What documents are needed for a passport for a child under 14 years old. Issuance of a passport for a child of the old sample

Many migrants and tourists have questions about how to visit foreign countries with children, do you need separate documents for this, where are they issued and how long does it take?

This topic has not lost its relevance to this day. The fact is that the organization of any trip abroad is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Obtaining foreign passports and visas is time-consuming and involves many nuances. It is advisable to understand and consider it in more detail in the procedure for issuing children's travel documents. For example, it will not be superfluous to find out how the old document differs from the new one.

Is it necessary? In order to travel outside the country legally, it is obligatory for adults and children who are already 14 years old to have a foreign passport with them. In accordance with Russian law, until this moment, children can travel abroad with their parents, in whose document the necessary marks are affixed.

If we are talking about children who are under 14 years old, then at the moment the following rule applies to them: they have the opportunity to leave the country as if they have their own foreign document, and accompanied by a parent whose passport contains information about the child.

Pages in the parent's passport for information about the child

In some cases, trips with children are made with trusted persons who are their legal representatives. The rules regarding entering data about children are the same for them. A certain nuance is provided here: it is allowed to enter children only in the old foreign parental passport. The following data is entered in the document: full name of the child, date and place of birth. In addition, a child's photo is pasted in the designated place.

A foreign passport is a document that is an identity card Russian citizen which makes it possible to live abroad. Moreover, children from the age of fourteen are no exception.

If we talk about biometric passports, then we can state that the entered information about children can only testify to this fact, but in no case act as a guarantor of permission to travel abroad jointly under this document. This moment is stipulated in legal documents.

In fact, the new foreign passports have pages reserved for records of children. However, you should be aware that they are not allowed to be used, since there is a microchip in the biometric passport, which implies the content of reliable information about a particular person.

According to statistics, the number of people wishing to issue a new generation foreign document is increasing every year, and the forecast is that passports with a five-year validity period will gradually go out of circulation. Thus, the need to enter data on children in them will disappear. Well, children traveling abroad are likely to have personal passports.

Registration of a passport

old pattern foreign passport for a child who is not yet 12 years old, is issued for a period of five years, which is appropriate. Experts recommend doing this based on the fact that the appearance of children in this age range is subject to strong changes. A biometric passport with a period of 10 years may be invalidated precisely for this reason.

Watch the video: how to apply for a passport for a child

Among other things, when drawing up this document, there are a number of pluses:

  • Making a child's passport is seamless, and the presence of the child during the procedure is not mandatory.
  • The collection and submission of papers and photos can be carried out by both natural parents and persons acting as legal representatives of children.
  • Little time is spent on the preparation of this document.
  • An old foreign document is considered a more economical option. Its cost for children under the age of 14 is 1000 rubles, and for children from 14 to 18 years old it is twice as expensive.

A new generation biometric document is made for 10 years, and its main difference is the presence of a microchip, which is a carrier of digital information about a particular person. It is not suitable for small children. For example, the production time for a biometric foreign passport is longer, and the cost is higher as a result. For children under 14, such a passport will cost 1,500 rubles, and for a child in the age range of 14–18 years - 3,500.

Who is eligible to submit documents

Obtaining a children's passport involves preparation required documents and entering reliable data about the child in the application form. Only accurate information should be provided about children and about yourself.

In accordance with the rules provided for by law, parents or other legal representatives: trustees, guardians, and so on, have the right to issue a foreign document for a child, both old and. Their status must be confirmed by the relevant papers.

As for other applicants, including grandparents, they do not have such rights even if they have a power of attorney. Such a design is not provided for by law.

An application and documents for an old-style international passport for children are submitted to the FMS MFC at the place of residence. This action is allowed in in electronic format on the official portal of public services via Internet connection. The parent dealing with this matter must appear in person to receive ready passport on a child.

You can only enter a child in an old-style international passport. Children are not included in the biometric passport.

Documents for an old-style passport for a child

Which must be prepared for obtaining an old-style foreign passport for children under 14 years old must contain:

  • Birth certificate (copy).

