Mark Wahlberg: I ​​still have a child in me - interview - photo. Men's haircuts that women hate Why was it important to you

Mark Wahlberg has been the subject of my interviews so often that I feel like a part of his life. It's not about falling in love with an actor. I never collected his photo, I never hung Wahlberg posters on the walls. However, the "chemistry" between us appeared and exists. Sometimes she went off scale so much that those who were nearby noticed it. We met with Mark from film to film and each time behaved like close people, separated involuntarily. My producer friend likes to remember how Wahlberg spotted me one day at a film festival and waved through the crowd. And at the next meeting ... hugged and kissed. It happened at Bristol Farms in Beverly Hills. I was standing in line at the cash register when Mark suddenly appeared in front of me. Everything happened so fast that I didn’t even have time to say anything to him, and Wahlberg was already gone.

At the junket of the first part of "The Third Extra", Mark, answering questions from journalists at our round table, looked at me almost all the time. I took it for granted, but my colleague from Italy could not stand it and asked Mark to clarify if he had a crush on me. Mark laughed but didn't comment.

In an interview for Transformers: Age of Extinction two years later, Mark looked thinner, haggard and, by his own definition, like a squeezed lemon. After a hundred days of filming, he almost without a break switched to "The Player", for which he lost 25 kilos. Wahlberg arrived at the Four Seasons hotel in Los Angeles with his youngest daughter, Grace, and through the half-open door I saw him kiss her. It was already a slightly different Mark: a loving father with many children, and at the same time, although “squeezed like a lemon”, but an A-list star and a mega-successful producer.

There is a popular belief that a young man becomes a man after forty, but more recently, scientists have confirmed that average age the real maturation of a man is 43 years old. And so I met officially grown man Mark Wahlberg at the London Hotel in West Hollywood on the occasion of imminent release his first ever sequel - "The Third Extra 2". Mark is in all black: T-shirt, loose jeans and boots. Short hair, just like a dozen years ago when I first saw him at the Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard for the premiere of The Italian Job. On that May day, Mark was with a pregnant girlfriend, model Ria Durham (with whom they have been legally married for five years and are raising four children - two girls and two boys). I agree with Ria that short haircut goes to Mark more. She joked that Mark long hair, which he grew for the films "The Third Extra", "Daddy at Home" with Will Farrell and "Underwater Horizon" with Kurt Russell, looks like "old" Harry Styles. In response, Wahlberg promised his wife that he would shave his head for a cancer charity, One Mission Buzz-Off For Kids With Cancer.

I look at Mark - wow! - Beads on the neck, peeking out from under the T-shirt. Noticing my questioning look, he says that these are traditional Catholic rosary beads, which one gave him spanish writer. "Do you use them in your prayers?" “No, as I usually go to mass which starts at 12:05 and the rosary happens later,” Mark replies, adding that his and Ria’s first date was at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York . Mark's left arm is tied with a black ribbon. "Is this a consequence of playing golf?" - I ask, remembering the hobby of the actor. Mark candidly replies that he has developed tendinitis - an inflammation of the tendon. Yes, maybe from golf, but it is clear that Wahlberg does not want to sin on golf. We sit with Mark quite side by side. It smells clean and fresh. And a subtle scent that I couldn't identify. I’ll get ahead of myself and admit that at the end of the conversation I still couldn’t stand it: “Do you use cologne?” Wahlberg was embarrassed: “No, this is called a golf pot,” and he held a bent at the elbow right hand on his forehead, as if he wanted to wipe off drops of sweat. “Played golf this morning with a friend, but I took a shower, don’t think!” Now I have to make excuses that I just wanted to know what kind of fragrance he is wearing right now. "None - a little deodorant, that's all" ...

What time did you get up today so you could practice and play golf before the interview?

Yes, it's too late.

I used to get up earlier when I was filming The Gambler, because the shooting started at four in the morning. It was the only time for filming unhindered on the streets of Los Angeles. I really enjoy working and being disciplined. I came to cinema from the world of music, where there was no discipline. I could be late for a meeting for four hours or not show up at all. During the interview, I sometimes answered the phone, went out to talk, and only I was seen. You know, cinema is a big puzzle, and I was lucky to be a small part of it.

Were you surprised that the Third Extra concept became a sequel?

This is madness.

Do I understand correctly that when you were first approached to make a film about a boy and a talking bear with a difficult character, you obviously were not sure of its success?

