Tender chicken fillet in batter. Batter for chicken - the most delicious dough recipes for fillets and wings. How to cook chicken fillet in batter

Chicken fillet in batter is a delicious appetizer that is not ashamed to put on the festive table. The batter is prepared using flour and whipped proteins and turns out tender and airy.

I found the recipe for this batter in old book about fishing and fish dishes, the recipe was called "Ruffs in batter." Well, we will cook not ruffs, but chicken fillet.

Chicken in batter in a pan: a simple step-by-step recipe

For more flavor sea chicken before cooking by placing it in a plastic airtight bag along with your favorite marinade in the refrigerator overnight. Chicken cubes cook faster than whole chicken pieces and can be used as the base for a wide variety of healthy meals, such as fried chicken fried or as a side dish for lunchtime salad. You can buy boneless boneless breasts and cut them open before cooking. Reheat raw chicken cubes over high heat to cook them faster and more evenly than if you cook a whole piece and cut it up later.

I had 2 breast fillets, but the indicated ingredients for the marinade and batterenough for 3 fillets.

  • 2 chicken fillets

for the marinade:

  • 1 st. l. soy sauce
  • 1 st. l. mayonnaise
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • 1/3 tsp curry
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger

for batter:

Chicken fillet chops in batter - recipe

Add this versatile protein to fresh and chopped vegetables, or make a big batch ahead of time to use meals within a week! Cut the chicken into 1-inch strips along the grain of the meat fibers. Season the cubes cubes with your choice of spices or marinade. If you do marinade chicken, discard the marinade when you're done with it to avoid cross-contamination.

How to cook chicken in beer batter with spices

Heat some olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Spread the chicken in an even layer at the bottom of the pan. If the cubes don't fit in one layer, cook the chicken in multiple batches to ensure even cooking. If they are packed in a pot, the water vapor will not be able to escape, resulting in boiled or steamed chicken.

  • 0.5 cup flour
  • 0.5 cup hot water
  • 1/3 tsp salt
  • 2 whipped squirrels
  • 1 tsp sesame seed


We cut the chicken fillet into small pieces about 3 * 3 cm in size. It is better if they are flat, about 1.5 cm thick.

Turn the chicken with a spatula or wooden spoon to cook the remaining sides. Stir chicken every 30 seconds to prevent sticking and ensure even cooking. Total time cooking time should be 7 to 10 minutes, depending on the size of the cubes.

Insert a digital instant meat thermometer into a piece of chicken when the meat is opaque and the juices clear. Remove them from the pan when the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit, the minimum safe cooking temperature for poultry.

We prepare the marinade, for this we pour soy sauce into a bowl, add mayonnaise, curry, ginger and garlic passed through a press.

Mix everything until smooth.

While it's not necessary to check each cube, it does help to check multiple items at different points in the pan. Other types of oil can be changed. Avoid olive oil with olive oil, which has low temperature smoke and can be burned in a hot pot. Coconut oil is very suitable for cooking as it has a high smoke point.

They cannot eat every day. Not even every week. But to give us this capricito from time to time is not so serious! It must be good for your health, simply because they are rich! Plus, they run in minutes. And they are very easy to make. Can you ask for more?

Now add the marinade to the fillet and mix well. Then we set aside to marinate, and we ourselves will prepare the batter.

Pour into a bowl hot water, add salt and flour and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Let's see how to make these barbecue chicken breasts at home. Make it sweet or spicy of your choice Flour 4 eggs bread salt and pepper Oil BBQ Sauce. Cut your breasts into taco-sized bites, more or less. Place the chicken taquitas in a bowl and add a pinch of salt, another ground black pepper, paprika, and garlic powder.

Then we pass each piece of chicken first for the flour, then for the beaten egg, to which we put a pinch of salt, then for the breadcrumbs, then again for the egg, and finally again for the breadcrumbs. With this to pass it twice for eggs and breadcrumbs, we get a thicker and cleaner outer layer. We reserved on a plate until we hung all the chickens.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Add a little salt to the proteins, literally at the tip of a knife, and beat with a mixer at high speed until stable. The whites must be chilled, and make sure that not a drop of yolk gets into them, otherwise they will not be whipped.

How to cook chicken fillet in batter - video

We freeze already breaded chicken breasts for about 30 minutes. So that the dough settles well on it. We fry in a lot of very hot oil. We do it in small batches to keep warm. We reserved fried breasts on absorbent paper.

When we fry all the chicken, we put a good barbecue sauce horret in a pan to heat up. The exact amount is easy. When hot add chicken. We remove well over medium heat for a few minutes and serve along with some french fries. If you want to complicate it a little more, you can prepare your own. This helped me a lot! Chicken fillet is a cutout cut from the chest of an animal and is very tender meat. But many people don't like doing it because they think it's too dry.

