Features of expertise on gambling equipment. Computer and technical expertise

Expertise has become widespread in the 21st century gaming equipment conducted by various expert bureaus. This study helps in establishing important circumstances and facts that often decide the verdict of the court or in resolving controversial issues and issues.

Specialists of an accredited independent expert company ANO Center Technical Expertise, which has licensed documents, often conduct such a type of research as an examination of gaming equipment. The company's professionals conduct verification studies, both in court and in pre-trial disputes.

The purpose of the examination of gaming equipment

Install, gaming equipment or lottery equipment is submitted to the study of the expert of the company ANO Center for Technical Expertise. This type of research concerns checks of both computer equipment and its components.

The objects of the expert complex for verification actions are:

  • Game, lottery fee.
  • Game machines.
  • Lottery machines.
  • Hall game or lottery equipment submitted for research.
  • Terminals.
  • Hard drives, flash cards, etc. and so on.
  • Are the objects in question in good or bad condition?
  • What kind of software are supplied with these researched and tested objects?
  • What is it: gaming, lottery or entertainment?
  • Which element contains software?
  • What is the purpose of the studied electronic (computer) copy? And many other similar questions.

Examination of the lottery and gambling equipment- this is a whole series of studies that are carried out with the aim of discovering latent algorithms in automata and machines, hidden information arrays, as well as parts of mechanisms that are closed to outside control. Lotteries, slot machines and machines are often used to generate higher incomes by changing the winning algorithm with special software tools. For example, the machine is given a lower percentage of the client's winnings, compared to the average. The fact is that, according to standard probability theory, the client wins in a certain number of cases. According to the rules, the winnings from the machine, known as the One-Armed Bandit, must be at least seventy-five percent in favor of the client. Due to the fact that all such machines are now programmed electronically, the winning percentage can be set to whatever you like. Which is what usually happens. The administration of gaming halls and casinos sets a certain percentage of winnings depending on how well the day goes.

A lottery is a traditional way of redistributing money or other material assets among a large group of people. Initially, the lottery was arranged like this. For a small price, for example, one monetary unit, a hundred tickets were sold. The reward for risk was the possible receipt of a monetary or material prize worth, say, 70 monetary units. One lucky person received a prize, the rest of the participants received adrenaline, and the organizers of the lottery received the entire difference between the value of the prize and the money received from the sale. lottery tickets. The idea of ​​being able to spend a little and get a lot is at the heart of the success of all kinds of lotteries. Over time, lotteries have been transformed into a purely monetary game - a casino. The mechanism of the game can be anything - from the already mentioned "one-armed bandits" and roulette to card games. The principle is still unusually simple - spend a little and get a fabulous win. In practice, everything turns out, as a rule, exactly the opposite. A lot is spent, but zilch is won. At such moments, a natural question arises about the honesty of casino owners and the technical impartiality of their equipment. To bring dishonest owners of gambling establishments or organizers of lotteries to clean water, and the expertise of lottery and gambling equipment is applied. On the other hand, the administration of a lottery or gambling business may initiate such an investigation in the case of an already initiated case on charges of dishonest gambling.

Examination of lottery equipment

At present, in connection with the development of technology and technology, lotteries have become much easier. Now there is no need to issue special tickets. And, although drawing lotteries still exist, lotteries are becoming increasingly popular, participation in which can be taken electronically - by registering through special lottery terminals. Such draws are instantaneous, the winning amount is calculated after receiving the player's participation fee in the lottery. Further, right on the terminal screen, the player selects a color field, and numerical combination. Depending on whether it is winning, the player receives or does not receive a prize. Such lottery terminals use various statistical algorithms to identify prize numbers. Expertise task lottery equipment- to determine the legitimacy of the algorithms used, that is, the compliance of the client's winning percentage with the statistically expected result. And also during the examination of the equipment, the actual randomness of the distribution of winnings is checked.