Yes, this has happened twice in my life. It first happened when my agent, Ari Emanuel, introduced me to writer/director Paul Thomas Anderson with his Boogie Nights project, and they asked me to play a young porn actor. What happened next, you know - the film became my springboard to Hollywood. But, you must admit, it was much more difficult for Ari to captivate me with the idea of ​​the director-screenwriter of The Third Extra, Seth MacFarlane, about a guy who wants to bring a teddy bear to life. I didn't even feel like reading the script, even though I knew Ari wouldn't leave me behind, since Seth MacFarlane is also his client. And so, when I was discussing with another agent the possibility of getting one of his actors in his production project, he casually said to me: “Oh, I heard that you are going to shoot The Third Extra”. I was just stunned: "What?" And he went on, "Didn't you read that script?" I said no. “Then read it quickly,” he said. “This is the best script I have ever come across.” I opened the script and literally devoured the first 30 pages, forgetting the prejudice that this was a story about a guy befriending a talking teddy bear. And I thought that this could be a great comedy.

"my friend's sex with his wife is just an imitation, a lot of petting and frottage"

Frame from the film "The Third Extra 2".

They say that your wife Ria Durham did not want you to star in The Third Extra, as this film, in her opinion, could ruin your career.

The fact is that the story about Ted arose immediately after the release of The Fighter in 2010, which was nominated for an Oscar. Ria and I drove to the Oscars with Ari Emanuel and his wife Sarah Hardwick Addington and discussed my next film. When Ria and Sara found out the plot of Extra Third, they called me an idiot and decided that it would be the end of my career. Only after I invited my wife to watch the first version of the film, she changed her mind, especially since the audience at this viewing was simply dying with laughter.

"The Third Extra" grossed $550 million worldwide on a $50 million budget. I think the key to his success lies in the fact that Ted is our alter ego, he reflects something important in our subconscious, something that we are afraid to show in public.

Yes, you're right - I think that's a good analogy.

How do events unfold in the sequel? Ted is getting married, right?

After Ted got married and started having problems in family life, he, like many people, decided that the child would help save his marriage. For the obvious reason, he cannot do it with his wife - he needs the help of a sperm donor. And he decides to steal it. John thought that Ted was very ambitious, and he wants his child to inherit the genes of "Flash Gordon", but just in case, he offered his candidacy. But Ted explained that he did not ask my hero to become a donor only because he did not want to traumatize him, reminding him of a failed marriage.

I'm thinking, why can't Ted have kids of his own?

Because he doesn't have a penis. My friend just can't reproduce. And his sex with his wife is just an imitation, a lot of petting and frottage.

In the first film, John was immature, but in the sequel, he has matured. You are 43 years old, and scientists say that it is at this age that a young man becomes a man. However, many girls believe that males remain children for life. Are you still a child or have you grown up?

50 to 50. I think that there is still a child in me who is ready to jump out at any moment and will immediately be surrounded by friends - the same adult children. As recently as this morning I was playing golf with a buddy and he hit a good shot. And at that time I was on the green and kicked his ball. And we constantly made fun of each other and did not hide the pleasure when the opponent's ball did not hit the hole. We can still play around, especially in our circle, but when it comes to serious things, we are able to behave like adults, well-mannered people, be responsible for work, family and children.

In the first film, you and Ted have a lot of action scenes, including an unforgettable fight. And what was the most difficult this time?

Believe it or not, I don't like to sing and dance in front of the camera. In the second part of The Third Extra, I had to do both (as, in fact, in the first). But in the first movie, I danced with Laurie, played by Mila Kunis, and in this one, I danced with Ted. And at his wedding, we will perform the song "Thunder Buddy" as a duet. We filmed this scene in Boston with five hundred extras around at seven in the morning. I danced in a tight tuxedo, and everyone around rolled with laughter, and I patiently waited for the moment when the torture was over and I could drink!

But you former rapper Why don't you like to sing and dance?

Just because it's a different style. If it was rap, it would be another matter.

You have patience, but the secrets to improving yourself?

No, I just set goals and go towards them without losing focus. The main ones are to be best husband and father. My children grow up in a completely different environment than the one in which I was brought up and with which, fortunately, they do not intersect. They don't face the problems that I had as a child, but they have their own, perhaps more difficult ones. They grow in abundance, and it is important for me to develop a work ethic in them, to awaken a sense of appreciation for what they have, as well as modesty, courtesy and respect. I'm probably a softer father than I should be. My mother said that I need to learn how to say “no” to children, but this does not always work out.

It's no secret that you are a believer. How does that fit in with a movie filled with lewd jokes? Is it like "separation of church and state"?

I really hope that God has a good sense of humor and that he is a movie buff.

You once told me that while working in music industry, could be four hours late or not show up at the appointed time. When did you realize you needed discipline?

On the set of the second or third film, which took place in Canada, I suggested to an actor friend: “Let's get out of here to Boston for five days?” We did just that. From Boston, I called the director of the film and said that I would be back in two or three days. "What?! he growled. - Are you out of your mind?!" I explained that we were in Boston. Fortunately, he turned out to be a normal guy, changed the filming schedule, and I was not fired. That's probably why I didn't do anything like that again.

You continue to work hard - producing, acting, acting in commercials, managing restaurant business, although they could devote more time to their families and themselves. Why all this?

