Lead auction term. Auction - what is it? Electronic, Internet auction

Auction- one of the forms of bidding; public sale of goods, securities, property of enterprises, works of art and other objects, carried out according to predetermined rules.

general principle auctions is the principle of competition between its participants - buyers. An auction is a competitive type of sale, where the right to buy the goods put up for auction is acquired by the auction participant who offered the highest price for the goods. This participant is called the winner of the auction. To conduct an auction and recognize it as valid, as a rule, at least two participants are required. In the form of an auction, goods are traded that have individual characteristics and properties. This excludes the possibility of replacing them with batches of goods of the same name, since they may have different properties: appearance, quality, taste, etc.

Property or goods that are put up for auction is called by lot. The lot may include both one unit of property - an apartment, a painting, a TV set, a car, a mobile phone, or a factory, or a group of objects - a batch of coffee, several dozen mobile phones, fish, furs and so on. Auctions often sell goods with unique properties: works of art, historical rarities, collectibles, antiques, as well as various financial assets: stocks, bonds, etc.

Each lot has individual properties, features, its initial (starting) price. This is where the auction begins. The starting price is set either at the request of the seller, or is calculated by specialists on the basis of developed and approved methods.

Method for determining the starting price depends on who owns the property. If the property is state-owned, communal (municipal) or sold forcibly (seized from the owner by tax authorities or the executive service), the procedure for determining its starting price is fixed at the legislative or regulatory level. If the property is private, then the owner himself can determine the minimum price that he plans to receive for his property. It is this price that will this case starting. A reasonable owner correlates his desire and market prices for the goods that he puts up for auction. Inflated starting prices do not cause potential buyers to want to take part in the auction and buy the goods. However, during the auction, the price of a lot put up for sale can increase many times, and even exceed the market price.

According to their organizational form, auctions are:

- standard(British), where the price only rises and

- Dutch auctions where the price can drop to a certain level.

The increase or decrease in price is carried out gradually, per auction step.

Step– minimum surcharge or price discount. The step may be regulated by law, for example, during the sale of state property, or determined by the licensee.

Licitator (auctioneer) is a specialist who conducts an auction. The licitator is obliged to know the legislative acts regulating the conduct of the auction and to be fluent in the technique of conducting auction sales. The licitator's working tool is a hammer, with the help of which the moment of the final determination of the winner of the auction is fixed.

According to the purpose of the auctions are :


Charitable - the owner donates property for sale at auction.;

Presentation - to promote the product on the market.

By type of event:

Ordinary– when the participant confirms the price named by the licitator by raising the card with the number.

Unspoken- the participant gives an inconspicuous sign, understandable only to the licitator.

Dark– proposals from participants are submitted simultaneously, for example, in a closed envelope.

Auctions can be divided by types of initiatives:

Forced (realization of property confiscated for various legal reasons);

Voluntary auctions (conducted on the initiative of the seller himself).

The following types of auctions are distinguished according to the composition of participants:

Open auction- an auction, during which participants see the rates of all their opponents. A classic example is the English open auction. Closed auction- an auction during which participants do not see the bids of their opponents and cannot change their bids. Applications are submitted in closed form (in envelopes) - each participant directly, without publicly disclosing, informs the auctioneer of the size of his bid. An example is the privatization auctions in Russia.

First Price Auction- a closed auction, in which the winner is the participant with the highest price and it is this price that is payable. Typically, closed auctions are first-price auctions.

Second Price Auction- a closed auction, in which the winner is the participant with the highest price, but he must pay the "second price", that is, the price of his closest competitor. Today it is not widely used.

Double auction- a generalized form of an auction, denoting a situation where more than one seller and more than one buyer participate in it, simultaneously reporting their bids to the auctioneer, who then determines the equilibrium price at which transactions are made between sellers and buyers whose bids were not worse than this price.

English auction- the most common type of auction, which provides that buyers offer a step-by-step increasing price for the goods until there is only one auctioneer - the winner. It is also called an upward auction.

Dutch auction- an auction in which bidding begins with a very high price and is conducted with its decrease until a buyer is found who agrees to buy at the advertised price. Usually this kind of reverse wholesale auction is used when it is necessary to sell several units of goods at the buyer's price. The Dutch auction is most often used for the sale of securities, flowers and second-hand goods, sales of construction in progress, and issuance of licenses.

