Salt room indications and contraindications reviews of doctors. Salt cave. Children are all in salt!


Health 23.03.2017

Irina23.03.2017 Salt cave. 1 session equals 3 days by the sea

Dear readers, today I want to tell you about salt caves Oh. Probably many have heard of them. But in my mind, a salt cave has always been something significant, namely a cave where you can walk around, wander around, see a lot of interesting things. But it turns out that there are simpler forms of it. And it would probably be more correct to say that we will talk about salt rooms.

From the empirical knowledge of climatotherapy, which observes a long-term improvement in the state of the disease with a stay at sea of ​​a minimum of 3 weeks, we determined that, taking into account the amount of aerosol elements in the seaside region and in the salt cave, a duration of 3 weeks at sea should be equivalent to 7-10 residues for 45 minutes in a salt cave.

Recommended indications suitable for salt cave treatment. Igor Kadzhaba Candidate of Medical Sciences, Therapist-Gastroenterologist, Institute of Prevention and Clinic, Bratislava, Slovakia. The basic premise of existence human life the metabolism, supply of nutrients, the presence of enzymes and the function of hormonal, essential and nervous regulation are guaranteed.

My acquaintance with the salt room in our city took place very unexpectedly. This summer I went to a wellness massage course. And then suddenly I saw an advertising sign. The content was something like this: “Do you want to relax and gain health? Come to us! One session in a salt cave is equal to 3 days by the sea.” And I wanted sea air so much…☺ that I could not resist and decided to see what kind of cave it is in our city, how everything goes, and how it can be good for health.

About the meaning of the "terrible" word

About a third of enzymes are known to require the presence of metal ions as activators for their functionality and hence are called metalloenzymes. In addition, minerals and elements have important functions in tissues, such as structural ones - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, fluorine, silicon and iodine. Iodine is a major component of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland, zinc and nickel involved in the production of insulin, selenium is an essential component of the critical antioxidant enzyme, glutatoin peroxidase.

The sessions made me happy. It is difficult to assess the merits in the full sense of the word (what happened BEFORE and AFTER), I went there more to maintain immunity and for a sea mood, but let's talk about the possible benefits of salt caves, salt rooms for our health. I hope that it will be interesting and useful for you to learn everything for yourself, and especially for your children and grandchildren.

Minerals also ensure the stability of the internal environment and maintain the acid-base balance, which mainly involves sodium, chlorine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur. Sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium play important role in the regulation of the transmission of neuronal impulses.

Most of the aforementioned minerals are composed of sea salt, from which they are released and can be found in a salt cave, and, remaining in such a cave, are absorbed into the body through the mucous membranes, as well as through the digestive tract, improving income and supplying them with essential elements necessary for good health. health, performance and general fitness of the population of all ages.

It can be as an alternative to a trip to the sea for those who do not have such an opportunity, as well as an addition to sea wellness already at home. Everyone who has experienced the beneficial effects of sea air saturated with salt aerosols remembers that we are literally reborn by the sea, our body is cleansed, and there is no trace of stress and fatigue.

In addition, a pleasant atmosphere combined with calm music playback is an ideal place for spiritual relaxation, meditation and comfort, as well as a feeling of joyful and happy life! There are scientific reasons for staying or treating a salt cave in terms of digestive tract problems.

In all cases, climatotherapy is an effective support for the main treatment, in calm states as an important secondary prevention against a possible recurrence of acute painful conditions. The healing effects of salt have been known for centuries, and today we are returning to this source of health.

And now speleotherapy and halotherapy are becoming more and more popular. In fact, these are similar methods of healing with salt, only the word "speleo" means the microclimate of natural caves, which still exist in various regions of the world and are in great demand.

Such rooms imitate natural conditions, they are called speleochambers or halochambers, they maintain a constant temperature and humidity all year round, the air is devoid of allergens, bacteria and dust. There is a salt room in almost every major city and you can significantly improve your health without going to the sea or to a sanatorium.

It is also well known that these diseases and skin diseases benefit from being at sea. However, not everyone can afford such a stay more than once a year. The positive effect lasts for about 3 months and compared to the cost of four stays at sea, including the medicines needed to keep the patient in good physical shape, the cost of one stay in the cave is negligible. For asthmatics, a visit to a salt cave can replace a therapeutic stay at sea. Salt air relieves allergic symptoms.

The principle of operation of an artificial salt cave

In speleological chambers, the walls are most often lined with salt blocks cut from real salt caves, and such salt chambers are not common. Halochambers are widely used, this is a room, on the walls and floor of which a salt coating is applied, imitating the walls of a real cave and playing a rather decorative role.

