Heroes of the musical fairy tale petya and the wolf. Instruments petya and wolf

10 facts about piece of music and its creator were assembled by Natalya Letnikova.

1. Musical history appeared since light hand Natalia Sats. The head of the Children's Musical Theater asked Sergei Prokofiev to write a musical story told by a symphony orchestra. So that the children do not get lost in the wilds classical music, there is an explanatory text - also by Sergei Prokofiev.

2. Violin melody in the spirit of the pioneer march. The boy Petya meets almost the entire symphony orchestra: a bird - a flute, a duck - an oboe, a cat - a clarinet, a wolf - three horns. The shots sound like a bass drum. And the grumbling bassoon acts as a grandfather. Genius is simple. Animals speak with musical voices.

3. "Fascinating content and unexpected events." From conception to implementation - work for four days. Exactly so much it took Prokofiev to make the story sound. The story was just an excuse. While the children are following the plot, willy-nilly they will learn both the names of the instruments and their sound. Associations help to remember it.

“Each character of the fairy tale had his own leitmotif assigned to the same instrument: the oboe represents the duck, the grandfather is the bassoon, etc. Before the start of the performance, the instruments showed the children and played themes on them: during the performance, the children heard the themes many times and learned to recognize the timbre tools - this is the pedagogical meaning of the tale. It was not the fairy tale itself that was important to me, but the fact that the children listened to music, for which the fairy tale was only a pretext.

Sergei Prokofiev

4. First multi-incarnation. Peter and the Wolf was filmed by Walt Disney in 1946. The score of the still unpublished work was handed over to the cartoon magnate by the composer himself during a personal meeting. Disney was so impressed with Prokofiev's creation that he decided to draw a story. As a result, the cartoon entered the golden collection of the studio.

5. "Oscar"! In 2008, the short film "Peter and the Wolf" by an international team from Poland, Norway and Britain won the Academy Award for Best Animated Film. short cartoon. The animators did without words - only the picture and music performed by the London Symphony Orchestra.

6. Petya, duck, cat and other characters of the symphonic fairy tale became the best instruments in the world. The musical story was performed by the USSR State Symphony Orchestra conducted by Evgeny Svetlanov and Gennady Rozhdestvensky, the New York, Vienna and London Philharmonic Orchestras.

7. Peter and the wolf on pointe. A one-act ballet based on a work by Prokofiev was staged in the middle of the twentieth century in the branch Bolshoi Theater- the current Operetta Theatre. The performance did not catch on - it went through only nine times. One of the most famous foreign productions was the performance of the British Royal ballet school. The main parties were danced by children.

8. The rock version marked the 40th anniversary of the symphonic fairy tale. Famous rock musicians, including Genesis vocalist Phil Collins and ambient father Brian Eno, staged a production of the rock opera "Peter and the Wolf" in the UK. The project involved virtuoso guitarist Gary Moore and jazz violinist Stefan Grappelli.

9. Voice-over of "Petya and the Wolf". Only recognizable timbres: the world's first woman, opera director Natalia Sats, became the first performer. The list includes Oscar-winning English knightly actors: John Gielgud, Alec Guinness, Peter Ustinov and Ben Kingsley. The Hollywood film star Sharon Stone also spoke from the author.

“Sergey Sergeevich and I fantasized about possible plots: I - with words, he - with music. Yes, it will be a fairy tale the main objective which - to introduce younger students to musical and instruments; it should have fascinating content, unexpected events, so that the guys listened with continuous interest: what will happen next? We decided this: it is necessary that in a fairy tale there were characters which can vividly express the sound of this or that musical instrument.

Natalia Sats

10. 2004 - Grammy Award in the nomination "Children's album in the colloquial genre". The highest American musical award was taken by the politicians of the two superpowers - the ex-presidents of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev and the USA Bill Clinton, as well as the star of Italian cinema Sophia Loren. The second fairy tale of the disc was the work of the French composer Jean Pascal Beintus. Classic and modern. The task, as it was decades ago, is to make music understandable for children.

Sections: Music

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: to teach to distinguish musical instruments visually and by ear.
  • Educational: develop ear for music and student memory.
  • Educational: to educate musical culture, aesthetic taste, emotional perception of music.


1. Organizational moment

Musical greeting.

2. Updating knowledge

Teacher: What composer's music did we meet in the last lesson?

