Biography of the group "DSCHINGHIS KHAN" (Genghis Khan). "Genghis Khan": the group and its creative path The young composition of the group Genghis Khan

The world has been waiting for their return for a long time, Dschinghis Khan is back on stage!

In the 13th century, the leader of the Mongols, Genghis Khan (Dschinghis Khan on German) and his horde of horsemen captured numerous lands of the whole world known to people at that time. Many centuries later, bright, historical and costumed musical group from Munich made the same stunning seizure of territory in music world. Dschinghis Khan collected all the most significant awards, their records became gold and platinum in 20 countries, and each of them sold at least 20 million copies. They have attended more than 240 TV shows and their smiles have been on the covers of the world's leading magazines. Dschinghis Khan is rightfully considered the most successful German band. And now for the sensational news: Dschinghis Khan are back and will perform on stages all over the world once again!

A young journalist described the Dschinghis Khan phenomenon in a youth magazine published in April 1980:

“Some have been rehearsing their game day and night for years. They want to get on television or at least in a recording studio. As a result, all their efforts end with performances in the city sports club and at the ball of the local fire department. Few manage to unravel the mystery of pop music. Nevertheless, real geniuses appear in this genre as well. Such as the "super group" Dschinghis Khan. This team released a hit even before it began to exist. Their self-titled single "Dschinghis Khan" is rhythmic and great for dancing. But despite all this, he became golden. In fact, the secret of their success is not only in music. main role it was played by: a talented producer, a talented lyricist, a talented choreographer, a talented costume designer, a talented and witty group of performers, and crowds of talented teenagers with tons of pocket money. All together this created a hit.

The producer and composer of the group, Ralph Siegel, did not expect anything else. In the early days of Dschinghis Khan, he was a great idea generator. Ralph took aim at winning the Eurovision Song Contest, the most famous and significant trophy in pop music, which was broadcast throughout Europe. His composition about the Mongol leader Genghis Khan was perfect for the competition - it was a mixture of a jackhammer rhythm with a simple, but at the same time ingenious text:

Chin, Chin, Genghis Khan...

Hey rider - hey people - hey rider, run ahead!

Chin, Chin, Genghis Khan...

Come on, brothers - drink, brothers - fight, brothers, again and again!

(Oddly enough, this text was not written by Goethe, but by a friend of the producer, Dr. Bernd Meininger, an ecologist and agronomist.)

It is obvious that listeners cannot be kept by music and lyrics alone. Ideally, the singers should dress up in colorful costumes and perform crazy dances with lots of sparkling effects during performances. Siegel quickly found a similar group of performers. He was in a hurry for a reason - it was February, and already on March 31, 1979, the Eurovision Song Contest in Jerusalem was to begin. He was looking for faces bright features similar to Genghis Khan, or at least reminiscent of him. Siegel managed to find the following: Wolfgang (a former dental student turned art teacher, studio performer, composer and producer) and Henrietta Heichel (dental assistant, model and figure skater), Leslie Mandoki (Hungarian jazz artist with a mustache and thick mane of hair), Luis Potgieter (professional dancer from South Africa), Edina Pop (singer from Hungary) and Steve Bender (the one with the bald head). The group began its existence. It's not the time to procrastinate. Everything went exactly according to plan. Choreographer Hanns Winkler planned to create a grand production. Every movement was worked out and memorized. At the same time, designer Marc Mano in Munich worked on the creation of the most incomparable costumes, which are still considered iconic to this day. Four weeks after their formation, Dschinghis Khan win the selection of the German entry for the Eurovision Song Contest by a huge margin. In two weeks the group is already in Jerusalem. Fourth place in the Eurovision Song Contest was their first breakthrough on the international stage. A few weeks later, their single "Dschinghis Khan" was certified gold, selling over 500,000 copies. In those days, this could have been called an amazing achievement. The compositions following the single repeated the success of the first song: "Moskau", "Rocking Son Of Dschinghis Khan", "Hadschi Halef Omar", "Rom". Records with songs have received the status of "gold" and "platinum" around the globe, from Germany to other 20 countries, including Japan, Australia, Korea, the Netherlands, Belgium, Israel, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway and Finland . The music of Dschinghis Khan captured the hearts and minds of his fans even in the republics of the USSR. In the "red" territory, Dschinghis Khan's records sold even more than in all other places combined!

