Painful colic in the abdomen. Colic in the right side: the causes of the disease. Aching pain in right side with intestinal colic.

Intestinal colic is a pathological condition associated with the appearance of severe spastic pain with localization in the abdomen. Any type of colic is fraught not only with the danger of the onset of symptoms of a pain syndrome, but also with the threat of a chronic or acute disease in the body. There may be colic in the right side and in the center of the abdomen, and on the left; localization, nature and strength of pain depend on many factors, including the age of the person, the presence bad habits, his food. Pain syndrome can affect both the female half of the population and men. In women, pathology is more difficult to diagnose because of the “female” organs located in the pelvis, and when diagnosing colic, damage to other organs and systems cannot be ruled out, as happens with unhealthy kidneys or back pain. Therefore, consider the topic: intestinal colic, symptoms in women.

Infants with colic, especially those with hypertensive symptoms, may have severe abdominal pain. Typically, babies with colic show paroxysmal crying and pull their knees up to their stomachs. Colic is relieved by the passage of flute or stool during the first three to four weeks of life.

The intestine hurts on the right: what to do

When evaluating a child with acute abdominal pain, the most important components are a thorough review of the history and repeated physical examinations. Selective use of appropriate laboratory and radiological studies may be required to establish a specific diagnosis. However, the diagnosis may remain uncertain despite a thorough initial evaluation process. Children with acute abdominal pain should be detained in the emergency department with serial physical examinations to clarify any diagnostic uncertainty.

In practice, signs of colic can be associated not only with damage to the intestines, but also to other organs. Dangerous appearance of renal, hepatic colic. But, unlike these conditions, an attack of colic associated with the intestines does not always indicate the presence of serious pathological conditions in the human body. Intestinal colic can be associated with stress, fear (when they say: the heart is in the heels), overwork, the use of "harmful" foods, alcohol. But in order to exclude chronic lesions that can progress, you need to be examined by a doctor. Only after a diagnosis has been made, treatment can be prescribed to avoid such a repeated phenomenon as colic in the side or in the center of the abdomen.

Important details of the history include the pattern of onset of symptoms, progression, location, intensity, nature, acceleration, and mitigation of abdominal pain factors and associated symptoms. The patient's age is a key factor in assessing acute abdominal pain, as indicated in Table 2.

Elimination of pain after defecation indicates the condition of the colon, and improvement in pain after vomiting may occur in conditions localized in the small intestine. In the surgical abdominal cavity abdominal pain usually precedes vomiting, and vomiting precedes abdominal pain in medical settings. Any infants and children who have bilious vomiting should be considered bowel obstruction.

Reasons not related to diseases

First, consider the causes of the development of colic, not associated with diseases in the body. The syndrome of soreness in the abdomen can begin from the use of foods that are difficult to digest by the stomach and intestines. These foods include fried and fatty foods, smoked meats. That is why, in order not to expose yourself to the risk of developing colic in the abdomen, these products should be consumed in moderation.

A thorough physical examination is essential for an accurate diagnosis in children with acute abdominal pain. Examination of the external genitalia, testicles, anus, and rectum should be included as part of the assessment of abdominal pain. In addition, a pelvic examination is important for sexually active adolescent women.

Children with peritoneal irritation remain motionless or resist movement, while patients with visceral pain often change, often squirming in discomfort. Vital signs are helpful in assessing hypovolemia and provide useful clues for diagnosis. Fever indicates an underlying infection or inflammation, including acute gastroenteritis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, or intra-abdominal abscess. Tachypnea may indicate pneumonia. Tachycardia and hypotension suggest hypovolemia or loss of third space volume.

The cause of pain in the left side or the center of the abdomen in the intestinal area may be the use of expired products. In most cases, after taking expired products, not only pain symptoms appear, but also stool disorders, nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, a person may be hospitalized in the infectious diseases department with a diagnosis of gastroenteritis.

