Lara Fabian year. Lara Fabian: biography, best songs, interesting facts, listen

22 chord selections


Lara Fabian (fr. Lara Fabian) - French-speaking singer of Belgian-Italian origin, known for strong vocals and good technique. Performs songs in French, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages.
Date of birth - January 9, 1970 (1970-01-09)
Place of birth - Etterbeek, Belgium
Country - Belgium
Singing range - 4.1 octaves, lyric soprano

Lara Fabian was born on January 9, 1970 in Etterbeek, a suburb of Brussels. Her mother Louise is from Sicily, her father Pierre is Belgian. The first five years Lara lived in Sicily and only in 1975 her parents settled in Belgium. Lara was 5 years old when her father noticed her vocal abilities. At the age of 8, her parents bought her her first piano, on which she composed her first melodies. At the same time, she studied singing and solfeggio at the Conservatory.

Lara started her career at the age of 14. Her father was a guitarist and performed with her in music clubs. In parallel, Lara continued music lessons at the Conservatory. She entered competitions. For example, the "Tremplin de la chanson" competition in 1986, which she won. The main prize was the recording of the disc. In 1987, Lara recorded "L'Aziza est en pleurs", a tribute to Daniel Balavoine, of whom she said: "Balawoine is a role model. A real man who lived without compromise, always making his choice based on his own ideas of honor and not looking back at the opinions of others. A man admired by an entire generation." "L'Aziza est en pleurs" is now a real rarity. In 2003, his copy was sold for 3,000 euros.

Lara's international career began in 1988 when she represented Luxembourg at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Croire", where she placed fourth. "Croire" was sold in Europe in the amount of 600 thousand copies and translated into German (Glaub) and English (Trust) languages.

After the first European success, Lara recorded the second disc "Je Sais".

The turning point in her career is without a doubt May 28, 1990, when Lara meets Rick Allison in Brussels. A few months later, they decide to try their luck in Quebec and leave for another continent.

Meanwhile, Pierre Crockaert, Lara's father finances her first album, which was released in August 1991. The singles "Le jour ou tu partiras" and "Qui pense a l'amour" sold out instantly. She received a warm welcome at every concert, and in 1991 she was nominated for a Felix (the equivalent of Victoires de la Musique).

1994 was marked by the release of the second album " Carpe Diem in Canada, which went gold two weeks after its release. Then Lara presented her performance "Sentiments acoustiques" in 25 cities of Quebec.

In 1995, at the ADISQ awards (Canadian Recording Association), Lara Fabian received an award as " Best Performer of the Year" and "Best Performance". At this time, Lara Fabian begins to take an active part in charity events. For example, for many years Lara has been helping the association of children with heart disease. She also takes an active part in the Arc-en-Ciel (Rainbow) Association, whose goal is to fulfill the dreams of sick children.

And on July 1, 1995, the National Day of Canada, a young Belgian receives Canadian citizenship. In 1996, Lara voiced Esmeralda in the Walt Disney Studios cartoon The Hunchback of Notre Dame and sang the theme song to it.

Her third album, Pure, was released in Canada in September 1996 and went platinum in less than two weeks. When asked why she called her latest album Pure, Lara replied: “That word best describes my way of expressing myself in all honesty. Pure… like water, like air, it is inseparable from my creativity.” For this album in 1997, Lara received Felix in the Album of the Year nomination. 1997 is the year of return to the European continent. Lara participates in "Emilie Jolie" written by Philippe Chatel, singing the song "La petite fleur triste".

The album "Pure" was released in France on June 19, 1997. Success was not long in coming and on September 18 Lara received her first European gold disc. Since the summer of 1997, she has appeared in all television programs and on the covers of the largest French magazines. In the same year, Lara Fabian signed a contract with Sony Music to record her English albums.

On November 3, 1998, a large tour began, which included concerts in France, Monaco and Switzerland. It was a triumph. In February 1999, Lara released a double Live. It should be noted that in less than 24 hours after the release, this album rose to the top of the French charts, eclipsing even the musical "Notre-Dame de Paris". Then she was nominated as "Singer of the Year" in Victoires de la musique. On May 5, 1999, in Monaco, at the World Music Awards, Lara Fabian won in the nomination "Best Performer from the Benelux Countries".

November 30, 1999 the singer releases her first English-language album. While working on this album, she collaborated with the most famous composers who wrote for Barbra Streisand, Mariah Carey, Madonna and Cher. At the same time, Lara recorded several songs in Spanish. Explaining her sympathy for the Romance languages, she said that the rhythm of these languages ​​corresponded to her character. In general, Lara speaks 4 languages ​​- Italian, French, Spanish and English.

Lara ended 1999 with TF1 on December 31, where she performed several songs, notably the duet with Patrick Fiori "L'hymne a l'amour".

Throughout 2000, Lara was promoting her album in the United States. January 29, 2001 Lara participated in the recording of the play Enfoires. On May 2, the World Music Awards 2001 took place in Monte Carlo, where Lara Fabian received a prize for her sales in the Benelux countries.

In the summer of 2001, Lara participated in the recording of two songs for American films. One of them is a duet with Josh Groban "For always", which is the title theme to Steven Spielberg's film "Artificial Intelligence" ("A.I."). Second - animated film"Final Fantasy: The Dreams within" ("Final Fantasy: The Dreams within").