Children: With music by the Russian composer S.S. Prokofiev.

On the screen is a portrait of S.S. Prokofiev.

U: What do you know about the composer, what works did you listen to?

D: "Waltz" from the ballet "Cinderella", the song "Chatterbox". S. Prokofiev began composing music from the age of 5. He wrote his first opera "The Giant" at the age of 9.

Checking homework. Drawings for the ballet "Cinderella" (an exhibition is being drawn up on the board).

U: Find on the slide the title of a new work by S.S. Prokofiev.

D: Peter and the wolf.

Slide 3 (On the screen - the name of the fairy tale)

W: Why do you think the fairy tale is called "symphonic"?

D: Probably, it is played by a symphony orchestra. Symphonic means from the word symphony. It's a fairy tale, like a symphony.

W: Right! This is a piece of music for a symphony orchestra. The composer, creating a fairy tale, wanted to help children understand symphonic music. Even adults find symphonic music complex and incomprehensible. S.S. Prokofiev was the first who decided to introduce children to the instruments of a symphony orchestra in a fascinating way, in the form of a fairy tale.

Theme of the lesson: "Instruments of the symphony orchestra in the fairy tale by S.S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf".

Each hero of the fairy tale has his own musical theme and his own instrument with a certain "voice".

U: At the lesson, we will get acquainted with the instruments of the symphony orchestra, with the musical themes of the heroes of the fairy tale.

What will we learn in class?

With the help of a teacher, children formulate tasks: We will learn to distinguish musical instruments by voice, by appearance, identify the heroes of a fairy tale by the nature of the music, compose your own melodies for some of the characters.

W: Peter - main character fairy tales. This is a boy your age. What tune would you compose for him if you were composers? Try playing your melody with your voice.

Polina B.: "I would compose a joyful, cheerful melody" (Performs a melody).

Danil M.: "It seems to me that Petya is a mischievous boy, I want to show Petya in my melody like this:" (Sings a melody).

Nikita B.: "I would compose a serious melody for him" (Performs a melody).

W: Thank you! We listen to the theme of Petya S.S. Prokofiev. What is Petya's character anyway? What does the music represent?

Children: Petya is a cheerful, joyful boy. He goes, something sings. The melody is smooth, sometimes "jumping", as if Petya is jumping, maybe dancing.

U: In what genre is Petya's theme written: in the genre of song, dance or march? (Answers).

U: What instruments play Petya's theme? Show with hand movements how they are played. (Children get up, imitate playing the violins to the music).

U: You showed the violins, but Petya's theme is performed by a group of string instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bass.

U: Petya came to rest for the holidays with Grandfather. (On the screen - Grandfather). If you were composers, what kind of melody would you compose for Grandfather?

D: Kind, cheerful, angry, tender. Children play their own melodies.

U: What instrument would you choose for your grandfather if you were composers? (children's answers)

U: Listen to the theme of Grandfather by S.S. Prokofiev, determine the character. (Hearing).

Polina B.: "Grandfather is angry, strict. He is probably angry with Petya.

W: Indeed, Grandfather is dissatisfied with the behavior of his grandson. He is concerned that Petya went behind the gate and did not close it behind him. ": The places are dangerous. And if a wolf comes from the forest? What then?"

U: The instrument playing the theme of Grandfather is the bassoon. Let's determine what kind of "voice" the bassoon has: low or high?

D: Angry, grouchy, short


On the screen - Cat, Duck, Bird.

W: Who do you think this theme song represents? (Hearing).

D: It's a bird. The melody sounded fast, cheerful. One could imagine how she flies, flutters, flaps her wings.

T: Listen to the theme of the Bird again, identify and show its instrument.

Rehearing. (Children imitate playing an instrument to the music).

T: What instrument can represent a bird? (Answers)

U: The instrument that plays the theme of the bird is the flute. How is the flute played?


U: The flute is a woodwind instrument.

T: What is the mood of the bird?

D: Cheerful, joyful, happy, carefree.

On the screen - Petya, Cat, Grandfather, Wolf.

U: Which of the heroes of the fairy tale belongs to this music? Show with gestures, movements of this hero of a fairy tale. (A cat is depicted to the music).

W: Why do you think it's a cat?

D: The melody sounded cautiously, quietly. The cat's footsteps could be heard in the music, as if it were stalking.

W: The theme of the Cat was performed by the clarinet instrument. What is the "voice" of a clarinet?