The evaluating physician should carefully palpate the abdomen moving to the area of ​​maximum tenderness. The clinician should make an effort to determine the degree of abdominal tenderness, location, rebound tenderness, stiffness, distension, mass, or organomegaly. Rectal examination gives useful information about the tone of the sphincter, the presence of masses, the nature of the stool, hematocesia or melena.

Specific laboratory investigations and radiographic evaluation are useful in assessing the physiological status of the patient and in making an accurate diagnosis. Full list blood cells and urinalysis are usually indicated in all patients with acute abdominal pain. Measurement of serum glucose and electrolytes helps in assessing the patient's hydration status and acid-base balance. A pregnancy test should be done in girls after menarche. An algorithmic approach to children with acute abdominal pain requiring urgent intervention is presented.

In general, it is precisely the failures in human nutrition that are common causes development of colic in the intestine. For example, people who do not follow the diet, that is, eat what is called “on the run”, snack on “heavy” food in fast foods and cafeterias, suffer from attacks of pain. If you don’t eat anything all day, and then eat at night, then, in addition to the symptoms of heaviness that radiate to the right side, pain in the intestinal area may appear.

Treatment should be directed at the underlying cause of the abdominal pain. As shown, urgent interventions and management are necessary for children suffering from prostration and caused by illness, have signs of intestinal obstruction and signs of peritoneal irritation. Initial resuscitation measures include correction of hypoxemia, replacement of intravascular volume loss, and correction of metabolic abnormalities. Gastronomic decompression using a nasogastric tube may be necessary if there is bowel obstruction.

Empiric intravenous antibiotics are often indicated when a serious intra-abdominal infection is clinically suspected. In addition, adequate analgesics should be provided to patients with severe pain, preferably prior to surgical evaluation.

Pain in the left side or abdomen can be caused by eating foods that have not undergone heat treatment, or those that can cause intoxication [mushrooms, berries that are unsuitable for food]. It also happens after a person eats fish, meat. Physical inactivity, obesity can cause malfunctions in the work of the intestines. In a woman, problems with the digestive tract can develop due to hormonal disruptions during pregnancy, when the intestines are squeezed by the uterus.

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Acute abdominal pain is one of the most common complaints in childhood, which often requires rapid diagnosis and treatment in the emergency department. Although acute abdominal pain is usually self-limiting and benign, there are potentially life-threatening conditions that require urgent treatment, such as appendicitis, intussusception, or bowel obstruction. Careful history taking and repeated physical examinations are essential to determine the cause of acute abdominal pain and identify children with surgical conditions.

Causes associated with diseases

Consider such an issue as intestinal colic, the causes of which are associated with malfunctions in the body, whether chronic foci or acute pathology. Most often, an attack of abdominal pain gives the presence of foreign agents in the human gastrointestinal tract. These causes include acute intestinal infections [AII].

Common abdominal problems in children. Adhesions after abdominal surgery in children. Clinical outcomes in children with acute abdominal pain. Abdominal pain is one of distinguishing features, and most alarming symptoms. Feeling chronic abdominal pain is not only devastating for one day, but it can also be quite frightening.

Note: Any chronic or recurring abdominal pain should be brought to the attention of your physician to ensure you have the correct diagnosis and treatment plan. It can vary depending on how he feels, how bad he is, when it happens and where it happens. Let's take a look at each of these things in turn.

Gastroenteritis is caused by both pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria, occurs when contaminated products are consumed, and if the heat treatment of dishes is not observed. A person can also get sick by contact-household. AT this case intestinal function is disrupted, symptoms of intoxication appear [pain in the head, nausea, vomiting, fever].

