Year of birth of Alexander Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich - Biography

The bard Alexander Rosenbaum was at the center of the discussion after a recent strange incident - at four in the morning in Moscow, an ambulance delivered him with a knife wound to Sklif.

I witnessed everything that happened, - Rosenbaum's friend told us. - My friends and I gathered for a small party in famous house on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. There was a bard Oleg Mityaev with his wife, me and a few other people. Sasha Rosenbaum also joined the company. His girlfriend brought him in her Nissan Murano car, she was driving. We drank and sang songs. Sasha began to open a jar of pickles with an opener, but the opener broke. He took a knife and began to use it to uncork the iron lid. The hand trembled, the knife broke off, and the blade passed along the left arm, just above the hand. A vein was hit, blood flowed. Sasha tried - he's a doctor - to stop the bleeding. But his girlfriend, worried about him, nevertheless insisted on calling an ambulance. That's the whole story.

- And what kind of girl accompanied the singer?

This girl has been friends with him for a long time. Her name is Inna, she is a businessman, director of a large pasta company. I know her precisely as a friend of Rosenbaum. But I don’t get into my soul, what do they have there ...

As they say, Alexander Yakovlevich has recently been in the capital more than in St. Petersburg. I even bought an apartment in Moscow - friends gossip, perhaps to see Inna more often?

We met Rosenbaum in an unusual way, - one former FSB officer told KP. - I was on the train, Sasha was in the next SV carriage together with his headmistress Bella, a spectacular lady. And at one station there was an emergency - someone launched a stone into the glass of their compartment. Glass is shattered. The conductor began to look for empty seats for them. I went to NE alone. Rosenbaum asked me to transfer to another compartment - he and Bella wanted to go together. But I waved it off - already undressed. The lady grumbled, but left. And Rosenbaum and I ordered vodka. All night Sasha played the guitar, we sang and drank. And then he opened up and said that he had a wife and two more lovers. And it seems like everyone is dear to him ... The next morning, Bella knocked on our compartment. Seeing a ward somewhat rumpled after a sleepless night, she reprimanded him. Both of us, tired of many hours of drinking - it is unlikely that anyone can drink Rosenbaum, and sing it too! - barely crawled out of the car.

Sasha Rosenbaum is a passionate person. It seemed to me that he liked his producer Bella, a bright, interesting woman. She organized his tours. They have been working together for more than ten years, - one famous singer told KP, who asked not to be named in the newspaper. - But the appearance in the life of the singer of the Moscow businesswoman Inna could affect relations with Bella. The party said that Bella left Rosenbaum and went to work for the singer Trofim. Something happened between Rosenbaum and Bella, but I don’t know how it all ended: someone else’s soul is darkness.

We got through to Bella Mikhailovna with questions.

I am not offended by Alexander Yakovlevich. It's just that now I'm working with two artists at once - Rosenbaum and Trofim, - the producer answered.

- They say that Alexander Yakovlevich is getting divorced because of his beloved girl?

No, they don't get divorced. I don't know anything about the girl! - categorically answered the lady.

As they say, the singer's wife is a wise woman. Some of Rosenbaum's acquaintances have recently begun to say that Sasha does not live in a family. But his father-in-law does not confirm this information - I'm sure everything is in order in his daughter's family.

Every Russian person is familiar with creativity famous singer and poet - Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum. His soulful songs touch the thin spiritual strings of the listeners, this performer is the idol of many people in Russia.

The talent of Alexander Rosenbaum in childhood

Pinochet killed only 3,000 who took up arms against the regime. An ordinary tavern labukh Viktor Khara also got there, from which they made who knows what. And he just went with everyone, to disturb.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

Birthday musical artist- September 13, 1951. Alexander was born into an intelligent family of doctors. The father of the future singer was a urologist, and his mother was an obstetrician-gynecologist.

The talent of the future celebrity manifested itself in early childhood. He combined his schooling with piano lessons. He was taught by some of the best music teachers of that period - Larisa Ioffe and Maria Glushenko. After a year of studying music, Alexander has already participated in various competitive events, showing his unique talent.

