Better at night. The best time for sleep in a day - features and recommendations of doctors. Nutrition and sleep are not related

After the May holidays, managers and startups have to return to their previous working hours, and for many, the old one is a night one. CPU brings advice from BusinessInsider and a few experts for those who work nights, even when they don't feel like it.

Here's what BusinessInsider recommends for workaholic night owls:

This also applies to friends and hobbies. Because night work can make you sick, under the age of 18 can not work at night. In principle, a worker should not be forced to sleep at night if his health is in danger of disappearing, or he must take care of small children or sick relatives, for example. People who work nights have the right to have regular check-ups with their doctors at the company's expense. When an employee works at night, he must also receive paid days or more.

At 10 o'clock there is a second coffee pot. “A total of five or six per night,” says Dieter Rosenfeld. "Nothing happens without coffee." Rosenfeld is a watchdog at Police Station 23 in Hamburg and has been active for more than two hours. Friday night and pretty much going on. In the moment of contact, Rosenfeld and his colleagues reached radio reports of housing collapses, house fires, or persons threatened by a knife.

  1. Stock up on high-protein foods that need to be consumed during the night.
  2. Caffeine, mineral water and some RedBull might come in handy.
  3. Turn off your mobile phone and instant messengers, as well as social media accounts, also block for a while: procrastination will not be an assistant when working at night.
  4. Get a couple of hours of sleep the night before: this compensates for a non-standard work schedule.
  5. Work at the table (in no case on the couch or in an armchair in which it is convenient not only to sit, but also to fall asleep inadvertently). Clean up your workspace and do not litter the table with unnecessary things.
  6. Organize good lighting in the workplace, adjust the brightness of the monitor so that your eyes do not get tired.
  7. Don't forget to ventilate the room every hour, and if it's warm enough outside, leave the window open.
  8. Set alarms and task reminders on your smartphone at intervals of an hour and a half. So you will not forget to get up and move around, drink water, ventilate the room, change activities.
  9. In the process of work, alternate the consumption of coffee and caffeinated drinks with still mineral water.
  10. If you still need to work, but you start to feel sleepy, wash yourself cold water, warm up every hour for five minutes.

“Just at night is good when we need to do something,” says the policeman. "Then you don't even think about getting tired." It should continue for a few more hours. The night service will last until six in the morning. Just like Rosenfeld, every twelfth German worker is involved. Another 2.4 million employees have given up their nights off to continue their work.

Policemen like Rosenfeld are in the minority. Only about seven percent of night workers work in public administration. The majority of German night workers work in the manufacturing sector: a third of night workers produce cars, food or clothing, while others sleep. Another 22 per cent of night work in Germany is in the health care sector, while 11 per cent work in transport.

The editors of the CPU interviewed people who, by occupation, have to work long hours at night.

Alexander Ametov,co-founder of Look At Me

I always like to stay up late. At 2-3 am. This is a comfortable time for me. Of course, if you have to stay up until 4-5 in the morning, then it starts to fall asleep. But this happens very rarely.

During the crisis, expensive night shifts were kept. Otherwise, they are not productive and fast enough compared to the competition. While predominantly complex processes took place during the day, standardized processes had to be checked and controlled at night. During the crisis, many mass producers have therefore escaped to night shifts, explains Bartscher, but experts believe that the recovery of the economy will also lead to a slight increase in the number of night workers.

The legislature determined the fact that workers should be paid for their services at a later hour. Under this, employers must "provide an appropriate number of paid days off or an appropriate addition to gross income." But what is "appropriate" is the point of interpretation. For example, police officers from Hamburg at night receive a bonus of 1.28 euros per hour without paying taxes. In other industries, such as the hospitality industry, allowances can be up to 100 percent of wages.

If you have to work a lot at night, then something went wrong. And it's not the mode. But in fact, in such a situation, it is important to take breaks for half an hour of sleep - this is the most refreshing. And of course, a cool shower helps too.

