Group of brilliant silvia. Soloist of "Brilliant" is suspected of brutally beating her colleague

Silvia Zolotova and Denis Kovalsky beat Elena Petrova. PHOTO

Singer Elena Petrova told the police that she was beaten by the lead singer of the group "Brilliant" Silvia Zolotova and composer Denis Kovalsky.

28-year-old singer Elena Petrova said that she was severely beaten by the lead singer of the "Brilliant" Silvia Zolotova and her boyfriend, composer Denis Kovalsky, known for that he wrote songs for Dima Bilan, Nikolai Baskov and.

Petrova recorded the beatings inflicted and wrote a corresponding statement to the police.

Beaten Elena Petrova

Petrova met her abusers at the birthday party of her close friend's boyfriend.

"Among the guests were composer Denis Kovalsky and his girlfriend, the lead singer of the Brilliant group Silvia Zolotova. They drank, and for some reason I began to cause aggression in Denis," Elena told reporters.

“Although the topic of our conversation was generally about Zhanna Friske, I couldn’t speak badly about her, she is an angel. Kovalsky and Zolotova went out several times, maybe they took some drugs there and this caused aggression? Denis jumped up to me I stepped aside, saying that my young man would come and he would talk to him, "Petrova told the details.

However, the matter did not end there.

“Forty minutes later, when my young man drove up, I went upstairs, the whole company was standing there. They started shouting all sorts of nasty things to me and calling me a skin. After that, Denis flew up to me and hit me in the head with his fist. When my young man, Kovalsky, came up began to run away from him. At this time, Zolotova approached me from behind and struck several blows in the face. My blood was flowing in streams, and she continued to beat my head on the asphalt, "said the girl.

As Petrova admitted, she is still in shock. According to the aspiring singer, she had a miscarriage because of the beating - at the time of the incident, the girl was in her third week of pregnancy.

Silvia Zolotova and Denis Kovalsky

“The hematomas were the strongest, and then I was diagnosed with a concussion. After this beating, I started bleeding and I lost my child. When they started pulling Sylvia away from me, she kicked me in the stomach. a fur coat, a personalized scarf and trousers," Elena said.

At the end of the conversation, Elena noted that at first she tried to resolve the conflict without the intervention of law enforcement agencies, but she could not contact the offenders - they did not make contact. As a result, Elena nevertheless decided to go to the police, they accepted her statement and recorded all the beatings.

Denis Kovalsky and Dima Bilan

“A friend who was in companies with Kowalski told me that he constantly provokes people, beats and runs away. It happened many times in the institution of the same man who had a birthday, where we were sitting. But all cases and all applications are closed, because that man occupies some kind of cool position," Elena Petrova added.

Compound popular group"Brilliant", whose songs have long been loved and heard by many, has changed quite recently. In September, the soloist Anastasia Osipova was replaced by a young performer from Mari El, a graduate of the Mari College of Culture and Arts. S.I. Palataya Sylvia Zolotova. And helped her Lucky case. Although, rather, it can be called a gift of fate, because Sylvia dreamed of a big stage since childhood.

From the capital to Mari El

Sylvia came to New Torjal with her mother Nina Zolotova, brothers and sister in 2005, after graduating from the capital's school. Nina Ivanovna made the decision to change her Moscow apartment to a private house in the Mari village due to financial difficulties. It became not easy to raise children alone - Nina Ivanovna's husband died tragically when Sylvia was three years old.
The choice fell on New Torjal, because by that time Silvia's elder brother Vitaly had married and came to live here. Sylvia had graduated from high school at that time, and she had to decide on her future profession. However, it didn't take long to think.

Great time

- Since I took up dancing seriously from the age of thirteen, the question is future profession I decided on my own, I entered the Mari College of Culture and Arts named after S.I. Palantaya with a degree in choreographic creativity, - says Sylvia. – It was a wonderful time! Since I had no less love for singing, I tried, if possible, to combine it with my studies, speaking at various venues of the republic and participating in city and interregional competitions. Fortunately, my choreography teachers Olga Petrovna Sergeeva, Natalya Vladimirovna Linke, Irina Vladimirovna Shaimardanova and Sergey Vitalievich Belov did not interfere with my passion. On the contrary, they supported my aspirations and successes, helping my competition numbers with choreography and good arrangements.

Young "Britney Spears"

The mother of the Brilliant soloist recalls that from the age of three the girl sang songs that she heard on the radio and TV, often performed in kindergarten, and then at school. And from the age of 12, Sylvia was compared to Britney Spears because of some external resemblance. In other words, she showed interest in art and the stage almost from the cradle. And the talent, probably, was inherited: there are many owners on both my mother’s and father’s side good voice. senior and younger sons Nina Ivanovna also sang in the ensemble at one time, and she herself performed a lot in her youth. But as my mother says star daughter, Sylvia defeated them all.

