Pure Thursday. everything you need to know about him

Since the week was finally formed, in the form in which it now exists, a person, thanks to his powers of observation, has made a lot of conclusions, which over time have become omens. Now there are signs that tell people what can and cannot be done on every day of the week. Here we will talk about signs for each day of the week.


It is not for nothing that in the famous song about the island of bad luck, which was performed by Mironov, it was sung about the fact that, apparently, their mother gave birth to all of them on Monday. Monday has always been considered a very difficult day. Hence the clues.

The very first clue is don't start anything on monday. And, indeed, it has been noticed that if you start to implement your most important plans on Monday, then nothing will work out. All things will go wrong.

If you love a quiet life, then you can forget about it for at least a week if you break the following rule. The guests came on Monday - expect guests every day all week. This fact has also been verified by many generations of our ancestors. In my life there was such a case, my father's birthday fell on Monday, the next day he had a day off. Indeed, why not note? Mom was against it, but dad insisted. And as a result? Until Sunday, uninvited guests came every day, meet everyone, feed, see them off ... And how much did it all cost ...

It's believed that on Monday, in no case should you lend money to anyone. This sign is especially relevant if you just had a salary. The fact is that if you do not follow this sign, then it does not matter at all what you planned to spend money on this month. They don't go as planned at all. If you borrow money on Monday, something will definitely break in the house, and even so that you will have to urgently buy spare parts or a new unit. And you didn't plan it at all.

Another sign - if you sneezed on this day, then this is a gift. It is not known how to explain such a sign, but our ancestors know better. But on the other hand, if you are going to visit the dentist on Monday, then you have chosen the absolutely right time. It was noticed that everyone who went to the doctors with problems with their teeth on Mondays, then everything will go well, you will not feel pain, and everything will heal, as on.


Unlike Monday, Tuesday is considered a very auspicious day in all respects. It is especially useful to go on the road on Tuesday. Knowledgeable people they say that any trip on this day of the week will be safe and successful. Although, knowledgeable witches say that it is on Tuesday evening that you should never borrow money. Tuesday is able to pump out everything that is in your pockets.


In many beliefs, there is such a sign that you can’t start any new business on Wednesday, but this is not so. It is believed that Wednesday is the best day to start solving all your questions. Why is that? Well, first of all, because the weekend is already far behind. The head is clear and can think rationally. Moreover, both for you and for the one with whom you have to resolve these issues.

Don't move on Wednesday new apartment. This sign has been tested by many generations. Indeed, it has been observed that if you have moved to new house or a new apartment on that day, you won’t be able to live there for a long time. The reasons can be very different - maybe it's a divorce, maybe a fire, and perhaps the worst thing is death.


Who on Thursday before sunrise washes with silver and eggs, he will be healthy and clean. This sign, most likely, is based both on biblical principles and on purely worldly ones. The famous saying that whoever gets up early, God gives him, is not without meaning. The point is that what earlier man wakes up in the morning, the more he manages to do in a day. Silver is a symbol of purity, and the egg is a symbol of life. Well, the fact that a person must wash naturally means that he will be clean after washing.

Thursday is an easy day and portends good luck. Thursday is indeed a very easy day for any undertakings. Let's start with the fact that Thursday is overseen by a planet like Mercury. And since antiquity it has been known that Mercury was the patron of revelers, players, individuals who loved to lead a windy lifestyle. Therefore, if you like to play the lottery, then you will definitely be lucky on this day, although not a fact. Mercury is so windy and unpredictable that for the sake of its momentary fun, it can deprive a person of everything in one moment. But this will never happen if you just live and solve your problems. He punishes only those who show their greed.


Friday is a special day. And will take a lot on this day.

Friday, like Monday, is a hard day, no important things can be done. Friday is indeed a very difficult day. On Friday, Jesus Christ was crucified, so the day is considered, to put it mildly, unlucky. Although, on the other hand, Friday is "supervised" by such a planet as Venus, and she is the patroness of love.