Increasingly popular today electronic auction (Internet auction, aka "online auction")- open auctions electronic form the right to enter into contracts conducted on the Internet. Unlike conventional auctions, online auctions are not held on the basis of the personal participation of buyers in them, but remotely. You can participate in them from anywhere in the world and make bids through the auction website or a special computer program. The moment of the end of the online auction, unlike traditional auctions, is predetermined by the seller himself when the goods are put up for auction. In ordinary auctions, the struggle goes on as long as the auction rates rise. At the end of the online auction, the buyer must transfer money to the seller by bank transfer (less often - in cash, for example - upon receipt of the goods in person), and the seller is obliged to send the goods to the buyer by mail to almost any country in the world. The boundaries of the possible shipment of goods are indicated by the seller in advance.

Internet auctions are an integral part of e-commerce. The largest and most profitable electronic auction today is the American online eBay, where you can literally buy everything from airplanes and submarines to autographs of movie stars.

Articles 447-449 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are devoted to the procedure for conducting auctions. These articles regulate the procedure for conducting auctions in the Russian Federation, while for various items of auction (types of property, works, services), separate regulations, within the framework that does not contradict the established Civil Code of the Russian Federation general rules.

The rules for participation in electronic trading can be found by studying legislative frameworkthe federal law No. 94-FZ of July 21, 2005 "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services for state and municipal needs."

One of the forms of trading activity under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is the participation of enterprises in bidding, which are held in the form of auctions or.

Commodity auctions(lat. - sale at a public auction) is a way of selling goods that have individual properties and values.

Exist permanent auctions that take place one or more times a year, usually at fixed times, but may also be organized one-time auction for the sale of a specific or batch of goods. Unlike commodity exchanges, auctions are not permanent, but periodically operating centers for intermediary real goods.

These are specially organized operating markets in which a sale is made through public auction at a predetermined time and in a specially designated place.

Often these are large companies that have concentrated trade in a certain type of product. They usually buy goods from manufacturers at their own expense, dictating purchase prices, and resell them, receiving from the difference in prices. The same auctions accept goods from independent manufacturers for resale. Large auctions have their own production but refinement of commodities (eg, furs).

Other auctions are specialized brokerage firms that resell goods on a commission basis, receiving remuneration from sellers. Sellers and buyers themselves do not participate in such auctions.

Auction organizers can also be enterprises for which auction sales are not the main activity: museums, art salons, stock exchanges, permanent exhibitions, the charter of which provides for this type of activity.

The sellers at the auction can be enterprises, organizations or individuals(owners of goods or property). They can also act as buyers.

The main parties of the auction are: the owner of the goods, the seller, the organizer of the auction, the buyer.

An auction in which only one participant participates is considered invalid.

Trade objects at the auction there can be both personal items with individual characteristics (paintings, antiques), and furs, cattle, horses, tobacco, tea, coffee, unwashed wool, flowers, fruits, etc. In our country, furs are auctioned in St. Petersburg, breeding horses - in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Pyatigorsk.

Both large lots of goods and individual items can be offered for auction. When selling by auction, unlike a regular sale, neither the seller nor the organizers of the auction are responsible for.

The commercial meaning of the auction is that maximum price on the goods sold is established by direct buyer competition simultaneously present at the point of sale. The winner of the auction is the person who offered the highest price.

Auctions, depending on the order of their organization, are:

  • - voluntary - are carried out on the initiative of the owners of the goods for the most profitable sale;
  • - compulsory - carry out or pawnshops - for the sale of items pledged, but not redeemed on time, or state organizations for the purpose of selling confiscated, unclaimed or unpaid goods.

Types of auctions by scale of activity:

  • - national;
  • - international.

Types of auctions by technology:

  • - consonants (vowels, with price increase) begin with the announcement of the minimum price set by the seller. To this price, buyers make allowances (additions) by an amount not less than the minimum. The size of the minimum allowances is established in the rules of the auction. If the next price increase is not offered, then it is considered sold to the last buyer with the highest price. Such an auction is also called English;
  • - unspoken (silent) - are also held with an increase in price. However, after the auctioneer announces the minimum surcharge, buyers agree to raise the price with the help of conventional signs. Then the auctioneer each time announces a new price without naming the buyer. With this method, the name of the buyer is kept secret (when selling jewelry or art objects).

Auctions are:

  • - with an increase in price - can be public or private;
  • - with a price decrease (Dutch auction) - the starting price is gradually reduced until one of the buyers agrees to purchase the goods at this price. Discounts on the price are set in advance, most often they are used for perishable goods (in particular, flowers).

