How to draw a strawberry. How to draw a strawberry: step by step instructions and a detailed description

Strawberries are a summer berry that is a favorite treat for many people. Ice cream, juices, yoghurts and other products are made with its taste. Today we will talk about how to draw a strawberry. It is depicted very simply and very soon you will be able to see for yourself.

One berry

In the first example, we will look at a drawing method that demonstrates how to draw a strawberry with a pencil. Therefore, prepare an eraser, regular and colored pencils and a blank sheet.

This is a very simple example that will work for both kids and beginners because we will render our drawing in just four easy steps.

The first step is to draw a leaf that connects the bush with the berry. Usually they do not eat it, tear it off and throw it away.

Now we draw the contours of the berry itself. It has a shape similar to a rounded triangle or heart. If you get an uneven shape, then it's not scary. Walking around the garden, you will find that strawberries grow completely asymmetrical, so in the figure, its right and left sides may differ slightly.

We cover with grains, short strokes of a pencil. As in the case of the shape of a berry, the grains can be very different from each other, have a different size and direction. If you draw them perfectly aligned with a ruler, they will look unnatural. Therefore, you need to draw by hand.

The final step is coloring. Take red and green color pencil, color the leaf in green, and the berry itself in red.

Another example of one berry

If the previous drawing method was focused on artists who draw with a pencil, then this time we will look at how to draw strawberries step by step with absolutely any tools. You can choose from markers, pens, crayons, watercolors and more.

We depict an oval and a trapezoid under it. If you draw with felt-tip pens, we recommend that you immediately go to the third picture, since we will have to erase this trapezoid in the future, because it is only an auxiliary element.

With ordinary lines, we outline the direction of growth of our leaflet. In the future, of course, we will detail them.

On the basis of the trapezoid, which we drew in the first step, draw the outlines of the strawberry. In other words, we round the edges making them look like a real berry.

We draw greenery, it should turn out not too thick and have a rather chaotic shape.

We draw grains, they look like an elongated oval.

We have come to the most difficult stage in this drawing, to coloring. This time we decided to make our strawberry more realistic and put shadows on it. In the next two pictures you can see the borders of the shadows.

Coloring along the borders. Please note that in some places our berry is darker, and in some it is lighter.

strawberry still life

If the previous two examples were for drawing one berry, then this time we will demonstrate not just how to draw a strawberry step by step, we will demonstrate a whole strawberry still life with two berries and one in a section.

In total, we will draw three berries, in the first step we will draw the contours of the first.

Let's draw the leaves. Everything is simple here and no additional explanations are required, just look at the picture below.

Let's draw the contours of the second strawberry. It will be cut in half with us, which is why we need to draw such an unusual shape.

We draw the inside of the cut berry.

In the background, draw another strawberry. It will not be fully visible, because the two front ones will cover it.

We depict grains. Everything is simple here, short lines standing in the same row, but having different chaotic directions.

Well, the last step will be coloring the resulting picture.

For kids

And this drawing method will help draw strawberries for children. This example is very simple and shows how to draw a strawberry bush with a leaf, two strawberries and a flower.

First, let's draw the base of our bush. Strawberries will hang on right side, so the two right lines need to be bent a little towards the ground, as they should sag under the weight of the berry.

Draw a flower at the end of the longest line.

It's time to draw strawberries. It will have a simple rounded shape.

Let's draw another strawberry and a strawberry leaf.

The final step will be coloring. We decided to go for the partial painting style, but you can paint your bush completely if you want!

How to draw a strawberry Yes, it seems to be easy!

Surely in the summer everyone goes to the forest for strawberries or to the garden - we have it growing in the garden. So everyone knows her very well. To taste. And what does this strawberry look like, while you are going to look there is no time. And we remember that the berries are red, and the leaves are green, well ... and everything seems to be.

Therefore, I will answer my question: drawing strawberries is easy if you draw from nature. Here I brought a small bush for you:

But before taking on the image of the whole plant, let's practice depicting the details: let's draw a leaf and a branch with a couple of berries separately.

How to draw a strawberry 1

With a pencil we denote the stems and veins.

The strawberry leaf is trifoliate and each of its constituent leaves has an indefinite oval-rhombic shape. But I advise you my perception to geometric shapes do not tie, because in each case the real living leaves are slightly different. And it is better for us to look at nature more than to draw geometric parallels.

The berries grow on a very thin stem, they are small, somewhat elongated. At the base of each berry, five narrow, pointed sepals bulge. The fruits of strawberries in the strict scientific sense are not "berries" - they are an overgrown fleshy receptacle on the surface of which small seeds are attached.

We figured out the botanical description, we will draw further. On the leaves, in addition to the central veins, the lateral veins are very clearly visible - they are located parallel at an angle to the central vein. The edge of the leaf is serrated - a tooth for each vein.

Here - they drew berries and a strawberry leaf. And, since they drew from life, the 100% guarantee is strawberries, and not Victoria strawberries. And I advise you comrades: if you need to draw something, be sure to try to draw from nature. Memory is a good thing, but details can be forgotten. Drawing from life will not let you deviate from the truth.

