Gleb matveychuk year personal life. Gleb Matveychuk: biography of the singer, his career and personal life

Russian actor, singer and composer Gleb Matveychuk, known to viewers for the first season of the popular series "Margosha" where he played the sound engineer Ruslana, as well as for his striking theatrical work and musical score for the film "Admiral".

Biography of Gleb Matveychuk

Gleb Matveychuk was born in Moscow in the family of the famous film artist Alim Matveychuk. Subsequently, the family moved to Minsk, where Gleb spent his childhood until his sixteenth birthday. Immediately after school, Gleb went to Moscow and conquered the capital on the first try, enrolling simultaneously in two universities - the Shchepkin Higher Theater School and the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Two formations of Gleb Matveychuk will later become the basis of his creative work in which both the love of the theater and the passion for music are intertwined.

Gleb Matveychuk: “My father devoted his whole life to cinema, he graduated from VGIK. My family and I lived in Minsk for a long time, raised the Belarusian cinema. My mother is also connected with cinema - she is a make-up artist. In general, film directors and actors have been at home since childhood. Therefore, love for cinema - from childhood. But since from the age of eight I sang in a children's theater studio, I went to study as a musician. Graduated College of Music, and then he came to Moscow.

Creative life of Gleb Matveychuk

Gleb's first film was "Fire Shooter" (1994), where the aspiring film actor got a small episodic role. This was followed by "72 meters" (2004), "Dad" and other films. Gleb did not shoot very often, but, nevertheless, he always kept close contact with the world of cinema, since already in 2005 he began to write musical compositions to various films. It is his music that can be heard in such films as "Admiral", "About Love", "Yaroslav. A thousand years ago", "Chkalov" and others.

However, Gleb was always attracted not only by cinema, but also by the theater. The young actor takes part in such outstanding projects as the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" (the role of Jesus), the musical "Monte Cristo" (the role of Fernand de Morcer), the rock opera "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" ( role of John Utterson).

“I know a lot of people who have achieved more at my age. As soon as you think that you have achieved something, from that moment you begin to regress. You should always be a little dissatisfied with yourself. But I'm stubborn. If I think about something that is the truth, I will go to the end.

In 2012, Gleb took part in the TV project "Voice" with the song "Goodbye, Mom."

In 2013, Gleb Matveychuk agreed to take part in the television music show "Two Stars 2013 (season 2)". The young actor and musician delighted the audience and listeners with his performances in a duet with rock singer Olga Kormukhina.

In addition to cinema and music, Gleb also loves other types of art. He often visits museums, reads books, and also gets great pleasure from traveling, which also gives food for thought.

AT In 2014, he took part in the reincarnation show"Exactly the same" on Channel One, in 2017 - in musical project"Three Chords"

Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

In 2010, Gleb Matveychuk married a young actress Anastasia Makeeva, who is known to many viewers from the musical MAMMA MIA. They met at the theater at the audition for the musical "Monte Cristo". Nastya did not immediately pay attention to her stage partner. Moreover, she then divorced Peter Kislov and began dating Alexei Makarov. The break with Makarov ended in a scandal in the press, and then the actress became close to Gleb. Matveychuk made an offer to his chosen one, they got married in a church.

The star duet lasted until 2017, when Matveychuk met his new chosen one, actress Elena Glazkova. After a close acquaintance with Elena, Gleb decided to end the relationship with Anastasia and filed for divorce. It soon became known that Glazkova was pregnant from Gleb. This was the decisive factor in Matveychuk's desire to propose to Elena.

In 2018, the couple had a daughter, who was named Alice.

However, Elena is still in no hurry to accept a marriage proposal, explaining that she wants to wait until her daughter and Gleb grow up and can become a full-fledged participant in a beautiful wedding ceremony.