Student life and first job

IN student years Sylvia became the winner of a number of competitions of the republican and interregional scale. In her third year, when she was 18 years old, a talented girl was hired by the Novotoryalsk Center for Culture and Leisure, where she became the head of the choreographic department. Here she created her vocal group "Diamond", dance group"Renaissance" and together with them actively participated in various creative competitions taking away the victory from competitors. At the same time, she continued to successfully combine her college studies and her personal performances as part of the Echo vocal group.
In the house of the Zolotovs, in the room of Sylvia, portfolio folders with various certificates, diplomas, thanks are kept.
- I save everything. She will have children, then grandchildren, I will show them, - says Nina Ivanovna, turning the pages.
Here is the diploma of the laureate of the inter-regional festival taking place in the Kilemar region, here she is the winner in the nomination "Solo singing", here is the certificate for the first place for the group "Echo". As a first-year student at the department of "choreographic creativity", she tried her hand at the "Star Factory-6". If you list all the achievements of the new "brilliant", the list will be impressive.

Back to Moscow

- After graduation, I worked in my specialty for another year, and then decided to go back to Moscow. Mom tried to dissuade me in every possible way, since the apartment was sold in 2006, and in principle there was no one to go to. She was very worried, but in the end she reconciled herself and supported my desire and desire for self-development in big city. So since 2010, I started a new, independent life in Moscow, - says the girl.
In the capital, she got a job in her specialty - a choreographer for children's dance groups.

Meeting with Kowalski

So two years passed. And one day His Majesty Chance intervened in her seemingly “settled down” rhythm of life.

About how Silvia Zolotova ended up in the popular group "Brilliant", read the newspaper "Mariyskaya Pravda" No. 85 of November 3.

"Mom's going to New Year»

Now Sylvia needs to get used to the new crazy rhythm of work. After all, on the stage, the viewer sees bright, smiling performers, rhythmically dancing and lighting up the hall with their charisma to the “Orange Song” or “Cha-Cha-Cha”. And behind all this there are daily rehearsals, which take a lot of work, skill and perseverance.

But Sylvia is used to such active life. She still has time to go to the gym, swimming pool, cinema, travel and come home to her mother in New Torjal.

We have very warm and friendly relations in the family, they really miss me, - says Silvia. - We are on the phone all day, and as soon as free days are issued, I immediately go home. But, unfortunately, this happens about once every two or three months. Sometimes my mother comes to visit me in Moscow. We try to see each other as often as possible. Also, my elder brother Vitaly lives next to my mother with his family, and my brothers Misha and Kolya live in the Voronezh region. All our big family we are going to my mother's house for the New Year and her birthday.

New friends and family

Working with Denis Kowalski, Sylvia made new friends in famous artists.
Nina Zolotova is very happy with her daughter's success, although she is madly worried about her.
- I always wanted to see her on stage, be proud of her and I am very grateful to Sylvia for making it happen.
And Sylvia, in turn, appreciates the love of her mother and relatives and tries to justify their hopes.
- I owe my success to my family, who always believed in me and supported me, - says the "brilliant", - and to the people who surround me today! Seeing joy in the eyes of my family, pride is very valuable for me. For this it is worth working, striving and winning!

Elena Petrova wrote a statement to the police against Silvia Zolotova and Denis Kovalsky.

Aspiring singer Elena Petrova turned to the Moscow police with a statement that she was severely beaten by the lead singer of the Brilliant group Silvia Zolotova, as well as the famous composer Denis Kovalsky, the author of hits by Dima Bilan, Nikolai Baskov and Alla Pugacheva.

According to Petrova, the incident occurred on the eve of new year holidays, during one of the feasts. All the beatings inflicted on her by young people, the girl recorded in the photo.

On the night of December 12, I was at the birthday party of my close friend's man. Among the guests was the composer Denis Kovalsky and his girlfriend, the soloist of the group "Brilliant" Silvia Zolotova. They drank, and for some reason I began to cause aggression in Denis. He began to be rude to me, motivating me by the fact that I supposedly speak in a bad tone with his girlfriend. Although the topic of our conversation was generally about Zhanna Friske, I could not speak badly about her, she is an angel. Kovalsky and Zolotova went out several times, maybe they took some drugs there, and this caused aggression? Denis jumped up to hit me. I stepped aside, saying that my young man would come and he would talk to him, Petrova told

Elena called her boyfriend to help, who was frightened by Denis Kovalsky, who was beating her.

After 40 minutes, when my young man drove up, I went upstairs, the whole company was standing there. They began to shout all sorts of nasty things at me and call me a skin. After that, Denis flew up to me and hit me in the head with his fist. When my young man approached, Kovalsky began to run away from him. At this time, Zolotova came up to me from behind and inflicted several blows on the face. My blood was flowing in streams, and she continued to beat my head on the asphalt, - the brunette continued the story.

