What's with Darina's legs from home 2. Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina: latest news (photo)

Darina Markina broke her leg, and she and Nikita are going to go to Moscow, Nikita will accompany his girlfriend. Nikita was packing while Darina was in the hospital. Stas advised Kuznetsov to put a sneaker on Darina's healthy leg and a warm sock on the other. Nikita said goodbye to the guys.
The islanders met Maya and Alexei Kupin. Maya greeted her ex. Zakhar was waiting for Irina Mikhailovna, it would be more fun with her. Joseph immediately asked the question that torments all the participants, whether there was "magic". Maya replied that her mother told her that before the wedding, "nothing." Lera immediately got into a skirmish with Maya about Maya's many boyfriends on the project. Sasha, Liza and Maya discussed Lera's behavior. Maya thinks it's time to knock the crown off Lera. Stas showed Lesha the villa, and Maya talked to Nikita about Zakhara. Maya told Nikita that Zakhar owed money to many people in the clearing, and Nikita said that Zakhar had become cool, and Lera did not like people and rushed at everyone. Lera advised Maya to leave all her provocations in the clearing. Maya reminded Frost how she hung on Stas, and she calls all the girls sh and b. Zakhar confessed to Nikita jokingly that he was extremely happy about the arrival of Maya, but he was sorry that Irina Mikhailovna was not there. Zakhar understands that Lera does not digest Maya, and Maya brought fresh gossip and sharpens her teeth at Lera. The girls in the kitchen quarreled and almost got into a fight. Nikita talked to Frost, and she predicted her fight with Maya, and then Zakhar would beat Lesha. Zakhar explained to Nikita that he had nothing to share with Maya and Lesha, but if Dontsova jumped on his girlfriend, then she would receive. Maya wants to live in a villa and is going to claim Lera's room with Zakhar. Vera offered to put their candidacy to the vote. In any case, Lera is not going to vacate the room. Peter asked to vote for their couple with Vera, and as for the couple of Zakhar and Lera, the result is obvious.
At the frontal place, Olga Orlova told the participants that Darina had broken her leg at night and it would be better for her to be treated in Moscow. Orlova greeted Maya with Lesha and talked about Lera, who immediately started a scandal. Maya said that they arrived and greeted everyone, Lera immediately asked why they didn’t greet her personally, then sharp phrases began and tomatoes flew in the kitchen, as Lera actively reacts to the truth, she said everything directly. Lesha has nothing against the couple Lera and Zakhar, he and Maya came in peace. Lera replied that she would not allow some slut to open her mouth in her address and would not allow anyone to insult her and her loved ones, Maya insulted her. The presenter warned Lera that Maya would not hush up anything and what was next, a fight. Orlova asked the guys to restrain their girls. Petya accused Zakhar of not knowing how to calmly part with girls, and Maya reacts to Zakhar too hotly. Zakhar admitted that he and Leroy had damaged relations with the team and the outcome of the vote was clear, but he and Leroy would not leave the villa anywhere. Orlova recalled that, objectively speaking, all participants have the right to live in a villa. Zakhar does not understand and does not support Petya's innovations about voting once every two weeks. Maya said that there are room votes in the clearing too. Sasha does not approve of Lera's behavior with Zakhar, they do not respect the team.

Highlights of the day:

Darina Markina broke her leg, and she and Nikita went to Moscow.
. The islanders met Maya and Alexei Kupin.
. Maya almost got into a fight with Leroy.
. Zakhar and Lera are against voting for living in a villa and are not going to move out.

As journalists and organizers of the Dom-2 project said in the latest news, Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina left the TV set after winning the Love of the Year contest held in the program instead of the Man of the Year competition. Traditionally, the winners of such competitions get the right to real estate in a new building and leave the project in real life. Moreover, Rapunzel and the Blumenkrantz family returned to the program, who had previously collected a much larger number of votes from viewers than the declared couple of lovers.

After the future newlyweds left the project, the organizers of the reality show continue to be interested in the fate of Darina and Nikita. So, it became known that the guys opened a joint business for the device holiday events For everyone. True, its volumes are not yet very impressive - the couple sells balloons used in the design of celebrations and their own participation as hosts.

And Kuznetsov has not yet become the owner of the capital's housing - the organizers of the project had problems with the developer, who was supposed to donate an apartment to the winners annual competition on a TV show.

Another reason why Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina left reality is, according to TV viewers, commenting on latest news from "House-2", this is their too ideal relationship. And the guy repeatedly talked about his boundless love for a young woman, and Darina herself treats her chosen one with great reverence and endless respect, demonstrating incredible humility and devotion to all viewers. Therefore, the couple is uninteresting wide audience, many fans of the program call their relationship too boring and sugary. It is much more interesting to observe the life of the more scandalous participants in the TV show.

Darina and Nikita have an ideal relationship

Moreover, the notorious housing problem it also takes place on the project - to return to the place of residence from a personal mansion to a multi-family hostel, which provides square meters to newcomers, Kuznetsov is undignified. Many fans of the project believe that the couple's departure was provoked by this.

