Kiki thorpe in the land of fairies sea adventure. Other books on similar topics

Evers Hans Heinz

In the land of fairies

Hans Heinz Evers

In the land of fairies

Gospel of Matthew, v. 8.

The steamer of the Hamburg-American line was in the harbor of Porto-Prince. Blue Bow burst into the steamship dining room at full speed and, out of breath, ran around the table:

Mom isn't here yet?

No, my mother was still in her cabin. But all the passengers and ship's officers jumped up from their seats to try to get the Blue Bow on their laps. No lady aboard the President was so surrounded by admirers as the laughing six years of the Blue Bow. The one from whose cup Blue Bow drank tea in the morning was happy all day. The girl was always dressed in a white cambric dress, and a small blue bow kissed her blond curls. She was asked a hundred times a day:

Why are you called Blue Bow?

And she laughingly replied:

To be found - when I'm lost!

But she would never be lost, even if she were left alone in some foreign harbor. She was a Texas child, smart as a dog.

None of those who had breakfast today could catch her. She ran to the end of the table and climbed onto the captain's knees. And the old sea dog smiled. Blue Bow always preferred him and he was proud of it.

Tea! - said the girl and began to dip the biscuit into his cup.

Have you already been somewhere today? the captain asked.

ABOUT! she exclaimed, and her blue eyes shone even brighter than the bow in her hair. - I'll go there with my mom. And you should all come with me. We are in the land of fairies!

Fairy country? Haiti? the captain doubted.

Blue Bow laughed:

I do not know what this country is called here, but only it is the country of fairies! I saw it myself! What amazing monsters!

They all lie on the bridge, in the market square. One of them has such big hands - the size of a cow! And the one next to him has a head like two cows. And another has scaly skin, like a crocodile. Oh, they are even more beautiful, even more amazing than in my book of fairy tales! Come with me, captain!

Then she rushed to meet a beautiful lady, who at that moment entered the dining room:

Mom, drink your tea! Hurry, Hurry! You must come with me, mother! We are in the land of fairies...

And everyone went with her - even the chief mechanic. He had absolutely no time: he didn’t even come to breakfast, because something went wrong in his car today. He was going to put her in order while the ship was in the harbor. But the chief mechanic was in good standing with the Blue Bow, because he carved beautiful little things out of the turtle. That's why he had to go too, since Blue Bow commanded everything and everyone on the steamer.

I will work at night,” he told the captain.

Blue Bow heard this and seriously confirmed:

Yes, you can do it. But I can't. I sleep at night.

Blue Bow led them hurriedly through the muddy lanes that bordered the harbour. Negro faces peered out of windows and doors. Travelers were jumping over wide gutters, and Bluebow burst out laughing when the doctor stumbled and muddy water splattered his white suit. They walked on, past the miserable little shops of the market, pursued by the ear-piercing shrieks and shrieks of Negro women.

Look, look, here they are! Oh sweet monsters!

Blue Bow escaped from his mother's arms and ran forward to a small stone bridge spanning a dried-up stream.

Go everyone! Go quickly! Go see amazing, wonderful monsters!

She beat her hands with delight and jumped on the hot dust... ...There lay beggars. They flaunted their terrible diseases and ulcers. The negro passes by, not paying any attention to them. But a foreigner cannot pass them without fumbling in his purse. And they know it very well. They even evaluate passers-by in advance: the one who jumped away from them in horror to the side will probably give a quarter. And a lady who gets seasick is at least a dollar.

Oh, mother, just look at the one with the scales. Well, isn't he handsome?

The girl pointed to a negro whose whole body was disfigured by a disgusting corrosive lichen. He was green-yellow in color, and the dried scabs actually covered his skin in triangular scales.

And that one over there! Captain, look! Oh what fun to look at! He has a head like a buffalo, and a fur hat is stuck to his head.

Blue Bow tapped his parasol against the head of the vast nave. Neph suffered from severe elephantiasis, and his head swelled like a monstrous gourd. His hair, as thick as wool, was disheveled and hung from all sides like long thick rags. The captain tried to pull the girl away from him, but she broke free and, trembling with delight, rushed to another.

Oh dear captain! Have you ever seen such hands? Well, tell me, aren't they beautiful? Aren't they wonderfully beautiful? - The Blue Bow beamed with enthusiasm and bowed low to the beggar, who, from elephantiasis, had both hands of terrible size. - Mom, mom, look: his fingers are much thicker and longer than my entire hand. Oh, mother, if I had such wonderful hands! - and she put her pen on the negro's widely outstretched palm. And her hand darted like a little white mouse across a monstrous dark palm.

