At what age is the TIN assigned? What is a TIN and does a child need it

How to issue a TIN for a child - this question worries many parents when their son or daughter decides for the first time to try to start earning money on their own. The law establishes that all people who receive income must pay tax. Minors are no exception. For this reason, they need to issue a document. In fact, the procedure is not difficult. However, there are several nuances that you need to know in advance.

The legislation does not require receiving a document at the time of the birth of the baby. However, there are a number of cases where the procedure is necessary.

These include:

  • Registration of real estate. Being the owner of an apartment or house, a person of any age is obliged to pay cash contributions to the state treasury. At first, the operation is performed by legal representatives. However, a minor citizen must be documented by the payer.
  • The child received an inheritance.
  • A minor citizen has already begun to carry out labor activities.
  • The document may be required upon admission to study.

An educational institution may refuse to accept a child if it does not have a tax code. The actions of institutions are not regulated by law and can be challenged in court.

However, litigation comes at a cost and a waste of time. It is easier to agree with the requirements and find out where how to get a TIN for a child under 14 years old, complete the required paperwork and submit it to the selected educational institution.

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Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a document

Until the citizen reaches the age of 14, the paperwork is handled by the baby's parents or guardians. Thinking about what documents are needed to obtain a TIN individual child, legal representatives of a minor citizen must collect the following list of papers:

  • birth certificate of the child;
  • passport of the person submitting the application;
  • registration certificate.

The collected package of documents must be transferred to the tax service. Parents should apply to the organization located at the place of residence of a minor citizen.

When making an application, keep in mind that as an applicant it is required to indicate a minor citizen. Parents often make this mistake before giving their child a TIN.

At the time of submission, the specialists of the registration authority will check the submitted documentation. If it meets the established requirements, the papers will be accepted. The parent who submitted the documentation will receive extract, confirming the start of the operation.

If the question arose of when they receive the TIN, parents should remember that, after reaching the age of 14, the child can go through the registration procedure with the tax authority on their own. To do this, a minor citizen must go to the registration authority and fill out an application on his own behalf. Within 5 days from the receipt of claims from a small taxpayer, tax specialists are required to take action.

You can find out if the document is ready by visiting the tax office or by calling the organization by phone. Employees government agency required to answer the question.

It should be remembered that the procedure for obtaining a TIN is free. You do not need to pay a state fee for the transaction.

Applying online

When thinking about what it takes to get a TIN for a child, parents should remember that it is not necessary to visit the tax office in person to apply. The operation can be performed online.

The procedure requires:

  1. Go to official page tax service on the Internet.
  2. Register on the portal.
  3. Go to the appropriate section and. When the procedure is completed, the application will automatically be sent to the tax office.
  4. Write down the application number. It consists of 5 digits. Information will be required to obtain a document.
  5. After the tax service receives the application and accepts it for execution, an appropriate notification.

The procedure is convenient because parents do not have to spend time in queues. You can find out about the readiness of the paper by calling. In addition, a notification will be sent to the specified address about the completion of the procedure for issuing a TIN.

The TIN does not appear in the lists of documents for registration and registration of a newborn. Indeed, a TIN for a newborn may not be issued if this is not necessary, and such a need may arise if:

  • the child will need to register property that is taxed or will be taxed in the future. Car, real estate, business share;
  • the child receives or plans to receive income from his activities; most often this situation occurs if the child is an athlete or artist, but other situations are possible;
  • TIN may be required to receive tax deductions.

How to get a TIN, if required

To obtain a TIN for a newborn, you need to contact the FMS or tax office with the following documents:

  • birth certificate with a mark of citizenship (it is necessary to clarify whether a copy of the birth certificate is required when applying);
  • a document confirming registration at the place of residence (issued by a passport office);
  • passport of the parent signing the application (it is necessary to clarify whether a copy of the passport is required when submitting the application).

In 5-10 days the TIN will be ready.

Taxpayer". What is it and why is it needed? It is drawn up in order to be registered with the tax office. After that, this organization collects all the information: what this or that person did (in terms of money), where he worked, whether he is hiding he is like a debtor from the tax service.An identification code is issued individually for each citizen living in the territory of the Russian Federation.Many babies now need it, but not all parents know for a child.

Three pieces of code

It turns out that the number that is assigned to a citizen of the state has a certain decoding.
The first 4 digits are the number of the tax office where you received the TIN. Then there are 6 numbers that indicate the serial number of the taxpayer. The last 2 digits are the control number set according to the algorithm.

Why does a child need a TIN?

From birth, a parent must assign a TIN to their infant.

