Preparations for the winter from tomatoes. Delicious recipes

Harvesting from tomatoes is an indispensable component of the winter, without which almost no family can do. is a unique product, the taste of which can be enjoyed all year round. Many appetizers, sauces and even desserts are prepared from them. Tomatoes in their own juice, pickled tomatoes, pickled, salted, tomato juice, dried tomatoes, tomato jam - this is something that can be quite easily made from tomatoes for the winter, following the recipes that we will consider below.

How to dry tomatoes for the winter

Dried tomatoes are a traditional ingredient in Italian cuisine, indispensable for making pizza, different kind bruschetta, pies, soups, sauces and dressings. In our country, this type of blanks is not widespread and is only beginning to gain popularity. Dried tomatoes retain their natural bright flavor, especially when spices are added. When prepared properly, dried tomatoes can last up to a year.
To make a preparation of dried tomatoes for the winter, you need to choose small, well-ripened, juicy fruits, without spots and rot. The most suitable for drying are not, but. For drying, it is better to take red "cream" tomatoes, as they retain the greatest amount of pulp. Before drying, wash the tomatoes, cut the stalks and cut in half, removing the seeds with a spoon.
Do not cut the peel - it contains all the useful substances that give a characteristic tomato flavor. Sprinkle tomatoes with salt and herb mixture and place on parchment paper.
You can dry on open sun or in the oven. The first option is mainly used by Italians, it is more convenient for those who live in private homes.
This The best way drying, so the tomatoes retain their natural rich taste and aroma. Can be dried in the oven - 3-3.5 hours, at 120-150 degrees. After drying, the blanks are laid out in sterile jars and poured with your favorite vegetable oil - olive, sunflower, etc.
You can sprinkle crushed dried tomatoes for taste and spicy aroma.

All about freezing tomatoes for the winter

Freezing is one of the most convenient ways to harvest tomatoes for the winter. , after all, at any moment there are vegetables at hand that have retained the entire set of nutrients and a holistic form. In addition, you do not have to spend money and buy winter greenhouse tomatoes that do not have such a bright, juicy taste as those grown in the summer under the open sun.
Frozen tomatoes retain their fresh taste and are indistinguishable from summer ones in a salad. There are two options for freezing tomatoes: whole fruits and tablets. The advantages of the first method are that whole frozen tomatoes are stored longer, they can be added to salads or served sliced. For freezing, you need to choose firm and ripe fruits, without damage, of medium size.
Each must be thoroughly washed, dried, laid out in one layer on a board and sent to the freezer. After a few hours, when the tomatoes are well frozen, transfer them to a frozen food storage bag and send them back to the freezer. Such tomatoes are stored for a year.

Freezing tomato tablets is a more time-consuming method. However, with such a preparation, you will not think what to cook from tomatoes for the winter, this is an ideal addition to borscht, pasta or sauce, which does not require defrosting and slicing. Before freezing, it is not necessary to peel the tomato peel, and it is also not necessary to use only whole fruits.
Rinse the tomatoes, cut into cubes, add greens and red and chop in a meat grinder or blender. Salt is not needed. Pour the tomato puree into freezer molds (ice molds, muffins, etc. are suitable) and send to the freezer.
Once the tomato mixture is well frozen, remove it from the molds and place in freezer bags. You can also store them for a year.

- a traditional snack of any winter table, everyday and festive. It is not difficult to roll up tomatoes for the winter; almost every family has its own special marinade recipe, which is passed down through the female line.

There are many ways to pickle using additives and different ones: allspice, leaves of fruit trees, etc. Consider the easiest way to pickle tomatoes. For 2 kg of vegetables you will need a liter of water, 2 large spoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and salt, black peppercorns, a couple of cloves of garlic, a few stalks, leaves and.

Prepared tomatoes, thoroughly washed, should be pricked with a toothpick at the stalk so that they do not crack after pouring boiling water. Sterilize jars (pour boiling water over), put prepared and washed leaves on the bottom, put tomatoes on top. Pour boiling water over, cover with lids and leave for half an hour. Then drain the water from the jars into the pan, add sugar and boil again. Pour 1 teaspoon into jars. vinegar, then boiling marinade and tighten the lids with a seaming key. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket and let them cool.

Did you know? For beauty, you can add thinly chopped green bell pepper, onion or carrot rings to the jar.

How to pickle tomatoes

You can cook pickles from tomatoes for the winter. This does not require special skills, as well as a large storage space, because you can pickle tomatoes not only in jars, but also in large buckets or tubs. To prepare these tomatoes, place in the chosen container more herbs, pre-washed: with umbrellas, leaves , .
Then lay the washed tomatoes (2 kg) and pierce them several times at the stalk with a toothpick.
Tomatoes are better to take ground, solid type "cream". Put peeled and chopped garlic, about half a large head, cover with horseradish leaves. Prepare the brine: hot water(2 l.) add 6-7 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar and boil.
Pour the hot (not boiling) brine over the tomatoes and leave for 3 days, covered, at room temperature. When the brine becomes cloudy and bubbles, transfer to a cold place. After 7-8 days you can try.