Some auctions are automated. Each time the price is displayed on the scoreboard. The change in price for its increase or decrease during the auction is fixed by the buyer using an electric button that stops the change of numbers on the scoreboard. The buyer is identified by a blocked light bulb at the place of the bidder.

Consider several types of auctions on a number of grounds.

Auctions can be divided into regular and irregular. Regular auctions are held by special auction firms in the same place one or more times a year, most often at the traditional time for each auction. Irregular auctions are held when there is a need to sell goods that have not been received from the warehouse at the specified time, or goods for which a buyer could not be found in any other way.

Bidding at auctions is carried out either with an increase in price (" English auction"- English auction, Buoyant auction), or with a decrease ("Dutch auction" - Dutch auction, Downward auction, Auction of minimum price). Auction bidding with a price increase can be conducted "by voice" or using gestures. In the first case, the auctioneer announces the lot number and names the initial price, asking: "Who is more?". Buyers increase the price by an amount not lower than the minimum markup (0.01-0.025% of the original price). If the next price increase is not offered, then after asking three times: “Who is more?” - the lot is considered sold to the one who named the last price.

Under covert bargaining, buyers give the auctioneer signs of consent to raise the price by a predetermined markup. The auctioneer, announcing the new price, does not name the buyer.

In a price reduction auction, the auctioneer lowers the price by predetermined discounts. The lot is purchased by the buyer who first says "yes".

By the nature of the goods sold, three main types of auctions can be distinguished:

Commodity auction - which sells works of art, jewelry, furs, as well as unique products that are in high demand.

Securities auction - purchase and sale of shares, bonds, etc.

Currency auction - at which national currency foreign convertible currency is sold.

In the practice of auction bidding, there is such a thing as an international auction (International auction). Furs, unwashed wool, stubble, tobacco, tea, some spices, antiques, racehorses, etc. are auction goods in international trade. General condition of all international auctions is the lack of responsibility of the seller for the quality of the goods put up for inspection. At some international auctions, the right of the buyer is established to entrust (for a special fee) to the administration of the auction the dispatch of goods to the place indicated by the buyer.

The most widespread in the Russian economy are auctions for the sale of enterprises in the process of privatization, specialized auctions for the sale of shares of privatized enterprises transformed into joint-stock companies, and for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises for settlements with creditors.

Internet auction (aka "online auction") - an auction conducted via the Internet. Unlike conventional auctions, Internet auctions are held at a distance (remotely) and you can participate in them without being in a specific venue by placing bids through the Internet site or the auction computer program. The moment of the end of the Internet auction, unlike traditional auctions, is predetermined by the seller himself when the goods are put up for auction. In conventional auctions, the struggle goes on as long as the auction rates rise. At the end of the Internet auction, the buyer must transfer money to the seller by bank transfer (less often - in cash, for example - when receiving the goods personally), and the seller is obliged to send the goods to the buyer by mail, often anywhere in the country of conduct or around the world. The boundaries of the possible shipment of goods are indicated by the seller in advance.

The largest Internet auction in the world is "eBay", founded in 1995 and with a turnover of several million transactions per day. This auction will be considered in more detail in the third chapter. In Russia, the Molotok.ru auction is very popular, in Ukraine - AUCTION.ua.

Recently, there has been a trend to connect additional e-commerce solutions. Payment systems and user authorization solutions are being added to the auction systems.

More recently, "Scandinavian auctions" began to appear on the field of Internet auctions in Russia - these are online auctions offering buyers goods at low prices(10-20% of their real market value). In the Russian market, such auctions are a fairly new phenomenon, unlike in Europe. In the UK, Swoopo.co.uk, formerly known as Telebid.com, is very popular. In Finland, the Fiksuhuuto.fi auction is popular, in Estonia, Sendioksjon.ee.

Internet auctions are very popular among Internet users, in which a bid can be placed via SMS from a cell phone. The emergence of this type of auction created a sensation among Internet bloggers. On the Internet, there are both opponents of this type of auctions, who claim that the so-called bots (pseudo-players) are used here, which do not allow you to win the LOT until the cost of the item being played is paid off by bets, and defenders, who admit that although bots can be used here, players, however, the chances of winning an expensive item for 10% of the cost are very high.

In the blog environment, notes and stories about successful and unsuccessful participation in auctions, tips and strategies on how to bid correctly in order to win are gaining popularity. On the English-speaking Internet, denunciations of this type of auction soon escalated into recommendations on how to win SMS auctions, all the way down to discussing the best software for organizing such auctions, discussing ways to accept payments, and engaging games to attract new entrants.