You, Galya, argue like my wife. But you don't know what bills I get and you don't know my debts for the last twenty years. I am an entrepreneur, a businessman, I am a businessman, and I like doing business. There are many untapped opportunities around! You know, I sometimes wonder how quickly I get along with high-flying businessmen. Apparently, due to the fact that I learned to speak their language and be on a level.

Have you ever failed as a businessman?

It happened that the result was not as good as I wanted, but I can not complain. Now doing business has become more risky - as they say, in order to stand still, you must run, and this is fraught with rash decisions. And now that I've made a fortune and have the ability to make serious investments, I have a much better understanding of what's really going on in business. So I became even more careful. I don't deal in stock markets, hedge funds, or other forms of risky business.

“You have no idea what debts I have accumulated over 20 years and what bills I get!”

From what I understand, you didn't even study business in college, right?

No, I did not study - neither business, nor something else.

However, did you finish school?

I just got my Abitur.

Why was this important to you?

I don't want my kids to say, "Dad, if you didn't finish school, why should I?" This was one of the main reasons. I also fixed the youth bug. And now I can go to college if I want to. I did not intend to do this, but you never know what lies ahead for you.

What was your favorite subject at school?

I am very good at math. It's also funny because my wife writes beautifully - she has a great sense of language. And the daughter has a natural literacy. But my sons followed me - they are good at math. My six-year-old son watches basketball competitions and counts the points that teams earn. Every day he asks one of us for an iPhone to see the standings.

The children have already seen posters with a bear "Third Extra 2". How do they react to advertising?

They said, "Daddy, finally we can watch your movie!" And I answered them: “Sorry, guys, but I won’t take you to this film.” And so that they would not be offended, I went with them to Fast & Furious 7. I myself wanted to see it, although my wife objected because of the foul language. And of course, before the show started, they showed the trailer for "The Third Extra 2", and the children said: "Come on, dad, let us watch!" I'm not worried about the vocal and dance scenes that Ted and I have, although I know they're clearly not meant for kids, especially girls. I worry more about my daughters, it's true. When I was young, I was a dunce for quite some time. I think until I had a daughter who taught me to respect women. If I had four sons instead of two sons and two daughters, then I would most likely remain the same idiot. Last year, I took my eldest daughter Ella with me to Las Vegas for the premiere of Transformers. She played wonderfully school play and I wanted to please her. But when we were in Vegas, it dawned on me where I brought my girl. I told myself that this was the first and hopefully the last time she was in Las Vegas. And then I realized that as she grows older, my severity will increase. It seems to me that daughters have a very positive influence on fathers and unwittingly make them become better. If this does not happen, then something is wrong with the person.

Are you going to ban your daughters from dating?

I'd love to ban them, but that's not possible. So I just hope they get good guys.

Who is the strictest person in your family?

Probably my mother - she gave birth and raised nine children!

They say that you have the most extensive environment in Hollywood.

When I met my future wife, I lived in an apartment with five or six friends, and they were very much like Ted - they only had booze and girls on their minds. When I realized that with Ria I had absolutely special relationship So I decided to move to another place. That's why I bought our first house. However, all my friends wanted... to move into this house with me! When I first went to see it, they went with me and began to choose their rooms. One of them said: "This is my room", and the other objected to him: "No, mine." And the guys started fighting. I took my time and said, "Guys, it hurts to tell you this, but you are not moving into this house with me." I felt that this could not go on forever and that I should grow up and become more independent. And it seems to have succeeded.

Mark was born into a large family, besides him, his mother's nurse and father's truck driver had eight other children. Mark received a Catholic upbringing and education at Copley Square High School in Boston, but dropped out and received his Abitur years later.


Profession: actor
Date of Birth: June 5, 1971
Height and weight: 174 cm. 85 kg.
Place of Birth: Dorchester, Massachusetts, USA
Best works:"The Departed", "Fighter", "The Third Extra"
Awards: MTV Channel Award
Social network: Facebook , Twitter

AT adolescence he was implicated in several acts of violence and vandalism. In his youth, he had about 20 to 25 police calls, and at the age of thirteen, Wahlberg had serious problems with cocaine and other drugs.

The first fame for the slob Mark came on the musical path. He rose to prominence as the younger brother of Donnie Wahlberg, a member of the early 1990s cult pop group New Kids on the Block, of which he was a temporary member. Not without the help of his brother Donnie, Mark, as part of the hip-hop group Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, recorded the album Music for the People, which later went platinum.

The success of the second album You Gotta Believe was more modest. However, the group's live performances enjoyed continued popularity. In the past, bodybuilder Mark liked to be semi-naked on stage, which pleased his enchanted female fans. Outrageous behavior was characteristic of him in everything. So in 1992 he released an autobiography, and in an interview he said that he dedicated it to his penis.