Important! The secret to great pickled tomatoes is a very salty and bitter pickle. It must be downright disgusting. Don't worry, the tomatoes won't mess it up, they'll take as much salt as they need.

Very tasty preparations of chopped green tomatoes for the winter are obtained. . Green or pink tomatoes of any variety are used, "cream" is best. You need to take 3 kg of tomatoes, rinse, cut into pieces.
For dressing, cut 2 large cloves of garlic, chilli pepper rings (to taste), large bunches of dill and parsley. Place the tomatoes with dressing in a large container - a saucepan or bucket, and pour 150-200 gr. vegetable oil. Cover with a lid that will cover the tomatoes themselves, and not the container with them, and lay the press on top. You can eat such tomatoes in three days.

Harvesting tomatoes in paste or ketchup

Ketchup is everyone's favorite sauce that goes well with all dishes. It can be spicy, spicy, fragrant or just tomato. It is easy to prepare such a sauce at home, while it turns out to be much tastier and healthier than store-bought. You can cook it with the addition of pieces of other vegetables or make it spicy, spicy, fragrant, just by adding your favorite seasonings.

Consider the recipe for classic ketchup without additives. To prepare it, take 3 kg of tomatoes, ripe, without damage, half a glass of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt, black pepper, herbs - dill, parsley, etc.
Wash the tomatoes, chop finely, place in a saucepan and cook for 15 - 20 minutes over medium heat.
Then rub the tomatoes through a sieve and continue to cook the resulting tomato puree for an hour over medium heat until it thickens.
Make a bag out of gauze, put all the spices and dip into the tomato mass. Salt and add sugar, then boil for another 10-15 minutes over low heat. Ketchup can be rolled up for the winter, poured into sterilized jars, or eaten immediately after cooling.

Summer has come, in the gardens and on the shelves seasonal vegetables appear in large quantities and at an affordable price. From about mid-July, summer residents begin to ripen tomatoes. If the harvest is successful and there are a lot of tomatoes, then you can prepare a delicious homemade tomato for the winter from them.

I make such a blank every year and will be happy to tell you my proven and simple way. I am posting the recipe with step by step photos for anyone who wants to help.

To make a homemade tomato we need:

  • tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

How to cook a tomato for the winter at home

First, you need to wash and sort out the tomatoes. We do not need black or rotten barrels in a tomato. Therefore, we cut out such places, and the good part needs to be cut. What size to make the pieces does not matter, as we do it for our convenience in the future.

So, we have three ways to turn tomatoes into a liquid.

1 way - juicer.

2 way - meat grinder.

3 way - combine.

It is more convenient for me to use a combine with a nozzle in the form of sharp knives.

This method seems to me the fastest and most convenient, but you choose. Grinding method for final result it doesn't affect much.

Having turned all the tomatoes into a tomato, pour it into a saucepan in which it will be cooked.

Salt, pepper it to taste and put on a small fire. Be careful, as soon as the tomato boils, it can “run away”. You need to cook homemade tomato over low heat for at least 30-40 minutes after boiling.

While the tomato is cooking, you need jars and lids.

The boiled tomato is carefully poured into clean jars.

We roll up full jars with clean lids and wrap them up for further cooling. As soon as our homemade tomato has cooled down, we need to put it in a cool place for storage.

Despite the fact that the recipe seems to be elementary, the tomato turns out incredibly tasty. It can be added to a soup fryer, stewed in it like a sauce, or it can be diluted with water and drunk like tomato juice. And I even eat okroshka with homemade tomato, pour it instead of kvass. 😉 In general, room for culinary fantasies big, but most importantly, that everything is natural. Bon Appetit.

Select only the most ripe tomatoes, the color of the finished product directly depends on this. If you have a choice, give preference to fleshy and non-acidic varieties, then the juice with pulp will be thicker and more concentrated.

Rinse the tomatoes, remove the damaged areas and the stalk. Then cut the tomatoes into several pieces so that they can fit into the meat grinder compartment.

Next, pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder with a fine grate. In order to make the tomato at home more uniform in composition, we recommend additionally wiping the tomato mass through a fine sieve. But then keep in mind that most of the useful fiber will go to waste.

You can also chop tomatoes with a blender.

For cooking, you will need a large pot. Pour the ground tomato mass into the dishes of your choice. We put on the fire and bring the mass to a boil. Then, reducing the heat to a minimum, boil the tomato mass for 20 minutes. This is the necessary minimum of time, the tomato in this case come in the form of a drink. Pasta should be boiled much longer, or additionally thrown back through a fine sieve. Stir the sauce occasionally and skim off any foam that forms. For flavor, you can add spices and peppercorns. Salt or sugar can also be used at this stage. But I don't do it at all.

Pour the homemade tomato into sterilized jars or bottles and seal tightly with a wrench or screw caps. Lids should be well boiled. Store homemade tomato in a cool place.

You probably noticed that only tomatoes were included in our composition. But this is a matter of taste, you can also use salt, various seasonings, while you diversify the tomato, which will already become a sauce for gravy.

Stock up on vitamins for the future and eat deliciously!