This procedure is mainly needed so that the necessary authorities are aware if they suddenly decide to rent a garage or apartment for a child (this happens infrequently, but the services have observed such decisions more than once). In this case, the child should already be taxed as living in the place where he is registered. And for each subject Russian Federation must be paid if he has a roof over his head. It is also necessary to obtain a code if the child is an athlete. After all, he can already receive the money he has earned up to the age of 14. It is advisable to go through this procedure immediately after birth so that he or his parents do not have to worry about how to get a TIN for a child in the future (if they are suddenly asked to present it somewhere). In this way, many unforeseen situations can be avoided.

on a child?

A code for a child can be issued immediately after his birth. But this is done after he has a registration, which must also be done.

At the place of residence of the baby, you need to contact the tax authority or the Multifunctional Center (MFC). All questions can be asked to specialists who are engaged in the reception of citizens.

Package of documents

Many parents prefer to know in advance about required documents or certificates that may be needed when applying for a TIN for a child. What documents do I need to bring with me for this procedure? Luckily, you won't need too many of them:

1. Original identity document (passport) of one of the parents.

2 children.

3. A copy of the passport, which should contain the first, second pages, as well as the page where the data on the children are entered.

4. A copy of the birth certificate, which indicates the citizenship of the baby.

5. The original of the house book or a document where the registration of the child is recorded at the actual place of residence.

6. Application form 2-2-Accounting. In it, the parent must act as the legal representative of the baby, and he - the applicant.

In the event that there are many children, all copies of documents (except for the originals, of course) must be made for an individual child, and not for all at once.

TIN for a child in the Russian Federation will be issued within 5 working days. You do not need to pay a fee for this procedure.

How to get a TIN for a child in Ukraine?

The procedure for obtaining an identification code is somewhat different.

The following documents are required:

1. Parent's passport and its photocopy.

2. A copy, as well as the original birth certificate of the baby.

3. Upon the appearance of a parent in the tax service, he must write an application on his own behalf. The authority where documents must be submitted is the State Tax Inspectorate at the place of residence of the parent.

It is worth noting that when a child is 14 years old, this procedure is mandatory.


A taxpayer identification number is now necessary for every living person who wants to get into kindergarten, school, university, or work. Although it is considered a personal matter for every citizen (doing a TIN or not), however, this procedure is voluntary. It is similar to when we have to obtain a certificate of compulsory health insurance. Although the procedure is also considered voluntary. But if it is not done, a citizen of the Russian Federation cannot receive free treatment. The same is true in this situation. In schools and kindergartens, due to the lack of a TIN, they may not accept and refuse services. True, they do not have the right to do this, and for refusal, for example, in teaching a child, a parent can safely sue. Another thing is work. Everything is more complicated here. It is pointless and stupid to file a lawsuit, since the employer can say that a person simply does not fit the qualifications, but real reason hide. Therefore, if you do not go through an easy procedure to obtain an identification number, then serious problems may arise with the employment of a person. Therefore, many parents do the right thing when, after the birth of a baby, they are interested in the question of how to get a TIN for a child.

TIN - individual number taxpayer. This document may be required by any citizen of the Russian Federation. It has to be presented when applying for bank loans, employment, applying for a visa abroad. In some cases, you can do without an identification number. However, accounting only with him will be able to accrue a legal salary to an employee. There are even a number of cases when a TIN is required little child. Since the age of obtaining a TIN is not specified in the laws, everyone decides this issue individually.

The TIN consists of 12 Arabic numerals. It is stored in government databases. From it you can find out information about a person's income and expenses, as well as the taxes that he pays - on property, land, VAT and others.

INTERESTING. In 1993-1997 TIN was assigned only to organizations. Over the next two years, it became mandatory for individual entrepreneurs. However, today every citizen of the Russian Federation who has a source of income is required to have a taxpayer identification number.

A TIN is assigned to a person immediately after his birth. However, to obtain a certificate, a citizen should personally apply to the tax authority with a passport. You can find out a unique combination of 12 numbers even via the Internet.

The need to obtain a certificate in hand appears only when a person becomes a taxpayer. This can happen at any age, so the law does not set age limits. It is allowed to apply for a TIN from the moment the child is born and throughout his life.

Since it is officially allowed to work from the age of 14, it makes no sense to receive a document earlier. The exception is children who have ownership of any property. In such cases, it is necessary to obtain a TIN, although parents or legal representatives are required to pay tax for the child.

They draw up a document with the Federal Tax Service in accordance with the Tax Code. If the child's age is less than 14 years, a certificate is issued to his parents on the basis of a birth certificate. The rest, in order to receive a document, you must provide your passport with a registration mark.

The child can receive this certificate without any action on the part of the parents. This happens in cases where he owns taxable property: an apartment, a share in a family business, a car.

Getting a TIN for a child is convenient because:

  • it becomes possible to check tax debts;
  • the document may be requested by educational authorities;
  • it is required for registration of the inheritance;
  • it is necessary for parents to receive a tax deduction when buying an apartment for a child or sending him to a spa treatment;
  • for children over 14 years of age binding document for official employment.

