Vigo map in Russian. Main Attractions

On the page is an interactive map of Vigo in Russian from a satellite. Read more at +weather. Below satellite imagery and live search Google Maps, photo of the city and community of Galicia in Spain, coordinates

Satellite map of Vigo - Spain

We observe on the satellite map of Vigo how exactly the buildings are located on Colon Street. Viewing the map of the area, highways and highways, squares and banks, stations and train stations, address search.

The satellite map of the city of Vigo presented here online contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space. You can find out where St. Pizarro. At the moment, using the Google Maps search service, you will find the desired address in the city and its view from space. We advise you to change the scale of the scheme +/- and move the center of the image in the desired direction.

Squares and shops, roads and borders, buildings and houses, view of Areal street. On the page, detailed information and photos of all objects of the area in order to show in real time the necessary house on the map of the city and the community of Galicia in Spain (Spain)

Detailed satellite map of Vigo (hybrid) and area provided by Google Maps.

Coordinates - 42.2245, -8.7298

The picturesque port city of Vigo is located in Galicia. Called "Green Spain", it is located in the north-west of Spain and borders Portugal in the south, and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west.

I fell in love with this city at first sight, when from a gray and dull January in Russia I got into a green, sunny, with a bright blue sky and blooming camellias, January in Vigo, more like our spring.

It used to be a small fishing village, the first mention of which dates back to 1097. Now it is a major port city, the fourteenth largest in Spain.

Vigo is the largest fishing port in Europe, the headquarters of the European Fisheries Agency is also located here and large fishing companies are based.

The local culture was once influenced by the Celts, Gauls, Romans, Germanic tribes and Arabs. In ancient times, the city resisted the raids of the Vikings, Germanic tribes, Moors, then the attacks of the Turkish fleet. In 1719, the city was occupied by the British, and in 1809 it was captured by Napoleon's army, and the day of liberation, March 28, is still noisily celebrated by the population of Vigo as the day of the Reconquista.
Galicia has its own language, traditional cuisine, national costumes and music, and all this is called in one word - gallega / gayega, which means "Galician". At numerous holidays, and there are about 7000 of them in Galicia (folk, gastronomic, religious, sports, and so on), local groups perform in national costumes with bagpipes and flutes.
Peculiar and slightly mournful folk melodies, in which Irish and Scottish motifs are traced, are perfect for a leisurely, with endless green pastures and forests, beautiful Galicia. By the way, the ancestors of Fidel Castro are from Galicia. They speak Castilian and Galician in Vigo, the younger generation usually speaks also English language.

Foreigners visit Galicia with pleasure, mooring in the summer on huge cruise ships in the port of Vigo, taking pictures on the waterfront with a monument to Jules Verne and eating large quantities of fresh Galician oysters, octopuses and other seafood, not far from the pier in the La Pedra quarter.

Vigo Bay appears in the novel "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and in the Soviet film "Captain Nemo", and in the film "Submarine" by Wolfgang Petersen, the city of Vigo is described as a supply base for German submarines. The monument to Jules Verne was erected in 2005.
Local legend says that Hitler fled from Vigo to Argentina in April 1945, and the well-known Argentine journalist and historian Abel Basti, who has been seriously studying this issue for 7 years, speaks about this.

In his book Hitler in Exile, he claims that the final stage of the Fuhrer and Eva Braun's escape took place on a submarine from Vigo. There is another document indicating that the FBI was hard at work searching for Hitler in Spain after the end of World War II. All evidence points to the Galician coast, where there were bases for Nazi submarines during the Battle of the Atlantic.

How to get there

The fastest and most comfortable way to get to Vigo is by air. For real travelers, there is always an alternative way - to go by car.

By plane

If there was such an opportunity, why not combine business with pleasure and not take a walk in two countries at once, instead of one? For example, good options for flights from Moscow to Vigo are offered with a connection in Madrid, Barcelona or Lisbon.

If you choose an economical option, in order to see more for little money, you can go from Moscow to Portugal, the city of Porto, spend a day or two there, and then go by bus to Vigo.

Personally, I like to fly with Turkish Airlines / Turkish Airlines, as they get the best value for money, quality and time. The price of the issue is from 240 EUR, the travel time is from 9 hours 50 minutes to 13 hours 10 minutes, they are very decently fed and even watered. Departure from Vnukovo.

