Presentation - Russian folk tales - types of fairy tales. What are fairy tales presentation for a lesson on the development of speech (preparatory group) on the topic Presentation what is a fairy tale

"Tales for a child" - L.D. Korotkova Work practices. Recommended working methods. PERFORMER: psychologist. FORM OF WORK: frontal with all the children of the class. Identification of cause-and-effect relationships in a fairy tale: why the hero did this. MORAL LESSON. You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. “The purpose of a fairy tale is to educate humanity in a child ...” K. Chukovsky.

"What are the hours" - Name it. We walk at night, we walk during the day, But we're not going anywhere. Ancient Chinese water clock. Fire watch. Modern water clock. The clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin in Moscow is the main mechanical clock in our country. World clock. Atomic clock. Hourglass. What did not suit a person in a solar, water, sand, fire clock?

“What are the plants” - Today we will make a trip for you. Animals. Do not pour any muck on the ground. What are the plants? Love nature! Come into the green house, you will see miracles in it. Forest. Birds. Who was red in summer and gray in winter? A ball of fluff, Long ear, jumps deftly, Loves ... . What are the animals? Organizing time, the message of the purpose of the lesson.

"Tales in the paintings of Russian artists" - Vrubel began to engage in sculpture and created in this area wonderful works. Harmonic combination of the fantastic and the real in the painting "The Swan Princess". "Alyonushka" V. Vasnetsov. "Three princesses of the underworld" V. Vasnetsov. "Flying Carpet" V. Vasnetsov. In "Pan" greek god turns into a Russian goblin.

“A game according to fairy tales” - “The Gray Neck is………..“ Borodino ”. In what work does A.S. Pushkin repeat the word “there” 14 times…….. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”. A.S. Pushkin; M.Yu. Lermontov; N.A. Nekrasov. Great traveler. S.Ya.Marshak; K.I. Chukovsky P.P. Ershov. LN Tolstoy wrote a story……. Pathfinders. Fairy tale; Story; Poem.

"Magic Tales" - Classification of fairy tales. The plot of fairy tales. The purpose of the ending: to delimit the tale from real life and bring the listener back to reality. Fairy tale composition elements. In a certain kingdom, far away - in a far away state ... Synonyms Do not leave me, comrade, friend, do not leave me. The bed is downy.

summary of other presentations

"A fairy tale as a means of developing speech" - Read fairy tales to your child and get to know his world. Educational area. Fairy tale as a means of forming communicative competence. Carrying out final diagnostics. Project. Forms of work with parents. The results of a survey of coherent speech of children. The value of speech development. Stages of project implementation. Techniques used in the development of coherent speech in children. Interaction between teacher and speech therapist. Tasks. Graduate portrait.

"Tales for reading" - Tales of V. G. Suteev. We read and discuss together. Retell the pictures. Wish. Adviсe. Fairy tale "Apple". Fairy tale "Three kittens". Read the story "Apple" with your child. Reading with parents. "Mouse and Pencil" Author's illustrations. We read and draw together.

"Fairy tale as a kind of folk prose" - Fairy tale as a type of folk prose. Porridge from an ax. Fairy tale. Interest. Entertaining story. Full heart of love. Stage art. Heat. Epigraph. Expertise.

"Tasks for fairy tales" - What fairy tale is this item from. Match the author and the work. A friend in need is a friend indeed. What fairy tale is this from? Lesson goals. What a delight these stories are. We are met in life by a fairy tale along with maternal caress. Fairy tales. In the end, good triumphs over evil. The guests began to eat, drink, and have fun. Find the extra word. Determine the type of story. Fizminutka. Once upon a time there was a little gray Bunny on the field, but there lived a Little Fox-sister.

"Tales and types of fairy tales" - Fairy tales. Boots. Flower. Favorite hero. Household stories. Warm-up for spectators. Entertaining story. Wisdom. Animals. What fairy tales do you know. Lie. Fairy tale history. Main heroes. Visiting a fairy tale. Tales about animals. The structure of a fairy tale. Red slut.

