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    10:37 03.08.2019

    Surrender of Moscow: how Sobyanin's rule differs from Luzhkov's

    The Kremlin had to negotiate with Yuri Luzhkov, but Sergei Sobyanin simply orders Sociologist Alexei Roshchin read the arguments on the topic of how Luzhkov differs from Sobyanin, written back in 2015, and creatively developed them in his blog: Oleg Kashin notices interesting things, but almost thinks it out: If we compare Sobyanin with Luzhkov, then it’s more correct to say not Moscow lives five years with a new mayor, but Moscow five years lives without a mayor. In 2010, the city introduced direct presidential rule, disguised as a conventional system of government.

    19:10 12.09.2018

    New book by Yuri Luzhkov wins Terra Incognita award

    The 31st Moscow International Book Fair hosted the annual Terra Incognita Award Ceremony. In the nomination Soul and Mind, the book was awarded fiction ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov And the stars look down. Earlier, Luzhkov spoke in detail about his new book: This is a book about each of us, a collection of life stories that, as they say, you can’t invent on purpose. The main idea of ​​the book is that in our difficult life it is always important to see the good, to be able to life situations smile,

    08:11 15.04.2018

    Putin reminded Sobyanin of Moscow's "chronic problems"

    Putin, at a meeting with Sobyanin, asked the mayor about two of Moscow's chronic problems, transport and migration regulation. Sobyanin, answering the president, spoke about plans to solve only one. Regulation of migration does not appear to be in the mayor's area of ​​interest. Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. On it, the president pointed out to the mayor the chronic problems of the capital and offered to report on the progress of their solution. The recording of the meeting was published on the Kremlin website. But there are chronic problems that you are also well aware of.

    21:43 16.11.2017

    Yuri Luzhkov revealed all the details of his resignation: The last straw of hatred

    The ex-mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, publishes the first autobiographical book in the Eksmo publishing house. It has not yet come out, and it is already being defined as the autobiography of a Man with a capital letter, a citizen and a real Muscovite, without whom the capital would not have become a modern metropolis. We publish an excerpt from the book, in which Yuri Mikhailovich talks about his resignation from the post of mayor of Moscow. Oddly enough, in democratic Russia, my resignation took place according to a long-standing well-known scenario, which was played out under the Soviet regime. To remove the dropped from the clip

    14:39 10.06.2017

    Yuri Luzhkov: the reaction of Muscovites is a real assessment of Sobyanin's program

    Former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov gave an interview to the Regnum agency, in which he commented on Sergei Sobyanin's speech in the State Duma, where he proved the advantages of his renovation program, criticizing a similar program of his predecessor. The agency also points to a funny contradiction in Sobyanin's statement: As a result new program renovation will be much better than the program that has been implemented in the last 20 years. Actually, they didn't come up with anything new. We took the current program. Sobyanin did not hesitate to describe the shortcomings

    18:46 15.05.2017

    Luzhkov: I demolished 12 million square meters of five-story buildings - and there was not a single protest

    When I was mayor, we had about 20 million square meters of five-story buildings in Moscow. I demolished 12 million, and there was not a single protest. - said the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov during a public lecture in Pushkin house in London. Former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov gave a lecture on May 12 at the Pushkin House in London. In particular, he spoke about how he was engaged in the demolition of houses in the capital, according to Russian Gap. Answering a question about the demolition of Khrushchev, Luzhkov said that he did not understand many of the actions of the mayor's office. He also noted that people have become smaller

    16:02 23.12.2016

    Yuri Luzhkov urgently hospitalized in Moscow

    Former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov was urgently hospitalized in a Moscow clinic on Friday, doctors resuscitated him and are now fighting for his life, an informed source in the medical circles of the capital told Interfax. Yuri Mikhailovich was indeed hospitalized on Friday in one of the Moscow clinics. He was placed in intensive care, - said the source of the agency. Meanwhile, Luzhkov's press secretary Gennady Terebkov categorically denied the information. There was no emergency hospitalization, I talked with Yuri Mikhailovich, -

    01:50 26.09.2016

    Luzhkov and Sobyanin. Who is better?