You can read about transport, features and attractions in

If you fly from Moscow (Domodedovo) on Portuguese lines, the price of a round-trip ticket starts from 310 EUR, in 7 hours. There are good offers for flights from Domodedovo to Lufthansa, from 250 EUR and from 7 to 11 hours.

From Pulkovo in St. Petersburg, flights to Vigo airport with transfers can be found from 330 EUR, they are operated by the same air carriers as from Moscow. All flights with 2 transfers, mainly through Moscow and then to or Barcelona. There are flights with 1 change in Barcelona, ​​but with a self-connection at the airport, which means you have to re-check in for the flight, as well as get your luggage and check it in for another flight.

I advise you to get to the bus station in Vigo from the airport in Porto by bus. The ticket price is from 4.69 EUR, the average duration of a bus trip is 2-3 hours, the distance between cities is 150 kilometers. You can view the schedule and availability.

From Vigo airport to city center

If you arrived at Vigo airport, you can get to the city center by bus, the stop of which is located at the exit from the airport. Buses run on weekdays with a frequency of 30 minutes and start from E.Fadrique Square.

On weekends and holidays with a frequency of 60 minutes and start moving from the next stop after the square, Policarpo Sanz, 40.

The airport has an information panel near the exit where you can see the bus schedule.

If you stay at a hotel in the city center, you need to get off at the 4th stop, Urzaiz / Urzaiz. In order to return to the airport, it will be enough just to cross the road and there will be a bus stop on the other side. The line that connects the airport with the city is L9A. A ticket costs 1.32 EUR. You can see the schedule and routes of city buses at bus stops. You can find out about the direction of buses from Vigo bus station

You can get there by taxi for 25 EUR, the taxi stop is also at the exit of Vigo airport. By the way, the minimum payment for a taxi ride is 3.50 EUR and you will ride for this money not far, within 5 minutes.

By train

Of course, you can get from Moscow to Spain by train... But it's difficult!

You can take a train to the city of Poznań in Poland, then transfer to another train to the city of Leszno. From Leszno to by bus, then transfer at the railway station to the train and travel from Madrid by train to Vigo. The price of the issue is about 350 EUR, expensive and angry. Travel time is at least 45 hours.

You can read about how to get to Madrid and Barcelona by train.

By bus

There are no direct buses from Moscow to Vigo. But if you really want to, you can find options from Moscow with transfers to Madrid or Barcelona.

From Madrid you can then go to Vigo by bus (7-9 hours, 40-55 EUR), or by train (6-10 hours, 50 EUR).

From Barcelona, ​​I would advise you to go to Vigo by train, since the distance between cities is 1000 km. For 57 EUR, on average, and 15 and a half hours, you can get there. And buses and trains in Spain are comfortable to travel.

From St. Petersburg, it seems to me pointless to go to Vigo by bus, as it is far, long and expensive.

By car

From Moscow to Vigo 4398 km, while you have to cross Belarus, Poland, Germany, Belgium, France.

If you drive non-stop, the travel time will be approximately 1 day and 19 hours. With a fuel consumption of 8 l / 100 km, 350 liters will be needed, fuel costs will be about 15,000-20,000 RUB. The price of 85th gasoline in Spain is 1.22 EUR. And there are toll roads.

From St. Petersburg to Vigo 4323 km, time and material costs are similar to those from Moscow.

By ferry

Unfortunately, there is no direct ferry service even between St. Petersburg and Vigo.


Vigo - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Yekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season. When is the best time to go

In my opinion, it is best to go on a trip to Vigo from May to October, when the weather is drier, warmer and sunny. Of course, you can get warm and sunny days in March and November, the temperature sometimes reaches 25 ° C in the sun, but there will be few such days and no one can guarantee that they will. In Galicia, there is a sufficient amount of precipitation in autumn and winter time, which is why it is so green and fertile.

Vigo in summer

Vigo is great in summer! A light sea breeze blowing from the ocean does not let you die from the heat, and the cool water in the bay is pleasantly refreshing.

In my opinion, compared to the temperature in the south, from which locals and tourists simply languish, we can live in the north. The average temperature in summer is +25 °C, and, which is nice, at night it is 7 degrees lower, which allows you to sleep comfortably.