  • Model application form.
  • A copy of the parent's civil passport or a document of the representative.
  • Standardized photographs in the amount of four pieces, 3.5 x 4.5 in size.

  • Previous passport of the child (copy), if available.

A set of documents that must be prepared for issuing a passport for a child aged 14 to 18 years:

  • Civil passport of the child (copies of completed pages).
  • Two standard copies of the application form for a foreign passport for children who are already 14 years old.

  • A copy of the child's birth certificate.
  • Civil passport of one of the parents or guardian (copies of completed pages).
  • Previous passport of the child, if any (copy).
  • Standardized matte photos in the amount of four pieces.

We advise you to look: documents for obtaining a passport for a child

Rules for filling out the questionnaire

The legislation provides for special There are templates for this.

As for the basic requirements for this document, it does not have significant differences compared to the one presented with papers from an adult applicant:

  • The text is accepted both in a computer version and written by hand. However, the letters must be in block letters.
  • The use of a corrector to cover up errors, as well as corrections, is not allowed.
  • The questionnaire is filled out on one sheet on both sides. An application on two sheets is regarded as a violation and will not be accepted.
  • This document must contain the required information about both the official representative and the child for whom, in fact, a foreign passport is issued.

See the video for the correct filling out of the application form for the child's international passport.

Completing paragraphs 1-9 involves entering data that directly relates to the child, while paragraphs 10 to 18 must contain information about the official representative. The column on the presence of a previous foreign document is filled in only if the child has a passport with a validity period.

Some applicants may have questions about filling out item No. 6, where it is supposed to indicate the exact date of registration at the place of residence of the child. Difficulties may be due to the fact that not everyone understands where to get this information.

You can get out of the situation by contacting the passport office, ordering a certificate of family composition. The document must record the number of registration of each person who lives at the specified address. In some cases this information can be found on the stamp on the back of the child's birth certificate.

If the application is made for a child aged 14 to 18 years, then his signature is provided on the front side of the document. If the questionnaire is filled out for a child under the age of 14, then his personal signature is not needed. The parent's signature is on reverse side sheet.

It is important to note: the location of the signature is provided inside the field, it is not allowed to go beyond it, as well as contact with them. This moment is very important, since the signature will be scanned and printed on the passport form in the future. It is categorically not recommended to violate this rule, since under such circumstances the acceptance of documents and applications may be refused.

The information in the application must be true. If it is necessary to add information, the applicant is provided with Appendix No. 2, which is provided for by the regulations in the administrative mode.

A foreign passport is the main document that confirms citizenship and certifies the identity of a person outside the country. Therefore, all citizens, including children under the age of 14, traveling abroad, must have it with them. Regardless of the duration and distance of the trip, parents should be aware that they are required to issue for children under 14 years of age.

Biometric passport of a new sample of the Russian Federation

Since 2006, our country has begun issuing biometric passports of a new type for trips abroad. They have the symbolism of the Russian Federation, a hologram and a plastic page with a microchip embedded with personal biometric data of the owner of the foreign passport. The entire process of its registration and issuance is regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thanks to modern technologies that are used in the manufacture biometric passport, the time for processing documents at the points of passport and visa control when traveling abroad is significantly reduced. Information from the microchip embedded in the passport is read almost instantly using a special scanner to determine biometric data.

Some parents, before traveling abroad with their children, ask themselves the question: does a child under 14 need a passport? Previously, it was possible not to issue a passport for minors if they were entered in the parents' passports. In accordance with modern requirements, it is necessary to issue a personal biometric passport for each of the younger family members traveling abroad.

The procedure for issuing a children's passport

For the production of a foreign biometric passport for persons under the age of 14, one of the parents must submit an application and a package of documents to the FMS department to which the family belongs at the place of registration or at the place of residence.