    Yuri Luzhkov is 80 years old. What did he give Moscow and what did he deprive her of? Who is the best mayor, he or Sobyanin? Yuly Nisnevich, Marat Gelman, Leonid Antonov, Matvey Ganapolsky, Ilya Barabanov are discussing. Presenter Elena Rykovtseva Full video version of the broadcast Elena Rykovtseva: Exactly 80 years ago, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, a great political and historical figure, was born. Today we will discuss what he brought to Moscow, what he could have brought, but did not do it. We will also discuss in a comparative sense Luzhkov and

    01:00 23.09.2016

    Luzhkov commented on receiving the order from Putin

    Photo: TASS Former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov said that the Order for Services to the Fatherland awarded by Vladimir Putin became for him a symbol of returning from timelessness. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. "This award for me has a very great importance. Because it is also a certain symbol of returning from the timelessness in which I was immersed several years ago, "said the ex-mayor of Moscow. In addition, Luzhkov said that in recent years he has been engaged in agriculture, in particular, growing buckwheat for the Baltic Fleet. Development

    17:16 22.09.2016

    Luzhkov spoke about his return after the award in the Kremlin

    The ex-mayor lacks only the third degree to the full holder of the Order For Merit to the Fatherland. Former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who came to the Kremlin to be awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree, said that he considers the award a sign of the end of the disgrace in which he has been for the past few years. Luzhkov told reporters that he had learned about his award even before the official announcement in the media: I got a call from the administration (president ed.) good people and said congratulations. Any award is a great joy. I think with

    12:07 22.09.2016

    Medvedev fired, Putin rewarded. Ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov received an order

    Former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the order For services to the Fatherland IV degree. The document is published on the official portal of legal information. As stated in the document, Yuri Luzhkov is awarded for active social activities. In 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Luzhkov from the post of mayor of the capital with the wording in connection with the loss of confidence. Luzhkov has worked as the mayor of Moscow since 1992, and now he is engaged in agriculture. On September 21, Yuri Luzhkov turned 80 years old

    23:46 26.08.2016

    Luzhkov became proud of the talent of Baturina, who topped the Forbes list

    Former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov admitted that he was proud of his wife Elena Baturina, who for the fourth time in a row topped the list of the richest women in Russia according to Forbes. It is reported by RIA Novosti on Friday, August 26. I am proud of my wife's talent, Luzhkov said. He explained that his wife is a super talented person. And, I would say, in business, and in art, and in horses, which she is still involved in, the former mayor noted. At the same time, he admitted that Baturina's business achievements are of interest to him.

    20:39 15.08.2016

    Luzhkov offered to make an honorary citizen of Sevastopol

    Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Vladimir Komoyedov took the initiative to give the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov the title of honorary citizen of Sevastopol. On Monday, August 15, Interfax reports with reference to the deputy's statement. I hope that with the arrival of a new governor, all the positive things that Luzhkov did for Sevastopol will find a new historical assessment and that the city's legislative assembly will finally consider awarding Luzhkov the title of honorary citizen of Sevastopol, Komoyedov said. He also expressed

    14:02 27.06.2016

    The media learned about Luzhkov's return to politics

    The former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, decided to return to politics; he became a confidant of the candidate for deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov, who headed the party list for the Crimea, Sevastopol and the Kaliningrad region. Rambler News Service was informed about this on Monday, June 27, by a source in the State Duma Defense Committee. I notify of my consent to be your authorized representative in the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the sixth convocation and authorize the use of my statements, photographs, archival videos and other works with my participation, including books

    16:39 19.05.2016

    In Kyiv, spoke about the role of Luzhkov in the reunification of the Crimea with Russia

    Deputy Minister for the Occupied Territories of Ukraine Georgiy Tuka said that former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov played a significant role in the reunification of Crimea with Russia. The official expressed this opinion on the air of Channel 5, reports on Thursday, May 19, From the first to last day Crimea was given to the local princelings. What can we talk about when Luzhkov and Moscow are building houses for military personnel, for sailors, and our sailors under blue and yellow flags are begging in hostels, Tuka said. He added that the outlook