In the summer you can visit numerous fiestas, as well as go sailing, surfing and kite, ride a rented yacht, go sea fishing - the choice is yours. There are more tourists in summer, but this does not create traffic jams or any other inconvenience.

vigo in autumn

It happens that at the end of October and even at the beginning of November there are still sunbathers on the beach. But in general, there are fewer tourists, and the average temperature reaches 18 ° C.
Nature still pleases with the multi-colored trees and shrubs, but the days are getting shorter and the nights colder, and you understand that the rainy season will come soon.

Vigo in spring

In the spring, everything blooms and it gets hot in the sun, and cold in the shade, so you never know what to wear. The weather can change dramatically, the sun has just shone brightly and joyfully and it seems that nothing foreshadowed ... But now, in an instant, the sky is covered with gray clouds, there is no trace of the sun and it starts to rain. And while you're thinking about how to rearrange your plans for the day, voila - the sun comes out again and blue sky. In any case, you should carry an umbrella with you, because predicting the weather here is a thankless task.

The first tourists are already starting to appear, like the first snowdrops after winter. And so white!

Spring is also Semana Santa, Holy Week before Easter and traditional religious processions in all cities. In 2017, Easter will be celebrated on the same day by both Christians and Catholics.

The temperature varies from +14 to +23 °C.

Vigo in winter

If you want to plunge into the New Year's fairy tale and feel the approach of a warm and homely holiday - Christmas - come to Vigo in winter.

A festively decorated city, with garlands of fresh poinsettia flowers and blooming orchids, with huge balls and figurines of deer and bears on the streets, will not leave you indifferent. A completely different atmosphere reigns here before Christmas on the night of December 24-25 and the New Year: there is no snow, there is no our fuss in pursuit of gifts, the Spaniards, lightly dressed for European winter, sedately walk through the streets. There is a very calm and cozy atmosphere of kindness and joy from the upcoming holiday.

Everywhere you can see Christmas henbane compositions depicting the biblical story of the birth of Christ. This is one of the oldest traditions in Spain, dating back to the reign of King Felipe V, who received this work of art as a gift in 1702 while traveling to Italy. "Belen" in Spanish is equivalent to the name of the city of Bethlehem in Russian.
And of course, the turon, which always accompanies Christmas in the Spanish tradition, in various modifications - with and without nuts, hard and soft, but always very tasty.

The average temperature for winter in Vigo is 13-16 °C, very rarely and for a short time it can drop to 0 °C. There is definitely no snow in Vigo.

Vigo - monthly weather


Vigo - monthly weather

Districts. Where is the best place to live

As you can see on the map, the main hotel locations are located in the city center, near Urzais street (number 1 on the map) and in the old city area, closer to the waterfront, Casco Vello (2). In 1656, under Felip IV, it was surrounded by a stone wall, in fact, this fence became the basis of the current Old Town. If you want to feel like a resident of the Middle Ages, you can live there in apartments (2).

Narrow streets between the cramped rows of old stone houses, many bars with wine and tapas and noisy Spanish companies flowing from bar to bar. For some reason, it’s not customary for them to come to one bar and sit there until closing. Nearby will be the Constitution Square, the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Vigo and La pedra, where restaurants with seafood, also very close to the promenade with a large shopping center, a monument to Jules Verne and yachts on the pier. But we must keep in mind that this is an old fund and not very comfortable, that is, there will definitely not be heating in winter and the rooms will be small. But on the other hand, you will fully feel how people lived here before. By the way, working people with a low income still live here. If we talk about a hotel, the price will be higher and comfort, respectively, too. You can say this: if you like to hang out in a company and are not used to going to bed early, you are here.

But if you are an adherent of shops, civilization and more comfort, you are in the Ursaiz street area (2). Nearby there will also be bars, shops, including El Corte Ingles and the atmosphere will be calmer. Just do not settle near the bus station, it is indicated by a blue icon on the map, to the right of Ursaiz street, it is also noisy and the working class lives there, which does not affect your safety in any way. Good, but expensive hotels in the Bairamar waterfront area (3): the view from the window is beautiful, and you can run in the morning.