Filmography of Gleb Matveychuk

  1. Actor
  1. Heirs (2015)
  2. Three Chords (TV series 2014)
  3. Russian Tenors (2009)
  4. Margosha (2009)
  5. Cursed Paradise 2 (2008)
  6. Heavenly Life (2005)
  7. Point (2005)
  8. Fall of the Empire (2005)
  9. Children of Vanyukhin (2005)
  10. 72 meters (2004)
  11. Dad (2004)
  12. Fire Shooter (1994)
  13. Composer
  14. Nail (2014)
  15. Kill Stalin (TV series 2013 - ...)
  16. Red Mountains (TV series 2013 - ...)
  17. Chkalov (TV series, 2012 - ...)
  18. My boyfriend is an angel (2011)
  19. In the forests and mountains (TV series 2010 - ...)
  20. On hook! (2010)
  21. Yaroslav. A thousand years ago (2010)
  22. About Loveoff (2010)
  23. House with no way out (mini-series, 2009)
  24. Admiral (TV series 2009)
  25. Third Wish (2009)
  26. Planet of Orthodoxy (TV series 2008)
  27. Hills and Plains (TV Movie 2008)
  28. Stone head (2008)
  29. New Earth (2008)
  30. Admiral (2008)
  31. Time of Troubles (2007)
  32. 1612 (2007)
  33. Out of Flame and Light (mini-series 2006)
  34. George the Victorious (2006)
  35. Pilgrimage to the Eternal City (mini-series, 2005)

Gleb Matveychuk was born in Moscow on June 26, 1981. Some time later, he moved to Minsk with his family. Gleb always dreamed of being like his father, Alim Matveychuk, who gained fame as a film artist. In the music college, Matveychuk received the specialty "Conductor". Parents favorably reacted to Gleb's desire to make his career in the creative field. And at the age of sixteen he moved to Moscow.

Gleb could not decide exactly what is better to give preference to, the musical field or cinematography, for this reason he entered two Higher educational institutions: Shepkinskoe College and the Conservatory. While receiving education, he devoted all his free time to music lessons or communicated with fellow musicians.


He received his first film roles in 2004, playing in the films "72 meters" by Khotinenko and "Papa" by Mashkov. These were episodic appearances, and Gleb wanted really serious roles. A year later, he tried himself as a film composer - and he succeeded. His music became the soundtrack of such films as "Admiral", "About Love", "Chkalov" and others. In total, his authorship belongs to the music for 12 films. For the music for the film "Admiral" Matveychuk was nominated for the "Golden Eagle" award.

At the same time, Gleb did not limit the use of his musical talent to the film industry alone, he also wrote music for theatrical productions: "Waiting room" and "Dog in the manger." He also tried himself in the pop genre, becoming the vocalist of the Lady Prowler band. He also took part in the creation of the Flair group and still managed to sing a little in the Renaissance group.

Gleb Matveychuk in the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar"

Gleb Matveychuk in the series "Margosha"

Soon Gleb discovers new and very interesting genres - musical and rock opera. We can safely say that here he achieved his greatest successes. In 2007, he became a member of the musical in the old Russian style "Children of the Sun". A year later, he was selected for leading role in the cult rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. In addition, critics noted his role in domestic musical"Monte Cristo", in which he played the young Fernand Mondego.

Gleb Matveychuk on the set of the musical "Monte Cristo"

In 2009, Gleb takes part in the Russian Tenors vocal reality show, where he becomes one of six superfinalists. Three years later, he tried to become a member of the TV show "Voice". To demonstrate his vocal abilities, Matveychuk chose the song "Goodbye, Mom", but this attempt did not lead to success. In 2013, Gleb Matveychuk, together with legendary singer Olga Kormukhina delighted their fans with joint performances in the music program "Two Stars". The performers managed to create a program consisting of songs in the style of "rock" and "folk", and in the end they became the winners of the competition.

It should also be noted his role in the television series "Margosha", which has become the last to date. There he played a character named Ruslan Khilkevich - a radio sound engineer.

Personal life

As for his personal life, in 2010 Gleb tied the knot with actress Anastasia Makeeva. Their acquaintance took place during the rehearsals of the musical "Monte Cristo", where they played one of the main roles. At first, the beautiful Nastya could not see her other half in Gleb. She had just divorced her former husband, Peter Kislov, and met with actor Alekseev Makarov.

Gleb Matveychuk with his wife Anastasia Makeeva

Soon there was a gap between Makarov and Makeeva, which grew into a scandal. And after that, she realized that there was a more worthy person next to her - the intelligent, talented Gleb Matveychuk. Soon the young people in love got married. In April 2016, the couple decided to separate. And on this moment Gleb's heart is free.

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From day to day, an important event will happen in the life of the musical artist and composer Gleb Matveychuk - he will become a father. Gleb and his fiancee Elena Glazkova for the first time told the story of their love.

Gleb Matveychuk calls the last two years fateful. During this time, many significant events took place: after six years of marriage, he divorced actress Anastasia Makeeva, met new love, also an actress - Elena Glazkova. At the end of September, he and Elena will become parents for the first time, and later they plan to get married. “My life seems to have been put on an accelerated regime, and now I am experiencing everything that should have been smoothly happening for 38 years ... Well, or at least the last ten,” Gleb smiles.