The beautiful lady screamed loudly and fell in a deep faint into the arms of the engineer. Everyone fussed around her; the doctor moistened a handkerchief with eau de cologne and placed it on her forehead. But Blue Bow took a bottle of perfume from his mother's pocket and held it up to her nose. The girl knelt down, and large tears rolled from her blue eyes and wet her mother's face.

Mother, dear, dear mother, wake up! Mom, for God's sake, wake up! Oh, wake up soon, dear mother! I will show you many more marvelous monsters. You must not sleep now, mother. After all, we are in the land of fairies!

Port-au-Prince (Haiti). June 1906

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From the minute four friends - Laney Winters, Kate McCready, Mia Vasquez and her little sister Gabby - discovered the secret passage to Neverland, every day began to bring them new amazing adventures. Now in the morning they woke up with the feeling that they are the luckiest girls in the world. In fact, it happened most of the days.

- Laney!

Lainie Winters opened her eyes. It seems that her mother is calling her ... She rummaged around the wooden bedside table near the bed, trying to find the glasses that she had put somewhere nearby the day before.

But there were no glasses.

- Laney! Her mother's voice reached her again. - Get down!

Lainie got out of bed. Without glasses, everything around seemed terribly muddy. Where could she put them?

As she groped her way across the room, Lainie tripped over something and badly bruised her toe.

Ouch! With difficulty holding back tears, she hopped on one leg to the chest of drawers and looked for glasses on it. But here, too, they were not.

The door to the room swung open.

- What, can't you hear me? Lainey's mom asked. - I've been calling you for five minutes. She frowned. - Where are your glasses?

- I don't know," Lainey replied, looking around helplessly. - Gone somewhere...

- Oh no. It turns out that another pair is lost, - said my mother with a sigh. You'll have to put on spares for now.

Now Layne frowned. She hated her spare glasses. She didn't like her everyday glasses with large square lenses either, but the spare ones weren't good at all: to begin with, they were broken and wrapped with duct tape. From Laney's point of view, they looked like idiots.

- When you get dressed, go downstairs. I want to show you something. - With these words, my mother left. Lainie found her old glasses in her desk drawer. “Well, why couldn’t these have been lost?” she thought gloomily. Hastily dressing, Lainie went down to the first floor. Her mother stood in the middle of the kitchen, arms folded sternly across her chest.

- Look outside, she said to Lainie.

Lainie looked out the window at the front garden.

- Oh no! - she exclaimed. The trash cans in front of their house lay on their sides. The bags of garbage that fell out of them were torn apart, and the garbage was scattered all over the yard. Part of it covered even the sidewalk adjacent to their site.

- What happened? Lainey asked.

- Some animals must have gotten to the trash,” her mother replied. - Possibly raccoons. Tell me, Lainey, did you happen to leave those bowls outside overnight?

She was referring to the dog bowls that Laney has every morning at summer time filled with dog food and water and placed in front of the house for any passing dogs. Lainey herself did not have a dog, but she tried to get to know all the pets living in the neighborhood. She liked to help her furry friends in any way she could.

Laini's parents did not share her love for animals at all. But, not wanting to have their own dogs or cats, they didn't mind having bowls outside. With only one condition: for the night, Lainie had to take them to the house.

But she took them off the street yesterday... didn't she?

Lainie leaned closer to the window. Standing on tiptoe, she could see through the glass front porch of the house. On the bottom step were two deep metal bowls, exactly where she'd left them yesterday.

- Mom, I'm sorry," Lainey said. Looks like I forgot to take them out.

Mrs Winters sighed.

- Honey, I agree, it's very good that you want to help all the surrounding dogs. But I told you, dog food can attract other animals that we don't need here at all. As you can see, we got into trouble because of this. We can't leave this scattered rubbish as it is.

- I'll pack everything," Lainie said quickly. - It's my fault. Just let me, please, continue to display bowls.

Her mother thought for a moment, then nodded.

- Okay. But you'll have to do the cleaning right after breakfast. You're swimming today.

- Swimming! Laney groaned. It was even worse than picking up trash. Every summer, her mother signed her up for classes at the district swimming pool, despite her daughter's constant pleas not to do so. "But I was going to go to Mia's this morning," she tried to protest.

- You can go to Mia later, - Mom shrugged. - You're hanging around with her all day. I wonder what you do there for so long? You're always coming back with leaves in your hair and mud-stained shoes... It's like you're hiking somewhere in Timbuktu every time!