Examination of gambling equipment

Gambling equipment includes all technical means intended for conducting draws in a casino. Since the appearance of the first casinos, slot machines have come a long evolutionary path. With the advent computer technology gambling equipment began to be controlled by software methods. This made it possible for equipment owners to change the percentage of winnings in their favor. Which, in turn, gave rise to many lawsuits. Moreover, the minimum percentage of winnings that occur in favor of the client is regulated by law. IN different countries this figure may vary, but fluctuates around 75 percent of winnings in favor of the client. With the development of technology, slot machines have acquired an electronic interface. The spinning reels and control lever have replaced the graphic elements on the machine screen and the start button. The dropout of certain symbols is now regulated by algorithms based on generating random numbers and their various transformations. Examination is subject to those types of gambling equipment in which it is possible to set a certain percentage of winnings for the casino using software (electronic) methods. In other words, all types of equipment that are tuned to one or another number of winning cases are subjected to research. The analyzed types of gambling equipment include:

  • roulette wheels;
  • the so-called "Wheels of Fortune";
  • computer programs for card games (for example, for poker);
  • slot machines.

In what cases do they resort to the examination of lottery and / or gambling equipment?

In any disputable cases regarding problems with lottery or gambling equipment, it makes sense to conduct an examination of the lottery and/or gambling equipment. Most often, such studies are required in the following situations:

  1. There is an order from the authorities that control lottery and gambling equipment.
  2. There was a need to establish the presence of latent control elements.
  3. There is a need to establish correspondence between the programmable part of the equipment and the lottery strategy.
  4. There was a need to identify the technical component of the equipment.
  5. There is a need to determine whether the hardware component of the equipment complies with the certification documents.
  6. There is a need to identify elements that arbitrarily determine the results of the draw.

The procedure for conducting an examination of lottery and gambling equipment

Examination of lottery equipment, as well as examination of gambling equipment, is carried out according to a certain scheme, the same for almost all cases of examination. The scheme implies the following procedure:

  1. Study of accompanying documents.
  2. Direct analysis of the subject of lottery or gambling equipment.
  3. Preparation of an expert opinion.

At the first stage of examination of lottery and gambling equipment, an expert in the field of gambling and lottery equipment conducts a study technical documentation supplied with the equipment. These are various descriptions of equipment, user manuals, recommendations for use in special conditions, and so on. The possibility of configuring the device in one way or another is also being investigated. Documents confirming the purchase of equipment and the complete set of delivery are being studied.

At the second stage of examination of lottery and gambling equipment, the actual examination of the object of study is carried out. It consists of the following activities:

  • Visual inspection of the object of study.
  • Analysis of the technical components of the object.
  • Examining the electronic component of an object for the presence of improper algorithms.
  • Identification of hidden structural components that cannot be controlled from the outside.

The last stage of the examination of lottery equipment and the examination of gambling equipment is the preparation of an expert opinion. The expert draws up a conclusion in writing, signs it with his own name and bears responsibility for it. Copies of all studied documents, a description of the actions carried out by the expert, conclusions made by the expert in the course of the study, are included in the expert opinion. The expert opinion is considered by the court as evidence.

Legal basis for the examination of lottery and gambling equipment

The rules for conducting various lotteries describe the federal law"About lotteries". The law was released on November 11, 2003. The law describes the main types of lotteries, the procedure for issuing lottery tickets, deductions to fixed assets from lottery income and other features of lotteries. On July 27, 2010, amendments and additions to this law were issued. In particular, the law was supplemented by Article 12.1, which describes the requirements for lottery equipment. The requirements include the following:

  • The randomness of the distribution of winnings must be predetermined technical specifications equipment.
  • Lottery equipment should not provide hidden, undocumented opportunities to influence the distribution of winnings.
  • Lottery equipment should not contain blocks of information data, hidden units or structural parts that cannot be subjected to examination or control from the outside.
  • Lottery equipment must not use procedures or algorithms to randomly distribute winnings.

The same law prescribes liability for non-compliance with its provisions, that is, the rules for the lottery.