Unjustified hopes of Alexander's parents

Subsequently, the father and mother insisted on teaching A. Rosenbaum foreign language. He studied French at a school on Vitebsky Prospekt. But Alexander was completely indifferent to his studies, since apart from music he was not interested in anything. He often skipped French lessons. In the classroom, the future singer was engaged in composing his own compositions and did not attach importance to the dissatisfaction of the teachers.

Studying at the Medical Institute

Pretty long musical creativity was for the singer just an outlet and a pleasant pastime. In 1968, his parents forced him to go to college in the medical field. Upon entering this educational institution the singer already had an arsenal of his own songs.

He who did not know trouble, did not find happiness in the slightest.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

In 1980, he decided to take up music on a professional level. Alexander began to perform with various musical groups, choosing the pseudonym "Ayarov". Alexander Yakovlevich did not find in any ensemble musical direction to your liking.

In his youth, Alexander was professionally engaged in boxing.

After graduation high school Rosenbaum followed in the footsteps of his parents and entered the First Leningrad Medical Institute (now the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov), from which he graduated in 1974 with a general practitioner diploma with a specialization in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation .

Since 1974, he worked as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator at the first ambulance substation in Leningrad.

Alexander Rosenbaum began writing his first songs in high school. One of the first were songs about love ("Smoke of Love", "Window Sill", "Warm Wind of Summer"), about the war ("Starfall", "Give me a minute"), as well as about his native city ("Song of Leningrad") . One of the songs, performed by the freshman Rosenbaum at the city review, was awarded the Audience Choice Award at the Kiev Author's Song Festival.

From 1972 to 1977, the musician played the guitar, keyboards and sang in the legendary amateur Leningrad rock band Argonauts.

In 1980, Alexander Rosenbaum left medicine and began performing on the professional stage. He played in the rock band "Pulse", was music director ensemble "Six Young" of the Saratov Philharmonic, worked in the ensemble "Singing Guitars" Lenconcert.

On October 14, 1983, at the Dzerzhinsky House of Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Leningrad, Rosenbaum gave his first solo concert.

The "Odessa cycle" of songs brought fame to the singer, their hero is a classic image of an Odessa bandit, based on Isaac Babel's "Odessa Tales".

A number of Rosenbaum's early songs are also associated with the work of a doctor.

The work of Alexander Rosenbaum is characterized by an interest in the history of Russia in the post-revolutionary years of the 20th century ("Romance of General Charnoty"), gypsy themes ("The Song of the Horse of Gypsy Blood", "Oh, if it were possible ...") and the Cossacks ("Cossack", "Kuban Cossack "," On the Don, on the Don"), philosophical lyrics ("Prophetic Fate").

St. Petersburg is dedicated to the songs "Walk along the Nevsky", "The time will come", "Ligovka", "Night on Vasilyevsky", "Night flight", "Poplar fluff", etc.

Among the most famous songs of Rosenbaum are "Waltz-Boston", "Babi Yar", "Sadness has flown", "Waltz on the Swan Canal".

A special place in his work is occupied by military theme, in which most of the songs are associated with the Great Patriotic War(“I often wake up in silence”, “Take me, dad, and go to war ...”) and the war in Afghanistan (“The road of a lifetime”, “Caravan”, “We will return”, “Monologue of the pilot of the" black tulip "). Rosenbaum repeatedly spoke at the locations of Soviet military units in Afghanistan.

He gave a concert in front of the Russian military at the Khmeimim airbase in Syria.

In total, Alexander Rosenbaum wrote more than 800 songs and poems.

During solo career he released over 30 albums: "Home Concert" (1981), "In Memory of A. Zvezdin-Northern" (1982), "Dedication to the Initiators" (1983), "My Yards" (1986), "Epitaph" (1986), " Paint me a house" (1987), "Gop Stop" (1993), "Pink Pearl" (1995), "July Heat" (1997), "Real Soldier" (2001), "Old Guitar" (2001), " Strange Life" (2003), "Fellow Travelers" (2007), "The Dream of a Criminal Poet" (2009), "Unbuttoned Shirt" (2010), "Coasts of Pure Brotherhood" (2011), "Metaphysics" (2015) and others.