Since the city is located on a mountain, I do not advise you to take shoes with heels, you do not walk in it for a long time. Especially if you climb from the embankment to the area of ​​​​the old city, there is a decent slide. Hotels can be booked on, and compare prices from different sites. If you prefer to rent from locals, there are plenty of options.

What are the prices for holidays

The price of a holiday in Vigo is lower than in Madrid and Barcelona.

  • A cup of coffee with milk will cost you 1.30 EUR.
  • A bottle of beer 0.5 l - 0.60 EUR.
  • Lunch at McDonald's according to the menu card - 6.25 EUR.
  • A 0.33 liter bottle of water costs 1.28 EUR, so it's better to buy liter bottles.
  • A bus ticket costs 1.32 EUR, a monthly subscription - 32.50 EUR.
  • The minimum charge for a taxi ride is 3.50 EUR.

Housing will be cheaper if you live on the outskirts or rent not an apartment, but a room in an apartment.


The cost of food, lodging, transportation, etc.

Currency: Euro, € US dollar, $ Russian ruble, rub

Main attractions. What to watch

Despite the fact that Vigo is not a big city, it has something to see - many museums, historical buildings and architectural monuments, a zoo, as well as beautiful beaches and parks.

Top 5

Vigo is geographically very conveniently located so that you can travel from it at a distance of no more than 100-150 km and thus see even more cities, interesting places and historical sights.

  • The Cies Islands attract tourists from all over the world to Vigo - this is the national park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia.

  • Quiñones de Leon Museum, where unique works of art are collected.

  • The fortress of O Castro is the place of the historical origin of the city.

  • Airy, floating in the air suspension bridge Rande, one of the historical symbols of Galicia. It runs through Randé Bay, where the battle took place in 1702. At one time it was a very innovative project and at the time of opening on February 7, 1981 it was the longest suspension bridge in the world.

Beaches. Which is better

There are 45 beaches around Vigo. The nearest are 10 minutes from the city center, with fine white sand and clean water suitable for everyone: for family holidays, and wild bays, and with waves for water sports, and even nudist.

In 2016, 9 Vigo beaches were awarded the Blue Flag, certifying high quality water, environmental cleanliness, safety environment, safety and convenience of the services provided. The beach area goes from de O Adro in Bouzas to Samil beach. I would advise you to go to Samil, it is not far from the center or Vao beach, it is further away, but there is a beautiful coastline and fewer vacationers.

Unfortunately, there is no map of all the beaches in nature, otherwise I would definitely post it here. On the map below you can see 2 main beaches - Samil, where Av.Samil is, and to the west, opposite Isla de Toralla, Vao beach.

You can find information about all the beaches of Vigo in the Un mar de naturaleza, playas de Vigo section, where you can also see the addresses of the beaches and the corresponding bus routes.

Churches and temples. Which are worth a visit

In the small town of Vigo, there are up to 40 parishes and churches.

The most interesting and significant are the following three:

Museums. Which are worth a visit

In addition to these museums, you can also visit the natural science museum Verbum, which is dedicated to the topics of language, communication, science and technology, the ethnographic museum, the house of arts, the sports museum, the Pacheco photo archive, which contains 140,000 photographs from late XIX century, through which you can trace the history of the city.

Architectural monuments

  • The family mansion House of Mulder is located almost on the embankment, at the intersection of Montero Rios and Pablo Morillo streets, built in 1910. The facade of the building is decorated with a kind of panel of multi-colored ceramic plates.


Monte de O Castro is the place of the historical origin of the city: the first settlements appeared here. In addition, this is a very beautiful natural park with centuries-old pine trees, rare trees and shrubs.

Monte means "mountain", and indeed, the original ancestors of the Celts lived on the mountain, surrounded by the stone walls of the Kastro fortress, which are well preserved and can be seen today.

You can climb Monte de O Castro from Plaza España, but it is better to do it from Camellia Street.

Below you can see the remains of the Celtic settlements and restored huts, visit inside. It's free.

And there, not far from the fortress walls on the mountain, you can see authentic huge sea anchors and cannons that remind of the battle of 1702 in Vigo Bay between the Franco-Spanish and Anglo-Dutch fleets for treasures that were transported from America to 22 Spanish ships. Spanish port of Cadiz.