On Friday before noon, you can not sing, have fun and do homework. Again, it's all about faith. From the very morning, Jesus Christ was tortured, interrogated, and later there was a crucifixion on Golgotha. If you sing and laugh in the morning on this day, you can be sure that then you will have to cry for a whole week. Well, if you don’t cry, then you will have a lot of problems.

Can't do it on Friday women's work- sew, knit, etc. It is believed that if you do not adhere to this rule, then a fearless, but very unpleasant disease awaits you, which is popularly called nail-eaters. Usually it is very difficult to recover from this disease. It doesn't go away on its own. You need to stop breaking the rules of Friday and pray for it. At the same time, the nails themselves crumble, break, and very painful burrs appear. Someone will say that this is superstition, but this sign has been tested on itself. To put it bluntly, it's very annoying.

Besides, in no case should you cut your nails on Friday, and a married woman should not wash her hair on this day. Everything about human body, in this case- these are nails and hair, but in magic, and just in everyday life, a lot of attention is paid to this. After all, with the help of this, you can cause very great harm to a person. But Friday is a special day. On this day, even higher powers can work on you. Well, if a married woman washes her hair on Friday, it is believed that she can wash her whole family out of the house.

There are twelve most important Fridays in a year, and by fasting on these days, you can avoid a lot of troubles and troubles in life. But now we will not talk about it.


Saturday, like Tuesday, is an easy day. Saturday is actually considered a holy day. On Saturday you can not do any work, you just need to rest. But that's what the Bible says. And life has shown that all the things that were started on Saturday are solved very easily. But, that's bad luck, they will be solved only on Saturdays. First day off. A person, although tired from a whole week of work, but inspired by the fact that there are two days ahead that promise peace, does not need to think about work. These thoughts add strength and desire to live. Therefore, all cases are solved easily and simply. In addition, the planet Saturn corresponds to Saturday, and it helps those who purposefully go towards their goal. So, if you have chosen a goal for yourself, made a plan of action and decided to start acting on Saturday, then Saturn will help you.


Dedicate Sunday to God, no matters will be decided. And it's true, according to Orthodox belief, Sunday is a day of rest. The Lord created the earth for six days, and on the seventh day he only admired what he managed to create. We also worked all week, and now it's time to relax, please yourself, restore your strength. It is for this reason that you cannot start, undertake or think of anything on this day - nothing will work out. And according to a purely worldly belief, if a person does not rest, then very quickly he will simply spend all his vitality. Every person must rest. Although, there are times when even experienced witches deviate from this rule. But this happens only when a person's life depends on their actions.

Are all these signs true or false? You decide. But our ancestors believed in it very much. Live in harmony with nature, and you will be surprised how simple everything in this life is.

If we consider Clean Thursday, what cannot be done, then a lot will relate to church canons. People love this day so much that you can and even need to do a lot. Everything needs to be sorted out in order so as not to get confused.

During Holy Week, every day has its own meaning. Moreover, there are certain church traditions and rituals, which are mixed folk omens. Clean Thursday is very popular among the people and there are many things that must be done on this day. But are there any restrictions on?

What the church says

As on the other day of Holy Week, divine services will be held in churches on Thursday. On this day, we remember the last supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples and how Jesus established the sacrament of the sacrament. The Thursday service is often referred to as the "great standing" (or simply the "passion"). This means that in no case should you sit in the church during the service. Here is the first ban on Maundy Thursday.

Also during the service, believers buy candles and go home with them. It is believed that candles brought home should burn out in the red corner. Such a ritual protects the house from the evil eye. It's like a tradition of the evening from Thursday to Friday.

Another post: how to eat right

Many believers who observe fasting are concerned about the question of what cannot be eaten on Clean
Thursday. On this day, the restrictions are not as strict as on the first three days of Holy Week and the following days until Easter. Food can be cooked, but without the use of vegetable oil. Although, many believers try to adhere to the principle of dry eating on Thursday, and then Friday and Saturday - until the bright Easter of Christ.