In Israel and Japan, the group constantly held the leading line in the ranking of performers. Surprising is the fact that the composition in German was in the lead in the Japanese ratings, which to this day not a single performer has been able to do. Dschinghis Khan won the German "Bambi" award, received the "Golden Lion" from the Luxembourg radio, and the "Golden Europe" from the German radio station Europawelle Saar. They so incredibly easily gained fabulous fame around the world. Dschinghis Khan have become a symbol of popular music "Made in Munich".

After the release of two albums and shortly before the start of sales of the third album "Wir sitzen alle im selben Boot" ("We are all in the same boat"), Steve Bender left the band in 1981 for a number of personal reasons. Despite such a heavy hit, Dschinghis Khan released two more hits: "Pistolero" and "Loreley".

Dancer and bandleader, Louis Hendrik Potgieter died of AIDS in his hometown, Cape Town, in 1993. Since then, the band has released numerous remixes and medleys of their hits, titled "Huh Hah Dschinghis Khan" (1993) and "History of Dschinghis Khan" (1999).

South Africa, 1993

"Louis, we will remember you, you will forever remain in our hearts."

Heinz Gross, the music manager from Ougsburg, tried to unite Dschinghis Khan again. In the fall of 2005, slightly aged performers united. Together with his new and old friends from Russia, Heinz Gross organized a "Reunion Concert" on December 17, 2005 in Moscow, where Dschinghis Khan performed. To create a scene in sports complex"Olympic" took 26 trucks filled with necessary equipment weighing over 300 tons in total. The core members of the band: Steve Bender, Edina Pop, Henriette Strobel (formerly Heichel) and Wolfgang Heichel, along with 72 additional singers, performed all their hits from the 1979 album "Dschinghis Khan" and were rewarded with thunderous applause from almost 30,000 spectators. Channel One broadcast their performance all over the world. The performance received the status of the best musical show of the year. On May 7, 2006, Steve Bender left the band after dying of cancer. It was a hard blow for the remaining three members of the band. Should the group cease to exist? After a long deliberation, the members of the team decided to continue their performance in memory of Steve Bender and Louis Hendrik Potgieter.

Germany, May 2006.

“Steve, you are no longer with us, but you will always be there, no matter where we are now!”

On July 15th, 2006, the band performed at the Ulaanbaatar Stadium in Mongolia along with a group of dancers called "The Legacy of Genghis Khan". Cast main group events, Genghis Khan "celebrated" the 800th birthday of Genghis Khan along with his great-great-great-grandson. It was an extraordinary show with horses, camels and dancers against a stunning backdrop with lots of special effects.

Clear and intelligent use of imagery and a variety of choreographic techniques have always been hallmarks of Dschinghis Khan's performances. And they remain so to this day! The dancers of The Legacy of Genghis Khan continue to perform on stage with Edina Pop, Henrietta Strobel and Wolfgang Heichel. This world-class band takes their venue back to the time of the greatness of the Mongols, performing a variety of acrobatic stunts and beautiful dances. Kloz Caprate, a young and talented dancer, became the group's choreographer, adding The Legacy Of Genghis Khan to their performances. One glance at them will be enough to realize all the mastery of the dramaturgy of their performances. The first will be Eltua, a formidable warrior. She is a mad warrior and the daughter of a khan. He wanted a son, but his wife bore him a daughter. Eltuya rides on a black stallion, and in her hands she holds a golden Mongol battle axe. Look also at Furst Ogudei, the son of the khan. He is a great dancer and moves like a dervish on stage. Aigai is another son of the khan. He is an attractive Mongolian dandy and looks more like a pop star than a warrior. The Khan likes Princess Okhla the most, she is constantly carried in a palanquin next to the stage. Right there, Yassa, Chaotic Gladiator. Not a single head has yet escaped his mad sword. His battle friend Cash is a dangerous dark warrior who was captured along with Genghis Khan. Another prominent character is the dexterous swordswoman Yesugan. She was stolen from home when she was still a little child, now this girl is fighting on the side of Genghis Khan. Rare sword dancer.