On December 29, 2006, the Federal Law was issued regulating the conduct of gambling in the territory Russian Federation. This is the same law, according to which special zones were allocated for the organization and conduct of a variety of gambling - the so-called gambling zones. This law defines the essence of the concept of "gaming equipment" in the following way: Devices or fixtures used for gambling. Slot machines, according to the law, also apply to gaming equipment. Paragraph 4 of article 8 of this law states that gambling equipment must be owned by the owner of the gambling establishment. In addition, gambling equipment must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Also, the owner of the equipment must have documents confirming this compliance.

December 4, 2006 Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service" (FGUP "VNIIMS") has developed a methodology for the examination of gaming programs. This methodology contains techniques for conducting an examination of gaming programs, as well as the procedure for its implementation. The purpose of such research is to search for the possibilities of the program, not stated in the accompanying documents, to arbitrarily change the order of distribution of winnings.

Questions that are put before a specialist in the field of examination of lottery equipment and examination of gambling equipment

  1. Does the object of study contain elements that determine the results of winning?
  2. Are there any algorithms in the software of the object of study that predetermine a certain percentage of the client's (establishment's) winning?
  3. Are there any hidden structural elements beyond external control?
  4. Does the hardware of the research object comply with the certification documents?
  5. Does the software part of the research object comply with the lottery conditions?
  6. Is it possible to set up the research object in such a way that the result of the draw is predetermined?
  7. Does the device of the subject of study allow customization of a particular win result by the user (i.e., the owner of the subject), or was the setting made during the manufacture of the subject?

The list of suggested questions is not exhaustive. If other questions arise, it is advisable to seek advice from an expert before appointing an examination.

Leave a request for examination

Examination of lottery equipment includes a whole range of studies conducted to detect the presence of latent algorithms in machines, and in machines - information arrays and parts of the constituent mechanisms that are closed to control, established in order to influence the results of the draws.

After all, lottery equipment is a technical device specially manufactured and used only for all kinds of lotteries. This equipment must be equipped with lottery software.

When Lottery Hardware Is Investigated

For any disputes that directly or indirectly relate to disputes related to lottery equipment, you should immediately seek help from NP NC "NEiS". We provide high-quality professional services, and the terms of the study are very short.

In practice, most often this species research is required if:

  • presence of an order government organizations who control the lottery equipment;
  • the emergence of the need to establish the presence or absence of latent control mechanisms;
  • the need to determine the conformity of the lottery strategy and the programmable part of the equipment;
  • the emergence of the need to identify the technical components of the equipment;
  • the emergence of a need to determine the compliance of the hardware components of the equipment with the certification documentation;
  • the need to identify an element that arbitrarily determines the results of the payoff.

It is not uncommon for the administration of this type of business itself to initiate an examination of lottery equipment in the event of a case initiated on suspicion of cheating.

Modern lotteries

When conducting modern lotteries, there is no need to replicate special lottery tickets. And, although replicated lotteries still exist, the most popular have become lotteries, in which participation is accepted electronically - registration in specialized lottery terminals. Such drawings are instantaneous, and the amount of winnings is calculated after receiving a fee for participating in the lottery from the player.

Similar lottery terminals use different statistical algorithms in their activities to identify winning numbers. The purpose of the examination of lottery equipment is to determine the legitimacy of the algorithms used - the compliance of the client's winning opportunity with the mathematically expected result. When testing lottery equipment, the real randomness of the distribution of the percentage of winnings is investigated.

Stages of the examination

In our expert center, the examination of lottery equipment is carried out according to a certain methodology, which implies a certain procedure:

  1. Research of accompanying documentation.
  2. Direct analysis of a piece of equipment.
  3. Drawing up an expert report.

At the first stage, our specialist will analyze the available technical documentation for the equipment. Additionally, the possibility of configuring the equipment in one way or another is being investigated. During the examination, it is also necessary to provide documentation confirming the legality of the purchase of equipment and the complete set of the delivery itself.

At the second stage, the actual study of the lottery equipment itself is carried out. It includes:

  • visual inspection of the equipment and the place where it is installed;
  • analysis of the technical components of the object under study;
  • examining electronic components for improper system algorithms;
  • identification of closed structural units that cannot be controlled.