Recommendation from personal experience: if you do not have time to sleep, then sleep during the day, on the subway, on the plane, in the office. Even a little sleep will always help. Earlier, at the institute, we were very fond of caffetin, but now for some reason the State Drug Control has banned it.

In addition, night workers have the right to undergo medical examinations every three years at the expense of the employer, even after a year of life, even once a year. Reason: Changing jobs entails significant health risks. Less dramatic but widespread symptoms include sleep disturbances, headaches, and gastrointestinal disturbances.

Royal clients require longer opening times. Scientists from the Universities of Kiel and Odense in Denmark attribute the complaints to the fact that shift workers are unable to direct themselves to their natural wakefulness sleep rhythm, and thus their internal clocks are ticking away. This may have a direct impact on our heredity and the genes it contains. To explore change human body, research group started a study with twins from Denmark, of which the twins work in a stratification system.

Zlata Nikolaeva,head of the press service of RBC

Firstly, if you need to work at night, then there are no universal tips. If you are motivated to do something, you sit down and work. It is better to eat less, because satiety makes you want to fall asleep, you can drink tea and coffee. No energy drinks - it's poison. You just sit down and work, as during the session, all students cram at night.

Despite the health implications, night work is becoming more and more evident - also because it is demanded by the king. For example, some supermarkets in metropolitan areas opened before midnight. Therefore, there is no economic incentive to open stores for longer than 8 hours. “It's a pure movement competition,” says Stegmann. However, even the union acknowledges that many employees value longer hours due to wage subsidy or time constraints.

Among them is the policeman Hamburg Rosenfeld. He's been working shifts for over 30 years - and he wants nothing. “When my kids were little, I had more of them than other fathers who work during the day,” says the 51-year-old. He had no health problems or sleep problems. But of course there were also colleagues for whom the constant change between early, late and night service was created.

Secondly, you need to clearly understand the number of tasks for the current night: “I will do this, this and that, and then I will go to bed.” Not "so much work, I'll do it all."

Because the main mistake of workaholics, startups, and anyone else who works day and night is the romanticization of “I work for days.”

If you work day and night for months, you should think - maybe you work poorly, get distracted, inefficient? It happened to me, and, on the contrary, I play the game “how to do everything from 10 to 7” with myself.

When the radio signals are communicated, one of the colleagues says: "I could do this after the night service." Everyone laughs. He probably said it in jest. More and more people work in shift and night service. How to stay healthy. New workplace: every fourth employee in Germany works full-time or regularly on weekends. Six million Germans work in shift work, 3.3 million at night.

A number of studies prove that night and shift work can make you sick. The risk of sleep and digestive disorders, cardiovascular complaints and so-called psycho-vegetative complaints increase. Some studies show an increased risk of cancer, especially for prostate and breast cancer, and for diabetes.

Vladislav Tsyplukhin,Product Director at the "Committee"

Evening and night time, unfortunately, are the most productive for me. There are two reasons for that. First: I distribute the daytime incorrectly, and during this period, phone notifications and social networks. And the second: there is some kind of inexplicable magical romance in the work, when there is complete silence all around, and dawn comes outside the window.

Why? “Shift and night workers work, live and sleep to the rhythm of their bodies and our society,” explains Professor Friedhel Nachreiner of the Society for Work Psychology Research. Result: both the body and the psyche suffer. Social contacts are limited, the person is getting worse and better.

According to statistics, physical disorders occur after about 15-20 years. However, some tips can significantly reduce this health risk. Proper diet and time. Even night workers should always take their meals at the same time - preferably one after a day of sleep, and the next from 7:30 pm to 3:30 pm. During the night shift, light meals are preferred, such as fish, soup, or lean meats. At night, less stomach acid is available, fat and sweets are less digested. Up to 1 hour light warm food, alternatively: hot drinks.

I try to go to bed around 2:00 am and get up at 9:00 am. If I enter a turbulence zone, then I have to resort to the help of harmful Red Bull and coffee - in these cases I fall asleep around 6 in the morning, but I still wake up no later than 10. Only after such races do I sleep completely for the weekend.