And finally, new album Dschinghis Khan is eager to complete it with new songs. The concept remains the same, but the sound from Alphonse Weindorf is unlike anything else. We should not forget about the famous author of the texts, Bernd Meininger, who again invites us into the world of myths and the history of the Mongolian nation. New chapter in the history of the group will undoubtedly confirm its "cult" status, earned over 28 years of its existence. Hot dancing with captivating music in a show on a giant stage - "This is Dschinghis Khan 2007". An extraordinary show with horses, camels and a huge volley of fireworks will make the audience jump out of their chairs. 28 years after the founding of the group, Dschinghis Khan have not lost a drop of their charm. The world has been waiting for their return for a long time, but stop waiting already.

The history of this mega-popular team is no secret. As well as their songs. If you wish, you can always search the Internet and read, rummage through music sites and listen. But I would like to present a somewhat unexpected look at the work of "Genghis Khans", which largely coincides with my feelings of those years. So...

"Dschinghis Khan" was born in 1979 - and immediately broke all records of popularity. The whole USSR sang the aggressively disk-driven and altered in the Soviet way "Chin-Chin-Genghis Khan, soar like a falcon ...." (I don't remember any more) and a masterpiece simply the same: "Moskau, Moskau, we will throw bombs, you will have the Olympics, wow ho ho ho..."

Let's remember the situation then. 1979 The world has ended detente. The idea of ​​a brewing world war was simply in the air. Relations between the West and the USSR were very cool. Remember how the United States and others like them refused to take part in the progressive Moscow Olympics-80? In general, it smelled of kerosene. And then, in 1979, a German band appears on the horizon of the world charts, which in its super-hit "Genghis Khan" simply predicts the events of the Afghan war. Allegories and parallels are simple: the Mongols and their Golden Horde are the USSR, and the fear of their invasion of the West simply permeates the entire text of the hit: "... let's drink more vodka, ha ha ha, because we are Mongols, ha ha ha Ha..."

Yes, not in vain, not in vain "Genghis Khan" was banned for execution in the USSR! "Moskau" was also banned - although the text of this song was quite harmless, and Russia was presented in the best possible way for it from the point of view of a Westerner (usual stereotypes: caviar, vodka, Natasha, comrade ...)

In general, the ascent of the group began with its performance at the Eurovision Song Contest of the 79th year. Then "Genghis Khans" did not get the first place (only the 4th), but nevertheless, there was a certain promotion. The group's producer Ralph Siegel decided to exploit the historical theme, which the guys from Boney M had already managed to "fuck" with their "Rasputin" before him. To this end, Siegel wrote the first composition "Dschinghis Khan", recruiting young performers specially for Eurovision.

The song became the group's musical emblem, and in the wake of success in the same 1979, the group recorded their first and most successful album "Dschinghis Khan", where topics that were not quite usual for popular music of that time were raised. After all, what were the then disco idols of the late 70s singing about? About love, about sex, or just about nothing. On the contrary, at Genghis Khan, each composition was a whole small historical research: "Moskau" - a story about Moscow; "Samurai" - a journey to medieval Japan; "Hadschi Halef Omar" - a breakthrough to the Arab East; "Sahara" - Africa; "China Boy" - China...