We are sitting in a cafe in the center of Moscow. It's hot outside, pieces of ice are crunching in glasses with bright green tarragon, and the conversation has long gone beyond the scope of an ordinary interview. The guys answer in turn, carefully listening to each other's answers, laughing a lot and it seems that they themselves do not believe what is happening to them.

Gleb, Lena, how did you meet?

By chance. But now I believe that our meeting was preordained. It happened in Greece two years ago, at a film festival. I bought a ticket at the very last moment. I was 95 percent convinced that I would not fly there at all, but suddenly a window appeared in my work schedule. I saw Lena on the first day, and I immediately liked her.

Were you still married to Anastasia Makeeva then?

We have already parted ways with Nastya. Lena also just ended her relationship.

I remember very well the evening we met. We were sitting at a common table in the company of colleagues, and I noticed that Gleb was casting interested glances. Then our company moved to karaoke. And there Gleb picked up a microphone ...

The acquaintance of Gleb and Elena happened in Greece, where he was not originally going to fly. It happened just a few weeks after his breakup with Anastasia Makeeva. (Elena: dress, Stefanel; jewelry, Lav'z. Gleb: T-shirt, Intimissimi; jacket, Sandro)

He, of course, immediately captivated you with his singing?

Actually I hate karaoke. ( Laughs.) But then I really wanted to make an impression on Lena, although I was tired and, as the singers say, "drunk" - after participating in the most difficult project "Just the same. Battle of the Titans."

Gleb surprised me. I never expected him to sing in an operatic voice. Because before that I didn’t know who he was at all. Did not watch music programs and did not go to his musicals. For me, he was just a nice fair guy from the acting party. ( Smiling.)

What about Jesus Christ Superstar? Haven't you heard about the popular rock opera with his participation?

No Unfortunately. And Gleb is sad about this: it was an important period in his work, he did a tremendous job. On the Internet you can find only pieces of the musical, but I would like to listen to the whole. I didn’t hear Gleb in Monte Cristo either, which I deeply regret. Now I go to every show. I'm worried that in December I won't be able to go to St. Petersburg to watch the Territory of Passion, because we will already have a baby.

"Soon I will have two Alices at once - a daughter and a performance based on Alice in Wonderland," says Gleb. (Elena: shirt, "Li-Lu"; bra, Tezenis; skirt, Joseph; jewelry, Roberto Bravo Gleb: shirt, Sandro, jeans, Pal Zileri)

After performing at karaoke, did you start making inquiries with friends?

Yes, and the first thing I heard was that he had just broken up with his wife, the divorce was very loud ... But this did not repulse or frighten me, because then there were no long-term plans in my head. We didn't even have dates. Gleb just asked for my phone number, we started talking, went to breakfast, to the beach - in a word, we spent time together. And then they flew to Moscow, where he invited me on the first real date. I came to visit Gleb outside the city, and he cooked such delicious meat on the fire, after which, to be honest, I can’t order meat anywhere else: no one makes it better than Gleb. Then the relationship developed rapidly. On the new year holidays let's go to Prague - a chic hotel in the city center, the Prague Opera, long walks along the old streets. This trip has brought us even closer.

In Lena, I found exactly the qualities that I was looking for. I remember that already in the first weeks of our acquaintance I decided that she would become my wife. ( Smiling.)

But your plans have changed somewhat...

We really wanted to do things right. But it so happened that first our daughter would be born, and then we would play a wedding. In winter, we went to rest in Thailand. There I felt bad, but I thought that I had poisoned myself with tuna. And when we flew to Moscow, and the “tuna” didn’t disappear, I went to the pharmacy for a test. ( Laughs.) To make sure finally, we went to the clinic. There we were delighted: we will soon become parents ... But a terrible month and a half of toxicosis awaited me.

"It's amazing, but before we met, I didn't even know about the existence of such an artist as Gleb Matveychuk," Elena laughs. (Elena: raincoat, Escada Sport; blouse, Stefanel; skirt, Sandro; tights, Calzedonia; shoes, Carel (Rendez-Vous); jewelry, LAV'Z. Gleb: jeans, Daniel Hechter; turtleneck, Falconeri; jacket, Diego M ; shoes, Jimmy Choo)

Lena always wanted some exotic flavor combinations like cucumbers with honey. But most of all she suffered from smells - she could not stand lavender. It's funny that before we left for Thailand, Lena liked some expensive shower gel with lavender. I went and bought her five bottles. And then I had to throw everything away. ( Laughs.) I destroyed absolutely all my perfume, washed with baby soap so as not to smell anything, and slept on the edge of the bed.

