Soul meanness. Living people of Dostoevsky and dead souls of Gogol

"We did the impossible because we didn't know it was impossible."

W. Isaacson

To live honestly means to live and act according to the truth. An honest person is always sincere and highly moral, has no intentions, supported by self-interest, the desire to harm another person. An honest life is a kind of synonym for a righteous life, and only a few have enough strength for it: it would seem that even the most sincere people, but one day they still make a mistake.

And if you look at the actions of each person, it turns out that absolute honesty without the slightest misconduct is a real miracle, which is very rare. I believe that the pursuit of honesty is a long and difficult path, and any path lies through a series of mistakes, right and wrong decisions.

Honesty is achieved through internal struggle human soul with various desires that are contrary to morality. This is a process of forming a worldview that requires a lot of work. There are many writers in literature whose main task was to describe the human soul and changes in it as a result of various events. However, it is worth highlighting the writer who paid the most attention to reflections on the dialectic of the soul of his characters, Leo Tolstoy.

In his works, the great Russian writer makes literary heroes undergo a huge number of tests.

In the novel War and Peace, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky goes through a long journey of internal clashes and changes. He goes to war with the French, but ends up in another war - with himself. An honest, disinterested life does not imply a desire for material, earthly values, it is aimed at doing good and renouncing evil. Prince Bolkonsky followed his dreams of glory, and this fact does not allow his deeds to become feats. In the battle of Austerlitz, he, seeing that the standard-bearer was killed, sitting on a white horse, picked up the banner and rushed ahead of the soldiers with it.

But was it heroism? Prince Andrei first of all wanted the "beauty of the picture", where he looks like a hero, but all this was insincere, only for his own sake. And only one incident opened his eyes: he began to realize that he was not living honorably when he was wounded in battle, lying under open sky and seeing nothing but nature. This experience, which brought him closer to death, opened his eyes to all the mistakes, all the wrong aspirations by which Andrei Bolkonsky lived. The desire for glory, the greatness of Napoleon, the beauty of his own exploits - everything seemed to him false. In this short time of reflection, he goes a long way, leading him to a true understanding of an honest, heroic life. In the battle near the village of Borodino, a completely different prince Andrei Bolkonsky appears - sincere, honest, who, through his own experience, realized the real values ​​\u200b\u200bof life and understood all his mistakes. Tolstoy proves the idea that an honest life becomes such only through a huge path of one's own mistakes and experience.

An honest person - who does not always think only about himself, and especially a person who thinks first of all about others without thinking about his own advantage - is extremely rare, so much so that it seems almost impossible or is perceived as almost wildness. In the story" Matrenin yard"Alexander Issaevich Solzhenitsyn, the main character, Matryona Vasilievna, appears to the reader as an image of a person with a truly honest life. There were a huge number of obstacles on her way, but she went through each of them and spiritually did not break, did not make mistakes. She fought and got confused , and faced many difficulties, experienced the injustice of fate, lost her closest people - children, in a word, did the impossible, but for her it was not a feat. Mistakes were made by all the other people who treated her consumerly, realizing this only after the death of Matryona Vasilievna - because everything good eventually becomes habitual, if not completely "mandatory", and understanding true value comes only with its loss. Unfortunately, people often mistakenly treat those who choose an honest life unfairly.

Honor only at first glance seems like an easy way, but in fact it is a difficult path that requires a person to be ready to "torn, get confused, fight, make mistakes ..."

Updated: 2016-12-11

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Class hour progress

Teacher: What is success?

AT explanatory dictionary Russian language Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov recorded the following values the words "success"

1) good luck in achieving something;

2) public recognition;

3) good results in work, study.

Guys, do you know the name Lewis Carroll? Yes of course it's famous English writer, and also a mathematician, logician, philosopher and photographer. And perhaps his most popular work- this is ... ("Alice in Wonderland"). Listen to what conversation took place one day between main character and the Cat, and answer the question: what did Alice not have?

“Will you tell me which way I should go from here?

It depends a lot on where you want to go, said the Cat.

I, in general, do not care ... - said Alice.

Then it doesn't matter which way to go, - said the Cat.

Oh, there you will surely come, - said the Cat, - if you only walk long enough.

What didn't Alice have?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, you are right, Alice had no purpose. But you and I don't care where we're going, right? It is very important to set the right goal. If a bright target beacon burns in front of a person, then exact coordinates appear on the map of life, where to follow him. And most importantly - do not go astray.

Imagine yourself as a captain who steers his ship across the ocean of life, goes around dangerous rocks, steadfastly bears the blow of hurricane winds, calmly endures the calm.

If your ship hits underwater rocks and you get hit, what should the captain do? Do not count the holes, do not look at what has died, but ask yourself: “Do I see my lighthouse, my dream, my goal? Where should I sail?"