What especially took "Genghis Khans" of the then listener - so it's an unusual form of performance. Colorful historical costumes, all sorts of special effects, in addition, each performer had his own stage image. Although, of course, the group did not become the pioneer of such "visualization" at all. But it is not important. The group became super-popular in Europe, and even in the USSR, the level of fame of "Genghis Khan" just rolled over. Despite a strict ban on the part of the party and the government from listening to this fascist-Nazi, anti-Soviet group and regularly appearing in the press "revealing" articles about the low moral character of the team and the ideological degradation of their listeners...

"Dschinghis Khan" went into oblivion as suddenly as they climbed to the podium. Subsequent albums released by them did not achieve the success that fell to them in 1979. Although the group still existed until 1983, releasing an album a year. What is the reason for the failure? Probably, the historical themes simply dried up, and it was no longer possible to sing on other topics just as successfully and vividly. The successful hits of the group after 1979 are simply countless: "Pistolero", made in the Latin American style; 'Rom' and 'Machu Picchu', two grand historical 'opera' productions inspired by the Nazi aesthetic of the 1930s, and 'Wir sitzen alle im selben Boot', which was the group's last big hit.

In 1999, "Dschinghis Khan" experienced a rebirth associated with the release of an album of remixes the best compositions"The History Of Dschinghis Khan" and on the wave of renewed interest released several new albums. Does the story continue?

Band discography:

* 1979 - Dschinghis Khan
* 1980 - Rom
* 1981 - Wir Sitzen Alle Im Selben Boot
* 1982 - Helden, Schurken Und Der Dudelmoser
* 1983 - Corrida
* 1984 - Helden, Schurken Und Der Dudelmoser
* 1993 - Huh Hah Dschinghis Khan
* 1998 - Die Großen Erfolge
* 1999 - The History Of Dschinghis Khan
* 1999 - Forever Gold
* 2004 - The Jubilee Album
* 2007 - 7 Leben

And now I suggest everyone to read the translations of the two most "odious" songs of the group. What is anti-Soviet and ideologically wrong is up to you, citizens!)) Personally, it reminded me of the famous monologue of Alexander Filippenko about jazz song, the translation of which turned out to be as simple as 3 rubles: "This train goes to Chattanooga" ...


Dschinghis Khan

Moskau - fremd und geheimnisvoll
Türme aus rotem Gold
Kalt wie das Eis
Moskau - doch wer dich wirklich kennt
Der weiss ein Feuer brennt
In dir so heiss

Tovarisch - he-he-he - auf das Leben

Moscow, Moscow

Moscow, Moscow
Deine Seele ist so gross
Moscow, Moscow
Liebe schmeckt wie Kaviar
Mädchen sind zum Kussen da
Moscow, Moscow
Komm wir tanzen auf dem Tisch
Bis der Tisch zusammenbricht

Moscow - Tor zur Vergangenheit
Spiegel der Zarenzeit
Rot wie das Blut
Moskau - Wer deine Seele kennt
Der weiss die Liebe brennt
Heiss wie die Glut
Kosaken - he-he-he - hebt die Glaser
Natascha - ha-ha-ha - du bist schön
Auf dein Wohl Mädchen he - Mädchen ho

Moscow, Moscow
Wirf die Glaser an die Wand
Russland ist ein schönes Land
Moscow, Moscow
Deine Seele ist so gross
Nachts da ist der Teufel los
Moscow, Moscow
Moscow! Moscow!
Moscow, Moscow

Wodka drinkt man pur und kalt
Das macht hundert Jahre alt
Moscow, Moscow
Väterchen dein Glas ist leer
Doch im Keller ist noch mehr

Moscow, Moscow
Kosaken - he-he-he - hebt die Glaser
Natascha - ha-ha-ha - du bist schön
Tovarisch - he-he-he - auf die Liebe
Auf dein Wohl Bruder he - Bruder ho


Andrey Duke

Moscow - distant and mysterious
Towers of pure gold
Cold as ice
But get to know her better
You will see it burns
hot fire

Comrade - hehehehe - for life
Your health, brothers

Moscow, Moscow
Hit the glasses against the wall
Russia is a beautiful country
Moscow, Moscow
your wide soul
Walks at night without restraint
Moscow, Moscow
Love tastes like black caviar
Girls to be kissed
Moscow, Moscow
Let's dance on the table
Until the table breaks