D: Low, soft, calm.

W: Clarinet is a woodwind instrument. Listen to the music and watch the clarinet being played.

On the screen - Cat, Hunters, Wolf, Duck.

T: Which of the heroes of the fairy tale does this melody represent? (Hearing, analysis).

D: Duck! The melody is unhurried, smooth; the duck walks awkwardly, rolls over from paw to paw, quacks.

U: The instrument that plays the theme of the Duck is called the oboe. What is the "voice" of an oboe?

D: Calm, quiet, quacking.

U: The oboe belongs to the group of woodwind instruments. Watch and listen to the Duck theme

T: Let's play the game "Recognize the musical instrument." On the screen you will see the characters of the fairy tale and musical instruments. It is necessary to name the instrument of the hero depicted on the screen. Children answer questions orally.

5. Consolidation.(Explanation of the order of practical work ).

All the characters in the story appear on the screen.

T: Find on the screen the heroes of the fairy tale that we will meet in the next lesson.

D: Wolf, Hunters.

The Wolf and the Hunters remain on the screen.

U: In the next lesson, we will continue our acquaintance with the instruments of the symphony orchestra, listen to the themes of the Wolf, Hunters, find out the content of the fairy tale.

T: What did you learn at the lesson today? What did you learn in class?

7. Homework(Invitations to a fairy tale).

Sign your invitations and complete the task.

Acquaintance with the instruments of the symphony orchestra

"Peter and the wolf- a symphonic fairy tale for children, written by Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev in 1936, shortly after his return to the USSR, at the initiative of Natalia Ilyinichna Sats for staging in its Central children's theater. The premiere took place on May 2, 1936. The work is performed by a reader and an orchestra. literary text written by the composer himself.


Early in the morning, pioneer Petya comes out onto a large green lawn.
His familiar Bird sits on a high tree, which, noticing Petya, flies down.
The Duck sneaks through the half-open gate and heads to the pond to swim.
She begins to argue with the bird about who should be considered a real bird - a Duck that does not fly, but swims, or a bird that cannot swim.
The Cat is watching them, ready to catch one of them, but the bird, warned by Petya, flies up the tree, and the duck ends up in the pond, and the Cat is left with nothing.
Petya's grandfather comes out. He begins to grumble at his grandson, warning him that a big man is walking in the forest. grey Wolf, and, despite Petya's assurances that the pioneers are not afraid of wolves, takes him away. Soon the Wolf really appears.
The cat quickly climbs the tree, and the Duck jumps out of the pond, but the wolf overtakes it and swallows it.
With the help of a rope, Petya climbs over the fence and ends up on a tall tree. He asks the bird to distract the wolf, and when he tries to catch it, he throws a noose around the wolf's tail.
The wolf tries to free himself, but Petya ties the other end of the rope to a tree, and the noose is tightened even tighter on the Wolf's tail.
Hunters come out of the forest, who have been following the Wolf for a long time.
Petya helps them tie up the Wolf and take him to the zoo.
The work ends with a general procession in which all his characters participate: Petya walks in front, the hunters lead the Wolf behind him, the Bird flies over them, and behind them is the grandfather with the cat, who continues to grumble. A quiet quacking is heard: this is the voice of the Duck sitting in the belly of the Wolf, who was in such a hurry that he swallowed it alive.


The composition of the orchestra:
flute; Oboe; Clarinet (in A); Bassoon; Three horns; Pipe; Trombone; timpani; Triangle; Tambourine; Castanets; Big and Small drums; Plates; first and second violins; Violas; Cellos; Double basses.

Each character is represented by a specific instrument and a separate motif:

Peter- bowed stringed instruments(mainly violins), C-dur, a free and open melody in the spirit of a pioneer march;
birdie- flute in high register, G-dur, virtuoso passages;
Duck- oboe, Es-dur / As-dur, "quacking" melody in lower register;
Cat- clarinet, G-dur, the theme depicts the grace and soft tread of a cat;
Granddad- bassoon, theme in h-moll, dotted rhythm in lower and middle register, imitating grunts;
Wolf- three horns, theme in g-moll;
Hunters- timpani and bass drum (image of shots), wind instruments(final march)
According to Wikipedia

S. Prokofiev Symphonic tale Peter and the Wolf - cartoon


Program content:

Lesson plan:

2. Physical education.

4. Summing up the lesson.

During the classes

Musical director:

Musical director:

Student of Light K.