“The cave mimics the environment of natural salt mines or seaside areas, where the air is enriched with salts and therefore reduces inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract,” explains Jiri Homolka. He suggests that visits should be repeated several times, the cave does not have a one-time effect.

When we talk about salt, we are usually referring to a mineral that we use in cooking and food preparation. But salt has another important use. One of the benefits of this mineral is its healing effects. Treatment of various diseases in the saline microclimate has been carried out for many years. The method of inhaling salts scattered in the air was already used by ancient Greek doctors.

For these purposes, table salt sodium chloride is used, sometimes potassium and magnesium salts are added to it. Many sanatoriums and health centers use sea salt, which contains sodium, iodine, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, and potassium ions.

The heart of such a cave is a halogen generator that sprays inside salt room salt particles not exceeding 5 microns in size. This finely dispersed aerosol is the main therapeutic component in halochambers.

Pediatricians recommend a stay at sea for children with upper and lower respiratory tract difficulties. Although we have no sea in Czech Republic, we do not need to travel long distances to other countries to the sea to use maritime climates. Alternatively, a stay in a salt cave counts.

A stay in a salt cave is a new, original, effective and purely natural method called halotherapy. The salt cave is dominated by a unique and inimitable climate, created by the presence of a large amount of salt that accumulates in the cave. The air in the cave is saturated with ions of iodine, calcium, magnesium, sodium, bromine, selenium and other trace elements, which create a microclimate that has a huge positive effect on the treatment of a wide range of diseases and remarkably supports the immune system for both young and adult patients.

The benefit of the salt room is that the particles of the sprayed aerosol are so small that they can penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, killing pathogens and thinning sputum. Salt particles settle on the skin, penetrating into its layers, providing a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. The room is maintained at a constant temperature and humidity, before each session, special devices purify the air from possible microorganisms.

Another significant positive effect of the salt cave is the ability of inhaled salt aerosols to dry out the microbial cells of pathogenic microorganisms, which in turn leave the body in the form of sputum released from the respiratory tract. This effect is identified as a process of self-purification of the organism. A direct consequence of this self-cleansing process is a regression of inflammation, with changes not only in the airways, but throughout the body.

At the same time, the microclimate of the salt cave has a positive effect on the stability of the immune system, which is a very important preventive factor for influenza diseases, which today pose an increased danger. We cannot neglect the influence of salt caves on the psyche of child patients. Entering the salt cave, she is enchanted by its fascinating atmosphere.

How does a halotherapy session work?

Salt rooms are arranged so that people sit in deck chairs or lie on comfortable sunbeds. The atmosphere in such rooms is created as comfortable as possible, soft music plays. The children's corner is full of toys, many rooms are equipped with TVs. Special colored lamps illuminate the room, creating unusual lighting effects.

Staying in salt caves cannot be used as a causal treatment for child patients, only as a complementary treatment. It must be remembered that additional treatments have a significant impact on the progression and prognosis of a number of diseases. Therefore, this treatment should also be considered for child patients, taking into account their financial needs, compared to a climatotherapeutic stay at sea.

Aleksander Sieluzytsky, therapist, balneotherapist, Jelenia Gora, Poland

Per last years the number of salt caves in Poland and Slovakia has increased significantly. Given the high long-term popularity and number of visitors, we must recognize that this is not just a matter of style. An in-depth study of the influence of the microclimate of these caves on the human body is needed. The first group consists of patients who are ill and those who have been treated for a long time. They have many difficulties: from diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, metabolic disorders, diseases of the endocrine and digestive tracts, allergies, cardiovascular dysfunctions and associated high blood pressure.

The session is very easy. Before entering the room, an employee of the institution may offer to take off his shoes and some of his clothes and put on a disposable gown and shoe covers or wrap himself in a sheet. A person does not experience any discomfort in halochambers, since the room has sufficient volume and even people suffering from claustrophobia calmly endure salt treatment sessions. All those who have been treated in a salt cave leave only positive reviews.

Last but not least, people with skin conditions such as psoriasis and various types of dermatitis. The beneficial effect of being in salt caves on these diseases and dysfunctions is undeniable and can be proven. We also cannot forget about the influence of this microclimate on the nervous system in the treatment of neuroses, psychosomatic difficulties and various phobias. Similar treatments based on natural methods are now being carried out in most developed countries. These procedures are used as complementary methods and definitely increase the effectiveness of the treatment and consequent recovery.

I had sessions in a very spacious room, there were very few people. Quiet music with the sounds of nature sounded, the rest is relaxing, pleasant - in a word, you can have a great rest and disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

The time of the session varies from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the indications and the arrangement of the salt room. At this time, you can do special breathing exercises, which the instructor introduces, but most often adults relax and even fall asleep.

