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Ji Chang Wook is a young South Korean actor who already boasts a large number of works and prestigious awards.


  • Was born Ji Chang Wook in the South Korean town of Anyang. Date of birth - 5.07. 87. The parents of the future celebrity raised only one son. His childhood was similar to the childhood of many of the same Korean boys. Ji Chang was very fond of active games, he spent a lot of time communicating with his peers.
  • There was no place in Zhi's childhood dreams acting career. He wanted to be a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer.
  • The future actor graduated from high school, received a basic education. And only then he decided to try himself in the acting profession.
  • To obtain skills and a diploma, the young man entered the Dankook Theater and Film University.
  • The first successes were won on theater stage where the young man played in historical and contemporary plays. And only then did the agents of film studios pay attention to him.

creative career

  1. The most popular film genre in South Korea is the drama (TV series). And it is not surprising that many well-known actors in the country started from this genre. Ji Chang Wook's career was no exception. In 2009, he was invited to play a role in a drama about family life, drama, and relationships. The aspiring actor had to play in the telenovela "The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House" pampered sissy, who had to babysit small children, deal with his friend's son. The role of the young artist was a success, even brought fame and popularity.
  2. A year later, he was invited to another large-scale series, designed for a large number of episodes.
  3. Zhi Chan brought interesting work in 2011. There was an offer to star in the historical film "Warrior Baek Dong-soo." The young man played the bodyguard of one of the kings of the 18th century, who reliably protected his sovereign from assassination attempts. The telenovela successfully passed on the screens, had a fairly high rating and strengthened the popularity of the young actor.
  4. The historical series was followed by shootings about a contemporary of Zhi Chan, who became famous for being able to go from the owner of a small vegetable shop to the owner of a large chain. The picture was called "The Bachelor's Vegetable Shop" and was a great success with the audience.
  5. One more stage creative career- the role of a pianist who is jealous of his brother's success, competes with him. This was the first negative role for Zhi Chang, and he successfully coped with it. The series "Five Fingers" was liked by both the audience and film critics.
  6. Modern stories have again been replaced by a historical telenovela. This drama is Empress Ki. The young man played the emperor of Mongolia, who was weak, weak-willed, but managed to defend his love for his concubine and even marry her.
  7. Another successful area for Ji Chang Wook is filming in music videos. He has worked with several Korean groups, clips, thanks to his talent, turned into real films, albeit very short ones.
  8. As a real actor, Zhi carefully prepares for each role and does not even take his phone to rehearsals, filming (so that calls do not distract from work). Despite his fame, the young man does not suffer star fever, is shy.

Filmography of Ji Chang Wook

2007 - "Sleeping Beauty".
2008 - "You Are Very Good".
2009 - "The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House".
2009 - "Hero".
2010 - "Warrior Baek Dong-su", "Death Call" - Bloody Camp.
2011 - "Bachelor's Vegetable Shop".
2012 - "Five Fingers".
2013 - "Empress Ki", "Guide to the manipulation of men."
2014 - "Mysterious Love", "Healer".


The work of Ji Chang Wook has been repeatedly awarded prestigious awards among Asian films, dramas. He received awards from the Drama Award in 20111, 2013, 2014 in the categories of Excellence Award, Best new actor».

  • A successful actor himself likes to watch movies, especially thrillers.
  • He is a caring son and gives a significant part of his fees to his mother (the actor's father died when he was still a child).
  • The actor has good musical abilities. Even when entering the university, he performed a song from a popular musical. At school, Zhi played the piano, and now he still dreams of learning to play the guitar. The actor himself performed the soundtracks for the TV series Smile Dong-hae, Warrior Baek Dong-soo.
  • And also Ji Chang Wook knows how to knit - this is an unusual activity for a man, a popular actor.

Introduction. Lyrical.

You know, I missed him too.

So, a fanfic from Ajumma with experience in the footsteps of Healer.

Fanfic 1. The first baptism of fire.