At the final stage of the study of lottery equipment, an expert opinion is prepared. Specialist of NP NTs "NEiS" draws up a written opinion, signs it (responsible for it accordingly) and hands it over to the customer. Copies of all examined documents, a description of specific actions and expert conclusions are attached to the expert opinion. Expert opinion is determined by the judiciary as evidence.

Questions to the expert

In order for the expert opinion to become one hundred percent proof of your innocence when considering your dispute in court or as confirmation of your innocence before law enforcement agencies, experts should ask precise and capacious questions.

Here are examples of the most typical of them:

  • Are there elements in the object of study that determine the result of winning?
  • Are there algorithms in the software that determine the player's specific winning percentage?
  • Are there hidden elements in the technical design of the object that are not subject to external control?
  • Does the hardware part of the lottery equipment comply with the certification documents?
  • Does the program element of the object comply with the lottery conditions?
  • Is it possible to set up the lottery equipment in such a way as to predetermine the result of the draw?





Yu.A. Kudeyarov, A.Yu. Stefanov, Yu.V. Stefanov

(All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (FSUE


Since 2000, a system of technical control of technical and functional characteristics has been operating in Russia slot machines with a cash prize (IAV), based on the Law of the Russian Federation of April 27, 1993 No. 4871-1 "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements." In the development of Article 13 of the said Law, the State Standard of Russia from April 01, 2000 No.

the rules for metrology PR 50.2.023-2000 "GSI. Rules for testing slot machines in order to approve the type and control their compliance with the approved type" (hereinafter - the Rules) developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (VNIIMS) were put into effect. These Rules implement two types of state metrological control of IADV: tests for the purpose of type approval and control over compliance with the approved type.

The specified system of testing slot machines with a cash prize and monitoring their compliance with the approved type meets both the interests of the state and participants in activities related to slot machines, is provided with all the necessary components, and operates in almost all regions of Russia (from Kamchatka to the Kaliningrad region, from Murmansk region to the North Caucasus and Altai).

Over the past few years, the development of the gambling business in Russia has necessitated a more detailed regulation of all aspects of its activities. The technical side is no exception. Over the past two years, the legislation in the field of technical regulation of the gambling business has undergone quite significant changes, which resulted in the entry into force of several regulatory legal acts, one of which is the "Regulation on licensing activities for the production and sale of special gaming equipment intended for the implementation of the gambling business", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2006 N 603 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation). Clause 3 e. of the Regulation defines the following licensing requirement in the production and sale of slot machines: "the use in slot machines of gaming programs that do not contain undeclared features (functional objects and tools not specified in the accompanying technical documentation, the use of which may violate the confidentiality, availability or integrity of the information being processed)", and clause 5 d of the Regulation says that the license applicant needs to submit to the licensing authority a copy of the document containing the results of the examination of gaming programs used in slot machines ah and (or) other gaming equipment, in order to establish the absence of undeclared capabilities in them - for each unit of the software product.

It should be noted that this Regulation for the first time introduces such a concept as "undeclared capabilities game program"of a gaming machine, gives a definition of this concept, and also appoints a procedure for establishing the absence of undeclared features in the gaming program - an examination of the gaming machine's gaming program.

In an effort to most fully and effectively resolve the issue of state metrological control over slot machines, specialists from the Center for Testing Slot Machines with Cash Win (TsIIA) of FSUE "VNIIMS" from the moment the Regulations entered into force began to develop a regulatory and technical document that defines the methods and procedure for conducting an examination of gaming programs (IP) of the IADV in order to detect undeclared capabilities in them.

The result of this work was the methodology MI 3017 - 2006 "GSI. Slot machines with cash prizes. Methods and procedure for conducting an examination of gaming programs in order to detect undeclared features in them" .

MI 3017 - 2006 is intended for use in CIIA and contains a description of the methods and procedures for conducting an examination of gaming programs of slot machines with a cash prize in order to detect undeclared features in them. Wherein we are talking only about those gaming programs that are an integral part of slot machines with cash prizes and determine their functional characteristics.

