Will the wind dispel the song of the old name. Did the wind dispel the old name ...

Ilya Zhuravlev

“Whether the wind dispelled the old name…”

I don't know what prompted me to write down Tagore's poems. In an era when people often only have time to like on social media and watch clips no longer than 2 minutes, it takes some mental effort to tune in to the subtle and unhurried stream of consciousness of this great representative of the Indian aristocracy, who lived at the break of dramatic eras. .. Maybe it’s all the fault of the aching, meditative lyrics of the “Last Poem”, the verses from which Rybnikov took for the song in the Soviet film “You Never Dreamed” (1980) ...

Has the wind dispelled the old name?

Don't look at me...

The song uses fragments of a poem from R. Tagore's novel "The Last Poem" (1928, Beng. Shesher Kobita). With the aroma of sweet melancholy characteristic of Indian lyrics, Tagore tells the story of an accident that arose in beautiful mountains West Bengal (Shillong Hills) is a novel of educated and free-thinking Indian boys and girls for their time, who at the end of the story come to the conclusion that earthly love between them is impossible, but at the same time they are sure that the invisible connection between their hearts will never disappear.
Tagore was a true aristocrat of the spirit, and for many thousands of years he did not escape the caste theme, cruelly plowing the fate of the Hindus, in this sad story... But is it only a matter of the social dimension? Love rnanubandhana (“karmic knot”, karmic connection) is a subtle, mysterious thing.

And here is the full text of the poem that the Bengali girl Labonno sent to her lover, saying that she was marrying another respectable high-caste groom chosen by her parents.

Do you hear the rustle of flying time?
Forever his chariot is on the way...
Heartbeats we hear in the sky,
The stars in the darkness are crushed by the chariot, -
How not to weep for them in the darkness on their chest? ..

My friend!
Time has cast lots for me,
In the network its captured me,
Riding in a chariot on a dangerous road,
Too far away from the places you roam
Where you won't see me anymore
Where you don't know what lies ahead...
It seems to me: the chariot is captured,
Death has already been defeated a thousand times,
So today I climbed to the top,
In the brilliance of dawn, crimson-transparent ... -
How not to forget your name on the way?

Has the wind dispelled the old name?
I have no way to my abandoned land ...
If you try to see from afar, -
Don't look at me...

My friend,
I know - someday in complete peace,
In late rest someday maybe
From the far shore of a long past
The spring night wind will bring you a breath from me!
The color of bacula fallen and crying
The sky will sadden you inadvertently, -
See if there's anything left
After me?...
At midnight oblivion
On the late outskirts
your life
Look without despair
Will it flare up?
Will it take the form of an unknown sleepy image,
as if by accident?

It's not a dream!
This is my whole truth, this is the truth,
Death conquering the eternal law.
This is my love!
This treasure is
A gift unchanged to you, that for a long time
Was brought...
Abandoned in the ancient stream of change,
I'm sailing away - and time carries me
From end to end
From shore to shore, from shallow to shallow...
My friend, goodbye!

You haven't lost anything I think...
The right to play with ashes and ashes -
Created an image of an immortal beloved, -
The brilliance and radiance of the immortal beloved
you can call out of the twilight again!

This will be the game tonight
Don't stop me from remembering...
Greedy movement will not be offended
Trembling of the Levkoy on a sacrificial platter.
You don't worry about me in vain -
I have a worthy cause
I have a world of space and time...
Is my chosen one poor? Oh no!
I will fill all the emptiness dangerous, -
Believe that I always intend to fulfill
This vow.
If someone who is concerned
Will wait for me with secret anxiety, -
I'll be happy - that's my answer!

From half of the bright month to the dark
taking out half
A fragrant sheaf of tuberose, - carrying them dear long,
On the night of the shadow half of the month
Could the sacrificial person decorate the tray?

Who would see me in joy
Boundless forgiveness?
Evil and good unite,
I will give myself to their service!

I got the eternal right
My friend, for what I gave you myself...
You accept my gift piecemeal.

Hearing the sad moments flow,
Fill your palm with them - and get drunk:
My heart, like a fistful, lovingly
I substitute your lips...

Oh incomparable!
I brought you a gift:
Everything that I give is given to me by you:
How much you took - so debtor
You made me...
ABOUT My friend, Goodbye.