Aish… Ajumma… I asked… when I eat… What's the matter? ..What kind of object? A key?... just a key?
How much? .... Is it this key, golden, or is there a platoon of bodyguards? ... Ok ... Throw off the address .. I'm already on my way ..
Ajumma, this is a karaoke bar... Are you sure the object with the key is here? Everything is quiet here .. I understand, I enter ... .. Yeah .. and it’s fun here ... I see the target ... there are three of them ... Which one? The one that's prettier?
Aish… Picche, Picche, Picche.. Ajumma, which one? Second? I understand….
Did I wear a shirt? Yes, I don’t take it off .. And here is a T-shirt, ajumma? Personal contact…with this one??? What for? Where do you say the key?.. Where????
Ajumma... I was thinking... Why do I need an island? … I'm on the island … you're here.. Let's not part.. … Doubles?.... Triples? …Ajumma,…what's the plan? .. ..Sing a song, take off your glasses and smile? Understood .. I am fulfilling the first point ....
Ajumma... did you hear me sing? Yeah... I know that the nightingale... Yes.. attracted attention.. I'm starting point 2... I took off my glasses.. I don't see a thing... Yes, I'm smiling....
Ajumma.. ..they are three of them coming towards me!!! ... Now I will smile again ...
Oh ... moms ... Yes .... oh .... just not a T-shirt ... .. leave the T-shirt ....
A..a… no… no… pants… no need…. Ajummaaaaa…… h..h..help mi...ajumma…… oh….. .aaaaaaa
Ajumma... Ajumma.... Are you here? Why are you silent? …Impressed?….heh….me too…I know it's an eagle!
What do you congratulate? With the first, so to speak, baptism of fire, ... Ajuuummaaaaa ... next time ... .. Well .. well .. I understand .... I am silent ......
Ajumma, tell Tae Yong - you need to cover your tracks .. and ... then .. there is what was a T-shirt ... and .... well .. and ... yes, just tell him to check ... if I showed up there ....
The key?.....Otherwise!…..”First of all, first of all, planes, well, girls, and then girls!”
How do I drink? Have you already asked? ... Ajumma ... I was thinking ... yes ... yes ... I have time to think and ...
Ajumma… order me another set of T-shirts…. Yeah .. and better multi-colored)

Fanfiction 2. Wings of Healer (crossover Healer, Mysterious Love)

Ajumma.. I asked.. No, I don’t eat… How do you know? You did install the camera after all..., didn't you? What I am doing… I am conducting an experiment… I am conducting an experiment on myself! I put it on and went to the mirror .. and for half an hour I can’t take my eyes off ... Ajumma .. this is in figuratively words ... Whatever one may say, I'm beautiful in it !!! Just like an angel ... And really, why how? Just an Angel.. Ajumma.. Is there any task for an angel? How did I feel .... what is ... and what is it? Help a girl with a guy? … Is free? Why did it happen? As a training… Funny… What about the wings? Developed? And can I fly? Just hanging in the air… It’s a pity… No, Ajumma, I won’t take off my T-shirt… whatever you want… but not the T-shirt… Do you have to take off everything you want anyway? Are you kidding? No.. I'm sure of myself.. I'm afraid for the girl... It won't take long to die... You can't take your eyes off me when I'm in a T-shirt.. but without it... generally goofy... Ajumma.. it's in a figurative sense of the word... Yes. I'll take it off.. I'll take off my T-shirt, I promise... Throw off the address and send the wings.. I'm already on my way...
Ajumma? Ajumma? Why are you silent? Impressed? I myself almost died ... from my beloved .. What an effect! without shirt and with wings!!! It will be necessary to take note .. What? Sausage .. because it was cold ... you yourself know .. how cold it is without a T-shirt)

Fanfiction 3. Reincarnation. Part 1. I am Togon. (Crossover Healer and Empress Ki)

