Boris Batyrshin category road beyond the horizon. About the book Boris Batyrshin "The Road Beyond the Horizon"

Boris Batyrshin

road to the horizon

Part one

Step over the threshold

A fire burns in a huge fireplace. The library is a classic library of the British aristocratic club, with carved oak panels, tall shelves, Elizabethan armor and fans of swords and broadswords on the walls, drowning in twilight. Only esoteric symbols stand out from the general style - Masonic “eyes in triangles”, Rosicrucian heraldic flowers, Egyptian cartouches, cabalistic and zodiac symbols. Not surprisingly, the library is located at the headquarters of the London College of Kabbalah, and the books that filled the shelves were mainly occult. And without a doubt, the conversation of four men sitting in armchairs by the fireplace also has to do with the occult.

“Well, my dear William, your plans, as I understand it, are being carried out quite successfully. Another year, maximum two, and it will be possible to announce the creation of a society. What name did you decide on?

- Golden Dawn. – quietly responded the one to whom the question was addressed.

“The Hermetic Brotherhood of the Golden Dawn?” - said the first. - Well, that's pretty stupid...

A shadow of mockery flickered in his voice - just enough so that the interlocutor could catch and appreciate the slight mockery. He caught it, grimaced, but said nothing - today the rules of the game were dictated not by him, but by this pompous aristocrat.

“More like the Order.” "Order of the Golden Dawn". My brothers and I believe that this will emphasize, so to speak, continuity ...

The two bowed their heads in agreement.

“Order means…” the first one smiled slightly. – You still can’t forgive Madame Blavatsky’s passion for Buddhism?

- I cant! – unexpectedly passionately answered the second. He leaned forward, and the glow of the fire from the fireplace now fell on his face. Thoroughbred, noble, adorned with a beard beginning to turn gray; connoisseurs of Hollywood cinema would say that it resembles the face of Sean Connery. Alas, there was no one to assess the similarity - and not only in the hall, but throughout the British Isles.

“I cannot accept the fact that this crazy Russian or American woman has sacrificed the lofty tradition of European Hermeticism to Indian puzzles!” Our associates, Edward Maitland and Madame Anna Kingsford were members of her "Theosophical Society", but when it became clear that Madame Blavatsky was inclined towards Eastern tradition, they resigned without hesitation, seeing this as a betrayal of European Hermeticism. And not only him; in fact, this meant a betrayal of the ideals of our civilization, which has nothing to learn from dark-skinned barbarians - no matter how many years they count their temples and scrolls!

“Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet…” the first man said thoughtfully.

The interlocutor responded with a puzzled look.

“I didn’t know, Lord Randolph, that you dabbled in versification…

The one called Lord Randolph waved two fingers in front of him vaguely.

- What are you doing, William? The offspring of my father, the seventh Duke of Marlborough, have every talent but poetry. So it just randomly came to mind...

“Do me a favor, Mr. MacGregor,” Lord Randolph interrupted the speaker abruptly. - no need to discuss the merits of this line in London drawing rooms, and even more so - at the vigils of your brotherhood ... that is, excuse me, the Order. And then prove later that Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill did not hit by the age of forty in chirping!

- With your permission, gentlemen, we will leave poetry and other fine arts. William winced. “After all, we are here to…

“Yes, yes, I remember, dearest Mr. Wescott,” the lord interrupted the intemperate Hermetist gently. - To talk about the tasks of your society ... Golden Dawn, right?