Of course, Tagore wrote not only about love languor and the choice between a socially acceptable life and the call of the heart. As an Indian Brahmin, he perfectly knew and felt the ancient spiritual culture of his country (which usually distanced itself from secular values ​​and orders, proclaiming the renounced path of the ascetic as the fastest way to liberation from karmic upheavals). Tagore himself, in addition to his excellent knowledge of spiritual texts ancient india, met with Paramahamsa Yogananda and received initiation into kriya yoga from him. The feeling of “raising the spirit to Eternity” is conveyed by the poem “Yogi”...

Majestic and lonely, the yogi stretches out his hands,
Looking east.
At sunset - the moon horn, the sea splashes at your feet,
The firmament is deep.
Before the yogi - the darkness fades, the light comes from the forehead,
Peace on the face.
Slightly dares to breathe on his naked chest
Sea breeze.
Wide open space. In the middle of the worlds
Lonely yogi.
It is huge and shaggy, timid waves tremble,
Just touch your feet
Indestructible silence, the world is embraced by the abyss of sleep,
But unmuffled
The voice of the sea - he sings, praising the sunrise
Thunderous rumble.
Yogi alone on the beach. The waves are crashing...
And in his soul
The vast ocean, the distance, gone into the fog,
Beyond everything.
Yogi, keeping silence, guards the birth of the day,
Dalyu is surrounded.
Behind him, the night quietly floats away,
Falling into sleep.

There is a heavenly river - the Ganges rushes through the clouds
Star flow.
There is a darkening sunset, here it is embraced by radiance
motionless yogi.
As if with the light of a deity, the head lit up.
Solar fire.
And in the west, far away, the night of the earth is fading
Before the coming day.
Over the boundlessness of swells with a bright scattering of rays
Sunrise blazed.
There is no greater secret than the shining dawn
Above the azure waters.
The whole depth of the sea is full of warm light,
Looks to the east -
Having dispersed the thick fog, the golden lotus blooms,
Fire flower.
And bright and hot, its rays will embrace
The entire earthly limit.
Yogi raised his hand - omniscient and verses of the sacred Vedas
He sang slowly.
And, perhaps, closer to the night, even in a metropolis permeated with millions of electronic vibrations, where three rings of cars spin non-stop, if you calm your mind, you will be able to catch this melody from the past, the melody of an elevated soul, which is unlikely to return here.

Download the audiobook “Poems of Tagore” (read by I. Zhuravlev) http://www.mahadev108.com/audio-rus/

Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941) - Indian writer, poet, composer, artist, public figure. His work has shaped the literature and music of Bengal. He became the first non-European to be awarded Nobel Prize in Literature (1913). Rabindranath Tagore belonged to one of the oldest Indian families. His ancestors held an influential position in the court of the rulers of Bengal. His surname came from Thakur - translated as "holy lord", which foreigners transformed into Tagore. On his lands near Calcutta, he founded a university of traditional Indian sciences and arts in the settlement of Shantiniketan, which is still operating to this day (Vishva Bharati University, where, among other things, foreigners are taught in English

Pictured is Rabindranath Tagore.

I dedicate the essay to Lyubov Shiktorova, thanks to whom I understood my favorite song.

Don't look at me...

My friend,

Lines of your favorite song. It sounds in the credits of the famous film "You never dreamed of" - a drama about first love.
The inscription in the credits looks exotic: music by Alexei Rybnikov to the verses of Rabindranath Tagore The Last Poem. This is probably the only poem by Tagore, a classic of Indian literature, a Nobel laureate, that is known to most people in our country.
But for a poet, especially a foreign one, even if it is a classic, this is a lot. Whole song. Again and again reproduced when watching a film that has become a classic of Russian cinema, performed by various artists.
But what is this song about? About what cryptic lines? How does this text relate to the plot of the film?
Everything will become clear if you read or at least briefly familiarize yourself with the content of Rabindranath Tagore's novel "The Last Poem". This poem is from this novel; Tagore does not have a poem with that title.

In the novel we are talking about two lovers - a young man Omito and a girl Labonno, who at the end of the story understand that earthly love between them is impossible, but at the same time they are sure that the invisible connection between their hearts will never disappear. Omito marries a girl named Ketoki. He loves her - but in a different way than Labonno: "What binds me to Ketoki is love. But this love is like water in a vessel that I drink every day. Love for Labonno is a lake that cannot be placed in a vessel, but in which my soul is washed."
And this is how Labonneau loves - he expresses it in a verse that he sends to her:

When you left, you stayed with me forever
Only at the end did it completely open to me,
In the invisible world of the heart you took refuge,
And I touched eternity when,
Filling the void in me, you disappeared.
The temple of my soul was dark, but suddenly
In it a bright lamp lit up, -
Parting gift of your favorite hands, -
And heavenly love opened up to me
In the sacred flame of suffering and separation.