A famous philosopher said: “When a person does not know which pier he is on his way to, not a single wind will be favorable for him.”

It often seems to us that there are insurmountable obstacles on the way to our success in life, that the path to success is difficult and thorny. Let's try to draw an "obstacle course" (drawing on the board: little man - barrier - success). What arises on a person's path to success, prevents him from moving easily and freely, makes him return to the starting point again and again?

And now I want to tell you a legend.

“One wise man in his declining years decided to find a replacement for himself - a student, in order to pass on his experience to him. The sage thought, called all his disciples to him and said: “I am interested to know if any of you can open a huge, heavy door in that wall over there?” Some students immediately gave up, considering the problem unsolvable. Other students nevertheless decided to study the door, they carefully examined it, talked about what improvised means could be used here, and in the end they came to the conclusion that this problem could not be solved. And only one single student came to the door and with special attention studied her. In fact, the door was slightly closed, while everyone else thought it was tightly locked. The student pushed the door lightly and it opened easily. The elder found his successor. He turned to the rest of the students and told them…”

Guys, what do you think the sage said exactly?

(Children's answers.)

Here are the old man's words:

“What accompanies success in life, my dear students?

First, life itself.

Second, don't rush.

Third, be prepared to make decisions.

Fourth, do not dare to retreat, since the decision has already been made.

Fifth, spare no effort and energy.

And just don't be afraid to make mistakes in this life.

Which of these tips would you take as a rule? Why? What advice do you find the most difficult? Why?

(Children's answers.)

And what qualities, traits of character are necessary for a successful person?

(Children's answers.)

And confidence, a positive attitude and innovative thinking are always important.

One day I was watching a program called The Guinness World Records Show and saw a Chinese genius who brought a completely crazy idea to life. From childhood he loved to blow bubble. And as an adult, he did not give up this occupation, but brought it to perfection. Today he blows balloons just magical - different colors and sizes. He can put a person in his ball. The spectacle is incredible! That is, this person brought his hobby to a professional level, began to participate in various shows, teach others this art, founded the science of blowing balloons, and also set up the production of balloon blowing machines! This is how a person became successful. Made a business out of a soap ball! And all because I thought outside the box.

I think you can also give similar examples from life.

(Children give examples.)

Who, in your opinion, is a successful person?

(Children's answers.)

Agree, every person should have wings of success that carry him through life and help him overcome obstacles. What are these wings made of? In my hands are treasures - scatterings of other people's thoughts, thoughts about gaining inner strength that can lead a person to success in life. Read the statements various people about happiness, luck, success and choose from them 2-3 nouns, 2-3 adjectives, 2-3 verbs - words that touched you in some way - and build your aphorism from these words. Write it on the wings of a butterfly - the wings of success. (The teacher distributes paper butterflies.)

It's time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Look inside yourself more often. (Cicero)

Nothing can replace perseverance: neither talent - there is nothing more common than talented failures, nor genius - a genius-loser has already become a proverb, nor education - the world is full of educated outcasts. Omnipotent only perseverance and perseverance. The motto "push up/don't give up" has solved and will always solve the problems of mankind. (Calvin Coolidge)

People who decide to act are usually lucky; on the contrary, they seldom occur in people who are only concerned with weighing and procrastinating. (Herodotus)

Many years ago I bought a wonderful dictionary. The first thing I did was find the page with the word "impossible" and carefully cut it out of the book. (Napoleon Hill, bestselling author of Think and Grow Rich)

Nothing is impossible for people. (Horace)

Set yourself achievable goals. (Horace)

He who achieves much, lacks much. (Horace)

In order to live honestly, one must tear, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again and quit again, because peace - mental meanness. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Those who do not give themselves entirely to the cause will not have brilliant success. (Xun Tzu)

Have a purpose in life, a purpose for famous era your life, the goal for a certain time, the goal for the year, for the month, for the week, for the day and for the hour and for the minute ... (L.N. Tolstoy)

For success in life, the ability to deal with people is much more important than having talent. (D.Lebbock)

Success is a path, not a goal. (Ben Sweetland)

At the end of our conversation, I want to give each of you a letter from the past, it can be useful to you both now and in the future. This is a letter from Leo Tolstoy "Believe yourself." (Each student is given an envelope.) Read the letter at home and ask yourself again the question “How to become successful?”. (The text of the letter is attached.)

And I believe that you are smart and happy people, the real captains of their destiny! Favorable wind and seven feet under the keel!

