Documents for obtaining citizenship in a simplified form. Russia has simplified the procedure for obtaining citizenship for Ukrainians: what does this mean

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that allows canceling decisions on acquiring Russian citizenship for persons convicted of terrorism and extremism, and also introduces the procedure for taking an oath upon becoming a citizen of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the law establishes a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship and a residence permit in the Russian Federation for Ukrainians. The document was published on the portal of legal information on Sunday.

Cancellation of citizenship decisions

Previous legislation established a number of requirements for foreign citizens and stateless persons who wish to receive Russian citizenship. One of them is the obligation to comply with the constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the decision to acquire Russian citizenship was subject to cancellation if the applicant presented forged documents or knowingly false information, which must be confirmed in court.

The new law establishes that the communication of deliberately false information may consist in a person's violation of the obligation to comply with Russian legislation, if the purpose of acquiring citizenship was activity against the constitutional order of the Russian Federation. This includes the commission of a crime, preparation, as well as an attempt to commit a crime of a terrorist or extremist nature. At the same time, the court verdict for the commission of these crimes that has entered into force will be the basis for canceling the decision to acquire citizenship.

At the same time, the cancellation of decisions to grant Russian citizenship to those convicted of terrorism and extremism will not apply to the spouses and children of the offender.


The law also includes the text of the oath upon entry into citizenship. “I (full name), voluntarily and consciously accepting the citizenship of the Russian Federation, swear to abide by the constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of its citizens, to fulfill the duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation for the benefit of the state and society, to protect the freedom and independence of the Russian Federation, to be faithful to Russia, to respect its culture, history and traditions,” the text of the oath says.

The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will be issued immediately after taking the oath. The law establishes that the procedure for taking an oath upon becoming a citizen of the Russian Federation will be regulated by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation.


In addition, the law simplifies the process of obtaining citizenship and residence permits in the Russian Federation for Ukrainians. Earlier, State Duma deputies explained that citizens of Ukraine who wish to renounce citizenship of this country and acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation are having difficulty obtaining required documents in the authorized bodies of Ukraine, confirming their application with a statement of refusal from the existing Ukrainian citizenship. Corresponding amendments have been developed to solve this problem.

It is envisaged that citizens of Ukraine wishing to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation sign an application for renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship, this document is notarized, one copy remains in migration service Russian Federation, the second - is sent to Ukraine. Such a statement will replace the certificate that previously had to be obtained from the authorized bodies of Ukraine. The same procedure is provided for Ukrainians wishing to obtain a residence permit in the Russian Federation.

The State Duma on Wednesday, July 19, in the final third reading, adopted a bill that establishes a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship and a residence permit in Russian Federation for Ukrainians. The bill was submitted to the State Duma in April by the leadership of the lower house of parliament. Read more about what this law is for. federal agency news.


According to the law, citizens of Ukraine who wish to obtain Russian citizenship sign an application to renounce Ukrainian citizenship. This document is notarized, one copy remains in the migration service of Russia, and the second is sent to Ukraine. According to the head of the State Duma Committee on Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov, this application will replace the certificate, which previously had to be obtained only from the authorized bodies of Ukraine.

The same procedure is provided for Ukrainians who wish to obtain a residence permit in the Russian Federation. The law comes into force on September 1, 2017.

"Native speakers of the Russian language"

Expert of the Institute of CIS countries Artem Zhurko in an interview with a FAN correspondent, he noted that he would not say that the procedure for obtaining citizenship as a whole for Ukrainians has become much simpler. In fact, this is a simplification of the mandatory procedure for citizens of Ukraine who wish to obtain Russian citizenship on the basis that they are "native speakers of the Russian language." It was from this category of citizens that they previously required a document from the authorities of Ukraine, which confirmed the renunciation of previous citizenship.

“At the same time, for citizens of Ukraine who wish to obtain Russian citizenship on other grounds, this rule was softer. A notarized copy of the renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship and confirmation that the original renunciation was sent to the authorities of Ukraine (often a stub about sending a registered letter from the post office) was enough,” Artem Zhurko explained.

Thus, the expert noted, now a serious barrier has been removed for "native speakers of the Russian language" from Ukraine on the way to obtaining Russian citizenship. And its receipt on this basis has become more attractive compared to others. Nevertheless, the political scientist is sure, although this is important, it is still a slight indulgence.