Wahlberg's film career began in 1993 with a role in the television movie Substitute Teacher, and his debut on big screen was a role in the 1994 film Renaissance Man, starring Danny DeVito. Later, he appeared in films such as The Basketball Diary starring Leonardo DiCaprio, the thriller Fear, where Reese Witherspoon was his partner. His good acting game was appreciated after the release of the film "Boogie Nights", which eventually received three Oscar nominations.

positive feedback and commercial success received the paintings "Three Kings", "The Perfect Storm", "Italian Robbery" and "Blood for Blood". In 2001, Wahlberg played leading role in Planet of the Apes by Tim Burton. For his role as Sergeant Sean Dignam in Martin Scorsese's The Departed, Wahlberg was nominated for an Oscar as Best Supporting Actor.

Since 2008, he starred in a tape created on the basis of the same name computer game"Max Payne", and later acted as a performer of one of the main roles in Peter Jackson's big-budget drama "The Lovely Bones". The actor did a good job with roles in the comedies "Cops in deep reserve" and "The Third Extra". In addition, he is also a producer.

Personal life

He dated actress Jordana Brewster from 1998 to 2001. He also had affairs with his partners in film set actresses Reese Witherspoon and China Chow. In 2009, after eight years of relationship, Mark officially married model Ria Durham, by that time they had three joint children - Michael, Brendan Joseph and Ella Ray. Another child was born in the marriage, the daughter of Grace Margaret.

Interesting Facts

He had four tattoos, which he brought out in 2009: characters from the Looney Tunes cartoon, Sylvester the cat with a Twitty Pie bird in his mouth, his own initials MW on his right shoulder, Bob Marley's head with the signature one love on his left shoulder, and an imitation of a rosary worn around his neck with crucifix and the inscription In God I Trust under it

An ardent fan of basketball and the Boston Celtics in particular. A huge team emblem adorns the basketball court deck in the backyard of his Beverly Hills mansion.

He is distantly related to Madonna, Halle Berry and Celine Dion.

In December 2001, he bought a mansion in Beverly Hills for $5 million and moved his mother there

In May 2001, he founded the Mark Wahlberg's Youth Foundation, a charitable foundation focused on financial and social support for talented young people from urban areas.

In 2004 he started producing. The project of the documentary series Juvies (Juvenile delinquents) commissioned by MTV became the debut

He gained his first high-profile success in the early 90s as rapper Marky Mark

Wahlberg is of Swedish, Irish and French Canadian descent.


1. Good old gang

2. Cocaine cowboys

3.Player (2015)

4. The Third Extra 2 (2015)

5. Handsome (2015)

6. Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)

7. Survivor (2013)

8.Two barrels (2013)

9. Blood and sweat: Anabolics (2013)

10. City of vice (2012)

11. The third extra (2012)

12.Smuggling (2011)

13. Fighter (2010)

14. Cops in deep reserve (2010)

15. Mad date (2010)

16. The Lovely Bones (2009)

17. Max Payne (2008)

18. Phenomenon (2008)

20. Masters of the Night (2007)

21. Shooter (2007)

22. The Departed (2006), Top250: 24

23. Overcoming (2006)

24. Blood for blood (2005)

25. Heartbreakers (2004)

26. Handsome (TV series, 2004 - 2011)

27. Juvenile delinquents (2004)

28. Italian robbery (2003)

29. The Truth About Charlie (2002)

30. Rock Star (2001)

31. Planet of the Apes (2001)

32. The Perfect Storm (2000)

33. Yards (2000)

34. Three Kings (1999)

35. Corruptionist (1999)

36. Big deal (1998)

37 Boogie Nights (1997)

38. Traveler (1997)

Women judge men not only by what is in their head, but also by what is on it. Your attention to the 16 most terrible hairstyles, according to reputable hair stylists and fashion bloggers. Look at these haircuts and never do them!

Combed for baldness

Colin Farrell in Horrible Bosses

Amanda Shackleton, stylist Javier Bardem and Pierce Brosnan: “Who are you fooling when a strand of hair falls in your ear? This is the worst male haircut I can imagine. Cut your hair and windy days Stop scaring you!"


Ronaldinho, Brazilian footballer

Amy Komorowski, celebrity male stylist and hair care expert for the Ax Hair line: “Usually this hairstyle is worn by guys who have very little hair. But even if it's not, I'll always say no to ponytails!


Jovan Vitaliano, stylist for La Voila Beauty, Emmy hair and makeup winner: "It always looks over the top and doesn't suit most men."


John Cena, American wrestler

Liz Finklestein, consulting stylist for Mile High Style: "Keep that haircut for the Navy."

Under the pot

Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Dumber"

Kim Turner, fashion blogger: “This haircut suggests that the guy is too stingy to go to a professional and cuts himself with a bowl on his head. If he is not ready to spend 1000 rubles on a haircut, where will he take the girl on a date? Probably McDonald's."