I am Toghon... I am Toghon... I am Toghon... Ajumma.. it doesn't work for me... Why am I Toghon? Ajumma .. why do we need to change history? ... a man lived for himself, had sex and meditated .. You can envy ... So what if there was nothing to shoot about him ... porn, for example ... And now what, is it better? Ajumma… I remember how much it costs… Only we get it together, and I work here alone… What did you say? Are you here too? Ajumma.. who are you? El Temur or what? Not? Aigu.. I was really intrigued… No.. these are not call signs.. it’s the stomach rumbling.. I want to eat… Try the persimmon from morning to evening… What should I do? I have to survive .. without using force ... So I survive as best I can ... They are wonderful here .. they run with swords, wave axes .... Ajumma…ahaha.. she came.. Who, who.. the future empress.. Ki seems to be… Nope.. she pretended to be a guy… Ajumma.. I don’t look at her, there’s nothing to drill there… That’s funny, I really think a girl I can’t distinguish from a guy ... I can’t? And why is that?. How old do you say I am now? fifteen! .. Damn .. you need to warn! Aigoo... pretended to be an idiot.. Ajumma.. if I continue to behave like this.. then.. there will still be nothing to film.. It would be better if there was porn. ... And who watches these dramas anyway? Are you watching, Ajumma? Truth? And when you just have time ... Ajumma, reveal the secret .. of the golden key ... Who are you? Well, who are you? .. otherwise I suddenly fall in love with you inadvertently .. how will we live on? I won't fall in love with anyone... except for Ki?... What's the matter with me? That is, with Togon? However, how did you redraw it ... now a sexual maniac, then a monogamous ... That's it .. Ajumma, I'm passing out ... she put me in manure ... Monogamous, you say?)

Fanfiction 3. Part 2. I'm Healer, do you know? (Crossover Healer and Empress Ki)

Ajumma... this is a provocation clean water... and plunged into the water, and pretended to be dead, but what's the point? ..Ajumma, what does it mean to endure? Now you at least understand that nothing will work out for me with her ... With whom .. with whom with the Empress .. Ki .. Vaughn fell asleep on me and at least henna .... And by the way, I’m without a T-shirt ... Yes, I’ve been without a T-shirt for a long time ... I’m jumping like a goat ... I jumped out of the tub in all its glory! And it didn't work.. and you know why? Because he did not take the wings .... Do you think ... it's she who does not sleep .. but lies in a swoon? No.. Ajumma, I’m sure of myself….only she has some kind of fainting spell… What am I doing.. what am I doing.. I’m lying like a log.. that’s all… No, Ajumma.. I don’t get stuck,.. I don’t thump .. and don’t get up ..… Aigu… wanted to .. deport .. I won’t ..
Ajumma, what's the plan? I'm starting to get cold... Ok..moving...I..moving.. Ha..Ajumma, can you hear...how it's beating! This is me about chicken wings thought…. Everything .. wakes up, it seems, she ..
Damn .. really sleepy! Ajumma, or maybe well, fuck her .. let her go to the king ... Let's spin the intrigue to the fullest .. so .. with tears .. and snot ... You know, people like you and me, it's so hard to find something to have fun .. Am I okay? Ajumma, listen, I'm Heeler, you know? I'll have to trust me ... And negotiate with customers yourself)

Fanfiction 3. Part 3. It's time to go home, the trumpet is calling! (Crossover Healer and Empress Ki) (last. final))