May 28, 2001 was the official release of the album "Nue" in Montreal. In connection with the release of the album in Europe on September 5, Lara organized several meetings with fans at the Virgin Megastore in 3 cities in France - Marseille (from 12 to 13 hours), Lyon (from 16 to 17 hours) and Paris (from 21 to 22 hours ). September 28, 2001 in Montreal on the stage of Molson Lara with many other artists participated in charity concert, the proceeds of which went to the needs of the victims of the September 11 attacks in the United States.

At the end of 2002, fans were able to see Lara Fabian again on stage in the acoustic performance "En Toute Intimite", which was released on CD and DVD on October 14, 2003. With this performance, Lara traveled around the cities of France, Switzerland and Belgium. On April 27 and 28, 2004 Lara also performed in Moscow, on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music. On February 27 and 28, 2004, Lara performs at the Wilfrid-Pelletier Hall with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. In 2004, Lara Fabian made her film debut in De-lovely, a musical drama about the life of composer Cole Porter.

On June 1, 2004, a new English-language album "A Wonderful Life" is released. November 18-20 Lara participates in the play Autour de la guitare and on the last evening she sings “J’ai mal a ca”, written by Jean-Felix Lalanne.

On February 25, 2005, Lara Fabian's new album called "9" was released with the first single "La Lettre" written by JF Lalanne.

From September 2005 to June 2006 Lara toured France. Her show "Un Regard 9" was a huge success. Soon CDs with recordings of the show and a DVD with a video version of the concert were released.

In June 2007, in a message to fans on her official website, Lara announces that she is pregnant. “This is the most wonderful news I could give you,” she writes. Indeed, the singer repeatedly said in an interview that she would not feel completely happy if she did not become a mother. But despite the pregnancy, Lara took part in various concerts and TV shows until the birth of her daughter (in particular, the September performance at the Casino de Paris).

On November 20, 2007, baby Lou was born, named after her mother Lara Louise. The girl's father is the famous French director Gerard Pullicino.

The next few months Lara was associated with family concerns. But already in the spring of 2008, she is ready to give several big concerts around the world. Lara Fabian's mini-tour began in Greece, where she performed with Mario Frangulis (a famous Greek singer), continued in Russia, where Lara traditionally visits every spring, and ended in Ukraine, which the singer visited for the first time. The concert took place in the Kiev Palace Ukraine, gathered a full hall and received a very warm welcome from the Kiev public.

In the summer of 2008, Lara begins to prepare a new album. She decides to dedicate it to the women who influenced her life and work. The release date was set for October, but has been pushed back several times. As a result, the long-awaited "TLFM" ("Toutes Les Femmes En Moi" or "All the women in me") was seen by the world only on May 26, 2009. Sunny and light, it has become a good gift for music lovers on the eve of summer. Read more about the album and its creation in the TLFM section and the Press section.

At the beginning of June 2009, Lara again comes to Moscow. She gives 5! concerts in the capital Operetta. (Video of the concert on June 1 - in the section Concerts). The singer will present a new album, as well as a new duet. Together with Lara, the famous Russian composer Igor Krutoy performed on stage. Together they performed two songs: “Lou” (which Lara dedicated to her daughter) and “Demain n’existe pas” (translated as “Tomorrow does not exist”).

On October 7, the album "Ewery Woman in Me" was released. Its content continues the idea of ​​the TLFM disc: Lara performed the songs of her favorite singers, whose work influenced her career. The album contains songs in English and they are performed exclusively with piano accompaniment. The CD is a limited edition and distributed in Lara Fabian's online store.

In February 2010, Lara visited St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg for the first time, after which she gave her first concert in Odessa (February 21) and performed for the second time in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv (February 23).

From September 2009 to March 2010, Lara's big tour "Toutes les femmes en moi font leur show" took place, during which Lara performed songs from the albums "TLFM" and "EWIM", as well as her hits from different years. The show will be released on DVD in autumn 2010.

From May to July 2010, shootings of the musical film "Mademoiselle Zhivago" took place in Ukraine, based on 12 short stories based on songs by Lara Fabian. The author of the music and the producer of the film is the Russian composer Igor Krutoy. The director was the popular Ukrainian music video director Alan Badoev.

Lyric soprano Lara Fabian conquered the whole world. Europe, America, Canada, Russia, China… it is difficult to name a place where the strong, melodic and penetrating voice of the French-speaking performer would not be heard.

But her singing talent is not the only thing admired by her multi-million audience. Lara has an attractive appearance that resonates with her style of performance. Refined facial features, large wide-open eyes, a divine smile and blond curls, combined with vocals, make her enjoy every performance. It's time to get to know this charming singer better.

Read a short biography of Lara Fabian and many interesting facts about the singer on our page.

short biography

Lara owes her ardent character to her parents. Lara Sophie Katie Crokart was born into an international family. Mom, Louise, is from sunny Sicily, and father, Pierre, is from cool Belgium. Their meeting is pure coincidence. A friend asked Pierre to meet his sister at the station. He denied for a long time - the young man was preparing for the wedding and did not want to waste time traveling. But, succumbing to persuasion, he goes to the station with his bride and ... falls in love with the temperamental and lively Louise.