    05:20 12.05.2016

    Yuri Luzhkov: an attempt at a will

    The most famous and controversial mayor in the history of Moscow gave a derogatory description of the Medvedev government. The former mayor of Moscow, now a simple Kaliningrad businessman, Yuri Luzhkov, gave a short interview to Interfax, where he unexpectedly harshly and at the same time accurately described the economic situation in the country, and also assessed the activities of the current government. Pro et contra As a rule, patriotic Russians have a negative attitude towards Yury Luzhkov. Indeed, a lot can be put in the hands of the former mayor of the capital. Luzhkov called the demolition of stalls in Moscow "reprisal against small businesses"

    Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said that he considers the decision of the authorities of the Russian capital on the mass demolition of shopping pavilions to be erroneous. According to Luzhkov, many of the stall owners had official permission to operate and went through the necessary licensing procedures. I think that now, when there are so many problems in the country's economy, this is not the time to crack down on small businesses like that, Luzhkov said in an interview with the BBC. According to the ex-mayor, the current Moscow mayor's office has become a kind of obsession with stalls. Many people who work in such

    21:52 13.01.2016

    Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturina got married

    Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturina got married, the former mayor of Moscow told the journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda about this. According to Luzhkov, the ceremony took place on January 12, in Moscow, in a house church, in the presence of relatives. He noted that this was a common decision of the couple, which they came to 25 years ago. Then, according to Luzhkov, the couple agreed to get married on a quarter-century anniversary life together which they noted the day before. Yuri Luzhkov is now 79 years old, Elena Baturina is 52 years old. According to RBC, they met in 1989, when he

    09:28 17.08.2015

    Luzhkov revealed the secret of who benefited from his resignation

    Former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov believes that his resignation is connected with his refusal to support the nomination of Dmitry Medvedev for a second presidential term. My resignation is injustice and lawlessness, Luzhkov said in an interview with MK. And revenge for my refusal to support Medvedev's nomination for a second presidential term. Recall that in 2010 Luzhkov was dismissed from the post of the capital's mayor with the wording in connection with the loss of confidence. About the criminal case initiated after his resignation, he reluctantly talks, and does not even

Where does ex-mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov spend his days and nights now? Some say he lives in London. Yuri Mikhailovich himself. But we have found a place where the now disgraced politician “licks his wounds”.

Maloyaroslavsky district, Kaluga region. From Moscow 2 hours drive, if there are no traffic jams. With traffic jams, you can stand all day. Since today one cannot do without traffic jams when leaving Moscow and entering it, and Yury Mikhailovich no longer has a “boss flashing light”, it takes a long time to get there. But he loves these places.

Luzhkov's dacha is located in the village of Obukhovo. Maybe an unpresentable name caused problems in the service? There is a saying "It's like a butt on the head." It was in this way that the former capital mayor once lost his warm chair.

In retirement, lonely elderly people usually nurse cats and dogs, relieve stress, make up for the lack of communication. Yuri Mikhailovich, they say in Obukhovo, communicates with his bees, here he has a huge apiary.

It was the bees that at one time became one of the reasons for the resignation of the boss in the cap. Exactly two years ago, when there was a terrible heat over Moscow and smog from peat fires, an amount of money from the city budget was allocated to save bees many times more solid than to help people. Information leaked to the press. And Dmitry Medvedev, who was then president, was very angry at Luzhkov: how can you think about insects in such a difficult time?! After a while, the situation backfired on the mayor ...

After losing his position, Yuri Mikhailovich's income decreased markedly. For example, before there were funds for the protection of a country estate, but now there is no extra money. Now there are no security guards on the staff of the “country residence” of the former mayor. Nothing to pay wages.

But the beekeepers remained in the estate - they work, take care of the bees. Selling honey. Employees are paid from the sale of sweet products.

- But now there is no honey, come in season - in September, - one of the farm workers Sergey told me.

He also showed Luzhkov's house in the village. Such a modest house, not a castle or a mansion. It's even embarrassing that big man living in such conditions.

“Yuri Mikhailovich often comes here,” Sergey said. “When the newspapers wrote that he and his family fled to England, he was here. And the investigators came to see him here, he gave evidence (the couple was suspected of embezzling budget funds. - Auth.). Sometimes he visits with his wife, sometimes without her. They joked a lot that he even goes to the bathhouse in a cap. I didn’t see him in the bathhouse, but in his garden he really doesn’t take off his hat.