- Orders! And it is not yet there, it is a matter of the near future, when we will finally be able to get the encrypted manuscripts from Alexandria. McGregor corrected. It was evident that he appreciated Lord Randolph's "reservation" correctly - as a finely calculated insult and ridicule. – In the meantime, it is better to limit ourselves to a not so ambitious name, being called the Second Temple of Hermanubis. But this is only for the initiated, the number of which ...

road to the horizon Boris Batyrshin

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Title: Road to the Horizon
Author: Boris Batyrshin
Year: 2015
Genre: Children's Books: Other, Sea adventures, Historical Fiction, Historical Adventures, Science Fiction, Hits

About the book Boris Batyrshin "The Road Beyond the Horizon"

The company of our contemporaries is being mastered in Russian Empire end of the 19th century. Having prevented an attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander III, they create the Department of Special Projects - a secret powerful organization designed to implement the scientific and technological achievements of the next hundred years. Former journalist and the historian Oleg Ivanovich Semyonov goes to Black Africa to unravel the mystery of the inter-temporal portal; his son Ivan, together with his peer, Moscow high school student Nikolka, study at the Naval Imperial School, along the way helping the officers of the Russian fleet to master computers and modern means of communication. Adventures are waiting for the boys - sea practice in the Baltic will turn into a night chase and sea ​​battle in Finnish skerries; meanwhile, Ivan's father will fight the Belgian adventurer in the wilds of the Congo... The book is a continuation of the Coptic Cross trilogy, published earlier by Alfa-Kniga publishing house.

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Boris Batyrshin

road to the horizon

Part one

Step over the threshold

A fire burns in a huge fireplace. The library is a classic library of the British aristocratic club, with carved oak panels, tall shelves, Elizabethan armor and fans of swords and broadswords on the walls, drowning in twilight. Only esoteric symbols stand out from the general style - Masonic “eyes in triangles”, Rosicrucian heraldic flowers, Egyptian cartouches, cabalistic and zodiac symbols. Not surprisingly, the library is located at the headquarters of the London College of Kabbalah, and the books that filled the shelves were mainly occult. And without a doubt, the conversation of four men sitting in armchairs by the fireplace also has to do with the occult.

“Well, my dear William, your plans, as I understand it, are being carried out quite successfully. Another year, maximum two, and it will be possible to announce the creation of a society. What name did you decide on?

- Golden Dawn. – quietly responded the one to whom the question was addressed.

“The Hermetic Brotherhood of the Golden Dawn?” - said the first. - Well, that's pretty stupid...

A shadow of mockery flickered in his voice - just enough so that the interlocutor could catch and appreciate the slight mockery. He caught it, grimaced, but said nothing - today the rules of the game were dictated not by him, but by this pompous aristocrat.

“More like the Order.” "Order of the Golden Dawn". My brothers and I believe that this will emphasize, so to speak, continuity ...

The two bowed their heads in agreement.

“Order means…” the first one smiled slightly. – You still can’t forgive Madame Blavatsky’s passion for Buddhism?

- I cant! – unexpectedly passionately answered the second. He leaned forward, and the glow of the fire from the fireplace now fell on his face. Thoroughbred, noble, adorned with a beard beginning to turn gray; connoisseurs of Hollywood cinema would say that it resembles the face of Sean Connery. Alas, there was no one to assess the similarity - and not only in the hall, but throughout the British Isles.

“I cannot accept the fact that this crazy Russian or American woman has sacrificed the lofty tradition of European Hermeticism to Indian puzzles!” Our associates, Edward Maitland and Madame Anna Kingsford, were members of her "Theosophical Society", but when it became clear that Madame Blavatsky was leaning towards the Eastern tradition, they resigned without hesitation, seeing this as a betrayal of European Hermeticism. And not only him; in fact, this meant a betrayal of the ideals of our civilization, which has nothing to learn from dark-skinned barbarians - no matter how many years they count their temples and scrolls!

“Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet…” the first man said thoughtfully.

The interlocutor responded with a puzzled look.

“I didn’t know, Lord Randolph, that you dabbled in versification…

The one called Lord Randolph waved two fingers in front of him vaguely.

- What are you doing, William? The offspring of my father, the seventh Duke of Marlborough, have every talent but poetry. So it just randomly came to mind...