City of Etterbeek, a suburb of Brussels. The calendar says January 9, 1970. In the local maternity hospital, the first cry of the future international singer is heard. After her birth, the family goes to Sicily, where the girl spends the first 5 years under the hot rays of the Italian sun.

Lara starts singing at the age of 4. She owes this to her parents again. Louise had a wonderful voice. The girl enjoyed her mother's singing and was inspired. My father was fond of the guitar and well versed in music.

At the age of 5, Lara told her father: "I am a singer." He asked what meaning the daughter puts into this expression. The little girl replied, "That's what makes me happy." Pierre, without hesitation, turned to a familiar pianist to evaluate his daughter's vocal abilities. The musician advised to develop singing talent. A series of training sessions began. At this time, the family moves back to Belgium.

Pierre buys his daughter a piano, on which she composes the first melodies. At the same time, the girl visits music school, which is then replaced by the Royal Academy of Brussels. Together with her father, Lara begins to perform in bars and at various competitions. One of the significant events in which she took part was the talent competition "Brussel Springboard". The young and gifted person won three prizes, among which was the record of the disc. So, in 1987, the first disc of Lara Fabian "L'Aziza est en pleurs" was recorded.

The next stage in the life of the singer is participation in Eurovision in 1988. She speaks to millions of people and represents Luxembourg. And even though she was given only 4th place, her song “Croire” (“Believe”) was so liked by the European public that an international career became a completely logical continuation of her creative life.

Lara began to actively tour and get to know the world. In 1989, the girl ended up in Canada. This country fascinated her so much that she decides to stay here and moves to Quebec.

A little later in Brussels, she meets Rick Allison, who accompanied her on creative way 14 years old. He not only helps her in recording albums, but also becomes a loved one. Their romance lasts 6 years and ends with friendly relations.

In Montreal, Lara founded her own record label. In 1991, she released her second album "Lara Fabian" with the financial support of her father. The Canadians sold out the album in an instant and recognized Lara as the most promising singer. And the woman fell more and more in love with this country and in 1995 received Canadian citizenship.

In 1996, the album "Pure" was released, most of the songs of which were written by Lara herself. With this album, she returns to Europe and receives a Gold disc for it, and in Canada - Platinum. While touring France, she meets Patrick Fiori, the artist behind the musical Notre-Dame de Paris. Their union was fleeting and painful for the performer.

Europeans are subdued. It remains to achieve recognition at the American Olympus. In 1999, Lara released an English-language album. The public did not accept it. In America at this time they listen with rapture Celine Dion with which Lara was constantly compared. The second attempt to conquer the United States was made in 2004.

Despite this, she continues to work, records albums, delights fans with great vocals and artistry, composes songs for other artists, and tries herself in films. Musical success does not interfere with personal happiness. In 2005, she falls in love with Gerard Pullicino, a French director. It was he who filmed her first video for the song "Croire". Two years later, their daughter Lou is born.

At the age of 40, the performer made public information about her illness, a liver tumor. But that was already in the past, before the birth of her daughter. She conquered the disease, experienced all the emotions associated with it, and found a way out within herself.

Each Lara Fabian album is a personal revelation. "9" becomes a new round in creative career, according to the singer herself. "Toutes les femmes en moi" / "All the women in me" is somewhat autobiographical. In it, she reflected the influence of various women on the development of herself as a singer. The last album to date, "Ma vie dans la tienne", Lara released in 2015.

In 2013, the international star tied the knot with Italian illusionist Gabriel Di Giorgio. In the same year, Lara began to refuse concerts - hearing problems appeared.

Now the famous singer lives in Belgium, brings up her daughter and begins to slowly return to the stage after a forced rest.

Interesting Facts

  • Lara's Sicilian grandmother shared a legend with her, according to which, if you make a wish on August 12 while a star is falling, it will surely come true. A little five-year-old girl wished to study music 12-15 times.
  • Lara Fabian is the author of most of the lyrics of her songs. She also writes music, but to a lesser extent.
  • Lara changed her surname Crokart to Fabian in honor of her maternal uncle. She loved him very much and promised to take his last name. In addition, it is Fabian who sounds beautiful in all European languages, according to the performer herself.
  • Until 7 months, the future French-speaking star was called Laura. Remaining under the impression of the American film based on the work of B.L. Pasternak "Doctor of the Living", the mother decided to change the girl's name to Lara, in honor of main character Antipova Larisa Fedorovna.
  • Lara Fabian is one of the first performers to dedicate a song to same-sex love. She was inspired to create the composition by a friend who connected her life with a woman. For this work, Lara was both praised and harshly criticized.
  • The popular French singer performs songs in Italian, Spanish, English and French. There is also a song in Russian in her repertoire, namely “Love, like a dream” from the work of A.B. Pugacheva.
  • The singer dedicated her first record to Daniel Balavoine, a French performer who died in a plane crash. His work inspired the young star and was an example to follow.
  • Lara always admires the support and emotional return of her fans. An indicative case of boundless love for the performer occurred at one of the concerts. The melody of the song "Je t" aime sounded, which Lara could not start singing because of the strong emotions associated with the recent loss loved one. The hall began to sing instead of her, changing the main line of the composition "I love you" to "We love you."
  • Among her favorite films, Lara names "Schindler's List" and "The Fifth Element". Reading is given to a woman along with "July" by Marie LaBerge and "Simple Charm" by Christian Bobin.
  • The international singer is inspired by the work of Barbara Streisand and Maria Callas. She is also familiar with some Russian performers. So, she likes Valeria, Philip Kirkorov. She also calls Zemfira's work interesting.
  • In addition to music, Lara Fabian has a passion for cooking. She inherited her passion for this occupation from her grandmother and mother. Especially the woman succeeds in Italian cuisine with its inimitable taste of tiramisu and risotto. Lara also loves red wine, which she allows herself in small quantities due to her musical career.