Not to Timbuktu, but to Neverland, Lainie thought. But she only said aloud, shrugging her shoulders:

- We're just... playing, that's all.

Mrs. Winters smiled and ruffled her daughter's hair.

- It's clear. Okay, let's have a quick breakfast and get to work. We go to the pool at nine sharp.

After finishing breakfast, Lainey stepped out into the yard, armed with two large trash bags and a pair of rubber gloves, and surveyed the mess.

The front garden in front of Laney's house was small: just a small lawn enclosed by a fence with a gate overlooking the street. But now this whole lawn was littered with coffee grounds, potato peels, plastic bags, eggshell, crumpled paper towels, used napkins and some moldy leftovers. The sidewalk was also strewn with debris.

Wrinkling her nose, Lainie wished with all her heart that she might meet the beasts that had arranged all this. She would talk to them!

Sighing, Lainey opened the first of the trash bags she'd brought in and set to work. A rotten lettuce stalk stained her hand, and a trickle of sour milk spilled from a crumpled carton onto her jeans.

- Ugh! Muck! - Gritting her teeth and trying to breathe less often, Lainie stubbornly continued to work. And to make it a little more fun, she began to imagine that she was already in the Valley of the Fairies. It's great there, not like here! There she could ride through the forest on a fallow deer. Or help the shepherd fairies drive a flock of butterflies. Or watch her friend, an animal fairy named Fauna, take care of newborn foxes.

Lainey was just dragging filled bags to the trash cans when her mother called out to her from the house.

- It's time! she called to Laney.

A nightmare swimming lesson was approaching inexorably. The pool was filled to capacity, and the water was nasty cold. The instructor kept repeating to Laney to put her face in the water. Lainie was an excellent dog swimmer, but as soon as she put her head in the water, she immediately became frightened and stopped paddling. Well, the fact that the other guys from her class scurried under water easily, like fish, did not add to her self-confidence at all. So by the time class was over, Lainie felt utterly embarrassed, chilled, and downright miserable.

When she finally got home, the clock was almost eleven. Although Mia and Gabby lived at the end of the same block as herself, Lainey didn't waste a second: she ran all the way to their house and rushed completely out of breath.

A girls dream come true! Now they have to spend time with real fairies! Sleep in grassy hammocks under a miracle tree, play magic tags and even fly with the help of special pollen! But time passes in the world of people, and friends need to return. Can the people of Neverland come up with a way to bring the girls back home?

Other books on similar topics:

authorBookDescriptionYearPricebook type
Kiki ThorpeMeeting the fairies. Book 1A girls dream come true! Now they have to spend time with real fairies! Sleep in grassy hammocks under a miracle tree, play magic tags and even fly with the help of ... - EKSMO, (format: 84x108/32, 160 pages) Disney. In the land of fairies 2015
432 paper book
Fairies. Meeting the fairies. Coloring book (+ paints and brush)Magical adventures await you on the pages of this book! Take brushes and paints, let your imagination run wild - and your favorite characters from the cartoon Fairies will come to life - Egmont, (format: 60x90/8, 20 pages) Coloring pages and paints 2014
199 paper book

Reviews about the book:

Pros: Spreads of this book.

Getting to know the fairies is the beginning of the story of the series of books "Disney. In the land of the fairies." Here four girlfriends get into magical land fairies Neverland, they really like it there, but it's time to go home, and the girls don't know how to do it. Together with the fairies, they must find a way out. The book is very easy to read, the plot is full of unexpected events and adventures. The design of the book is very pleasant - a beautiful cover with sparkles. inside b/w illustrations and large print. Bought all four books in the series!

Kulakova Anastasia 0

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I have a boy, I have a boy - so I persuaded myself when I threw the books into the basket.

I have the right.


Well, if I'm having a boy, why can't we have a couple of Faye books?

Do girls read books about cars?

Kiki Thorpe is an American writer, former editor of children's books, and author of popular fairy tales.

In the series "Disney. In the land of fairies, eight books have been published.

But since I don’t understand these books at all (I’ll figure it out), we have 3 and 4 books of the series on the shelf.

"Meet the Fairies"

Fairy Valley

"Dandelion Desire"

"Surprise from the fog" and so on.

Serial design of books.

Hard cover.

The cover is lacquered with glitter. Glitter under varnish)

Each book is approximately 160 pages.

Thick, white paper.

Black and white illustrations inside the book. There are few of them.

The font is large.

These are stories about the adventures of four girls in Neverland - the land of real Fairies!