MI 3017 - 2006 gives a more extended definition of the concept of "undeclared capabilities of a gaming program" compared to the Regulations, namely: "functional objects and tools that are not specified in the accompanying technical documentation or do not correspond to those indicated, the use of which may violate the random nature of the gaming process (i.e., the appearance of various kinds of trends or patterns in the results of the game), the established average winning percentage, as well as the confidentiality, availability or integrity of the processed information."

As can be seen from the definition, the game program is investigated not only for the presence of functional objects and tools that are not specified in the accompanying technical documentation or do not correspond to the specified ones, the use of which may violate the confidentiality, availability or integrity of the processed information, but also the use of which may violate the random nature of the game process (i.e.

the appearance in the results of the game of various kinds of trends or patterns), as well as the established average winning percentage. Such a definition is not given by chance. The fact is that the presence or absence in game programs of such undeclared features as a violation of the randomness of the game process and a violation of the established percentage of winnings by the game program is determined by the already existing system of testing IADV and monitoring their compliance with the approved type, which are regulated by such regulatory documents as the already mentioned Rules for metrology PR 50.2.023 - 2000, as well as methods MI 2674 GSI. Slot machines with cash prizes. Requirements for the development of test programs for the purpose of type approval", MI 2562 - 2001 "GSI. Slot machines with cash prizes. Methodology for processing statistical information during tests for the purpose of type approval", MI 2662 - 2005 "GSI. Slot machines with cash prizes. Standard methodology for monitoring compliance with the approved type ". Thus, the examination of gaming IAVA programs partially uses the results of the already existing system of testing the IADV and monitoring their compliance with the approved type, which undoubtedly reduces time costs and makes the study of the game program for the presence of undeclared capabilities the most complete.

MI 3017 - 2006 contains a number of definitions used in the examination of IP in order to detect undeclared features in them, and also establishes the following requirements for gaming programs used in the IADV:

1. Documentation requirements that determine the required set of technical documentation for submission of a game program for examination.

2. Requirements for the randomness of the game process, which consist in the fact that the IP used in the IADV should provide a win only depending on the case (i.e., there should be no various kinds of trends or patterns in the results of the game). The average percentage of winnings technologically incorporated in the IP cannot be lower than a certain value established by law.

The compliance of the properties of the IP with the requirements of the randomness of the game process is confirmed during the tests of the IADV in order to approve the type based on the processing and analysis of statistical information in accordance with MI 2562 - 2001.

3. The requirements for the availability of processed information provide that the IP used in the IADV must provide the possibility of timely and complete receipt of the necessary processed information in an authorized way. In other words, the IP must ensure that the necessary information is presented in such a way that the player or other user has a complete and unambiguous idea of ​​all the possibilities of the IP associated with the game process (the amount of credit, the bet per line, the number of active lines, the service menu, the game rules, the conditions for the loss of bonuses, key assignments, etc.), as well as the state of the game process at each moment of time.

In accordance with these requirements, the processed information, the possibility of obtaining which is provided by the IP, the completeness of its content, as well as the procedure (method) for its receipt, including using additional software and (or) hardware (protocols), must exactly correspond to the technical documentation accompanying the IP.

These requirements contain a ban on the use of software and (or) hardware for receiving, transmitting, interpreting and using processed information that is not specified in the technical documentation for the IP.

At the same time, the requirements allow violation or restriction of the availability of the information being processed, but only in cases provided for by the technical documentation accompanying the IP (for example, in the event of failure protection).

4. The requirements for the integrity of the information being processed consist in the impossibility of changing the game program after the approval of the IADV type. For each copy of the IADV of the approved type, an exact copy of the IP of the IADV that has passed the test for the purpose of type approval is used. At the same time, it is not allowed to change both the entire IP and its individual parts (graphical interface, text messages, sound design, service menu elements, etc.).