Sincerely, Anyuta.

Thanks to my mom for the recipe and photos.

Now it's time to make preparations from tomatoes for the winter. At home, you can cook delicious preserves with this vegetable; no store-bought ones even come close to comparing with them! After all, how great it is to open a jar in winter with fragrant, fragrant summer herbs and garlic, tomatoes.

The birthplace of the tomato, or more correctly, the tomato, is South America, where it is still found in the wild today. In Peru and Ecuador, tomatoes began to be cultivated as early as the fourth century BC. And it came to Europe thanks to Christopher Columbus at the end of the 15th century. Already from the middle of the 16th century, it began to be cultivated in Spain. By the end of the 16th century, the tomato or, as it was also called, the “apple of paradise”, began to spread almost throughout Europe. Tomato came to Russia in the 18th century and was first decorative culture, they began to be used for food later.

What are the benefits of tomatoes? With a low calorie content, because they are 90 percent water, they contain quite a few vitamins, organic acids, essential oils, natural hormones, such as the "hormone of happiness" - serotonin, trace elements, including cobalt, nickel and zinc.

At home, tomatoes are preserved in the following ways: cooking in their own juice, pickling, drying, drying, salting and pickling in barrels and jars, preparing tomato juice and puree, preparing sauces, salads and snacks with tomatoes.
Each family has its own recipes for preparations from this tasty and healthy vegetable, from the simplest to the most unusual. We offer you the best, time-tested recipes for tomato preparations.

1) Recipe for tomatoes for the winter from my grandmother.

For 1 liter jar
Tomatoes - approximately 600 g
Carnation inflorescences - 2 pcs.
Allspice - 2 peas
Black pepper - 2 peas
Tarragon (tarragon) - 1 sprig
For marinade:
For 1 liter of water.
Salt - 1 tbsp. (no big slide)
Sugar - 5 tablespoons (with slide)
Citric acid - 1/3 tsp


  1. Banks are thoroughly washed and dried. You can sterilize jars, but this is not necessary. We took liter cans. Firstly, to open and eat immediately, and secondly, it is very easy to lay out the spices, knowing the required amount per 1 liter.
  2. Choose ripe, but firm, medium-sized tomatoes.
  3. Arrange spices in jars. In each liter jar we put 2 peas of allspice and black pepper. 2 cloves and a sprig of tarragon.
  4. So that the skin of the tomatoes does not burst during heat treatment, we pierce each tomato from the side of the stem with a fork crosswise.
  5. We lay the tomatoes loosely, without trying to put as much as possible into the jar. Leave some space at the top.
  6. Cover jars in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  7. Pour jars of tomatoes with boiling water. Be very careful. So that the banks do not burst, fill in parts. We poured a little into one jar, go to another jar. Then a little more was poured into the first jar, and so on, until all the jars were filled.
  8. We cover the jars with sterilized lids (do not roll them up) and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  9. Then pour the water into a saucepan. It is advisable to use a special plastic lid with holes, and it is easier and you will not burn yourself.
  10. Pour sugar, salt and citric acid into the water drained into the pan in proportion to the amount of water, based on the amount of these ingredients per 1 liter.
  11. Mix everything and put the pan on the fire. When the water boils, let it boil for another 1-2 minutes. Check that the salt and sugar have dissolved.
  12. Pour the hot marinade over the tomatoes all the way to the top.
  13. We close the jars with lids and roll up or twist, whoever has what kind of lids.
  14. Turn the jars upside down. We wrap with something warm, towels, blankets and leave to cool.

We store such tomatoes, as well as other canned foods, in a cool room, but I think they will survive in the pantry, at room temperature.

2) Tomatoes "You'll lick your fingers"

The name of the recipe speaks for itself and fully explains the popularity of this recipe. The preparation is very tasty, the method of preparation is not at all complicated.

To spin five cans with a volume of 1 liter, you will need:
Red tomatoes - about 3 kilograms;
Dill or parsley - a bunch (10-12 branches);
head of garlic;
Bulb onion 130-150 g;
Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.

For marinade:
Water - 3 l;
Salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
Sugar - 7 tbsp. l.;
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
9% vinegar - 200 ml;
Black or allspice - 5-6 peas.

At the bottom of pre-sterilized jars lay chopped greens mixed with garlic and pour in vegetable oil; after which carefully washed tomatoes are carefully laid out, alternating them with layers of onion cut into rings. The jar is thus filled to the very top. The marinade is boiled, after which vinegar is poured into it; let it cool a little - to about 80 degrees and pour it into jars filled with tomatoes. The filled jars are subjected to a 15-minute sterilization, after which they are rolled up and turned upside down and left to cool completely.

You can harvest tomatoes for the winter in large jars; in this case, it is convenient to combine tomatoes of different sizes in one jar (and if they are of different colors, then it will also turn out beautifully).

Ingredients for a three-liter volume of finished pickles:

Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
Garlic: - 3-4 large cloves;
Parsley - 10 - 12 branches;
Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
Salt - 2.5 teaspoons;
Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.

First of all, we set the water to boil, and while it boils, wash the vegetables, sterilize the dishes.