Rosenbaum is also known for film work. He played roles in the films "Escape to the End of the World" (1991) by Alexander Mayorov, "To Survive" (1992) by Vsevolod Plotkin, "Not by Bread Alone" (2005) by Stanislav Govorukhin, "Side Step" (2008) by Marina Migunova and others His songs are heard in the films "Friend" (1987) by Leonid Kvinikhidze, "Paid for Everything" (1988) by Alexei Saltykov, "Afghan Break" (1991) by Vladimir Bortko, as well as in the series "Night Swallows" (2012) by Mikhail Kabanov, "Another Major Sokolov" (2014) by Karen Zakharov and others.

Alexander Rosenbaum published books and collections of poems " long jump(1990), "A time to live and remember. Time to sing" (1991), "White Bird of Luck" (1996), "Bull Terrier" (2000), "Birthday Gift" (2001), "I love to return to my city" (2003), "Blue Dream Bird: The stanza trembles, staggers and breaks" (2004), "Wings of Pegasus" (2008), etc.

Since 2000, Rosenbaum has been the co-host of the National Vocation Award Ceremony, which is presented to the best doctors Russia.

The singer was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation (2004-2007), was a member of the faction " United Russia", was the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture.

In 2000, Alexander Rosenbaum was awarded the rank of colonel of the reserve medical service.

Alexander Rosenbaum - People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001).

He was awarded the order Honor "for a great contribution to the development of domestic musical art and many years of fruitful activity.

Alexander Rosenbaum has been married since 1975, his wife Elena Savshinskaya is a radiologist. In 1976, a daughter Anna was born in the family, who became a professional translator.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Who does not know the famous Waltz-Boston by Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum? Perhaps the song, like the performer himself, is familiar to everyone. The artist is widely known on the Russian stage

His unique manner of performing songs is especially noticeable. The incredible charisma, the original talent of Alexander Rosenbaum, did a lot for the artist to gain popularity and public recognition. In 2006, he was awarded the title of People's Artist Russian Federation.

The artist is quite a versatile person. This and unique singer, a talented author and performer, poet, excellent musician, wonderful composer, and also an actor. Alexander Rosenbaum has a huge number of fans. He is respected by his colleagues on the stage. The biography of the artist is becoming more and more popular. It is full of bright and interesting events.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Rosenbaum

Many are interested in the personality of Alexander Rosenbaum. What is it externally and internally? And if it is difficult for us to fully reveal the character of Alexander Rosenbaum, we will dwell on the physical parameters of the artist, namely, we will tell you what his height, weight, and age are. How old is Alexander Rosenbaum? - first question. So, knowing the date of birth of the artist, we find out that Alexander Rosenbaum has already lived for 66 years. Photos in his youth and now are quite popular on the Internet.

Alexander Rosenbaum is a handsome man with a height of 174 centimeters. The artist weighs about 73 kilograms. The singer was born in the year of the Rabbit, which determines his charisma, and according to the sign of the Zodiac, he belongs to the creative and original Virgo.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Rosenbaum

Alexander Rosenbaum laid his life path in St. Petersburg. He was born on September 13, 1951. His father - Yakov Shmarievich Rosenbaum and his mother - Sofya Semenovna Milyaeva, at that time were classmates of the Medical Institute. There was one more child in the family, the brother of Alexander Rosenbaum - Vladimir.

As a child, the artist was engaged in music school in piano and violin. He also learned to play the guitar. Finished evening School of Music arrangement class. He went in for sports - boxing and figure skating.

In 1974 he graduated from the Leningrad Medical Institute. He has a diploma in general medicine. Later he worked in the ambulance.

At the age of seventeen, Alexander Rosenbaum began to write songs, which he himself performed. Since 1980 he began his professional musical career.