With his wife Elena Baturina, this was noted even by Luzhkov's former subordinates in Moscow, the head of the family communicates mainly on business. And to have heart-to-heart conversations - there is no such thing for some reason. Although pensioners - and 76-year-old Yuri Mikhailovich is no exception - love to talk.

In Obukhovo, according to neighbors, the day of the ex-mayor begins with a tour of a large farm - beehives. He desires good morning to their winged pets. Watching this is both funny and touching.

In the estate of Yuri Mikhailovich with a size of 2 hectares - cleanliness and order. As it once was in its capital. But the fields around were overgrown with thorns. Perhaps the former mayor would be happy to clean up the neighborhood, but then again, money is needed. Where are the extras from?

There is another attack good man: businessmen with a strange sense of humor. A few kilometers from the Luzhkov estate, someone built a hotel, calling it Novye Luzhki. As if in mockery of a person who nevertheless did something good for Russia.

And in the village there are stories that have already become local folklore that "Luzhkov's bees" sting more painfully than any other. Moscow summer residents are especially disliked. Maybe they are taking revenge for the fact that in the capital their master was not treated very nicely?

Almost all articles about Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov suffer from one thing: political overtones, as well as journalistic whitewashing or slander. But Yuri Mikhailovich is a “chemically pure” character from the era of the early twentieth century, deserving consideration by a historian, psychologist and religious scholar. "They don't do that now."

How did Luzhkov manage to get into power against the backdrop of Soviet and post-Soviet characters (almost the same; the latter differ from the former only in a more developed grasping reflex and a rudimentary conscience)? People like him were cut off from the System at most in the 1960s. But the more valuable the mayor of Moscow - on his example, you can look, without looking up, at the primordially Russian capitalist in his temporary development. It is not surprising that the only person from whom Luzhkov takes an example (as he himself admitted) is the Moscow mayor late XIX century, merchant of the first guild, Greek Alekseev. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, the current mayor immortalized the name of his idol in the name of the psychiatric clinic (was named after Kashchenko, became named after Alekseev).

Like many people of the early twentieth century, the biographies of Yuri Mikhailovich's parents are someone's oral story, not supported by documents (birth records, demobilization certificates, award papers, not to mention passports). His father was born either in the village of Molodoy Tud, or in the villages of Luzhkovo or Kolchugino, Tver Region. Only one thing is known: Mikhail Andreevich Luzhkov came from a hardworking Old Believer family. In the Stalin era and the time of stagnation, belonging to "sectarianism" was a black spot for any person, the way up was closed to them. But Yuri Mikhailovich, in some incomprehensible way, always knew how to bypass such (and even more terrible - which are discussed below) barriers. And in modern times, this fact of the biography, on the contrary, played for Luzhkov. When the Moscow City Council elected a mayor to replace another Greek mayor (Gavrila Popov), Yuri Mikhailovich was officially introduced to the deputies as "a member of the CPSU, but from the Old Believers." The faction of Democrats that the candidate belonged to sectarians caused a storm of enthusiasm: “Ours! Such a person will be a mountain for democracy!” And the Communist faction in the Moscow Soviet liked the fact that Luzhkov was a member of the CPSU: “This one will not betray!” And this is another generic feature of Luzhkov - the ability to please everyone, to disguise himself, as his father taught, under the tasks of the time.

And Mikhail Andreevich, with his biography, camouflaged all his life (his middle son was more fortunate - he at least recent years 15-17 lives as he really is). In 1928, out of conviction, he refused to join the collective farm, raised some sort of mess with the same ideological sectarians against the authorities, and was forced to run away from his native places to Moscow. He lived in Moscow for several years without documents, straightening them out only in 1932 (according to one of the versions, he wrote himself down as “Luzhkov” after the name of one of the villages of the district; but he could have written down as “Molodotudov” or “Kolchugin”). In the capital, he met Anna Petrovna Syropyatova, who at the age of 8 was taken from her native Mari village of Kalegino to Moscow to work as a servant.

The Mari are still proud of the mother of Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov - they still don’t have more significant historical characters. There was only the “scourge of God” Atilla, and even that Chuvash was taken into their official heroes.