At the bottom of the jars we put a couple of cloves of garlic and a few sprigs of parsley, tightly lay the tomatoes, and put the remaining parsley and garlic on top of them. Cut the pepper into 4-5 parts and spread the slices on top.

While the water boils, add sugar, salt and vinegar to the contents of the jar.

After the water boils, pour it over the tomatoes and roll up the lid.

We wrap the canned jars with a warm blanket so that they cool as slowly as possible.

In addition, when harvesting according to this recipe, cucumbers, young squash or even zucchini can be added to tomatoes. This is already a sort of assorted work. In winter, such “salting” will add variety and memories of summer to the diet.

But not by canning alone, as they say ... Recipes are known that allow you to prepare tomatoes for the winter without the use of sterilization.

Hugely in demand at the dinner table in winter time will enjoy Pickled Tomatoes.

3) pickled tomatoes

To prepare such a blank, you will not need any special conditions, no special skills, no cans and lids for canning.

You will need for a 3-liter container:

Tomatoes - 1.3 - 1.5 kg;
Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
Two or three leaves of black currant;
2-3 cherry leaves;
One "umbrella" of dill;
50-60 g (to taste) salt;
Water - 1.2 liters.

Carefully washed greens and garlic, cut into pieces, are laid out in an enameled pan, bucket or jar. Part of the parsley, currant and cherry leaves, dill umbrella are also laid out there.

Carefully washed tomatoes are laid out on top of the greens.

Having prepared the brine (from 1000 ml of water and salt), pour tomatoes into containers with them, press down with a plate, and you can put a load on top so that the tomatoes do not float.

The container is covered with a lid (when harvesting in a jar, you can close it with a plastic lid).

A container with tomatoes is placed in a cool place for two to three weeks; after this period, pickled tomatoes are ready and just ask for the table.

Undoubtedly, recipes for harvesting unripe, green or greenish-brown tomatoes for the winter, which remain on the branches in autumn, also deserve attention. (do not leave them on the bushes for the winter!). Such fruits are not suitable for salads and other dishes that are successfully made from red, ripe tomatoes (they differ significantly from ripe ones both in density and in the structure of the fruit pulp).

Green tomatoes have a rather interesting taste; Yes, and this preparation looks quite appetizing. As an appetizer, canned green tomatoes pair wonderfully with a variety of potato and meat dishes.

To harvest unripe green tomatoes for the winter, according to this recipe, we take three liters of finished preservation:

About one and a half kilograms of green tomatoes;
Bay leaf -3;
10 pcs of black and allspice;
Half a glass of nine percent vinegar;

Marinade for pouring

Liter of water;
a tablespoon of salt;
One and a half tablespoons of sugar;

First, let's put the marinade in preparation; To do this, bring water to a boil. In the meantime, it boils, we will select tomatoes of the correct form for conservation; preferably without dents and damage to the skin. It is better that they are approximately the same size - it will be more convenient to blanch them.

At the bottom of pre-sterilized jars, lay out bay leaves, garlic, black and allspice peas and tomatoes; before placing them in jars, they should be blanched in small portions (300-400 grams each) in boiling water for 30 seconds. The most convenient way to do this is with a colander, so as not to catch the tomatoes one by one from the boiling water in the pan. And after blanching, the tomatoes are immediately transferred to pre-prepared jars with spices already laid on the bottom.

Add salt and sugar to the boiled water for the marinade and simmer for 3-4 minutes over low heat, then add vinegar to the jars filled with tomatoes and immediately pour boiling marinade, then tightly close the jars with lids (roll up or twist). Closed jars with tomatoes should be immediately wrapped in something warm (a blanket, for example) and left in this form for about a day (during this period, the jars will completely or almost completely cool down).

It is better to store in a cool place - before the onset of winter, a cellar, cellar, cellar or refrigerator will do; and with the advent of winter, you can put it on the balcony.

4) Salted tomatoes in a bag

It's very fresh and original recipe pickled tomatoes for the winter in a polyethylene bag.


Water - 1.5 liters,
100 grams of salt
Black peppercorns - 2 pcs,
Bay leaf - 1 piece,

Medium ripe tomatoes
Celery leaves, cherries, currants,


Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly. Also wash the leaves of celery, cherries, currants and dill. You can add sugar beet to the recipe, so you can keep the oxidative processes in salted tomatoes.

Put a layer of greens in a plastic bag, put a layer of tomatoes on top of it, then put a layer of greens again, finely chop the sugar beet, put it on top, and then again the tomatoes and again the greens. Tie the bag tightly.

After two days, fill our tomatoes and greens with the resulting brine. To prepare the brine, take half a bag of water, then salt, add bay leaf, put dill, and hot allspice. Boil together

Then cool the mixture and pour it into a bag. Tie the bag tightly.

5) Peeled Tomatoes with Peppers

Ingredients you will need to prepare 3 liters of pickled tomatoes and peppers:

Red chilli pod;
2.5 kilograms of ripe tomatoes;
Red bell pepper - 1 piece;
Root of 1 parsley;
10 black peppercorns;
2 liters of filtered water;
Allspice peas - 5 peas;
1 carrot;
30 g non-iodized salt;
4 teaspoons of vinegar 80%;
Sugar - 5 tablespoons.