Since 2003, for several years he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Rosenbaum is engaged in business, he is a co-owner of pubs with interesting name"Fat fraer".

Alexander Rosenbaum happy grandfather. He has four grandchildren, all boys - grandson David, grandson Alexander, grandson Daniel and grandson Anthony.

Today singer Alexander Rosenbaum is still the same popular artist on the Russian stage. He often performs not only at home, but also gives solo performances in Europe and the USA. He is loved and respected by many. The biography and personal life of Alexander Rosenbaum is full of interesting events, he achieved good results both in creativity and in family life.

Family and children of Alexander Rosenbaum

Fans and fans of the artist want to know as much information as possible about their idol. In particular, they are interested in the topic Family and children of Alexander Rosenbaum.

In addition to the parental family, to which the artist is grateful for his upbringing and the opportunities provided, Alexander Rosenbaum has his own hearth. He is married. He has a wonderful daughter. But most importantly, Alexander Rosenbaum is the grandfather of four grandchildren.

The artist considers his family the most important thing in his life. She has always been and is on the ground together. He is proud of his daughter and simply adores his grandchildren. We can say with confidence that Alexander Rosenbaum became successful not only in his work, but also in his personal life.

Daughter of Alexander Rosenbaum - Anna Savshinskaya

In 1976, Alexander Rosenbaum became a happy father. On October 20, the artist's only child was born.

The daughter of Alexander Rosenbaum is Anna Savshinskaya, a unique girl. The baby was born quite weak. FROM early childhood she was sick a lot and often. Her parents had to make a lot of efforts to get the girl out. Their patience, love and care helped to cope with difficulties, and their efforts were later rewarded.

When Anna grew up, she married an Israeli citizen Tibireo Chaki and gave Alexander Rosenbaum and his wife as many as four grandchildren. They are all wonderful and smart boys.

The ex-wife of Alexander Rosenbaum - Natalya

The artist's first serious love happened when he was a student. He fell in love with a girl 5 years older than him. Ex-wife Alexandra Rosenbaum - Natalia, was not approved by the artist's parents. Their marriage lasted only nine months.

But Alexander Rosenbaum still remembers that student love. He says that it was really strong feelings, and, perhaps, if not for his parents, the singer's life would have turned out completely differently. Now Natalia and Alexander do not communicate. The woman lives in Pskov and works as a doctor.

The wife of Alexander Rosenbaum - Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya

The second marriage of the artist was more successful and long-term. The wife of Alexander Rosenbaum is Elena Vkitorovna Savshinskaya. They have been together since 1975. They also met in student years at the medical school. Elena Savshinskaya is a radiologist by profession.

A year after the marriage, a replenishment happened in their family, their daughter Anna was born. The girl grew up as a smart child, but was often sick. Now everything is in order with her health and she is raising four children.

Alexander Rosenbaum is unspeakably happy and grateful to fate for the gifted family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Rosenbaum

As mentioned earlier, the artist has a large number of fans of his work. Therefore, it is not surprising that Alexander Rosenbaum's Instagram and Wikipedia are quite popular on the Internet.

Note that the artist has an account on Instagram. The page is closed and there are no photos in it. Another thing is with the artist's Wikipedia. Here is extensive information about the singer Alexander Rosenbaum. So, you can get acquainted with the biography and work of the people's artist, his discography, awards, plans and facts from the artist's personal life. The article was found on

Alexander Rosenbaum is a man whose fame rightfully goes ahead of him. Both fans and newspapers have long made their impression of him. But, apparently, Rosenbaum himself is the least concerned about this, otherwise he simply would not have been able to carry such widespread fame on his shoulders. All popular people are somewhat abstracted from the gossip of their personality, otherwise in the world of seething show business one cannot survive ...

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Rosenbaum

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Rosenbaum - now the songwriter and performer is sixty-five years old. Alexander's height is 174 centimeters, and his weight is seventy-three kilograms. He was born in the cultural capital of the Russian Federation - Leningrad, a beautiful city on the Neva. From there, his victorious procession began, first as a small child, then as a young man, and then as an adult man. It is noteworthy that the boy was brought up in a family of doctors who were students at that time, as a result, his father began to work in urology, and his mother became a gynecologist.