It even got to the point that the local famous (among the Mari) writer Vasily Izhboldin wrote a "folk" tale about Anna Petrovna and her son Yuri Mikhailovich. And this fairy tale is now being studied in local schools (read excerpts from the fairy tale at the end of the article). And now in Kolegino, when the new government allowed the Mari to return to traditional paganism, the most beautiful willow was named after “Yuri Mikhailovich” and on big holidays decorate it with red ribbons.

And Yuri Mikhailovich (a man, not a willow) does not forget his fellow Mari. In the late 1990s, he came to the village of Kolegino and, for part of the fee for one of his books (70 million rubles), presented the village council with an MTZ-80 tractor. In the early 2000s, there was another gift to the villagers - a ZIL bus. But the biggest reward for fellow countrymen from Yuri Mikhailovich is the creation of the Mosagro enterprise in the village. Against the backdrop of the surrounding devastation, the village now looks like an oasis of well-being, with new barnyards and worm farms. Cousins ​​and sisters (from Anna Petrovna's sister - Antonina Murzina) and more distant relatives of the mayor, it turns out, also feed Moscow now, but not with honey, like their older relative, but with meat and bread.

Yuri Mikhailovich, by the way, was the only one from the numerous Luzhkov-Syropyatov clan who received a full-fledged city specialty - a petrochemist. For example, his older brother Arkady (already deceased) was a weightlifter, and the younger Sergei is now engaged in agriculture in the settlement of the Moscow government of Medyn (he monitors a biogas station on manure). Sergei Mikhailovich himself, in one of his rare interviews, said: “Once I was kneading compost, I hear cars drive up, my brother comes in and scoops them up with his hands from the heap. His assistants from behind shout: “Yuri Mikhailovich, this is g ...!” And how the mayor shamed them a little, I see - they, too, let's scoop up and praise with their hands!

Yuri Mikhailovich in his book “We are your children, Moscow” recalled: “On weekends we went to the garden. There in the ground, mother said, lived good living potatoes, which we must take care of, because they cannot protect themselves. We spudded them, weeded them, and in the fall we dug them up, took them to Moscow and hid them in the cellar. How many times, going to bed, I imagined how they were lying below, in the darkness of the cellar, pressing their sides against each other. Everything is in the spirit of the natural pantheism of the same Finno-Ugric tribes whose blood flows in Luzhkov's veins - when objects and phenomena are endowed with living, divine power. Here is his description of the boiler room in which my mother worked: “By the way, my mother worked at the soap maker as a fireman. She had her own room - a boiler room. There was a locomotive boiler and it was always hot, dry and good. The cauldron occupied the entire space of the room, hot and fire-breathing, like a captive fairy beast. We fed him coal, bringing food from the yard in buckets. We monitored the level of water in the body. Grey, uninteresting slag was raked out.

Later, this pantheistic attitude was transferred by Luzhkov to Moscow as well. Once, Yuri Mikhailovich, having risen over Moscow in a helicopter, remarks: "The city from above gave the impression of a seriously ill - a sprawling, softened body with ulcers and holes." Of course, a new bee colony had to be implanted to cure him. Not without reason, and today Yuri Mikhailovich has three of his favorite beehives in his estate: two of them are reduced exact copies of the City Hall on Tverskaya, 13, and another beehive is made in the form of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The connection with Living Nature literally saved Luzhkov's life more than once. With the outbreak of war, his mother brought him to Molotov (Perm) for evacuation, and left him there for a year in an orphanage. In 1942, scurvy began in the children, the pupils were dying, but 7-year-old Yura and another of his fellow Ingrian went in early spring, when in our nature there are no vitamins except pine needles, to collect horsetail sprouts in the swamps. Yura and the Ingrian eventually survived, and the stubborn educators, who considered horsetail poisonous, did not dare to save children with it. Of course, such events leave an imprint for life.

In general, Yury Luzhkov's childhood impressions were not only remembered by him for the rest of his life, but also began to determine it in many ways. The public, for example, is still wondering what his love for everything Georgian is connected with (to the same Tsereteli). Here Luzhkov himself explains: “Since childhood, life has been shrouded in Georgian flavor. For as long as I can remember, a Georgian in a cloak has always jumped over a cigarette box “Kazbek” (in memory of his father who went to the front); the sad Demon was always looking at the dancing Queen Tamara (reproduction in the kitchen); a knight in a tiger skin tirelessly squeezed the beast in his raised hands (in a local eatery).