“Do me a favor, Mr. MacGregor,” Lord Randolph interrupted the speaker abruptly. - no need to discuss the merits of this line in London drawing rooms, and even more so - at the vigils of your brotherhood ... that is, excuse me, the Order. And then prove later that Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill did not hit by the age of forty in chirping!

- With your permission, gentlemen, we will leave poetry and other fine arts. William winced. “After all, we are here to…

“Yes, yes, I remember, dearest Mr. Wescott,” the lord interrupted the intemperate Hermetist gently. “To talk about the goals of your society… the Golden Dawn, right?

- Orders! And it is not yet there, it is a matter of the near future, when we will finally be able to get the encrypted manuscripts from Alexandria. McGregor corrected. It was evident that he appreciated Lord Randolph's "reservation" correctly - as a finely calculated insult and ridicule. – In the meantime, it is better to limit ourselves to a not so ambitious name, being called the Second Temple of Hermanubis. But this is only for the initiated, the number of which ...

- "Second"? said Lord Randolph. So there is a first one too?

“The first temple is a spiritual symbol that is the essence of quintessence…” McGregor launched into an explanation, but Wescott unceremoniously interrupted his colleague:

“You see, Lord Randolph, our mutual friend MacGregor is extremely punctual in matters of ritual. Samuel, I don't think we should bore his lordship with unnecessary details.

“But they are not superfluous at all! ..” MacGregor was indignant, but Wescott was no longer listening to him.

“We have gathered to discuss disturbing information received from Russia and Egypt. There is reason to believe that the ancient ciphers reported by Brother van der Strijker aroused the interest of Madame Blavatsky's followers. And one of them, a certain Wilhelm…. Evsein, am I not confused? - in this moment working on deciphering the manuscript in Alexandria. And Burchardt himself helps him - a good friend, and perhaps a like-minded person of Guido von List!

Here's how? said Lord Randolph. - Does that mean the Germans are in the game?

– We cannot say this with certainty yet. The fourth man shook his head. - We only know that within two months Burchardt and von List exchanged family - family! - by letters, whereas in the previous ten years there were only three of them. With Herr Guido's interest in German occultism known to all of us - I think this can be considered a wake-up call.

– Why are these ciphered manuscripts so important that the messengers of Madame Blavatsky and Hugo von List rushed after them? the lord asked in bewilderment. "And why did it bother you so much?" In my opinion, for all their differences, European occultists, Freemasons and other Rosicrucians have always been able to negotiate ...

Hearing this dismissive "other" Wescott twitched as if he had been stabbed with an awl - but immediately pulled himself together; The answer was almost kind.

“As we have already told you, Lord Randolph, there is every reason to believe that the rumors about the contents of the manuscripts are by no means idle talk.

A fire burns in a huge fireplace. The library is a classic library of the British aristocratic club, with carved oak panels, tall shelves, Elizabethan armor and fans of swords and broadswords on the walls, drowning in twilight. Only esoteric symbols stand out from the general style - Masonic “eyes in triangles”, Rosicrucian heraldic flowers, Egyptian cartouches, cabalistic and zodiac symbols. Not surprisingly, the library is located at the headquarters of the London College of Kabbalah, and the books that filled the shelves were mainly occult. And without a doubt, the conversation of four men sitting in armchairs by the fireplace also has to do with the occult.

“Well, my dear William, your plans, as I understand it, are being carried out quite successfully. Another year, maximum two, and it will be possible to announce the creation of a society. What name did you decide on?

- Golden Dawn. – quietly responded the one to whom the question was addressed.

“The Hermetic Brotherhood of the Golden Dawn?” - said the first. - Well, that's pretty stupid...

A shadow of mockery flickered in his voice - just enough so that the interlocutor could catch and appreciate the slight mockery. He caught it, grimaced, but said nothing - today the rules of the game were dictated not by him, but by this pompous aristocrat.

