzsky, Oleg Dal, Vasily Zhivokini, Vladimir Ivashov, Mikhail Kedrov, Muse Krepkogorskaya, Ivan Lapikov, Marina Levtova, Mikhail Lyubeznov, Andrey Mironov, Tamara Nosova, Tatyana Okunevskaya, Mikhail Pugovkin, Zinaida Reich, Nadezhda Rumyantseva, Konstantin Rybakov, Evgeny Samoilov, Force Sandunov, Vitaly Solomin, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Sergei Stolyarov, Vadim Tonkov, Inna Ulyanova, Zoya Fedorova, Leonid Filatov, Valentina Khmara, Mikhail Tsarev, Pyotr Shcherbakov, Georgy Yumatov and Vsevolod Yakut; directors Yuri Zavadsky, Emil Lotyanu, Stanislav Rostotsky and Grigory Chukhrai; revolutionaries Nikolai Bauman and Vaso Kikvidze; football players brothers Starostin, Lev Yashin, Konstantin Beskov, Igor Netto, Eduard Streltsov, Vladimir Maslachenko and Valentin Ivanov; figure skater Lyudmila Pakhomova; hockey players Valery Kharlamov and Evgeny Mayorov; wrestler Otari Kvantrishvili; composers Vladimir Migulya and Georgy Garanyan; art critic Alexey Komech; pilot Alexey Flight; ballet dancer Maris Liepa; clown Leonid Yengibarov; lawyer Fyodor Plevako; philanthropist Alexei Bakhrushin; Ivan Filippov, owner of a chain of bakeries; sister of Marina Tsvetaeva Anastasia; thief in law Vyacheslav "Yaponchik" Ivankov, producer Eduard Smolny and many others.

- well-known cultural and historical monument. It is very extensive - its area covers about fifty hectares. It is one of the most prestigious cemeteries after the necropolis near the Kremlin wall and the Novodevichy cemetery.

Famous personalities are buried here - poets, musicians, artists, athletes and so on. In addition to historically valuable burials, this cemetery contains tombstones created famous sculptors and architects, which made it a park-necropolis.

1771 - it is he who is considered the year of the foundation of the Vagankovsky cemetery, this is the time when the plague raged in Moscow. However historical sources testify that these were far from the first burials, and there were already slabs of earlier burials on the site of the cemetery.

Vagankovsky cemetery address:

  • Moscow, Sergey Makeev street, 15.

Opening hours:

  • Works daily. From May 1 to September 30, from 9 am to 7 pm, and from October 1 to April 30, from 9 am to 5 pm.

Vagankovsky cemetery on the map (location map)

How to get to the Vagankovsky cemetery

The Vagankovskoye cemetery is located in the northwestern part of Moscow, and there are several ways to get to it, depending on which one is more convenient and faster.


Getting to the Vagankovsky cemetery by metro is very convenient. To do this, you need to get off at the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station. It is best to sit in the last car, get out of it towards the center.

Then you need to climb the stairs and turn left.

After leaving the subway, you will need to walk a little, and at the first turn to the left, turn off. Thus, you will find yourself on December Street. You will need to go straight along it to the Vagankovsky cemetery. From the metro to the cemetery about five minutes on foot, if you walk at an average pace.

In addition, there are other metro stations not far from the Vagankovsky cemetery. For example, "Begovaya" - about the same walking distance from it as from the metro station "Ulitsa 1905 Goda". At a greater distance from the cemetery are the stations "Krasnopresnenskaya", "Barrikadnaya", "Belorusskaya".

In any case, the metro is the most convenient way to get to the cemetery, given the Moscow traffic jams and the small distance of the stations.

By bus and trolleybus

Perhaps, for some reason, you decide to get to the Vagankovsky cemetery by ground views public transport. Well, in that case, you need to remember the numbers of the routes that follow there.

If you go by bus, then No. 6, 69, 64, 39 and 152 will take you to your destination. If you chose a trolleybus, then No. 5k and 35 are the ones you need.

By car

In a sense, traveling by private transport is always more convenient than by public transport. And now it is convenient and simple, even if you do not know the way.

You can get to the cemetery by car using the navigator. Destination - the address of the Vagankovsky cemetery: st. S. Makeeva, 15. And if there is no navigator, you can look at the maps and plot a route based on them.

Vagankovsky cemetery is a necropolis, which is a little over 240 years old. It can be visited as a museum, stopping not only in front of the graves famous people, but paying attention to mass graves- there are also a lot of them. And some tombstones are whole works of art worthy of admiration.

When visiting such places, you involuntarily think about something deep, about something that slips away in monotonous everyday life. Therefore, a visit to this necropolis can be of particular value.