We shift the whipped proteins to a plate with diluted flour and add a teaspoon of sesame seeds there.

Mix carefully. The batter is ready.

Seasoning special for fried chicken fillet

Accordingly, they can be thinner or thicker than steaks. with your preference! Wash chicken steaks under running water to remove excess brown sugar and salt solution before seasoning. Since you already left the chicken in the brown sugar and brine, your fillet is already rooted with some seasoning. No more salt is needed, but try mixing orange juice with some herbs!

Rosemary gives a special flavor, but don't overdo it! Since it has a wonderful taste, it can stand out too much if used in large quantities. After marinating, simply heat a frying pan with a dash of olive oil and place the chicken fillet on the grill. No need to dip the chicken in oil! Give preference to a Teflon bracket.

Pour vegetable oil into a well-heated pan. We take a piece of chicken fillet with a fork, dip it in batter and put it in a pan. Fry on both sides, turning with two forks. The fire should not be minimal, but not too strong, otherwise the chicken will not fry inside.

Zucchini pie with herbs of Provence and goat with sweet mustard and honey

It is important that the pan is really hot to seal the chicken and keep the water from leaving the meat. Let the grill on one side and after it is nicely placed, turn the steak. Pay attention to how juicy and very tasty the fillet is! Grill sunflower, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds for a few minutes in a fat-free pan. Prepare the chicken skewers: cut the chicken breast into strips, pour them over the skewers and beat the egg in a bowl. Otherwise, mix together the punk breadcrumbs and parmesan, salt and pepper. Skip the chicken skewers first in the beaten egg and then in the parmesan panko. Heat the oil and butter in a large frying pan and cook the skewers on both sides: they should be crispy. Serve cabbage taboula with skewers.

  • Melt cauliflower and finely chopped broccoli.
  • Let them cool on parchment paper.
  • Mix lemon juice and oil, salt and pepper and pour over the taboul.
For 4 people: 3 eggs, 4 zucchini, 200 g fresh goat cheese, 1 roll of puff pastry, 3 tbsp.

Put the finished fillet pieces on a paper towel to absorb excess fat.

We are also preparing the next batch. Put the prepared pieces of chicken fillet in batter on a plate.

Spread the puff pastry and prick it with a fork. Mix olive oil with Provence herbs and a pinch of salt. In another container, mix eggs, 150 g goat cheese and mustard. Pour the mixture over the dough. Cut the zucchini into very thin slices and place them in the socket on the preparation, pressing lightly on them. Massage the zucchini with a mixture of olive oil and herbs and herbes de Provence and sprinkle with goat cheese chunks. Leave the cake for about 40 minutes.

Fried vegetable and fried chicken breast

Cut the eggplant and pepper into pieces. Cut the zucchini into slices. Heat a skillet with olive oil and brown vegetable separately. When all vegetables are cooked, mix them together. Sprinkle with salt with herbs and vegetables. Whale, pepper. In the same pot, brown garlic with olive oil. Cooks chicken breast and brown all over. Cut the chicken supresses.

Chicken fillet in batter is delicious both warm and cold. Thanks to the marinade, the chicken inside is soft and fragrant, and the batter itself is very tender.

That's all for today. Good luck everyone and have a nice day.

Always cook with pleasure!

Smile! 🙂

While tasting, imagine a pot of golden vegetables and chunks chicken breast Grilled. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and onion.

For 4 people: 4 pots of Cherry Marie Morin cherry flakes, 150 g white chocolate, 15 g liquid cream, 1 vanilla pan, 20 g flour, 85 g casta sugar, 40 g chopped almonds, 35 g orange juice self made, 40 g melted butter, lemon zest.

Make chocolate mousse, vanilla sheen: crush white chocolate, melt it in bain marie. Divide the vanilla in half, collect the seeds, add them to half the cream and bring to a boil. Pour more hot cream over the white chocolate, add the other half of the cream at room temperature. Mix and leave to chill in the refrigerator for several hours trying to take it off. Pour the appliance into the bowl of an electric mixer. Beat until she is holding on to the branches of the whip.

Who doesn't love fried chicken? And if you cook chicken chops in batter, you will have to fight off the hunters to try this dish! The taste of fried poultry depends not only on the quality of the meat, but also on the chosen dough recipe. How to cook batter for chicken fillet?

Place flour and icing sugar in a bowl, mix. Pour in orange juice and melted butter. Mix with a whisk until a smooth paste is obtained. Place almonds and freshly grated lemon zest. Place small heaps of dough on a non-stick baking sheet. Bake and cook until coloured.

Remove the plate from the oven, let it cool. Salt and freshly ground pepper Rapeseed oil or oil. Open the chicken fillet by cutting them with a knife. This allows you to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmeat. For my part, it was the butcher who did it. Place the chicken fillet on the work surface. Using the sliding pin, fry the meat by tapping it.

