The annual competition for young Google Code-in developers has begun. Our official Vkontakte group

In this article we will talk about the most interesting and beautiful ( interactive google doodles).

Maybe you don't know what it is yet, so I'll explain. Doodles are interactive substitutes for the Google logo on the homepage, which are timed to coincide with certain events, such as the birthdays of great people. Recently, their appearance has become not rare and almost every day new compositions appear. On this occasion, Google even established many competitions for the best Doodle, so if you have talent and desire, you can participate and perhaps your masterpiece will decorate the main page of the most popular site in the world.

This is not the first TOP with doodles, but most of them just copy each other, and we will show you something really new and interesting.

1. - Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the series and giving you the opportunity to take control of one of the eleven digital incarnations of the actors who played leading role. This is most likely the largest of the doodles, because it hides a full-fledged game with a lot of levels. The point is to get back the stolen GOOGLE letters. Worth a try.

2. - Google Doodle on November 25, 2015, timed to coincide with the forty-two anniversary of the official adoption of the letter ё in the Russian alphabet. Now it seems like a matter of course, but if you look at old books in your library or in your collection, you won't find a single y.

3. and - two at once Google Doodle 2016 that show interesting fact unfamiliar to many. But did you, for example, know that when we have summer, then it is winter in South Africa? Same with spring and autumn. A very educational fact.

4. - a wonderful and very creative doodle. It evokes very warm emotions and perhaps inspires and gives hope to many women in the world.

5. - an old doodle, back in 2013, but interesting and even then showing the great possibilities of HTML. Now we know that it has almost completely replaced Flash, especially on Android devices.

6. Burning Man Day 1998 - the very first doodle that was created to inform users about the lack of technical support due to visiting the holiday. Of course, no one saved it, but there are images on the Internet that may be the original of the very first doodle.

7. and - story doodles from two episodes that continue each other. First, the entire dance floor is busy and the four are waiting for their turn, and then the three get tired and give way.

8. is another breathtaking doodle dedicated to the birthday of a wonderful composer and founder of the genre of musical impressionism.

9. - this is also impossible to resist. One of the greatest musicians of our time and Google accordingly honored his memory with this wonderful doodle.

10. is google doodle game, a play you have to be the cleaner of the rink. That's because the inventor Frank Zambosi came up with this ice recovery machine and it's probably his most famous invention.

11. - their fairy tales are known all over the world, and Red Riding Hood is especially popular, the next interactive doodle is connected with her.

12. - love to be nostalgic, then let's remember this funny doodle. One of the best on the subject.

Before reaching my lucky number, we will finish our TOP Google Doodles. Of course, one could remember about pacman and much more, but it already happened. I hope you learned some new things or remembered the wonderful old ones, and if you have worthy candidates for our rating, then leave them in the comments.

On November 28, 2017, the annual competition for young developers started. Schoolchildren aged 13 to 17 from all over the world will have a unique opportunity to choose one of more than two thousand tasks offered by 25 different Open Source organizations. In addition, participants for 7 weeks will work closely with experienced mentors of the company, ready to help at any time and answer questions.


Google Code-in is a real competition, so there are prizes. Everyone who solves at least one will receive a digital certificate of participation. Three or more solved tasks - and you are the owner of a funny Google T-shirt. The finalists also receive a sweatshirt with a company print. The grand prize is a paid trip to Google headquarters in California.

School students

Recall that over the past 7 years, more than four and a half thousand schoolchildren from 99 countries of the world have taken part in the competition, many of whom still contribute to Open Source. Dozens of participants became Google Summer of Code (GSoC) students and even mentors for other students. Detailed information about the competition and the rules of participation are available on the official page of the competition. Also at the disposal of everyone, designed to indicate what and how functions in this competition.


Google also took care of teachers interested in the participation of their students in this competition. For them, the company has prepared, which can draw the attention of schoolchildren to Google Code-in.

Early testing of the launch system for the Synergy Moon team's light launch vehicle

The remaining three participants in the final part of the Google Lunar X Prize competition managed to get the necessary contracts for space launches in the second half of 2016. The Synergy Moon team, an international team of over 15 different countries, announced last August that it would send its lunar lander on a Neptune 8 rocket. The system was developed by Interorbital Systems, but like the Electron rocket, the company Rocket Lab hasn't been tested yet.

Moon rover of the Indian team Team Indus

And her own lander

Team Indus from India and Hakuto from Japan decided to join forces and share the burden of space launch together. Team Indus has booked a seat for its lander and rover aboard the PSLV rocket, a time-honored system developed by the Indian Space Research Organization. However, it turned out that in this case there is still enough space on board for additional cargo. This cargo was proposed to be the lander of the Hakuto team. The parties came to an agreement, shook hands and will now go to the moon together.

Lunar rover of the Japanese team Hakut

The announcement of five finalists means that other teams no longer have a chance and hope to participate in the current competition. And in some cases it becomes really offensive. For example, the Part-Time Scientists team from Germany signed the required contract, but missed the deadline. The guys announced last November that they had signed the necessary agreement with Spaceflight Industries, under which the latter promised to deliver the German team's rover aboard a rocket into orbit as a second payload, the details of which are still unknown. However, the X Prize commission could not accept such a contract.

Established in 2007, the Google Lunar X Prize is just one of many international competitions established by the X Prize Foundation to promote innovative solutions in science. For example, other competitions aim to study climate change and improve healthcare systems, but the main competition is still the Google Lunar X Prize, whose goal is ultimately to reduce the cost of space travel. That is why the participating teams were asked to independently find private sources of funding for their space projects. At the same time, a condition was set under which the amount of financial support from state sources should not exceed 10 percent of the total funding.