Ajumma, ajumma... are you here?... I'm tired.. Yes, I'm tired.. I'm tired of everything here.. How long have I been here? What about our time? Just…. And it seems that eternity ... Damn, I still don’t understand .. she loves me or not ... What do you think? You don’t know either ... And from the outside, how does it seem? No way? In a woman gives .. She would be born a man ... there would be no price ... And how do you like me? Is the customer satisfied? I know it's an eagle. Sobbed? You? Ajumma, I'm touched... Really touched... But let's get the hell out of here.. Enough for a drama? Well, nice ... How are we going to leave? I offer beautifully so that you cry again, when you still have to ... What will be the proposals? King Kore... will kill me? Are you kidding? No, I don't agree.. To die at the hands of this.. I don't want to.. Should I kill him? Or him or me? Some kind of rotten choice, ajumma ... And why should I? For the fact that he was an eyesore to Togon, and even behind his back he sang with Empress Ki? Ajumma, I just have a request to you.. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t do anything.. We’ll take Maha with us.. No one needs him here… But we’ll figure it out at home… Do you agree? Ajumma, are you serious? I'm glad, I'm really glad... Ajumma, I'm.. very glad... Well, tell me.. who are you? Well who? WHO? YOU???? Are you Colta? Ajumma... I'm in shock... no, I'm out... I was surprised, I was so surprised... This is a conspiracy... so a conspiracy. not to arouse suspicion? .. Who needs us then ... Ok .. How are we going to dump? Will you poison me and I will kill you? Ajumma, it's too cool.. So even I will start to cry... Why are you poisoning me? Raise the ratings of a future drama? Is that how they are raised? Well, if it’s necessary, then we’ll do it ... And by the way, ajumma, and who is me, i.e. Togona, will he play later? Ji Chang Wook... What's the cupcake? Throw off a photo ... I’ll dig out the glasses in a moment ... I’ll take a look ... Yes, I buried them .. So you would be the first to go nuts ... goofed .. went nuts when you saw me in them .. Ajumma, you confused me ... Are you she or he? Although, we’ll figure it out at home .. Not only do they consider me crazy here, because I’m talking to myself, .. so if I also wore incomprehensible crap on my nose ... Until today, I wouldn’t live .. Yes, what will happen to them then... I buried them neatly under a bush... Throw them off... Ha... Handsome... and he looks like me... Well, how does he play? Good? Better than me? It can't be... No one can be better than me... Was it he who replaced me when I stopped being an angel? And where did you find this treasure? Ok, then remind me to watch the drama when it comes out. . It is necessary to compare ... Who is better, he or I .. No, I'm sure of myself. That's it, ajumma, .. let's herbs quickly ... and go home ... I'm tired ... to deal with nonsense ...

Despite the protests of the family, the young man graduated from the University of the Arts, and quickly became a sought-after actor. The series “The Bachelor’s Vegetable Shop” brought him fame, and then he did notable work in the projects “Five Fingers”, “Healer” and “Healer” real star not only in Asia, but also beyond. Ji Chang Wook received prestigious awards: Drama Award for Best New Actor and Excellence Award.

The talented guy is also developing in the musical direction: he performed the soundtracks for the series “Smile Dong Hae” and “Warrior Baek Dong Soo”.

Film critics note that Ji Chang Wook is in demand not only because of his acting skills, but also because of his good-looking appearance and type suitable for different roles.

Ji Chang Wook before and after plastic surgery

It's no secret that 90% of everyone resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, so Ji Chang Wook's appearance also fell under suspicion. First of all, the fans assumed that the young man made himself a "sangapuri" -. This operation removes a small crescent-shaped fold of skin on the upper eyelid, and as a result, the eyes become visually larger.

True, a comparison of before and after photos of Ji Chang Wook and an analysis article from a Korean plastic surgeon do not confirm surgical intervention.

In 2012, the actor was in a car accident and suffered quite badly - several stitches were put on his face. After the accident, viewers noticed that the nose of the idol has changed a little: the bridge of the nose has become thinner, and the tip is pointed. Perhaps the surgeons performed a forced rhinoplasty on the actor. But especially loyal fans doubt and believe that such changes in appearance are the result of growing up and the good work of make-up artists.

The constant use of stage makeup did not affect Ji Chang Wook's skin health. The man obviously visits beauticians and does not forget about the use of unique Korean cosmetics.

The Korean actor confesses that Special attention pays attention to hair and makes sure that during filming, coarse hair is not disheveled and lies well.

The main quality that gives charm and magnetism, Chang Wook calls self-confidence.

Personal life and novels of Ji Chang Wook

The paparazzi are constantly monitoring the personal life of the Korean handsome man, and the press regularly attributes novels to him with filming partners. So it was with actress Ha Ji Won from the TV series "Empress Ki" and Park Min Young - a colleague in the film "Healer". There have been rumors for a long time that the movie star is dating Miss Korea Kim Joo Ri. Representatives of celebrities confirmed their acquaintance, but denied all speculation about a love affair.

Ji Chang Wook himself prefers to remain silent on questions about matters of the heart, which further fuels the interest of the public.