  • As a child, Lare imagined herself the queen of French chanson, the star of rock and roll and Broadway musicals.
  • The Italian language, according to the singer, is the most sonorous and melodic.
  • Lara is active in charity work. She sends the money collected from concerts for the treatment of children with heart disease. Once the collected funds were even enough to build a hospital.
  • To the question: what would you do if not for music, she simply answers - she would devote herself to children.
  • The morning of an ardent Sicilian begins with good coffee.
  • At one time, Lara even entered the Faculty of Law, where she studied civil law and child criminology, but it didn’t last long - music took over.
  • Her biggest critic was and still is her father. She is grateful to him for the mean reviews of her concerts and performances. This gives her the opportunity to be herself, and not an arrogant star.
  • For 15 years, the singer kept a personal diary.

  • In 1996, Lara received the title of "Discovery of the Year" in France, although by this time she was already very popular in Canada.
  • In 1999 and 2001, the artist received the World Music Award in the category "Best Selling Performer in the Benelux".
  • An angelic voice - this is how music critics speak of Fabian. But it was not always so. When the singer conquered Canadian chats, she had to endure a lot from the press, which literally hated her. After the attacks, she decided to look at the situation from the outside and understand why she offended the journalists so much. According to the singer, there were too many of her, she was too energetic and assertive on stage. After such reflections, Lara began to act more restrained and calm.
  • The brightest episode from childhood is associated with the purchase of a turquoise-beige sweater. Little Lara saw him in the store and asked her father to buy the desired thing. But there was no money. Pierre took the guitar and went with his daughter to the Royal Galleries, where they played for the public. The money from a small performance was just enough for a sweater that the woman kept for 20 years.

Best songs

If you ask Lara Fabian's fans which of her songs they like the most, then the following songs will definitely be on the list.

  • « Je T "aime". Translated from French, the song means "I love you." This is an exciting, touching and soulful single, from listening to which goosebumps run. The composition is dedicated to Rick Allison.

"Je T" aime (listen)

  • « Je Suis Malade". The song was first written for the singer Delilah . Lara covered it in 1995 so sensually that it impressed the composer Serge Lam.
  • « Adagio". This lyrical composition was included in the first album released in Canada and fell in love with millions of listeners. It is known to many as Albinoni's Adagio.
  • « Immortelle or Immortal. This is Lara's story about a soul that lives forever. The composition is personal. Perhaps that is why the fans were imbued with the song.

"Immortelle" (listen)

  • « I Wil Love Again.. The bright dance tune was liked by the fans so much that it held a leading position in the charts for 58 weeks.

"I Wil Love Again" (listen)

Notable duets

In 2007, she performed the song "Un cuore malato" with the famous Italian singer Gigi D'Alessio. The fate of the composition is not surprising, given the vocal abilities of both performers - the top of the chart in Italy. By the way, the father introduced the woman to the work of Gigi, who insisted on listening to his songs.

Lara began her 2008 tour in Greece, where she performed the 1963 song "All Alone Am I" with Marios Frangoulis.

In 2010, the singer released the work "Ensemble". The song is a virtual duet with the father of soul Ray Charles .

At a performance in Moscow in 2010, Lara pleased her fans with songs from the new album "All Women in Me" and a new duet with Igor Krutoy. They performed two songs. But this was not the end of their joint work. Together they release the album "Mademoiselle Zhivago". It included songs in 4 languages ​​and became the basis for a new tour and a musical film of the same name, which includes a series of 12 short stories. The Ukrainian clip maker Alan Badoev worked on the creation of the video sequence. Lara herself liked this kind of work, but the final product was disappointing - the screen image was at odds with who she is.

Turkish singer Mustafa Checheli offered Lara a duet. As a result, the composition "Make Me Yours Tonight" saw the world. A video was filmed for it under the direction of English director Matt M. Ersin.

Lara Fabian about herself, life and work

For those who are not familiar with the work of Lara Fabian, it seems that she achieved success and fame easily and naturally. But it's not. International popularity and recognition is the result of hard and long-term work. A woman compares a singing career with a sports one. She also has to train every day, regardless of the concert workload - to sing, sing and compose in order to always be in shape.

She was always brought up as an ordinary child, without pretensions to musical talent. Mom made sure that her daughter ate well, got enough sleep, and her father was responsible for her development as a person.

Lara is a mixture of emotion and pragmatism. The daughter of a Sicilian and a Belgian inherited the most character traits both nations. She calls herself an incorrigible laugher, an eccentric, wayward and at the same time very disturbing person. There is not a single concert with which she would be completely satisfied. A bright, energetic image hides a vulnerable nature behind it. beautiful woman. Singing for her is an opportunity to assert herself in her eyes and hide her anxiety.