How to cook pepper marinated tomatoes:

Cut the tomatoes in a criss-cross pattern, dip briefly in boiling water and blanch for two minutes. Then transfer them to ice water and remove the skin.

Peel the red pepper and cut it into wide strips. Rinse the hot peppers, cut the carrots into circles, chop the greens larger, cut the parsley root into circles.

Put tomatoes and prepared vegetables in clean jars, fill them with brine, which should boil. Tomato blanks for the winter recipes must be done so that the jars do not explode in the middle of winter or even in autumn.

To do this, do this: place jars of warm water in a saucepan, wait until it boils, sterilize the jars for about 20 minutes. Then add vinegar and close.

6) Tomatoes with honey

Tomatoes marinated for the winter with honey are a very simple and tasty preparation. Hot peppers are added to jars as desired.

For 2 liter jars:
Tomatoes - 1.1 kg
Horseradish leaf - 0.5 pcs.
Dill - 2 umbrellas
Hot pepper - 4 rings
Garlic - 4 cloves
Honey - 6 tbsp.
Salt - 2 tsp
Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp.
Water - how much will go into the jar.

To preserve tomatoes with honey for the winter, prepare the necessary products from the list. Choose small tomatoes that will easily fit into a jar, and just as easily you can get them out of there.

Sterilize the jars in advance in any way convenient for you: over steam, in the oven, in the microwave or double boiler. Put pieces of horseradish leaves, 2 cloves of garlic and a dill umbrella on the bottom of each jar. If you like spicy tomatoes, add hot pepper rings right with the seeds. Pack tomatoes tightly into jars.

Bring the water in the kettle to a boil, pour the tomatoes in jars and leave for 30 minutes, covering the jars with clean lids.

After a while, pour the water from the jars into a saucepan, add honey, salt and vinegar, stir and bring to a boil. Pour tomatoes in jars with hot marinade and immediately roll them up with a key. Turn the jars over onto the lids, cover with something warm and leave to cool completely.

Tomatoes prepared according to this recipe can be stored in the apartment. In winter, pickled tomatoes with honey will be appropriate at any celebration.

7) Tomatoes with horseradish for the winter

For 2 cans of 1 liter:
Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
Horseradish root - 40 g
Garlic - 4-6 cloves
Parsley - 0.5 bunch
Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
Water - 650 ml
Salt - 50 g
Sugar - 3 tablespoons
Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons

Tomatoes with horseradish are a very tasty preparation, combined with many dishes. Tomatoes turn out vigorous, for a feast - that's it! Calculation of products for 2 cans of 1 liter.

To harvest tomatoes with horseradish and garlic for the winter, prepare all the necessary products. Tomatoes choose dense, as they will be cut in half.

Randomly chop the bell pepper, garlic and horseradish root. Place them in a blender bowl and grind using the metal knife attachment. Cut the tomatoes in half, if very large, then into 4 parts. Add finely chopped parsley to the twisted mass.

Fill clean sterile jars with tomatoes - cut down, shifting with a mixture of garlic, horseradish, pepper and parsley.

Prepare a hot marinade from sugar and salt, let it boil for 3-5 minutes and pour over the tomatoes. Cover jars with lids. Put a thick napkin on the bottom of the pan, put the jars and pour hot water into the pan. Sterilize 10 minutes from the moment the water boils.

Roll up the jars and turn them upside down, cover with something warm. Leave until completely cool. Tomatoes with horseradish are ready for the winter.

Tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter

Tomatoes (for juice) - 1 kg
Tomatoes - 600 g
Salt - 1 tbsp.
Allspice peas - 3 pcs.
Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
Carnation - 3 pcs.
Garlic - 2 cloves
Hot pepper - 0.5 pcs.

Tomatoes in tomato juice is a very tasty preparation for the winter. The recipe is easy to make and the results are amazing! It will be very tasty with boiled potatoes, with meat dishes, and just as a snack. And one more thing: the recipe allows you to use substandard tomatoes, it's convenient.

So, the main ingredients for making tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter are the simplest - tomatoes and salt. You can add more garlic, hot peppers and spices, but this is not at all necessary! Tomatoes for juice take the most ripe, and for the preparation itself - small or medium-sized.

We cut large tomatoes into large pieces so that it is convenient to pass through a juicer. If you have a manual, then you can adjust the density of the spin. And if electric, run the squeezes again through the juicer. It remains a thick mass that can be used in the preparation of soup or a second course.

About 1 liter of juice is obtained from 1 kg of tomatoes, it may turn out a little less, depending on the juiciness of the tomatoes. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add salt, bring to a boil. You need enough salt so that the juice is slightly oversalted, because the tomatoes will take some of the salt. Cook the juice over moderate heat for 10-15 minutes, removing the foam (it can also be used in cooking other dishes). After boiling, I got 700 ml of tomato juice.

While the juice is being cooked, we sterilize the jars over steam, put the garlic, half of the pepper, spices and tomatoes.