“More like the Order.” "Order of the Golden Dawn". My brothers and I believe that this will emphasize, so to speak, continuity ...

The two bowed their heads in agreement.

“Order means…” the first one smiled slightly. – You still can’t forgive Madame Blavatsky’s passion for Buddhism?

- I cant! – unexpectedly passionately answered the second. He leaned forward, and the glow of the fire from the fireplace now fell on his face. Thoroughbred, noble, adorned with a beard beginning to turn gray; connoisseurs of Hollywood cinema would say that it resembles the face of Sean Connery. Alas, there was no one to assess the similarity - and not only in the hall, but throughout the British Isles.

“I cannot accept the fact that this crazy Russian or American woman has sacrificed the lofty tradition of European Hermeticism to Indian puzzles!” Our associates, Edward Maitland and Madame Anna Kingsford, were members of her "Theosophical Society", but when it became clear that Madame Blavatsky was leaning towards the Eastern tradition, they resigned without hesitation, seeing this as a betrayal of European Hermeticism. And not only him; in fact, this meant a betrayal of the ideals of our civilization, which has nothing to learn from dark-skinned barbarians - no matter how many years they count their temples and scrolls!

“Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet…” the first man said thoughtfully.

The interlocutor responded with a puzzled look.

“I didn’t know, Lord Randolph, that you dabbled in versification…

The one called Lord Randolph waved two fingers in front of him vaguely.

- What are you doing, William? The offspring of my father, the seventh Duke of Marlborough, have every talent but poetry. So it just randomly came to mind...

“Do me a favor, Mr. MacGregor,” Lord Randolph interrupted the speaker abruptly. - no need to discuss the merits of this line in London drawing rooms, and even more so - at the vigils of your brotherhood ... that is, excuse me, the Order. And then prove later that Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill did not hit by the age of forty in chirping!

- With your permission, gentlemen, we will leave poetry and other fine arts. William winced. “After all, we are here to…

“Yes, yes, I remember, dearest Mr. Wescott,” the lord interrupted the intemperate Hermetist gently. - To talk about the tasks of your society ... Golden Dawn, right?

- Orders! And it is not yet there, it is a matter of the near future, when we will finally be able to get the encrypted manuscripts from Alexandria. McGregor corrected. It was evident that he appreciated Lord Randolph's "reservation" correctly - as a finely calculated insult and ridicule. – In the meantime, it is better to limit ourselves to a not so ambitious name, being called the Second Temple of Hermanubis. But this is only for the initiated, the number of which ...

- "Second"? said Lord Randolph. So there is a first one too?

“The first temple is a spiritual symbol that is the essence of quintessence…” McGregor launched into an explanation, but Wescott unceremoniously interrupted his colleague:

“You see, Lord Randolph, our mutual friend MacGregor is extremely punctual in matters of ritual. Samuel, I don't think we should bore his lordship with unnecessary details.

“But they are not superfluous at all! ..” MacGregor was indignant, but Wescott was no longer listening to him.

“We have gathered to discuss disturbing information received from Russia and Egypt. There is reason to believe that the ancient ciphers reported by Brother van der Strijker aroused the interest of Madame Blavatsky's followers. And one of them, a certain Wilhelm…. Evsein, am I not confused? - currently working on the deciphering of the manuscript in Alexandria. And Burchardt himself helps him - a good friend, and perhaps a like-minded person of Guido von List!

Here's how? said Lord Randolph. - Does that mean the Germans are in the game?

– We cannot say this with certainty yet. The fourth man shook his head. - We only know that within two months Burchardt and von List exchanged family - family! - by letters, whereas in the previous ten years there were only three of them. With Herr Guido's interest in German occultism known to all of us - I think this can be considered a wake-up call.

– Why are these ciphered manuscripts so important that the messengers of Madame Blavatsky and Hugo von List rushed after them? the lord asked in bewilderment. "And why did it bother you so much?" In my opinion, for all their differences, European occultists, Freemasons and other Rosicrucians have always been able to negotiate ...