The French-speaking performer says that she found her voice with a characteristic sound only at the age of 35–37. Before that, she experimented, imitated famous singers looking for herself. Lara does not limit her repertoire to certain genres. She sings French chanson with recitative rock'n'roll , pop music. In her opinion, a real artist should be able to do everything.

Lara Fabian prefers to live for today and worry less about the future. The reappraisal of values ​​was largely influenced by the tumor and the birth of a daughter.

Films with Lara Fabian

Despite her passion for music, the international singer did not miss the opportunity to participate in the filming of films. She played in the following films:

  • "Favorite" (2004). The film is dedicated to the American king of the musical Cole Porter. Soundtracks performed by Lara;
  • "Mademoiselle Zhivago" (2011) based on the album of the same name.

In 2000, director Lawrence Jordan directed documentary about a popular singer. The tape is called "From Lara with Love".

The singer also starred in serials in which she played herself:

  • "Everyone says";
  • "Hurry Sunday";
  • "The biggest cabaret in the world."

Delicate, touching compositions of the Belgian performer became an adornment of the following films:



"Snow and fire" / La neige et le feu (1991)

"Laisse-moi rêver"

"Shanghai Connection" (2000)

"Light Of My Life"

"Artificial Intelligence" (2001)

"For Always"

"Final Fantasy" (2001)

"The Dream Within"

The French-speaking performer gained fame in Brazil thanks to songs in popular TV shows:

  • "Family Ties" (2000);
  • "Clone" (2001);
  • "Mistress of Destiny" (2004).

After broadcasting serial films, Lara went on tour in this country.

The whole life of Lara Fabian is reflected in her songs. Thoughts, feelings, experiences… she is not afraid to put them on the notes and share them with her fans, inspiring and giving hope. A deep and sonorous soprano combined with a sincere performance make the singer's work a favorite among millions of people who call her an angel.

Video: listen to Lara Fabian

Country - Belgium

Lara Fabian (fr. Lara Fabian) - French-speaking singer of Belgian-Italian origin, known for strong vocals and good technique. Performs songs in French, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages.

Place of birth - Etterbeek, Belgium

Country - Belgium

Lara Fabian was born on January 9, 1970 in Etterbeek, a suburb of Brussels. Her mother Louise is from Sicily, her father Pierre is Belgian. The first five years Lara lived in Sicily and only in 1975 her parents settled in Belgium. Lara was 5 years old when her father noticed her vocal abilities. At the age of 8, her parents bought her her first piano, on which she composed her first melodies. At the same time, she studied singing and solfeggio at the Conservatory.

Lara started her career at the age of 14. Her father was a guitarist and performed with her in music clubs. In parallel, Lara continued her musical studies at the Conservatory. She entered competitions. For example, the "Tremplin de la chanson" competition in 1986, which she won. The main prize was the recording of the disc. In 1987, Lara recorded "L'Aziza est en pleurs", a tribute to Daniel Balavoine, of whom she said: "Balawoine is a role model. A real man who lived without compromise, always making his choice based on his own ideas of honor and not looking back at the opinions of others. A man admired by an entire generation." "L'Aziza est en pleurs" is now a real rarity. In 2003, his copy was sold for 3,000 euros.

Lara's international career began in 1988 when she represented Luxembourg at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Croire", where she placed fourth. "Croire" was sold in Europe in the amount of 600 thousand copies and translated into German (Glaub) and English (Trust) languages.

After the first European success, Lara recorded the second disc "Je Sais".

The turning point in her career is without a doubt May 28, 1990, when Lara meets Rick Allison in Brussels. A few months later, they decide to try their luck in Quebec and leave for another continent.

Meanwhile, Pierre Crockaert, Lara's father finances her first album, which was released in August 1991. The singles "Le jour ou tu partiras" and "Qui pense a l'amour" sold out instantly. She received a warm welcome at every concert, and in 1991 she was nominated for a Felix (the equivalent of Victoires de la Musique).

1994 was marked by the release of the second album "Carpe Diem" in Canada, which went gold two weeks after the release. Then Lara presented her performance "Sentiments acoustiques" in 25 cities of Quebec.

In 1995, at the ADISQ awards (Canadian Recording Association), Lara Fabian received the award for "Best Performer of the Year" and "Best Performance". At this time, Lara Fabian begins to take an active part in charity events. For example, for many years Lara has been helping the association of children with heart disease. She also takes an active part in the Arc-en-Ciel (Rainbow) Association, whose goal is to fulfill the dreams of sick children.

And on July 1, 1995, the National Day of Canada, a young Belgian receives Canadian citizenship. In 1996, Lara voiced Esmeralda in the Walt Disney Studios cartoon The Hunchback of Notre Dame and sang the theme song to it.

Her third album, Pure, was released in Canada in September 1996 and went platinum in less than two weeks. When asked why she called her latest album Pure, Lara replied: “That word best describes my way of expressing myself in all honesty. Pure... like water, like air, it is inseparable from my creativity.” For this album in 1997, Lara received Felix in the Album of the Year nomination. 1997 is the year of return to the European continent. Lara participates in "Emilie Jolie" written by Philippe Chatel, singing the song "La petite fleur triste".