In addition, the IP used in the approved type of IADV should not contain functionality that changes the composition of the program itself and is not described in the accompanying technical documentation. If such functionality is present and described in the accompanying technical documentation (changing the version of the IP component, etc.), then the examination of the IP is carried out again after each change in the IP.

The IP of the gaming machine, in accordance with these requirements, is developed in such a way that it is not affected by other software.

The requirements for the integrity of the information being processed oblige the IP to contain means of detecting, designating and protecting against failures (functional defects), as well as changes of an accidental or intentional nature that violate the integrity of the information being processed (checksum, digital signature, etc.).

In the event of a failure or changes in the processed information of an accidental or intentional nature, the requirements require the SP to issue a warning (visual and (or) sound signal) about the need to shut down the work or provide for a situation of emergency shutdown.

5. The requirements for the confidentiality of processed information oblige the IP used in the IADV to contain means of authorizing access to confidential processed information and protecting confidential processed information from unauthorized access. The main task of the means of authorizing access to confidential processed information is to provide access to confidential processed information to an authorized user and deny access to an unauthorized user. Also, IP must ensure the protection of confidential processed information during its storage and transmission (using an electronic signature, encryption or other means).

When examining IP IADV in order to detect undeclared capabilities, according to MI 3017 - 2006, two methods are used:

1. IADV type approval tests confirming the random nature of the game process and the absence of violation of the established average winning percentage.

2. IP testing in order to detect violations of the requirements for confidentiality, availability and integrity of the processed information.

Type approval tests by the IADV, confirming the random nature of the game process and the absence of violation of the established average winning percentage, as mentioned above, are determined by the system of testing slot machines with cash prizes and monitoring their compliance with the approved type.

IP testing in order to detect violations of the requirements for confidentiality, availability and integrity of the processed information, in turn, includes the following steps:

1. Carrying out verification of technical documentation;

2. Testing IP for compliance with the requirements for the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the processed information;

3. Drawing up an IP testing protocol.

During the verification of technical documentation, the sufficiency of the set of submitted technical documentation is assessed, and an analysis of the structure and completeness of its content is carried out. Special attention is given to the version of the game program, the software necessary for its operation, its structure, implemented algorithms, description of links with other software, as well as methods for receiving and transmitting processed information. The description of the implemented methods (user authorization, event log, data encoding, etc.) is also checked to protect the software and processed information from unacceptable changes and failures.

The results of the verification of technical documentation, including identified non-conformities obtained from the analysis of software documentation, are recorded in the testing protocol.

Testing IP for compliance with the requirements for the availability of processed information consists in checking, based on the analysis of technical documentation, the completeness and timeliness of providing the user with information about the features of the game. It is verified, in particular, in the IP help menu information about the rules of the game, the number pay lines, rates, winning combinations, bonus games etc. At the same time, the conformity of the IP game rules presented to the user with the actual ones is controlled (to the required extent).

In addition, the completeness and timeliness of the presentation to the user of the processed information corresponding to each item of the service menu, each game state of the IP, as well as the conditions for the transition from one to another and their number are investigated.

Special attention is paid to checking the order (method) of obtaining processed information when using both basic (regular) and additional software and (or) hardware.

An individual entrepreneur is considered to have passed testing for compliance with the requirements for the availability of processed information if, during the testing process, the program provides authorized access to the processed information in the ways provided for in the technical documentation.

When testing the IP for compliance with the requirements for the integrity of the information being processed, all the functionality of the IP declared in the technical documentation is checked and their compliance with the submitted technical documentation is determined. The IP is being investigated for the presence of functionality that is not described in the technical documentation (including those that allow changing the composition of the IP), as well as for undeclared influence from other (other) software.

We study, in particular, the reactions of the IP when receiving invalid input data, as well as the possibility of introducing invalid data when setting up and initializing the IP. It also checks the availability and sufficiency of means of protecting the integrity of the IP and the information being processed. For this, for example, IP failures are simulated (power off, deliberate introduction of functional defects and changes), which can lead to a violation of the integrity of the IP and the processed information. The reaction of the IP to these failures is studied, including the presence of warnings (visual and (or) sound signal) about the need to complete the work.