So, you go through all the tests related to pregnancy together?

Gleb dreamed of a child, and specifically a girl, so now he enjoys and accompanies me everywhere: at doctor's appointments, at ultrasounds. She keeps notes, reads everything on the Internet, even installed an application on her phone that every week talks about how big our baby is and what she already knows how to do. ( Laughs.) We also have a family chat with parents on What'sApp, where Gleb throws all the photos and notes.

Have you already chosen a name for your daughter?

We discussed options for a very long time. They chose some name that both liked, but two or three days passed, and we were disappointed in it. At first they wanted to name the girl Stephanie. But later they thought: Stesha is good, but Stefania Glebovna sounds strange. Then I started working on the play "Labyrinths of Sleep". It's coming out in December, it's my first production project - completely original, I wrote all the music. So, the musical was created based on Alice in Wonderland. And Lena liked the music so much that she suggested: "Maybe Alice?" That's where they stopped. So in the near future I will have two Alices at once - a daughter and a performance.

Gleb and Elena cannot believe how rapidly their relationship is developing. “We really wanted to do everything in order. But it so happened that first our daughter would be born, and then we would play a wedding,” says Elena (Elena: jumper, Maje; trousers, Luisa Cerano. Gleb: jeans, Pal Zileri ; belt, Jimmy Choo; sweater, Falconeri)

When is the wedding?

We will play when the daughter grows up a little. We want her in a smart dress, surrounded by her cousins, to bring us wedding rings herself. We'll have to wait a bit. ( Smiling.)

Style: Elena Ushakova. Stylist assistant: Olga Moskovenko. Makeup: Victoria Bykova/L'oreal Paris. Hairstyles: Elena Zaikova/Kerastase, Victoria Bykova/L’oreal Paris. We thank Moscow Country Club Golf Resort for help in organizing the shooting

AT creative biography Gleb Matveychuk there is a place for everything. He is a successful film actor famous singer and composer and producer. Fans of various TV shows are familiar with him by participating in interesting programs such as "Voice", "Two Stars", Exactly the same.

The first fame for Gleb Matveychuk came after the release of the series "Margosha", where he played a minor but memorable role.


Gleb Matveychuk was born on June 26, 1981 in Moscow. His father's name was Alimzhan Ivanovich, he was a production designer and was a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR. Mom - Olga Shalimovna, worked at a film studio as a make-up artist. Gleb's mother is a native Muscovite, her father was a regular military man. Gleb is the only son of his parents, so all the love and attention was concentrated on him. The boy spent a lot of time with his grandmother.

Parents tried to take the child to all circles - he painted, went to ballet and figure skating. When Gleb turned 6, he was taken to a ballet studio, but dad was against such classes, and took him from the choreographic school.

Shortly thereafter, the family changed their place of residence and left for Belarus. Father was invited to work at Belarusfilm and they settled in Minsk.

From the age of seven, Gleb began to attend the music studio of the Minsk Theater. He participated in two projects that were in the repertoire - "Puss in Boots" and "Peter Pan", and he himself performed all the parts. This work was paid, and the boy was able to earn the first money, which he later spent on buying a bicycle.

Gleb Matveychuk graduated from a music college, after which he received a diploma in the specialty of a choir conductor.


At the age of 16, Gleb went to conquer the capital. He became a student of two institutes at once - the Higher theater school named after Shchepkin and the Moscow Conservatory named after. , and he managed to keep up everywhere with amazing ease. The knowledge gained in two universities will be a good springboard for developing him as a creative person, for translating his ideas into cinema and music.


The debut work of Gleb Matveychuk in the cinema was the film "Fire Shooter", in which he starred in 1994. The boy played in a small episode. Then there were minor roles in the film "72 meters", filmed in 2004 and the film "Papa".

In 2009, Gleb Matveychuk received a supporting role in the film "Margosha". He was to become Ruslan Khilkevich. This role is the most notable of Matveychuk's entire filmography.

After this work, Gleb stopped acting, all his attention was given to theater and television projects.


After receiving a diploma from the conservatory, Gleb did not study music for several years, and only in 2006 did the paintings come out, the author of the music for which was the young composer Matveychuk. The first notable work was the music for the film "Pilgrimage to the Eternal City", then there were several more interesting projects.