According to rumors, one galleon captured by the British, the most loaded, sank near the mouth of Vigo Bay and near the Cies Islands. The search continues to this day.

What to see in 1 day

If you only have one day, I would recommend spending it in the Cies Islands, taking the earliest flight and returning on the last one. There are no historical attractions, but you will definitely enjoy visiting the islands.

If you are attracted by castles, fortresses, ancient churches, I advise you to take a tourist bus, getting off at every stop and visiting the main attractions.

  • At 10 am, you leave on a tourist bus, the stop point is indicated on the map in blue under number 1.
  • Before boarding the bus at 10 am or already on the way back, after returning, you can go up and see the Old Town, the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Vigo, going down the La Pedra market, where you can buy souvenirs, the Bahia de Vigo hotel, visit on the street of oysters and octopuses, and at the Marine Station.
  • Walking from Garcia Olloqui along Rosalia de Castro, see the house of Bonin, Mulder and others historical Buildings, Piazza Compostela, hotels América and Ciudad de Vigo, the area with tapas bars and the area with active nightlife.
  • Further along Garcia Barbon you will come across buildings with interesting architecture, the Church of Santiago de Vigo, the theatre, the NH Palacio de Vigo and Ensenada hotels. This is also a nightlife street.
  • Turning onto Policarpo Sanz, visit the MARCO Museum, the House of Art, the Francisco Fernandez del Riego Museum, the House of Galician Culture, Constitution Square, shopping malls and the sculpture of the Siren.
  • At 10:25, the bus stops at the Monte de "O castro" circle, marked with the number 2. After leaving there, you can go up to the observation deck, where excellent panoramic views of Vigo open from above, wander through the surviving remains of the fortress, take a walk in the park, in the same place there is children's park, to be photographed against the backdrop of authentic anchors that survived the Battle of Rande Bay in 1702. Then you return to the circle.
  • On the next bus, you can leave the circle at 10:32, 12:32 or 17:02. Get off at the next stop, this is historical Museum and the Castrelos botanical park, with a lake and the remains of an amphitheater from Roman times, is marked with the number 3. From there you can go to Plaza America, where the Puerta del Atlantico monument is erected. Then follow Castrelos to ethnographic museum on Pastora Street, towards the Romanesque church of Santa Maria de Castrelos.
  • You can go even further along Av. de Balaidos and de Castelao.
  • Come back and get on the bus, which leaves at 10:57, 12:57, 17:27 and 19:27 and go to Samil Beach, where the VERBUM Museum is located.
  • From the beach, the bus leaves at 11:19, 13:19, 17:49 and 19:49 and after 15 minutes you return to the starting point 1.

What to see in the surroundings

What I also like Vigo for is its proximity to other interesting places. In the south, it borders on Portugal, with the walled cities of Monção and Valença. I will tell about them among other curious places in the vicinity.

Santiago de Compostela (100 km from Vigo)

100 km from Vigo is the famous capital of Galicia and the final destination for pilgrims from Europe and other countries, you can learn about Santiago and its attractions.

Thermal waters (36 and 95 km from Vigo)

Thermal waters, of which there are many, are located in the vicinity of Ourense (95 km from Vigo) and in Balneario Mondariz (36 km from Vigo), you can find out about them here.

Combarro (33 km from Vigo)

At a distance of 33 km from Vigo is the old fishing village of Combarro, which has retained all its original charm, despite the fact that it has long been a popular tourist destination.

Baiona (43 km from Vigo)

On the southern shore of the bay in a quiet bay is the wonderful town of Bayona. It was here that on March 1, 1493, one of the ships of Christopher Columbus, the Pinta, returned, and thus Bayona became the first settlement to learn about the discovery of the New World, that is, America.

In the port of Baiona there is an exact copy of the Pinta, which can be visited from 10:00 to 20:30, the ticket price is 2 EUR. The ship looks small and somehow toy, I can’t even believe that it crossed the Atlantic Ocean two whole times, but this is an exact replica of the real Pint, including in size. The sailing environment was well recreated on the ship - there is Captain Pinson, and a couple of sailors with faces exhausted from swimming in a cramped hold, a box of gold, bags of provisions, a wooden workbench with a planer, and even two Indians with a parrot. Bayona is my favorite place to walk.