In addition, the teams were given a certain set of requirements for the implementation of their space projects. Otherwise, you will not be able to take the main prize of the competition. First, it is necessary not only to land a spacecraft on the lunar surface, it is necessary to move along it at least 500 meters. In order to cope with this task, many teams have built moon rovers. However, some groups have chosen to go the other way. For example, the Indian team SpaceIL and the American Moon Express, which made it to the finals, instead of lunar rovers decided to build landers that can literally jump on the lunar surface. Secondly, the spacecraft (lander or rover) must be equipped with cameras with which they will take photographs of the lunar surface and, in addition, provide live video transmission to Earth.

Now that the finalists have been identified, let's briefly recap what will be required of them to win this competition. Teams must complete a space launch to the Moon by December 31, 2017. The original X Prize requirement for victory was the completion of lunar missions by December 31, but recently the rules have changed somewhat "to achieve all the tasks assigned by each of the participating teams." The first team to meet all the requirements set for the participants will receive the main prize of $20 million. The runner-up team will receive $5 million. In addition, additional cash rewards are provided for completing special (optional) tasks, such as visiting the landing zone of the first Apollo mission to land on the moon.

Also, all participants, including those who did not make it to the final round, will receive special cash prizes. The X Prize organizers announced that all teams will be able to share $1 million in the Diversity Prize incentive prize, which is given out as a reward for the "will and unique approach" to solving space flight issues, as well as "for educational materials, which were provided by the teams as part of their preparations for the final stage of the test.

“Each team actually pushed the boundaries of their capabilities and demonstrated that we do not need to have unlimited superpower resources to carry out space missions to the Moon. Such work definitely inspires many people to find themselves in science, technology, engineering and mathematics,” said Chandra Gonzalez-Maurer, director of the Google Lunar X Prize.

Hash Code 2017 is a team competition for developers hosted by Google HashCode’17 and has two stages – global qualifying round online and the final Challenge at Google Headquarters in Paris for the finalist teams. All assignments that the teams are working on are taken from real Google projects. For example, the task for participants of the online qualifying round of Google Hash Code 2016 was to optimize delivery (logistics) using drones - after all, we increasingly buy in online stores and wait for delivery of the order for several days (more information here: This year's Hash Code challenges promise to be no less outstanding and exciting!

Perhaps it is YOU who will be given the task of designing the solution that will be the next innovative project Google!

In addition, time limits on solving the problem, plus the global nature of the competition - the same teams are working on the same problem at the same time in different corners planets - add even more interest.

How to register?

- Wait for a letter from Google;

- After 48 hours, you will have a profile in the Judge System. You will also receive an email;

- Already in the Judge System you can complete the registration of your team (2-4 people);

— Choose HUB “GDG Kremenchug” in Judge System.

The competition is divided into two stages:

Online round

To participate in this round, GDG Kremenchug and IT Place invite you to our Hub to make the competition more fun and productive.

Business center “CAPITAL”

Final round

The best teams and projects of the online round will be invited to Google Paris to participate in the final round of the competition.

Announced all-Russian competition children's drawing"Doodle for Google" (Doodle 4 Google). Deadline February 28, 2014.

Organizer: Google.

The theme of this year's contest is "My Journey into Space".

All Russian schoolchildren aged 6 to 17 can take part in the Doodle for Google contest. Works are evaluated in three age groups:

  • from 6 to 9 years;
  • from 10 to 13 years;
  • from 14 to 17 years old.

Algorithm for participation in the competition:

  1. Download and fill out the participant application. To take part in the competition, you need to download, print and fill out the participant's application. The application form also includes a drawing template. Attention! The application of the participant of the competition must be signed by one of the parents or other legal representative of the child. In case of registration without a completed application or without the signature of one of the parents or other legal representatives, the participant will be disqualified.
  2. Draw a doodle. The template will help you draw a doodle - a unique logo for the Google homepage. Attention! The drawing must be signed by the participant (name, age, city, school number).
  3. Submit your work. The drawing can be sent to the competition website in the "Apply" section. Applications are accepted until 23:59 Moscow time February 28, 2014. Work can also be sent by mail. Address: 115035 Moscow, st. Balchug, d.7, LLC "Google". You need to send a letter before February 15, 2014 (the time of sending is determined by the postmark). In addition, you can put your drawing in one of the special "Doodle for Google" boxes installed in the Moscow Planetarium until February 28, 2014 or in MEGA shopping centers on the days of events.
Our official group In contact with: , .

Only one drawing per participant is accepted for the competition. If we receive two submissions from the same entrant, only the drawing that was submitted first (by submission date) will be entered into the contest. All other applications from this participant will not be accepted. The number of works from one school or class is not limited, provided that they are drawn by different participants.

Each drawing will be scored based on the following criteria:

  • Artistic merits: drawing technique and work with color;
  • Creativity and originality: innovative presentation of the contest theme "My Journey into Space" and the use of the Google logo;
  • Transfer of the theme of the competition in the drawing: disclosure in the drawing of the theme of the competition "My Journey into Space".

Prizes and awards:

  • The main prize of the Google Doodle competition is a trip with parents to Google headquarters (USA). The winner's school will receive a new computer class.
  • The finalists will receive modern laptops.
  • Thirty semi-finalists will be awarded with a trip to Moscow for the solemn awards ceremony, which will be held on April 8 in the building of the Moscow Planetarium.
  • And finally, the drawing of the winner of the "Doodle for Google" contest will be posted on on April 12, 2014, and the whole country will see it!