A little later, the family moved to Kazakhstan. However, the boy's family did not stay long in a foreign country; after six years they went back to Leningrad. Then the boy began to go to school, attending also music lessons, he independently mastered the guitar. A little later, he will face a fork in life: to be a doctor, or still start developing in music. As a result, he decides to take risks and begins his ascent in music.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Rosenbaum

Biography and personal life of Alexander Rosenbaum - marked by the date September 13, 1951. According to the sign of the zodiac, he is Virgo. The young man began to write his first songs while still studying at the institute, but even if they were not immediately so foldable, not in rhyme, but over time the skill only honed, became refined. Alexander managed to break into the big stage in the first half of the 80s. In those days, the path of author's songs was in a kind of underground, but Rosenbaum, who worked exclusively in this genre, was lucky, he managed to advance quite quickly in his development.

In addition, he managed to be among the participants in a large number of the most important and dominant concerts that were held at that time in Russia, for example, in the same one: “Songs of the Year”. But, by the will of fate, his most successful performance was during a trip to Afghanistan, where he sang in front of Afghan soldiers. Of course, like any other performer, over time, Alexander grew up and his work began to change. The style of writing his songs was changing, as well as their subject matter. Among his most popular songs: "Friend", "Lifelong Road", "Black Tulip", Waltz-Boston, "Caravan". In 2001, the singer received the honorary title: National artist Russia.

Family and children of Alexander Rosenbaum

The family and children of Alexander Rosenbaum is a chapter that is filled to the brim. In addition to the parental family, which Alexander valued as a child, and his parents, who invested in him to the maximum of knowledge and love, the man managed to create his own. Not only create, but also preserve, carry the union of two hearts through the years and various ups and downs of life. The singer and actor not only has children, but also four grandchildren! Wonderful set! Definitely, we can say that the path that Alexander had to go and still go on led him to not a single peak. He can thank for this mostly only himself, but also those who are needed, the right people, which so timely caught on his life path.

Daughter of Alexander Rosenbaum - Anna Savshinskaya

The daughter of Alexander Rosenbaum, Anna Savshinskaya, was born in marriage to his real wife Elena in 1976 on October 20. Anna is the one and only child in the Rosenbaum family. But, since childhood, the baby was weakened, she was sick a lot, so that Alexander had to put in a lot of effort and patience to get the baby out, and then firmly put her on her feet in this world. Words cannot express how many years the girl's parents had to pay attention to her state of health, monitor her tests day after day. The efforts were rewarded when Anna grew up, having married an Israeli citizen Tibireo Chaki, she managed to give her father four children, all of them boys, and their names are: David Chaki-Rosenbaum, Alexander Niki Chaki-Rosenbaum, Daniel and Anthony.

The wife of Alexander Rosenbaum - Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya

The wife of Alexander Rosenbaum, Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya, became his life partner since 1975, it was then that they decided to unite their union with an oath of allegiance. However, before that, Alexander had a relationship of a marital nature with a girl with whom he studied at a medical institute, they lasted only nine months and the young people fled. Elena, by profession, is a doctor-radiologist, they met Alexander, also within the walls of a medical institute. As you can see, the second attempt to create a family nest full of comfort and mutual love turned out to be one hundred percent successful. Now that the whole family is getting together, Rosenbaum feels happier than ever. And, the singer also indescribably loves dogs, because at home he has a bull terrier according to Lucky.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Rosenbaum

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Rosenbaum are always open. Therefore, with a strong desire, you can always visit the page on Wikipedia (,_Alexander_Yakovlevich). You will be surprised how much new you can learn by visiting a page in this world library, what small facts, for example, this: Alexander's singing head is a baritone. Rosenbaum also has a personal page on Instagram ( But, it’s true, it’s closed, but there are no photographs there. But, even for the sake of your own personal interest, it’s still probably worth visiting the page. The artist continues his concert activity, to this day, working tirelessly.