Meet! Here they are:

12-year-old Kate loves adventure.

11 year old Mia. She loves dresses, roses and everything beautiful.

9-year-old Laney dreams of talking to animals.

Gabby - 5 years old. And she really, really believes in fairies.

Every girl will find her favorite heroine.

Actually, there are two ways to get to Neverland.

Or you can find the island on your own...

Or the island will find you by itself. But for this you need to believe very strongly in magic and fairies.

That is how the first time the girls got to the country of Neverland.

"Dandelion Desire"

The girls discovered that if you get through the gap in the fence, near Mia's house, you can find yourself on the magical island of Neverland.

No one knew how this passage between the two worlds was formed.

But bad luck: Mia's dad boarded up a hole in the fence.

And little Gabby stayed in Fairyland

And Fairy Rosetta is stuck in the human world.

"Surprise from the Mist"

After the incident when Gabby was stuck in the land of fairies, the girls swore to each other that they would always go to Neverland together.

This time, the passage to the land of Neverland was opened in Gabby's room.

A dense haze swirled around the closet.

There was fog in the land of the Fairies.

The fairies were alarmed by this fact.

When the fog cleared a little, everyone saw foggy horses.

Kate really liked the misty horses and decided to ride one of them.

Disney. In the land of fairies" is a series of art bestsellers for girls aged 6-11, published by the Eksmo publishing house.

Kiki Thorpe- American writer, editor of children's books, author of magical stories.

In the series "Disney. In the land of fairies” - already 14 books, all of them have already been published in Russian (so far you can find only 6 books in the series in our library). These are stories about the adventures of four girls in Neverland, the land of real Fairies! hero girls - different ages, so that each girl reader will find the image closest to herself:

  • Kate, 12 years old, she loves adventure.
  • Mia, 11 years old, loves to dress up in beautiful dresses, loves roses.
  • Lainey, 9, dreams of learning how to talk to animals.
  • Gabby, age 5, she believes that fairies exist.

Book 1

Thorpe, K. Meeting the Fairies

A girls dream come true! Now they have to spend time with real fairies! Sleep in grassy hammocks under a miracle tree, play magic tag and even fly with the help of special pollen! But time passes in the world of people, and friends need to return. Can the people of Neverland come up with a way to bring the girls back home?

Book 2

Thorpe, K. Valley of the Fairies: story. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2015. - 160 p.

It's not fair! No sooner had Kate, Mia, Laney and Gabby been in Fairy Valley than it was time for them to head home! Lainie was extremely upset about this. Will she no longer have to ride a deer through the forests of a magical island? And who but the fairies will be able to teach her to talk to animals? But the magic seems to continue to follow the girls everywhere. Unexpectedly, Lainie is found at home by a guest from Neverland. Perhaps there is a secret passage between the two worlds?

Book 3

Thorpe, K. Dandelion Desire: story. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2015. - 160 p.

The girls were lucky and they learned to travel to a magical land of their own free will. It turns out that through a hole in the fence surrounding Mia's house, you can get to the fairies! But what happens if this hole is patched up? How to return home to Gabby, who ended up in Neverland, and fairy Rosette, who was stuck visiting Mia, in the world of people?

Book 4

Thorpe, K. Surprise from the fog: story. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2015. - 144 p.

A thick fog descended on Fairy Valley, bringing the magical mist horses with it. Kate is in awe of the amazing animals and decides to ride them. Without hesitation, she is carried away on a horse named Cloud. But the fairies are somehow alarmed. Is Kate in danger, and will she disappear with the fog?

Book 5

Thorp, K. Magical Trouble: story. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2015. - 160 p.

Babysitter girls getting married! Gabby will attend a wedding for the first time in her life and will be a flower girl. And Kate, Mia and Lainie are going to have a great time. In a word, the holiday will definitely succeed! But everything went wrong at the moment when the fairy Bess also decided to fly to the wedding and hid in Gabby's basket. As a result, the bride's veil flew out the window, the cake almost fell apart, and the flower girl disappeared. Will the celebration take place or will it turn into a magical commotion?

Book 6

Thorpe, K. Mysterious Forest: story. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2015. - 160 p.

Things have gone wrong for Lainey since morning. First she lost her glasses, then, going to Neverland, she almost stepped on the fairy Prilla, and then the doe on which she always rode escaped from her. Finally upset, Laney got lost in the forest and by some miracle got into the house where they lived ... the boys - Peter Pan's friends! It turns out that Lainie and her friends aren't the only kids in Neverland...