The album "Pure" was released in France on June 19, 1997. Success was not long in coming and on September 18 Lara received her first European gold disc. Since the summer of 1997, she has appeared in all television programs and on the covers of the largest French magazines. In the same year, Lara Fabian signed a contract with Sony Music to record her English albums.

On November 3, 1998, a large tour began, which included concerts in France, Monaco and Switzerland. It was a triumph. In February 1999, Lara released a double Live. It should be noted that in less than 24 hours after the release, this album rose to the top of the French charts, eclipsing even the musical "Notre-Dame de Paris". Then she was nominated as "Singer of the Year" in Victoires de la musique. On May 5, 1999, in Monaco, at the World Music Awards, Lara Fabian won in the nomination "Best Performer from the Benelux Countries".

November 30, 1999 the singer releases her first English-language album. While working on this album, she collaborated with the most famous composers who wrote for Barbra Streisand, Mariah Carey, Madonna and Cher. At the same time, Lara recorded several songs in Spanish. Explaining her sympathy for the Romance languages, she said that the rhythm of these languages ​​corresponded to her character. In general, Lara speaks 4 languages ​​- Italian, French, Spanish and English.

Lara ended 1999 with TF1 on December 31, where she performed several songs, notably the duet with Patrick Fiori "L'hymne a l'amour".

Throughout 2000, Lara was promoting her album in the United States. January 29, 2001 Lara participated in the recording of the play Enfoires. On May 2, the World Music Awards 2001 took place in Monte Carlo, where Lara Fabian received a prize for her sales in the Benelux countries.

In the summer of 2001, Lara participated in the recording of two songs for American films. One of them is a duet with Josh Groban "For always", which is the title theme to Steven Spielberg's film "Artificial Intelligence" ("A.I."). The second is the animated film Final Fantasy: The Dreams within.

May 28, 2001 was the official release of the album "Nue" in Montreal. In connection with the release of the album in Europe on September 5, Lara organized several meetings with fans at the Virgin Megastore in 3 cities in France - Marseille (from 12 to 13 hours), Lyon (from 16 to 17 hours) and Paris (from 21 to 22 hours ). On September 28, 2001 in Montreal, on the Molson stage, Lara, along with many other artists, participated in a charity concert, the proceeds of which went to the needs of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attack in the United States.

At the end of 2002, fans were able to see Lara Fabian again on stage in the acoustic performance "En Toute Intimite", which was released on CD and DVD on October 14, 2003. With this performance, Lara traveled around the cities of France, Switzerland and Belgium. On April 27 and 28, 2004 Lara also performed in Moscow, on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music. On February 27 and 28, 2004, Lara performs at the Wilfrid-Pelletier Hall with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. In 2004, Lara Fabian made her film debut in De-lovely, a musical drama about the life of composer Cole Porter.

On June 1, 2004, a new English-language album "A Wonderful Life" is released. November 18-20 Lara participates in the play Autour de la guitare and on the last evening she sings “J’ai mal a ca”, written by Jean-Felix Lalanne.

On February 25, 2005, Lara Fabian's new album called "9" was released with the first single "La Lettre" written by JF Lalanne.

From September 2005 to June 2006 Lara toured France. Her show "Un Regard 9" was a huge success. Soon CDs with recordings of the show and a DVD with a video version of the concert were released.

In June 2007, in a message to fans on her official website, Lara announces that she is pregnant. "This is the most wonderful news I could give you," she writes. Indeed, the singer repeatedly said in an interview that she would not feel completely happy if she did not become a mother. But despite the pregnancy, Lara took part in various concerts and TV shows until the birth of her daughter (in particular, the September performance at the "Casino de Paris").

On November 20, 2007, baby Lou was born, named after her mother Lara Louise. The girl's father is the famous French director Gerard Pullicino.

The next few months for Lara were connected with family concerns. But already in the spring of 2008, she is ready to give several big concerts around the world. Lara Fabian's mini-tour began in Greece, where she performed with Mario Frangulis (a famous Greek singer), continued in Russia, where Lara traditionally visits every spring, and ended in Ukraine, which the singer visited for the first time. The concert took place in the Kiev Palace Ukraine, gathered a full hall and received a very warm welcome from the Kiev public.

In the summer of 2008, Lara begins to prepare a new album. She decides to dedicate it to the women who influenced her life and work. The release date was set for October, but has been pushed back several times. As a result, the long-awaited "TLFM" ("Toutes Les Femmes En Moi" or "All the Women in Me") saw the world only on May 26, 2009. Sunny and light, it has become a good gift for music lovers on the eve of summer. Read more about the album and its creation in the TLFM section and the Press section.

At the beginning of June 2009, Lara again comes to Moscow. She gives 5! concerts in the capital Operetta. (Video of the concert on June 1 - in the section Concerts). The singer will present a new album, as well as a new duet. Together with Lara, the famous Russian composer Igor Krutoy performed on stage. Together they performed two songs: "Lou" (which Lara dedicated to her daughter) and "Demain n" existe pas (translated - "Tomorrow does not exist").

On October 7, the album "Ewery Woman in Me" was released. Its content continues the idea of ​​the "TLFM" disc: Lara performed the songs of her favorite singers, whose work influenced her career. The album contains songs in English and they are performed exclusively with piano accompaniment. The CD is a limited edition and distributed in Lara Fabian's online store.