There are 4 main types of auctions: direct (English), Dutch (wholesale), Yankee (own price), and reverse.

Direct auction (English). This type of auction is the most common (eg www.»eBay.com). It is carried out with public bidding and raising the price. It sells unique items such as used items, collectibles, wines and more. Bidding ends when the auction period set by the seller expires (from 1 to 14 days). Bidding does not always end in a sale. If a reserve price is set (the minimum price for which the owner of the product agrees to sell it) and it is not reached, then the product is not sold. And yet, often at such auctions, gambling buyers raise the price very high.

Reverse auction. In reverse auctions, buyers bid for desired items and sellers compete for the best price and terms (held at www.Priceline.com and www.eWanted.com).

Dutch auction. This is a wholesale auction where the seller can list many items at the same time (eg www.ubid.com). Accordingly, buyers may qualify for the purchase of many units of goods. All winning buyers pay only the lowest of the winning prices. A Dutch auction cannot set a reserve price.

Yankee auction (discriminatory). main feature the third type of auctions - auctions closed from other participants (unlike English or Dutch) and the winner who gave the highest price receives the goods for the price that he named. If the product is single - the winner is one. But if a lot of many units of goods is put up, then not only the one who gave the highest price wins, but also those who gave the lowest price. Due to the fact that not all winners pay the same price, such an auction is called "discriminatory". In such an auction, if there is more than one item in the lot, the bids are sorted from highest price to lowest, and the goods are distributed in that order until they run out. Usually each participant submits only one application, so preparation for such an auction is especially important. A closed auction consists of two phases - a bidding period and a winner determination phase, when all bids are opened and a winner is determined (sometimes no winner is announced).

Auctions are private or VIP. Usually a select few who require special accreditation participate. The bet is accepted for a strictly limited time, and the participant does not have the opportunity to find out the size and number of bets of other participants. The participant has the right to make only one bet.

Judging by the above, the author concludes that the topic of the auction as a form of international trade is quite complex and interesting. There are many classifications according to the types of goods sold, lowering / increasing the starting price, etc. As for the Internet auctions, they deserve special attention, because. are new form international trade, erasing the boundaries of space and time between participants.

16.09.2014 19:46

Good afternoon dear colleagues! I am pleased to note that my cycle is of great interest to readers. By the way, I would like to note that the number of negative comments regarding STATE PROCUREMENTS has significantly decreased, on the contrary, potential participants in placing an order ask questions on the merits of the Federal contract system, find out the subtleties and secrets of participating in GOSTORGA. An article about the State Contract in the 44-FZ format caused a lively interest and many questions, which is not surprising, since the topic is very relevant. Thank you again for your attention and interest, I am sure that we will continue to consider very important and necessary topics, discuss them and increase professionalism, as well as competence in the field of public procurement. It is with great pleasure that I present to you new article with a very important topic: “Auction. What it is? Instructions for use".

Why did I find this topic really important? Everything is very simple - today it is a beloved and most demanded procedure in 44-FZ. Here are a few figures to help you understand:

year 2009

year 2013

Number of accredited participants

15 000

500 000

Number of conducted electronic auctions,

3 800

992 000

Volume, trillion. rubles



Average number of applications

for one auction


Average savings



Progress on the face! About a million procedures were performed in just one year. More than 4 trillion spent through electronic auctions. rubles! Colossal money!

The main advantages of an electronic auction:

  • Possibility of applying for a participant 24 hours a day
    from any region
  • Simplicity, clarity, openness, convenience
  • Growth of possibilities for control (automated control)
  • Anonymity of the consideration of the application, reducing the risk of collusion

The predicted share of electronic procedures in the STATE ORDER - 78% of the total quantities.

Now a little history, where without it.