Mark McGrath - leader of the rock band Sugar Ray

Lena Sutherland, host of the TV show While Men Watch on CNN: “Clarified spikes sticking out of the top of the head scream that you have nowhere to put your time! Plus, no woman wants to imagine a guy sitting in a salon in a cape and with foil on his hair.

African braids

Edward Norton in Stone

Beka Alexander, fashion blogger at Fashion Indie: “I don't want to be labeled, but I've yet to meet a man with this hairstyle who doesn't dream of becoming a rap star. Seriously, I lived in the Bronx for several months, saw dozens of guys with pigtails, and they all tried to sell me their CDs with photos of half-naked chicks on the cover. If you want to lose my attention, get your hair done like the singer R Kelly or Edward Norton in Stone."

Shoe shiner

Jermaine Jackson, American singer

Kim Turner: "This guy still can't get over his hair loss, so he paints his bald head with some kind of shoe polish. Any woman would be afraid to go on a date with him, because this thing could leak at any moment! He should make dates only in winter, there is no chance in summer.”


Lena Sutherland: "Important message: Women love to touch your hair. Please don't let our fingers or jewelry get stuck in them. And for your information, most women will be dumbfounded to see chunks of gel on their helmet-like hair."

Too casual look

Zac Efron, American actor

Nisonya McGary, stylist Jamie Foxx and Tom Cruise: “We hate uncombed hair. It always looks careless and sloppy. Ugh!"

something in between

Roger Federer Swiss tennis player

Lena Sutherland: "It's too short to be long and too long to be short. Guys with these hairstyles have to use hair accessories so that they somehow lay down. A man's haircut should lie on its own, without bandages and without the need to constantly adjust them with your hands.

Retro Bieber

Justin Bieber, Canadian singer

Lena Sutherland: “Any version of the old-school Bieber slicked-forward hair looks old-fashioned. Women are not turned on by lush hair that covers the forehead, not to mention how it looks when its owner sweats.

Spikes on the head

Guy Fieri - American restaurateur

Beka Alexander: "No one likes petting a hedgehog! Spiked hair looks intimidating and suggests that the man was hit with a stun gun or secretly adores Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols. I’ll add salt to the wound: lightening the strands will not help here. ”

Funny pictures

Kobe Bryant, American basketball player

Lena Sutherland: “Please don't adorn yourself with shaved lines or patterns! Even if your team made the playoffs, women don't want to see their logo on the back of your head. This goes for your eyebrows and beard as well.”


Mark Wahlberg, American actor

Samantha Gow, stylist for Lady Jane’s Haircuts for Men: “The mullet haircut should go into oblivion! This hairstyle does not suit anyone. Even Jon Bon Jovi can't get her back!"

Trump hairstyle

Donald Trump, US President

Beka Alexander: “I don't know if this counts as a comb, but this hairstyle looks the worst thing I've seen on TV. Even the Walking Dead hairstyles are better! This color can turn out if you overdo it with a tinting spray. And the whole style reminds me of what happens when you try to dry your hair under a hand dryer. It's just really bad."

Presents Galina Galkina's interview with famous Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg.

Mark Wahlberg will make our summer: two of his films are being released - "The Third Extra 2" and "Entourage". On the eve of the prime minister, the actor told me about the sore - spree, friends who had to give up their homes, and fear for their daughters.

Mark Wahlberg has been the subject of my interviews so often that I feel like a part of his life. It's not about falling in love with an actor. I never collected his photo, I never hung Wahlberg posters on the walls. However, there was a "chemistry" between us from the first meeting and still exists. Sometimes she went off scale so much that those who were nearby noticed it.

We meet with Mark from film to film, and each time we acted like close people, separated involuntarily. My producer friend likes to remember how Wahlberg spotted me one day at a film festival and waved through the crowd. And at the next meeting ... hugged and kissed. It happened at Bristol Farms in Beverly Hills. I was standing in line at the cash register when Mark suddenly appeared in front of me. Everything happened so fast that I didn’t even have time to say anything to him, and Wahlberg was already gone.

At the junket of the first part of "The Third Extra", Mark, answering questions from journalists at our round table, looked at me almost all the time. I took it for granted, but my colleague from Italy could not stand it and asked Mark to clarify if he had a crush on me. Mark laughed but didn't comment.

In an interview for Transformers: Age of Extinction two years later, Mark looked thinner, haggard, and, by his own definition, like a dead lemon. After a hundred days of filming, he almost without a break switched to "The Player", for which he dropped 25 kilos. Wahlberg arrived at the Four Seasons hotel in Los Angeles with his youngest daughter, Grace, and through the half-open door I saw him kiss her. It was already a slightly different Mark: a loving father of many children, an A-list star and a mega-successful producer.