“Visiting a fairy tale” - They took away the little brother of the bird. Fairy spells. descriptive type. I'm marrying a frog." PROJECT "Visiting a fairy tale". A quiz on Russian folk tales will help instill in children a love of reading. Lived - were A long time ago ... There is no river, no pond. And I was there, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth. I can do everything. “Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. What is our little people It will take you to the magical world. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...

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Russian literature lesson in grade 5
Russians folk tales. types of fairy tales.
Prepared by: Russian language teacher Sarsenova A.M.

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Purpose: to expand students' knowledge of oral folk art. Tasks: to acquaint students with the origins of the tale and its main types; develop and strengthen the desire to read folklore works; instill a love of reading; systematize students' knowledge.

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Russian storytellers
Orina Fedosova
Maria Krivopolenova
The names of storytellers have come down to us: Maria Krivopolenova, Orina Fedosova, Alexandra Korolkova, Ivan Kovalev - these people put their whole soul into the works they performed. Their skill can rightfully be called a profession, these people were treated with respect, they were known and revered. In the North there was a tradition - to take the narrator to the artel. And for his work - telling fairy tales - he received equal pay with everyone.

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Fairy tales originated in ancient times.

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Definition of the fairy tale genre
A fairy tale is the oldest folk genre of literature of a fantastic nature, aimed at moralizing or entertainment.
Dictionary of Russian literature.

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Distinctive features of a fairy tale
Fairy-tale events Fairy-tale heroes Fairy-tale creatures Unusual setting Special style of narration Text variability Collective author

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What stories have you read?
Title of the story Main character of the story

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Types of Russian folk tales
Fairy tales
Animal Tales
Household fairy tales

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Fairy tales

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Common Features of Fairy Tales
Presence of a miracle Encounter with magical power Magical characters Magical items Description

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Heroes of fairy tales
Dividing into positive and negative Fighting magic power Fictional characters Ordinary people

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Animal Tales
Common Features Heroes Name Examples

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Common Features of Animal Tales
Allegoricalness Clarity of evaluation of heroes Anthropomorphism Speed ​​Dialogue Lightweight composition

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Heroes of fairy tales about animals
Traditional types
Fox - cunning Wolf - stupid Hare - cowardly

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Social fairy tales
Common Features Heroes Name Examples

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General Features
everyday fairy tales
Lack of fantasy Real conflicts Fairy-tale resolution Semantic emphasis-denouement Cruel humor

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Varieties of everyday fairy tales
Fairy tale-anecdote

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Heroes of everyday fairy tales
The hero is cunning The hero is lucky The fool in the eyes of others The hero is noble

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Ax porridge

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Image-expressive means
Russian folk tales
fairy formulas
Permanent epithets

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Reception of opposition, with the help of which main character receives an in-depth description.
Vasilisa - stepmother Ivanushka - king Peasant - master Fox - hare

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fairy formulas
Saying - a few words that "introduce" into a fabulous atmosphere.
Beginning - helps to start a fairy tale, names the characters and events.
Ending - Ends the story.

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Permanent epithets
A colorful definition, inextricably linked with the word being defined and forming a stable expression.
"Blue Sea" "Good fellow" "Red girl" "Clear Falcon"

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Excessive exaggeration of the actions and deeds of the characters.
"Growing up not by the day, but by the hour." “And suddenly a ring bridge appeared, and a palace with a porch.”

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Fairy tale composition

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Fairy tale composition elements
The purpose of the saying and the beginning: to show the skill of the storyteller, to prepare the audience for listening to the fairy tale, to interest it, to tear the listener away from the everyday situation, to attach him to a special unreal atmosphere fairy tale submit to the will of the narrator. Like an epic chant, a saying is an optional part of a fairy tale.
The goal of the ending is to separate the fairy tale from real life and bring the listener back to reality.