Hearing this dismissive "other" Wescott twitched as if he had been stabbed with an awl - but immediately pulled himself together; The answer was almost kind.

“As we have already told you, Lord Randolph, there is every reason to believe that the rumors about the contents of the manuscripts are by no means idle talk.

“The key to the future…” the aristocrat said thoughtfully. “And you believe that that unfortunate Italian really did manage to travel back in time—before he was executed in Egypt?”

- Probably not. Wescott shook his head. - But the Russian who got to his notes, made it for sure. Van der Strijker spent three years and a lot of money on this Yevsein - yours, Lord Randolph, money! - and managed to find out that this is the pure truth. Moreover, there is reason to believe that the Belgian himself visited the future. And he did not come back empty-handed!

- Are you implying that he suddenly set off to look for gold and diamonds in the upper Congo? asked Lord Randolph. - Well, convincingly; no one had conducted research in those parts before - and suddenly, spend such money, as if he knew for sure that ...

- Do not rush to conclusions - the fourth voice spoke again. “After all, the Belgians haven't found anything yet.

“Doctor Woodman is right. the lord remarked. - It is too early to draw conclusions. And, I must say, William - the money you spent is not mine, but Her Majesty's - and trust me, some will soon wonder what you spent it on.

A fire burns in a huge fireplace. The library is a classic library of the British aristocratic club, with carved oak panels, tall shelves, Elizabethan armor and fans of swords and broadswords on the walls, drowning in twilight. Only esoteric symbols stand out from the general style - Masonic “eyes in triangles”, Rosicrucian heraldic flowers, Egyptian cartouches, cabalistic and zodiac symbols. Not surprisingly, the library is located at the headquarters of the London College of Kabbalah, and the books that filled the shelves were mainly occult. And without a doubt, the conversation of four men sitting in armchairs by the fireplace also has to do with the occult.

“Well, my dear William, your plans, as I understand it, are being carried out quite successfully. Another year, maximum two, and it will be possible to announce the creation of a society. What name did you decide on?

- Golden Dawn. – quietly responded the one to whom the question was addressed.

“The Hermetic Brotherhood of the Golden Dawn?” - said the first. - Well, that's pretty stupid...

A shadow of mockery flickered in his voice - just enough so that the interlocutor could catch and appreciate the slight mockery. He caught it, grimaced, but said nothing - today the rules of the game were dictated not by him, but by this pompous aristocrat.

“More like the Order.” "Order of the Golden Dawn". My brothers and I believe that this will emphasize, so to speak, continuity ...

The two bowed their heads in agreement.

“Order means…” the first one smiled slightly. – You still can’t forgive Madame Blavatsky’s passion for Buddhism?

- I cant! – unexpectedly passionately answered the second. He leaned forward, and the glow of the fire from the fireplace now fell on his face. Thoroughbred, noble, adorned with a beard beginning to turn gray; connoisseurs of Hollywood cinema would say that it resembles the face of Sean Connery. Alas, there was no one to assess the similarity - and not only in the hall, but throughout the British Isles.

“I cannot accept the fact that this crazy Russian or American woman has sacrificed the lofty tradition of European Hermeticism to Indian puzzles!” Our associates, Edward Maitland and Madame Anna Kingsford, were members of her "Theosophical Society", but when it became clear that Madame Blavatsky was leaning towards the Eastern tradition, they resigned without hesitation, seeing this as a betrayal of European Hermeticism. And not only him; in fact, this meant a betrayal of the ideals of our civilization, which has nothing to learn from dark-skinned barbarians - no matter how many years they count their temples and scrolls!

“Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet…” the first man said thoughtfully.

The interlocutor responded with a puzzled look.

“I didn’t know, Lord Randolph, that you dabbled in versification…

The one called Lord Randolph waved two fingers in front of him vaguely.