The other group will consist of people without health problems. Our environment depends on each of us. Eating irregular and unhealthy foods, living in endless stress and daily rush, reflects our physical fitness and mood. We are tired, lethargic and dissatisfied. Being in a salt cave combined with listening to relaxing music acts as a balm for our nerves. With these procedures, we can talk about aromatherapy. The unique aroma of sea salt, enriched with various natural substances, has an invaluable effect on the entire body.

The salt room is quite cold (at least for me). So it is better to take socks with you, especially if you go with children.

After the session, we were always offered to drink an additional oxygen cocktail, which was also nice. You don't often find it in our city.

Of course, I talked to those who went to the sessions, asked their opinions about the salt rooms, because many, as it turned out, went there in the system. The mothers said that they were very happy for the children. This was especially true for frequently ill children who go to kindergartens. Many people go there with ENT problems. And they also feel a significant improvement.

The mechanism of action of the salt room on the body

This is the essence and secret of salt caves. Here we can find a real seaside climate. We feel the cave with all the senses. Caves are turning into an important element that helps in the treatment of many serious diseases. Their preventive function can reduce the likelihood of their formation.

Slavomira Feix, allergist

To return to the beginning of my reflection, if this is just a fashion, then it should be generally accepted in view of its positive and healing effects on human bodies. He has practical experience in natural salt caves from Germany. The category of atopic diseases of organisms consists of typical skin diseases along with diseases of the respiratory tract. The most important signs of respiratory diseases in the salt cave are allergic diseases such as hay fever, allergic bronchitis, allergic asthma, as well as chronic bronchitis, whooping cough recovery and chronic inflammation of the sinuses.

How many sessions do you need

It is recommended to have at least 10 halotherapy sessions daily or every other day. Such a course is the most optimal, during this time the body is cleansed of toxins and allergens, cell renewal occurs, the immune system is rebuilt, metabolism improves, skin condition improves.

Speleotherapy is one of the reputable treatments for such diseases, is more natural and as such reduces the risk of an acute condition. The ideal temperature, air humidity, high ionization, rich mineral microclimate and low concentration of allergens with a zero concentration level allow patients, allergists in a calm state, to significantly strengthen their respiratory tract and the entire immune system. In acute conditions, the microclimate can reduce the reaction to allergens and minimize the need for medication.

The price of visiting the salt room is quite small. For reference, I will write the prices here, in Yaroslavl.

One-time payment for a session for adults is 300 rubles. Children under 7 accompanied by an adult are free.
For pensioners, a one-time visit costs 210 rubles.
It costs even less if you buy a subscription for 10 sessions.
A daily subscription costs 1400 rubles.
Regular subscription (including evenings and weekends) - 1750 rubles.
Pensioners get a discount of 300 rubles from this amount.

Additional color therapy and music create a comfortable environment for meditation and relaxation. A regular stay in the salt caves makes up for the seaside air and has a beneficial effect on the falling airways. Zuzana Lukakova, Dermatovenetologist, Teaching Hospital with Polyclinic in Bratislava - Ruzinov, Slovakia. In the treatment of some skin diseases, the climatic conditions of the sea have been used for many years, which helps in healing or significantly improving the patient's health, protecting against inability to work or returning to work.

Salt cave. A photo

In the photos you can see what the salt caves look like.

Salt cave. Indications and contraindications

The microclimate of a salt cave is useful for almost everyone, with the exception of absolute contraindications, which we will discuss separately. For healthy people, halotherapy sessions will help improve well-being, relieve emotional stress, strengthen immunity, and serve as a preventive measure against respiratory diseases. viral diseases. Let's look at when and for what diseases salt treatment is indicated.

  • Often suffering from colds in adults and children;
  • In the presence of adenoids in children;
  • Adults and children with bronchial asthma in the early stages and in remission;
  • All diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • Diseases of ENT organs (chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis);
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis);
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Hypertension at an early stage;
  • Recovery after a heart attack;
  • Diabetes;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Depression;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Excess weight;
  • Decreased immunity.

After undergoing therapy in salt rooms, the effect of their exposure lasts 6 months or more. Mood improves, efficiency is restored, people are less likely to get colds, the skin becomes cleaner and younger.

Salt cave benefits

The halotherapy procedure helps to remove toxins and allergens from the body, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the metabolism in the body, improves skin condition, oxygen metabolism. Let's take a closer look at how a salt cave is useful, what results can be achieved by visiting it regularly.

Before visiting the salt room, be sure to consult a doctor in order to exclude all contraindications and not harm the body.