Student Ruslan A.

Musical director:

Student Nastya T.

From a swamp overgrown with duckweed,

From the fields, from the forest hollow

Singing good fairy tale

I went down the musical paths.

To the board house, under the trees,

The path will lead you

Tell about Petya and the wolf

Quartet and clarinet and bassoon.

Hidden in musical pages

Glades, meadows and forests.

For every beast and bird

The flute will whistle like a pichuga,

The oboe quacks like a duck,

And the evil-despicable wolf

Horns will replace themselves.

However, why rush

This is your fairy tale - take it!

Magic doors - pages

Open it quickly.

Student Ruslan A.

Student Katya G.

Roman's student

Student Alina V.

Student Guzel B.

Student Emil F

Student Elina Zh.

Musical director.

I litter in the street

I release the butterfly

Wasting paper

The ravines are good

Musical director:

Physical education "Musicians".

We are musicians todayhead bow)

Today we are musicians

Let's stretch our fingers now(flex fingers)

Let's start playing togetherrub your palms)

The piano sounded

The drums are pounding(simulate drumming)

Violin - left

Violin - right

Hall clapped (clap)

Shouted "Bravo!"(raise hands above head)

Musical director:So we start.

Petya is the main character of the story.We listen to the theme of Petya.



Musical director

Musical directorListening to the theme of the bird).


Musical director

(children's answers) - clarinet


The cat sat on the window

began to wash the ears with a paw,

1-2-3. Come on, repeat.

1-2-3. Come on, repeat.

The monkey wants to take a walk.

After all, monkeys are music lovers

and the music must be played.

And we all have fun jumping!

1-2-3. Have fun jumping!

1-2-3. Have fun jumping!

Easy jump.

The snake crawls along the forest path,

How the tape slides on the ground.

1-2-3. Come on, repeat.

1-2-3. Come on, repeat.

Musical director:

Dance creativity of children.

Musical director:

Noise of the forest? The singing of a nightingale?

Table 1

At the beginning, X cf. in points

At the end, X cf. in points

Dynamics in points

Summing up the lesson


  1. ka. - M., 2000. – 320 s.


Music scores

No. p / p

Criteria for evaluation

Total score


X cf.

Music scoresknowledge on the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" by S. S. Prokofiev at the end of the study of the topic

No. p / p

Criteria for evaluation

Total score


X cf.


Criteria for evaluation

1. The ability to identify the musical instrument depicting your hero.

2. The ability to determine the actions of heroes through the timbres of instruments.

3 . The ability to analyze the musical images of the heroes of a fairy tale.

4. Understanding what "intonation" is.

List of students of grade 2A, secondary school; 34, Nab. Chelny


Lesson on the subject: Symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" by S.S. Prokofiev in the second grade

Program content:

1. Raise in children an interest in the world of music.

2. To help increase the emotional and musical-creative activity of children.

3. Develop figurative thinking, a complex perception of artistic images.

4. Develop musical memory (themes of fairy tale characters).

5. Encourage children to be creative.

6. To develop the ability to analyze the musical images of the heroes of a fairy tale.

7. Increase the interest, receptivity of each child.

8. Summarize knowledge on the topic of the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf".

Lesson plan:

1. Consolidation of the studied material on the work of the composer Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev.

2. Physical education.

3. Role-playing game"Peter and his friends" based on the symphonic fairy tale by S. S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf"?

4. Summing up the lesson.

During the classes

Musical director:Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev is a great Soviet composer. In the figurative world of S. S. Prokofiev, a sharp, stern Scythian, a cheerful joker, a jester, a gentle lyricist, a passionate romantic rebel, strict classic. From birth, he heard classical compositions performed by his mother - Beethoven's sonatas, Chopin's preludes and mazurkas, works by Liszt, Tchaikovsky. Therefore, Prokofiev began composing music from childhood, and at the age of 5 he composed a piano piece called "Indian Gallop".

S. S. Prokofiev wrote a lot beautiful compositions for children: piano pieces for beginner pianists, a collection called "Children's Music", songs to the words of L. Kvitko and A. Barto, as well as a symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" to its own text. He devoted a large number of works to children, as he loved them very much.