- What are you doing, William? The offspring of my father, the seventh Duke of Marlborough, have every talent but poetry. So it just randomly came to mind...

“Do me a favor, Mr. MacGregor,” Lord Randolph interrupted the speaker abruptly. - no need to discuss the merits of this line in London drawing rooms, and even more so - at the vigils of your brotherhood ... that is, excuse me, the Order. And then prove later that Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill did not hit by the age of forty in chirping!

- With your permission, gentlemen, we will leave poetry and other fine arts. William winced. “After all, we are here to…

“Yes, yes, I remember, dearest Mr. Wescott,” the lord interrupted the intemperate Hermetist gently. - To talk about the tasks of your society ... Golden Dawn, right?

- Orders! And it is not yet there, it is a matter of the near future, when we will finally be able to get the encrypted manuscripts from Alexandria. McGregor corrected. It was evident that he appreciated Lord Randolph's "reservation" correctly - as a finely calculated insult and ridicule. – In the meantime, it is better to limit ourselves to a not so ambitious name, being called the Second Temple of Hermanubis. But this is only for the initiated, the number of which ...

- "Second"? said Lord Randolph. So there is a first one too?

“The first temple is a spiritual symbol that is the essence of quintessence…” McGregor launched into an explanation, but Wescott unceremoniously interrupted his colleague:

“You see, Lord Randolph, our mutual friend MacGregor is extremely punctual in matters of ritual. Samuel, I don't think we should bore his lordship with unnecessary details.

“But they are not superfluous at all! ..” MacGregor was indignant, but Wescott was no longer listening to him.

“We have gathered to discuss disturbing information received from Russia and Egypt. There is reason to believe that the ancient ciphers reported by Brother van der Strijker aroused the interest of Madame Blavatsky's followers. And one of them, a certain Wilhelm…. Evsein, am I not confused? - currently working on the deciphering of the manuscript in Alexandria. And Burchardt himself helps him - a good friend, and perhaps a like-minded person of Guido von List!

Here's how? said Lord Randolph. - Does that mean the Germans are in the game?

– We cannot say this with certainty yet. The fourth man shook his head. - We only know that within two months Burchardt and von List exchanged family - family! - by letters, whereas in the previous ten years there were only three of them. With Herr Guido's interest in German occultism known to all of us - I think this can be considered a wake-up call.

– Why are these ciphered manuscripts so important that the messengers of Madame Blavatsky and Hugo von List rushed after them? the lord asked in bewilderment. "And why did it bother you so much?" In my opinion, for all their differences, European occultists, Freemasons and other Rosicrucians have always been able to negotiate ...

Hearing this dismissive "other" Wescott twitched as if he had been stabbed with an awl - but immediately pulled himself together; The answer was almost kind.

“As we have already told you, Lord Randolph, there is every reason to believe that the rumors about the contents of the manuscripts are by no means idle talk.

“The key to the future…” the aristocrat said thoughtfully. “And you believe that that unfortunate Italian really did manage to travel back in time—before he was executed in Egypt?”

- Probably not. Wescott shook his head. - But the Russian who got to his notes, made it for sure. Van der Strijker spent three years and a lot of money on this Yevsein - yours, Lord Randolph, money! - and managed to find out that this is the pure truth. Moreover, there is reason to believe that the Belgian himself visited the future. And he did not come back empty-handed!

- Are you implying that he suddenly set off to look for gold and diamonds in the upper Congo? asked Lord Randolph. - Well, convincingly; no one had conducted research in those parts before - and suddenly, spend such money, as if he knew for sure that ...

- Do not rush to conclusions - the fourth voice spoke again. “After all, the Belgians haven't found anything yet.

“Doctor Woodman is right. the lord remarked. - It is too early to draw conclusions. And, I must say, William - the money you spent is not mine, but Her Majesty's - and trust me, some will soon wonder what you spent it on.