In 2008, Gleb was awarded the Golden Eagle award for amazing music for the film Admiral. The film made an indelible impression on both critics and ordinary connoisseurs of good cinema - this was facilitated by the beautiful music of the young composer.

They began to talk about Matveychuk as a professional. He is trusted to write music for films of various genres - from drama to comedy.

In 2006, Gleb Matveychuk was recognized not only as a composer, but also as a singer. He began performing with the Lady Prowler group, and as a vocalist. In 2007, he became one of the organizers of the Flair group. A few years later, his vocals could be heard at the performances of the Renaissance group.

In 2007, Gleb Matveychuk actively participated in the creation of the ethnic musical Children of the Sun. Soon after that, he appeared in another interesting project - Russian Tenors. Thanks to his voice, Gleb was able to be in the final and become famous throughout the country. A handsome blond with expressive eyes and excellent vocal abilities did not leave anyone indifferent - he was applauded by both the strict members of the jury and the audience.

In the same years, Matveychuk actively worked in the theater. He became Jesus in the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar, Fernand de Morcera in the musical Monte Cristo, John Utterson in the rock opera The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Gleb Matveychuk continues to write music for cinema. In 2009, he increasingly appears on television and theater projects. In 2013, he wrote the last melody for films.

TV work

In 2012, Gleb Matveychuk applied to participate in the TV show "Voice", but the casting failed, and he dropped out of the list of potential participants. This failure did not break young singer and he continues on his intended path.

A year later, Gleb took part in another sensational show - "Two Stars". Olga Kormukhina became his partner. Young people managed to win and go on a tour of Russia. Literally immediately after this victory, Matveychuk was invited to another interesting project- the transfer of "Just the same", where he managed to be in second place. In addition, the talented singer was awarded the Audience Choice Award.

What kind of characters had to be portrayed on stage by Matveychuk as part of this project. He was Shura, Anna Netrebko, G. Leps, K. Meine and even F. Mercury.

In 2016, Gleb performed in Murom with the song "Eternal Spring". The concert was dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity. A. Vorobieva became his partner.

At the beginning of 2017, Gleb Matveychuk went on tour around the country with solo performances. The program is called "Winter Ball". He was applauded by the inhabitants of the Northern capital, Kolomna, Moscow and the Moscow region. In March of the same year, Gleb presented his new concert program"Spring Ball".

Personal life

In the personal life of Gleb Matveychuk, women have always been present. It is not surprising, because it is difficult to imagine one tall handsome blonde with a beautiful voice.

Photo: Gleb Matveychuk with his wife

The first wife of Gleb Matveychuk was the actress Svetlana Belskaya. They lived in civil marriage four years, but never reached the registry office. Their acquaintance took place just before new year holidays, the girl just dreamed of meeting the love of her life. Only their closest friends knew about their relationship.

Their union broke up in 2008, and it was Svetlana who initiated it. The mother-in-law made a lot of efforts to reconcile her son with her daughter-in-law, advised them not to make hasty decisions, but the young people did not listen and parted. Then, in an interview, Belskaya said that it was her stubbornness that prevented her from starting a family, perhaps they would have had a harmonious relationship. But what's done is done, and nothing can be returned, especially since Svetlana is already married to her classmate.

In 2010, Matveychuk married for the second time. Now the actress has become his chosen one.

Their wedding was magnificent and beautiful, the celebration took place outside the city, in an old castle. Among the guests was the first wife - Svetlana Belskaya, which became an occasion for gossip and gossip. After the solemn registration, the newlyweds went to the church for the wedding. In the person of his wife, Matveychuk had not only a beloved woman, but also a reliable friend and adviser.

But suddenly in 2016, the couple filed for divorce. They parted quietly, without breaking dishes and sorting things out. Among the reasons for this decision, the spouses name their employment and the absence of children who never appeared in six years of marriage.

After these unpleasant events in the life of Gleb, cardinal changes. First, he completely changed his image. Without regret, he parted with his light curls and made a fashionable haircut. Secondly, he left to travel around Greece, where he spent a long time in holy places. And thirdly, started a new romantic relationship.

He was credited with an affair with a young singer Ksenia Dezhneva, with whom he appeared at the festival " Slavic Marketplace". But these rumors remained rumors.

In 2016, a picture appeared on Gleb's personal page, where he is depicted with a pretty girl. Fans hurried to find out who it was in the picture with a romantic heart and soon found out the name of the singer's new passion. She turned out to be actress Elena Glazkova, she is 29. The girl was offered to star in the films “Autumn of 1941” and “None of My Damn Business.”