A child of any age, even a newborn, can act as a taxpayer. According to the documents, babies sometimes own garages, apartments, land or shares in this property. IN similar cases The law obliges parents to pay taxes for a child until they reach the age of majority. However, in such cases, it is necessary to obtain a TIN for it.

Tax officials, explaining this situation, refer to the Tax Code and the federal law"On the tax on property of individuals". Formally, they are right, since there really are no benefits for children.

The law does not exempt minor owners of privatized housing from paying real estate tax. This implies that they also need an identification number. There are no instructions about orphans in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. However, they receive a pension from the state, therefore they fall under the category of pensioners. This exempts them from paying property tax. Accordingly, they do not need a certificate from the Federal Tax Service.

Sometimes children have to pay tax on their own income. This mainly applies to young athletes and artists who receive fees for participating in competitions or filming. Such children become taxpayers early, so they need to issue a TIN.

Do I need a TIN for kindergarten and school?

Many parents, arranging their children in kindergarten ik or school, are faced with the requirement to obtain a certificate from the tax office. Among them there are those who were denied admission to an educational institution without this document.

Such claims are not justified. It is only necessary to present a TIN certificate when applying for a job. Therefore, theoretically, the illegality of the requirements of the administration of a kindergarten or school can be proved in court. However, this will take a lot of time, effort and nerves. Therefore, it is better to take care of the identification number in advance.

Many parents are interested in the question of how to get a TIN for a child? It happens that immediately after the birth of a baby, parents want to get a TIN for him, without knowing exactly whether this document is included in the list of mandatory at birth.

In this article, we will find out if this is necessary and in what cases, and we will also analyze the procedure for obtaining a TIN for a child in several ways: when the applicant personally applies and via the Internet.

Do children need a TIN? Why get a TIN for a child

Parents can get an individual taxpayer number (TIN) for their children without much effort. For example, if your child is the owner of a share in a business, real estate, a vehicle, etc., this document will be mandatory.

In addition, if you have received this document, then many issues will be resolved faster:

  • If an inheritance is issued for a child, then you cannot do without a TIN.
  • Using the TIN, you can check how much tax debt you have.
  • If a child who has not reached the age of majority decides to get a job, then he will need to present a TIN.
  • Educational authorities may also ask for a TIN.
  • When starting your own business, you need an individual tax number.
  • If the child is undergoing spa treatment, then a TIN will be required here.
  • If parents decide to purchase real estate for their child and receive a tax deduction, then the TIN is also required.

The procedure for obtaining a TIN for a child under 14 years of age

If the child has not yet celebrated his 14th birthday, then one of his parents or legal representatives must contact the tax office and write an appropriate application for a TIN.

You can even get a TIN for a baby who has just been born. Before this, you will need to issue a birth certificate and register the child at the place of residence.

What documents are needed to issue a TIN for a child

List of documents that parents will need when writing an application:

  • Passport of one of the parents who writes the application;
  • Baby's birth certificate;
  • It is necessary to apply to the passport office and take a certificate of registration at the place of residence.

In situations where application for a TIN submitted directly to the tax office, a separate registration document may not be required. This is possible when the child's birth certificate contains a stamp indicating registration at the place of residence.

If you decide to get a TIN through state Internet portals, then you still have to get a separate document on registration.

Since the online application form No. 2-2-Accounting is focused on this document, it is not possible to apply via the Internet without a certificate of registration at the place of residence.

How to get a TIN for a child from 14 to 18 years old

Children adolescence who are already 14 years old must visit the tax office themselves to obtain a certificate of assignment of a TIN.

You need to have a passport with you, where there is a stamp on registration at the place of residence. The teenager himself fills out an application in the form No. 2-2-Accounting and submits it to the inspector.

If you decide to apply using postal services, then this scheme will be a little more complicated, since a copy of the passport will have to be certified by a notary.

Also, a teenager can write an application on the website of the Federal Tax Service by filling out the appropriate form.

To do this, go to the "Electronic Services" menu (Filing an application for registration of an individual). Approximately 5 days should pass after the application is accepted, after which you can go to the tax authority and receive a certificate of tax registration.

A fourteen-year-old teenager can do this on his own, without resorting to the help of his parents, but you need to have a passport with you.

What documents are needed to obtain a TIN for a child who is 14 years old? This is a passport and a statement that he will write on the spot.

How to make a TIN for children without visiting the tax office

You can use the government services website to get a TIN for a child via the Internet. This portal is similar to the electronic service of the tax service, registration is indispensable. To register on the website, you need to have SNILS at hand.

These two services can be used to not only order, but also get a TIN for a child while sitting at home. All you need is an internet connection.

You need to go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, download a special program for signing an EDS - it is absolutely free.

If the applicant signed the application with such a signature in electronic form, then he can be sent a TIN certificate in the form of a PDF file by mail or be given the opportunity to download the TIN directly from the public services portal.