In general, on Maundy Thursday, a true believer goes to church in the morning and defends the liturgy, then be sure to take communion. But before communion, you can’t eat or drink anything. Therefore, everything described above can also be called certain important prohibitions on Pure Thursday.

Order in the house

What can you do on Maundy Thursday:
Start preparing Easter meals. You can boil vegetables and other ingredients for salads. Someone already on this day pours aspic, begins to paint eggs. The day is perfect for putting the dough on Easter cakes.
Count money so that they are kept in the house all year round. This is done in secret from all family members until sunrise, at 12.00 and at sunset.
You can ask God for well-being and a new job.

Despite the fact that there are many prohibitions on Maundy Thursday, this day is extremely active for every person. A lot needs to be done. Therefore, it is better not to waste your valuable time on what is “not possible” and fully focus on what is “possible”.

Maundy Thursday is one of the seven days of Passion Week, which is usually completed with the Bright Resurrection of Christ. What needs to be done on this day and what cannot be done, we will learn thanks to ancient and modern signs.

Easter is one of the oldest and most important holidays in the Christian religion. It marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the center of biblical history and the foundation of Orthodox teaching. In this regard, from the past centuries, the main rites of celebration have come down to us. They did not lose their meaning and were of practical importance even in harsh years when the church was in exile.

On Maundy Thursday, believers also fast, go to church and try to lead a calm, measured lifestyle. But the most important event of this day is the general cleaning of the home and the bathing of the Orthodox in clean water.

Our ancestors tried to observe all the rules of this holy day. Water was in high demand that day. It was necessary to swim at dawn or before the first rays of the sun. It cleanses from sins, relieves negative energy, brings strength, enlightenment of the soul and body. After such a procedure, you can expect a lot of new ideas, positive decisions and creative actions from yourself and others.

A belief helped to gain financial well-being - pour water into a bowl and put a few shiny and beautiful coins in it. After that, wash all the windows and doors of your own home with this liquid, starting from the entrance. Pour dirty water from the bowl under the tree growing in the yard of your house.

If you want to get rid of the evil eye - on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, pour water into a jug and place silverware there. It can be a spoon or a silver fork. Wash yourself with this water at dawn. For girls, this method will help not only to ward off damage, but also to attract good luck and female happiness. You will sparkle with your beauty and charm. Such a belief will give a man masculine strength and will. There is a high probability of finding love and family well-being this year.

Those who have long considered themselves an old maid should definitely wash their faces in the morning and wipe their faces with a clean towel. Such a rite will help instill vigor, joy and optimism in you. And as you know, only such young ladies like men and quickly attract attention. Just remember that this towel, along with Easter cake and eggs, should be given to the poor for Easter.

A young beauty who wants to get married this year should look out the window in the morning. If the first passerby turned out to be a young guy, expect a meeting with a future spouse. For a married lady who dreams of becoming a mother, such a plot can promise the future conception of a baby if you see children in the window.

For deeply believing people, blessed events will be brought by the prayer read on this day. Words spoken aloud with great faith and an open soul carry special magical power. Sincerity of intentions will give you health, fortitude and hope for a successful outcome.

If you save Thursday salt for this date, it promises to ward off misfortunes and troubles from the whole family, guide foolish children on the true path, give husbands self-control before temptations, and endow women with patience and understanding. To do this, each family member must take a handful of salt, wrap it in a rag bag and put it all night next to the Icon of Jesus Christ. Remove in the morning, taking it out when you are in a difficult situation or have health problems. A pinch of salt thrown into food can change your future state and mood.

People who have high hopes for this day and strive to fulfill all the rites of well-being, remember the main thing: to fast and be sincere in their intentions. The material desires in your soul should not exceed the spiritual ones.

Modern signs

What to do on Maundy Thursday

If you take a shower in the morning, before the first rays of the sun, it promises to change your life for the better, believe in your own endeavors and succeed this year. It is generally accepted that water Maundy Thursday has a special healing and magic power. It charges with its freshness and purity, is able to carry away illnesses and minor sins of a person.