Vera BUSHKOVA, teacher of English language, participant of the All-Russian final of the competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia-2009", Irina CHERNYKH, class teacher of Lyceum No. 9 of the city of Slobodskoy, Kirov Region


Lev Tolstoy

Believe yourself

Appeal to youth

Believe yourself, young men and women emerging from childhood, when for the first time questions arise in our souls: who am I, why do I live and why do all the people around me live? And the main, most exciting question Is this how everyone around me lives? Believe in yourself even when the answers that will be presented to you to these questions will not agree with those that were instilled in us in childhood, will not agree with the life in which you find yourself living together with all the people around you . Don't be afraid of this disagreement; on the contrary, know that in this disagreement between you and everything around you, the best that is in us is expressed - that divine principle, the manifestation of which in life is not only the main, but the only meaning of our existence. Then believe not yourself, a famous person, - Vanya, Petya, Lisa, Masha, son; the daughter of a tsar, a minister or a worker, a merchant or a peasant, but to herself, to that eternal, reasonable and good principle that lives in each of us and which for the first time awakened in you and asked you these most important questions in the world and seeks and demands their resolution . Then do not believe people who will tell you with a condescending smile that they once looked for answers to these questions, but did not find them, because it is impossible to find any other than those that are accepted by everyone ...

I remember how, when I was 15 years old, I experienced this time, when suddenly I woke up from the childish obedience to other people's views, in which I had lived until then, and for the first time I realized that I had to live on my own, choose the path myself, answer myself for my life before the beginning that gave it to me...

I did not believe myself then, and only after many decades spent on achieving worldly goals, which I either did not achieve or which I achieved and saw their futility, futility, and often their harm, I realized that the very thing that I knew 60 years ago and did not believe then, and can and should be the only reasonable goal of the efforts of any person.

Yes, dear young men, ... do not believe people who will tell you that aspirations are only unfulfillable dreams of youth, that they also dreamed and aspired, but that life soon showed them that it has its own requirements and that one should not fantasize about what our life could be, but to try in the best possible way to coordinate our actions with the life of the existing society and try only to be a useful member of this society.

Nor do you believe that dangerous temptation, which has grown especially strong in our time, that the highest purpose of man is to contribute to the reorganization of what exists in a certain place and in known time society... Don't believe it. Do not believe that the realization of good and truth is impossible in your soul...

Yes, believe yourself, when it is not the desire to surpass people, to distinguish yourself from others, to be powerful, famous, glorified, to be the savior of people, to deliver them from the harmful device of life to yourself, when the main desire of your soul will be to be yourself better...

September 9 marks 188 years since the birth of a native of the Tula region, a great writer, educator and religious thinker, author of War and Peace, Anna Karenina and Resurrection.

September 9, 1828 in Yasnaya Polyana was born Leo Tolstoy, one of the the greatest writers world, a participant in the defense of Sevastopol, the creator of the religious movement - Tolstoyism, an educator and teacher. Based on his works, films are made and plays are staged all over the world.

On the occasion of the 188th anniversary of the great writer, TULA.AIF.RU picked up 10 vivid sayings of Leo Tolstoy from different years - original advice that is still relevant to this day.

1. "Each person is a diamond that can purify and not purify himself, to the extent that he is purified, eternal light shines through him, therefore, the business of a person is not to try to shine, but to try to purify himself."

2. “It is true that where there is gold, there is also much sand; but this cannot in any way be a reason to say a lot of nonsense in order to say something smart.

"What is art?"

3. “The work of life, the purpose of her joy. Rejoice in heaven, in the sun. On stars, on grass, on trees, on animals, on people. This joy is being destroyed. You made a mistake somewhere - look for this mistake and correct it. This joy is most often violated by self-interest, ambition ... Be like children - always rejoice.

Museum-Estate Yasnaya Polyana Photo:

4. “For me, the madness, the criminality of the war, especially recently, when I have been writing and therefore thinking a lot about the war, is so clear that apart from this madness and criminality I can see nothing in it.”

5. “People are like rivers: the water is the same in all and the same everywhere, but each river is sometimes narrow, sometimes fast, sometimes wide, sometimes quiet. So are people. Each person carries in himself the rudiments of all human qualities and sometimes manifests one, sometimes others, and is often completely unlike himself, remaining one and himself.

"Sunday". 1889-1899

6. “...upbringing seems to be a complex and difficult matter only as long as we want, without educating ourselves, to educate our children or anyone else. If we understand that we can educate others only through ourselves, by educating ourselves, then the question of education is abolished and one question of life remains: how should one live oneself? I don't know of a single act of raising children that doesn't include educating yourself."

7. “A scientist is one who knows a lot from books; educated - one who has mastered all the most common knowledge and techniques of his time; the enlightened one who understands the meaning of his life.

"Reading Circle"

8. “In order to live honestly, one must be torn, confused, fought, abandoned, and forever struggled and deprived. And peace is spiritual meanness.