Mikhail Andreevich really went to the front. In June 1942 he was taken prisoner. In August of the same year, in some miraculous way, he left the prisoner of war camp and it is not clear how he ended up in the Odessa region, which was under Romanian occupation. “Here, Mikhail Luzhkov's carpentry skills came in handy, and until March 1944 he worked on peasant farms in the village of Osipovka,” the official legend says. People with even minimal knowledge of the war can guess who Yury Mikhailovich's father could work in the occupied territory - most likely as a "Khivi" ("Eastern worker"). The captured Red Army soldier then had several ways to leave the camp: go to the Vlasov ROA, to the punitive detachments or to the Khiva. In the Wehrmacht there were about 800 thousand Khiva from the former Red Army: they worked for railway, at airfields, in rear units, etc. There were also carpenters - to beat coffins and crosses. After the liberation of the Odessa region of the Red Army, Mikhail Andreevich was checked in SMERSH, they did not find anything criminal (which means that he was definitely neither a punisher nor a Vlasovite, but simply worked peacefully for the Third Reich), and sent to the front.

And now think about the fact that Yuri Mikhailovich all his life, even when he was already the mayor, wrote in the questionnaires "There were relatives in the occupied territories." In addition to the brand of a sectarian, his father and through him, his relatives got a new, more terrible mark associated with the occupation. The road to more or less decent work for Yuri Mikhailovich was closed.

But somehow you had to survive. With such brands, of course, it was pointless to wait for help from people from the System. There remained, again, only the Living Earth, and even the Anti-System.

In his story "Grandfather", Yuri Luzhkov describes which universities and from whom he attended the Sabbath for the construction of an oil refinery in Bashkiria:

“You already know about your father. Mom is just a working class, she worked as a machinist at a soap cooker. And here are three guys who are always hungry, and even a grandmother, father's mother. Yes, and father's sisters need help. Abundance, to put it bluntly, was not.

The main thesis was that the society in which we live is completely wrong. It makes serfs out of people, binds them with laws specially invented for enslavement. And there is a caste of the chosen ones, like a knightly order. These are people with the right ideas. They do not agree with the laws of our society, do not recognize authority, do not work, usually do not marry, and in all cases put honor above life.

Here you are pushing us. And drive bullshit that you have a law, and we are thieves. Yes, we are thieves. Because your law is denied! Now move your brain: what is your crush? Send garbage, put it in kichman. What is this, shame? No, honor for a thief. You cannot drop the suit. A thief is a lucky thing. It's not the grandmas that are important, philosophy.

That's what he said "philosophy", I remember that for sure (note that since that time the word "philosophy" has become the main word in Luzhkov's lexicon - SP). He said that life in the camp, although cruel, was “without darkness”: here no one “drives a fool” to anyone about equal rights. In the wild, there are such scammers in power, which you will not find in the zone. Under the law, equal rights for all, but in nature - for one nomenclature. By law, people are masters, in life they are slaves of the party.

Everything about you, boy, is upside down in confusion. Lawlessness is not here, but there (he pointed up). You would pozenkal what horn the party in the regional committee sits. He has a place at the bucket, and if he has a grudge against anyone, he calls where he needs to - and the tower.

Forty-five years have passed since that summer meeting in the Bashkir city of Salavat. Fortunately, our opponents missed. Well, as it was stabbed by that grandfather: “GOD IS NOT A FRAER, HE FORGIVES” (and it is highlighted in capital letters in the story so that people can remember it better - SP).

But while it was necessary to disguise, and better in the System itself - so inconspicuous. After the first bad marriage with a certain Alevtina, Yuri Mikhailovich looked after a fellow student in the "kerosene" Marina Bashilova - her father was deputy minister of the oil industry (and Luzhkov did not go to the Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas in vain - because there was a scholarship one and a half times higher than in other universities, besides, she was paid to triple students; though he also played preference then). Soon, the young people settled in a separate apartment with ceilings of 3.5 meters (before that, Luzhkov had lived all his life in the basement near the Paveletsky railway station). It is clear that after graduating from the university he was left in Moscow, then career at the Research Institute of Plastics (his knowledge of plastic later came in handy for his third wife, Elena Baturina). But the soul asked for a real, and not this ersatz life, with its party committees, demonstrations and semi-official delirium.