The main condition is to believe that it can change you, and to repent of bad deeds. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the fact that the water should wash you from top to bottom. A bath with fragrant foam in this case will not be able to bring the desired effect.

Cleaning the house is the main event of Clean Thursday. Without it, the dough will not fit on Easter cakes and the paint will not be taken on the eggs. You should not use other rituals without doing a general cleaning in your apartment. It is customary to wash and clean everything before Easter. After washing the windows and washing the curtains, there is a high probability of changing your previous view of seemingly familiar things. You will be able to expand the horizons of your desires and possibilities.

Clean doors will be ready to let only kind, necessary and decent people into your house. Having laid fresh bedding, spouses can hope for a stormy reconciliation after a period of cold and strained relationships. The decoration and cleanliness of the dining area will be a sign that next year you will expect abundance and prosperity. You will not have to think about your daily bread, and the crisis in the country will most likely bypass you.

For those who are in dire need of an increase in financial resources, on this day you need to count the money three times. It is advisable to prepare large bills, and keep the account strictly in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Girls who have stayed too long in brides should visit a hairdresser on this day for a light haircut and hair wash. This promises to increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex. You will feel more confident and free in choosing a partner. There will be a chance to find a life partner worthy of you.

To fulfill the most secret and cherished desires, after a general cleaning in the house, change the places of things that can be thematically related to your dreams.

What not to do on Maundy Thursday

  • break the fast with variety in food and neglect the rules of intimate abstinence;
  • ignore attending a church service;
  • sit on a bench during a service in the temple of the Lord;
  • clean the apartment after clean Thursday until Easter;
  • lend money, things, food;
  • pour water into the ditch after general cleaning.

Consider astrological advice on what to do on Thursday and how to behave in order to catch luck. Expansion planet Jupiter is the ruler of Thursday

Jupiter gives a desire to expand the sphere of activity and sphere of influence, it is associated with the growth of various problems, with an increase in success. Lucky people on Thursday have the opportunity to increase their happiness, but those who are constantly haunted by problems can see how small difficulties begin to grow to incredible proportions. To prevent this from happening, the ability to quickly solve problems is important on Thursday. On this day, do not give problems time to develop. Even small disputes at home or at work should be immediately smoothed out, otherwise they will grow into a big hostility towards each other, a serious conflict. Not to start problems, to stop their growth in the bud on the day of Jupiter is important in all areas of life. On this day, you should try not to argue with anyone at all, and even more so not to quarrel, not to give rise to dissatisfaction with yourself. If the boss on Thursday convicts you of professional illiteracy, negligence, then in the future this may become the reason for your dismissal. But if the same thing happens on Wednesday, it will not cause such sad consequences.

How to behave on this day? What to do on Thursday?

Jupiter is a planet social activities, therefore, this day can be considered the most successful for any business, for negotiations with business partners, for finding ways to realize oneself outside the home, for the benefit of society, for a large group of people. But whatever you do on Thursday, show those around you that you are businesslike, that you are concerned not only with yourself, with your personal problems, but think about everyone, see yourself as part of society. In the family circle, this day is also worth talking more about work. It is on Thursday that your interest in his professional affairs will be especially valuable for your spouse. And with friends, and with relatives, and even more so with colleagues on Thursday, it is better to talk more about work.

Planet social life Jupiter encourages everyone in his day to step aside from the affairs of life, from family worries, from troubles in personal life and think about the problems of society. It is on Thursday that an appeal to the authorities with an appeal to meet the needs of the workers, to meet their requirements will achieve the goal. Even the most ossified egoist on the day of Jupiter is able to respond to a request for help, forgetting about his mercantile interests. On Thursday, we are all tuned in to what is happening around, ready to listen to the requests of others, so on this day you can make very profitable deals. Business partners, relatives will be ready to give in to you.

Jupiter is the planet of generosity, nobility, generosity, patronage, so on Thursday people expect big gestures from each other. No need to be greedy on Thursday, to trifle, to show selfishness, if you do not want to scare people away from you.