Musical director:Now imagine that we are concert hall. We listen to the tale of S.S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf" for a reader and a symphony orchestra, the words of the composer are read by Natalya Ilyinichna Sats, founder of the world's first Children's musical theater. The conductor of the orchestra is Evgeny Svetlanov.

What is told in the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf"?

Student of Light K. The symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" tells about the brave boy (pioneer) Petya, who defeated the wolf and saved the little bird and the duck.

Student Ruslan A. In S. Prokofiev's symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" musical themes the characters are performed by the instruments of the symphony orchestra, the story is told to the listeners by the narrator (the words of the composer are read by Natalya Ilyinichna Sats), and the musical characteristics are played by different musical instruments of the orchestra.

Musical director:What instruments did the composer choose for the musical themes of his colorful characters? (Listen to music). The symphony orchestra is divided into groups of instruments (bow, woodwind, brass, percussion).

Student Nastya T. S. S. Prokofiev used in the fairy tale the instruments of the woodwind group (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon) and the instruments of the brass group (horn). Each musical instrument of a symphony orchestra, thanks to its timbre (sound color), depicts its hero. The following poem speaks of this:

From a swamp overgrown with duckweed,

From the fields, from the forest hollow

Singing good fairy tale

I went down the musical paths.

To the board house, under the trees,

The path will lead you

Tell about Petya and the wolf

Quartet and clarinet and bassoon.

Hidden in musical pages

Glades, meadows and forests.

For every beast and bird

The flute will whistle like a pichuga,

The oboe quacks like a duck,

And the evil-despicable wolf

Horns will replace themselves.

However, why rush

This is your fairy tale - take it!

Magic doors - pages

Open it quickly.

The composer made the heroes of the fairy tale “speak” in the language of different musical instruments. After all, each instrument has its own voice-timbre.

Student Ruslan A. S. S. Prokofiev “humanizes” the animals in his fairy tale: they “humanly” talk with Petya and with each other, therefore their music always has expressive intonations, as if they were people; and pictorial intonations: a bird chirps, its role is played by a flute. Why did the composer choose the flute for the role of the bird? By timbre! The bird is small and light, characterized by high "chirping" flute sounds.

Student Katya G. The cat is cunning and prudent, crouching on soft paws, it is depicted by the abrupt sounds of the clarinet.

Roman's student Wolf - clanging his teeth, the character of a dire wolf is depicted by three horns. (Translated from German - forest horn). Sharp sounds characterize a predator.

Student Alina V. Duck - quacks, its unhurried waddle tread is best characterized by a "nasal" oboe.

Student Guzel B. Grandfather - his grouchy angry, is characterized by the low sounds of the bassoon.

Student Emil F . Hunters - their careful steps (not to frighten the Wolf!) Pass four instruments: flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon. And the shots of militant hunters are cymbals and a big drum.

Student Elina Zh. Peter is the main character of the story. Its musical theme is reminiscent of a song, a dance, and a march. This is no coincidence. After all, Petya is a boy, the same as all children, he plays, has fun, dances and sings. Petya's melody is performed by two violins, a viola viola and a cello. In the “final procession” at the end of the tale, it becomes clear that Petya the hero, he and his friends caught the evil wolf: the music sounds solemnly, at the pace of the march.

Musical director.Music helps us to understand the actions of the heroes of a fairy tale, to feel good and evil in their actions. Prokofiev himself joked that if you listen to the music carefully, you can hear the Duck quacking in the Wolf's stomach, because the Wolf was in such a hurry that he swallowed it alive.

Physical education - the game "yes, no"

Rules of the game: if you agree, then jump up, clap your hands over your head, if not, sit down.

I litter in the street

I don't turn off the light when I'm not in the room.

I save water and turn off the faucet

I release the butterfly

Wasting paper

The ravines are good

Nature conservation benefits

I love to smell exhaust gases

Planet Earth is our common home


Musical director:Today we are going to tell a story. The tale is not simple - symphonic, musical. Music will help us in this symphonic instruments. So first, let's imagine ourselves as musicians in a symphony orchestra.

Physical education "Musicians".

We are musicians todayhead bow)

Today we are musicians(correct the butterfly by turning the head)

Let's stretch our fingers now(flex fingers)

Let's start playing togetherrub your palms)

The piano sounded(show fingers playing the piano from side to side)

The drums are pounding(simulate drumming)

Violin - left (playing the violin on the left hand)

Violin - right(playing the violin on the right hand)

Hall clapped (clap)

Shouted "Bravo!"(raise hands above head)

Musical director:So we start.