Pain from other digestive problems

For some people, the pain may be crippling, while for others, the pain may simply be a chronic grunt. And for others, pain can range from mild to severe, often within a day. Pain in the upper abdomen: This is often associated with bloating and may get worse after eating. Low Abdominal Pain: This type of pain is more likely to be relieved by a bowel movement. Pain that is felt behind your breasts that occurs after eating and is worse when bending and lying down is likely to be. The guy that is tested after eating is below your chest area, but on top of your abdomen, probably. Abdominal pain: There may be cramping around the navel area. . Discuss your pain concerns with your doctor.

Salmonellosis, although it is also equated with AII, is more severe. With salmonellosis, the symptoms develop acutely, there is pain, burning in the abdomen, and it can hurt both in the left side and in the center of the abdomen and even in the lower back. With salmonellosis, the body temperature rises to high numbers. It is not always possible to cure salmonellosis at home, but it is possible to “drive” the infection into a latent form. Then the person will be a carrier and will begin to infect the people around him.

Most runners have experienced side seam or sore pain at one time or another during a workout. This is a sharp, localized attack of pain just below the chest, which usually occurs in the right lower abdomen. This is especially common in runners and has been known to slow some athletes down to a walk until the pain subsides.

Aching pain in the right side with hepatic colic

Today, researchers refer to this nagging abdominal pain with the much more technical and scientific term "exercise-related short-term abdominal pain." No matter what you call it, the pain is often enough to stop runners and swimmers in their tracks and hold back the pain in agony.

Often accompanied by colic dysentery, and with symptoms similar to salmonellosis. Dysentery is also associated with the entry of the pathogen into the digestive tract, while the disease is characterized by stool with the presence of blood or mucus.

Among the pathological conditions leading to colic in the intestines, intestinal obstruction can be distinguished. With it, a person is disturbed by the removal of feces from the intestines, which is accompanied by a spasm. It can hurt both on the right and on the left of the abdomen. Many people have a question what to do with intestinal obstruction. The only answer is to see a doctor.

While there is still no definitive explanation for the cause of side stitching, there are some very compelling theories. Most researchers believe that this has a lot in common. The pain is also described as localized in the right or left lower abdomen. Side stitch pain often interfered with performance but did not touch the athlete's gender or.

One study reported that consumption of reconstituted fruit juices and high-carbohydrate, high-osmolality drinks, both immediately before and during exercise, caused the onset of a stitch, especially in susceptible individuals.

In general, if we consider colic, symptoms, then it is necessary to differentiate the pain associated with the intestines from pain in the lower back, as happens with infringement of the sciatic nerve, and also from renal colic, which women are more prone to.

There are also such causes of colic:

  • helminthic invasions of the type of opisthorchiasis, ascariasis, giardiasis or enterobiasis;
  • the presence of tumors in the intestine or adjacent organs;
  • endured stress.

If you experience pain in the abdomen, whether in the right or left side, you need to see a doctor to diagnose this condition and exclude dangerous pathologies. And deviations can occur not only in the intestines and stomach, but also in the genitourinary organs, liver, pancreas, in the lower back with damage to the spine.

The symptoms did not appear to be related to the amount of food eaten. A more complex explanation put forward by some researchers is that the side seam is caused by a stretch from the diaphragm to the internal organs, especially the liver. The sharp movement of running while inhaling and stretching stretches these ligaments. Runners tend to exhale every two or four strides. Most people breathe out when the left foot hits the ground, but some people breathe out when the right foot hits the ground. This is a later group that seems more prone to getting side seams.


The main symptom of colic in the intestines is pain. Moreover, it occurs abruptly, which is associated with spasm. But the intensity of pain is different. For example, with intestinal obstruction, a person suffers from severe pain, which is why he takes a forced position - lying or sitting in a half-bent state. But when overeating or worm infestation, the patient may experience aching pain with a paroxysmal course. It is not uncommon for the pain to be so intense that the person feels as if a knife has been thrust into his stomach, at which point there is weakness in the legs [in the heels].