We prick the tomatoes with a toothpick near the stalk so that the skin does not burst. Pour boiling water over and leave for 10 minutes, covered with a lid.

Then we drain the water, pour the tomatoes with hot tomato juice, tightly close the lid (I use thick nylon), turn over, wrap and leave to cool. After that, we remove the tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter in a cellar or other dark cool storage.

It took me 500 ml of juice per liter jar. The rest of the juice can be placed in a bag with a latch and put in the freezer. It can be used in winter as a dressing in soups or main dishes.

Tomatoes in tomato juice are ready! Eat to your health!

8) Tomatoes for the winter in oil

An interesting, not quite ordinary preparation, it has a high calorie content, and a very pleasant taste.

Tomatoes - 1 kg;
Vegetable oil - half a glass;
Water - 1 liter;
Vinegar 9% table - 3 tablespoons;
Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
Bay leaf;
Black peppercorns;
Dried cloves;
Onion - 1 head.

We thoroughly wash the jars and after that they need to be calcined in the oven.

Tomatoes for this preparation need ripe and sweet, but firm, dense, otherwise they will spread. Tomatoes need to be washed, sorted out. Then cut into two halves.

In this preparation, the most important thing is a delicious marinade, so let's start preparing it:

We take water, pour it into a saucepan, wait for it to boil. Add 9% vinegar to the water, immediately add salt and granulated sugar. After that, add spices - they are very important in this preparation, but adjust everything to taste. As soon as everything boils for a couple of minutes, it will be possible to remove from the stove. Now we clean the onion and cut it into thinner rings, washing in advance. We put everything in jars - put the tomatoes in cuts on the bottom, then onions, bay leaves, and lay them out in such layers to the very top. If you want, you can add peeled garlic and a little peppercorns. Everything, it remains to fill everything with marinade and cover the jars with lids. We send them for sterilization for 15 minutes, take them out and add oil to each jar. There should be about enough oil to form a layer of 5 mm. After that, you need to roll up the lids and cool, take out in the cold.

9) Adjika for the winter

Fragrant and burning adjika is the queen of homemade preparations. For heat-resistant people - an appetizer for black bread, for the rest - a universal flavor, seasoning and just a delicious savory snack. Fragrant and spicy adjika will always come in handy, whether it's a mountain feast or cozy gatherings with friends.

We offer you 2 classic recipe adjika:

Raw adjika (without cooking)


Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
Bulgarian pepper - 500 g
Hot red pepper - 3-5 pcs.
Horseradish root - 200 g
Garlic - 300 g
Sugar - 1 cup
Salt - 2 tbsp.
Vinegar 9% - 1 cup

Adjika is harvested raw, so it should be stored in the refrigerator. It is stored exactly for a year, if, of course, it is worthy. To prepare raw adjika with horseradish, take the products from the list.

Cut the pepper in half and remove the seeds. It is better to use red pepper. Hot pepper can be taken green. Peel the horseradish root. The ingredients indicate the weight of the purified product. Peel the garlic. Remove the stalk from the tomatoes, cut into 4 parts. Place all the vegetables in batches in a food processor. Then grind. Pour the whole mass into a large bowl. Then add sugar, salt and pour vinegar. Mix well and place in dry sterilized jars. Tighten the jars with screw caps and store in the refrigerator. Raw adjika with horseradish is ready to eat!

Boiled adjika for the winter


Tomatoes - 1 kg
Bulgarian pepper - 3-4 pcs.
Hot pepper - 1 pc.
Onion - 2 pcs.
Carrots - 2 pcs.
Garlic - 1 head
Sugar - 50 g
Salt - 1 tbsp.
Refined sunflower oil - 100 ml
Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.

To prepare boiled adjika for the winter, cut tomatoes into slices, cutting out the stalk. Cut peppers, remove seeds, cut into arbitrary pieces. Peel and cut carrots, onions. Peel the garlic from the husk. Chop the vegetables in batches in a food processor.

Place the vegetable mass in a suitable pan, cook for 30 minutes, not forgetting to stir. Then add all the spices to the adjika, mix and cook for another 5 minutes.

Sterilize jars and lids in a convenient way for you. Fill the jars with hot adjika, turn over on the lid and put "under a fur coat" until it cools completely. After that, you can remove the boiled adjika for storage for the winter.

10) Caviar from green tomatoes for the winter


Green tomatoes - 1 kg
Onion - 500 g
Carrots - 500 g
Garlic - 10-12 cloves
Sugar - 4 tablespoons
Tomato paste - 2 tbsp.
Salt - 1 tbsp.
Ground paprika - 1 tsp
Sunflower oil - 100 ml
Ground black pepper - 1.5 tsp
Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp.

A very successful recipe for caviar from green tomatoes for the winter fell into my hands, and since green tomatoes remained in our garden in large quantities, such caviar saves the day. This year, the first batch of caviar that I cooked was already almost all eaten, and I immediately decided to cook more. Caviar is very tasty spread on bread and served as sandwiches, besides, caviar can be an excellent snack for meat dishes. From the specified amount of products, 4 jars of 500 ml are obtained.