Letter to A.A. Tolstoy. October 1857

Frame from the film Anna Karenina, Mosfilm studio, 1967 Photo:

9. “Happy periods of my life were only those when I devoted my whole life to serving people. These were: schools, mediation, starvation and religious assistance.”

10. "My whole idea is that if vicious people are interconnected and constitute a force, then honest people need to do only the same thing."

"War and Peace". Epilogue. 1863-1868

Witness what historical events was the writer? (A.S. Pushkin, 1837; M.Yu. Lermontov, 1841; N.V. Gogol, 1852; N.G. Chernyshevsky, 1854 employee of Sovremennik; Crimean War,; death of Nicholas I, 1855; “Peasant reform ", 1861; attempt on the life of Alexander II; Paris Commune; the emergence of the society "Land and Freedom", 1876; Russian-Turkish war, death of Alexander II, 1881; attempted assassination Alexander III, 1887: Russo-Japanese War, ; Bloody Sunday, 1905 Which of the prominent people did Tolstoy communicate with? (N.A. Nekrasov, I.S. Turgenev, A.I. Herzen, A.N. Ostrovsky, A.P. Chekhov, F.M. Tyutchev, T.G. Shevchenko and others)

Tolstoy's Rules and Program What you are supposed to do, do it no matter what What you do, do it well Never cope in a book if you forgot something, but try to remember it yourself Make your mind constantly act with all its possible strength Read and think always loud Don't be ashamed to tell people who bother you that they're bothering you

The moral-philosophical doctrine, as it developed, was expounded by Tolstoy in works of a philosophical and journalistic nature (“Confession”, “On Life”, “So what should we do?”, “The Kingdom of God is within you”, “What is my faith?” , “What is religion and what is its essence?”, “Religion and morality”, “The law of violence and the law of love”, etc.), in pedagogical essays (“On education”, “On science”, “Conversations with children on moral issues"), in books of aphorisms ("Circle of reading", "Way of life", "Thoughts of wise people"), etc.

Love? What is love? Love prevents death. Love is life. Everything, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists only because I love. Everything is connected by her. Love is God… LN Tolstoy Love? What is love? Love prevents death. Love is life. Everything, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists only because I love. Everything is connected by her. Love is God… L.N. Tolstoy

September 9, 1828 in Yasnaya Polyana was born Leo Tolstoy, one of the greatest writers in the world, a participant in the defense of Sevastopol, the founder of the religious movement - Tolstoyism, an educator and teacher. Based on his works, films are made and plays are staged all over the world.

On the occasion of the 188th anniversary of the great writer, the site has collected 10 vivid statements by Leo Tolstoy from different years - original advice that is still relevant to this day.

1. "Each person is a diamond that can purify and not purify himself, to the extent that he is purified, eternal light shines through him, therefore, the business of a person is not to try to shine, but to try to purify himself."

2. “It is true that where there is gold, there is also much sand; but this cannot in any way be a reason to say a lot of nonsense in order to say something smart.

"What is art?"

3. “The work of life, the purpose of her joy. Rejoice in heaven, in the sun. On stars, on grass, on trees, on animals, on people. This joy is being destroyed. You made a mistake somewhere - look for this mistake and correct it. This joy is most often violated by self-interest, ambition ... Be like children - always rejoice.

Museum Estate Yasnaya Polyana Photo:

4. “For me, the madness, the criminality of the war, especially recently, when I have been writing and therefore thinking a lot about the war, is so clear that apart from this madness and criminality I can see nothing in it.”

5. “People are like rivers: the water is the same in all and the same everywhere, but each river is sometimes narrow, sometimes fast, sometimes wide, sometimes quiet. So are people. Each person carries in himself the rudiments of all human qualities and sometimes manifests one, sometimes others, and is often completely unlike himself, remaining one and himself.

"Sunday". 1889-1899

6. “...upbringing seems to be a complex and difficult matter only as long as we want, without educating ourselves, to educate our children or anyone else. If we understand that we can educate others only through ourselves, by educating ourselves, then the question of education is abolished and one question of life remains: how should one live oneself? I don't know of a single act of raising children that doesn't include educating yourself."

7. “A scientist is one who knows a lot from books; educated - one who has mastered all the most common knowledge and techniques of his time; the enlightened one who understands the meaning of his life.

"Reading Circle"

8. “In order to live honestly, one must be torn, confused, fought, abandoned, and forever struggled and deprived. And peace is spiritual meanness.

Letter to A.A. Tolstoy. October 1857

Frame from the film Anna Karenina, Mosfilm studio, 1967 Photo:

9. “Happy periods of my life were only those when I devoted my whole life to serving people. These were: schools, mediation, starvation and religious assistance.”

10. "My whole idea is that if vicious people are interconnected and constitute a force, then honest people need to do only the same thing."

"War and Peace". Epilogue. 1863-1868