Moscow - a window into the past
Mirror of Tsarist times
red as blood
Moscow - who will look into your soul
See - there love burns
Like hot coals
Cossacks - heh heh heh - raise your glasses
Natasha - ha ha ha - you are beautiful
To your health girls

Moscow, Moscow
Hit the glasses against the wall
Russia is a wonderful country
Moscow, Moscow
your wide soul
Walks at night without restraint
Moscow, Moscow
Moscow! Moscow!
Moscow, Moscow

Drink cold vodka without diluting
Then you'll live to be a hundred years old
Moscow, Moscow
Dad, your glass is empty
But in the cellar we have more

Moscow, Moscow
Cossacks - heh heh heh - raise your glasses
Natasha - ha ha ha - you are beautiful
Comrade - hehehehe - for love
To your health, brothers!


Dschinghis Khan

Dschinghis Khan

Sie ritten um die Wette mit dem Steppenwind, tausend Mann
Und einer ritt voran, dem folgten alle blind, Dschingis Khan
Die Hufe ihrer Pferde durchpeitschten den Sand
Sie trugen Angst und Schrecken in Jedes Land
Und weder Blitz noch Donner hielt sie auf

Auf Br u der! - Sauft Br u der! - Rauft Bru der! - Immer wieder!
Lass night Wodka holen
Denn wir sind Mongolen
Und der Teufel kriegt uns fr
uh genug!

Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan
He Reiter - Ho Reiter - He Reiter - Immer weiter!
Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan
He M a nner - Ho M a nner - Tanzt M a nner - So wie immer!
Und man h
u rt ihn lachen
Immer lauter lachen
Und er leert den Krug in einem Zug

Und jedes Weib, das ihm gefiel, das nahm er sich in sein Zelt
Es hiess, die Frau, die ihn nicht liebte, gab es nicht auf der Welt
Er zeugte sieben Kinder in einer Nacht
Und uber seine Feinde hat er nur gelacht
Denn seiner Kraft konnt keiner widerstehen

Genghis Khan

Henkerin (unknown internet character)

They rode racing with the wind, darkness (thousand) people
Everyone blindly followed the guy in front - it was Genghis Khan
The hooves of their horses beat on the sand,
They brought fear and horror to all countries,
And neither thunder nor lightning could stop them.

Chin, Chin, Genghis Khan

Chin, Chin, Genghis Khan,
On horseback, brothers! Drink, brothers! Fight, brothers, again and again!
Let them carry more vodka
Because we are Mongols
And the devil himself will not outdrink us.

Chin, Chin, Genghis Khan
Hey, riders, ho, riders, Hey, riders, on, on!
Chin, Chin, Genghis Khan,
Hey guys! Ho, men! Dance, guys! So, as always!
And hear his laughter
Louder and louder!
He drains the jug in one sitting.

And every woman he liked he led to his tent.
After all, there was no woman in the world who did not love him.
He made 7 babies in 1 night.
And he only laughed at his enemies,
After all, no one could resist his strength.


There is also a clip "Moskau".

Dschinghis Khan (Genghis Khan) is a German musical group, created in 1979 specifically to perform at Eurovision. At the Eurovision Song Contest in 1979, he took 4th place, after which he became very popular not only in Germany, but also in Eastern Europe, including the USSR, as well as in Australia and Japan.
Many of the group's songs are dedicated to exoticism and stereotypes about different countries A: Latin America, Russia, Mongolia, Middle East.
The group was created literally 6 weeks before the national German selection for Eurovision (end of January-beginning of February 1979), where, at the end of 1978, composer Ralf Siegel presented the song of the same name (Ralf Siegel himself sang on the demo version). After winning the national preselection, the group was entrusted to represent Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest, where they took 4th place with the song "Dschinghis Khan".
In 1988, former Dschinghis Khan vocalist Leslie Mandoki and vocalist of the Hungarian pop group Neoton Familia Eva Csepregi collaborated to sing the official song "Korea" at the opening Olympic Games in Seoul.