To prepare caviar, prepare all the products on the list.

Wash the green tomatoes, cut in half and remove the stalks, then cut into pieces arbitrarily. Transfer the tomatoes to a food processor. Using a metal knife attachment, mash the tomatoes into a puree. Pour sunflower oil into the bottom of a stainless steel saucepan, then tomato puree. Put the pan on the fire, bring the contents to a boil, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Cook for 15 minutes.

Peel onions and carrots, cut into pieces. Also place them in the bowl of the food processor and chop. Then add this mass to the pan to the tomatoes. Mix the vegetable mass, cook for another 10 minutes under the lid. Then add sugar, salt, black pepper, paprika, tomato paste and garlic passed through a press. Mix all ingredients and cook for another 5 minutes.

If you want to get a more uniform consistency, then the mass can be pierced with an immersion blender. Add vinegar to the caviar and bring to a boil again.

Arrange caviar in pre-sterilized jars, twist or roll up, then turn over and wrap with a warm blanket. I advise you to roll up 3 cans of caviar from green tomatoes for the winter, and leave the rest for testing, the caviar turns out to be incredibly tasty. You can store caviar in your home pantry, and an open jar - of course, in the refrigerator.

Happy preparations! Save with love!

Tomatoes in any form are always a holiday on the table. Nature endowed them with a pleasant shape, bright, cheerful color, excellent texture, freshness and, of course, excellent taste. Tomatoes are good both on their own and as part of complex dishes, such as salads and stews. And during the winter meal, tomatoes always remind you of summer. They are loved by everyone - both home and guests. And therefore, a rare housewife denies herself the pleasure in a season when there are a lot of vegetables, to cook something from tomatoes for the future.

At home, it is not difficult to make salted or pickled tomatoes, make excellent pasta or juice from them. AND experienced housewives, for sure, know many of these. We offer unusual step by step recipes original ways of preserving tomatoes. This is a great opportunity to expand your culinary experience and delight family and friends during the winter feast.

It is always very interesting to diversify traditional recipes with new approaches and solutions. For the original taste of honey salting, we need ripe tomatoes, parsley, fresh garlic and marinade. For him, 1 liter. water put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Tomatoes are washed and their stems are cut out. Garlic and parsley are finely chopped and with this mixture they begin a hole in the tomatoes, formed after the removal of the stalks. All the parts necessary for the marinade are combined and brought to a boil. Ready tomatoes are placed in sterilized jars and poured with boiled marinade. Then you should wait 10 minutes, carefully drain the marinade, boil it again and refill the jars. After that, blanks with tomatoes can be closed with lids.

Lovers will love the taste of tomatoes stuffed with garlic and herbs. spicy snack. And the delicate taste and aroma of honey will make such a preparation a favorite at home for dinner.

Salted tomatoes with apples

Tomatoes are very convenient to preserve with other vegetables, fruits and berries. They go well with cucumbers, carrots, beets, gooseberries, plums and grapes. Well, and, of course, tomatoes and apples perfectly complement each other. Only apples for such pickling are better to choose more solid and sour in taste. You will also need a few cloves of garlic, fresh or dry dill sprigs, bay leaves, allspice, cloves and marinade. For him, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and sugar with a slide for every 1.25 liters of water. Apples for canning can be cut into pieces and core removed or left whole - at the discretion of the hostess.

At the bottom of the jars, all the spices are first laid, and then in layers - tomatoes and apples to the very top. For 5-10 minutes, the contents are poured with boiled water. Then it is drained and the jars are filled to the neck so that the contents overflow with boiled marinade. And immediately seal with lids. After that, the jars are turned over, wrapped in a blanket or towel and allowed to cool.

Green tomato salad with vegetables

It often happens that in the summer in the hands of the hostess there are many different vegetables at the same time. From them and green tomatoes you can cook a beautiful and tasty assorted salad for the winter. To do this, use sweet peppers, onions and carrots. You can also add sour apples. In addition, you will need garlic, coriander, bay leaf, allspice and peppercorns.

Coarsely cut vegetables for salad. Carrots - in circles, onions - in half rings, peppers - in strips. Then the tomatoes and chopped apples (so as not to darken) are mixed, salted and allowed to stand for 40 minutes. At this time, garlic, spices and herbs are placed at the bottom of the jars. After that, the rest of the chopped vegetables are added to the green tomatoes and apples, everything is mixed and the jars are filled with the vegetable mixture. At the same time, they need to be shaken slightly so that the vegetables in the jars are a little compacted. You should not specifically squeeze the vegetable mixture with a spoon or hands, otherwise the vegetables will lose their shape and there will be no room for the marinade.

Salt and sugar are added to boiled water (at the rate of 1.5 tablespoons with a slide per 1 liter) and 100 g of apple or ordinary vinegar. Pour hot marinade over jars of tomato salad to the very top and close them with lids.

Jellied tomatoes

By making preparations for the winter, you can get both canned vegetables and delicious jelly simultaneously. To do this, in addition to ripe tomatoes, use gelatin (1.5 tablespoons), as well as 100 g of vinegar, salt and sugar (1.5 tablespoons each) and 1 liter of water.