Chicken in batter - cheap, tasty and fast

If everyone has long been accustomed to fried meat, then delicious batter for chicken fillet, used for cooking chops, inspires special respect for the hostess. This culinary solution really has many advantages:

  • the meat does not burn and is not covered with a hard crust;
  • batter protects the chicken from drying out, so the chops are extremely juicy;
  • the dough emphasizes the taste of meat, complementing it in terms of satiety;
  • you can put spices, salt in the batter, which in the chicken itself may seem intrusive.

Chicken fillet in pieces in batter - the perfect solution for holiday table. You just need to learn how to cook the dough correctly.

Place a piece of ham on the first chicken fillet. Cut out anything that can overtake. Make splinters of Gruyère using feces. Place 5-6 on a piece of ham. Close the net in half, making sure nothing stops. Carry out the same operation with the second chicken fillet.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Chicken fillet in batter"

Prepare three bowls of soup in the first of flour, in the second - an egg beaten with an omelet and in the last of breadcrumbs. Skip the blue stripes in the flour, then the egg, and finally the breadcrumbs. They can be made to do a little twist in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs for a thicker breading.

The taste of the dish will depend on the method of preparation of the batter. Traditionally, it is believed that the dough should consist of water, flour and eggs. However, the variety of mixed products will only play into the hands of the hostess: cooking does not tolerate monotony. Here are some examples of batter recipes that work for both chicken, fish, cheese or vegetables.

Heat oil or canola oil in a pan. Place the blue cords in the pan and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side on high heat. Turn the heat off and continue cooking for about ten minutes, turning the blue cords over while cooking.

Chicken burgers with bacon, potatoes

Here is a gourmet recipe with this chicken bacon burger and its delicious apple mats. To make potato mats. Peel and wash the potatoes, wipe them. Place them in a bowl of water and leave covered for 1 hour. Peel and cut the onion. Drain potatoes, add chopped onion.



  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 st. flour;
  • 6 art. l. cream or milk.


On beer

The most delicate batter for chicken chops is obtained by adding beer to the dough. Do not think that this recipe is only suitable for drinkers: alcohol in batter absolutely loses its taste and properties, but gives the dish juiciness and splendor.


  • 100 ml of beer;
  • 2 eggs;
  • flour;
  • salt.


  1. Pour beer into a bowl and add eggs to it.
  2. Whisk the mixture and season with salt.
  3. Add enough flour to make the dough look like sour cream. To stir thoroughly.

Read also:

By leaps and bounds


  • 1 st. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 1 st. water;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 1 tsp yeast;
  • salt.


  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water.
  2. Sift the flour beforehand, pour into a deep bowl and make a small indentation.
  3. Pour water with yeast, oil, salt into flour.
  4. Knead the dough, similar in consistency to sour cream.
  5. Put in a warm place until it rises. It is undesirable to put it on batter immediately after cooking.

Quick Recipe


  • 1 st. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 st. broth or water;
  • salt.


  1. Mix eggs, water and flour.
  2. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly to make a dough that looks like sour cream.

This recipe is very quick and will suit the hostesses if you need to present something tasty to the guests on hastily. For cooking, you can take mineral water, which will make the dough more fluffy and soft.

with mayonnaise

Batter for chicken fillet with mayonnaise has a salty taste and unusual aroma, which is very suitable for chicken.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 3 art. l. mayonnaise;
  • spices.


  1. Mix eggs, mayonnaise, salt.
  2. Gradually add flour to make a slightly liquid homogeneous dough.
  3. Can be used immediately for cooking.

without eggs

If there was no egg at home and you need to quickly prepare the dough, use the following recipe on how to make batter for chicken fillet.


  • 1 st. flour;
  • ¾ st. water;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • greens.




  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • pepper;
  • salt.


  1. Break the eggs into a bowl.
  2. Grate cheese on a fine grater and mix with eggs.
  3. Salt, pepper.

Before frying the chops in a pan, they must be rolled in batter, and then in flour.

How to fry chicken in batter?

So that the batter does not stick to the dishes, and the dish does not burn, you need to know some culinary secrets.

  • You can cook meat in batter by frying in a pan or deep-frying.
  • If the first method is chosen, you must first pour a little oil into the pan and heat it well.
  • Fry on each side should be no more than 3-5 minutes. To make the fillet tender, it is recommended to beat it off before dipping in batter.
  • If the batter is already fried, and the meat inside is a little raw, simmer the dish under the lid for several minutes.
  • If the meat is deep-fried, the oil should be well heated and completely cover the chops.

A few more tips to help make the dough airy.

  • Whisk the ingredients with a whisk or in a blender.
  • Always sift flour before cooking.
  • Try to take fresh food, especially eggs.
  • Do not put a lot of spices and salt: in batter they feel more saturated, so the dish can be easily salted.
  • In the dough, you can add not only greens, but also chopped onions.