Exhaling when the right foot hits the ground puts a lot of strain on the liver. So as soon as the liver drops, the diaphragm rises to exhale. This repeated stretching is thought to result in spasms in the diaphragm. If you create side stitching while running, stop running and place your hand on right side belly and push yourself as you inhale and exhale evenly. When you run or swim, try to take deep breaths. The stretched ligament theory would argue that shallow breathing tends to increase the risk of a stitch because the diaphragm always rises slightly and never drops far enough to relax the ligaments.

Most often, with colic, a person has bouts of nausea and vomiting. In pathological conditions in the intestines, bloating, signs of flatulence can be observed. The rest of the symptoms depend on the cause that caused the attack of abdominal pain.

If it hurts in the left side, then the cause of pain may be the large intestine. And also the irradiation of pain can move away from the stomach, the sphincter of Oddi, as happens with biliary colic. Colic on the right is associated with damage to the small intestine.

Side Stitch Prevention Tips

When this happens, the diaphragm becomes tense and spasm or "stringing" is more likely. Some other ways to relieve side stitch pain include. Avoid drinking reconstituted fruit juices and drinks that are high in carbohydrates and osmolality before and during exercise. Mask or press on the area with pain. Lean forward to stretch your diaphragm and relieve pain. If you continue to experience pain, see your doctor.

  • The time you eat before meals to digest before the event.
  • Elimination can relieve stitch pain.
  • Raise right hand up and lean to the left.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, release, then stretch the other side.
  • Reduce your pace until the pain subsides.
Stitch aside: causes, treatment and solutions.

In addition, the liver, kidney, part of the genitourinary system can hurt. That is why, in order to find the source of the symptoms, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Symptoms can sometimes be so specific that without a comprehensive examination, you can miss a dangerous diagnosis. For example, there may be a combination of abdominal pain and heel pain in intestinal infections, which can lead to reactive arthritis.

Characteristics and etiology of exercise-related transient abdominal pain. Epidemiology of exercise-related transient abdominal pain in Sydney Township. Influence of the received liquid composition on the abdominal pain tolerated by the disease.

Colic is when your healthy child crying for three or more hours a day, three or more times a week, for at least three weeks. Symptoms usually appear during the first three to six weeks of your baby's life. It is estimated that one in 10 babies experiences colic. Your baby's constant crying can cause stress and anxiety because nothing seems to soften it. It is important to remember that colic is only a temporary health condition that usually improves on its own. This is usually not a sign of a serious illness.


Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to establish what gave such symptoms, that is, caused the syndrome of abdominal pain. When contacting a doctor, he must carefully collect an anamnesis. To do this, the duration and frequency of symptoms are revealed, it is established whether there were similar symptoms before, what the clinical picture of the disease is now. In addition, it is necessary to collect data on a person's lifestyle, the presence of chronic foci, especially attention is focused on damage to the kidneys, liver, and biliary tract. When a patient complains of severe pain, appendicitis cannot be ruled out, so the person is asked if the appendix was previously removed.

During the examination, the abdomen is palpated and the patient's condition is examined. Special attention is given to the skin, body temperature, lining of the tongue and mucous membranes. Of course, as with any disease of the internal organs, you need to take blood, urine, and feces tests, but with colic, the first goal is to establish a preliminary diagnosis. Therefore, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the internal organs, if possible, CT and MRI. It is also necessary to conduct an x-ray examination of the abdominal cavity. If intestinal colic is suspected, a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy may be prescribed.

Do not forget about the examination of the spine, especially when there is pain in the lower back. Causes back pain infringement of the nerve roots in osteochondrosis, hernia. An injury or stress can lead to a pinched nerve. And also in the lower back, the kidneys can hurt, which also give to the abdomen.


Consider how to treat colic in the intestines. In general, with the appearance of pain in the abdomen of an acute nature, painkillers should not be given. Taking analgesics and antispasmodics can blur the clinical manifestations of dangerous conditions that require surgical treatment. Therefore, only a doctor can determine how to treat colic after making a diagnosis.