Katerina Khvischuk,PR-specialist of Amaze holding and a number of start-ups

In the evening, I try to work on tasks that do not require concentration. My head works best in the morning, besides, in the morning everyone at home is asleep and will not interfere, unlike in the evening. But conference calls and brainstorms are great, I don’t know why. Well, reading: I need to read a lot (everyone needs to read a lot, of course), and the evening is the perfect time for this activity. In order not to fall asleep, I used to use a mixture of cola and coffee (do not repeat at home: there is a horse dose of caffeine and all kinds of harmful rubbish), and now I try to use a good sleep. Full sleep- an indispensable thing for effective work, even if I woke up at three in the afternoon and plan to work at night - the main thing is to get enough sleep, then it will not be necessary to force the body and brain. Well, if I already made it to the deadline and I have to do something urgently at night, then every hour I get up from the computer and do a 10-minute exercise. Very invigorating. Well, proven means: a contrast shower, mate or green tea.

Sports reduce the risk of disease. Before a late or night shift, you should avoid strenuous work. Schedule half an hour of perpetual training two or three times a week, which prevents cardiovascular disease. Benefit for shift workers: Swimming pools or fitness studios are mostly closed during the day. Very important: do not exercise in the morning before going to bed, and it is difficult to fall asleep.

Don't neglect social contacts. You must eat a meal a day with your family. Use your time with children wisely. Better a short game than watching TV. Distribute the shift plan to friends and schedule appointments accurately. Often a change of workers among colleagues who are in the same situation also find friends. Social isolation can have serious health consequences!

It is most convenient for me to divide the working day into two or even three parts with long breaks, then it’s kind of like not quite a “work”, but such a pleasant activity apart from the rest. For example, in the morning I do the most important and difficult, then I go for food or flowers, I literally walk down the street for about 15 minutes, cook breakfast, and communicate with the awakened man. About an hour later I sit down to work again. At this time, I write letters, reports, communicate with people who are often already in the office by 12-13 and are ready to give me time. By four o'clock in the afternoon there was a break again: lunch, exercise, sometimes a movie or a book. And for the evening I leave the most interesting and stress-free: studying materials, reading, all sorts of SMM and working on a non-IT project.

Also make a day for deep sleep. Important: set a regular sleep time - depending on the shift. You can also share a dream. Isolate the bedroom from noise or use earplugs. The window darkens as much as possible and sleep where it is the coolest in the apartment. Don't drink coffee or cola two hours before bed.

top priority for healthy sleep: Always go to bed at the same time, always get up at the same time. People who have to work nights or shifts cannot do this. That is why they constantly live against the biological rhythm of their body. That's why they run the risk of getting into trouble. Or gastrointestinal upset. The result can even be cardiovascular disease.

For many years I tried with the help of coffee, energy drinks and mental abuse to keep myself awake at night on work. And helped relatively healthy lifestyle life, some sports, and, of course, projects that are more interesting to work on than sleep. What do you want.

Dmitry Khomak,CEO and co-founder of Lurkmore.Ru

The schedule is simple: do not sleep until the work is done. Here, apparently, I was lucky (or unlucky), but if it's real worthwhile work, then you won’t sleep much. It used to help to smoke 2 packs a night and drink hellishly strong tea, and then I had to quit smoking. Yes, and work at night, mostly.

Especially night workers have a hard time: at 3 o'clock in the morning, most people have an absolute biological minimum. The reaction time is very long, they are very tired. It won't change much if they only slept during the day. Because sleep during the day is not as relaxed as at night. Finally, our body's internal clock is set to be active when it's bright outside.

Even shift workers live against the body's natural tact: ever-changing sleep and wake times leave the internal clock completely disorganized. Sleep problems are the result, but so are digestive difficulties or other symptoms of stress.

Sometimes it makes sense to pass out for half an hour or an hour, wake up, work, pass out in a couple of hours, and continue working in this mode. But this is more about round-the-clock work, of course. Where is the day and where is the night - you do not understand at all.