In February 2010, Lara visited St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg for the first time, after which she gave her first concert in Odessa (February 21) and performed for the second time in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv (February 23).

From September 2009 to March 2010, Lara's big tour "Toutes les femmes en moi font leur show" took place, during which Lara performed songs from the albums "TLFM" and "EWIM", as well as her hits from different years. The show will be released on DVD in autumn 2010.

From May to July 2010, shootings of the musical film "Mademoiselle Zhivago" took place in Ukraine, based on 12 short stories based on songs by Lara Fabian. The author of the music and the producer of the film is the Russian composer Igor Krutoy. The director was the popular Ukrainian music video director Alan Badoev.

Today there is no such music lover who would not be familiar with the main hits of the cult Belgian singer named Lara Fabian. Few know that her real name- Crocker. Lara is half Belgian and Italian by origin, although she is considered a citizen of Canada. Her repertoire includes songs in English, French, Spanish, Russian and other languages.

Biography of Lara Fabian

was born future star big stage in 1970 in the suburbs of Brussels, in the family of a Belgian musician. The first few years the girl lived in her mother's homeland in Sicily. And only in 1975 she moved to her father in Belgium. The life of Lara Fabian at that time proceeded calmly, like all children in poor families. However, even then she showed great promise in singing. By the age of 8, her parents gave her a piano. At this moment, the biography of Lara Fabian has undergone dramatic changes.

The girl began to spend all her free time at the piano, playing their own melodies and writing words to them. Sometimes parents could not hold back tears, looking at their talented daughter. From the age of 14, her father began to take Lara with him to performances in clubs. The tender and at the same time powerful vocals of the young singer so struck the hearts of the listeners that they applauded for hours on end.

Fabian did not forget about her studies at the conservatory. At the age of 16, she won her first award, the Springboard competition. The prize was the opportunity free recording a full-length record in the studio. In 1987, Lara, with the assistance of the organizers of the competition, released a 45-minute album dedicated to the French musician Daniel Balavoine. The album was well received by the audience. In 1988, Fabian began her professional career, and with it came her debut tour. Soon she released a second album called "Je sais".

Moving to Canada

In May 1990, Lara met the respected producer Rick Ellison. The young people began a relationship so quickly that at the end of the summer Fabian decides to move after his beloved to another continent. At that time, Rika really wanted to see a well-known Canadian studio, so the couple took the risk of leaving everything in Brussels and trying their luck in Quebec City.

Unfortunately, after the move, Lara's beloved Fabian began to move away from her. At that time, a young singer in a foreign country especially needed support, but there was no one to wait for her from. Nevertheless, Lara had one person who was ready to help her - her father. It was he who began to finance her Canadian album in 1991. It is worth noting that several singles became international hits at once, and the singer herself was nominated for the Felix award.

The second album called "Carpe Diem", which was also released in Canada, became gold for Lara. Glory to the beginning star came after the performance of the soundtrack to the cult TV series "Clone". In 1995, Fabian was recognized as the best singer in Canada. By this time, she had already begun to actively engage in charity work and received the citizenship of the country of the maple leaf.

New stage: European music

Lara Fabian has always considered herself a Belgian at heart, but she herself admitted that Canada was her second home. In the fall of 1996, the singer released the album "Pure", which at the moment became platinum. With this album, Lara decided to conquer Europe, so she left her friends in Canada and moved to France.

In the summer of 1997, Pure went double platinum. The main European critics could not resist her either, giving the album the highest score. From that moment on, Lara Fabian could be seen in all the rating TV shows, on the covers of magazines and at closed social meetings. At the end of 1997, Sony Music beat the competition and signed a lucrative contract with the Belgian singer to record albums in English.

In the wake of success, Lara's promoters organized a grandiose tour of central Europe for their ward. Each concert ended in triumph. The next disc - "Live" - ​​went gold within 24 hours after going on sale. Therefore, it was no surprise to anyone that Fabian became the WMA singer of the year.

World recognition

Many critics believe that musical biography Lara Fabian only started in November 1999 with her debut English release. The best producers and musicians of the world were invited to record compositions, collaborating with such famous personalities as Madonna, Barbara Streisand and Cher. By that time, Lara could speak fluently in 4 languages ​​at once, including English. Therefore, the recording of the album "Lara Fabian" went without problems. The record received high marks even from sophisticated American listeners.

Two years later, the first release of the singer in French was born. The album "Nue" included a number of well-known soundtracks, but was mainly devoted to love topics. The next successful album was "9". Its lead single, "La Lettre", which was authored by Lalanne himself, allowed the singer to make perhaps the loudest world tour of her life.

A real gift for all music lovers was the 2008 disc "Every Woman in Me". The release was dedicated to women who played a decisive role in Fabion's life.

"Russian" French music

Lara Fabian has always loved to read, especially the works of Pasternak were close to her soul. It was to one of his heroes that the singer dedicated her 2010 release, entitled "Mademoiselle Zhivago". Igor Krutoy acted as the ideologist of the disc. With his direct help, Lara recorded a unique album that her fans could not even dream of. The release included compositions in several languages, including Russian. Immediately after the release of the album, the singer, on the advice of Igor Krutoy, went on a tour of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

In 2013 it was released this moment the last disc of the Belgian "Le Secret". According to unofficial information, Lara wanted the release to also include one song in Russian, but in the end this idea had to be abandoned.