Yuri Mikhailovich has a dacha in Kupavna, where he goes every weekend in a humpbacked "Zaporozhets" ( gossips they say that he spent his days on sick leave not in bed, but in the country). Potatoes, a pig, but most importantly - stoves! Luzhkov himself masters the profession of a stove-maker by experience. The first Russian stove was made by him for his home, and then orders from the outside came in. In the 60s and 70s, it cost up to 200 rubles to fold it - a whole salary for official work Luzhkov. Life got better.

Then an apiary appeared - first in the country, and then as a business. "Also in Soviet times, when I worked as the director of the NPO Neftekhimavtomatika, we were allocated 200 hectares of land - for subsidiary farming. I thought: are our doctors and candidates of sciences going to grow potatoes on it? consulted with smart people(perhaps with "Grandfather" - SP), took several cattle trucks, converted them into a nomadic apiary and sent them to Adygea, where there were beautiful herbs that year. In autumn, each employee of the institute received a jar of honey. Since then, we have not lived without our honey ... ”, Luzhkov recalled. Let me remind you that such a business was launched in pre-perestroika times.

So Yuri Mikhailovich would have remained even in modern times in the Anti-System, for sure, he would have become a businessman or a banker of an average hand, but again, as with a second marriage, a case helped. How he got to the top of power, businessman Artem Tarasov recalls in his autobiographical book Millionaire:

“Popov said that he was taking over business in the Moscow City Council and wanted me to become his first deputy and chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee.

I refused. Popov was surprised and asked someone to recommend him as a deputy. Two names immediately flashed through my head: Nikolai Gonchar, the former pre-executive committee of the Baumansky district of Moscow, and Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov.

And who are they, these people? Popov asked.

I decided to myself this: whoever of them will meet me more cordially, I will recommend him!

Luzhkov was then in charge of Mosplodovoshprom. Both fruits and vegetables were chronically lacking in Moscow, so Luzhkov got it all the time. In those days, Yuri Mikhailovich was just finishing up, preoccupied with the need to look for a new job. One could already judge his mood by the behavior of the secretary. She said irritably:

He will not accept you, and do not hope! He's about to start a meeting with Pepsi-Cola.

I have already decided to go to Gonchar. Suddenly the office door opened and Luzhkov appeared:

Dear Artem! How glad I am to see you! Come in please!

Where will you go to work, Yuri Mikhailovich? I asked.

You know, they called me from the Khimavtomatika design bureau, asking me to return there as the general director. I'll probably agree...

Do you want to work as the chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee and deputy mayor? - I ask.

After a pause, Luzhkov pressed the selector button:

Don't connect with me! The meeting is cancelled!

We went to the utility room for a private conversation. Sipping tea, I told about the meeting with Popov. Luzhkov became more and more excited:

I can do it, Artem! To be honest, I can handle this job!

This is how a truly historic event for Moscow happened. I called Popov, and he made an appointment to get acquainted with Yuri Mikhailovich.

But even after becoming mayor, Luzhkov did not change his childish and religious principles. The city is an obstacle to the full development of a correct, rural community; there is no grace in the city. Here is how Yuri Mikhailovich describes his thoughts after meeting with the “Zhulebinsky rebels”, villagers who do not want to move to high-rise buildings, their worldview turns out to be akin to his own: “All these people refused new apartments, did not want warm water, gas, or sewerage, not at all because they were indifferent to comfort. But because the city apartment destroyed the way of life, that system of values ​​that connected them, the current ones, with their fathers and grandfathers, reproducing ancestral feelings, much deeper than satisfaction from comforts.

What does the ideal habitat look like? can be seen on the example of Yuri Mikhailovich's estate near Moscow.

Family house of Yuri Mikhailovich with an area of ​​700 sq. m. 5 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, a nursery, a maid's room, a dining room, a kitchen, a billiard room, a fireplace room, two storerooms, four bathrooms.

The stable complex (560 sq. m.) includes 18 stalls, a pantry-harness room, a loading room for sawdust, service and amenity premises.