In a broad sense, the concept of "auction" will mean public auctions and, accordingly, the sale of certain goods on pre-negotiated conditions on the principles of a competition (bidding with a proposed price). In a narrow sense, an auction is a specific way of purchasing goods that a customer uses.
Origins of modern auctions
Auctions have a three-hundred-year history that goes back to the middle of the 17th century. It is from these times that the first Dutch public auctions originate. Later, their popularity is gaining momentum in the UK, and in France, and then everywhere.
Auctions were originally simple and fast way to sell the property, which, as a rule, remained after the death of the owner. The prototype of mortgage auctions arose when it was necessary as a result of such auctions to collect the amount of money to pay off debts.
Fashion for auctions came to Russia already in the 18th century. The serfdom that existed at that time also dictated the form of trading in those days: often during such “deals” serfs were sold. The very first auctions in Russia (1792 and 1793), according to documentary sources of that time, sold only “serf girls”.
Auctions were also widespread in Soviet Russia. Thus, the auction in Leningrad ensured the sale of about 80% of all fur products.
A significant event in the history of public auctions in Russia was 1995, when loans-for-shares auctions organized by the State Committee of the Russian Federation were held as part of the execution of a presidential decree.
Nowadays, numerous forms of auctions are known, but still, with the advent of the computer age, the main part of the auctions is conducted via the Internet in the on-line system and is called open auctions in electronic form (OAEF).
Electronic auction.
Law No. 44-FZ, which entered into force in 2014, provides for the fact that an open auction must be held using electronic information means, an EDS is required - an electronic digital signature, the Internet and a computer. This type of competitive procurement is known as an "e-auction".
Thus, the most optimal way to determine the counterparty during procurement is to organize an auction in electronic form. After analyzing Law No. 44-FZ (Article 24 and Article 59), we can highlight the following features of this type of auction:

Implementation on the basis of the official Internet resource (website);
. Availability unified system data in which information on purchases is laid out;
. the auction participant whose price offer for goods or services is lower is declared the winner.

  • Anonymity of applications
  • Non-personal assessment of auction bids by quality criterion (impersonal)
  • Formation of the final protocol by the electronic platform (automation)
  • Information about personal prices onlyin the final protocol

Terms and Conditions
The basic condition under which the auction is considered possible is the availability of goods (services) offered for purchase in a special list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2013 - ORDER dated October 31, 2013 N 2019-r. However, the customer has the right to make purchases of goods and services that are not included in the list, also through the electronic auction format at will (Article 59, Part 3 of Law No. 44-FZ). Actually, this is why we see a huge number of auctions held by the state customer.
It is considered most rational to conduct an electronic auction also for the purpose of purchasing goods or services, for which the contract price is the determining factor. In other words, the price in relation to these goods plays a priority role, therefore, such criteria as the availability of financial resources, the availability of equipment and other material resources owned by right of ownership or on other legal grounds, the presence of work experience related to the subject of the contract are not taken into consideration. , the presence of business reputation, the presence of specialists and other employees of a certain skill level, the so-called non-cost criteria.

We note that an online auction (open type) is prohibited in cases requiring a closed bidding method and defined by Law No. 44-FZ (Article 84 and Article 86).
Submission and consideration of applications
We consider noteworthy the principle by which the electronic auction works: the application for participation is processed not by the customer of the goods, but by the site operator, which serves as an electronic trading platform (ETP).
If, when considering applications from participants, the customer finds certain information incomprehensible or illegible, he may request the necessary documentation. At the same time, again, such an opportunity must certainly be spelled out in the Procurement Regulations. Naturally, this applies to purchases made in the 223-FZ format. As for the strictly regulated Federal contract system, the attitude to the participant's application is much stricter here. The information must be clear and legible, free from ambiguity and be reliable. Otherwise, such auction bid will be rejected.
Enacted in 2014, Law No. 44-FZ provides for the enforcement of contracts in two ways:
. depositing a certain amount of money;
. providing a guarantee from the bank.

The last document from the above can only be obtained from banks that are included in a special state list published on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. And Art. 45 of Law No. 44-FZ determines the terms of the bank guarantee, the conditions for its validity, the type and amount of the monetary obligation.
After consideration of the first and second parts of the applications, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate protocol.
The final protocol of the auction.
Based on the results of the auction, the final protocol of the auction must be written, which indicates the following data:
. information about the auction and the customer;
. maximum (initial) contract price;
. date and exact time of the end of the deadline for submission of applications and the beginning of the electronic auction;
. information about participants;
. information about the winner of the auction.
After that, this document is published on an electronic resource within the time limits determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Ambiguous situations and conflicts.
Auctions don't always go smoothly. The parties taking part in them sometimes face not entirely fair bidding or simply a contentious situation. But here, of course, my position is quite tough. Each participant in the placement of an order must be able to protect their interests in the field of GOSTORGOV, know the mechanisms and tools for implementing such protection. Suppose you are faced with a similar situation as part of an auction, you must file a corresponding complaint with the FAS, a sample of which can be found on the official website of the FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service). It is relevant to file a complaint both when working with extra-budgetary organizations, and within the framework of open and closed auctions, in the format of the Federal Tax Service and 223-FZ.
We also add that Law No. 44-FZ (Article 50, Part 7) provides that participants in an electronic auction can submit a request for clarification of the documentation. This tool for protecting their interests is very often underestimated by auction participants, as many believe that the request will be ignored or the participant will receive an unspecified answer. Very in vain! The customer, with very rare exceptions, respond to a request for clarification and change the auction documentation, and subsequently, the FAS deals with very malicious violators. Note that the request can be submitted in in electronic format no later than three days before the deadline for submission of applications.