The IP is considered to have passed testing for compliance with the requirements for the integrity of the information being processed if, as a result of testing, it is established that the functionality of the IP is consistent with those described in the technical documentation, as well as the availability of means for detecting, designating and protecting against failures (functional defects) and changes of an accidental or intentional nature in accordance with the submitted technical documentation.

Testing the IP for compliance with the confidentiality requirements of the processed information consists of checking the organization of the user's access method to the confidential processed information, as well as the procedure for changing the access parameters to it. In the event that access to confidential processed information is multilevel, then the organization of the user's access method to confidential processed information of each access level is checked.

When testing IP for compliance with the requirements for the confidentiality of the processed information, the availability and sufficiency of means of protecting the processed confidential information from unauthorized access and changes are examined.

An individual entrepreneur is considered to have passed testing for compliance with the requirements for confidentiality of processed information if, as a result of testing, it is established that there are means of authorizing access and protecting confidential processed information from unauthorized access.

Examination of game programs is carried out by a commission of experts (experts) of the CIIA at the testing stage of the IADV for the purpose of type approval (after the type approval of the IADV) carried out by CIIA accredited for such tests.

After the examination of the IP in order to detect undeclared capabilities, a testing protocol is drawn up, in which the results of the IADV test for the purpose of type approval are entered, confirming the random nature of the game process and the absence of violation of the established average winning percentage, as well as the results of the verification of technical documentation and testing, establishing the presence or absence of violations of the requirements for confidentiality, accessibility and integrity of the information being processed.

The examination materials (testing program and test protocol) are submitted to the TsIIA FSUE "VNIIMS" for the preparation of an expert opinion. The final result of the examination is an expert opinion issued by the TsIIA FSUE "VNIIMS", confirming (or not confirming) the presence of undeclared features in the game programs used in the IADV.

The MI 3017 - 2006 developed by FSUE "VNIIMS" allow for the full examination of IADV gaming programs, as required by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of state technical regulation. The methods proposed in MI 3017 - 2006 for the examination of IP in order to detect undeclared opportunities have a number of advantages compared to other methods. These include, for example, a relatively short period of examination, which is achieved through the use of an already existing testing system for IADV and control over their compliance with the approved type, the relative simplicity of performing all stages of the examination, the possibility of carrying out the examination throughout the territory of the Russian Federation through the use of accredited CIIA.

At the same time, any methods, including the methods for conducting the examination of IP IABV, need constant development and improvement. Many methods, such as, for example, the most effective in our opinion, the method of analyzing the source codes of IP IADV, are associated with a significant amount of difficulties, both of a legislative nature (imperfection of copyright legislation), and with unreasonably large time and material costs. We see the future in the improvement of the methods for conducting the examination of IP IAVA, as well as in the creation of new methods and methods for testing IAVA, which use to a greater extent than on this moment, the potential of mathematical statistics.


1. PR 50.2.023-2000 "GSI. Rules for testing slot machines in order to approve the type and control their compliance with the approved type."

2. "Regulations on licensing activities for the production and sale of special gaming equipment intended for the gambling business", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2006 N 603.

3. MI 3017 - 2006 "GSI. Slot machines with cash prizes. Methods and procedure for conducting an examination of gaming programs in order to detect undeclared features in them."

4. MI 2674 - 2001 "GSI. Slot machines with cash prizes. Requirements for the development of test programs for the purpose of type approval".

5. MI 2562 - 2001 "GSI. Slot machines with cash prizes. Methods for processing statistical information during tests for the purpose of type approval".

6. MI 2662 - 2005 "GSI. Slot machines with cash prizes. Standard methodology for monitoring compliance with the approved type."


Methods for conducting an examination of gaming programs of slot machines with
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Examination of gambling equipment is a relatively new examination in the modern market of legal services in the Russian Federation. It originated in 2000. This year, the Russian government passed a law and relevant regulations that prohibit the gaming business using slot machines in almost the entire territory of Russia.