Each hero of the fairy tale has his own musical theme and his own instrument with a certain “voice”.

Each hero of a fairy tale has a "leitmotif", a melody that expresses his character, gait, voice intonations.

With their help, we will play a fairy tale, embody its heroes, tell this musical story.

Petya is the main character of the story.We listen to the theme of Petya.


What is Petya's personality? What does the music represent? What intonations do we hear in this melody? What instruments play the protagonist's theme?

Answers: Petya is a cheerful, joyful, mischievous boy. He is in a good mood, maybe he even sings something. And Petya walks cheerfully, confidently.

This theme is written in the march genre. The violins lead the main theme, they have a sonorous, high, light sound, it conveys both the mood and the character of the protagonist - confident and courageous. Well, violins, cellos and double bass help the violins, all stringed bowed instruments that make up the most main group symphony orchestra instruments.

The musical director invites the boys to portray Petya, to convey the character and mood of the main character of the fairy tale.

Musical director: Petya came to rest for the holidays with Grandfather. Let's remember the theme of Grandpa. He is angry and strict. In the melody, you can hear how he walks and scolds Petya. The grandfather is unhappy with the behavior of his grandson. He is concerned that Petya went behind the gate and did not close it behind him. “... Places are dangerous. What if a wolf comes from the forest? What then? We hear grumbling intonations in his melody. And the timbre of the bassoon - low, grouchy, hoarse - very accurately conveys these intonations and the mood of Grandfather.

The music director invites the boys to portray Grandfather.

You can invite the children to determine which of the boys managed to embody the musical image most accurately.

Musical director: Who do you think this theme song represents? (Listening to the theme of the bird).

This is a bird. The theme is played by a flute. The melody sounds in a high register, it has a lot of trills, it is fast and whimsical. You can imagine how a bird flies, flutters, flaps its wings, sings its songs.

Questions: What is the bird's mood like? What group of instruments does the flute belong to?

Dance creativity of children.

Well, now a girlfriend of a bird has appeared in our hall - a duck. She is important and stupid, waddling, slowly, quacking.The theme of a duck sounds, children in movements convey the features of the musical image.

Musical director: And you will show this character with gestures.

The melody sounds cautious, quiet, insinuating. The character of the cat is cunning, cautious, she is a real hunter. And conveys all these intonations(children's answers) - clarinet . Dance creativity of children.


And now it's time to stretch our tired muscles the way a cat does.

The cat sat on the window

began to wash the ears with a paw,

and we will also be able to repeat the movements of the cat.

1-2-3. Come on, repeat.

1-2-3. Come on, repeat.

Head tilts left and right

Circular movements of the palm alternately near the right and left ear.

The monkey came down to us from the branch,

The monkey wants to take a walk.

After all, monkeys are music lovers

and the music must be played.

And we all have fun jumping!

1-2-3. Have fun jumping!

1-2-3. Have fun jumping!

Imitation of the movement of the descent on the rope.

Easy jump.

The snake crawls along the forest path,

How the tape slides on the ground.

And we can repeat such a movement with our hand.

1-2-3. Come on, repeat.

1-2-3. Come on, repeat.

Wriggling movements of the torso (standing still),

Wavy hand movements

Musical director: Well done! Yours looks very similar.

But then a wolf appeared, we hear the threatening sound of French horns. The wolf is cautious and cunning. He growls - we hear the horns “bark”, he sneaks - we hear their quiet, cautious sound.

Dance creativity of children.

But here come the hunters. We hear them firing their guns.Sound "shots" of drums and timpani. Children imitate "shots" with movements.

But, as we know, Petya, with the help of a small but very brave bird, coped with the wolf, and it all ended with a solemn procession of all the heroes and hunters to the zoo. Everyone is very cheerful and proud of their victory. Let's be part of this procession.

Final procession. Children portray the heroes of a fairy tale.

All the heroes of the fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" appear on the screen.

Musical director:Guys! Today we have seen once again that music can create real miracles. She can draw pictures and create images. And indeed...

What compares to music in terms of sound?

Noise of the forest? The singing of a nightingale?

Thunderstorms? A brook murmuring?

I can't find comparisons.

But whenever there is confusion in the soul, -

Love or sadness, fun or sadness.

In any nature given mood,

Suddenly the music starts playing.