Respiratory diseases

Frequent colds, recurring sinusitis, sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis are the most frequent companions of those people who undergo healing sessions in the salt room. Deep penetration of the smallest particles of salt aerosol into the respiratory tract miraculously cleanses them, killing bacteria, removing phlegm and mucus, strengthening the mucous membranes. After a course of halotherapy, people are less likely to get sick, as their immune system is strengthened.

With bronchial asthma, it is impossible to talk about treatment in a halochamber, the treatment of such a serious disease should be carried out under the supervision of a pulmonologist. Salt sprays are only an additional measure to the prescribed treatment and have a positive effect on the overall course of the disease. The mucous content that accumulates in the bronchi, under the influence of small particles of salt, which have a bactericidal property, liquefies and is easily excreted with a cough, the bronchi are cleared, the bronchial mucosa restores its function.

Nervous system

Comfortable conditions, complete relaxation, the absence of irritating factors in artificially created salt chambers have a positive effect on the condition nervous system person. The consequences of stressful situations are removed, headaches disappear, the arterial pressure, sleep improves, fears, irritation, fatigue disappear. After a course of halotherapy, a person feels a surge of vivacity, good mood, increased efficiency, resistance to stressful situations. The action of the halochamber lasts from several months to a year.


It is useful to undergo halotherapy sessions for people suffering from diabetes and other metabolic disorders. Salt aerosols start cleansing processes, improve metabolism, and regulate lipid metabolism. Of no small importance for overweight people is the fact that the salt room helps to cope with depression and control your appetite.

Allergic diseases

Reduced immunity affects many organs and systems, causing various diseases. Beecham modern man became allergic diseases. Small children get sick, adults get sick, the elderly get sick. The microclimate of the halochambers is devoid of allergens and bacteria, it is saturated only with microelements, so breathing such air is useful for those suffering from allergies, no matter how it manifests itself.

Effect on the skin

It is impossible to overestimate the healing effect of salt aerosols on our skin, which begins to clear itself after just a few sessions of halotherapy. Any skin problems can be perfectly treated with salt. After visiting the salt cave, its noticeable rejuvenating effect is felt, the skin is tightened, the complexion improves, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Salt cave during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a direct contraindication for visiting a salt cave, but during this important period for a woman and a future baby, all possible health risks must be excluded. Sessions of halotherapy can be carried out only according to indications and on the recommendation of a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy.

The doctor may prescribe treatment in the halochamber in the presence of diseases of the nasopharynx or bronchi in order to reduce the harmful effects of drugs on the health of the child. Only a doctor is able to assess all the consequences of any therapy, so self-treatment in a salt cave during pregnancy is not permissible.

I suggest watching a video about the benefits and dangers of salt caves, reviews of a physiotherapist.

Salt cave. Indications and contraindications for children

Halotherapy sessions are very useful for children weakened by endless colds, if there are no contraindications. Usually, a halochamber is recommended for children older than one year in the following cases:

  • With a decrease in immunity, with frequent colds;
  • With the initial manifestations of asthma;
  • With adenoids, diseases of the throat and nose;
  • In the presence of allergic rhinitis;
  • Children with increased excitability;
  • For rehabilitation after fractures and injuries;
  • For non-infectious skin diseases.

The halochambers are equipped so that children do not get bored there, the kids play with toys, communicate with each other with pleasure, watch cartoons. Parents still need to monitor their behavior, so children without adult accompaniment are not allowed in the halochamber.

How often can a child visit a salt cave?

The usual course for children and adults in the absence of contraindications is 10 procedures. Whether it is necessary to repeat this course and after what time - this is also decided by the doctor.

Contraindications to visiting the salt cave are the same as for adults. In no case should you take a child to halotherapy sessions if there is a suspicion of an infectious process, body temperature is elevated, there are kidney diseases.

You can read about the treatment of various childhood diseases in my article.

Salt cave. Contraindications

The benefits and harms of the salt room depend on the state of health and health at the time of the adoption of this procedure. In the acute stage of any disease, the salt treatment procedure can worsen the situation. Visiting the salt cave has its own contraindications, so it is recommended to go to the doctor before visiting it, pass the basic tests, do a fluorography and an electrocardiogram. Contraindications include:

  • Any disease associated elevated temperature body;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis, emphysema;
  • heart failure;
  • kidney failure;
  • severe bronchial asthma;
  • severe form of arterial hypertension;
  • internal bleeding;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;

The salt room is not a panacea for serious diseases, it is a healing method that is shown to practically healthy people as a prevention of colds, strengthening immunity and relieving nervous tension.