In 1999, four songs from the disc "Dschinghis Khan: The History of Dschinghis Khan" were remixed and produced by renowned German producer David Brandes.
In 2005, the group got back together (with the exception of Mandoka and Potgieter) and on December 17 gave big concert in the Olympic sports and concert complex in Moscow as part of the Legends of Retro FM festival. The concert was attended by about 30 thousand spectators, it was broadcast by Channel One through the Orbita and Orbita-2 systems.
In 2006, the band undertook a tour dedicated to the memory of Steve Bender - he died of cancer. As part of the tour, the musicians gave concerts in Ulaanbaatar and Kyiv.
In 2007, the group released the album 7 Leben (Russian for "7 Lives"). It includes both new compositions and arrangements of the first hits (Dschinghis khan, Moskau, Rocking son of Dschinghis Khan).
In 2009, the group attended the opening of Eurovision.

At the end of 2010, the group toured in Khabarovsk and participated in the New Year's Disco in Kyiv at the invitation of the 1 + 1 TV channel, replenished with a young vocalist Igei.
In June 2011, the group performed in Gelendzhik at the carnival in honor of the opening of the holiday season.
Interesting Facts:
The paradox of the group's popularity in the Soviet Union was that the Soviet public did not have the opportunity to get acquainted with the visual image of the group, thanks to which it became famous in the West to a large extent.
In an interview with TVC TV presenter Alexandra Glotova, the group's producer Heinz Gross said that in the 80s the Dschinghis Khan group was banned in the USSR and accused of anti-communism and nationalism.


1979 - Dschinghis Khan
1980 - Rom
1981 - Wir Sitzen Alle Im Selben Boot
1982 - Helden, Schurken Und Der Dudelmoser
1983 - Corrida
1993 - Huh Hah Dschinghis Khan. Ihre Groessten Erfolge
1998 - Die Grossen Erfolge
1999 - Non Stop Best Hits
1999 - The History Of Dschinghis Khan
2001 - Greatest Hits
2003 - In The Mix
2004 - The Jubilee Album
2007 - 7 Leben

The paradox of the group's popularity in the Soviet Union was that the Soviet public did not have the opportunity to get acquainted with the visual ... Read all

Dschinghis Khan (Russian: Genghis Khan) is a German musical group, created in 1979. At the Eurovision Song Contest in 1979, it took 4th place, after which it became very popular not only in Germany, but also in Eastern Europe, including the USSR, as well as in Australia and Japan.

The paradox of the group's popularity in the Soviet Union was that the Soviet public did not have the opportunity to get acquainted with the visual image of the group, thanks to which it became famous in the West to a large extent.
There was also a paradox in the fact that the group itself was officially “banned”: in the lists recommended for discos of the late 70s and early 80s, Dschinghis Khan was noted as “fascist and anti-Soviet music”. This is because of their famous Moskau composition. Nevertheless, this thing was really very popular in Soviet discos.

In 1999, four songs from the disc "Dschinghis Khan: The History of Dschinghis Khan" were remixed and produced by renowned German producer David Brandes.

In 2005, the group reconvened in the same line-up and on October 17 gave a big concert at the Olimpiysky sports and concert complex in Moscow as part of the Legends of Retro FM festival. The concert was attended by about 30 thousand spectators, it was broadcast by Channel One through the Orbita and Orbita-2 systems.

In 2006, the band undertook a tour dedicated to the memory of Steve Bender. As part of the tour, the musicians gave concerts in Ulaanbaatar and Kyiv.