If you work at night, then the regime will build itself, in three days. The only problem is to rearrange this mode for weekends and holidays, when it makes sense to go out and communicate with people. And then you wake up, all around is winter, night, snow and darkness. You turn on the game console and blunt until the morning.

if you have work time at different hours of the day and night, you can keep your internal clock in tact, if you consider a few things. You should rotate as far forward as you can: early coat, mid coat, late coat, maybe a night coat, and then one week free. If you have alternating layers in a fixed rhythm, it will be easier for you to change if you sleep at last days corresponding shift one or two hours later. This will prepare your body for the next shift. Early switches who cannot sleep at all due to fear of sleep can help with psychological preparation or relaxation technique. Even if you need to go out the next day early, you just go to bed when you're really tired. If you're in bed and can't get back to sleep, get up and wait until you're really awake.

  • If you have an early morning shift, you must get up on Sunday at the same time.
  • In the evening you can easily fall asleep, in the morning you get better with feathers.
Working at night, sleeping during the day is a big problem for the body.

Good afternoon, Alexey.

The mode of operation at each enterprise is determined by the Internal Labor Regulations, the collective agreement and is negotiated in employment contract when applying for a job.

Does your employment contract specify which shift you must work, or does it indicate that in accordance with the shift schedule?

If it is indicated that in accordance with the shift schedule, then it should be stipulated that the employer is obliged to familiarize you with the shift schedule 1 month in advance, which complies with the norms of Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

However, there is a lot you can do to make your work go well, so that your sleep is relaxed during the day. By working only at night, you are better off sleeping even on free days before the usual time - a regular sleep rhythm. Very bright lighting in the workplace can help you with night help: more than 300 lux if the lamp, weaker artificial light, affects our interior Do not wear sunglasses on the way home while it is bright outside. If possible, don't sleep in the chair after your shift - otherwise you won't be able to sleep in the bed. Don't drink too much coffee at night or late in the evening or you won't be able to fall asleep. A solid ritual after work can signal the body that equal sleep time. It could be certain music, a scent you like, or a hot bath.

  • This is to ensure that your body is not programmed for the day.
  • At home, you can dim the windows and turn on only dim lights.
  • Noise protection from noise can be protected from the noises of the day.
If you are unable to sleep well despite these measures, you should talk to a sleep therapist.

Naturally, you should have known in advance that you would work only the night shift for a month. Was this schedule approved with the Trade Union in mind? Does it provide for a normal number of hours of rest between shifts?

In accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of September 24, 1929. Clause 11 your rest between shifts must be at least twice the size of your previous shift, that is, if you work 8 hours, then the rest between shifts must be at least 16 hours. This Ordinance is still in effect.

Also, in accordance with Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a weekly rest of at least 42 hours should be provided.

Have the labor laws been met in your case? The shift schedule for the month was brought up, is the norm of hours between shifts and weekly rest observed in your case? If not, then you need to write a memorandum first addressed to the director, as well as a statement to the Labor Inspectorate about violations of your labor rights.

I would like to know if you are aware that when working on night shifts in accordance with Art. 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, your shift must be shorter by 1 hour, that is, with an 8-hour shift, you must work 7 hours. If, due to production needs, it is not possible to work a shift at 7 o’clock, but only at 8 o’clock, you should be paid this hour as overtime work in one and a half times.

I would also like to clarify whether you know that in accordance with Article 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages at night, namely from 22.00 to 06.00, should be paid at an increased rate and, accordingly, this should be reflected in your local acts for the enterprise, i.e. in the collective agreement, Regulations on wages as well as in your employment contract.

I would like to clarify one more question. At your enterprise, taking into account the specifics, there is a summarized accounting of working hours. For example, in October 2014, normal working hours were 184 hours, how many did you have? I'm guessing more. You should have been paid for all hours over 184 at a completely different rate, because judging by your question, you worked a lot.

I would advise you to contact the Labor Inspectorate, preferably with a collective statement about committed violations in the preparation of the shift schedule, as well as overtime. Thinking a full blown check as well as a hefty fine will teach your manual to read carefully labor Code RF and respect the rights of their employees.

There will be more questions, please contact.