There is a common belief that a young man becomes a man after forty, but more recently, scientists have confirmed that the average age of a man's true adulthood is 43 years.

And so I met officially grown man Mark Wahlberg at the London Hotel in West Hollywood on the occasion of the imminent release of his first ever sequel - "Ted 2". Mark is in all black - T-shirt, loose jeans and boots. Short hair, just like a dozen years ago when I first saw him at the Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard for the premiere of The Italian Job.

On that May day, Mark was with a pregnant girlfriend, model Ria Durham (with whom they have been legally married for five years and are raising four children - two girls and two boys).

I agree with Ria that short hair suits Mark more. She joked that Mark with long hair, which he grew out for the films "The Third Extra", "Daddy at Home" with Will Farrell and "Underwater Horizon" with Kurt Russell, looks like "old" Harry Styles. In response, Wahlberg promised to shave her head for the One Mission Buzz Off For Kids With Cancer charity campaign against cancer.

I'm looking at Mark! - Beads on the neck, peeking out from under the T-shirt. Noticing my questioning look, he says that these are traditional Catholic rosary beads, which a Spanish writer gave him. "Do you use them in your prayers?" - "No, as I usually go to Mass, which starts at 12:05, and prayers with the rosary occur later," Mark replies and adds that his and Ria's first date was at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York .

Mark's left arm was tied with a black ribbon. "Is this a consequence of playing golf?" - I ask, remembering the hobby of the actor. Mark candidly replies that he has developed tendonitis - an inflammation of the tendon. Yes, maybe from golf, but it is clear that Woloberg does not want to sin on golf.

We sit with Mark quite side by side. It smells clean and fresh. And a subtle scent that I couldn't identify. I will run ahead and admit that at the end of the conversation I still could not stand it: "Do you use cologne?" Wahlberg was embarrassed: "No, it's called a golf pot," and he ran his right hand bent at the elbow over his forehead, as if he wanted to wipe off the drops of sweat. "Played golf this morning with my friend, but I took a shower, don't think!"

Now I have to make excuses that I just wanted to know what kind of fragrance he is wearing right now. "None - a little deodorant, that's all."

- What time did you get up today to have time to practice and play golf before the interview?

- Yes, it's too late.

I used to get up earlier - when I was filming The Gambler, because the shooting started at four in the morning. It was the only time for filming unhindered on the streets of Los Angeles. The shooting day lasted from 4 to 4, I returned home at 5:30, and went to bed at 6:30. Then I got up at 1:30, did my set of exercises, including jumping rope, had breakfast or no breakfast, and went to the shooting.

I really enjoy working and being disciplined. I came to cinema from the world of music, where there was no discipline. I could be late for a meeting for four hours or not show up at all. During the interview, I sometimes answered the phone, went out to talk, and only I was seen. You know, cinema is a big puzzle, and I'm lucky to be a small part of it.

- Were you surprised that the concept of "Third Extra" became a sequel?

This is madness.

Do I understand correctly that when you were first approached to make a film about a boy and a talking bear with a difficult character, you obviously were not sure of its success?

Yes, and this has only happened twice in my life, and both times when the idea of ​​a movie popped into my head for some reason. It first happened when my agent, Ari Emanuel, introduced me to writer/director Paul Thomas Anderson with his Boogie Nights project, and they asked me to play a young porn actor. What happened next, you know - the film became my springboard to Hollywood. But you have to admit, Ari had a much harder time capturing me with The Third Extra, writer-director Seth MacFarlane's idea about a guy who wants to bring his teddy bear to life. I didn't even feel like reading the script, even though I knew Ari wouldn't leave me behind, since Seth MacFarlane is also his client.

And so, when I was discussing with another agent the possibility of getting one of his actors in his production project, he casually said to me: "Oh, I heard that you are going to shoot" The Third Extra. "I was just stunned:" What? continued: “Well, haven't you read this script?” I said no. “Then read it quickly,” he asked. "This is the best script I've ever come across."

I opened the script and literally devoured the first 30 pages, forgetting my prejudice that this was a story about a guy befriending a talking teddy bear. And I thought that this could be a great comedy. I asked them to show me what a talking bear would look like on the screen, and it turns out they were ready for it.

Then I met with Seth, and literally five minutes later I told him: "If you want me to play John, then I'm ready to do it" And we, as they say, shook hands. (Laughs).

It is said that your wife Ria Durham didn't want you to do Third Extra because she thought that film could ruin your career?

The fact is that the story about Ted arose immediately after the release of The Fighter in 2010, which was nominated for an Oscar. Ria and I drove to the Oscars with Ari Emanuel and his wife, Sarah Hardwick Addington, and discussed my next film. When Ria and Sarah found out the plot of "Third Extra", they called me an idiot and decided that this would be the end of my career. Only after I invited my wife to watch the first version of the film, she changed her mind, especially since the audience at this viewing was simply dying of laughter.