Omito soon receives a response to his letter. Labonneau writes that in six months he is marrying another. There is a poem in the letter, where Labonneau in his own way expresses the idea of ​​the impossibility of earthly love between her and Omito. Both verses are united by the idea of ​​a higher love that will bind them in eternity. Given the idea of ​​reincarnation, which is so essential to the Hindus' self-consciousness, their worldview and mentality, this is not just a metaphor: eternal love, new meetings in the Cycle of Reincarnations.
Fragments of Lobanno's farewell poem served as the basis for the text of the song "The Last Poem".

Here is the full text of the poem, and it explains the meaning of this particular song to the x / f you never dreamed of - the plot is known, Love's Missing:

Do you hear the rustle of flying time?
Forever his chariot is on the way...
Heartbeats we hear in the sky,
The stars in the darkness are crushed by the chariot, -
How not to weep for them in the darkness on their chest? ..

My friend!
Time has cast lots for me,
In the network its captured me,
Riding in a chariot on a dangerous road,
Too far away from the places you roam
Where you won't see me anymore
Where you don't know what lies ahead...
It seems to me: the chariot is captured,
Death has already been defeated a thousand times,
So today I climbed to the top,
In the brilliance of dawn, crimson-transparent ... -
How not to forget your name on the way?

Has the wind dispelled the old name?
I have no way to my abandoned land ...
If you try to see from afar, -
Don't look at me...

My friend,
I know - someday in complete peace,
In late rest someday maybe
From the far shore of a long past
The spring night wind will bring you a breath from me!
The color of bacula fallen and crying
The sky will sadden you inadvertently, -
See if there's anything left
After me?...
At midnight oblivion
On the late outskirts
your life
Look without despair
Will it flare up?
Will it take the form of an unknown sleepy image,
as if by accident?

It's not a dream!
This is my whole truth, this is the truth,
Death conquering the eternal law.
This is my love!
This treasure is
A gift unchanged to you, that for a long time
Was brought...
Abandoned in the ancient stream of change,
I'm sailing away - and time carries me
From end to end
From shore to shore, from shallow to shallow...
My friend, goodbye!

You haven't lost anything I think...
The right to play with ashes and ashes -
Created an image of an immortal beloved, -
The brilliance and radiance of the immortal beloved
you can call out of the twilight again!

This will be the game tonight
Don't stop me from remembering...
Greedy movement will not be offended
Trembling of the Levkoy on a sacrificial platter.
You don't worry about me in vain -
I have a worthy cause
I have a world of space and time...
Is my chosen one poor? Oh no!
I will fill all the emptiness dangerous, -
Believe that I always intend to fulfill
This vow.
If someone who is concerned
Will wait for me with secret anxiety, -
I'll be happy - that's my answer!

From half of the bright month to the dark
taking out half
A fragrant sheaf of tuberose, -
Who - carrying them on a long road,
On the night of the shadow half of the month
Could the sacrificial person decorate the tray?

Who would see me in joy
Boundless forgiveness?
Evil and good unite,
I will give myself to their service!

I got the eternal right
My friend, for what I gave you myself...
You accept my gift piecemeal.

Hearing the sad moments flow,

Fill your palm with them - and get drunk:
My heart, like a fistful, lovingly
I substitute your lips...

Oh incomparable!
I brought you a gift:
Everything that I give is given to me by you:
How much you took - so debtor
You made me...
Oh my friend, goodbye.

I don’t know about the youth, but my generation remembers well these lines from the film “You never dreamed of ...” Actually, the words of the song are just a small part of the final poem in R. Tagore’s novel “The Last Poem”. And only in one of the translations, which is distributed on the network. Take a look, it's interesting.