It sounds in the soul, on the strings of the subconscious,

It thunders in timpani and beats in cymbals, -

Conveying joy or suffering -

The very soul, it would seem, sings!

Assessment of knowledge and skills of students

The evaluation results are presented in table 1

Table 1

Music scoresknowledge on the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" by S. S. Prokofiev at the beginning and at the end of the study of the topic

Criteria for assessing musical knowledge

At the beginning, X cf. in points

At the end, X cf. in points

Dynamics in points

The ability to identify the musical instrument depicting your hero

The ability to determine the actions of heroes through the timbres of instruments

The ability to analyze the musical images of the heroes of a fairy tale

Understanding what "intonation" is.

Analyzing Table 1, we can say that students' knowledge has become much better after a cycle of lessons on the creativity of S.S. Prokofiev.

The dynamics of students' musical knowledge is shown graphically in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Dynamics of musical knowledge of students

Summing up the lesson

During the first lessons, students were introduced to musical characteristics characters of the fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" - themes performed by various instruments of the symphony orchestra. At the final lesson, the topic: "The development of music." The children continued their acquaintance with the musical fairy tale by S. S. Prokofiev. Here, a more difficult task was posed - to trace how the collision of different intonations helps the composer to reveal the content of the work more vividly. The children were asked to follow the development of music in the symphonic fairy tale by S. S. Prokofiev, based on an understanding of what “intonation” is. The children listened attentively to the main episodes of Petya's music (theme), from the beginning of the Prokofiev's fairy tale, where the mood is calm, cheerful, cheerful, not foreshadowing any serious events, to the final, general procession-march that grew out of Petya's melody (theme).

Students learned to identify, understand the characteristics and actions of the heroes of the fairy tale S.S. Prokofiev, through their musical themes, through the timbres of the instruments that the composer chose to characterize fairytale heroes. Name the musical instruments that play them.


  1. Anserli E. Conversations about music. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2004. - 25 p.
  2. Bezborodova L.A., Aliyev Yu.B. Methods of teaching music in educational institutions: Tutorial for music students. fak. pedagogical universities. - M.: Academy, 2002. - 416 p.
  3. Vasina - Grossman V. A book about music and great musicians. – M.: Academy, 2001. – 180 p.
  4. Dmitrieva L.G., Chernoivanenko N.M. Methodology musical education at school: Textbook for students of secondary scientific institutions. – M.: Academy”, 2007.- 240 p.
  5. Kuna M. Great composers. - M.: Academy, 2005. - 125 p.
  6. Osenneva M.S., Bezborodova L.A. early fak. pedagogical universities. - M.: Academy", 2006. - 368 p.
  7. Creative portraits of composers. Handbook. - M., 2002. - 300 p.
  8. I know the world. Children's Encyclopedia: Muses ka. - M., 2000. – 320 s.


Music scoresknowledge on the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" by S. S. Prokofiev at the beginning of the study of the topic

No. p / p

Criteria for evaluation

Total score






















Who is designated by what instruments (musical) in the fairy tale Peter and the wolf? and got the best answer

Answer from Yloyd[guru]
Yes, in the same Wikipedia everything is there, someone is even too lazy to go there ....
Orchestra composition:
flute; Oboe; Clarinet (in A); Bassoon; Three horns; Pipe; Trombone; timpani; Triangle; Tambourine; Castanets; Big and Small drums; Plates; first and second violins; Violas; Cellos; Double basses.
Each character is represented by a specific instrument and a separate motif:
Petya - bowed string instruments (mainly violins), C-dur, free and open melody in the spirit of a pioneer march;
Birdie - flute in high register, G-dur, virtuoso passages;
Duck - oboe, Es-dur / As-dur, "quacking" melody in lower register;
Cat - clarinet, G-dur, the theme depicts the grace and soft tread of a cat;
Grandfather - bassoon, theme in h-moll, dotted rhythm in lower and middle register, imitating grunts;
Wolf - three horns, theme in g-moll;
Hunters - timpani and bass drum (image of shots), wind instruments (final march)

Answer from Oleg[active]

Answer from Yumen Regional Branch *KPRPR*[newbie]
Petya violin Bird flute Duck haboe Cat clarinet Grandfather bassoon Wolf 3 French horns Litra hunter and bass drum

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Who is designated by what instruments (musical) in the fairy tale Peter and the Wolf?