Summary: problems identified in advance in conducting a particular type of auction will help you avoid wrong decisions and financial losses, and they are possible in this area and lie in wait for you at every step. But that's a completely different story!

Thank you for your attention! See you soon!

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Online Auction(Internet auction) - an information trading system in which a purchase and sale transaction is carried out on a competitive basis using an information network. For electronic trading platforms of this type, it is characteristic that the price of the goods or services sold is not fixed, but is set during the bidding process. Depending on the method of establishing the final price for the goods, auctions are divided into the following types:

  • Standard, or English auction. Bidding begins with a lower price, the buyer who offers the maximum price receives the goods;
  • Dutch auction. Bidding starts with a high price and in the course of the auction the price goes down. The goods are received by the buyer, who agrees to buy at the declared price. The Dutch auction is used in the sale of treasury securities, flowers, as well as second-hand goods;
  • Simultaneous bid auction. The price for the goods is assigned by all buyers simultaneously in writing. A closed bidding format is used where buyers are unaware of their opponents' bids. The one who offers the maximum price wins;
  • Double auction- Offers are simultaneously received from the seller and the buyer (an equilibrium price is established).

There are other, less common types of auctions (currency, check, futures, group, bill, etc.).
Auctions that are open sell non-standard items, such as works of art, antiques, personal items, used items, and older digital devices. At auctions operating on the B2C model, perishable goods, food products, warehouse balances, etc. are sold. At online auctions of these models, goods are sold directly to individuals.

Trading through online auctions includes such concepts as

  1. string,
  2. draft.

Lot (lot)- in auction trade- a batch of homogeneous auction goods. A lot may consist of a single item. Each lot is assigned a specific serial number and a separate price is set.

string- an auction unit, which is a group of lots similar in quality.

draft(draft) - a list for preliminary acquaintance of auction participants with lots put up for sale.

Online auctions are conducted using special software installed on the auction organizer's website. They are held at fixed or pre-designated locations at traditional or predetermined times. The owner of the goods or a specialized organization - the organizer of the site - can act as the organizer of the auction. A specialized organization acts on the basis of an agreement with the owner of the goods and acts on his behalf or on his own behalf.

Internet auctions more accessible to a wide range sellers and consumers than usual. The number of goods or services put up for an online auction, as well as the number of participants in an online auction, can be significantly larger than with traditional form holding an auction. Auction participants have access to full information about the items offered for sale. Additional Information, if necessary, can be obtained from the seller via e-mail or other means of communication.

As a result, the buyer can more correctly evaluate the product or service being sold at the auction. For sellers, the advantage of online auctions is to increase the number of goods or services sold. Those wishing to sell goods at auction register on the information server, where they place all the necessary information about the goods being sold - its description, picture with appearance goods, terms of delivery, a link to your information server. E-commerce at auctions can be wholesale and retail.

Usually the auction provides not simultaneous, but serial offer of goods with the right of their preliminary examination. Auctions work according to auction rules ( auction rules). In accordance with them, the delivery of goods to the auction, the sale of goods at the auction, the execution of contracts and the receipt of the purchased goods are carried out.

Auction Rules set out in special information materials transmitted to participants in the auction. Sellers and buyers of the auction are financially liable in the form of fines for violating the rules of work at the auction. For example, if the buyer does not pay for the selected product in a timely manner or if the seller does not sell the product to the winner of the auction.

At the auction, goods are sold in single samples or in lots: lots and strings. Representative samples are taken from each batch, which are inspected by buyers before bidding. All data about the goods are given in the auction catalog: lots and strings are recorded in it under their own numbers, which are announced by the auctioneer.

Internet auctions have an advantage over other types of trading platforms in cases where there is an increased demand for goods or services of a certain type. Online stores, storefronts and supermarket sites do not stock large stocks of goods. If there is a shortage for certain types of goods, these trading floors cannot satisfy the demand of buyers. In these cases, online auctions are in a better position. Their owners prudently purchase scarce goods to sell them at an online auction at an inflated price.