- "The Third Extra" grossed $550 million worldwide on a $50 million budget. I think that the key to his success is that Ted is your alter ego, he reflects something important in your subconscious, something that we are afraid to show in public.

Yes, you're right - I think that's a good analogy.

How are things going in the sequel? Ted is getting married, right?

After Ted got married and had problems in his family life, he, like many people, decided that the child would help save his marriage. For the obvious reason, he cannot do it with his wife - he needs the help of a sperm donor. And he decides to steal it. John thought that Ted is very ambitious, and he wants his child to inherit the genes of "Flash Gordon", but just in case he offered his candidacy. But Ted explained to him that he did not ask my hero to become a donor only because he did not want to traumatize him, reminding him of a failed marriage.

- I'm thinking, why can't Ted have children himself?

Because he doesn't have a penis. My friend just can't reproduce. And his sex with his wife is just an imitation, a lot of petting and frottage.

In the first film, John was immature, but in the sequel, he has matured. You are 43 years old, and scientists say that it is at this age that a young man becomes a man. However, many women believe that males remain children for life. Are you still a child, or have you grown up?

50 to 50. I think that a child is still sitting in me, who is ready to jump out at any moment, and will immediately be surrounded by friends - adult children. As recently as this morning I was playing golf with a buddy and he made a good hit. And at that time I was on the green, and kicked his ball with my foot. And we constantly made fun of each other, and did not hide our pleasure when the opponent's ball did not hit the hole. We can still play around, especially in our own circle, but when it comes to serious things, we are able to act like adults, well-mannered people, be responsible for our work, family and children.

In the first film, you and Ted have a lot of action scenes, including an unforgettable fight. And what was the most difficult this time?

Believe it or not, I don't like to sing and dance in front of the camera. In the second part of "Third Extra" I had to do both (as, in fact, in the first). But in the first movie, I danced with Laurie, played by Mila Kunis, and in this one, I danced with Ted. And at his wedding, we will perform the song Thunder Buddy as a duet. We filmed this scene in Boston with five hundred extras around at seven in the morning. I danced in a tight tuxedo, and everyone around rolled with laughter, and I patiently waited for the moment when the torture was over, and I could drink!

- But you are a former rapper - why don't you like to sing and dance?

Just because it's a different style. Would it be rap - another matter.

- Patience you have, and the secrets of improving yourself?

No, I just set goals for myself and go to them without losing focus. Chief among them is to be a better husband and father. My children grow up in a completely different environment than the one in which I was brought up and with which, fortunately, they do not intersect. They don't face the problems that I had as a child, but they have their own, perhaps more difficult ones. They grow in abundance, and it is important for me to develop a work ethic in them, to awaken a sense of appreciation for what they have, as well as modesty, courtesy and respect. I am probably a softer father than I should be. My mother told me that I need to learn how to say "no" to children, but this does not always work out.

It's no secret that you are a believer. How does that fit in with a movie filled with lewd jokes? Is it like "separation of church and state"?

I really hope that God has a good sense of humor and that he is a movie buff.

You once told me that, working in the music industry, you could be four hours late or not show up at the appointed time. When did you realize that you needed discipline?

On the set of the second or third film, which took place in Canada, I suggested to an actor friend: "Let's get out of here to Boston for five days ?!". And so we did. From Boston, I called the director of the film and said that I would be back in two or three days. "What?!" he growled. “Are you out of your mind?!” I explained that we were in Boston. Fortunately, he turned out to be a normal guy, changed the filming schedule, and I didn’t get fired. That’s probably why I didn’t do anything like that again.

You continue to work hard - producing, acting, acting in commercials, managing the restaurant business, although you could devote more time to your family and yourself. Why all this?

You, Galya, argue like my wife. But you don't know what bills I get, and you don't know my debts for the last twenty years. I am an entrepreneur, a businessman, I am a businessman, and I like doing business. There are many untapped opportunities around! You know, I sometimes wonder how quickly I get along with high-flying businessmen. Apparently, due to the fact that I learned to speak their language and be on a level.

- Have you ever failed as a businessman?

It happened that the result was not as good as I wanted, but I can not complain. Now doing business has become more risky - as they say, in order to stand still, you must run, and this is fraught with rash decisions. And now that I've made a fortune and have the ability to make serious investments, I have a much better understanding of what's really going on in business. So I became even more careful. I don't deal in stock markets, hedge funds or other forms of risky business.

- From what I understand, you didn't even study business in college, right?

No, I did not study - neither business, nor something else.

- However, did you finish school?

I just got my Abitur. (Laughs).

- Why was it important to you?

I don't want my kids to say, "Dad, if you didn't finish school, why should I?" This was one of the main reasons. I also fixed the youth bug. And now I can go to college if I want to. I didn't mean to do it, but you never know what lies ahead.