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It was on the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Kidan there is a tree - golden domes; the cat Bayun walks along this tree, goes up - he sings a song. And he goes down - he tells fairy tales. That would be interesting to see! This is not a fairy tale, but a saying is coming, and the whole fairy tale is ahead. In that old time, when the world of God was filled with goblin, witches and mermaids, when milky rivers flowed, the banks were jelly, and fried partridges flew across the fields, at that time there lived a king named Peas ... Do you want a fairy tale? A fairy tale is a bundle, it is woven from moonlight, tied with a sunbeam, and entwined with a belt. Al amuse you with a fairy tale? And the fairy tale is wonderful: there are marvelous divas in it, marvelous miracles. The story will be interesting. Listen to her carefully. Whoever opens his ears wide will learn a lot of all sorts of things. And who accidentally falls asleep - he will leave with nothing. And who will listen to my fairy tale, so the sable and the marten, and the beautiful girl, a hundred rubles for a hangover and fifty for a walk.

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Beyond the distant fields, beyond the deep seas, beyond high mountains, among the azure meadows, in a certain kingdom, a heavenly state, there once lived ... In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ... In a faraway kingdom, in a faraway state ... Once upon a time there were ... In a certain kingdom, far away lands - in a faraway state ... In a faraway kingdom , an unprecedented state ...

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They arranged a feast for the whole world, and I was there, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth. And the daring fellow married that princess Polyushka and made an outlandish feast; I dined there, drank honey, and what kind of cabbage they have - now the company is empty! They played a wedding, feasted for a long time, and I was there, drinking honey-beer, flowing down my lips, it didn’t get into my mouth. Yes, I left a spoon on the window, whoever is light on the leg, then run along the spoon. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me. This is the end of the fairy tale, said her fellow, and to us fellows a glass of beer, for the end of the fairy tale - a glass of wine. They began to live and live - to make good. And now they live - they chew bread. That's the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

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In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, and he had three sons. The youngest was named Ivan Tsarevich. (Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess".) In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked all day long: they plowed arable land and sowed bread. (Russian folk tale "Ivan the peasant son and the miracle Yudo.") Once upon a time there was a good Tsar Matvey; He lived with his queen in harmony for many years; And there are still no children. (V.A. Zhukovsky “The Sleeping Princess”.) The tsar said goodbye to the tsarina, He got ready for the journey, And the tsarina sat down at the window to wait for him alone. (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes.") Once upon a time there was a priest, Tolokon forehead. Pop went to the market to look at some goods. ("The tale of the priest and his worker Balda.")
Name the fairy tale (The teacher reads the beginning of the fairy tale. The guys should name the fairy tale and the author.)

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Tall, slender, white, And took the mind and everything; But on the other hand, she is proud, broken, wayward and jealous. (The queen, "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs.") The queen gave birth to a daughter. The daughter was so beautiful, What can not be told in a fairy tale, Not a pen can describe. (Princess, “The Sleeping Princess”. V.A. Zhukovsky) The princess is a marvel: The moon shines under the scythe, And the star burns in the forehead, And she herself is majestic, Performs like a peacock. (The Swan Princess, "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...". A.S. Pushkin)
Who is this? (The teacher reads the description of the hero. The guys should name the hero and the name of the fairy tale.)

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All the handsome men are young, The giants are daring, All are equal as if they were a match, Uncle Chernomor is with them. (33 heroes, "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...". A.S. Pushkin) He is standing on the porch ... In an expensive sable jacket, Brocade on the top of the kichka, Pearls weighed down his neck, Gold rings on his hands, Red boots on his feet. (The old woman. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish." A.S. Pushkin) Tall, slender, white, And she took everything with her mind; But on the other hand, she is proud, broken, wayward and jealous. (The queen, "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs.") The queen gave birth to a daughter. The daughter was so beautiful, What can not be told in a fairy tale, Not a pen can describe. (Princess, "The Sleeping Princess". V.A. Zhukovsky)