In interviews, Ji Chang Wook sometimes reveals his ideal soulmate: he appreciates common topics for the conversation and cheerfulness of the girl. The actor emphasizes that relationships are a luxury for his profession, but millions of fans hope that Ji Chang Wook will not be left alone after all.

Photo: www.egrafis.com, abanara.us, vk.com/publicijichangwook, twitter.com, beingme217.blogspot.com, wallpapertag.com, www.koreaboo.com, blog.kpopviral.com, sao360.vn, kdramabuzz. com, kpoplike.com, ru.fanpop.com, www.allkpop.com, jichangwookkitchen.com

Kim Jae Wook/김재욱

Date of Birth: 02.04.1983

Profession: actor, singer and model

Native city: Seoul

Family status: not married

Growth: 184 cm

The weight: 65 kg

Hobby: reading, music, playing basketball and football

Born in 1983 in Seoul (South Korea). After Jae Wook was born, his parents and older brother went to live in Japan for several years. Since childhood, the boy spoke only Japanese, his native Korean had to be studied additionally. The child refused to accept existing standards domestic education and therefore did not want to go to school at all. However, the desire to be like his older brother in everything, who was a musician in the school ensemble, won. Jae Wook was auditioned and accepted into the Kaksital group. graduated high school and the Seoul Art Institute.

He started his career by working as a model in a TV show. Categorically not perceiving the pop style in which it was necessary to sing and dance, he quickly left the program.

He first played a role in a movie in 2002, but the debut was unsuccessful, and Kim Jae Wook decided never to act again. However, a few years later, after the release of the film "The First Cafe" Prince "(2007), he became famous and even received the nickname" Waffle Prince ". Then he accepted an offer to shoot in Antik Confectionery, where he superbly played the role of a talented confectioner with a non-traditional sexual orientation. The film was presented in Berlin at international festival movie.

Fans of Korean cinema simply adore the actor and consider his acting to be talented, very individual and very attractive. Jae Wook, in addition to natural beauty, has a real charisma that allows you to notice him even in the smallest role. In 2015, the musical historical drama As Good As It Gets was released, where Kim Jae Wook played one of the main roles. The plot of the film is based on real events that took place in the 60s of the last century with a musical group performing folk songs.

The actor is the owner of several prestigious prizes and awards in the field of theater and cinema.

Curious: Jae Wook loves Kurt Cobain and modern rock since childhood. Since 2009, he has been singing and playing guitar in the Walrus band he created. She loves Japanese literature and reads a lot, especially Murakami. The actor dreams of making trip around the world, especially visit the UK.

He believes that he definitely needs to get better (the weight of the actor is 65 kg), so he eats plentifully. He prefers to drink Japanese beer and Americano coffee. Has a habit of smoking Marlboro cigarettes. The actor likes to do household chores, especially cleaning the apartment. On this he is ready to spend several hours.

He does not talk about his personal life, but he always wears a ring on his ring finger, says that this is a gift from a friend.



2015 – As good as it gets

2014 – The Age of Feelings

2013 – Who are you?

2010 - Mary, where have you been all night?

2010 - Bad guy

2010 - Love Pygmalion

2008 – Kingdom of the Winds

2007 - The first cafe "Prince"

2007 – Spring Oh Dal Ji

2002 - All in your hands


2010 – Bang

2010 - Secret reunion

2008 – Confectionery “Antik”

2006 – Monopoly

Ji Chang Wook is a young actor who deservedly received the title of "pride South Korea". A large number of talented roles and prestigious awards put him on a par with the most prominent celebrities. The personal life of Ji Chang Wook, handsome not only by Korean, but also by generally accepted standards, excites the hearts of fans all over the world.

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Biographical information and film work

Ji Chang Wook was the only child in the family. He was born on July 5, 1987 in the town of Anyang. As a child, he was very active and sociable, fond of sports games.
Ji Chang Wook did not think about acting career, but after graduating from school he decided to try his luck in this direction. The young man studied at the University of the Arts, achieved considerable success as a theater actor.