Only four areas where gambling is legal have not been banned. Such areas are Altai region, Primorsky Territory, Kaliningrad Region and Krasnodar region. Such a categorical decision of the country's leadership caused a strong reaction from businessmen who earn their living directly from the gambling business.

Despite the prohibitions, some risky and enterprising people did not give up their business, but converted their gaming establishments into lottery halls. in which is located various equipment and fixtures for playing the permitted lottery. True, most of these establishments actually remained gaming houses, where gaming gambling slot machines were outwardly converted into lottery ones. In some cases, lottery machines have a mechanism modification or additional internal hardware that turns them into slot machines.

Such a deplorable state of affairs, and throughout Russia, did not go unnoticed. Police officers are constantly engaged in finding, confiscating and, accordingly, punishing dishonest businessmen.

Unfortunately, in 95% of cases, without special engineering and technical knowledge, it is impossible to determine the type of machine. Whether it belongs to a gaming or licensed lottery machine. It is in such difficult situations law enforcement officials and the courts are rushing to use the services of experts in this matter.

It is precisely such experts that are the specialists of the “NP “Federation of Forensic Experts”” in Murmansk. The employees of the center have a very extensive experience in conducting examinations of gambling equipment. An expert must have a higher technical education and a second legal education, in addition to training, specialists undergo long-term practical training. Thus, “NP “Federation of Forensic Experts”” employs certified experts with more than 5 years of experience in this field of work.

It should also be noted that it was the engineers of the NP Federation of Forensic Experts who were the first in the Russian Federation to develop a detailed applied methodology for checking gambling equipment. NP "Federation of Forensic Experts" is the leading expert center of Russia in the expertise of gambling equipment as well.

Thus, the examination of gambling equipment is a set of checks and studies, during which the type of lottery equipment and its relation to gambling equipment is determined. Sufficient proof of which can be the discovery of hidden algorithms, unknown and non-factory control nodes that are not available for control, as well as information arrays. If such additions are found, the device is considered gambling and is subject to immediate confiscation, and the owner of the equipment is legally punished.

Examination of gambling equipment can be carried out to check gaming and lottery machines, as well as for the examination of lottery and gambling electronic boards. A more detailed list of cases during which an examination of gambling equipment is required:

  • if necessary, detect the presence of elements that determine the results of the draw;
  • if necessary, detect the technical component of the lottery equipment;
  • if necessary, detect the correspondence of the software part of the lottery machine;
  • if necessary, detect compliance with the hardware certification;
  • if necessary, detect the presence of hidden elements;
  • if ordered by the regulatory authorities.

During the examination, a specialist or, if necessary, a group of specialists, perform the following actions:

  • analysis of technical documentation;
  • examination and examination of the subject of expertise;
  • execution of an expert opinion in writing.

Experts of "NP "Federation of Forensic Experts"" have access to the best equipment, which, paired with practical experience, helps to identify changes in the game program and changes in the chance of winning. In addition to the above, the center's experts identify violations of: accessibility, confidentiality, integrity of processed information; originality and availability of documentation attached to the devices; randomness of receiving a win and the gaming process itself; possible inconsistencies that arose during his work.

Examination of the game of the machine itself allows you to detect patterns and trends in the program of the slot machine, the presence of hacking the security system and unauthorized access to important nodes of the machine, and also does not allow the owner of the machines to hide their illegal business.

In addition to high-quality, fast and guaranteed independent expertise, our specialists have contact with the Committee on Business Regulation, as well as with the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship, which allows us to speed up some formal processes and speed up the resolution of emerging problems.

Always at the end of the work related to the examination of gambling equipment, the employees of "NP "Federation of Forensic Experts"" issue an official expert opinion, which describes in detail the essence and all stages of the case. Also, if necessary, clarifying additional questions that can change the course of the case or are very important for the investigation, the center's specialists always find and enter answers to such questions in an expert opinion. Thus, the client receives a serious document that has legal force, both in court and beyond.