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In front of him is a hut with a light room, With a whitewashed brick chimney, With oak, plank gates. (The hut of the greedy old woman A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish") In the bright room; all around Benches covered with carpets, An oak table under the saints, A stove with a tiled couch. (The tower of the seven heroes. -A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess ...”) An island on the sea lies, The city stands on the island With golden-domed churches, With towers and gardens; Spruce grows in front of the palace, And under it is a crystal house. (Buyan Island, principality of Gvidon. A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...”)
Who lives in the terem? (The teacher reads the description of the house fairytale heroes. The children must guess who and in what fairy tale lives in this house.)

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1. Fairy tale (genre definition) a) a legend about heroes. b) a short saying, the content of the rule of worldly wisdom. c) a short story of a fantastic nature.
2. Types of folk tales: a) magical, domestic, about animals, flora and inanimate nature. b) magical, realistic, sentimental c) magical, everyday, about animals
3. Composition of a folk tale: a) beginning, main part, ending. b) beginning, main events, saying, ending. c) beginning, saying, ending
4. Features of fairy tales about animals: a) magical powers helping the heroes. b) the main characters are like people (they talk, dress like people) c) the characters behave naturally, as in nature.
5. Indicate a permanent epithet: a) a beautiful girl; b) green grass; c) gray skies.

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V i k t o r i n a.
1. Why is the tale called "folk"? (The people invented the tale). 2. What kind of fairy tales does the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" belong to? (To fairy tales). 3. What did the soldier cook the most delicious porridge in the world from? (From an ax). 4. What kind of fairy tales does the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" belong to? (To fairy tales about animals). 5. In what fairy tales does a priest first appear? (In social - everyday fairy tales). 6. In what marshy place did the frog princess miss her bride? (In a swamp).

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9. What kind of fairy tales introduces us to the life of a Russian peasant? (Socially - household tales). 10. A mix of a lizard, bat and a flamethrower, flies and has several heads? (Dragon). 11. A brave, cheerful, resourceful man who returns home after 25 years of service. Who is this? (Soldier).
7. This tablecloth is famous for feeding everyone to the full, that by itself it is full of delicious foods. (The tablecloth is self-assembly).
8. His death is on the needle, In a chest lies in the ground. There is no one worse than him. What is his name? (Kashchey).

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Everyone loves fairy tales, even adults. From the early childhood we hear stories. When you were little, you were told fairy tales by your mother and father, and then you went to school and learned to read them yourself. Reading fairy tales, you penetrate into a wonderful, mysterious, mysterious world. In fairy tales, the most incredible miracles are performed: either the Serpent Gorynych takes the beautiful princess to his domain, then the apple tree rewards the hardworking girl with golden apples, then the cunning fox deceives everyone. I see that you all love fairy tales, you know them. But there are still many, many fairy tales that you have not read.
It's time to say "Until we meet again" Our fabulous carnival is over. We were visiting guests of the heart, Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale. My young friend! Take your favorite fairy-tale characters with you on the road. At the cherished hour, they will help you Make life brighter.

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Thank you for your work!
Lesson over!

Fairy tales


About animals

Features of fairy tales about animals

Animals found in fairy tales are not presented as typical animals, but as special animals endowed with human traits. They live, communicate and behave like real people.

Such artistic

techniques allow you to make an image

understandable and interesting

while filling it

a certain meaning.

Signs of fairy tales

Main characteristic of this kind is a magical, fantastic world in which the main characters live and act. They embody many positive qualities. Among the main themes of this genre are the struggle between good and evil, the struggle for love, truth and other ideals.


be present


the hero who is in the final

will be defeated.

Household fairy tales

Everyday fairy tales tell about the events of ordinary life, highlighting various social problems and human characters. In them, the author ridicules negative human qualities. Household tales show that

the main thing is not money

and strength, but kindness,

honesty and intelligence.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!

Good fellows lesson.

A.S. Pushkin.