The last poem Wind you old willows scatter. I have no way to my abandoned land. If you try to see from a distance. Don't look at me Don't look at me my friend Goodbye… I float away and time carries me Edge to edge. From shore to shore From shallow to shallow Goodbye my friend. I know sometime Evening night wind Will bring you a breath from me. You look, you look. You look if there is Anything after me. At midnight oblivion At the end of my life. You look without despair You look without despair. Will it flare up Like random. Will it flare up Will it take on the form of an unknown image Like random. It's not a dream. It's not a dream. This is my whole truth, this is the truth. Death conquering the eternal law - This is my love. This is my love. This is my love. http://diogenia.narod.ru/library/darina.htm#tagor001

Another option

The last poem
Full text of the poem that concludes Rabindranath Tagore's novel " The last poem“, is given according to the text of the third volume of the eight-volume collected works of Rabindranath Tagore, published by the state. ed. fiction in 1956.
Translation by V. Novitskaya.

… Do you hear the rustle of flying time? Forever his chariot is on the way... Heartbeats we hear in the sky,The stars in the darkness are crushed by the chariot, -how not to weep for them in the darkness on their chest? .. My friend! Time has cast lots for me, In the network its captured me, Riding in a chariot on a dangerous road, Too far away from the places you roam Where you won't see me anymore Where you don't know what lies ahead... It seems to me: the chariot is captured, Death has already been defeated a thousand times, So today I climbed to the top, In the brilliance of dawn, crimson-transparent ... - How not to forget your name on the way? Has the wind dispelled the old name? I have no way to my abandoned land ... If you try to see from afar, - Don't look at me... My friend,Goodbye! I know - someday in complete peace, In late rest someday maybe From the far shore of a long past The spring night wind will bring you a breath from me! The color of bacula fallen and crying The sky will sadden you inadvertently, - See if there's anything left After me?… At midnight oblivion On the late outskirts your life Look without despair Will it flare up? Will it take the form of an unknown sleepy image, as if by accident? …It's not a dream! This is my whole truth, this is the truth, Death conquering the eternal law. This is my love! This treasure is A gift unchanged to you, that for a long time Was brought... Abandoned in the ancient stream of change, I'm sailing away - and time carries me From end to end From shore to shore, from shore to shore... My friend, goodbye! You haven't lost anything I think... The right to play with ashes and ashes - Created an image of an immortal beloved, - The brilliance and radiance of the immortal beloved you can call out of the twilight again! Friend! This will be the game tonight Don't stop me from remembering... Greedy movement will not be offended Trembling of the Levkoy on a sacrificial platter. Don't you worry about me in vain - I have a worthy cause I have a world of space and time... Is my chosen one poor? Oh no! I will fill all the emptiness dangerous, - Believe that I always intend to fulfill This vow. If someone who is concerned Will wait for me with secret anxiety, - I'll be happy - that's my answer! From half of the bright month to the dark taking out half A fragrant sheaf of tuberose, Who - carrying them on a long road, On the night of the shadow half of the month Could the sacrificial person decorate the tray? Who would see me in joy Boundless forgiveness? Evil and good unite, I will give myself to their service! I got the eternal right My friend, for what I gave you myself... You accept my gift piecemeal. Hearing the sad moments flow, Fill your palm with them - and get drunk: My heart, like a fistful, lovingly I submit to your lips... Oh incomparable! I brought you a gift: All that I give is given to me by you: How much you took - so much a debtor You made me... Oh my friend, goodbye. Source http://alpas.livejournal.com/8835.html

But I prefer the other translation. Which is given in the book that I have.

Relentless Time charioteer

I'm taken away into the distance, and the darkness

Spreads its wings over me.

Do you hear the chariot rumble?

Do you hear, friend? Today I'm not the one

And I dream of a different dawn today, -

I've survived a thousand deaths!

In vain do you remember the past:

There is no former Labonneau - know about it!

And you won't recognize me when you meet me.

My friend, goodbye!

But maybe someday in the spring

When in dewdrops, as in tears, flowers

Confidently open the petals,

You look into the foggy past, -

You will see there not a faint light of a dream,

And the flame of the heart, eternal, living,

Burning death in defiance!

And let everything change in this mortal world,

My gift to you will remain unchanged,

My friend, goodbye!

I gave you everything! From mortal clay

sculpt a goddess for yourself

And worship her in the temple of the heart.

I will not desecrate your temple, I will not move my hand,

I will not shed tears, grieving,

I will not drown out the melody of sacred guilt

My hopeless sadness.

Everything is for the best, and you are our separation

Do not you dare to mourn with me - promise!

I can fill the cup of life again.

My friend, goodbye!

I'm not alone. He is with good hands

I collect the pale light of the moon,

He forgave everything, and I was resurrected again.