* 1979 - Dschinghis Khan
* 1980 - Rom
* 1981 - Wir Sitzen Alle Im Selben Boot
* 1982 - Helden, Schurken Und Der Dudelmoser
* 1983 - Corrida
* 1984 - Helden, Schurken Und Der Dudelmoser
* 1993 - Huh Hah Dschinghis Khan
* 1998 - Die Großen Erfolge
* 1999 - The History Of Dschinghis Khan
* 1999 - Forever Gold
* 2004 - The Jubilee Album
* 2007 - 7 Leben

The German group Dschinghis Khan was created in 1979 specifically to perform at the Eurovision Song Contest, but for a long time gained popularity in Europe and far beyond its borders.

Dschinghis Khan (Rus. Genghis Khan)- German musical group, created in 1979 specifically to perform at the Eurovision Song Contest. At the Eurovision Song Contest in 1979, he took 4th place, after which he became very popular not only in Germany, but also in Eastern Europe, including the USSR, as well as in Australia and Japan. Many of the group's songs are dedicated to exoticism and stereotypes about different countries: Latin America, Russia, Mongolia, Israel, the Middle East.

Dschinghis Khan - Dschinghis Khan

The group was created just six weeks before the national German selection for Eurovision (end of January-beginning of February 1979), where, at the end of 1978, composer Ralf Siegel presented the song of the same name (Ralf Siegel himself sang on the demo version). After winning the national preselection, the group was entrusted to represent Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest, where they placed fourth with the song "Dschinghis Khan". Disbanded in 1984 due to financial problems.

Dschinghis Khan

In 1988, former Dschinghis Khan vocalist Leslie Mandoki and vocalist of the Hungarian pop group Neoton Familia Eva Csepregi collaborated to sing the official song "Korea" at the opening of the Seoul Olympics.

In 1993, the lead singer and dancer of the group, Louis Hendrik Potgieter, died.

Dschinghis Khan - Hadschi Halef Omar

In 1999, four songs from the disc "Dschinghis Khan: The History of Dschinghis Khan" were remixed and produced by renowned German producer David Brandes.

In 2005, the group reunited and for the first time in Russia on December 17 gave a big concert at the Olimpiysky sports and concert complex in Moscow as part of the international music festival"Legends of Retro FM". The concert was attended by about thirty thousand spectators, it was broadcast by Channel One through the Orbita and Orbita-2 systems.

In 2006, the band undertook a tour dedicated to the memory of Steve Bender, who died of cancer. As part of the tour, the musicians gave concerts in Ulaanbaatar and Kyiv.

In 2007, the group released the album 7 Leben (Russian for "7 Lives"). It includes both new compositions and arrangements of the first hits (Dschinghis Khan, Moskau, Rocking son of Dschinghis Khan).

In 2009, the group attended the opening of the Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow.

Dschinghis Khan - China Boy

In an interview with TVC TV presenter Alexandra Glotova, the group's producer Heinz Gross said that in the 1980s the Dschinghis Khan group was banned in the USSR and accused of anti-communism and nationalism, which was not true. In 1980-81, the Dschinghis Khan group was the leader of all discos, and an excerpt from the performance (the song "Moskau") was shown in the New Year's Eve program "International Panorama".

Dschinghis Khan

Line-up of Dschinghis Khan:

Wolfgang Heichel (born 1950, German musician)
Henriett Pauline Strobel (born 1953, German, married to Wolfgang)
Edina Pop (born in 1941, in 1969 won the prize as the best female vocalist in Hungary)
Steve Bender (1942 - 05/07/2006, vocalist)
Louis Hendrik Potgieter (1951-1993, South African dancer)
Leslie Mandoki (born 1953, vocalist from Hungary)

Dschinghis Khan Albums:

1979 - Dschinghis Khan
1980 - Rom
1981 - Wir Sitzen Alle Im Selben Boot
1982 - Helden, Schurken Und Der Dudelmoser
1983 - Corrida
1984 - Helden, Schurken Und Der Dudelmoser
1993 - Huh Hah Dschinghis Khan
1998 - Die Großen Erfolge
1999 - The History Of Dschinghis Khan
1999 - Forever Gold
2004 - The Jubilee Album
2007 - 7 Leben