Judging by the happy faces of young people, everything is in order in Gleb Matveychuk's personal life. He is happy, loves and is loved.

Selected filmography

  • 2004 - 72 meters
  • 2005 - The death of the empire
  • 2006 - Point
  • 2008 - Damned Paradise-2
  • 2009 - Margosha

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Do you know who Gleb Matveychuk is? Do you know the biography of this attractive blonde? If not, then it's time to correct this error. The article contains comprehensive information about his person. We wish you happy reading!

Gleb Matveychuk: biography

He was born on June 26, 1981 in Moscow. Soon the family moved to the capital of Belarus - Minsk. Our hero is from a creative and intelligent family. His father, Alim Matveychuk, is a famous film artist. At one time, the man graduated from GITIS. Gleb's mother was educated as a make-up artist. She devoted many years to this profession.

Gleb grew up as an obedient and active boy. At school he studied well. Several times a week the boy visited music school. Even then, Matveychuk Jr. decided that he would connect his future life with the stage.

In Minsk, Gleb Matveychuk graduated School of Music, having received the specialty "choir conductor". Parents were proud of their son's achievements. They supported Gleb in all his endeavors.


At the age of 16, our hero went to conquer Moscow. A self-confident and purposeful guy was able to enter two metropolitan universities at once - VTU im. Shchepkin (acting department) and the Moscow Conservatory (vocal department).

Gleb never complained about the heavy workload. He managed to attend lectures and classes at two institutes. Free time the young man spent with friends directly related to music and art.

Creative activity

In 2004, our hero tried himself as an actor. He starred in two films - "72 meters" and "Dad". The images he created were bright and believable. But they are poorly remembered by the audience.

Gleb Matveychuk failed to achieve success in cinema. And in 2005, he decided to change his occupation. The young man took up writing music for films. The compositions he created can be heard in such films as "Time of Troubles", "Admiral", "Hills and Plains" and so on.

When did the singer Gleb Matveychuk appear on our stage? Biography indicates that this happened in 2006. The handsome blonde was accepted into the Lady Prowler group, where he was the lead singer.

In 2007, Gleb Matveychuk, together with his friend Igor Novikov, created a band called Flair. The guys failed to achieve all-Russian fame and recognition of the audience. As a result, the group broke up. But Gleb did not give up music. He regularly performed with the Renaissance group.

Television career

Gleb Matveychuk, whose biography we are considering, is a comprehensively developed personality. The tall blonde tried his hand at various fields - from performing on stage to writing soundtracks for films. At some point, he wanted to "get" on TV.

In 2009, the STS channel launched the Russian Tenors reality show. Matveychuk took part in it. He became one of the six finalists. The professional jury highly appreciated his vocal and external data.

In 2012, Gleb could be seen in qualifying round on the show "Voice" (Channel One). Our hero sang the song "Goodbye, Mom." Unfortunately, he did not manage to get into the show. But Matveychuk did not despair.

The TV project "Two Stars" (2013) brought him a long-awaited success. Duet Gleb Matveychuk and took first place. That's not all. In 2014, the singer participated in the parody show Just Like It. He reached the final and took second place (according to the jury).

Gleb Matveychuk: biography, personal life

A tall blond with bright eyes has never lacked female attention. However, Gleb cannot be called a ladies' man and a womanizer.

At the age of 20, he met a girl who was able to win his heart. The guy took care of her for a long time and beautifully. As a result, the girl agreed to enter into a relationship with him. The couple lived together for almost 4 years. Gleb's chosen one managed to find a common language with his mother. Friends and colleagues of the singer were sure that everything would end with a magnificent wedding. But fate had its own way. One day Gleb announced the breakup with his beloved. The reasons why the guy made this decision are still unknown.

A year later, the personal life of Gleb Matveychuk improved. Within the walls of the conservatory, he met Anastasia Makeeva. Their close relationship began while working in a musical called Monte Cristo. At first, they were connected only by friendship. But soon everything turned into a serious relationship. At the end of 2009, Gleb made a beloved proposal. Anastasia was moved to tears. She did not take time to think and answered: "Yes!".

In August 2010, Gleb Matveychuk also got married. The biography of the singer was replenished with an important and joyful event. He is sure that he and Nastya will live together until the end of their lives. Now the couple dream of the birth of a common child. Let's hope God hears their prayers.


Now you know where he was born, studied and how Gleb Matveychuk gained popularity. The biography of our hero is a vivid example of how talented person achieves its goals. Gleb received two higher educations, built successful career and married for great love.