The fortress of Monterreal, which was built by order of Isabella of Castile to protect against pirate raids, is excellently preserved there. In the 14th and 15th centuries, Bayona was the most important port of Galicia and therefore was subjected to regular raids by pirates from England, Holland, Portugal and Algeria.

Now in the building of the fortress there is a parador - an ancient fortress or monastery, turned into a hotel. Pleasure, frankly, is not cheap, somewhere from 100 EUR per night.

There you can also see the ancient surviving granaries (hórreo), in which ventilation is carried out through cracks along the perimeter of the walls.

Traditional stone grain barns on posts are protected by law and homeowners whose plots have them must seek permission from the local government to use them for their own benefit.

Monument of the Virgin Virgen de la Roca (built in 1930) is equipped with an observation deck.

Finally, here is a beautiful beach and just very beautiful. For 1 EUR you can take a tour of the fortress, take pictures near the giant statue of Virgen de la Roca, and then walk between the fortress wall and the bay, drink a cup of coffee on the promenade and sunbathe on the beach. It’s better to dine not on the embankment, it’s quite expensive there, but after going a little deeper, so to speak, on the second or third coastline after the embankment.

You can get there by bus from the Vigo bus station, the bus runs approximately every 30 minutes, on weekends every hour. Depending on the bus route, the trip will take from 40 to 90 minutes.

nearby islands

The Cies Islands are made up of three major islands: Monteagudo (in the north), Faro (in the middle) and San Martino (in the south).

Traces of human activity dating back to the Iron Age, as well as to the times of the Roman Empire, were found on the islands, which indicates their ancient origin. You can get to the islands by ferry, there are several flights a day. When buying tickets, you must immediately take a return ticket in order to understand how much time you can spend on the island. The first flight is usually at 9:15 a.m. and the last one you can return on is at 20:00. The journey lasts no more than 40 minutes, tickets cost 18.50 EUR in the high season (this is July-August) and 16 EUR in the low season, this round-trip ticket price. During the low season, when buying tickets online, children under 12 can travel for free. You can buy tickets at the transport company Mar de Ons and others. In high season, it is better to book tickets in advance, as the islands can accommodate no more than 2,000 people per day. When buying tickets through the site, the tickets themselves must be received at the port, in the ticket office, by entering your login and booking number received by mail into the ticket machine.
If you wish, you can stay on the islands for the night and spend the night at the campsite by renting a tent (45 EUR per night). The tent is already set up. If you come with your own tent, it will cost less, 24 EUR, but then it is better to arrive on the islands early to get a good place. It is forbidden to make fire in any form on the islands, so you need to take with you a sufficient supply of provisions and water. You can also have a bite to eat in a cafe on the pier, the prices are average, but very crowded and queues. It is necessary to book a campsite in advance, along with ferry tickets. Be sure to take warm clothes and a cap with you: it will be cold in the evening. The water is also cold, but despite this, the locals, especially children, splash in it cheerfully.

There is no land transport on the islands and you can enjoy clean air and truly heavenly landscapes that spread before the traveler walking along specially created paths. This is an oasis of untouched nature, where rare species of flora and fauna are preserved, a unique ecosystem with a large number of rare birds, dolphins, as well as mollusks, algae and corals, of which there are more than 200 species.

Food. What to try

Galicia is a gastronomic paradise for lovers of fish and seafood.

Empanada pie stuffed with squid, shellfish or cod or tuna with raisins is very popular here - very tasty and satisfying.

But in the first place, I would put the amazingly delicious Cocido gallego (cocido gallego), a meat dish consisting of boiled pork, beef, chicken with the addition of chorizo ​​sausages, chickpeas and potatoes. It is most popular during the cool season. It costs about 20 EUR.

In 2nd place is my favorite Galician octopus (pulpo á feira): the octopus is boiled in a copper cauldron and served sliced ​​with steamed potatoes, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with red pepper - delicious! I am ready to eat it every day. It costs 12 EUR.
In 3rd place is a typical Shrovetide dish - lacon con grelos, dried salted pork shoulder with turnips, boiled potatoes and chorizo ​​sausages. It costs about 10 EUR.

I would also recommend trying the beef tripe chowder with chickpeas (callos con garbanzos).