If there is an attack of pain in the intestines without the appearance of additional symptoms and passes without a trace, then you should not panic. Maybe the reason is stress, overeating, or a pinched nerve in the lower back. But if there is a disorder of the stool, signs of nausea, vomiting, then you need to see a doctor. If it is an intestinal infection, then the patient will be prescribed antibiotics, antimicrobials and detoxification therapy.

With severe pain, as they say, which is felt even in the heels, you need to urgently call an ambulance, do not take medicine until it arrives. Then the doctor will tell you how to cure the cause that caused the attack.

If the cause of colic is associated with chronic diseases of the digestive tract, then a diet is first prescribed. During the period of exacerbation, the use of fried meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, smoked meats, and spices will have to be excluded from the diet. The diet includes dairy products, especially cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and fermented baked milk. Every day you need to eat more vegetables [potatoes, beets, cucumbers], fruits.

From recipes traditional medicine you can give recipes that include beets and ginger. The recipe consists in preparing a drink from 0.5 teaspoon of crushed ginger root, which is poured with boiling water. After that, beets or cabbage are added to the drink, from which you can first prepare the juice.

The main rule for colic is to seek medical help in a timely manner, which should not be forgotten when there is severe pain in the abdomen, especially if the cause is in the kidneys or pancreas, you should not hesitate.

The first thing most people think about when they feel unpleasant pain in the right half of the intestine is what it is. This is perhaps the most famous disease among the entire population of all surgical nosology. However, inflammation of the appendix is ​​not the only cause of pain in the right side of the abdomen. Other conditions can also cause them, while not always pathological. Therefore, you should not immediately panic, as well as feverishly think:

the intestine hurts on the right, what to do and how quickly. This does not apply to conditions when the pain is very strong or has become permanent.

The intestine hurts on the right: causes

In the intestine on the right, resulting from a sharp contraction of the intestine and called intestinal colic, may be the result of an inflammatory process (colitis,) or the presence of helminthic invasion. Colic can also be caused by poisoning or banal overeating. Often the cause of intestinal spasms are adhesions between intestinal loops, formed as a result of inflammation or after surgery. A provoking factor in this case may be errors in nutrition (heavy, spicy food, alcohol), significant physical exertion or sudden changes in body position. Short intestinal spasms can pay for a stressful situation.

If the pains in the intestines on the right are aching in nature, it is possible that gases have simply accumulated in this part of the intestine. However, the cause of such painful sensations can also be such a dangerous condition as intestinal obstruction caused by a tumor, a tangle of helminths, a knot from the intestine itself, or as a result of its volvulus. Pains of this nature are aching, long-lasting.

Against the background of constant aching pain in the right side of the intestine, it can be a sign of intestinal obstruction. In this case, colic is caused by increased contraction of the muscle fibers of the intestine above the blockage.

Dull pain in the right iliac region may signal inflammation of the caecum. It can be replaced by intestinal colic and manifest itself 5-6 hours after eating. A spasm or increased pain can be provoked by prolonged standing or physical activity. In this case, the pain is often accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, rumbling, nausea and flatulence.

A symptom of acute appendicitis is pain in the intestines on the right in the lower abdomen. It can occur in the navel and move down and to the right, it can give to the leg. In addition, the disease can be manifested by symptoms such as nausea, fever.

The intestine hurts on the right: what to do

In case of intestinal colic, lie down, take a comfortable position. Eating, heating pads and cold on the stomach are excluded. You can alleviate the condition by taking an antispasmodic. If within an hour the pain has not gone away, you can’t do without an ambulance.

In any case, to answer the question as accurately as possible: the intestine hurts on the right, what to do, only a doctor can do it for you. He will also prescribe the correct and appropriate treatment for you. Recall that the reason for urgent seeking medical help are sharp, severe pain in the intestines, vomiting, high fever, as well as prolonged pain that does not go away.