With all weaknesses and sins,

What is, we need each other;

Hearth home, shelter over their heads, -

Our quiet love is humble.

And you, my friend, my eternal lover,

You preferred an immeasurable gift, a different one,

Elusive, bright as lightning,

We lit up the heavenly paradise for a moment! ..

That moment was generous, and I owe you.

Farewell my friend, farewell!

(translated by F. Mendelssohn)

Rabindranath Tagore "The Last Poem", publishing house "Hud.lit-ra", M., 1968

The dusty road winded lazily over the steppe scorched by the heat.

Turns, potholes, withered grass on the roadsides ... curious gophers, ready to dive into their minks at the slightest danger - everything is like thirty-two years ago, when freshmen from the medical institute were sent to the state farm to harvest potatoes on a sweltering, merry September.

Why is she going?

They say - "it was, and it was overgrown." And she didn't have any. So ... it flashed with something obscure, warmed by a fleeting warmth - and flew away to no one knows where.

... I'm sailing away, and time carries me
From end to end.
From shore to shore, from shallow to shallow,
My friend, goodbye ... *

Trees appeared, which means - soon the village. It has probably grown over so many years. I wonder if tall mallows are blooming near the house of the hostess, to whom they were then settled with Sonya? And is she still alive?

She and Sonya only worked in the field for a couple of days, and they were transferred to the kitchen to help the cook.
The hostess woke up at dawn: “Girls, dawn is coming soon,” and they returned already at dusk: until everything was removed, the dishes were washed, they prepared what they needed in the morning ...

On the last evening before departure, a new film was brought to the club. She and Sonya asked the cook to leave early, but still came running just before the start.

- Well, here, - Sonya waved her hand doomedly at the bus standing at a distance, - you have to stand: the cadets have arrived.

Sometimes a roar was heard over the village: a few kilometers to the north there was a training airfield, where cadets of a military school underwent flight practice.

The lights went out, the credits rolled across the screen, and a gentle voice softly sang:

I have no way to my abandoned land ...

Someone gently touched her hand.

- Girl, sit down.

- I'll stand.

The film ended, everyone headed for the exit, and she realized with surprise that she was walking in a transparent cocoon: strangers Strong arms protected her from the crowd.

- And how do you like the movie? Sonya asked. - I liked it, but I don’t understand: how can these adults be so stupid? What if the guy broke his spine?

She answered something - probably out of place, because Sonya chuckled knowingly and walked away, leaving her with a tall, dark-haired cadet.

- Oscar! shouted from the bus. - Hurry up!

The guy pulled out a pen and a crumpled blue ticket from his pocket:

- How can I call you?

She dictated a number.

- I'll definitely call you. Wait, okay?

She waited.
She lived in anticipation.

She hurried home after the lectures, froze at every call and disappointedly went to her room if they didn’t call her.

Only with Sonya did she share first hope, then surprise, and then resentment.

“He just lost that ticket,” the friend soothed. “Don’t you ever lose anything?”

- I'm losing. But Sonya, he knows where I study! I would like to find it.

And time flew by.
She graduated from college, met a good guy, married him and long ago forgot about green, the color of hope, or yellow - resentment - dreams.

Sonia called yesterday. Children, work, this, that… and unexpectedly:

Do you remember our happy September? How did they clean the boilers, wash the mountain of dishes, peel the endless potatoes? Do you remember?

- Yes, but...

Do you remember the village? And the old churchyard?

- Why do I need some kind of churchyard? Sonya, can you really tell what's the matter?

“Yesterday a woman came to see me. Diseases - a whole bunch! You know my theory: everything from stress. Word for word, and she said that thirty-two years ago her only son died: something happened to the plane on which he and the instructor were performing a training flight.

- It's a pity. But what does the churchyard and the village have to do with it? Wait... Sonya! My God…

I have no way to my abandoned land.
If you try to see from afar,
Can't see me, can't see me
My friend, goodbye...

She stopped the car, picked up a bunch of white carnations, and walked slowly towards the tall obelisk.

Two faded photographs, two names, and one of them is Oscar.

She raised her head and looked for a long time, as if in a cloudless blue sky the huge letter O melts away: the white lace of an airplane trail.

* Song from the movie "You never dreamed of." Words by Rabindranath Tagore.


How many associations I have with this song. First of all, the years of my youth.
Sorry, Evgenia, I was inspired by my own.
As far as I understood, our youth fell on that distant, but wonderful time.