Thursday's sin

The expansion planet Jupiter gives us the feeling that we are missing something, that we have a cramped home, not enough things. Jupiter evokes a desire to have many things, friends, activities, to live in a large area. On Thursday, a feeling of envy, which refers to the seven deadly sins, is very likely to arise. It is on Thursday that envy in our soul most easily arises, when we see that others have better clothes than ours, more money, a more beautiful wife. Avoid envy on Thursday, because, having arisen on this day, it can stay with you for long days, months or years.

How to expand your sphere of influence?

By engaging in Jupiterian affairs on Thursday, we attract the energy of Jupiter into our lives, which means we improve the state of affairs in the areas of life with which Jupiter is associated. Attracting the Jupiterian energy will help us expand our sphere of influence and activity, make life more diverse and help us become a comprehensively developed person. To attract Jupiterian energy on Thursday, you can start studying philosophy and religious scriptures, take up a deep study of any science, foreign language, go to advanced training courses, you can put on loose clothes, go on a trip, read geography textbooks or watch films about distant countries.

Jupiter gifts

Since Jupiter is the planet of grand gestures, when giving someone a gift on Thursday, make sure they look expensive and have big sizes. It is better to give gifts with a wide range of uses, such as a set of tools for both carpentry and plumbing, thick encyclopedias, or complete works of several authors at once. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and flower bouquet Thursday should be large, from flowers with a long

stem. But Jupiter is a serious planet, so in Thursday's bouquets there should not be "frivolous" small, cheap flowers, as in Wednesday's bouquet. Thursday's bouquet should be from expensive flowers of excellent quality.

How to fulfill the desire that arose on Thursday?

As a rule, desires that arise on Thursday require a serious preparatory work and the application of efforts in several directions at once. For example, one person wished to improve his appearance that day. He knew how to do it, but he had to make sure that his child went to Kindergarten, since the presence of a child at home did not allow for procedures that improve appearance, he bought products that improve skin condition, did not sleep at night, trying to finish the job ahead of time In order to have time to go to a beauty salon, he bought gifts for relatives and went to persuade them to relieve him of some duties so that he would have time for sports. At the same time, the desire arose in the second month after his birthday, so it took a lot of time and effort to improve his appearance and related activities.

What to do on Thursday. How to improve your health on Thursday?

If you wish to extend the years healthy life, try not to do things on Thursday that harm your health, because one extra candy or a glass of wine will harm not only individual organs, but the whole body, since Jupiter ensures the spread of substances over a long distance. If you do not want to go from one doctor to another, rid your body of everything that can harm it. For some, this is hypothermia or overeating, for others - Bad mood and a short sleep period. On any other day, it is not so dangerous to smoke an extra cigarette or eat a heavy meal, but on Thursday, a new disease may arise from this or an old one will be aggravated. Do not go on about your weaknesses - and you will feel great.

On Thursday, it is useful to starve, diet, eat foods with the taste of Jupiter - acidic foods, such as lemons, if there is a complex of diseases in the body, when the disease has "expanded", led to complications, when there are diseases associated with hyperfunction of organs or excessive weight (Jupiter is associated with such states). Hunger, diet or foods with a sour taste on this day will neutralize existing complications and prevent the emergence of new ones, improve the condition of the liver, since Jupiter is in charge of the health of this organ.

Be beautiful on Thursday

On Thursday, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to the issue of beauty. If you want to improve the condition of your hair or skin, shampoos and creams alone are indispensable. It is necessary to change the diet, add foods rich in vitamins and trace elements to food, and do physical education. Observe on Thursday how your appearance changes with a change in mood, how it is affected by the people with whom you communicate. You may find that the skin dries or the nails break because you overreact to some kind of incident, a pimple pops up after meeting a certain person. Be very careful when handling sharp objects, because even a small wound received on Thursday can heal for a whole month, try not to harm yourself, as the harm from new cosmetics or from an inexperienced hairdresser may be too great.