From fish dishes, you can offer hake or cod (merluza de gallega) - as a rule, it is prepared from salted cod and hake. Since ancient times, when fishermen went to sea, they salted the fish they caught in order to preserve it, and until now, salted cod, which can be found in almost any supermarket, remains more popular than fresh.

A simple and tasty appetizer of small fried green peppers - pimientos de Padron, as a rule, one or two hot peppers come across among them, a sort of delicious gastronomic roulette.

Out of competition a dish of various seafood - Mariscada! The price depends on your choice of seafood, a large dish for 2 people of lobster, squid, shrimp and crab can go up to 100 EUR and more. For example, here is a dish for two, along with a bottle of wine, bread and coffee with dessert, plus some other salad or appetizer of your choice.

On Bayramar Avenue there is the Lonja market, where you can buy fresh fish and seafood inexpensively, but it is advisable to come there at 6 in the morning and look for retailers, because most sell in bulk, in the amount of 1 box.

  • Restaurant O Porton on Pescaderia 1, famous for fresh seafood, traditional bean dishes and paella. Prices are average, some cheaper, some more expensive.
  • Restaurant Rias Baixas on Republic Street 2, specializes in Galician cuisine, excellent seafood.
  • Restaurant Picadillo on Rue Fermin Penzol - delicious meat, fish dishes and a variety of snacks. Located in the old city area.
  • Restaurant Casa Marco at 123 Garcia Barbon Street. In addition to Spanish cuisine, it offers Mediterranean and European dishes, as well as various dishes for vegans.


There are many budget places in Vigo where you can have an inexpensive lunch or a hamburger snack. In a restaurant, you can not order the menu of the day, but take one dish, drink and dessert, the average cost is 6 EUR.

There are in Vigo and McDonald's. In a chain of eateries that sell hamburgers and sandwiches, a hamburger costs from 3 EUR, depending on the ingredients and size. At Telepizza, a medium-sized pizza can be purchased for 6 EUR. At Domino's pizza from 10 EUR.


  • The Maruja Limon Restaurant at Montero Rios 4 has a great tasting menu with 5 courses and 2 desserts. Prices are high, 48 EUR for a 7 course menu.
  • Asador Soriano, located in the Bembrive area, go up to Subida Chans 2. It specializes in cooking meat, fish and seafood on fire.
  • Marina Davila, in the area of ​​the port of Bousas, on the banks of the river, with amazing views of the bay and excellent seafood.
  • Alameda XXI, in the Place de Compostela, 21. Meat, fish and seafood dishes.

Security. What to watch out for

It is said to carry a bag with a strap slung over the shoulder, because motorcyclists passing by can rip it off. Nothing like this has ever happened to me or any of my friends. But in crowded places, I think it's better to follow this advice.

They also say that you need to be careful when withdrawing money from ATMs. It seems to me that Vigo is safe, but just in case, you need to be on your guard.

You don't have to walk around the city large sum cash in wallet. As for night walks, all my acquaintances safely walk at night unaccompanied and this does not bother even their husbands. There are security guards at the discos. is a country of victorious feminists, so everyone here stands up for the protection of women's rights, for gender equality, which can even be expressed in the fact that a man can offer you to pay the restaurant bill in half, each for himself.

Things to do

While in Vigo, you can make excursions along the wide mouth of the river, which flows into the bay, by contacting the navigation company Ilha de Ons. You can take sailing ship management courses at the Maritime Lyceum Bousas on Av. Eduardo Cabello, 8. And in the company "Ronautica" you can rent boats and boats. For lovers of diving, diving centers "Islas Cies" and SIESUB.

You can also take a hot air balloon flight at Vigo Globo. Those wishing to play tennis-tennis court in the complex "Samil" on Av. Samil. There is also a paintball club in Vigo, and a car modeling club. You can also play golf at the Royal Flying Club, on Av. do Aeroporto, by prior reservation. And of course, windsurfing is waiting for you at the Kailua Club.

Shopping and shops

The most famous brand in Spain, with an extensive network of stores throughout the country, is El Corte Ingles. Address: st. Gran Via, 25.

For shopaholics, shopping centers Travesia, Kamelias, Plaza Elliptika, Gran Via, Calvario, Sona Centro, Bousas, Teys and others. The rules for the return of value added tax / Tax Free in Spain can be found.