And now at the same time I will draw a strawberry bush in stages.

How to draw a strawberry 2

I will not go into details, because I show the course of the drawing not for copying, but only so that you remember the sequence and see what kind of drawing you can get when you yourself draw YOUR picture from nature.

Draw a diagram with a pencil - stems, petioles and veins. We outline where and what size the berries are, we denote the shape of the leaves.

We draw the side veins and paint.

At the same time I will tell a parable. I remembered her while I was drawing strawberries for you.

So, a parable: a man was walking through a field and stumbled upon a hungry lion. In fright, he ran to the rock and began to quickly climb the steep slope. At some point, the support went out from under his feet, and he remained hanging, clinging to some root with one hand. But, raising his head, he saw another lion waiting for him on the rock, and he also looked very hungry. When the horror of the situation began to reach the fugitive, he noticed one more thing - two small mice - black and white, crept up to the root on which he was hanging, and methodically gnawed at him! The man looked around for safety. And I saw a strawberry bush with a ripe berry not far away. He reached out, picked a berry and ate it - it was VERY sweet. Such is the parable.

Hi all! Today's lesson step by step drawing we decided to dedicate strawberries! This is not the first lesson on drawing plants on our site - we have already drawn grapes before.

We also had a lesson on drawing - however, this is a completely different biological species. Drawing plants, we try to make them as realistic and beautiful as possible. So, on the same we applied, probably, the most complex shadows of all our lessons. By the way, the shadow will be present on our today's guest. Let's start the lesson and learn how to draw a strawberry!

Step 1

First, we outline the contours of the berries and the lines that will later become the central veins of the main leaves. Our entire drawing will be at the top of the sheet. In terms of building a composition, focus on the central berry - it is the largest and closest to us. So, this berry is in the center of the whole composition - if a vertical line of symmetry is drawn through the entire leaf, then this line will divide into two equal parts not only the leaf, but also the berry itself.

Another berry is located very close to the central berry - so much so that the central one covers a significant part of it. The last berry is strongly shifted to the right of us, it is located much higher than the central one and is located at the edge of the leaf.

Step 2

Let's work on the leaves. According to the lines outlined in the last step, we will draw the leaf to the left of us, give it a jagged outline, and draw veins on one side. Under this leaf, we outline the outline of another berry, then draw the outline and veins of another leaf - on the left side of our drawing, it will be the highest. Let's draw a jagged outline of the smallest leaf, which departs from the central berry and partially overlaps the neighboring berry. Draw a stem line from the central berry.

Let's move on to the right side of the picture. Let's outline the cuttings of the berries (by the way, the same should be done for the central berry), draw the contours of the leaves and draw the veins inside the top sheet.

Step 3

During the ripening period of strawberries, already ripened fruits can be on the same branch with flowers that have not yet set. And in our drawing, just such a phenomenon occurs, therefore, immediately after the central berry, you need to outline the stem and three small processes that extend from it. In the next step, on each of these processes, we will place a small one.

But we got ahead of ourselves - first we draw a stalk at the central berry and outline three stems that visually depart from it. On the left side of the picture, draw a jagged outline of the sheet. Under the berry behind which this leaf is hidden, draw a stem and a stalk that is forked from above, but converging at the bottom.

In the right part of the figure, we outline the contour of a highly located sheet.

Step 4

Let's draw three sheets in the part of the picture to the right of us, or rather, we will outline their contours with a jagged line. Then we will move to the center and draw two buds and one flower, which should be located on the previously outlined processes behind the central berry.

Now let's get to the berries themselves. Let's cover them first with small circles of seeds, and then we will apply shadows. Actually, we will apply the shadows so far only on two berries located on the left side of us. And the shadows themselves will be applied in several stages, of which this one is the simplest. At this stage, we draw the rough, contrasting, darkest areas. It is best to do this in two stages - first we outline the outline of the shadow, and then we shade it crosswise, preferably 2B. I think many of our readers will immediately remember the comic style of shadow overlay, as, for example, in the drawing lesson. But the difference lies in the fact that the comic style involves stopping at this stage, but we will draw all the elements of the shadow.

Yes, we forgot to mention the actual location of the shadows - those that are present at this stage are formed by the contours of the leaves shading the berries, as well as the berries themselves, casting a shadow on the stems.

Step 5

In addition to the shadow itself, our plant will also have areas of partial shade and light. We apply penumbra with very light, barely noticeable strokes, leaving a small spot unpainted - it will be the illuminated area.

Penumbras will be located on the two berries we have already processed in the last step. Please note that the intensity of the penumbra is uneven, it is very thick at the border with the shadow and it is almost invisible at the light spot - this is exactly how the penumbra should be applied, it should be a very smooth transition from shadow to light. Pay attention to the area of ​​penumbra, which is located on a narrow sheet, covering the second berry from the left edge.

In the same step, we will impose a shadow spot, which is cast by the berry on the outermost leaf on the left, and shade the stems.