Pure four is the fourth day of Passion Week. This day is associated with a lot of trouble and things that must be completed during the day. And what exactly should be done on Maundy Thursday before Easter? Consider the mandatory to-do list, in their casual sequence, so that you don’t forget anything and how you should prepare yourself and your home for bright holiday Easter.

Briefly about the meaning of Maundy Thursday

To understand why one should do what can already be called a tradition on Maundy Thursday, one should turn to the history and meaning of this holiday.

During the service in the temple on this day, they remember the Last Supper, during which the Savior of mankind predicted that he would be betrayed by one of his disciples, and also established the Sacrament of Baptism, dividing bread (from my flesh) and wine (from my blood) between apostles. Also, at the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of each apostle, showing an example of virtue, humility and selflessness. In part, it is because of this act (washing of the feet) that Maundy Thursday is commonly called Pure Fours.

It is believed that on Pure Thursday it is necessary not only to purify your soul with prayers and the ritual of washing, but also to put your home in order. Any deed on this day should be treated as a step towards the complete healing of the soul from evil, and all deeds should be done with joy and prayers.

What to do on Maundy Thursday

Since the day is going to be troublesome, you should wake up early. First of all, after waking up, you should wash yourself or bathe with soap, it is believed that water on Maundy Thursday (especially early morning) is endowed with healing power. With the help of it, as with the help of baptismal water, you can heal ailments, strengthen immunity, and bring good luck to life.

When all bath procedures are completed, it is necessary to proceed to general cleaning house, yard and barn (if we are talking on private housing). One of the signs says that you need to wash windows and frames with water charged with money: for this you need to immerse coins in a basin of water, and then, with such water, wash every corner of the window, every crack, so that wealth can easily enter the house and not leave it .

In addition to washing windows and frames, every corner in the house should be taken care of: circle cabinets and shelves from trash, throw spoiled food out of the refrigerator, wipe the dust, polish the floor. If there is some unfinished repair work in the house, then on Pure Thursday they must be brought to mind.

After cleaning, the housewives got to cooking. should be baked on Maundy Thursday, it is believed that until Easter they will not deteriorate and remain fresh and soft. You should knead the dough and read a prayer, then the traditional Easter treat will turn out to be magnificent, tender and very tasty. Also, you should go to the store and buy products for holiday table For Easter, be sure to buy eggs for dyeing.

If we talk about chores in the kitchen, then it is worth mentioning such a tradition as the preparation of Thursday salt. Despite the fact that it is usually prepared in monasteries, some housewives also want to have such salt in the house for personal use. It's believed that thursday salt endowed not only with healing power, but also magical. Therefore, it is used both for the treatment of ailments, and for removing damage, the evil eye, for love spells. But, such use of salt is not welcomed by the church, since all this is considered to be remnants of paganism (except, of course, the use of salt for healing purposes).

And the final important thing on Maundy Thursday is a visit to the temple. In the temple it is desirable to take communion and confess. This is necessary in order to completely cleanse the spirit and body, because only on Maundy Thursday you can beg for all sins, even mortal ones.

What is forbidden to do on Maundy Thursday

Many prohibitions on this day are directly related to what must be done. So, for example, you can not leave your house untidy. It is believed that if you are too lazy and do not put the house in order, then quarrels and misunderstandings will reign in it for a year. You can’t even start cooking until the house is cleaned. That is why the sequence of actions on Clean Thursday is as we described above.

In addition, despite the fact that it is customary to prepare treats for the Easter table on this day, the dishes cannot be tasted, because Great Lent continues, and breaking it means canceling out all your efforts in the past. In addition, Holy Week is the strictest week of Lent. Of course, if a person cannot fast due to health reasons, but he is allowed to indulge.

Also, you can’t lend anything on Pure Fours, as financial well-being can leave the house for the whole year. It is impossible to lend not only money, this also applies to any things and objects.

According to the church canon, one must pray hard on Maundy Thursday, and therefore the church recommends not giving too much attention to worldly affairs if they interfere with prayers.

Knowing what you can do on Maundy Thursday, you can adequately prepare for the meeting of Bright Easter, because this is almost the final stage.