The arena (882 sq. m.) was built for year-round dressage. The height of the building in the ridge is 10 meters.

Inventive laboratory (500 sq.m). Divided into several specialized workshops. In them, on the most modern equipment, in his free time, the mayor conducts scientific experiments.

Household building with compound feed room (110 sq. m.); sheepfold for 20 sheep and 20 goats (120 sqm); area for walking goats and sheep (200 sq. m.); shed with a platform for walking sheep and goats (80 sq. m.); poultry house for 100 laying hens, 60 ducks, 8 geese, 6 turkeys (110 sq. m.); bird walking area (160 sq. m); rabbitry (12 sq. m); a barn for 2 cows with a calf and a room for milk processing (“Yes, in addition to two cows, I also have a pig! And the president uses my milk, and I’m pleased,” said Luzhkov - SP); area for walking cows (300 sq. m.); shed with a platform for walking cows (80 sq. m); room for decorative birds - 2 ostriches, 5 peacocks, 30 decorative chickens, 8 pheasants (96 sq. m.); playground for ornamental birds (200 sq. m.); manure storage; container site.

Summer pool and two guest houses of 220 sq.m.

An apiary with 21 hives and two rest houses for a full-time beekeeper and inventory.

Heated greenhouses (250 sqm).

Kennel for 10 dogs.

As true believers, Yuri Luzhkov and his team hope to live forever. The head of the Moscow construction complex, Vladimir Resin, has repeatedly stated publicly: “Even when we are in a coffin, Yuri Mikhailovich will say, and we will rise!”

“The basis of my political thinking is that I don't want to leave Moscow. I don't need anything. I have a favorite job: it's Moscow. There are Muscovites who supported me in an absolutely amazing way in terms of, as they say, the potential of this support. Where? For what? What's good there?" - Luzhkov told about his plans for later life. Translated into anti-systemic language: “Move your brain: what is your crush?”, - as taught by “Grandfather” from the story of the same name by Yuri Mikhailovich.

Excerpts from the Mari "folk" fairy tale "Fate is unsmiled with glory" (author - Vasily Izhboldin).

“Once upon a time there was Anna the Nesmeyana ... In our primordial kingdom-state, in the old Testament village and Kalegino, there lived a family-like and hard-working family - the Syropyatovs. The head of this family, Pyotr Svet Ivanovich, and Ksenia Nikandrovna, a faithful, caring wife, were known in the district as diligent, meticulous workers. And it was already the twelfth year of our golden and at the same time insidious century. Their eldest daughter, Anna, was born in the year of that fleeting year. Soon, children fell after her - seven sisters and brothers, small and small less. Perhaps the prolific parents could not cope with that huge mob, if it were not for the eldest, Anna the housekeeper, painfully smart and puffy. Light-eyed, industrious, she spins in her bare shoes around the house, like that nimble, restless top, as if on wings soars around the housework ... And a bright, happy smile lights up on her brow on a motherly preoccupied, troublesome ...

... And we would not see Yu. M. in nature, if Anna Petrovna did not remember one folk custom. And as she remembered, she brought well water from the evening, closed the buckets with a lid on the lock and, raising her white, lilac hands, to the starry, bright-eyed sky, she said yes these words: “Come, my betrothed, come, ask me to drink. And I will meet you, dear, with a loving, hot heart, and hug you hot, sweetly ...

... In the post-war 45th Yu. M. - 9 years. He hurried, hurried to labor painstaking, life-giving. He went on subbotniks and mass Sundays to restore the national economy destroyed by the war, as a student he took root in the youth, creative detachments, with his mind and his voluntary labor he made a modest, honest contribution to the revival of the great, dear country. Becoming a professional specialist, having adopted from colleagues overseas mind - mind, showed in practice, and not on naked slogans, his leadership abilities, the originality of his character, penetrating, relentless. And not everyone liked these qualities of him, and he got nuts, and he was beaten more than once, but his mind was not knocked out of his smart head ... When the question arose of whom to invest with the power of the head of the city of the capital, the capital, to recognize him as a worthy mayor among the people, the townspeople named the name of Yuri Mikhailov, the son of Luzhkov, with the will of a million people. The people of Moscow were not mistaken in their choice not one iota, no.