Elena and her young man had to turn to law enforcement agencies to calm down the couple who caused the scandal.

When we began to call the police, Sylvia hid in a taxi, and Denis hid in the house of the birthday boy. My boyfriend approached the taxi and tried to pull her out of the car, she escaped and ran into the house. Attempts to get into the house were in vain, the owner came out and began to distract us so that Denis and Sylvia had time to leave, ”says Petrova.

Petrova said that she is still in shock and cannot forget what happened. In addition, according to the aspiring singer, because of the beating, she had a miscarriage - at the time of the incident, the girl was in her third week of pregnancy.

Hematomas were the strongest and then I was diagnosed with a concussion. After this beating, I began to bleed and lost my baby. When they started pulling Sylvia away from me, she kicked me in the stomach. In addition, they ruined a lot of things for me - a sable coat, a personalized scarf and trousers, - the victim said.

Elena Petrova admitted that she repeatedly tried to contact Kovalsky and Zolotova to resolve the conflict, but they did not get in touch. As a result, Elena nevertheless decided to go to the police. The girl said that her application was accepted and all the beatings were recorded. Elena also told about her doubt that the case was being investigated.

The capital's beau monde is shocked by the conflict that has taken place in musical circles. Aspiring singer Elena Petrova found the strength to admit that she was brutally beaten by the soloist of the group "Brilliant" Sylvia Zolotova and her boyfriend, famous composer Denis Kowalski.

The scandal took place on the night of December 12. That evening, Elena, among other guests, was at her friend's birthday party. The house where the party was held belonged to her chosen one, who, by the way, missed everything because he was sleeping. According to Petrova, she was talking at the table with Zolotova, the girls remembered the late Zhanna Friske, when suddenly the young man of the Brilliant soloist began to behave aggressively. Later he hit the girl.

“I didn’t know Denis or Sylvia, I didn’t know anyone. So we met at the table, - says Elena. - I realized that I aroused interest, because he was sitting in my mouth all evening. I saw it, but a girl is sitting next to me - for God's sake. But I'm not the only one who noticed this...

It remains unknown what prompted the author of lyrical hits for Dima Bilan and other famous artists to raise their hand against Petrova. However, according to the victim, she called her boyfriend to pick her up from the party. When the man arrived, all the guests, including Petrova, were on the street, where the conflict between her, Kovalsky and Zolotova continued.

“Sasha flies in, and Kowalski starts running away from him. Sylvia Zolotova flies up from behind, she is four times bigger than me, fatter than me, taller than me and starts hitting me in the head. I immediately cover my face, but I can't, because suddenly, I'm still standing in shock. My blood just poured out in streams. She beat me with her head on the asphalt - I just had hematomas all over my head, ”Elena recalls with horror in an interview with

According to the victim of the beating, doctors diagnosed her with a concussion. In addition, the girl was spoiled with an expensive sable coat, scarf and trousers. All this information Petrova was transferred to law enforcement agencies, where she applied after the incident. The girl sincerely hopes that those responsible for beating her will be punished in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

Almost all show business stars are shocked by the incident with the singer Elena Petrova, who said that she was beaten by her lover Sylvia Zolotova from the Brilliant group.

Elena Petrova noted that not only Denis Kovalsky, who is a famous composer, but also Sylvia Zolotova herself, inflicted severe beatings on her. It is worth noting that the beating of Elena Petrova took place on the night of December 11-12, 2015.

Elena came to her friend's birthday party. According to the aspiring singer, celebratory event she talked with Sylvia Zolotoy about the untimely deceased - Zhanna Friske. Unexpectedly for everyone Denis Kovalsky abruptly jumped up from the table and began to strike Petrova strong blows . The singer noted that she had not previously met the lead singer of the "Brilliant" Silvia Zolotova and her chosen one Kovalsky. At the same time, she noted that the boyfriend of the “Brilliant” soloist showed genuine interest in her all evening, and everyone who was present at the birthday party noticed this.

IN currently the reason why is not known for certain Kovalskoy beat the singer Petrova. The little-known artist also told reporters that immediately after the beating, she called her boyfriend, whom she asked to pick her up from the party. When he arrived, the beating of Elena Petrova was already going on in the gateway.

Sylvia Zolotova hit her in the head at least 4 times. The blood from the nose, recalls Petrova, poured simply in streams. The singer says that the lead singer of the "Brilliant" Silvia Zolotova just went berserk. After Petrova fell, Zolotova began to beat her head on the asphalt.

The next day, the singer filed a statement with the police. The examination confirmed that she had a concussion. The aspiring singer sincerely hopes that those who beat her Zolotova and Kovalsky, which, by the way, is the author of Dima Bilan's hits, will suffer a well-deserved punishment, and also compensate the singer for an expensive sable coat torn to shreds.