The voice star's daughter has died. The participant of the show “Voice” blames himself for the death of his daughter

How to find this or that grave on Vagankovsky cemetery.
Since information on the location of remarkable graves at the Vagankovsky cemetery is very scattered, I have collected the most interesting points in my opinion in this short guide. The location of some of them may not be entirely accurate, please report if you find an error.

1 Sergei Yesenin / Noticeable monument. Behind the grave is the grave of Benislavskaya Galina - in love with the poet /

2 Archpriest Valentin Amfiteatrov /small grave behind the war memorial/

3 Semyon Vladimirovich Vysotsky and Evgenia Stepanovna Likholatova (father and stepmother of V. Vysotsky)

4 Bulat Okudzhava

5 Vitaly Solomin

6 Lev Yashin, Igor Talkov

7 A.F. Losev /path between 40 and 41 sections, grave on the left, right next to the path, black stone cross, next to it in the fence, on the right, white monument/

8 Mikhail Tanich, Rimma Kazakova, Mikhail Pugovkin

9 Georgy Vitsin, Grigory Chukhrai, Vladimir Voroshilov, Stanislav Rostotsky, Iulian Rukavishnikov

10 Petr Fomenko

11 Andrey Mironov

12 Sonya “Zolotaya Ruchka” /there is a path, the monument itself is visible from afar - a gilded sculpture with a palm tree/

13 ballet dancer Maris Liepa

14 Leonid Filatov

15 Spartak Mishulin

16 Oleg Dal

17 Alexander Abdulov, Masha Shilova

18 Clown Leonid Yengibarov / Grave at the very beginning of Church Alley, on the right side of the road. If you stand facing the entrance to the temple, the Church Alley begins on the left./

19 Vladislav Listyev

20 Vladimir Vysotsky

22 Vasily Aksyonov / 25 students The grave behind the columbarium, if you go behind it on the left, opposite the wall of the open columbarium /

23 Viktor Rozov / The grave is located on the very road, a little to the left of the grave of Igor Talkov /

24 Veniamin Kaverin /Grave on Savrasovskaya alley, near the road on the left (this is the beginning of 18th school)/

25 Aleksey Savrasov /Grave near the road on the 18th section/

26 Fyodor Shekhtel / To the left of the path is a huge monument resembling a pyramid, on it is a cross enclosed in a circle and the inscription - "The Shekhtel Family". By the way, O.F. Shekhtel was the grandfather of the famous pop artist Vadim Tonkov (duet Mavrikievna and Nikitichna). His grave is right there, on the left side./

27 Vladimir Dal /16 students Timiryazevskaya alley. Grave on the left side

29 Grigory Gorin (24 students)

30 Vasily Surikov / the alley is called Surikovskaya. Walk straight on it. Grave near the road, on the left /

31 Vasily Tropinin / 11 students divided into two quarters. You need to walk from the central alley to the end of the first quarter and turn left, go straight. Grave of V.A. Tropinina on the left, near the road, very noticeable./

32 Georgy Yumatov / A grave near the road itself, about 50 meters short of the massive white building of the columbarium /

33 Nikolai Starostin, Eduard Streltsov, Georgy Garanyan

34 Yevgeny Dvorzhetsky /in the row of graves where Vladimir Migulya, Bulat Okudzhava, Grigory Gorin are buried/

35 revolutionaries Nikolai Bauman, Anatoly Zheleznyakov (sailor Zheleznyak) / 59 students /

36 Gennady Shpalikov / student 34, following from the columbarium, count from the beginning of section 34 4 rows of graves, in the second row from the road /

37 Mikhail Kononov / the ashes were buried literally a stone's throw from the grave of Vladimir Vysotsky, to the right of it there are large pedestals with niches. you need 3 pedestals forming a row perpendicular to the church. The curbstone where M.I. Kononov is far left. Niche in the middle of the pedestal /

38 Georgy Burkov /grave near the road/

39 Erast Garin

40 Lawyer Fyodor Plevako / 5 account., Grave on the alley between 5 and 6 account. 2nd row from the road, a very noticeable monument./

41 philanthropist Alexei Bakhrushin /high black stele/

42 Nadezhda Brezhneva-Mamut, Andrei Rostotsky, Valentin Pluchek, Evgeny Kolobov, Yuri Saulsky

43 Bakery chain owner Ivan Filippov (21 ac.)

44 Agapkin Vasily Ivanovich /there is a sign, from Writer's Alley deep into the 34th section there is a paved path leading to the very grave/

45 M. L. Tariverdiev / On the Armenian part of the cemetery. You need to go to the entrance Armenian church. To the right of the entrance, at the very windows of the building /
46 mass grave who died on May 18, 1896 (Khodynka)

During the burial of the body of the actor, the friends of the deceased severely insulted his widow Yulia Miloslavskaya.

The scandal happened at the Vagankovsky cemetery, where a place was set aside on the Central Alley for the burial of the body of Alexander Abdulov.

Yulia Miloslavskaya, the widow of the deceased, was trying to take matters into her own hands and was giving quite reasonable orders, when suddenly several men rudely rebuked her.