And most importantly - on Sunday and during public holidays no stores open!

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

Of course, you need to bring jamon! Iberico is better. The best jamon can be tasted in establishments called jamoneria, where specially trained people cut the jamon into thin slices and make an inimitable sandwich with cheese and fresh bread. Near Vigo, such establishments can be found in the town of Canisa / Caniza.

You can get from Vigo to Canisa from the Vigo bus station, buses run from 8:30 to 22:00 hours, travel 40-60 minutes, and jamonerías in Canisa at every turn and everywhere excellent jamon.

Hamon life hack: it is better to buy a whole leg / pork leg in the supermarket and ask it to be cut into pieces and vacuum packed, it is cheaper than buying ready-made vacuum-packed pieces, and it is convenient to carry it with you in a suitcase. Sliced ​​jamon 100-200 gr, which is sold in supermarkets, is very expensive. And cutting and packing the purchased ham in the supermarket will be done for free.

You can bring small bottles of olive oil - pure or with spices. From local wine, I advise you to buy white Albariño or red Rioja and Crianza. Very good natural cider.

You can buy very tasty cheeses. For example, the recognizable Galician tetilla cheese, in the form female breast, with a delicate, somewhat creamy taste, slight sourness and spicy notes. And also sheep cheeses, in the name of which there is the word curado, which means dried or aged cheese. Those who love to cook can bring de la Vera/pimenton de la vera red pepper, which is used in traditional Spanish dishes and in chorizo ​​preparations and has a peculiar slightly smoky taste. You can buy dried pork shoulder and cook it at home, but first you need to soak it in cold water, within 24-48 hours. And of course, there are all kinds of magnets, key rings, caps, T-shirts and other souvenirs that can be purchased near the sea in the La pedra quarter.

How to move around the city

Can be done sightseeing tour around the city on a tourist bus, a ticket for an adult costs 7.5 EUR, for a child (5-14 years old) - 4 EUR, up to 5 years old - free of charge. Tickets are sold on the tour bus itself and are valid for the whole day. In summer, the bus starts running from June 16 to mid-September, and also runs during Holy Week before Easter.

It departs at 10:00, 12:00, 16:30 and 18:30 from Canovas del Castillo, where the A Laxe commercial center is located, this is in the waterfront and port area, if you face the bay, on the left side of the shopping center.

On the way, you can get off the bus, visit sights nearby and get on and go on the next bus.

Transport rental

There are car rental companies at the airport, they are located at the end of the airport, to the left of the entrance. These are Avis Budget, Europcar and Rent-A-Car. On average, renting a small car, like the Fiat 500, will cost 35 EUR for 1 day, this is the minimum price. There are various discounts, depending on the day of the week and the company. In order to rent a car, it is enough to have an international driving license, driving experience from 2 years, age from 25 to 70 years. Get the car with a full tank and return it with a full tank too. You can compare offers.

Vigo - holidays with children

If you come to Vigo with children, be sure to visit the zoo 10 km from the city.

The ticket price is 6 EUR for adults and 3 EUR for children. More information can be found in the "visitas" section, where you can also see the opening hours and rates.

Detailed map of Vigo (Vigo) in Russian. Satellite map of Vigo in Spain. Where is Vigo located on the map:

Examine the schematic map or switch to the satellite map in the lower left corner. schematic map– city plan with street names and house numbers in Russian. The schematic map shows sights and tourist sites, the location of railway stations, shops, restaurants and shopping centers, a map of the city's roads. satellite map will allow you to view satellite photos of the city thanks to images from the Google Maps service.

You can zoom in on the online map, scaling it to street and house numbers. To change the scale, use the "+" (zoom in) and "-" (zoom out) icons located in the lower right corner of the map. You can also zoom in or out on the map using the mouse wheel. Left mouse button zooms in on the map, right mouse button zooms out. The mouse can move the interactive map in all directions by grabbing the left mouse button to any place on the map.

interactive map is a very convenient and modern guide for exploring the city, its districts and attractions, hotels, places of recreation and entertainment. Online map on the site the site can become an indispensable assistant for you in independent travel. Interactive map provided by Google Maps.