Personal life

The biography of Lara Fabian, in terms of love relationships, is filled with disappointments. The singer's first boyfriend was the notorious musician Patrick Fiori, but their romance lasted just over a year. A similar fate befell the stormy relationship with Rick Ellison, who did not give Lara a pass because of jealousy. By the age of 20, the girl had already managed to completely disappoint in love.

But after meeting with the famous director Gerard Pullicino, Lara's heart melted again. Despite the fact that the beloved singer is 11 years older, they began a very serious relationship. In 2007, the couple had a daughter, Louise, but by that time, Lara Fabian's common-law husband was already planning a breakup. The reason for the separation was rumors about the betrayal of his companion.

At the moment, the chosen one of the singer is the Sicilian Gabriel Di-Giorgio. The legal husband of Lara Fabian is considered a fairly successful illusionist.

Who is the really famous Lara Fabian? Many music lovers still think that the artist's path to the top of the French pop Olympus began with her participation in the famous musical Notre Dame de Paris, but this opinion is erroneous.

Music for me is a real champion of justice, it brings the whole world into harmony. That's life!

Lara really at the dawn of her career sang the part of young Esmeralda, as a musical addition to the magnificent Disney cartoon about the hunchback of Notre Dame, based on the novel Hugo, but she never took part in the musical. It was after the release of this cartoon that the popularity of Lara Fabian in France began.

One of the most famous French-speaking performers of our time, Lara Fabian (real name Lara Crocket) was born on January 9, 1970 in the city of Etterbeek (Belgium). From a young age, she dreamed of singing on stage, studied music and dance, and later - vocals at the Royal Academy in Brussels. Fourteen-year-old Lara successfully performed in the city clubs of Brussels, singing songs to the accompaniment of her father, who masterfully owned the guitar. The girl took part in many European song contests, in some she won a landslide victory. Having acquired such a very solid stage experience, Lara Fabian successfully performs in Brussels at music competition designed to discover new talent. As a result, the aspiring artist receives three main prizes of the competition at once.

Having reached her majority, Fabian moved to Canada, considering this country more free in terms of creativity, wanting to write her own songs and feeling great potential for work. Inspired by a completely new environment, the girl immediately began writing, she herself reproduced all her musical material. And the grateful audience highly appreciated the efforts of the young singer. Success came to her beginning in Canada, then in France, Switzerland and almost all the Benelux countries.

Actually, love is everywhere, isn't it?

In fact, love is everywhere, isn't it?

At the very beginning of 1996 in France, Lara Fabian was awarded the title of "Discovery of the Year", and her first album was awarded the prestigious World Music Awards. The magazine "Pari-Match" placed a photo of the girl on its cover, calling the singer "Person of the Year" on its pages. Her voice was fascinated not only by France, but also by England, the United States, and China.

1997 brought Lara a resounding success throughout Europe, her album won the Most Popular Album of the Year nomination.

For two years, the best producers of America have been engaged in the release of Lara Fabian's most famous English-language album called "Adagio". The songs from this album won the hearts of American art connoisseurs and earned the admiration of famous music critics. The end of the summer of 2000 Lara spent on the road, giving more than twenty triumphal concerts in France, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium, and already in 2004 she performed a series of concerts in Moscow and on the island of Tahiti.

On November 20, 2007, a joyful event took place in the life of Lara Fabian - the singer became a mother. The daughter who was born was named after her grandmother - rare, but nice name Lu. The girl's father is Gerard Pullicino, French actor and director.

At the end of May 2009, the singer's album quickly gained popularity with the characteristic title "All Women in Me" was released. Lara Fabian herself calls this album a self-portrait, demonstrating in her songs her admiration for French women, who, in her opinion, in some way had a significant influence on the formation of the character of the artist.

For fifteen years of the brilliant work of Lara Fabian, more than ten million copies of her albums have been sold all over the planet. The charming singer independently achieved her high status on all continents. Having received the recognition of millions of lovers of good music, being currently a famous person with millions of copies, Lara Fabian does not consider herself a star, claiming that she is just a poet who can sing. Exquisite Madame Lara Fabian amazed her admirers by going on stage without shoes, in a short black dress, almost without makeup and jewelry. But the public is accustomed to the fact that pop popular singer according to the laws of the genre, she simply had to change her magnificent outfits several times during a concert, flirt with the audience in every possible way and sing accompanied by large orchestra or an impressive group of musicians. The sonorous, but at the same time, feminine voice of the charming Lara Fabian sounded in the laconic accompaniment of a classical string quartet, which necessarily included a piano and a cello. The unique minimalism of the singer's image subtly emphasized her perfect vocal technique. Nothing distracted the audience from the perception of impeccable beauty.

Lara Fabian is currently collaborating with our favorite composers and artists. A striking example of this is the recent shooting of the musical film "Mademoiselle Zhivago" in the capital of Ukraine, which consists of eleven compositions performed by Lara Fabian. The music for the songs was written by Igor Krutoy.

Lara Fabian's performances on stage differ from the performances of other pop stars by the complete absence of dancers, bright scenery and stunning costumes. The actress takes the stage in rather strict dresses, with a minimum amount of jewelry and no makeup. All he is content with is an amazing voice of four octaves, classified as a lyric soprano.