Gelatin diluted in small quantities cold water and let it swell. Tomatoes are cut into halves. Parsley, bay leaf, peeled garlic cloves, coriander, allspice and peppercorns are placed at the bottom of the jars. If desired, you can also put currant leaves, cherries, horseradish and dill sprigs with umbrellas here. It all depends on the aroma that you want to give to canned foods. Tomatoes are placed on top of the greens in a jar, placing them cut-side down.

The swollen gelatin is introduced into hot water and allowed to boil. Add salt, sugar and vinegar there, stir and bring to a boil again. The resulting marinade with gelatin is filled with jars of tomatoes to the very top and sealed with lids. In winter, before serving, a jar of gelled tomatoes must be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

About another option home cooking tomatoes in jelly in her video will tell Inna.

Tomatoes in wine

Tomatoes acquire a completely unusual taste and color in wine filling. For this type of canning, not very large tomatoes of the "Cream" and "Black Prince" varieties are well suited.

To prepare a fragrant preparation, greens and spices are first placed on the bottom of the jar.

Wine pouring for tomatoes is prepared from a mixture of ordinary canning marinade and dry red wine in a ratio of one to one. The composition of the marinade is traditional: for 1 liter of water, 1.5 tablespoons of salt with a slide, 1.5 (or 2) tablespoons of sugar and 100 g of vinegar. The wine is poured into the boiled marinade and not boiled.

A jar with tomatoes, herbs and spices is poured with a mixture of wine and marinade, for 10-15 minutes the jars with covered lids are kept in a saucepan with water at a temperature of + 90 ° C (not boiling), and then they are corked with lids. In winter, when the tomatoes are eaten, the remaining wine filling can be used to stew meat or prepare a fragrant spicy sauce.

tomato sauce

This recipe, for sure, will appeal to everyone who likes the taste of tomatoes after cooking. To prepare the gravy, you will need 3 kg of ripe tomatoes, 1 kg of onions, 0.2 l of refined vegetable oil, 100 g of sugar, 4 tbsp. tablespoons salt and 1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper.

The onions are peeled and cut into strips, and the tomatoes into slices. Vegetable oil is poured into the pan and the onions are stewed on it for about half an hour. Then tomatoes, sugar, salt and red pepper are added to the onion. Everything is thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil. If desired, you can interrupt with a blender. On low heat, the gravy is boiled for another 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir from time to time so that it cooks evenly and does not burn.

For canning, jars and lids are washed and sterilized in advance. Hot gravy is laid out in jars to the very top. Roll up the lids, turn the jars over, cover them with a blanket and let them cool.

Tomato sauce is versatile. Such a sour additive will favorably shade the taste of meat and poultry. In addition, it is great for fish dishes, cereals, pasta and potatoes.

The Secrets of Canning Tomatoes

  • For homemade preparations for the winter, it is best to use not overripe tomatoes with dense pulp. The skin of such fruits will not burst during canning.
  • Whole fruits before filling with marinade must be pierced from the side of the stem with a toothpick or a pointed wooden stick. It will also prevent the skin from cracking.
  • If we decide to preserve several cans, then we always need to know how much marinade will have to be prepared. How to determine how much marinade is required per jar? To do this, in a jar with already laid spices and tomatoes, you need to pour water to the top, and then drain it and measure the resulting volume. We multiply it by the number of cans and get the required amount of marinade. For a liter jar filled with fruits, you need 0.25-0.3 liters of liquid.
  • Tomatoes are delicate vegetables. To keep their shape, elastic texture and, if possible, useful vitamins, you do not need to sterilize the jars for a long time in water. For canned tomatoes, it is better to wash the jars in advance and sterilize them under steam or in a dry version - in a preheated oven. Then the contents will need to be poured with boiling water for 5-10 minutes, and then, draining it, with boiled marinade. Or, pour boiled marinade over vegetables in a jar twice. This will be enough for sterilization before closing the jars with lids.
  • It is good to add a lot of greens to a tomato - parsley, dill, mint, celery, horseradish leaves, cherries or apples. Each seasoning gives the homemade preparation a specific flavor. Oak leaves, for example, darken the color of the canned product and add a spicy flavor to the tomatoes. There is an opinion that a lot of greens in canned food is bad, because jars can “explode” from this. In fact, spoilage of canned food does not come from the amount of greens, but from the fact that they were not sterilized well enough, and bacteria remained inside. And these bacteria can be found on greens, and on the tomatoes themselves, and on peppers or bay leaves that have been added inside.
  • If you put whole cloves of garlic in a jar of tomatoes, the brine inside remains transparent. If you add chopped garlic, the brine becomes cloudy and there is a high chance that the canned food will deteriorate and “explode”.
  • Rock salt is great for making marinades. But, when the brine boils, it is better to strain it through cheesecloth. And then the quality of the marinade will be excellent.

It will not be long before the tomato season ends, and with it the summer. But homemade blanks made for the future, on a frosty winter day, will be a wonderful reminder of the dacha, vacation and summer warmth. You just need to try a little!