Required documentation package

Documents for a passport for a child under 14 years of age will need the following:

  • photocopies of civil passports of parents;
  • application form for a child's passport;
  • 2 photos;
  • a photocopy of the birth certificate with an insert confirming Russian citizenship.

An application for a passport for a child under 14 years of age must be written by one of the parents or his guardian or legal representative. In addition to the fact that 2 photographs must be submitted along with the rest of the papers, when submitting a package of papers, children are photographed at the department of the Federal Migration Service.

The application form must be printed on two sides of a separate sheet. You can fill it out either in block letters, or using a computer with subsequent printing. A questionnaire printed on two separate sheets will not be accepted. Also, it should not contain errors and corrections.

These papers must be accompanied by a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty. If a foreign passport is issued for a child under 14 years old, then the amount of the state duty will be 1200 rubles.

At the time of submission of documents, the personal presence of the person for whom the travel certificate is issued is mandatory, and one of the parents, guardian or legal representative can pick it up. In the event that an application is submitted by a person who is not a parent, it is required to provide a paper confirming the appointment as a legal representative.

Production time

Time to make biometric passport children under 14 years old is 1 month from the moment the application and all necessary papers are submitted. In the event that the registration package is submitted not at the place of residence of the family, but at the place of its actual residence, the production time may be delayed for up to 4 months.

I decided to single out the topic “How to issue a passport for a child under 14 years old of the old sample” separately so as not to confuse it with the process, because they have some differences.

I will not particularly praise the convenience of obtaining a passport through public services, but I will immediately proceed to the instructions on how to issue a passport for a child through public services.

I can only say that we received an old-style passport for children for five years, since we considered that during this time our daughters would grow up and change in appearance, so they did not need a 10-year passport. In addition, a passport is five years cheaper.


A minor under the age of 14 cannot himself obtain a passport: his legal representative is in charge of this matter. In our case, it was my mother who did it.

Registration on the public services portal

First of all, our mother registered on the public services portal www.gosuslugi.ru I wrote in detail about how this is done. Registration is not five minutes, but there is nothing complicated in it. Read my instructions - everything is written there in detail.

Filling out the questionnaire

After you have a verified account for public services, everything will go like clockwork. Go to the site, select the service: "Obtaining a passport without an electronic chip (for 5 years)", and then choose the service option "Obtaining a foreign passport by a citizen Russian Federation, a citizen under the age of 14. Then we proceed to receive the service, for which we fill out the questionnaire directly on the site.

  • The questionnaire can be completed in several ways. It is saved on the site in drafts, and you can return to filling it out after any break.
  • You will need to upload a photo to the site with an aspect ratio of 35x45 and no larger than 300 kB. Unlike obtaining a passport for an adult, you will need to have two more paper photographs 35x45 mm in size.
  • After filling out the questionnaire, check the boxes "Receive SMS notifications" and "Receive notifications by e-mail" and click the "Submit application" button.


Within half an hour, an e-mail will be sent to inform you that the application has been registered and accepted for work. Now your business is just to wait for the check to pass and you will be invited to receive a passport. We waited quite a long time: three weeks.

First and only visit to obtain a passport

After the documents are checked, you will receive a letter in the mail, which will tell you the day and time when you need to bring the original documents. We provided the following documents.

  • Child's birth certificate. The nationality mark was on the reverse side of the certificate.
  • Passport of the legal representative. It was Yulia's passport, because she dealt with all these things.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty (1000 rubles). We paid through Sberbank, but it is possible through other banks. The receipt was downloaded from the link that was sent in the letter.
  • Two photos sized 35x45 mm.
  • A document confirming the registration of the child. In our case, it was a certificate - a leaflet that was given to us when we registered the children in the apartment. If you do not have this sheet, you can simply replace it with an extract from the house book.

Well, then on the appointed day you bring and hand over the documents. Then you wait outside the door for ten minutes. During this time, they manage to view and make copies of the original documents and make a passport. All you have to do is sign for your passport.

That's basically all about how we got a passport for a child under 14 years of the old sample. There is nothing particularly difficult.