Even more excitement among supporters of reality was caused by rumors that not everything is as good in an ideal couple as the organizers of the project are trying to present. So in one of the broadcasts of "House-2", where the lovers were invited as guests of honor, Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina could not exactly answer the questions of journalists about the latest news in preparation for the upcoming marriage. The guy said that he was planning a wedding for the summer, while the girl herself seemed confused by this question.

It seems that Kuznetsov may be getting married next year, only Markina knows nothing about it. In addition, a few minutes earlier, the girl clarified that she had not yet received an official marriage proposal.

We remind you that in early autumn, long before participating in the upcoming project competition, Doma-2 outsiders attacked Kuznetsov, collecting dirt on the future winner of Love of the Year. So, according to Maria Kokhno, Maya Bulgakova, Yulia Efremenkova and Sergey Kucherov, the young man cheated on his beloved with his former project partner and part-time bride in past seasons, Evgenia Alaeva. Opponents of Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina referred to breaking news reports published by journalists who oversee the reality show.

Fans of the star couple doubted the veracity of reporters who had long lost the trust of viewers due to their own dishonesty. In addition, the guy was able to justify himself by saying that outside the perimeter he moved only in official vehicles with a DVR. And you can check his words by looking at the records of his trips, captured literally by the minute.

All the curious were able to verify the truth of his statement by tracing social media with the participation of the "former", where there were no reports of meetings with Nikita.

The opinion of the project participants about the victory of the old-timer

As the residents of Dom-2 themselves argue, the victory of Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina was rigged by the organizers of the reality show. The latest news about the upcoming renovation in the long-awaited apartment with an area of ​​40 sq. m. with a dressing room, a bedroom and a kitchen, convince everyone that disagreements in a couple were always present and the ex-participants were together only for the sake of winning the scandalous competition. Their statements rest on the behavior of Nikita, who, for 8 years of his life in Dom-2, managed to try his luck with several participants in the project and even managed to marry one of them.

Nikita Kuznetsov is happy with Darina

In addition, Kuznetsov treated his reality partners very badly, often raised his hand to them and insulted them. Therefore, the guy’s opponents argue that there will be no wedding in the end and Darina will remain out of work after the sale of the won apartment.

Lera Forst spoke in favor of the young man, saying that, according to her observations, Nikita's behavior changed radically after he met Darina. He began to behave like an adult man - much calmer and more reasonable, which speaks in favor of the couple's relationship. At the same time, the girl explains the behavior of Kuznetsov's opponents with simple envy - for many years of patience and loyalty to reality, Nikita received a good reward - property in a new building and an excellent beautiful bride with a wonderful character.

We remind you that a few months earlier, the love of Darina and Nikita was subjected to a serious test - while in the Seychelles, the beauty slipped on the rocks, on the coast and broke her leg.

Most of her Instagram followers expressed their condolences to their favorite, who tried to perform the exercises prescribed by doctors with tears in her eyes. There were also spiteful critics who were perplexed about the suffering star participant and accused her of cheating. The chosen one of the girl turned out to be on top - he carried her in his arms, surrounded him with attention and care. Darina then even complained about gastronomic restrictions - she had to eat only the food that Kuznetsov cooked with his own hands for her beloved. A little later, the couple went to the capital, where the beauty underwent surgery in one of the Moscow clinics. When there was no longer an urgent need for medical help, Kuznetsov and Markina returned to the walls of the reality show.

Then Darina published on her Instagram page words of gratitude to her chosen one, who did not leave the girl alone with the problem for a second. As they said "both in sorrow and in joy", the lovers remained together, supporting each other and making grandiose plans for the future.

Darina thanked Nikita for her support

By the way, it was the departure of the ideal couple that saved Maria Kokhno, the main candidate for leaving Dom-2 and the opponent of their relationship, from relegation from reality. Dissatisfied viewers accused the organizers of the project of being addicted to scandalous famous participant. Like, it is she who makes the rating of the program, provoking an unhealthy interest in her antics.

A couple of Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina returned from the "Island of Love" to Moscow due to the fact that the girl, jumping over stones, slipped and broke her leg in two places. “The other day, due to unforeseen circumstances, Nikita and I had to leave the island. Walking and running with Nick on slippery stones, I jumped down. Unfortunately, unsuccessfully, accidentally twisting my leg during this jump,” the girl wrote on her Instagram.


Internet users are sure that the amount of alcohol at Seychelles parties is to blame. However, Markina hastened to dissuade her subscribers that the incident happened to her while intoxicated.

“I’ll note that I was in an absolutely sober state. It’s just that many people associate this incident with a party in honor of my last birthday. Doctors diagnosed two fractures. Now I’m in the clinic, I hope for a speedy recovery. Thanks to my relatives for their support and to my strongest and most beloved Nikita , who carried everywhere in his arms, supported, treated, rode a wheelchair around the airport and was always by my side. As they say, in trouble and in joy, "added Markina. Subscribers wish Darina a speedy recovery and assure that she can count on their support.

As is known, similar cases- not uncommon at "House-2". Participants periodically leave the TV project with various injuries. So Oleg Miami, while in the "glade", unsuccessfully fell into the pool and seriously injured his spine. According to one version, the young man hit his head on the bottom and broke his neck. But there is another point of view. Some fans of the television set believe that Aleksey Samsonov, a member of Dom-2, had personal scores with the guy, and it was he who allegedly sent Oleg to intensive care.