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After that, a bright guy interested filmmakers. Since 2009, he has starred in television series, gained great fame after the release of the projects "Bachelor's Vegetable Shop", "Five Fingers", "Manipulation Manual for Men", "Healer". The talented game was rewarded with prestigious awards:

  • 2011 - Drama Award, Excellence Award;
  • 2013 - Best New Actor;
  • 2014 - Best New Actor

The celebrity has good musical data, in his youth he mastered the art of playing the piano and dreams of learning to play the guitar. Often performs soundtracks for films on his own, starred in music videos of popular Korean groups.

Ji Chang Wook and his girlfriend

The personal life of a talented handsome Korean could not go unnoticed. Despite the fact that the young actor is very popular, he is distinguished by modesty and shyness. However, journalists still managed to get some interesting information.
During the participation of the actor in one popular TV show in 2014, he was asked a question about past relationships. The young man said that he met with at least six girls. Ji Chang Wook had his first girlfriend during his high school days.
About his last romantic relationship, he said that they took place during the filming of "Five Fingers". The public was shocked, as no one even suspected of his romance. The actor did not disclose the name of the chosen one. It is obvious that the young man finds some zest in hiding his sympathies. Overt relationships should be preferred to secret ones - this position was voiced on cameras by Ji Chang Wook. The actor's personal life aroused even more interest, and restless journalists continued to hunt for a sensation.

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The actor also shared with those present his ideal type women. Those were actresses Song Hye Kyo, Kim Yuna and Jin Se Yeon. At the same time, he did not focus on the external data of the girls, but on comfortable communication with them and a wonderful sense of humor.
In February of the same year, he was spotted with SISTAR singer Bora. Young people were photographed by paparazzi at a pedestrian crossing, while they were talking sweetly and smiling at each other. A version of their well-known kind of relationship instantly appeared. As it turned out later, that day the guys were just working on filming a music video.
In 2015, there was speculation that Jang Wook was secretly dating actress Kim Joo Ri. The girl is well known as the ex "Miss Korea".

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Kim Joo Ri Ji Chang Wook's possible girlfriend" width="973" height="490" srcset="" data-srcset="https://starpri.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/kimjoori..jpg 300w, https://starpri.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/kimjoori-768x387.jpg 768w" sizes="(max-width: 973px) 100vw, 973px"> !}
There were few grounds for such rumors. Some netizens noticed that celebrities prefer the same sunglasses and pendants, often attend musicals together in the company of close friends.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Ji Chang Wook and Kim Joo Ri wearing matching glasses" width="600" height="600" srcset="" data-srcset="https://starpri.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/JCW-KJR..jpg 150w, https://starpri.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/JCW-KJR-300x300.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px"> !}

The situation was clarified by the agents of the actors. They said that young people are just friends and sometimes spend time together. free time. At the same time, each of them reserves the right to their own privacy.
Ji Chang Wook makes fun of the rumors. Laughing, he says that he is often accused of starting relationships with all female co-stars. After the release of the drama (TV series) “Empress Ki”, there were talks about his romance with actress Ha Ji Won. However, the actors convincingly rejected a love affair.
A similar situation arose after working together in the project "Healer" with actress Park Min Young.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Park Min Young" width="614" height="534" srcset="" data-srcset="https://starpri.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/1K_w2sqCkx8..jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 614px) 100vw, 614px"> !}

Observant fans did not escape the signs of a reverent attitude of movie stars towards each other. When asked about the nature of their communication outside film set Chang Wook replied that he regards the rumors as the result of a masterful acting job. However, the Internet audience does not really listen to the words of the film actor, remembering his penchant for secret relationships. Today, celebrities are considered a couple. In 2014, Ji Chang Wook and his girlfriend received the prestigious Best Couple Award.
In addition to his talents, Chang Wook can be proud respectful attitude to parents. It is interesting to know that he gives a considerable part of the money he earns to his mother. The celebrity has a not quite masculine hobby - he knits well on knitting needles, which especially touches his admirers. Ji Chang Wook has the most serious approach to work. The movie star carefully prepares for all roles and always turns off mobile phone on the set.