I suggest that you read other articles in which I talk about salt treatment.
Cedar barrel - mini sauna for health and beauty

Speleotherapy, or treatment in salt chambers, is a very popular way to deal with various ailments. Doctors also appreciated it: speleotherapy is used in the treatment of respiratory organs, diseases of the cardiovascular and immune systems. However, this method also has contraindications.

Benefits of salt caves

Salt aerosol is the main component of the halochamber. This substance is sprayed into the air, creating a microclimate of a natural cave. At the same time, salt settles on the walls of the room and it visually resembles a cave, the walls of which are coated with salt.

Due to their small size and unique properties of aerosol particles, they easily penetrate the respiratory tract. This helps to strengthen the immune system, and also reduces the activity of pathological processes in the respiratory system. In addition, these particles create an atmosphere of complete sterility in the halochamber.

A considerable advantage of a salt cave is that it can be equipped in almost any room. There are only two conditions: there must be no windows in the room and there must be good ventilation. In this case, a healing microclimate is created inside, saturated with calcium, iodine, magnesium ions and many other useful elements.

In addition, thanks to the air ionizer, useful substances are released and enter the body faster than it happens in natural conditions. As a result, toxins leave the body, and beneficial ions take their place.

Harm of salt caves

Salt caves have a beneficial effect on the body. However, this is a rather active procedure, so there are negative consequences after a halotherapy session.

First of all, it's a cough. It can occur both immediately after visiting the salt room, and after several sessions. This is due to the fact that salt vapor has a thinning effect on sputum that has accumulated in the respiratory tract and contributes to its rejection. Due to the structural features of the respiratory system and susceptibility to change environment especially children are exposed to this phenomenon.

Even more often, a runny nose may occur, since the haloaerosol actively removes sputum that collects in the sinuses. Sometimes rhinitis can occur even during the procedure. Therefore, employees who work in such premises are advised to take handkerchiefs with them.

Finally, after salt procedures, the temperature sometimes rises. True, if such an increase is insignificant, this is a natural reaction of the body, which should not cause alarm.

If these symptoms persist or worsen, you should consult a doctor. There is also an individual intolerance to such procedures: a specialist will help to establish the cause and cope with unpleasant consequences.

Salt cave readings

A visit to any treatment room, including a salt cave, has its indications and contraindications. Indications for its use are as follows:

  • colds - if you catch a cold on initial stage, you can deal with it very quickly;
  • weakened immunity;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • any diseases of the ENT organs - there are many cases when, with the help of a salt bath, people were cured of severe forms of sinusitis;
  • skin lesions.

In addition, the salt cave is shown to smokers, people who have suffered stress or are constantly in nervous tension, as well as workers employed in hazardous industries. The salt vapors with which the air is saturated reduce the number of pathogenic microbes and cleanse the respiratory tract well. In addition, they perfectly relieve psychological stress.

Salt cave contraindications

Despite all the advantages of a salt cave, there are people who will not benefit from it and may even be harmed. There are the following contraindications:

  • infectious diseases;
  • development of malignant tumors;
  • diseases in which a high temperature is maintained;
  • high blood pressure;
  • tendency to bleed.

With caution, such procedures should be taken by pregnant women. In general, halotherapy has a positive effect on the body of a woman who is preparing for the birth of a baby. However, in the presence of complications and severe toxicosis, it is better to refrain from visiting salt caves.

Salt cave for children

If for adults each session in a salt cave is 40 minutes, then children can stay in it for no more than half an hour.

In pediatrics, this procedure is prescribed in the presence of any ENT diseases. In addition, it is useful to visit the halochamber for kids who have skin diseases or have been diagnosed with bronchial asthma.

It also has a good effect on the health of children who are often anxious or sleep poorly. It also happens that the child experiences increased aggression. Sometimes parents make the mistake of drugging their kids. Several sessions of halotherapy help to relieve tension and excessive excitability, so that even visits to a psychotherapist are no longer necessary.

In addition, the air environment, saturated with minerals, contributes to the healing of fractures. This allows the use of halotherapy for various injuries.

True, there is one important point: only children older than one year old can visit the salt cave.

Salt cave: reviews of doctors

Physicians treat visiting salt chambers in different ways.

Some insist on the undoubted benefits of such procedures. They believe that there is no special use from them, however, as well as harm. In their opinion, the improvement in well-being after visiting the halochamber is simply a placebo effect, the result of patients' self-hypnosis. Such experts are of the opinion that a trip to the sea has a much greater effect.

However, not everyone can afford rest and treatment at a seaside resort. But visiting the salt cave is available to anyone. So it is worth listening to the state of your body. Numerous reviews of people who really helped halotherapy testify in its favor.