- What was your favorite subject at school?

I am very good at math. It's also funny because my wife writes beautifully - she has a great sense of language. And the daughter has a natural literacy. But my sons followed me - they are good at math. My six-year-old son watches basketball competitions and counts the points that teams earn. Every day he asks one of us for an iPhone to see the standings.

- The children have already seen posters with a bear and "The Third Extra 2". How do they react to advertising?

They said, "Daddy, finally we can watch your movie!" And I answered them: "Sorry, guys, but I won't take you to this film." And so that they would not be offended, I went with them to Fast & Furious 7. I myself wanted to see it, although my wife objected because of the foul language. And, of course, before the movie started, they showed the trailer for "Extra 2", and the kids said: "Come on, dad, let us watch!" I'm not worried about the vocal and dance scenes that Ted and I have, although I know they're clearly not meant for kids, especially girls. I worry more about my daughters, it's true. When I was young, I was a jerk for quite some time. I think that until I had a daughter who taught me to respect women. If I had four sons instead of two sons and two daughters, then I would most likely remain the same idiot.

Last year, I took my eldest daughter Ella with me to Las Vegas for the premiere of Transformers. She did a wonderful job in the school play, and I wanted to please her. But when we were in Vegas, it dawned on me where I brought my girl. I told myself that this was the first and hopefully the last time she was in Las Vegas. And then I realized that as she grows older, my severity will increase. It seems to me that daughters have a very positive influence on fathers and unwittingly make them become better. If this does not happen, then something is wrong with the person.

Are you going to ban your daughters from dating?

I'd love to ban them, but that's not possible. So I just hope they get good guys.

And how has your attitude towards women really changed after being, as you say, a jerk for a long period?

I got older and wiser, but the main push I got, as I said, after the birth of my daughter. I can not say that I was a complete nonentity, but my best feelings were offended, after which I did not trust anyone. But Ella melted my heart. (Laughs). It seems to me that daughters have a very positive influence on their fathers, and unwittingly make them become better. If this does not happen, then something is wrong with the person.

- Who is the most strict person in your entourage?

Probably my mother - she gave birth and raised nine children!

- They say that you have the most extensive environment in Hollywood?

When I met my future wife, I lived in an apartment with five or six friends, and they were very much like Ted - they only had booze and girls on their minds. When I realized that I had a very special relationship with Ria, I decided to move to another place. That's why I bought our first house. However, all my friends wanted... to move into this house with me! When I first went to see it, they went with me and began to choose their rooms. One of them said: "This is my room", and the other objected to him: "No, mine." And the guys started fighting. I waited for a while and said, "Guys, it hurts to tell you about this, but you are not moving into this house with me." I felt that this could not go on forever, and that I should grow up and become more independent. And he seems to have succeeded.

Mark Wahlberg Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth200 million dollars
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 55 Richest Actors Alive in 2019!
Yearly SalaryN/A
SURPRISING: The 10 Best Salaries in Television!
Product EndorsementsGucci & Aqua Hydrant
Highest Grossing MoviesTransformers: Age of Extinction, Transformers: The Last Knight & Ted
ColleaguesDwayne Johnson, Bryan Greenberg & Vincent Chase



    Bentley Azure
MUST READ: 10 Whopping Homes & Cars Of Celebrities That Will Amaze You!

Mark Wahlberg: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends

Mark Wahlberg with sexy, Wife Rhea Durham
Who is Mark Wahlberg dating in 2019?
relationship statusMarried (Since 2001)
Current Wife of Mark WahlbergRhea Durham
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wivesRachel Hunter
Jordana Brewster
Has any kids?no
Will the marriage of American actor & model Mark Wahlberg and current Wife, Rhea Durham survive 2019?

Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters.


Skin, Hair & Eye color

This nice tough actor & model originating from Dorchester, Boston, Massachusetts, United States has a body builder body & square face type. Mark Wahlberg makes commercials for Aqua, but actually uses: Calvin Klein.

hair colordark brown
hair typeStraight
hair lengthnear-shaved hair
hair stylealternative
Distinct featuresmile
Skin Tone/ComplexionType I: Light skin
Skin TypeNormal
Beard or MustacheBeard
eye colorHazel
Does Mark Wahlberg smoke?Not anymore, quit smoking
CAUGHT SMOKING: The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers!

Mark Wahlberg - 2019 Dark brown hair & alternative hair style.
Mark Wahlberg smoking a cigarette (or weed)

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Mark Wahlberg endorsements clothing brands like unknown. And wears brands like NY Rangers, Air Jordan & BAYVI.
Height173 cm
Weight75 poundsclothing stylesporty
Favorite colorswhite
Feet size12
Waist size118
Buste size167
Butt size135
Does Mark Wahlberg have a tattoo?Yes

Official websites/fansites: &

Does Mark Wahlberg have official Social Media profiles?