“A huge problem for compatriots on the way to obtaining citizenship is the timing. Even under a simplified program as a whole, the process can drag on for up to three years. But during this time, a person needs to somehow exist, work somewhere and somehow feed his family. In the context of widespread computerization and unification computer bases data verification of citizens can be done much faster,” added Artem Zhurko.

According to the expert, for the category of “native speakers of the Russian language”, shortened terms for processing documents were announced. Thus, an application for a residence permit is considered only two months, and for admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation - three. But due to various bureaucratic delays, the actual period for obtaining citizenship was delayed. And one of the most serious problems at the first stage was the renunciation of citizenship prescribed specifically for this category.

Step towards refugees

Political scientist Yuri Yakor in a comment, the FAN expressed confidence that the decision to simplify the acquisition of Russian citizenship for former citizens of Ukraine is a step towards those who fled Ukraine due to political repression. Even in the journalistic-political science environment, it is easy to name a few people (the most famous example for the general public is Anatoly Wasserman). These people simply do not have the opportunity to obtain documents in Ukraine (and they walk very carefully past the Ukrainian embassy).

“But until recently, in order to obtain Russian citizenship, certificates of renunciation of foreign citizenship were often not required, it was enough just to promise with an oath and not fulfill the bureaucratic part. I know several stories at once when large defense factories suddenly discovered “citizenship from the past” in their alleged employees. People, of course, were refused, but there are quite a lot of such stories. And it is very sad that such an indulgence was made exclusively for Ukraine. The regimes of many countries of the former Soviet Union are not very friendly to Russia,” Yuri Yakor concluded.

Political scientist and political strategist Natalia Eliseeva in a conversation with the FAN, she called the law twofold. On the one hand, criminal, extremist or simply negatively disposed against the Russian Federation elements can seep in with the flow of those who wish. As it was already with refugees from Donbass.

“However, for this, a number of requirements were adopted for foreign citizens and stateless persons. The question is - will these rules be able to fully stop the penetration of unwanted persons from Ukraine? There is also the question of jobs. The influx of people can negatively affect the labor market. On the other hand, at the moment there are already a huge number of Ukrainians in Russia who fled from the current government. And something needs to be done about them. When accepting Russian citizenship, the funds they earn will remain in Russia,” Natalia Eliseeva summed up.

MOSCOW, July 19 - RIA Novosti. The State Duma adopted a bill that simplifies the procedure for obtaining citizenship and residence permits for Ukrainians.

It also allows canceling decisions on the acquisition of Russian citizenship by those convicted of terrorism and extremism and introduces an oath procedure for becoming a citizen.

The bill was submitted to the State Duma in April by the leadership of the lower house of parliament.

Amendments for Ukrainians

According to the deputies, Ukrainians who want to acquire Russian citizenship have difficulty obtaining the necessary documents from the Ukrainian government agencies. Corresponding amendments have been developed to solve this problem.

According to adopted law, Ukrainians sign an application for renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship and draw it up by a notary. One copy of the document remains in the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the second is sent to Ukraine. This statement will replace the certificate that previously had to be obtained from the Ukrainian authorities.

The same procedure is provided for Ukrainians wishing to obtain a residence permit in Russia.

Cancellation of citizenship decisions

Now the legislation imposes a number of requirements on foreigners and stateless persons who wish to obtain Russian passport. One of them is the obligation to abide by the constitution and laws of the country. At the same time, the decision to acquire citizenship is canceled if the applicant has submitted false documents or knowingly false information. This fact must be confirmed by the court.

The draft law adopted by the State Duma establishes that a person violates the obligation to comply with Russian legislation if he acquires citizenship in order to violate the constitutional order.

This concept includes the preparation, attempt or commission of terrorist and extremist crimes. A court verdict for such crimes that has entered into force will be the basis for canceling the decision to acquire citizenship.

In this case, the spouses and children of the offender will not be deprived of citizenship.

Citizen's Oath

Amendments to the second reading included in the bill the text of the oath upon entry into citizenship. Since the beginning of June, a group of deputies has been working on it, as a result, a document was developed, which was supported by the leaders of all factions.

"I (full name), voluntarily and knowingly accepting the citizenship of the Russian Federation, swear to abide by the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of its citizens, to fulfill the duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation for the benefit of the state and society, to defend the freedom and independence of the Russian Federation, to be faithful to Russia, respect its culture, history and traditions," the text of the oath says.

The passport of a citizen of Russia will be issued immediately after taking the oath. The procedure for bringing it will be regulated by a presidential decree.