“It’s not for you to give orders here! Stay back and shut up!" - insulting words were heard from the lips of the closest, it seemed, friends of the family. But, as you know, not always the husband's friends automatically transfer their love to his chosen one. Moreover, many of his colleagues treated Alexander Gavrilovich's last marriage with more than restraint. Apparently, the accumulated hostility among some broke out at such a difficult moment for everyone, and, probably, especially for Yulia. She had in her arms a tiny daughter from Abdulov Zhenechka and an extremely difficult relationship with her husband's comrades and colleagues.

One way or another, but the widow had a terrible hysteria. They couldn't calm her down for a long time...

It was only by a lucky chance that no one was hurt during the civil memorial service at Lenkom. As already reported by "Your DAY", the crowd of thousands of fans of the actor was at some point divided and a huge number of citizens ended up on the street. As they did not promise people to be allowed to go to the theater later and say goodbye to Abdulov, none of this happened. Several thousand Muscovites and guests of the capital stood in the cold until at 14.45 the car with the coffin of the deceased left Lenkom.

Those who came to pay tribute to the talent of Alexander Gavrilovich directly at the cemetery witnessed the sensational confession of the head of Lenkom, Mark Zakharov, under whose leadership the deceased served art for decades:

I apologize to Sasha for being unreasonably strict with him! - Wiping away tears at the grave of Abdulov, said Mark Anatolyevich. - When he joined the troupe, I did not see talent in him. He was arrogant towards him, believing that he was just another handsome man who has texture and does not, and cannot have God's gift. I was wrong. Several years Sasha had a hard time. And this is entirely my fault. He suffered, and I know this for sure, only because of my blindness, callousness, unjustified severity. Forgive me, Sasha! Sorry…

Someone carefully placed a red and white scarf on the grave. To a devoted fan of Spartak from loyal fans of his acting talent ...

People can die in a crush

Tens of thousands of Muscovites who came to say goodbye to Alexander Abdulov staged a terrible stampede at the entrance to the Lenkom Theater

The endless stream of citizens who expressed a desire to say goodbye to the deceased, law enforcement officers (and according to some sources, these are FSO officers) were forced to stop at some point. The human sea was divided into two parts - some were able to enter the theater building, while others remained standing in the cold.

According to one of the participants in the cordon, "the leadership is afraid of the possible death of people if a crush forms inside the building at the exit and entrance."

However, people frozen in the street, many of whom flew in from different corners countries, undertook something similar to the storming of the theater.

I flew in specially to say goodbye to Alexander Gavrilovich from Siberia, - one of the indignant fans of the actor told "Your DAY". – I am not afraid of the cold, I am a Siberian. But what scares me is that we - ordinary Russians - have been divided into those who can say the last words at Abdulov's coffin, and those who can not be allowed into the theater.

In the meantime, the stars of our show business passed into the hall where the coffin with the body of the deceased was located.

Maybe my daughter and I don’t have such a luxurious bouquet as Pugacheva’s, - laments Nina Petrovna, a resident of St. Petersburg, who came to Moscow to say goodbye to Abdulov, - but we would also like to pay tribute to the memory and gratitude to Alexander Gavrilovich. However, we are standing in the cold, and Alla Borisovna entered, and no one pulled her up, they say, stand up, woman, at the tail of the line ...

Yesterday, the coffin with the body of Alexander Abdulov from the morgue of the Bakulev Cardiovascular Center came to pick up the wife of the actor Yulia Miloslavskaya and his friend actor Leonid Yarmolnik.

From the morgue of the clinic, the funeral procession headed to the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in Putinki, which is located next to Lenkom.

Relatives wished to say goodbye to Alexander Gavrilovich in private. The artist's wife was the first to enter the church and stayed at the coffin of the deceased for several hours.

Abdulov's little daughter Zhenya, who is not even a year old, was also brought to say goodbye to dad. The baby was brought to the coffin, and she immediately pulled her hands to her father, not realizing that he would never hug his child again. The widow of the actor Julia, who was standing nearby, wept bitterly ...

In the evening, the artist's first wife, Irina Alferova, her daughter Ksenia and her husband, Alexander Gavrilovich's mother, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, came to say goodbye, who was led by the actor's elder brother Robert.

Before his death, Alexander Abdulov re-read his script for the film "Vykrest", which he was never destined to shoot.

On January 1, in the morning, Alexander Gavrilovich's wife came to visit, - one of the employees of the clinic, where he spent his last days artist. - He seemed to have changed and said that he was much better.

She asked close friends, who were to visit him in the evening, to bring him a film script, glasses and ... crackers.

He had such a habit, - the actor's colleagues on the stage recall, - Sashenka loved to gnaw a cracker! Sometimes without everything, and sometimes in tea he dipped it first. So, I felt a surge of strength. I was ready for mental work at that moment ...

Recall that it was on the set of the film “Vykrest” (based on the “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin”) that Abdulov began to have serious health problems and he failed to finish the film.