Step 6

Let's finish this lesson by applying shadows and penumbras on the right side of our drawing, as well as on the central berry. Note that the right side is generally much less shaded than the left side, and the actual shadow areas are very small. The penumbra here is even lighter than on the left side of the picture, the only exception is the leaf, on which a fairly thick shadow from the berry falls on the right side of the picture.

It was a drawing lesson in which we told you about how to draw a strawberry. The lesson, as always, was drawn and prepared for you by the artists of the Drawingforall website, visit us more often - we have a lot of interesting things ahead of us!

Everyone remembers that sweet taste of strawberries that can amaze anyone, but despite this, strawberries also look very beautiful, and some people express a desire to draw them.

In this article, we will reveal the question of how to draw a strawberry.

Drawing instruction

The classic and familiar strawberry drawing is quite simple, but it has some features and subtleties that can give the drawing aesthetic beauty and interest.

In order to understand how to draw strawberries with a pencil, you should stock up on paper, an eraser, colored and pencils. In order to create such a drawing, it is worth drawing the boundaries of the image itself on a sheet of paper. It can be the idea of ​​​​several strawberries or one, in the form of a still life.

We draw an oval, which can have a different location depending on the fantasy. As we all know, strawberries have a more soft triangular shape, and from the less roundness of the oval, we expand this figure. The result should be a shape like in the photo.

Next, erase unnecessary lines with an eraser and completely form the image. After that, we start drawing the tail. It is this element that gives a certain aesthetics, and bright colors such as red and green blend very well. The tail does not need to be made very large due to the fact that our strawberry may just look more like a tomato. Also, do not forget about the stalk, which may also have a small leaf. If you have a low level of drawing skill, then it is better to refuse such a sheet, since it is quite difficult to draw it correctly.

After the tail and stem are drawn, you can start drawing the seeds. Do you remember the little crunch we have when we eat strawberries? And how do these seeds give it a beautiful shape? Such details are very important in the drawing, because in order to answer the question of how to draw a strawberry, you need to take into account all such elements.

Seeds can be drawn in the form of small drops, but the corners of their tips should be located from the tail.

It is also not necessary to overdo it with them, since the process of completely coloring the picture is ahead of us.

After complete drawing all the details, you can proceed to the complete coloring of the tail and the berry itself. Seeds can be dyed a light yellowish color, and this moment will give a more beautiful and sophisticated look to the berry.

Above are the instructions for drawing strawberries, but it is also worth noting that different techniques can be applied to such a drawing. If you are good at drawing, then the question of how to draw a strawberry will not be problematic. It can also be drawn with a simple pencil, but at the same time use vultures of different strengths and degrees of color saturation. So the strawberries will look like graphic drawing, a step by step instructions and drawing it will take place in the same way as when creating a color version.

Drawing Features

There are a lot of small details in this drawing, and they need to be given more attention so that they are drawn with high quality and correspond to the natural look.

Do not forget about drawing techniques, as well as materials. Dull pencils will not give a natural effect.


As you can see, the drawing of a strawberry can be very simple, but if you add a few small details, it will sparkle with new colors and look very believable. Again, it all depends on what kind of imagination you have, but do not forget about drawing skills.

We hope that in this article you remembered such a wonderful berry and found the answer to the question of how to draw a strawberry.


Strawberries are an incredibly juicy and tasty berry that attracts with its bright and rich color. This sweet berry grows on many household plots, decorating them. Fresh strawberries are very useful, because they contain a huge amount of all kinds of vitamins. Strawberries are also used for cosmetic purposes, making face masks with it. Many modern artists like to depict strawberries. It can be seen on posters and bright greeting cards. The easiest way to learn how to draw strawberries is to try to draw them from life. AT winter time to understand how to draw strawberries, high-quality photographs and drawings that can be found in encyclopedias dedicated to botany will help.
Before you draw a strawberry in stages, you need to prepare:
one). Eraser;
2). Liner;
3). colored pencils;
four). album sheet;
5). Pencil.

It will be easier to draw strawberries with a pencil in stages:
1. Draw the outlines of the berry;
2. Draw a strawberry stalk;
3. Draw small pimples on the surface of the berry, which are typical for strawberries;
4. Now you know how to draw a strawberry with a pencil step by step. To create beautiful picture, the sketch, of course, will have to be painted. Before using colored pencils, outline the sketch with a liner;
5. Erase the pencil sketch of the strawberries with an eraser;
6. With pencils related to the green color scheme, paint over the strawberry stalk;
7. Paint over the pimples that are on this garden berry with a bright yellow pencil;
8. Use pencils in red, burgundy and red-violet tones to color the berry, achieving the most saturated shades. With a gray and blue pencil, paint over the shadow cast by the strawberry.
The drawing of the berry is ready. Now you know how to draw strawberries with a pencil, liner and colored pencils. The berries depicted with the help of watercolor paints, since the degree of saturation of their colors can be easily varied. You can also color this extraordinarily tasty and juicy garden berry with gouache, which is great for children's creativity. Also, inquisitive kids will surely like coloring this wonderful useful berry with felt-tip pens, which have an extensive range of colors and unusually rich colors.